@Denver Nuggets

Christian Braun went OFF in Denver Nuggets win over Blazers

Christian Braun went OFF in Denver Nuggets win over Blazers

Funky music FK it up dude FK it up FK it up di wait why not I thought we talked about this I thought we I thought we decided what is up everybody Welcome to the dmvr Nuggets win is loud that’s right we are presented by circus Sports

The greatest sports book in the whole game they we were rolling with them all day long while we watched every moment of the NCA tournament um starting at 10:00 a.m. today leading into the Denver Nuggets game tonight it’s been you mean literally all day long it’s been an

Arduous Journey it’s been a difficult task we got through it we’re better for it um and we saw the Nuggets win a pretty ridiculous game against the Portland Trailblazers both of those in Big Air quotes uh Portland did not have their I would say their top 10 best

Players uh the Denver Nuggets were missing a uh a few important players I would say nikic did not play this game Jamal Murray did not play this game Aaron Gordon did play this game game he showed up uh it was a ridiculous night but it was a dub nonetheless the Nuggets

Win on the road Nikola yic gets some much needed rest as is that the fast breakdown is this the fast breakdown no I’m just leading in I I do you want me I have a fast breakdown you want to hear it it’s about 7 to8 sentences long

Number one fast breakdown I’m going to take you back through the joy that was this game I want you guys to relive it like we re we lived it the first time uh first note of the game as with Adam always tells the story Reggie comes out

Firing he was firing man we talked early on who was going to eat tonight I said Reggie Jackson why was he going to eat because he had no one to take his place he was playing with Reckless abandoned was making enough shots he ended up being the top scorer for the Denver

Nuggets tonight um with mixed results nonetheless um and sloppy play by both teams to come out it this game was started off pretty gross man we spent all day watching the NCAA tournament which you get very mixed levels of play we were kind of hoping for a respit with

The Denver Nuggets playing the Portland Trail blades we got much more of the same uh how is that word not respite by the way I don’t know I think yeah yeah yeah no it is respit but I’m just saying how is it not respite I don’t know man

Uh we kind of hypothesized early on that we might see the the Nuggets might empty out the bench we might see a couple of fanfiction favorites Jay Hoff uh Julian stra our pregame show all excitement for guys like it just ended up being a short and rotation the only bench player the

Only like non rotational player that we got was Colin Gillespie who had a great game honestly um Denver Nugget early on went to a small lineup they started off with DeAndre Jordan but then went what we all were kind of clamoring for for Aaron Gordon to play the five they

Brought that in with disastrous results it did not go well the report the Trailblazers quickly closed the Gap but then the Nuggets went on a run dude uh mpj total no- show in the first half he had zero points at half but what about the third quarter uh zero points I think

Maybe how he get two he ended up hitting some big shots as the game went on as you expect from a player like him um but really the play the the story of the game in my opinion in in my humble opinion Christian Brown Aaron Gordon and

To a lesser degree Reggie Jackson which the comment denominator there All Hustle guys this was a hustle Guy game so that’s a great Point great take great take it was a dis it was gross and a ways but at the end again we got the we

Got the dub that’s all you can hope for uh guys I’m going throw it to you the panel the panel over here uh what is your big takeaway from Red Hawk Roofing uh Adam I’ll go to you first how’s this feel he you know what screw

You Adam you go second uh vot you go first please all right I’m sitting on a regi take here and I want to try to make sure I get it right cuz it’s it’s an actual take and it may not be right but I want to put it out there I want to

Have the conversation when reg’s been bad it’s been bad and I don’t know what to expect in the postseason I don’t love the process there is a bottom line to production though and when you think about all the games that Denver’s won anyway even though Reggie struggled because they’ve had their full rotation

Versus how he stepped up in the games when they haven’t had Jamal Murray You could argue the ladder is as important as anything he hasn’t done in the regular season in the games that they’ve needed him to elevate he has now still feel the same way I do about the floor I

Am not trying to switch it up and say he’s been good and I don’t know what to expect coming forward but as far as what you are hoping from a Reggie Jackson signing in the regular season has he become inconsistent yes but how has he played when Jamal is out and that’s all

I’m talking in that context when the when the when the Nets need him and I think he deserves credit for that I didn’t love the process tonight I really didn’t I don’t think he’s a point guard but he scored 23 points on what is it

Like eight of 13 or seven of 13 7 of 12 I mean that’s you got to tip your hat to that you do and I don’t know what to expect going forward but it hasn’t been a total Zero from Reggie this regular season because of nights like this when

He’s found another level again is he going to be good in the playoffs I don’t know I don’t know he is going to be good in the playoffs I don’t know why it doesn’t make sense he is going to be good though that that’s the thing about

Reggie Jackson is that I have no faith in him and yet he always comes through I I don’t know how I don’t I don’t know how to square those always rewards that lack of faith it’s just that if we’re going to bemoan like all the things he

Doesn’t do on nights like this we have to tip our cap cuz he did that’s what you hope a backup Reggie Jackson signing does is Elevate in those games if you had lost the bailout and tonight’s game you know you’re as close down to the

Four seed as you would be to the three seed so now you win those two games and now you have a game and a half cushion above the Timberwolves and are right there with Oklahoma City Thunder so these games do matter and the nuggets made a strategic punt tonight I know

This was a very strategic we’re not going to bring our guys and and we believe that our you know non-star players can get it done against this one and it was a good bet I’ll be it by a hair I was less impressed with Reggie I think tonight than new are you’re right

That he did score some points it was important I’m not going to like rag on I don’t think it was bad but I just it’s more neutral to me if I had to go with a big takeaway I’m going actually I do have a big takeaway and that

Is we talked about Christian Brown and I still kind of believe it that he’s this guy whose ceiling is already like we already view the ceiling it’s a very low low Mountain he climbing to his potential but then you have a night like tonight where he puts up 17 points 10

Rebounds six assists three steals two blocks seven of 16 shooting that sat line is wild man if Aaron Gordon had that stat line I’d be like what a game from Ag and instead Christian had it tonight it wasn’t always pretty he still has some things in his game that are a

