@Utah Jazz

The Utah Jazz are definitely rebuilding for the 2024 NBA Draft

The Utah Jazz are definitely rebuilding for the 2024 NBA Draft

Pockets but there’s some things to remember some things we got to talk about with this Utah Jazz team is this all for the good of the Jazz actually yes let’s talk about it it’s Hoops ner Show all right guys before we get into this let’s just give a shout out to our sponsor prize picks use promo code Hoops nerd right now and they will match up to $100 right now the Utah Jazz are resting multiple players each night you can basically play this pretty well if you

Look at who’s playing who’s not playing you can predict what’s going to happen with this Jazz team go to Price use promo code Hoops nerd all you Utah Jazz Hoops nerds out there have a chance to really dominate on this and if you just go on the over for who’s

Playing against the Jazz right now you’re going to succeed so go to use promo code Hoops nerd the averages are in your favor right now it’s the time to take advantage guys so go do it it supports the channel too and it’s a lot of fun all right let’s see

Let’s take that off the Utah Jazz get crushed by the Houston Rockets tonight the the Houston Rockets could not miss and that was I mean not literally true but pretty darn close to the the the story of this game let’s um let’s turn turn this down and let’s make me

Small um the Utah Jazz yeah they are they’re not that interested in winning games and they’ve basically solidified the nine seed now if they just continue on this track that they’re on they are going to get at least the nine seed unless two teams jump them in the

Lottery which would be just the I mean honestly would be the most hilarious thing ever for Utah to lose like this and to have two teams jump them that late would be crazy but honestly Jaylen green just seven or I mean he was oh thank heaven seven for 11 from three

Tonight and then Fred Van vet 10 for 15 this was the game right here it was just craziness and at no point could the Jazz ever really slow them down that really was the game there’s not much more analysis out there I mean amen Thompson was someone I loved in

This draft and I think he has a chance to be incredible and one thing to learn from this is you know Jaylen green is what is he in his third season now and it’s like a third of the way there’s only a third left and he’s been just absolutely lights out recently probably

A good sign that you should be be you should give these guys a chance to develop right you need to give these guys a chance to get better and that’s what they’re doing and and so amen Thompson you just got to give him time

There is no way you can just say this is what he is now one thing we do know about Thompson is he can defend at a high level for sure Jabari Smith he still needs some time I mean he got in a fist fight with Chris Dunn at the

Beginning of the game but he’s a player in fact I’m just curious about um Javari Smith besides the fact that he kind of gets into it with a jazz player every time they play now uh but let’s see uh it’s year two he’s shooting 35% from three he’s

Already gone up 5% so you can just see a trajectory there if you’re a Rockets fan you’re hoping that he just can kind of can he go up five more percent next season maybe why not we know he can shoot the ball uh but anyways this Rockets team has bottomed

Out the last three two three years since Jame James Harden and then they’re now on a nice trajectory and it’s kind of the same story this is what we’re seeing with the Utah Jazz the Jazz are at the very beginning of this still anyone who thinks that this rebuild was just going

To be last off season I have some bad news for you these things take a few years they just do and you have to find those guys and then you know if you’re like the Houston Rockets you know they got Jabari smith top three pick I believe wasn’t uh I believe I can’t

Remember exactly I thought Jaylen green was number two overall uh I can’t remember yeah he well let’s see 64 age 225 draft pick number two so they got the number two overall pick they got the number three three overall pick and then they decided to build around they got amen Thompson they

Were I can’t remember what they were last year in the standings they were like the second or third they were like the second worst team last year and I think that Detroit was worse and they got like amen Thompson at like four so they go 2 three four with their picks

And then this offseason they said you know what we’re now going to build around those guys and we’re going to bring in vets they bring in Dylan Brooks who I don’t really love but he does bring at least some veteran presence and then they bringing in Fred Van

Vet they are going to get another pick in this draft and really we should start learning from some of these teams like Houston uh Houston is getting this Brooklyn pick by the way is there any more team out there you know as much as you’re mad at the the Jazz right now

They’re trying to lose these games that’s what they’re trying to do and they’re succeeding at what they’re trying to do Brooklyn is giving their pick to Houston this Houston pick they get unprotected so there’s not any sort of protection on this for Brooklyn Brooklyn just sucks imagine being that pathetic

