@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers go Stack P&R with Anthony Davis screening for Reaves and LeBron setting the backscreen. Lowry slides under, Harris is thinking help. Key is LeBron’s screen on Bamba and AD’s roll. Bamba thinking recover, LeBron open on the pop for 3.

Lakers go Stack P&R with Anthony Davis screening for Reaves and LeBron setting the backscreen. Lowry slides under, Harris is thinking help. Key is LeBron’s screen on Bamba and AD’s roll. Bamba thinking recover, LeBron open on the pop for 3.

by fractal_fables


  1. fractal_fables

    When the Lakers run plays they are very hard to stop. What really frustrates me is when they stop running plays and Ham doesn’t call a timeout right away. So many times this season he leaves them out their lost which is why you hear players chirp about Ham.

  2. markmyredd

    When Lebron and AD is involved in PNR action its so hard to stop so I wonder why they refuse to do it when offensively they are struggling

  3. NoPin5154

    The best thing darvin has done this year is add Spain pick and roll to the playbook

  4. They run the play for D.Lo a lot too with lebron as the ball handler.

  5. _mattyjoe

    Bro is analyzing the Lakers offense when Imbiid didn’t even play.

  6. Quiet-Spray1223

    Ham was better at timeouts yesterday I have to admit

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