Little bit wild watching him go Barrel to the rim is a little bit wild but as dine said this was a hustle game and since the All-Star break who hustles like Christian Brown uh no one maybe Snoop Dog but tonight um that hustle was out there and we and myself especially I

Would say proclaimed Payton Watson the better Defender I still think that’s probably true but pton Watson has had some really really really good defensive games since the All-Star break where you’re reminded like oh yeah that guy can shut down guys you know for stretches and he did that tonight so Christian Brown

Uh one of those games that was beyond my expectation for him even if I were to raise my expectation going in tonight he surpassed it so we deci it was determined in the pregame show the way to know the the true measure to know whether or not somebody

At is whether that they get featured in The Red Hawk Roofing big takeaway Reggie at and Christian Brown at I called Reggie I am a genius right who are you but you have your big takeaway still no or uh my big takeaway is that uh the Denver

Are just kind of doing what they need to do at this point like yeah totally they I love that they didn’t play yic tonight I love that they didn’t play Murray tonight and they got away with it it didn’t matter like the Portland Trailblazers want no part of winning

This basketball game they even though like they pretended to try the players wanted to they’re not good enough to be able to get it done um I like it when you are strategic and it pays off I I applaud Michael Malone for for taking the opportunity to to sit Nik yic

Especially ahead of a big five-game home stand that’s coming up and with some big games in there um so I mean there I from a basketball standpoint I think it’s like really good to see guys like uh Christian Brown get this level of confidence going like it doesn’t really

Seem like he’s exploring his game anymore like this was a very like down the line kind of Christian Brown game driving the lane grabbing rebound SS playing with Reckless abandon playing with hustle playing with heart um it’s great to see especially as as we’re getting into this time of year where

That stuff’s really going to matter um so yeah I mean for me it was like I think I’m left most with I don’t know if I’m more impressed by AG or Christian Brown but probably Christian because you expect it out of him U Less well yeah

That that’s kind of how I felt like AG who was awesome tonight AG should be awesome against the C team Blazers by the way to be clear in a way that for example Michael Porter was not n AG was but again there’s an expectation thing there for Aon whereas

Christian it’s like I don’t know if anyone expected him have that game tonight even those who are expecting him to play well so I I mean Christian was this an A++ Plus game I know he’s been playing well for a while tonight the rebounds too like he was very aggressive

Taking it to the rack his defense was good 10 boards is big but that Josh Hart kind of um I wouldn’t say comp I would say like uh someone to emulate that I threw out there think about all the rebounds Josh Hart grabs in a game where

You go a ton like who was going to get that if not him in that moment and how did he get that and CB has some of that and I think for the last month he’s been bringing it I think tonight he brought it so yeah man there’s always going to

Be like he doesn’t have a huge like his Arsenal isn’t full on offense right it’s not a it’s not a huge bag but in he can be apply the pressure guy every single night and I just love the way he played this game I man I love all these takes

Man you guys are on fire tonight I think it’s funny we always talk about yoke gives and this nuggets team in general gives exactly what they need and no more tonight yoke needed nothing the Nuggets were right they’re like you know what we could do this one with actually zero

Output from him uh we do we should get to AG you’re right about this who ate it’s who’s brought up none of us brought up AG but he ate tonight guys he ate tonight he was eating my man was eating our own our own theory was disproven immediately because AG definitely listen

For every rule there’s an exception even if it’s the first time we bring it up and it’s wrong true 22 points 12 rebounds five assists three blocks and the most important part for AJ I mean he’s such a bull he missed a lot of bunnies and stuff around the rim today

He grabbed eight offensive boards most of those off of his own misses some of the wi his vote has been on are intentional he’s like throwing it at The Rim cuz he knows his second J Jump is higher stronger and quicker than everyone else’s and it’s actually a

Crazy weapon to have in your bag going in or I get there first he’s such a quick second jumper but the part that for me makes him such a standout was that last 5 minutes or seven minutes I think it actually was the Nuggets needed

To get a stop the Blazers had tied the game actually taken a lead and you’re feeling like oh my God come on nuggets do you have this can you just like finish this off the defense collectively from that group was crazy but AG anchored it he was flying around on

Rotations covering for guys when they got beat off the dribble and then had the craziest block shot that was the result of him seeing I can’t remember who it was Reggie or somebody got maybe it was Christian got beat switches off onto the guy Sprints over and then

Blocks the shot it was just one of those plays where it’s like you have to be 100% dialed in to make that play and he did and yoke M and Jamal better have be texting him they better have already had a text that says hey man thanks I really

You know somebody picks up a shift or something for you or picks up something you’re supposed to do and you’re like bro thank you so much for that like I’m expecting that text from Harrison right now by the way yeah actually you know what where is Harrison so where’s dev’s

Text let me check Harrison should be sending us text right now you know what maybe their phone got cut off maybe they didn’t pay their bill that’s the only thing I can imagine I think maybe my favorite way about AG as an arguably top option kind of guy game

Is years past even on this team in nights without without Jamal and yogic but let’s think Orlando and it’s I know I’m not a great shooter but I am skilled and maybe I hit four threes tonight and maybe I’m going to take some guys off the dribble and

Dance in the mid-range and tonight the way that Aaron Gordon forced the issue was was actually not skill like he elevated his the volume of his bully ball does that make sense like rather than just trying to dance and hit some lucky shots he just said I’ll just work

My ass off and if I miss it I’m tipping it in and I’m working for these boards and I’m working on D so it was like a first option performance but he didn’t change the way that he plays and to me that was so cool and so impressive

Because that’s what a has that maybe three other people in the league do when he plays like that like no one plays that strong who is that strong that’s he looked strong he looked spry he looked quick in a way like he just looked in shape AG looked like uh he was in

Control um and it’s very encouraging you expect a guy to that plays as physically as he does to start to maybe wear down as the season goes on but he’s getting stronger it seems like it it’s pretty impressive heading into the playoffs like a guy like that who you already

Have Supreme confidence in that comes in and gives you a performance like this on a night where you know in by he’s sort of the deao one I guess like he’s the number one option for the Denver Nuggets um and he absolutely performs um it was

