@Milwaukee Bucks

Bucks @ Celtics, Caleb’s Pro Day, & Zion Williamson | What’s Wright?

Bucks @ Celtics, Caleb’s Pro Day, & Zion Williamson | What’s Wright?

[Applause] welcome in what’s right with Nick R episode 223 a ton to do today we are Live on YouTube apologies that Tuesday we were not able to be live on YouTube so we will make sure we carve out real time for your questions and comments at

The end of today’s show so if you would like to right now start sending in some questions or comments you feel free also an update real quick I have asked you guys to start you know subscribing to the YouTube page liking commenting leaving reviews all those things we are

Now up to 146,000 subscribers so I would love if we could get to 150,000 subscribers by round two of the NBA Playoffs that feels about right about 6 weeks from now so let’s yeah it’s not a huge ask right that’s doable let’s let’s make that goal for by May

1st to be at 150,000 subscribers there’s no plaque or anything that goes for that by the way that plaque that we have Deon is it on a wall in your apartment or is it leaned up against a wall in your apartment there’s really I thought your

Other guest was going to be like laid down somewhere and I was and I was going to be able to one up with it being prop Pro up but yes it’s propped up it’s not hung up but it’s propped up like it’s not just laying down it’s like on on

Your dresser leaning against the wall so where I it’s it’s at eye level for people so you can show it but not quite enough to like get the hammer and nail find the stud do all that right yeah no I get it by the way by the way I get it

Those you don’t want to lose that security deposit yeah I listen man we’ve all been there um all right here is what is not on today’s show not on today’s show Harden playing defense on Kawai I that might actually somebody asked me a question in the comments on that because

I’ve now decided I want that in the show not enough to reorganize the whole thing it’s the dumbest play in NBA history and that’s a league that has employed Jordan pool for 5 years so we’ll get to that best sporting event of the year for some March Madness tips off in about 90

Minutes which means you know if there’s ever a day for me to make massive errors or drop an F-bomb on TV today’s the day because nobody will be watching it’s a weird thing doing a sports television show when you know nobody’s watching it but that’s going to be the case listen

For maybe you people catch it on YouTube after the fact and then what might be the biggest story in sports so you might say why is it not in the show the show hey Otani his interpreter here is the loose facts and I’m going to put facts

And quotes the story as is being told is Shi otani’s interpreter was 4 and a half million in the hole gambling shohi paid it off and there is now an investigation I’m going to go ahead and say more facts are going to come out and I am not making any allegation with that

I’m not trying to protect anyone I’m not trying to defame anyone I am simply saying this the sh Otani discussion right now feels like election night coverage when all we have is those six people that vote in Delaware or wherever Vermont at midnight and it’s like oh 4 to two Trump’s ahead

It’s like well we could spend time in analyzing that or we could wait literally a few hours or in this case a few days before we have real data so I think we’re going to get real information on the Shi story and rather than spend a lot of time on it when we

Have minimal information I’d rather wait so my guess is by the next time we’re doing the Pod there will be real reporting on it and I also have the ability I’m good pals with Jeff passen so I’ll probably hit hit him up this weekend and ask him to give me the

Dummies version of what is known and what is believed and then we can maybe talk about it more Tuesday but the speculation right now to me seems to be a bit of a Fool’s errand so we’re not going to spend a lot of time on that

Demon what are we going to spend a lot of time on go ahead uh the Bucks and Celtics they played last night Dame and Tatum put on a little clinic and the Bucks were able to keep the game pretty close despite not having Giannis so uh

We already know few are your thoughts on these teams in the East but you’ve it’s it’s kind of conflicting you’ve got the Bucks as your finals pick but you have the Celtics at top of your T of your tears right now what’s up with that yeah so right now the Celtics deserve the

Respect to say they’re the best team in the league they have a top six all-time Point differential that’s meaningful to me like that is and the other teams on that all-time Point differential list are some of the best teams ever they have a universally respected excellent starting five they’re healthy and they

Have seven wins more than every other team in the league they’re going to finish like 65 and 17 and no other team in the league is going to get to 60 wins so they deserve to be a top the tier so to speak I can believe that while also believing

Milwaukee or Denver would beat them in a series and so to me those are the the those two ideas are not in Conflict at least in my mind I also think Miami type of thing well it it’s a little bit of that and it’s yeah or I guess it’s a lot

Of that it’s not that I don’t think the Celtics are a good play postseason team they made finals they’ve made four Conference Finals since Tatum’s been there it’s more that I think the Bucks have been a work in progress all year but if we pause and take a moment and

Say what we thought of Milwaukee last year was they needed a guy just like Dame and they added Dame now the defense took a step back but I think some of the skepticism about Milwaukee was all right if you add a guy like Dame what does it do to Giannis well Giannis offensively

And he didn’t play last night obviously you could argue is having the best season of his career he’s averaging point3 beneath his career-high in points he’s averaging by a full half assist his career-high in assists and he’s averaging by four percentage points his best shooting percentage ever ever he’s

At he’s 31 Points 11 rebounds six assists 62% from the field every single night and here’s the other thing that to me is noteworthy about what the Bucks have done recently including last night to bring it to last night the Bucks ability as of late to play these other

Good two excellent teams and to play them without Giannis and to be really good I think is highly impressive so they didn’t have Yannis for the Clippers game they won they didn’t have Giannis for the Suns game they won they didn’t have Giannis last night and that was a three-point game

Against a full strength Celtics team in Boston I actually think that and I think Giannis missing a little bit of time here could actually be good for the bucks in this regard it allows Dame to really get in a pre- postseason Rhythm which Dame’s been good but not great