They have no real hope their all their hopes and dreams are on M Bridges and that’s something that jazz fans should remember right now is the Jazz control their Destiny Brooklyn does not and they are losing there is no worse situation right now than Brooklyn in fact I’m kind

Of curious because honestly the Jazz are just trying to lose Nets future draft picks it’s pretty bad for Brooklyn guys uh 2025 they don’t have their let’s see they get the Phoenix pick in 2025 uh they have their own second round pick in 202 oh my gosh they have their own pick in

2028 oh my gosh Houston got to be ecstatic oh my gosh and this is the this is the chance that Utah runs into with Cleveland and Minnesota because you have no idea what’s going to happen down the road but look at this 2020 oh my gosh that’s terrible I mean

They do get Phoenix’s pick but Phoenix is going to be pretty good but Phoenix might be bad this is wild they the only first they have are from Philadelphia and Phoenix who are going to be pretty good I mean you could argue Minnesota and Cleveland are going to be pretty good but that’s

2027 no way so they get Phoenix’s pick in 2025 but Phoenix is going to be running Devin Booker and Kevin Durant and and all these guys and if those go bad they’re going to try to trade for other players oh my gosh so anyways here’s the difference between Utah and Brooklyn if

You’re sad about the Jazz right now it’s okay you know it’s okay to be sad I’m going to move this over a little bit uh it’s okay the Jazz are bad right now but that’s what they’re trying to do Brooklyn can’t be good because they just

Can’t they’re bad they have no hope at all Utah has a plan like they’re trying to be bad they’re not you know whether you agree with it or not this is the plan they’re going on and they’re succeeding at it at least at this point and I think this plan is a continuation

Of what’s going to happen the next few years by the way um we talked about it last was it last show maybe a little bit I ranted a lot last show I apologize Utah is on a trajectory right now that they need to go on like let’s

Talk about these two teams Houston and Brooklyn Houston has gotten the two three and four they controlled their own destiny and they used it pretty well you know Jaylen green if he plays for the rest of his career even close to what he’s doing right now these last seven or

Eight games what have they the Houston Rockets have the best record in the NBA the last 10 games look at this they are nine- one in their last 10 that’s that’s tied with uh Boston and I think they’re 10- one actually so they’re actually the

Hottest team in the NBA right now so I guess if that helps your feelings a little bit maybe but Brooklyn is one of the most pathetic teams in the NBA it’s kind of crazy their team history the two times they’ve done this they just just fail

And Houston is only going to benefit uh but anyways they get Brooklyn’s pick Brooklyn can’t win even though they’re trying you know like what is Brooklyn’s even what is Brooklyn even doing uh and so if you’re sad about this well don’t because the Jazz are on a trajectory that will probably likely

Lead them around a path that like that someone like Houston and OKC have done cuz what has Houston and OKC done they have filled their team with top talent that if you develop them they can turn into really nice players so far the Jazz have actually done a great job with

Their picks even though they haven’t been in the top five yet and I I you know I have a hard time not seeing them go for that top five this off season uh that’s that’s at least where I see this going if you want to be on a nice

Trajectory like this because guess what Houston is now going to be good four years they don’t even have shenon right now and I don’t know if shenon is holding them back or or what but this team has a lot of nice young pieces now you know and they’ve St stabilized

Things with these veterans and that’s kind of like what Utah did when they traded oin and and and and I can’t remember the Italian stallin they sent to Detroit I can’t why can’t I remember his name fonio and oai abaji even when you trade those players and

You go full rookie development you know you’ll see flashes and you’ll have games where Keon and Keon’s shown us that he’s going to be great he really has but he’s in a slump right now that’s what rookies do what veterans do they don’t necessarily help you always win games

They kind of raise your floor because what do they do they stabilize the ship when it’s rookies you get frustrated you don’t have experience overcoming these obstacles and you don’t always know what to do like sensah right now is you know rightfully struggling Taylor Hendricks I

Saw him try a few things it didn’t work out and that’s okay but there’s no stabilization n right now and that’s why the Jazz are losing and if the Jazz want a top five pick in next year’s draft which is an exceptional draft an exceptional one they’re probably going

To need to go very lots of rookies and there was a lot of people on Twitter and by the way I’ve kept them in the petty folder they will be reminded of things next year that they said that jazz couldn’t be bad enough with marinan to

Get a top five pick well look at this Utah right now is 2 and8 in their last 10 tanon gives them a green r they right now are 1 2 3 4 5 they are bottom five since trade deadline in in the last 10 the only team worse is is in

