@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Refs ruin Dalen Terry’s party… by giving him a tech after an exciting poster

[Highlight] Refs ruin Dalen Terry’s party… by giving him a tech after an exciting poster

by OhiOstas


  1. BearlyLogical

    So far this game there’s been 3 technicals called.

    This is the most deserving one. Let that sink in.

  2. Wedundidit00

    The refs have gone too far!!! Adam silver needs to put this man in his dungeon where he keeps the other people he sucks the blood from to stay young

  3. one-ohmusic

    That was totally in momentum of the dunk and to not land awkwardly or land on someone. Thats stupid

  4. ihateeuge

    He is actually supposed to just let go of the rim and break his neck right there. Textbook technical

  5. Objective-Gap8093

    At least they’re consistent in calling this dumbass tech

  6. joebos617

    every single fan hates these technicals even when our team benefits

  7. thepeachgod

    Nobodies enjoying this game more than ref fans

  8. biinroii01

    using this poor kid as a scapegoat smfh refs trash

  9. EmiyaShiroko

    For every NBA game, there is a third team: the refs and Adam Sliver.

  10. silverpaw1786

    Fucking absurd. I thought the T on Tatum was bad, but this was worse. He had a legit reason to hang for a moment with Hauser going through the landing zone (no fault of his own; he got shoved in the back).


    I’m a Celtics homer and this was an awful call..

  11. JesseJamesGames449

    The celtics hate this tech more than anyone i promise you. we get called for this tech so often.. tatum and KP get called for this awful call so often.

  12. CheetahSperm18

    Yeah he should just let go of the rim and fall awkwardly on the hardwood instead of stabilizing himself before loosening his grip.

    I swear these refs just don’t care about anything

  13. LemonCool2023

    Would they rather he injure himself by jumping off of the rim without control? Let the players breathe man.

  14. PokerPlayingRaccoon

    It’s a stupid rule, but I’m pretty positive the thing that gets you the tech is pulling yourself up on the rim like you’re doing a pull-up. Otherwise it seems alright if you hang on a bit

  15. carnivorous_seahorse

    A dalen terry highlight getting wiped is my 9/11

  16. livejamie

    NBA’s marketing team is still gonna use this clip to sell sports betting to degenerates

  17. celtic_sea_salt

    Tatum special. JT looking on like a proud father.

  18. lazydictionary

    These techs don’t make the game better.

    I thought the Vucevic one was even worse. Throwing the ball against the stanchion and it bouncing back to him harms no one and wastes no time. It’s the equivalent of doing an angry slam dribble.

    I hate how leagues don’t let players be emotional or have fun.

  19. __cosmichorror

    Whew, thank god we have these refs saving the fans from being entertained.

    Hopefully we can get the game down to teams just taking turns shooting threes on each other.

  20. thiccymcgogee

    How do refs sleep at night for real, they’re up there with by-law officers and hitler on my list of shit human beings.

  21. volantredx

    I know it’d cause the player to be banned for life and likely cost them everything, but one time after a game like this where the refs are calling techs for passing them the ball, or for not wanting to fall someone needs to kick the refs right in the balls. Like squarely in the balls as hard as they can.

  22. itsnotreallyme0

    What a pussyass tech. Makes no sense. Seriously zero good solid reasons behind it

  23. yousonuva

    Everybody always throws up their hand on these calls but pulling yourself up like that always gets the T. 

  24. TheyNeedLoveToo

    Pardon my French, but that’s bullshit. These refs are ruining emphatic dunks

  25. AotearoaChow

    Been thinking of cancelling my league pass for a while now and it’s bullshit officiating like this that is at the heart of it.

  26. radical_findings_32

    Lol to avoid the tech he would have to fall flat on his back from 6 feet in the air


    Go fuck yourself refs.

  27. eXistentialMisan

    One thing I realized: isn’t hanging on the rim a good idea to help break the fall? With all the injuries in recent years you’d think anything to decrease the amount of falling force would be welcome.

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