This year Dame has not been as good as he was last year and Dame talked about kind of the emotional toll that you know he got divorced he had to move he feels lonely all those things are real things sidebar of the sidebar Deon did you see the Deandre

Quote uh who no you there’s no nothing wrong no no no no so on himself so I’m going to read it to you and then I’m I’ll tie this to the Dame stuff in a moment so I’m going to read you the story from Kurt Highland on ba uh pro

Basketball talk it has taken DeAndre Aon a while to adjust to Portland both on and off the court back in November he averaged 14 and N shooting 59% solid numbers but Aon was passive much of the time not the inside presence Blazers were counting on since the break uh Aon

Has averaged 24 and 14 on 64% so what changed Aon talked about that adjustment with Aaron Fess of The Oregonian uh and this is what he wrote or this is what he said quote my body just wasn’t my body people forget the Humane difference of me adjusting to

Everything oh I did see that just being the mattress just being sorry go ahead yes yes just being comfortable and waking up quote I didn’t have a bed for quite some time I was on an air mattress just trying to figure things out so I’m

Now going to give you two facts Fact one DeAndre Aon is 25 years old Fact Two Deandre Aton currently makes $32 million a year I’m going to add a third fact fact three DeAndre Aon makes his money with his body if you are a grown

Man and you are in the mid eight figure earnings Club you know what I’m going to lower that if you’re in the seven fig you know what I’m going to lower that if you’re in the mid six figure earnings Club if you’re a grown man making more than

$200,000 a year and your body is how you make your money you’re not allowed to sleep on an air mattress for more than one night and that has to be a really disastrous scenario for it to be one night that is that when he’s like when he’s like oh my

Goodness the Humane part of it here’s the here’s the adult part of it I’m a super rich guy this is affecting my performance at work I need the best bed available in the Portland area delivered to my house today and oh wait you’re going to charge me uh you know triple for overnight

Shipping you know what I’ve got it and it’s my job to make they pay me this to make sure things like sleeping on an air mattress are not part of you know the potential difficulties so when people say the Humane parts of NBA players I guess I’m inhumane there that that quote

Right there sorry DeAndre Aon you’re not a serious person you’re not an adult yet I am not comfortable with you being a major part of my franchise now Dame saying I’m lonely and I’m going through a that I totally understand money doesn’t fix that but if you are super

Rich and you are having a problem that literally money fixes like I well like let me ask you this if DeAndre Aton had said well you know I wasn’t playing well because the place I moved to the fridge and stove were broken so I hadn’t eaten

For a week would you say oh this poor guy or would you say you know what buddy you got to figure that one out there’s options there the air mattress is not a viable excuse so what I try to be an empathetic person and for Dame going

Through a divorce I can only imagine I how horrifying moving away from your family those are real things that I think too often people are like ah you’re rich get over it money doesn’t help you there it might ease some of the things like you can see your family

Easier than someone who’s not rich can but so I feel for Dame in that regard DeAndre Aon talking about sleeping on an air matress is honest to God one of the most embarrassing quotes from an athlete in years like give me a break buddy I didn’t I didn’t get that either I also

Just told one of the producers of the podcast that I couldn’t watch TV over the weekend by accident but uh it’s like what similar scenarios internet problem they actually not similar scenario no not internet problem I was just tied up had some things but I initially LED with

I wasn’t able to watch TV this weekend and that just wasn’t true so it’s like a but the thing I didn’t I didn’t understand I didn’t get why he was saying he had to sleep on air mattress he could have slept in a hotel next fa a bunch of other

Also listen while you and Aon are the same age you and Aon do not have the same ability to fix problems with money so like if you if your work was hampered if when you moved to LA it was like man I’m falling behind at work because I

Can’t work from home because the internet’s not set up in my house yet that does not make you less of an adult that is a legitimate excuse for some that is starting off in their career if you made 32 M if every two weeks Deon you got direct deposited a million4 in

Your bank account and you told your employer you’re like sorry behind on emails my hot spot got cut off then they’d say okay you’re not a serious person um so how does this have to do with Celtics bucks oh cuz I was talking about Damen lard part and here’s the

Other thing I said about the Celtics tell me if you agree with me deamon this Celtics season feels a little ravy in this regard if you don’t get over the hump now win are you going to so embiid is hurt the Bucks fired their coach they don’t you know what I

Mean they they the Bucks have was last year with the Celtics too I guess now they they got porzingis they made the the extra moves they got porzingis they got Drew you know what I mean the the last year they weren’t the one seed Milwaukee was there were a lot of pieces

To it um and so there is an element of if this Celtics team this season I’ll add one caveat if they get to the finals and play a very competitive Series against Denver and joic joic just kills them then maybe the Celtics don’t retool anything and they’re just like you know

What we we are running up against a generational player the correct but and and you might say well that’s what happened to the Ravens but that isn’t what because the this year’s Chiefs team didn’t have the profile that this year’s nuggets team has nobody is watching this

Year’s nuggets team saying this is the worst nuggets team in years that there’s something wrong with them uh and so but if the Celtics fail to make the finals or make the finals and lose to anyone but Denver or make the finals and lose to Denver but it’s a

Wash out then I think they have real hard questions to answer about are we really really really good but not going to be good enough all right next all right so Caleb had his pro day yesterday and uh his future teammate Keenan Allen was in attendance you said on your show

Yesterday that Caleb somewhere between Troy Aman and Terry Bradshaw um so that means about three to four Super Bowls maybe well let me add like how you put him right at where Patrick Mahomes is right now to give you a little time that no no so that’s not even how it happened

Wilds went through the 15 most successful number one overall pick quarterbacks and he he was like do you think Caleb will be better than this guy than this guy then and so right he asked me would he be better than Aman I said yes and the next name he said was