Really beautiful to see um another guy I thought that had a really good night that hasn’t been brought up yet um maybe a little quieter should we push it to the other side of the break okay Hey listen I guess you’re still the Shadow host no I mean I’m asking the host over

Here I just I just wondering hey stay tuned no tease it who’s the guy um stay tuned stay tuned better te it’s a way better te stay tuned that’s a way better teeth you guys know we love our bre beers at dmvr I’m talking we might be

Crazy right now we might delious we’re Delirious we’re on Year we’re on hour 11 today Breer Newbury is the official craft beer of dmvr if you’re not cranking the light beers you got to get it on the Breen Ridge Brewery we love them they’ve got a beer for any occasion

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Favor and head to the dmvr bar on the corner of York and kofax sorca sorca circus sports book dude circus sports book made all of our dreams come true and some of our nightmares today for me it’s nightmares yeah for me it’s nightmares Adam if you want I would suggest everybody go back

And watch the full stream all over all 11 hours start now to see some of the things that went on today but Adam got a little reckless uh then put a lot of units on NC State to win on the circus Sportsbook app and they won and listen

Circa wants you to know that they do things maybe a bit differently than some of the other books Tight money line splits okay their games strive to be a minus 110 split under likee other sports books that may post it at- 115 or-10 they just trying to take money from you

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Sports Colorado encourages you to gamble responsibly if you have a gambling problem call or text 1800 Gambler Gambler that’s us gamblers uh what a day what a day in the dmvr sports uh kale can we you don’t happen to have the uh the score for the bracket Insanity cuz I

Don’t remember who’s in the lead I just wanted I forgot I you don’t actually have to you don’t actually have to find it you can just say who’s in the lead it’s okay Eric’s in the lead oh I’m in the lead I didn’t know that this is also

Eric’s first day in the event yeah okay well $4 Le how many I mean how many points do you have to win a basketball game by one okay um one guy I thought had a sneaky good game not even that sneaky but just not as loud as Maybe

Christian or AG one contavious Caldwell Pope I thought was call out great call out very competent I thought he was in control I thought he had big shots made he did I thought he was very timely I thought that every time they went to him he uh performed with composure um I was

Very impressed by him tonight uh Adam what say you K composure K composer compose well pop no I mean I was just looking at when you were going through the box uh going talking about how good he played I went to the Box sheet two steals two blocks I

Would have guessed nine steals I know four blocks that by the way was the lock of the game two steals from kcp thank you a lock thank you to Circus sports book what a lock that’s a guy who never I think my biggest overarching take on

Kcp across the season is I just love how hard he plays man and in uh so many guys don’t especially his age he’s not the oldest guy in the league but he’s the oldest guy in the starting lineup there are a lot of guys around the league that

Just in a night like tonight are they going for a first team all defense effort without yoke and Murray or are they maybe coasting a little bit there are a lot of guys out there that would Coast kcp for a vet that’s been around the block he never takes a night off

He’s not always his best but he never takes a night off he’s a consumate professional a contavious professional um he was very professional he but his timeliness on his shots you know was it Michael Porter who once was asked said something about you guys don’t realize how much this guy could

Score if he wanted to like he’s got a lot in his bag that we see in like open runs and stuff but this is what I don’t think the average basketball fan really truly gets about basketball because your reference point is often like either high school or you know lower level

Organized sports or pickup basketball which is like completely disorganized is you think that like everyone’s just kind of doing the thing they want to do kcp has stuff that he can go to and he chooses like hey they need my defense they need me to get in the corner and

And he accepts it he obviously does it at a high level but he does have a little bit more to his bag that he can pull out from time to time in a game like this obviously called for a few moments timeliness the word I think the

Key word here but his hands yoke has the best hands in the NBA yes he has section Cups he’s a space octopus but I even mean the like all right a guy’s driving through can you just poke it real quick just real quick just get a finger on it

Whatever I think KP second I think nuggets have number one number two best hands in the NBA first team baby it’s a sneaky dope thing about kcp is how rarely he fouls known grifters and like that Jaylen Brunson game is a great example man this is such a great

Take that’s the guy who knows how to get himself to the line no matter who you are especially if you’re a guy working very very hard right that’s what grifters do they take your overzealous overzealousness and they wield it against you but Pope is just so good at

Cranking it up to a high gear without committing four or five personal fouls and these guy you know I don’t know I just think that’s really really impressive he avoids screens well he steals without fouling so to have a guy that’s a disruptive and high energy Defender that also doesn’t hurt you with

His risks or gambles you know like that’s such a weapon and I I don’t I did not I knew that kcp was a good on ball Defender before he was a Denver Nugget I did not know he was this good and I I hope I do hope the national media’s

Taken notice they’re not uh I’ll show you of that uh but the thing is is that like I the other day just had I realized I put this on Twitter like it just like dawned on me that we got kcp for Will Barton and for Monte Morris um and what

An absolute steal that was like kyp is the I mean the acquisition of Aaron Gordon and kcp if the Nuggets weren’t already in a place where a championship was assured through the growth of yic and Murray and this that those two guys the guys kcp is so important to what this Denver Nuggets

Team does and who they are he brings such a like his defensive pressure his defensive Acumen his hustle and the fact that he’s like so unflappable it’s just like you need a guy like that in the fox hole with you you need a guy like that in the starting five when you have

Players that play a certain way and you just have I need a guy that you can be that you can count on that’s consistent every every single night night after night and to to to keep his work rate high without ever demanding much so many guys want to be rewarded for working

Hard as Pope does if it’s only four shots and they’re all threes he’s not complaining and I just it’s it’s and this whole starting five really does have that to be honest and I really love it to be to your point though dline with Will Barton trade and Monte

Morris the this Championship experience and the whole Arc of it all really just shows how hard it is to win a title Yoke’s the best player in the NBA he’s one of the best players I’ve ever seen play Marie is a near perfect running mate for him and in the playoffs is

Incredible but you still like the difference between a Barton and a kcp is still so wide and you watch it and you’re like man this is the thing and this is why you know Thunder fans are mad at me because I keep talking about how I’m not buying the I love the