The last 10 is Toronto but Utah actually is worse since trade deadline than Toronto the only team worse than Utah since trade deadline um is Washington who by the way have won two in a row look at that oh no our second round pick just got worse crud I’ve got to do a

Tank a tank watch upate CR I gave myself work thanks a lot Washington you gave me work to do but anyways Utah controls there that’s the thing Utah is in Prime position now over the next two seasons to a add Elite Talent it’s what they

Need to do and it’s going to be painful for all the you know the Casual fans out there who kind of just tune into the Jazz and you know I’ve I put a tweet out there where like there’s some jazz fans and if you want to think like this

That’s fine I think it’s a bad way to think that Utah can never win a title or the NBA is biased against Utah oh the the the NBA will never let Utah win a number one pick and honestly it’s baloney now do the ref do the NBA have

Bad uh referees and officiating yes it’s really bad and sometimes it’s extremely questionable some of the things they do if you want to argue there’s some there’s some Shenanigans with referees here and there I would tend to agree but if you go listen to the whist blower podcast about Tim

Donie I personally believe there’s guys in the NBA that were in on it with Tim donie but it’s really hard to be that bad and it’s why I’m Pro replay it’s why I’m Pro replay because even though sometimes it slows down the game and I wish people like Bill Simmons and

Everyone who talks about replay and hating it and Ryan merillo I wish they’d shut up about it because guess what have you ever had a championship game taken away from you uh by questionable officials who were uh officiating at the time of tin gandi well Utah Jazz fans

Have I have and you know what let’s get American here a little bit and I you know all my foreign fans you guys I don’t want to exclude you so I just here’s what I think you have to have some sort of constitution to whatever entity you run and some sort of of

Checks and balances to that organization and what the replay does with these referees and this is the wildest of tangents but you need checks and balances and guess what the replay provides checks and balances so that if you have some sort of corrupt official that’s deciding that he’s going to break

The constitution of the NBA or whatever that you have a checks and balance there that says no we’re going to replay that that was ridiculous because you would know it would have been nice for the Utah Jazz when they called that three for I forgot his name um the back up

Point guard for the Jazz who took the three it was clearly out of his hand it was so obvious they call it off and the Jazz could have challenged it and they would have got the three right and I’m probably remembering it wrong I can’t even remember but if

The Jazz had that those finals are different for Utah and there were referees dick beteta at that time Co that refereeing at the same time tin donie that I’m sorry there was some uh there was some questionable things here and there go ask the Sacramento Kings against the Lakers go ask them uh

Questionable go ask Rasheed Wallace by the way if you haven’t listened to the Whistleblower there’s like episode two is incredibly inappropriate randomly I it’s weird to I think to kind of smear the the character a little bit of some of these officials which I’m okay with but it’s be forewarned it’s a great

Podcast but episode two or something like that gets real weird um but it is good and Rasheed Wallace is in that um Tim donie is in that it’s pretty crazy stuff but anyways the what that has forced the NBA to do and these are things I have heard and I by the way

Having been yelled at by Tim by freaking Monty McCutchen myself um I think those things help C cure some of those things higher salaries for these guys they used to be lower they hired them so they’re not temped to have to do some of this money stuff I don’t

Think there’s anything out there that is long story short and this is a ramble because I guess that’s what happens when your team’s tanking and you just go in a milon directions and this is live so it is what it is but long story short all the conspiracy theories you can throw at

Me I don’t believe it they can be debunked this idea that the referees are cheating if they are it’s on the margins at best at best and that’s why I’m Pro replay they should never ever takeway replay because if you’ve ever lost a game because of a bad call like that a

Close one where Michael Jordan hits a gamewinner with 5 seconds left you don’t think three points mattered it mattered a lot so that’s why I’m Pro that and it’s why you know it it curtails that conspiracy theory in my opinion the checks and balances uh I don’t know why

I went Constitution there but you know in this country we have checks and balances and in other countries with constitutions and different democracies they also have checks and balances similar to what the US has and it helps you know it helps if you have a corrupt referee if you have some sort of

Different governing body that keeps that corrupt official from doing it and to be frank it’s why the NBA has done some of these things to help some of that so even if there is some sort of corrupt referee like Tim gie having replay curtails some of that