Bradshaw and I said no so that you know what I mean that’s where it was that wasn’t so much that he’s necessarily winning that many Super Bowls but it is that I think he will be a better player than Aman Bradshaw is you know kind of universally ConEd considered one of the

10 greatest quarterbacks ever to am I going to go go ahead and install Caleb there that seems a little too bullish but I do think Caleb is going to be great but go ahead yeah so I mean with that said how long do you think it’ll

How long do you think it’ll be until we see Mahomes and Caleb Williams face off in a Super Bowl so here’s the funny thing about Super Bowls we very rarely get Marino Montana now I use that example because we did get Marino Montana in the one Super Bowl Marino one where it’s like

These are the two best quarterbacks alive and they’re in the Super Bowl and you know you got Aman Kelly twice uh but neither Aman nor Kelly were really in the argument for the best quarterback in the league uh you did get far of Elway but Elway was at the very very end and

Was no longer MV pway but it’s pretty rare that you get you know two top three or four quarterbacks against each other in a Super Bowl so if we like let’s just go backwards and see and so yes I do think Caleb’s going to be a superstar

Quarterback but and some of that has just happened stance like Brady and Manning played in the same conference forever so they played five times in the playoffs but they could never play in the the Super Bowl because they for the entirety of Manning’s career they were

Both in the AFC so here are the Super Bowl matchups that we’ve had just going backwards momes party so that’s number one versus like number 19 two great Mahomes hurt momes hurts now that was the MVP and the MVP runner up but I don’t know how that’s going to age

Historically people going to be like oh wow um burrow stord pretty good two guys both firmly in the top seven or eight um Brady momes obviously a legendary matchup uh it didn’t turn the game ended up not being a good game but that was from a quarterback perspective probably

The best you could have hoped for uh momes Garoppolo no good Brady G when G was at that you know I understand well g wasn’t struggling yet and that one looked better in the moment than it does now and also that was a 13 to3 Brady fos

Whatever Brady Matt Ryan the Year Matt Ryan won NFL MVP that’s pretty great one and the and end up being one of the greatest Super Bowls ever Manning pton Manning Cam Newton but that year pton got benched like that year pton was at the very very end so pton got hurt and

Got benched and then came back I think he had you’re not going to believe the year Payton won his last Super Bowl Deon and I love this part of that I know I’ve said this so many times but I love this part of the Pod the like natural

Discovery from things that happened when you were in high school or earlier and I’m not being a smartass here I’m not at all I hope I’m I’m not taking a shot wandering off into Uncharted Territory for me like I’m learning new stuff ex and so so Payton’s final year in Denver

He had nine touchdowns 17 interceptions and a 68 passer rating and they won the Super Bowl so like whenever so it’s such a unique spot Payton’s second year running game really good who was no they Von Miller Demarcus they had they one of the best defenses in the league um pton

Second year in Denver when they made the Super Bowl and lost he had 5,500 yards and 55 touchdowns one of the great maybe the greatest quarterbacking season ever um but then by the end of his third year you could tell oh wait he’s not the same

Guy and then his final year in Denver was he got hurt they didn’t they Brock Osweiler took over pton then took back over and pton was just not the and even in that playoff run in that entire playoff run when they won the title pton threw for two touchdowns and one pick

Just wasn’t the same guy all right so back to what we were doing here um Brady Russ Brady Russell Wilson was pretty good um and Russell Wilson Prime Payton Manning was pretty good but then you have things like flacko cap Brady Eli Big Ben Rogers is probably the best like Caleb

Momes possibility which is you know Rogers at that point was maybe you know in route to being consider maybe the best quarterback in the league alongside Brady and Manning Big Ben was already a Super Bowl champion uh a couple times over and so that’s a that’s a really

Good one and obviously Breeze Payton when it was Prime Payton so that’s just you know going through the last 15 years so it is our bet if Caleb makes a Super Bowl and I believe he will he’s almost it’s almost guaranteed that it’s going to be a great Super Bowl

Matchup because it’s either going to be him against momes or him against Allen or him against Lamar or him against CJ you know it’s going to be or him against the prince or him against it’s Justin it’s going to be it’s very hard to imagine an AFC team without a great

Quarterback going you know what I mean making it to the Super Bowl in this era but yeah I my confidence in Caleb is as high as it’s been go Ahad what’s your question okay I mean do you think he’ll be there the next three well so here’s another thing and I

Know this podcast we’re kind of doing bit of History lessons but the quarterbacks that make Super Bowls make them early Russ made two on his rookie deal momes made two on his rookie deal burrow made one on his rookie deal uh cam was at the end of his rookie deal flacko

Who’s not a great player was at the end of his rookie deal uh you know ever since the new P the when the Eagles made it they had Wentz on his rookie deal he got hurt folos was the backup but Wentz got him to 12 and three or whatever they were

13- two something and then jayen obviously on his rookie deal pie was on his rookie deal so if Caleb is the guy that I think he is the Bears probably should make a Super Bowl in the next five years if he is the guy that now Lamar’s great he

Hasn’t made one Josh Allen’s great he hasn’t made one but those guys have had to go through momes their best years have all been ended by Patrick you don’t really have that so much in the NFC go ahead it seems like you want to ask I honestly the these situations always

Confuse me I thought of it in my mind for some reason I thought it might work it’s probably really bad but as far as when teams trade up or they trade away players to get higher in the draft what if like the 49ers gave Brandon iuk and

Like oh Tre L doesn’t even play there anymore I guess like Brandon iuk and Brock py maybe to to to maybe move up to the second spot or maybe take the first spot from the Bears I get it’s very likely that somebody would say no but in