Thunder I actually love you guys know I love the I’m always reading about him we know you love know I love him right we know you love you know I do but but guys it’s hard to build a contender cuz you need every little piece and I’m like

Yeah I think they’ve got three or four of the main p and theyve got some role players I really like but I don’t think that they have every piece and it’s so hard and I’m not trying to be a hater kyp has the perfect piece and so you and

Dead has it and you just realize what a luxury it is that even if he was just a little bit worse of a shooter a little bit worse of a defender or just didn’t care as much as this guy does about being a professional either of those

Things and it’s like all right they’re a little less than but he’s all of those things yeah I mean my my point in bringing up Will Barton and and uh Monte Morris not to disparage those guys but just I didn’t quite know what we were

Getting in kcp he was a guy that you know he punished the Denver Nuggets when he was on the Lakers in the bubble um we’d seen him play well a couple other times I mean I thought of him as just sort of a solid player and at that point

In time I thought it was maybe just good to get a change of scenery for Will Barton and maybe shake things up a little bit I didn’t necessarily see it as a piece that would solidify the starting lineup in the way that it has but I mean obviously the way that it’s

Played out like Casey p acquisition is is another one that we just I feel like we’re going to be talking about for years and years I think it’s I do think before his body completely gave out in that first Aaron Gordon trade year I think there’s a chance that they could

Have won with Will Barton in that I do too I think there’s a chance but this is the point that we’re making what pope brings to the table it’s different than there’s a chance it Shores the floor up it brings something they need that they didn’t have and even people like me who

Were Barton’s biggest Defenders we can sit here and say like look man especially with his body being as cooked as it was what kcp does for this group is just so valuable and so important it might be essential we’ll find we hopefully don’t have to find out we

Might find out soon enough but for now we can just tip our hat to a guy who’s given Denver everything since they’ve acquired him yeah so all right so shots fired shots fired from Michael Malone do you want to get to it I sent it to kale see what you think of this

Kale do you have this we Michael Malone uh to Matt Brooks uh the Fantastic member of the uh Denver Nuggets media team Michael Balon and Christian Brown aside from him and Reggie Off the Bench I don’t know who’s going to play in the playoffs I really don’t but CB played in

The playoffs last year his finals experience under his belt uh there’s a player that’s pretty auspiciously left off of that list of players you would expect to be playing in the playoffs Colin Gillespie it was good tonight though jhff not mentioned J Huff aaser um pton Watson quote I think pton Watson

Not mentioned pton Watson apparently out of the circle of trust or at least not in or or at least being challenged a little bit and I think Malone is good at this and I think Payton is actually a guy who strikes me as one who can respond to hard coaching I remember you

Know Malone challenged him earlier in the year pton got better like I think pton can hear it and I think maybe Malone’s hope is to light a fire under his ass a little bit yeah um and I also don’t think that Payton’s been horrible but I do think in these last handful of

Games we’ve seen a separation from Christian and pton for sure it’s been a lot a much less consistent from Payton and so yeah I I consider that a a challenge from Malone hey like the the runway here is short I want to see something from I want to see something

From I mean I would you know even without this fiery quote from Matt Brooks coming from Michael Malone I mean I would have uh said that pton Watson did not have a very good game tonight uh in a game where you would expect him to be able to maybe raise his game and

Showcase a little bit with the a lot of other players out um but I thought he got eaten up on the defensive end quite a bit he didn’t add much to the offensive end um He was largely invisible and you know a game like tonight you really think that a guy like

Pton Watson with his athleticism his effort defensively his ability to he still got two blocks so it’s not like he didn’t do anything but um I I did think it was a little bit of a hate to use the word disappointing but a little a little less that night from

Pton Watson I what did you see so what you said about the game was that this was a game for Hustlers yeah this was a game for hustling and I think that pton Watson was average in that department and you’re right that there were a few possessions where you think even at

Average you should be able to get stops on some of the guys he was guarding Banton and and uh Kamar and like these different guys like okay you should be able to get these guys and he got beat it happens everybody gets beat but to me it’s very clear who the hustlers were

Tonight and Aaron Gordon and even kcp was a hustler you know Colin Gillespie was a hustler tonight Christian Brown was the ultimate Hustler tonight pton Watson again wasn’t that he was lazy wasn’t that he was bad or below it just that he was average there was no

Elevation and he should have been on there and there was it was a prime opportunity for him to really pop the thing with the thing about Payton and it’s so it’s so tough because I I think he’s a good great dude and I think he’s been doing like all the right stuff for

The nuggets and and this that I do think that from this point forward he’s going to be a different person in the off season this off season is for him to start to really build but coming out of the All-Star break should have been the time where it’s like listen man I’m on

The court to go balls to the wall he played 15 minutes tonight it’s not hard to go crazy for 15 minutes crazy and he just has to like I think Michael Malone that’s more or less what he is saying here is listen man you’re going to place

8 to 12 minutes in the playoff that’s it right you be dead tired that you’re almost ready to come come out because that’s what we need from you on the court we don’t need anything else we need that level of it and it’s just it’s almost like he needs a mental reset to

Really hone in on it I think yeah it was I don’t know it was uh it was a little surprising and for Malone to say that I mean I don’t think he I don’t I don’t think that’s true I think he pwat is penciled into the playoffs I I think

It’s a pretty S I think it’s imp do Malone Malone has done this did he do this last year for Christian I’m trying to remember cuz he this is a move he has in his back back actually what say coming into the here at training camp

Yes he’s he’s also at times by the way listed pton as he’s talked about his playoff rotation so I I would not read this as he’s out I would read this as he’s challenging him to show him more and it’s exactly what you just said that’s what you described is a

Controllable factor for pton Watson hustle and that’s just he should be on the top end of that list he does hustle for blocks yes there are things he hustles for but it’s like yeah but you got to hustle on all of these other things here and also a a a player of his

Age in caliber right now being inconsistent hardly a sin or untenable or these are he is in a lesson learning phase of his career there’s no especially if they’re winning games there’s no crime in making mistakes if you learn lessons and I expect Payton Watson too but just as we React to what