Stuff it does and they’ve actually made it more than less and it’s important that they do in fact I should do a video about that to be honest I should probably write that down and explain why rep by replay is actually incredibly important for for the game and the other thing

This idea that the Jazz so the Jazz can win a title it’s more possible now than it’s ever been because there is more transparency there is more scrutiny and the replay is there for them to do it the other thing this idea that the NBA will never give the number one pick guys

That’s not true it’s not true if you know how the lottery works and the lottery balls it’s impossible to cheat it and they invite guys in there every year I honestly if you want to go look I I do understand the lottery now pretty well I

Last year I was like I’m going to understand this I’m going to look it up and guess what it’s it’s not corrupt there’s no Frozen envelope it’s done by pingpong balls and the way you know go look it up I don’t have time to explain

It now but it is done by pingpong balls they invite writers in every single season they invite people in to watch respected members of the press people like Zack low have been in there and it’s not it’s very possible for Utah to win the lottery 100% this

Idea that they won’t let the Jazz win the number one pick is not true that’s just not true if you think like that that is you’re wasting your time in kind of a losers mindset you don’t want to be there the Jazz can win the number one

Pick the Jazz can win the title those are two things that are absolutely true and we need to share this with our friends and family who don’t believe it okay the Jazz can win a championship the Jazz can win the lottery but you really can’t do those

Two things if you are not doing a certain set of of of specific things you need to do and one of those things is get multiple Elite talents on your team that you can build around and then once you have those Elite talents and you know

There’s three ways you can do it free agency draft and trade the Jazz are not getting an Elite Talent through free agency so there’s certain teams that they can use that as their their main way of getting stars and there’s only a handful at most a handful probably like

Two or three you know Los Angeles Lakers we know that you know the titles they’ve won they brought over Shaq um you know they brought over LeBron in free agency that’s that’s their advantage they there’s no question that the Lakers are on easy mode and how

They don’t win it every year anyway is pretty wild um but they’re pretty cheap uh Genie bus does a bad job actually she does not manage that team in a way that is is looking to do things in a Cutting Edge way it’s more just they’re they’re

On Easy Street and they still manage to win once in a while they won their nice little summer camp title uh two or three years ago congrats to them they W they were the winners of summer camp summer camp Awards uh congrats to LeBron and them they won the hotel Championship but they

Don’t manage their team very well even on easy mode they still lose you know it’s like when you had hand your dad the controller to play a game with him and then you’re like oh yeah he doesn’t like video games uh so anyways the Jazz can’t do it

You know Miami can kind of do that uh we saw Brooklyn get Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving and they still didn’t win a title but that’s not an Avenue the Jazz are going to get to get a top tier guy you have to do it either through draft or

Trade and trades harder than you think in fact this is really I mean when we’re talking top tier Talent you got to draft them and Houston who has a you know probably more likelihood to get free agents than Utah has still had to go through the

Draft to do this they’ve still had to draft their guys you know their top guys through the draft Jaylen green they drafted him uh alen Thompson draft uh shenon if you’re a shenon fan draft Jabari Smith draft they drafted these guys they are now building

On them and then what you know this is kind of the model you know OKC got really lucky because they got SGA through trade but everyone else for the Oklahoma City Thunder Jaylen green or uh Jaylen Williams Chad holgren all those different guys Cas Wallace all those guys are through draft

And then once you have those guys then you can start making trades like Oklahoma City went out and got Gordon Hayward for their bench it’s pretty a you know just watching them recently that’s an awesome move but Utah’s not there yet these trades where you get

These kind of fill in the the holes type players you need to not rush the process all right they talked about the process tonight a little bit uh Utah is still working to get those top tier talents we’ve got a nice guy in Kean George and you know he might develop into that

Number one guy and maybe he becomes that guy uh there’s some development that has to happen there though Taylor Hendricks at worst he’s going to be a elite level Defender and he’s going to be a good shooter and maybe he can develop beyond that Utah still needs two or three guys

In the draft over the next few seasons they just do at least next year okay at least because lari marinan is not that number one guy he is a second or third option type player he is you know even when the Jazz were playing at their best when they were like 19 and

Seven at that one point in the season you know it fell apart pre trade deadline and I think some players maybe knew they were going to move and things like that but they also started the season 3 and eight and that was with low marinan you know and so uh

Those are just some realities about this Jaz team and yes Taylor Hendricks and konay George are going to develop but if you build this team just around those three it probably is not going to be good enough to win a championship or at least be a championship Contender you