The off chance that the Bears were attracted to those two money you’re saying is let no no no so let me what you’re saying is what a team that has cuz I know what you’re saying I don’t know if the audience knows exactly what you’re saying with a team that feels

Like it has it has really good players but not good enough to break through would they want to kind of reset the quarterback pay scale clock not too much exactly right so the Niners aren’t a great example because their quarterback doesn’t make any money but the so the the so the example for

That is would Chargers if the Dallas Cowboys said to the New England Patriots we’ll trade you Dak for the third overall pick you get stability a known Factor at quarterback while you try to build up the rest of your team and we can resign cidi resign mik

Try to so without Damonte it’s you didn’t realize it when you were saying it this is exactly what the ners did with Trey Lance they had Jimmy G on a semi-exact they had been to a Super Bowl they had been banging on the door they weren’t good enough so instead of

Trading players they traded three first round draft picks to move up so they could start the rookie contract clock over that’s what they did and so there yeah what you’re describ Bill Barnwell wrote an article four or five years ago about this exact question and it was

About the Rams with gof and he was ahead of his time on it was before they paid gof he was because it was when GF the bloom was coming off the rose a bit and the question was would there ever be a team that drafts a quarterback develops that

Quarterback turns that quarterback into a franchise quarterback and instead of giving him the massive extension that then makes them have to tear away pieces of their team trades him for a top five pick so they can start the process over and always and always have a superstar

Supporting Cast you know what I mean like would and so if you that that to me is a legitimate question if you have a quarterback let me find the right quarterback example of who would you’ve got to really thread the needle and you’ve got to have the confidence in your own Drafting and

Evaluations that you can then so I’ll give you an example if I were the Miami Dolphins and the Minnesota Vikings were willing to give me the Vikings wouldn’t do this but just follow me here the 11th pick of the draft for Tua and I’m like all right sitting there

I can draft pennx I might be able to draft McCarthy maybe they love B Knicks which I wouldn’t understand whatever but are we better off making sure we can keep Wadd we can keep Tyreek we can do all these things rather than this off season pay two

Like he’s great when we know he has a ceiling that to me is a legitimate question like that’s a leg correct and so I I would the now quarterbacks like you mentioned Justin Herbert Herbert I think is too talented to roll the dice on that but the Chargers right now are

Drafting and the way his contract works because they’ve already paid him uh they could they can’t actually trade him right now but we know how much Harbaugh loves JJ McCarthy they’re sitting at five he coached McCarthy in this fake world where uh Justin where Justin Herbert’s tradable would

It be a viable thought exercise that someone like the Chargers is like you know what we don’t want to have to cut Keenan Allen or trade Keenan Allen we you know what we don’t want to have to tear our team down and we want to get younger through the

Draft you know what could you get for Justin Herbert from again I’ll used New England would New England give you the third overall pick and their second round pick and next year’s number one for Justin Herbert the answer is yes they almost assuredly would and then could we draft our quarterback and

Marvin Harrison and have an extra first round pick these are legitimate conversations that nobody in NFL front offices is having because trading away a stability at the quarterback position is so terrifying unheard of but if you just right if you had if you had if you owned

The team and ran it and just could do whatever you wanted it would be an interesting idea so I you didn’t the I knew what you were saying you didn’t phrase it exactly right but it is it’s a smarter idea than like you gave yourself credit for all right

Let’s uh oh by the way DeAndre go I’m I’m told deandre’s listening he’s listening to the show and he actually just sent us a picture of his room yeah I mean yeah I mean it’s just I mean come on man I mean that’s I mean come on

Man the shop is hilarious the basketball right this is why you should watch on YouTube this is why you should subscribe to the show all right next all right so the Jets clearly haven’t learned their lesson um yeah so they they’ve signed more players that are coming off of

Injuries uh the 11 of their games this year will be coming from teams that want that had winning records in 2023 another quarterback Aaron Rogers has were running for vice president is it time for jets fans to be excited about this coming season or would they just be

Setting themselves up for failure or disappointment here’s the thing that I just don’t understand and I guess I do understand it I just think it is so ludicrous that the we’re just fine that folks are don’t have a problem with it so the oldest tackle signed in free

Agency the oldest is Tyron Smith I I’m looking at it on spot rck he’s the only tackle over 32 years old that’s has signed in free agency okay the Jets also signed or traded for another tackle Morgan Moses who’s a good player and a healthy player he’s also 33 years old if

We then go to wide receivers the why people like oh Mike Williams isn’t that old the wide receivers that have been signed that are older than Mike Williams is Devonte Parker who got 5 million Max prob a million guaranteed and Matt Collins uh who got I’m trying to look at

A million guaranteed and then Mike Williams those are the only two wide receivers who have signed who are older than Mike Williams why are Tyron Smith and Mike Williams available because in the last two years they have each missed 17 and 18 games so a team that last year

Was derailed by having an old injury-prone roster signed old injury-prone players and they’re like ah can’t blame us if it goes wrong so I just think it’s a ludicrous way to run your team and they’re doing it all in service of an old the oldest player in the league

Coming off of Toren Achilles so I think the Jets are poorly run somebody’s getting fired not the end of the season well they made these moves because if they they trying to save their jobs like ah my this is the old you have H this is not a Perfect Analogy but

I’ll use it and people don’t do this let’s do it you have squandered the half of the company’s expense account and the next day you have a meeting where they’re going to do an audit of it you’re like oh my my God they expect there to be $100,000 here if

They see there’s 50 I’m fired I’m just fired well I guess I’m going to take the 50 that’s left and put it on black on one spin of the roulette wheel if I win then I keep my job if I lose I was fired anyway which for your like game theory