We’ve seen recently you know he hasn’t been as good as he’s been earlier in the season here’s another take though on this real quick dine the playoff are challenging emotionally as much as they are anything else and I even think there’s a little bit of this with Malone I’m not saying

He’s like being a crazy genius in all this but I think part of this is you’ve got to be able to handle this we got 12 games to go you’re out of my rotation emotionally how does that feel it’s unsettling this late into the season it’s like yeah deal with that deal with

That now and go out and be better because guess what we might be in a situation down two game two to one down 10 in the fourth and you have to go in for a two-minute stretch and I need to know you can handle these types of

Things so for me it’s just part of Payton’s growing uh you know process here and I hope he responds like a bad out of hell a bad out of hell indeed yeah uh the other thing that’s kind of gone away from like his his three-point shot is all bit evaporated like it’s

Really early on I thought that was kind of one of his strengths and it’s really gone away even his mid-range shot the last few games has has disappeared a little bit obviously it’s small sample size I don’t think that he has lost the ability to shoot it but um his

Confidence seems to be a little off just in general yeah yeah I mean I’d love to see I mean we we are obviously big fans of Payton Watson here on the podcast and you know you want to see him uh Exel I expect this to come back around I do I

We fully expected to come back around but this is Malone this is what Malone’s great at though he’s great at pushing these buttons and if Payton is the guy we think he is he’s going to respond to this and and come up really big in the

Playoffs what I will say is I think it’s cool that Christian Payton Christian Payton and Strather all have each other cuz they’re all in like these weird like intersecting uh storylines Christian obviously last year part of the championship team pton not but then in this this year in the early part kind of

Surpassed him on hype and expect and all this stuff and now Christian back up here and I just think it’s kind of neat I’m glad those guys have each other and at different points of this two-year stretch have been the guy that’s been having to put an arm around the other

One and I just think it’s it’s underrated how important that is yeah and grow up together learn these lessons together they’re boys you know what I mean the booth boys they’re the booth boys they coming together project Dynasty they’re all uh you know they’re like in Cub Scouts together basically

Someone said maybe peat needs to get some sun too just send him to California for that’s right uh all right well let’s take our second break shall we uh stay tuned hey stay tuned hey uh I have a a third player that we haven’t brought up

Yet that I think was more imp impactful than anybody else to this point what a tease what a tease guys we know that the Denver Nuggets when healthy are the best team in the league 16 and four in the finals last year proved it I like the best of

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Keto Koo is um the the uh I been alive before Bruce Lee’s character in the blue or the Hornet no what about the guy that was there with OJ that night uh K kin that was heard remember that guy was a surfer kind of up he got caught up in

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Start a day what a treat you know how I feel about smoothies um so let’s talk about it mpj let’s talk about mpj how did mpj do tonight in your estimation vote I I’ll give my my point of view a little bit here uh mpj looked to me like

He does every time he’s put in this position where it to me it early on it seemed like he was kind of annoyed that he was playing when Jamal and and yok got the night off like why do I have to play and those guys got the night off

You always kind of hope that mpj will step up take the will be the number one guy but it’s just simply not his game he is a guy that um For Better or For Worse needs to be fed the rock uh which most players are in in the NBA not a lot of

Guys can create their own shot um but you know not a lot he also wasn’t really making himself big demanding the ball uh you know making sure that he got the rock he was seemed like when he did get it he was swinging it way pretty quickly

Um you know it was kind of an uninspired effort for a lot of the game until the end when they actually needed him Mike stepped up knocked a couple really big shots down his defense up a bit too at the end because it was not good for had

Great board yeah um and a night like tonight it just at a certain point it’s like you just have to realize like you just you don’t ask something like that for Michael Porter J that’s not the type of player that he is right and I I think you’re right that that’s maybe the

Takeaway from watching him yet again without those guys and I think it’s a good way to frame it simply because the question was coming into this game in the last month he scaled up as a second option quite well even without Jamal and at times even a leading scorer for the

Nuggets so we just thought could this be the time where he’s able to make it happen himself I will say there’s like two sides of this and it’s all there are some very valid criticisms that there are some people that probably would point out that Reggie wasn’t exactly

Passing him the ball a lot Mike had like three touches through a quarter and a half and that seemed to what I think is controllable on his part is that took him out of the rest of his game he got frustrated he stopped playing defense he

Wasn’t so focused I think he turned it on in the fourth which is great yep uh but look man like he’s got a like it’s it is true that he was getting a bit frozen out and that they weren’t looking at him as a for as a

First option it is also true that for three quarters he could have seized the Reign a bit more as far as what was within his control so I would give him like a c minus on this game I credit the shot in the fourth I think his defense

Was much better in the fourth but for three qus he was kind of out to lunch man and and chat relax we’re lucky to have mpj man I’m not worried about it I’m not worried about M why why did you turn on mpj yeah I’m not worried about

Mpj as a third or fourth option Adam but I love mpj he’s always discounting him the it’s kind of gross honestly uh we are lucky to have let me say this to your face we’re lucky to have mpj Brendon we’re lucky man look at me we’re

Lucky to have and tonight I would give him a c minus I didn’t he was very this is how you know he’s honest listen to the man even the one you love Adam Adam we’re lucky to have we’re lucky to have mbj but we’re lucky to have Brendan

We’re lucky to have V we are we really going to act like Reggie got him the ball in the first half no that’s actually exactly what I said he didn’t get him the ball these are all the things I’m saying I’m trying to cover all the bases I love when Brendan fights

A whole group of people the whole internet that’s the the whole internet that’s the Jersey um my take on mpj is I’ve I’ve long said this and it’s not his fault is his injuries no I’m saying his injuries are really really came at the point where basketball goes

Especially away from the individual like you’re working on your individual skills and now how does this fit how do I start to read the court and read cont you know that type of stuff I think Michael Porter’s education in that part of basketball has come from playing off of

Yol like what he knows about team basketball is how do I play off and read this things and so when yoke is removed there I think that he doesn’t necessarily know exactly where he fits in or where he’s going to find shots or this that and he can look awkward the