Need at least one or two more guys and then you figure it out with all these different players how do they fit in the hierarchy that’s what Houston’s figuring out this season right now they’re figuring out who’s our number one guy you know a lot of the season was

Shenon well this last you know 10 games it’s certainly looking like Jaylen green who was a number two overall pick is starting to look like a number two overall pick he did tonight holy smokes you know Utah’s kind of in a similar situation as this Houston team

But Houston is ahead of the jazz on that track Utah is still at like 0 Z guys they are still in the tear down process from being one of those top teams now I wish it had gone a little bit quicker I think all of us wished it was

A little bit like they would have got a higher pick last year but you know what they did pretty darn good considering they weren’t in the top five but now is the time to go get two top five picks just like Houston did right Jabari Smith

Is still going to get better each season Jaylen green is still extremely young did we pull him up he is 22 years old you know he’s still developing and so yeah it the Jazz are at like 0 Z probably 0.1 of a 10-point process I’d say they’re more like step

One maybe step two and guess what next season is like yeah let’s say they’re step one next season’s step two to get to that title you but it’s going to be painful it is it just is all right can we talk about maybe more happy thoughts it’s hard on night where the

Jazz got absolutely obliterated they just got destroyed and you can tell and there’s only 11 games left these players know what’s going on they understand um I think some of them are probably ready for the off season not just to kind of get right but also to kind of work on

Their game but I’d say right now uh Keon George uh has been in a slump so it was nice to see him knock down two shots because he’s honestly been struggling to knock down that three um Taylor Hendricks he had one move in

This game and it was a I think it was a turnover it was this one in fact let’s just pull this up and look at it I liked this now look you’re what’s going on here is he’s actually getting a play in the post this is a mismatch against uh I

Think that’s Jaylen green yeah look and he gets it in the post and he’s backing him up and I like this and yes that was a turnover but these are the things these players need to do Taylor Hendrick that’s great I mean that’s just him

Learning and he can now go look at film and then we’re going to try it again and he’s probably going to turn it over again you know what you need a lot of that all next season because these guys have to learn how to play so that when

In three or four years let’s say you’re just lucky enough to get Cooper flagged like you win the lottery and prove all these Jazz masochists who just don’t think anything will ever good happen to the Jazz which I just completely disagree like if the Jazz win the number one

Overall pick and get an absolute blue chipper in like Cooper flag who can develop alongside these guys you’ve got to let those guys play because you need to lose some games so that maybe you get lucky and get AJ deons next season could you imagine if the Jazz had a lineup of Keon

George AJ Deans Cooper flag Taylor Hendricks I think my mouth just started watering are you serious guys we got to think of something for AJ deons by the way debons man oh my gosh he is as tall as Cooper flag and he is a baller he is

The number one overall pick in that draft I think it’s I got to look at C Boozer a little more in 2026 but Deans is whooo boy is he gonna be good by the way I posted on my Twitter at one point go watch Cooper flag versus

AJ Deans it’s the number one overall pick in this in 2025 not this draft but the following in 2025 playing against AJ Deans in 2026 and om mama you can see the thing about you know and I’m just I guess on a a loss like this you’ve got

To talk about what you’re working for and it’s something like that I I just think I think Cooper flag is a incredibly unique player he’s just a he’s a 5×5 threat every night is what he’s going to be like he is going to be the career leader in the Utah Jazz in

Triple doubles after his rookie year if the Jazz got him if the Jazz got him he would iMed because he is 6′ n he looks like 610 to me he is incredibly athletic he defends at an elite level he can shoot the ball and he’s he’s a very

Unselfish willing passer so that you can kind of run your offense through him you know he’s the perfect player to play next to to like a Keon George to be honest you know and a Taylor Hendricks too that type of Defense um it’s going to be really

Interesting but if the Jazz could be bad enough and get lucky enough to get him but even if they don’t there’s an ace Bailey in that draft and there’s some other guys in that draft that are really interesting uh malow watch I mean the Jazz have to be bad next year but the

Good news is that they are pretty bad and that’s okay you’re supposed to be bad this is what’s supposed to happen dirty Jazz Car Wash Channel my friend thank you so much Jazz tanking and going for lottery and picks yep it’s like we’ve talked about they are doing what