Of your own personal well-being I guess makes sense but for the company for the people you answer to it’s like well wait a minute here we can’t get like the 50 you blew is gone but let’s not risk another 50 and so the Jets had this amazing 2022 draft they got s Garrett

Wilson Germaine Johnson and Bree hall and then last year was totally squandered because they chased the Aaron roders Rabbit Without ever addressing the offensive line and now maybe they’re going to squander this year trying to build as if the NFL doesn’t exist after this year so I don’t buy it I don’t like

The hype and I don’t know what evidence people have that Aaron Rogers is going to be great again he W last year he was injured the year before he was mediocre all year long so we’ve got to go a ways back like Tom Brady has been great more

Recently than Aaron Rogers has been great that’s noteworthy all right next pretty noteworthy all right so uh rumors are 49ers wide receiver Brandon auk could be on the Run uh he’s been linked to Pittsburgh I think for those watching on YouTube We may show a tweet uh but

Yeah you so here’s let me just add some context here he tweeted to Mike Tomlin saying that they’re saying we look like twins what do you think I see a resemblance but here’s why it’s noteworthy auk had not tweeted in 11 months so he gets linked to the Steelers by friend of

The Pod Andrew philipon who broke that story by the way um and then he tweets about it so that’s why there’s a little smoke where there might be some fire but go ahead there might be some fire where there’s smoke I guess yeah so you said

That signs for uh changes to come in San Francisco uh so question is are the 49ers in for the for a big regression like you predicted predicted last year I don’t know that they’re in for a big regression and to be fair last year I still had a making the playoffs I just

Thought quarterback play would bite them earlier than it did it turned out it didn’t bite them till the Super Bowl so bully for them um but uh the here is here is what is true they currently have the highest paid running back in football the highest paid fullback in football the

Highest paid tight end in football the highest paid left tackle in football the highest paid Defensive Player of any position in football the highest paid middle linebacker in football that’s six positions they also pay Debo three years 70 million bucks when all of those things happen it’s hard to then pay Brandon iuk

Right and that’s the beef the beef is he wants a contract and if the ners believe p is the real deal they know that at some point they’re going to have to pay him he’s going to go from 1 million to 50 million so the point that I am making

Is oh and they signed who’s the Big D tackle they signed in the off season to a big oh Javon Hargrave they gave him a big deal this off this past off season that’s why Qui I don’t want to say quietly but they cut Eric Armstead because the the FI the salary cap

Chickens are starting to come home to roost a bit and it’s why not winning the Super Bowl last year or the year before they I don’t want to say they were all in but they were highly leveraged and the odds that they are ever going to have more Raw Talent on

The field than they had in last year’s Super Bowl is low and so I think auk’s an excellent player but so next year they’re going to be going to war with no Eric Armstead don’t know the status to Dre Greenlaw which is sad and sucks but

He popped his Achilles in the final game of the year yeah we don’t know about auk now they will have huanga back because he tore his ACL early last year huanga is awesome but that’s another guy they need money for I think hufanga is probably in line next year to become the

Highest paid safety in the league so I just think the ners I don’t want to say they missed their opportunity but the window is slowly closing on having this Allstar team that’s all that’s all I’m saying so go ahead I know I mean and it’s they’re not

Saying that he’s going to Pittsburgh but you weren’t high on Pittsburgh when they got Russell Wilson if they got auk how would you feel about Pitts Fields it’d be great for Justin I mean for their eventual starting quarterback Justin Fields the problem for I’s fit in Pittsburgh with Russ is Russ doesn’t

Throw over the middle of the field even when Russ was great he didn’t throw over the middle of the field why doesn’t he throw over the middle of the field cuz you can’t see it he’s too short it’s just the reality I know people like Ah

That’s unfair no it’s just true that the for shorter quarterbacks seeing over the middle of the field is the hardest part to see that Intermediate Middle and that’s where auk you know auk doesn’t make his money on those deep routes that Russ is still great at he makes his

Money over the middle of the field uh but and Justin fields we don’t know where he throws cuz he hasn’t been a consistent passer yet but we know he can see everywhere because he’s a regular quarterback size um all right take quick break come back play a game right or wrong what’s

Right all right welcome back in what’s right with Nick right uh episode 223 Deon let’s roll and by the way don’t forget your questions and comments for the C block let’s try to roll through this as quickly as possible because that was a 40-minute a block because I spent

8 minutes on DeAndre aton’s air mattress and another 10 minutes on Super Bowl history that was not scheduled part of the rundown um okay go ahead um yeah we’re playing right or wrong first off we start off with Zion the Pelicans are on a roll and Zion has reportedly lost

25 pounds in the course of the season right or wrong Zion is officially here to stay so I think I I want to tentatively say right and I just think that with tempered expectations when Zion came into the league I said this guy’s going to be an

MVP and you guys know how strongly I feel about how good you’ve got to be to be an MVP I thought that’s who he was going to be and I still think oddly Zion’s init Zion’s second year which was he played 60 games that year and keep in

Mind that was not a 82 Game season so he played six games uh and uh I think it was a 76 Game season I could be wrong maybe it was it doesn’t matter he was 27 a night on 61% from the field at 20 years old no one

Not even prime Shack had done that that’s almost the numbers you were saying Giannis is putting up just earlier this this so the by the way you’re right the well so Giannis has more rebounds and assist Giannis is having you know maybe the greatest high volume scoring high efficiency percentage season ever but

That obvious giannis’s season this year obviously hadn’t happened then and so Zion did something that no one had done up to that point and then it went sideways for him on and off the court and now he is listen he’s played 57 games so he’s going to play probably