Second shot actually both of the first and second shots he took tonight which by the way did he only take two shots in the first half maybe he had like a push and then he had a pull up that was like one dribble inside the three-point line

And then pulled up it’s it’s wild that a player like him can become so invisible at times but it was just more was more to me like awkward as in the rhythm of the game was off because you know it was a Rhythm and it was like he couldn’t

Dance to that Rhythm you know the Rhythm had changed and again I don’t want to be too hard on him because again we what we care about is how he fits within the yic system and he fits very well there but that’s just my read on mpj is that he is

Probably more so than most players prone to being thrown off his game by the Rhythm changing and I just think a lot of that has to do with him missing key development Years cuz he had backs by the way another another thing to point out which is still true if the standard

Is how he played as a first option like did not even come close but it wasn’t that he was a total zero out there either we saw a lot of guys drive to the Lane and have space to do it like drive through the lane like Christian Brown

For example who doesn’t have a ton of moves Chris Murray was guarding M was guarding Porter like he was that guy from Oakland dude he was being face guarded 30 feet away from the that still matters that still helps right there was an open Lane but it is still like if the

Context is how did he step up as a first option he just wasn’t very good tonight and that’s that’s fair to say but he was great in the clutch man I mean those the shots he he did make late were super important and it is impressive that he

Can go all game either not finding the Rhythm not touching the ball or missing shots cuz he actually missed some wide open looks in the third quarter but in the fourth quarter in the clutch time he hit three or four in a row that were

Like really big so and and who has he been for the last month as a second or third option maybe the best third option in the league so it’s not five to 12 is also not that bad it’s kind of funny Mike has Mike has the yic thing where

His off nights are better than you think totally you know what I mean where like he was off and he shot 40% from three 45% from the field and you’re like oh that’s not that bad no Mike is the thing is is that Mike has been so good right

Since the allstar break like he has been everything we’ve ever wanted him to be he’s been you know like we he’s somebody that always gets compared Loosely to Klay Thompson and he’s kind of looked like him the last 10 games or whatever and a game like tonight I mean like this

Is I forgot about I mean like I don’t actually remember how long will you remember this game yeah dude let’s talk about this I how long has it been since the I don’t remember let me check my notes to see what happened oh the Nuggets W did you know that uh this game

Was so stupid in so many ways that it’s like you can’t really take much from it except that there are players that really shined in this game you know and it it doesn’t matter at all that mpj wasn’t necessarily one of them but they’re just

Things you kind of want to check a box be like you know if it comes down to it like mpj could could do it and it’s just it’s just not that kind of plan well hold on let me let me get go one further they use my metaphor here about the

Rhythm and the dancing um he has the Rhythm with yoke Reggie’s rhythm is pretty different from yolks that’s a very different Rhythm to catch as an off ball player who has to like get open get P yeah man that’s a very good point you have one drummer who’s like the ultimate

Drummer just the best rhythm in the world you can beat on it then you have one that’s like mixing up some crazy little time signatures over here you rarely in the in the actual starting five right you rarely see Mike get exasperated with anyone’s shot selection

Even if it’s a lot of Murray dribbling and shooting he knows who Jamal Murray is he knows his role tonight tonight I thought Mike definitely wanted to talk to Reggie a little bit like hey man yeah I you can throw me the ball all that said this is

A much better result than it watching it you arest joic you arest Jamal you should have won this game but you did and you win it on the road and it’s it’s nice to keep Pace while getting those guys arrest I I have a question for the

Panel okay let’s hear it and we did this on the watch okay who do we think causes Malone oh my gosh to have the most rage timeouts wow who send out a gold a silver and BR for this who is the source of Rage for for for Michael Malone

Cuz you saw tonight he had one and and the camera didn’t catch it perfectly cuz it was more in the background but he ripped like David adman by the way always even killed he David adaman has the board in his hand and Malone ripped

It out of his hands sweet as if I like I like that I like that out of a coworker you know what I mean yeah exactly Adam B’s like over here like damn man it’s pretty good that I like that move um yeah no it’s mpj uh it’s definitely mpj

Mpj is the most rage inducing for Michael Malone it he’s not been causing him conation that often of late but big throwback rage game from for mpj and Michael Malone um we also said zek Nagi on that on that list for think he’s the silver he just doesn’t get in enough you

Know what I mean if we if you waited on a curve though yeah you said like a per 36 36 per 3 for 100 possessions what are his Advanced rage timeout yeah on a curve Z Nagi rates really high yeah who do who do you think who who’s the the ultimate rage inducer

Uh B vote who’s the Brendan vote of the well it’s definitely Porter is TE especially Porter’s defense tonight might Malone Malone snap back into some old habits he’s like oh man I haven’t gotten to lay into this guy in a minute it’s definitely mpj he’s like ah putting on a whole pair

Of shoes it’s definitely Zeke nii just for the grab the [ __ ] rebound clip we got last week I think I think that’s the one I um and then there are the guys that he juster then there are the guys he just coaches hard like I think Christian

Brown and pton Watson are guys he’s just not afraid to say that’s not good enough yeah you know and to be honest Mike is also responds really well to tough coaching that’s part of it I know dude that’s the thing like this is what we’re going to look back on like Michael

Porter Jr has so many things you can look at and there are a lot of preconceived notions that you can come at Michael Porter Jr with and most of them are wrong like he seems like a pretty boy he seems like a 9s R&B star

He seems like uh maybe a guy that is you know like cares about his looks or this that or think he’s not that curious I wouldn’t think that I don’t do you think that I I would say he doesn’t he doesn’t look curious he doesn’t look curious but

He’s really curious he’s in like increasingly curious the thing that’s so interesting about he he just also seems like you know he’s like a guy that’s had his whole life spoonfed to him everybody’s been catering to him his whole life Michael Porter Jr has had like he

Is a way better guy than you expect he’s a way harder worker than you expect he is a good teammate some he’s a good teammate he is resilient he doesn’t really like there early on in his career it seemed like maybe he was going to be a little petulant he would demand the