Houston did they are doing what OKC did and you know I know Tony Jones has tweeted about this and talked about this that they’re going to use their cap space um I forgot his name on Twitter um let me just pull it up uh the Jazz

Have a lot of cap space next year they’re one of the top cap space I think they’re the number three team in terms of cap space next year so uh let me just pull this link up um so this is uh this is Keith Smith

NBA uh the Jazz are the number three in cap space next year so they could resign Larry marinin or they could renegotiate renegotiate his contract this is what’s really interesting next year this allows the Jazz to do a lot of different things obviously they can just sign players the

Biggest one is likely to be if they want to resign Lowry Markin in and I don’t think that’s an absolute given I think that’s something they’ve really got to think about uh he says right here Jazz will likely use a bunch of space to renegotiate and extend Larry marketing

Yes of course so that’s where this might go but there’s also a world where the Jazz decide they want even more picks although they have so many that maybe maybe they don’t want to have that many young players although I tell you what there’s worse things than having a ton

Of bites at that apple and ton of opportunities to win that top five pick I mean I tell you what if there’s teams out there that want to give Jazz picks in like 2029 I think Utah would be more than happy to do that um because you know

What I think it’s worth it to be really bad next year and the following year because they’re not conveying the pick this year it’s that’s out the window and we talked about this I’ve talked about it multiple times Leaf toen talked about it multiple times the Jazz it’s it’s a tough situation for

20126 because the Jazz were not good enough this year to convey the pick and that basically happened when they started three and eight really disappointing start I mean I think the Jazz probably expected a little more from tht and Colin ston as when they started the year Colin ston didn’t

Figure things out until after that 3 and8 stretch and it’s tough because the West is tough and the J did go 19 and7 but it wasn’t good enough so so it kind of puts the Jazz in this other trajectory and like we said and tulen talked about it I’ve talked about

It multiple times I’ll talk to someone else I should talk to multip I’m going to bring on more people to do more podcasts but you can’t the reason they traded those picks was to get those picks later in the season and but because they haven’t conveyed this pick this year I

Think it’s very likely they’re going to tank um and I just I this is my hot take and I know people you know I have people in the comments saying oh Hoops nerds has bad takes blah blah blah okay well well let’s see what happens because Utah can’t go into 2026

With a team that’s losing like this and get nothing right uh keante George and Taylor Hendricks are going to be really solid by that time at least give them another year and you’re going to look at some really nice games for them come 2026 Utah uh I’m trying to read the comments

My microphone’s we’re not tanking this Channel smash the like thank you dwcb I appreciate it uh I I just don’t think you can have a season like this where you’re this bad losing Kelly linic and oai baji and Simone fonio and that’s what like absolutely corrodes

Your season I mean the other one that’s not playing is Jordan Clarkson and that you know as much as we get angry at Jordan Clarkson or whatever with his inefficiency there is some stabilization there uh you know the tough part is the last four or five games Keon’s been in a

Big time um slump and he’s kind of one of our most important players now and that’s been rough you know and but that’s what happens with rookies it’s there’s not a lot lot of veterans there to stabilize when when one of your rookies like Keon is struggling or

Taylor Hendricks who you know we’re seeing incredible flashes but he’s not there yet he’s pretty raw that was what’s interesting about Taylor Hendricks to me is he was that guy in the draft that everyone was like oh this guy is plug and play and he kind of is

If all you care about from him is shooting and defense but we’re kind of realizing that he has a lot of there’s a lot of just he’s very rough around the edges those edges are beautiful and he’s going to be a great player but it’s still rough

Nonetheless he needs some Polish as a player and that’s okay he’s so young like so young and he was such a highriser in the draft look he’s only 20 years old you know he’s got you know Jaylen Green’s two years older than Taylor Hendricks Taylor Hendricks needs

A few years to figure things out and I just you know I’ve seen this I have consulted the bones like they do in Willow you remember the beginning of Willow when they talk to the wizard and he consults the bones and forget the bones follow the [Laughter]

River uh that’s kind of what the Jazz are doing they thought the bones were going to lead them to convey the bird went the other way and you got to follow the river now and honestly we’ve been talking about this all year I write about this incessantly probably is slightly

Insane I don’t see any other track and the Jazz keep telling us what they want and what they want is to win a championship and that’s what Danny a wants to do Danny a ain’t no casual he is not one that looks at this and goes oh well you know we just kind