Close to 70 games the Pelicans are good he’s been really good but I no longer look at him like oh he might be the best player in the league one day I look at him like oh he could be talented as hell he’s talented as hell and a good player

Like you know what I mean he should be a multi-time Allstar but not an MVP candidate and so that’s kind of a bummer but it by the way a year ago even this was in question it was is he going to is his weight is his Health the stuff

Basketball right it’s always like it’s always off the court stuff like discipline yeah so he no when he played he was always excellent right but he doesn’t seem quite as explo like explosive he’s just not quite as good as he was right when he came into the league but he’s healthier and the

Pelicans are good so I’m buying that this could be the new look Zion which is good and bad so to speak all right next uh so a top receiver in the draft Marvin Harrison Jr didn’t work out at the combine and now he’s skipped working out

At his pro day uh he slated to go after the top three quarterbacks to Arizona but does he does it it it seems like he might not want to right or wrong Marvin Harrison Jr is trying to avoid Kyler wrong I don’t think that’s what’s happening here at all uh I think it’s

That he is correctly saying watch the tape I am good enough I don’t have to jump through these hoops is the last thing that he did would break that was breaking that record I mean the last thing that last football we saw him play was for Ohio

State and so the so I mean he hasn’t done any of the stuff guys normally do but I’m okay with that this is the the the guys that are that can I think Marvin’s in a place where he can’t really help his draft stock and he can now can he hurt it like

I know there are some rumors neighbors might go ahead of him but I think that first of all I don’t buy it second of all he’s not falling out of the top he’s NE he was never going top three because it’s going to go quarterback quarterback quarterback and he was never going past

Seven so he’s almost assur he is assuredly going to be the first or second wide receiver taken and he’s almost assuredly going to be the first wide receiver taken so he’s saying I don’t have to do this so fine with it um all right next all right so according to

Saquan after his move to the Eagles his daughter said does that mean we’re going to start we’re going to win now right or wrong saquon’s daughter knows ball right or wrong saquon’s daughter said that I was um right I I believe she said it I’ll go ahead and say she knows ball I

Don’t think the Eagles are going to be great but they’re going to be better than the Giants were so yeah you know what I mean I don’t want to I I don’t want to talk about saquon’s daughter I should have taken this one out of the

Show I feel badly about it weird yeah all right next uh the NFL is considering changes to the hip drop to hip drop tackling kickoff rules and potentially allowing for replay reviews of whether a game clock expired before the snap but why right or wrong constant rule changes are good for

Sports in theory they’re good for Sports in practicality they’re not we can’t spend all football season every year being like the refs aren’t any good and then in the offseason be like add more things to their plate like it just doesn’t make sense we the we go through

The same thing every time where it’s like the refs are not competent make their job harder and so I and so I just I I don’t I I so in a perfect world I understand a lot of these wanted adjustments in the world in which we live it doesn’t make sense next all

Right you said Tuesday that you’re too busy sending Chiefs GM Brett V mock drafts to build a bracket sounds like a straightup Nick Wright fanfiction the producers and I have some questions right or wrong V has replied okay so I text between Brett Beach and I are personal what I will

Tell you is this Brett V texted Kevin Clark great writer used to be for the ringer now he does podcast for Omaha he’s on around the horn you guys know Kevin Clark because Kevin and I were at this the reason we didn’t have a podcast last Thursday was because I

Was speaking at this media conference Kevin was there so Kevin and I took a picture together and he text it to vich and do you know what vich replied I’ll send you the screen shot Dem on I each replied two of my two of my guys tell

Nick to send me his latest mock what he say so uh take that for what you will if you guys are interested in my latest mock draft uh when I open up my downloaded files this says PFF Mack results parentheses 28 in parentheses so this is

My 28th that I’ve done but this is where it landed with the first round pick the Chiefs took lad makoni we then traded lerus Sneed for the 43rd overall pick to Atlanta with that draft pick we took Kamari Lasser the cornerback with the final pick of the second round we took

Gavon Sanders the tight end from Texas we then made another trade we traded down from 81 I’m sorry we traded up uh from 95 packaging the 159th pick to get pick 81 to Target Texas defens tackle to vandre sweat we then took another Corner cam Hart in the fourth round uh with our

Fifth round pick took a value position Zack zenter the guard from Michigan who got hurt in his final collegate game probably going to have to miss the year but that’s a guy that should be a day two pick that’s going to fall because of the injury the Chiefs have Trey Smith

And Joe Toney at the guard positions for next year but Joe Toney maybe could be gone in a year so you slide Zack zenter into there then we traded back this this is how sick I’ve gotten on these mock drafts I traded pick 148 for uh and the

Seventh round pick I’m sorry the I traded with the Raiders and one of the things I got back was a future sixth round pick but the mock drafts there’s no future drafts it’s not like I’m actually acquiring that Capital to do anything with it it just felt like good

Value and after those trades I ended up drafting uh Jaylen green The Edge rusher from James Madison now that’s a small college player but he had like 18 sacks last year I like the upside and with the final pick of the draft I took the good-looking quarterback from Notre Dame

Sam Hartman felt like he’s a guy that after a couple years under Andy being in the quarterback room with Patrick Mahomes could be a guy that shows enough in preseason that we can then flip him for maybe like a fourth round pick uh so go ahead and clip this off for social

Media my mock draft here and I’ll just share it to you know what H this interesting I don’t know if I want to share it to the whole world because that could give those other GMS an edge let’s just clip this off on social media and

Send it to me so I can distribute it as we want that’s that was mckd draft 28 um let me just try Damonte pick a random number between uh 15 and 28 27 that’s boring but okay 27 uh 27 let me let me pull up mckd draft