Ball he would pout things like this it’s not really part of his Mo it’s it’s so true man he’s like really like a lot better guy in so many ways than you would necessarily expect by looking just looking at him from the outside and I think like as we look back on the

Michael Porter time in Denver uh be it hopefully it’s it’s a long one like I think that we’re going to look at him as just like a guy that was like just like a really good piece of this team and a really good person in general right

Sacrifice is like the hardest thing and basketball and this team in particular requires it and to me he sacrifices the most of what he of of what people expect of themselves like he sees himself as a superstar and he sacrifices the most in regard to that totally I I think there there is

A where I credit him most is his instant perspective on his injuries the way he just approached that as an athlete it just seemed to give him perspective on what to expect from himself what he can and should provide day in day out what it means to what means to fit into a

Team he was asked about uh playing against wemi the first time in the year and he talked about how he kind of felt bad for him because wemi was this top pick that had to go to a bad team where it’s like hey go do everything but no

One knows their roles and Porter said how grateful he was to be drafted into a team that has a hierarchy and I just don’t know maybe it does I just don’t know if that’s his perspective without those injuries it I definitely credit him for the the the Gratitude and

Instant sort of reassessment of how he should approach all of this I just think that that’s like look man I know a lot of people that quit easy and I’m one of them and like yeah brenon quits easy dude if I had three back surgeries and

You asked me to do play basketball I’d tell you to get the [ __ ] out of my face you know brendon’s said zero back surgery if you ask him to play basketball you get so that’s just that’s just stuff that has to be appreciated in my opinion I dude I I couldn’t I really

Couldn’t agree more I actually think that because of all of the things things that life dealt to him early on it gave him perspective Beyond his years he has you know a lot of people when they’re young obviously you don’t really understand the gravity the fragility of

Life like how this can all be taken away it’s been taken away from him multiple times already and um it’s it’s remarkable to see like the way that he has responded in such a mature way um and it’s it’s honestly like really inspiring I I I am very impressed by

Michael Porter Jr and I just I see a lot of growth in him even though he kind of sucked tonight even though can I ask what other kind of fun question are we are we how fun so fun dude okay yeah I’m ready then so we’ve been watching March Madness all

Weekend who would be the most fun Nuggets player at their current state of playing to drop into a basket a college basketball team just to see how they do obviously the ‘s yok so let’s just take yic off the board so let’s just take him off cuz this would have been the easiest

Question on Earth a couple things can you imagine putting a player into a college basketball game that could make a basket it would it’s unheard of that would be unbelievable I just think about AG with how strong he is and how all these like full-sized 28-year-old Prime of their

Career athletes just get knocked onto their ass trying to stop him AG in college it really didn’t look that different I remember he was jumping over everyone they were like we’re not there’s there’s guys who this jokes overblown getting ready for the Enterprise Career out there watching

That guy jump going I don’t know fellas I don’t know if we’re going all the way this year but the difference was last year he was jump or back then he was jumping over guys right now he jumps through everyone man there was a play tonight he had three guys draped over

Him grabs the ball like somehow finishes with a dunk through all of them do you guys know how hard that is to do just the littlest bit of contact like that like takes all your jumping momentum away no I don’t yeah no idea how it it

Seems real hard when I try I I would I would count it as impossible dunking is impossible I think how many dunks would he get in an NCAA game if you just dropped him onto Oregon tonight Veron how many dunks 12 all of the dunks I do

Think AG is now on a short list of I put Zion on here too where I think of all the most annoying things you might have to do on any given night as an athlete you’re like all right man we’re just going to need you to stand talk he’s

Going to back you down a bunch like I might as well get hit by a car actually Zion and AG like you know the sternums bruise you’re like what if I just retire instead yeah you’re like how about you do it [ __ ] off yeah yeah yeah dude I’m

Do up wreath I’m not out here to take punishment right um what a what a treat guys what a what a night uh you know quick uh just a quick run through I thought Colin gaspie had a really good night I think I’m I’m I’m impressed by

Him uh often yeah he uh he plays with the he he is steady steady Gillespie his compos he definitely I do think there’s a place for him in this league I don’t know if it’s with the Denver Nuggets unfortunately but like I do think that Colin Gillespie is um talented enough

And he’s skilled enough and he’s cerebral enough to find a little way in this league um I was surprised that we didn’t get more bench players I’m surprised we didn’t see Julian St I was surprised and I was not sad but I was surprised we didn’t say Jay H just

Kidding um but I was surprised we didn’t see Hunter Tyson this seemed like a night to be able to do it but I guess the Portland trip Blazers kept it a little too close to maybe get a little leeway there there’s also I think we outlined it well in the pre in the

Pregame show they identified it as a game where without J Jamal one game Road Trip maybe we rest jic but they weren’t throwing this game it does matter in the standings they did want to win so I don’t I think it’s interesting how they like you just said it’s not like they

Threw it to a 12-man rotation tonight like they were the Denver Nuggets went in there and Michael Mone coached to win this game yeah yeah uh all right you guys anything else you want to talk about all right uh kale do we have any super chats tonight do we have any

Sickos that uh wanted to fund the sicko charge Ryan B truly one of the sickest of sickos oh my God you I Ryan B ry% true man see take your $2 back and and put it towards a therapist cuk Exquisite AG magic stay healthy and one seed cat

Laughing face sunglasses cool face hi Eric heart emoji smiley emoj sunglasses Emoji cat laughing emoji cat crying laughing cat crying laughing emoji uh thanks man kri Exquisite Adam let dline host we’re going to have a mukbang right Basher dud you guys all rock brenon you’re the goat at pronouncing my name

Adam you suck at it by the way you are taller in person oh do we what do we meet brashier today do we sit Murray and yic against the Grizzlies JJJ vers AG I would listen they I think rest at this point in the season is is is invaluable it’s the most important

Thing to make sure that Murray and joic are at their absolute best going in all while being mindful of the fact that we are still trying to win that number one seed I think that that I really think like people don’t seem to care about it

I think it’s a big deal do what do you guys how do you feel about that about rest vers one seed yeah like I mean where does the uh where does the balance like where’s the v i don’t I just don’t think Oklahoma City is making it to the