27 uh oh my goodness that was the one where I had four trade Downs that’s too many I ended up drafting 13 players and had four trade downs I’m going to have to pick one where I didn’t do trade it’s just so hard when there’s value out

There you want to you know what I mean you want to make these trades so let me find one where oh you said 21 21 all right perfect uh with the first round oh this one I got lad makoni again oh and in this one Xavier worthy slid all the way to the

Third round oh my goodness gracious I also drafted Zack zenter again I must really like Zack zenter okay we can move on I don’t know where we’re at in the show I know I said we were going to go faster but uh we can move on go ahead um

So yeah oh I got to read this one last week I asked Deon to watch Barbie and Oppenheimer during his day off for the old barbin Heimer oh that’s a great you should make this your profile picture Deon um that’s really good Daniel know that was did you do this

Deon uh I did I watched Oppenheimer I watched Barbie uh I I enjoyed Oppenheimer there’s I got to go back and rewatch it um I get opim is the bad guy creating the bomb yeah and then like they do past with like regular color and they do future stuff with like black and

White it’s like but I really enjoyed the movie um and honestly taught me a little bit more about Hiro Shuma than I already knew I did not do too much digging in that um but uh but yeah and Barbie I got to say man I was not entertained at all

And this is not just like a boy thing like it was just like I don’t that’s not the it’s it’s it was cool it was it was a nice movie no that’s fine you don’t want to step on any chier you just felt like you didn’t like it I get it yeah it

Just it just wasn’t it just wasn’t for me uh so here is I I understood the message of Barbie and I thought it was a smart one what I found so fascinating about Barbie was the way they I think smartly created the Barbie Universe I was because when I heard they were

Making a Barbie movie I’m like how are they going to do it but the fact they had all the different types of Barbies and all that I thought it was actually I thought it was a wellth thought out movie um but we don’t have to no definitely definitely well done no I’m

Not saying the movie sucks it’s just not for me um the yeah I do love doener was very cool okay and very loud all right quick break yeah very loud it was great quick break right back answer some of your questions I’d talk about James Harden closing out on kawhai what’s right

Yes all right welcome back in what’s right with Nick right Deon before we get to The Listener questions uh go ahead and let’s talk hard in kawhai real quick all right Travis Kelce no I’m joking uh uted at the top of yeah so Ed at the top

Of the show James Harden played defense on uh for the first time ever in his in his career against Kawhi Leonard uh too bad it was against his own teammate obviously what was going on there serious he’s just not serious man Deon do you know when this happened in the game it

Was third quarter right third quarter they were up 80 to 60 80 to 61 or something yeah they were up it was either 80 to 61 or 81-61 they were either up 19 or 21 points with 20 minutes left in this game you can’t do

That you just can’t do it the it is I understand you’re playing the Blazers you feel like you’re going to win you’re dominating them I get it this is outrageous I mean it’s just I I I don’t want to be uh you know someone that makes a big

Deal out of minor things but this is not a minor thing to me and this is like this is and I love the NBA but this is the type of thing that if it happened in another sport it people would be losing their minds like let’s

Say that the go ahead football would be tackling your your running back or just like acting like you’re going to like making your running back like try to Juke you because you’re up 24 in the third quarter like this it’s just I it but it’s like if anybody in the league is

Going to do that I was saying it’s it’s James Harden like that’s that’s the other problem like you don’t you you haven’t earned the right to be this silly I’m sorry you haven’t you just haven’t and so I I I hate it I I legitimately hate

It all right let’s get to some of the listener questions do do you think be explained like will he have to speak Harden said he was like it was good for team Vibes it’s what he said Harden answered he was like yeah he was like I’m just trying to keep it loose and

Happy and good for Team all right well Gabe felter so that’s what it is Gabe felter said hey Nick I believe the Chiefs could sit at 32 and pick what’s best for the uh best for them in a tackle or wide receiver should the Chiefs be aggressive to

Unload Sneed while they could get something for him unlike tagins well listen they Chief’s been ready to trade sneak but the problem is that no they had the Chiefs had worked out the Sneed compensation as far as what they would get in return for him with another team but in order for that

Team to agree to the trade Sneed then has to agree to a long-term contract with them and sne evidently wants 23 million a year and no team’s been willing to pay it and so I think teams are willing to pay 20 but not 23 and so that the hang-up so the Chiefs clearly

Are prepared to trade Sneed but also because they’ve been so judicious in free agency they don’t have to trade and they can carry the $119 million cap hit this year because they signed Chris and because they signed Hollywood they can sit there at 32 and if a d lineman Corner wide

Receiver or tackle they love is sitting there they can draft any of those spots it’s not like oh my God we have to get this position we have this player ranked as the 49th best player in the draft but he’s the best left of that position so I

Have to take him at 32 it also allows them to trade down if they want to if they have a bunch of guys they still like so they can as as some would say let the draft come to them rather than rush it um all right go ahead Salvador fineli ask question for

Devon how are you enjoying LA compared to New York um yeah um traffic traffic’s traffic’s traffic is traffic uh and I hear a lot of talks with people comparing New York traffic to Angeles traffic and Los Angeles traffic isn’t a league of its own in my opinion um I

Like driving everywhere that I go though I don’t really miss walking um but yeah no I’m really enjoying it the weather is obviously super dope the people are are interesting um there’s a time that I was I hate it when people like when like the

Best example I could think of is when I got in that car accident like two two and a half years ago uh the guy like hit me from the side and they got out and I had a green light and they were speeding and they got out and they’re like what

The f bro like what’s and I’m just like dude do you think that I wanted to get in a car accident with you like what what is the point in getting out was that in New York or La that was in Kansas it was in Kansas City I haven’t