Western Conference Finals yeah but I also still think you want the two suit so you want the one the one or the two I I mean I would love the one but I’m saying if you’re not going to catch it you still want to stay above Minnesota

So I just I don’t know if it’s rest guys time you know Murray is actually hurt yic this is when they do rest in these one Gamers so I would expect yic to play yeah oh I think I think this was I think the Nuggets looked at this and thought

They could thread the needle and they were right I think it was like man what if we could get Murray and Yol 4 days off then you have a five the upcoming slate is five game home stand it starts with Memphis which in theory should be a little bit easier but there’s some

Toughies in there including Phoenix you know they get the Cavs you have some tough games coming up at home but being at home that’s the most rested you are so you get four days off for your two key players then you get five game five days with no travel that’s huge man it

Is huge so the Nuggets might have threaded this perfect needle to get this smart the Michael balone has never Shi away from being strategic at the end of the be it to avoid a particular matchup like he gets kind of in his bag around this time

Of year on that point I think that is also why we didn’t see Hunter Tyson tonight or Julian strw any of those guys cuz I think this is a little bit of the we’re not messing around it’s not the messing around period we’re not in experimentation we’re not in giving

Minutes to new guys Colin you know they needed a point guard tonight and also he had been a guy that they’ve actually gone to a handful of times already but I think we’re past the point of hey why don’t we throw strw out there and see

How he does I think it’s like we’re going with the only playoff guys from here on out from here on out and there’s a last Super Chat in here guys and it calls out a player that I’m glad it did DJ can play in limited minutes I actually thought DeAndre Jordan was

Pretty good tonight he got blocked at The Rim like three times I couldn’t get over that but fair my whole thing with this whole thing cuz this this is where I always I’m being the the Grinch on all of this this was a bottom of the Western Conference Team missing their starting

Lineup yeah so like I just want to was also missing their secondary lineup what’s that this is like their tertiary lineup this is their tertiary lineup so I just want to say like DeAndre goes he’s a plus 10 tonight you know you have these Kong this or that it’s literally

The worst samples you could get and I’m not trying to put anything down on them they played well some guys didn’t play well tonight against that same sample size so I I clearly understand what it is but I just have seen this so many times where it’s like oh we went into

That tanking team who was resting all their players and that one guy who’s the third Stringer played well he should play more and it’s like well all right hold up a second here DJ DJ did a great job in the exact role he was here to do

Which is Yokes out now you have to play and he did a great job it did both him and Reggie man like yes they should find a way to produce against that team but they did you know but you all right about one thing you’re an absolute

Grinch how you going to poor DJ poor Colin they came out they pour their heart out not good enough for Adam he doesn’t think that their efforts are good enough I do I bet you he does play in the playoffs though his point about playing in the playoffs I could see

There being like one game where he plays a 4-minute stint it’s important sometimes you just need need a big body and obviously DeAndre Jordan’s been around for a long time it’s like he can he can certainly play in the playoffs should it uh should it come to that okay

Guys I think that’s probably enough right we’ve been here for what 45 hours hour 49 guess what we’re back tomorrow oh my God uh to watch your CU Buffalo’s to watch my CU Buffalo I am going to put my entire Bank on Marquette I can’t wait

For that to happen uh that is a great way to end the week that is a great way to go uh that would be fantastic I’m going to make sure that uh everybody hears uh anyway whatever uh you’ll see you tomorrow no one will appreciate it

That uh is to see you uh whatever uh guys what a great night what a treat the me and you the fellas Spencer was here with us all night um Spencer was a homie shouts to kale Kale’s been producing we just said we just went 48 Hours Kale’s

Been producing for a majority of those 48 hours I would fall asleep and it’s actually a very like as far as things go technically challenging uh you know there’s setup there’s tear down there’s all these different pieces you’re listening to other people talk for 12 hours super produc Kale’s been holding

It down man that’s right and one factor you can’t discount he was wildly hung over to start the day and he fought through it way to go uh hey we’ll see you guys tomorrow let’s go nugget let’s Go City like the mayor

The Nuggets were without Nikola Jokic and Jamal Murray for this 1-game road trip in Portland. The Nuggets pulled it out without their two stars. Seven different Nuggets scored in double digits for a team win. Christian Braun was excellent, and Aaron Gordon stepped up in a big way. The quest for the #1 seed is still alive. What can we take away from tonight’s win? Adam Mares, Brendan Vogt, and D-Line Co. come to you LIVE from the DNVR Bar to break down everything you need to know in this edition of the DNVR Nuggets Podcast!

Start – 0:00
Fast breakdown – 1:45
Vogt’s big takeaway – 4:15
Adam’s big takeaway – 6:50
D-Line’s big takeaway – 8:35
Aaron Gordon – 11:15
KCP – 17:50
Moach on the playoff rotation (Peyton Watson) – 25:45
MPJ – 36:00
Who causes the most rage timeouts? – 44:10
Who would be the most fun Nuggets to drop into the NCAA? – 50:05
Steady Gillespie – 52:30
Superchats – 53:30

An ALLCITY Network Production





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  1. I really thought I was going to be the only Nuggets fan in my section. I was not, and my blue and gold makeup was appreciated. 😆

  2. I know our season 13:37 point differential is misleading, but let’s be honest, we could/should have lost tonight to a tanking team of rookies. I wasn’t impressed.

  3. Its time to trade mpj this off season… how does a player with that much talent vanish in that type of game. So so over paid.

  4. All that bs about our bench and the worries about our vets..nope all the nuggets are GOOD.

    What do u except? No Jokic no Murray ..This was a character win!

  5. I don’t get it. People almost sound disappointed cause Reggie had a good game. 🤦 So he’s not as good as jokic or Murray. No shit Sherlock. He is way better on defense than people give him credit for though. He’s also not a ball hog that takes bad shots only.

    This team doesn’t even make the play in without jokic. Everyone is good in their roles, but it falls apart without jokic. As long as they don’t show me that they can be good without jokic, I won’t believe anything else. I hate this scapegoating.

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