Got an accident in New York thank God uh but yeah so it’s just like that would have been my car I was going to say you might have just snitched on yourself there I was like I was trying to play pretend you know like what the hell are

We talking about what car accident 2 and 1/2 years ago okay that was was Kansas City that all right go ahead yeah basically I just think some of the people are hoidy in the in the LA area like I was pulling out and it was just

Like one of those areas where in order to get in I have to kind of pull out of where I’m at and a civilian I’m I’m on the sidewalk I get that a civilian walks past my car and literally stops turns around bends over and looks inside of my

Car and I’m like dude I’m just trying to I’m just trying to go like what do you I’m sorry that I’m right here you were able to walk around um but yeah I’m loving it it’s cool haven’t been doing too much lately with the Achilles but um excited to get back out

There okay good uh Caleb asks would I ever consider making a top 50 quarterback list I got it uh like the NBA top 50 list that’s an interesting project top 50 quarterback because top 50 NFL players is so hard cuz like how do you cross-pollinate positions offense

Defense top 50 quarterbacks could be fun and then usio says shout out to dman you’re improving your game real progress uh being made as a host compared to a year ago more focus more knowledge more good takes keep it up one love I totally agree with that I actually had somebody

Ask me the other day if this is what you want to do professionally like pod like is this what dman wants to do and I told him I was like I don’t think so I was like I don’t you know this has always kind of been a side gig but the fact

That somebody asked that I think speaks to your progression over the year and a half that’s super nice you guys today was a really fun show good job everybody thanks to our Tech Team for getting everything set up uh I got to go I got a

Very busy day I’m getting a haircut for the wedding that is the pre-wedding haircut meaning I’m getting a haircut today just to set up the haircut that I evidently have to get right before the wedding I don’t understand it either to be honest with you I got a busy day talk

To talk to you guys later what’s right hey it’s Nick rright thank you so much for watching please do us a favor click subscribe it helps my ego and deon’s got a financial bonus writing on a number of YouTube subscribers so help him out and also click the bell I don’t know what

The Bell does but they tell me to tell you to click the bell and your audio listeners people that have commutes drives whatever it is subscribe to the podcast as well wherever you get the podcast same show just you know just in your ears instead of through your eyes

All that check it out appreciate yall [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] he

On today’s episode, Nick reacts to the Bucks @ Celtics, breaks down Caleb Williams’ Pro Day and the Jets’ injury problem. Then, Nick analyzes potential moves within the San Francisco 49ers. Later, Nick settles the score on Zion Williamson, Marvin Harrison Jr., and NFL rule changes in “Wright or Wrong.” Lastly, Nick and Damonza answer your questions.

#WhatsWright #CalebWilliams #NewYorkJets #SanFrancisco49ers #ZionWilliamson #MarvinHarrisonJr #NBA #NFL

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About What’s Wright? With Nick Wright:
Hosted by sports personality and star of FS1’s “First Things First,” What’s Wright? With Nick Wright will see Nick dish his hot takes on the biggest topics in the world of sports, while sharing the behind-the-scenes of his family life. He’ll play games, make lists, and most importantly, he’ll tell you what’s Wright.

Bucks @ Celtics, Caleb’s Pro Day, & Zion Williamson | What’s Wright?

What’s Wright? with Nick Wright


  1. How does Nck ignore Brady vs Foles?!?, literally had the most passing yards in a SB at 874 combined.

  2. I'd be lying if I said Zion hasn't been underwhelming thus far in his career. As someone who bought his jersey before he started a game in the NBA I just hope he can continue what he's done in the past couple games.

  3. If you're going to the NFL, you should do the combine and pro-day.

    Your game tape is your resume, but you still need to go to the interview.

  4. Bradshaw has 121TDs and 119INTs for his career… he was a solid QB, but he was just in the most stacked roster in the league… Bradshaw would be Kirk Cousins or Dak if he played rn

  5. @8:15 "Full-strength boston team" – Another false narrative from Nick Wrong. Holiday and Hauser did not even play too, you could easily get 30 points from those 2 combined at any given night. If you wanna tell it as it is, stop making fake narratives

  6. At some point Nick is gonna have to learn how to say what he has to say without going on unnecessary tangents. 10 minutes on Deandre ayton? It’s like he’s talking just to talk sometimes. This is why I love colin cowherd and bill simmons.

  7. Tua is the engine that makes the dolphins go. He's gotten better every season. He'll be back in arrowhead for that invitational.

  8. They have no chance versus Celtics. Celtics are just toying them. I have no faith on my Bucks right now.

  9. Fully understand Nick’s point but Harden’s close out on Kawhi was one of the funniest things I’ve seen on an NBA court 😂

  10. The fact that FTF hasn’t taken Undisputeds spot for the 3hr morning slot is embarrassing – it’s the best sports talk show in the country

  11. Watching a day later and @18:47 (ish) Nick says Marino won a SB vs Montana. He may correct himself as I continue listening but come on Nick. A misspeak like that has me wondering if YOU were on an air mattress the night before you did this pod.

  12. “The Dolphins lost 38–16 in what was Marino's only Super Bowl appearance.” Super Bowl XIX (January 20, 1985), ‘Dan Marino’ Wikipedia

  13. I hate that Nick always uses my Patriots as the team to trade the 3rd pick for an older, expensive QB 😭. They may have been badly run, or still badly run in recent times but even they wouldn't be that foolish. Between Drake Maye or Jayden Daniels, both are just way too talented and have high upside to trade away for someone like Dak Prescott or Kirk Cousins if he wasnt coming off injury

  14. Jesus Christ.. Marino LOST. We know you hate any team or QB that might threaten your Chiefs.. but be reality based… You don't need to hate the historical Niners..

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