Of want to get our Crown Burger and and rudon players that we like and gotten to know and and you know have a nice old nice little winning record get blown out by the actual contenders and we all get to feel good about ourselves and just

Root on the Jazz next year and and win a few more games than then we lose and that’s great Danny Danny a doesn’t want that that’s I don’t want that I would like to win a title I think my as painful as this is the thing that’s more

Painful to me is going into those playoff series and knowing that it’s not going to happen you know as good as Utah was with Donovan and Rudy I still didn’t really feel deep down that they were good enough to win the championship I really didn’t even if

They were fully healthy I mean they should have beat Denver in that one series with uh when Mike Conley you know and Donovan was on a a bum ankle and whatnot and I can’t remember in the in the during the pandemic or whatever but even then it was like well

Do I really think they’re going to go all the way that might have been their shot to be honest uh but even then I was skeptical and we were right I mean it wasn’t good enough kg10 to th5 dwcb $2 thank you my friend Danny ain’t no Dennis go Dennis go go Jazz

Tank now yeah I mean if the goal is to win a championship it’s kind of what you have to do you have to get that Elite guy it’s not that complicated this is a very straightforward league and I think the Jazz have two guys on this team that

Will be on this team in 5 years when they’re going for that and that’s Keon and Taylor Hendricks and you know things change really rapidly I mean maybe Walker Kessler maybe maybe Bryce senah maybe but who knows but right now I think those guys are two core guys for

The foreseeable future and as if they develop and if keante and and Taylor just decide like hey I want to be great it’s really up to them at this point you know they’ve shown all the flashes they’ve shown all the potential Keon looks like he can be a 25 Point per game

Guy at some time in his career consistently with great passing and Taylor Hendricks like we’ve said looks like First Team all defense potential uh with great shooting but it’s up to them you know this offseason it’s really up to them does Keon go and put up a a thousand

Shots a day and just you know get that thing on point and work on the weak parts of his game go get that handle tight man go get in the lab as they say and go get that handle just perfect get you know I don’t know go get a rocky

Montage with barbells on your back do you know do something but get that handle right because one thing we’ve seen with Keon that he can improve on is just the consistency with his shot and the handle because everything else is looking pretty darn nice once he gets

Those add some moves to his game that he knows he can just go to and boom you’ve got yourself a special player uh Taylor Hendricks work on that handle get that jump shot so it’s just automatic and all of a sudden you’re going to see some really nice stuff and

Then also just work on your body get a little stronger not heavier just stronger uh by the way Johnny jang’s a piece for the future maybe this is like the Jazz equivalent of like an Isaiah Joe he’s a lights out three-point shooter in fact he improved his three-point percentage again tonight so

Let’s just see where juang is for the season and maybe for the end of the year we won’t do quite as big a deep dive because we know the Jazz are trying to lose but look at that he’s 38% from three now boom he’s getting an

Opportunity and he’s doing it and he got the start tonight so that was nice John Collins played solid tonight look at that 25 points six rebounds I think he has been um actually been pretty darn impressive and honestly he’s not going to win it but should get some comeback player of the year

Uh nods because he has really turned it around from his last season and you know the defense for the Jazz this year has really been their three-point defense it’s really bad it’s just really bad the three-point defense for Utah is really bad John Collins hasn’t been the greatest rim

Protector but I certainly don’t think he’s the biggest problem look at this he played 19 minutes scored 25 points uh he was two for two from three and and seven for n from the field pretty awesome we already talked about key he’s in a big slump right now it just is what

It is um one of the things with these types of losses is you just got to appreciate the games when they do play well and he’ll get back uh I think he’ll you know let him get some just more time and more experience and we will see him

Get back to knocking down threes and and playing better but he’s in a slump right now it’s been the last three four five games but it’ll get better I’m not worried about it Colin ston has been playing really solid for Utah eight assists uh 7 for 17 from the field

Tonight 20 points I mean he’s just been really solid for Utah it’ll be interesting to see what happens this off season with him Utah has three picks in this draft doc gonet stupid wizard Wizards won twice those idiots but anyways uh we shall see what happens um ah man it’s annoying but

Anyways Utah will get three picks the second best second round pick and and a late first plus whatever pick they get in this which is currently number nine unless they win the lottery which would be pretty cool um I don’t know in my head I’m like if they win the lottery

Does that hurt their odds to win the lottery next year but we that’s not real it’s all ping pong balls if you roll a dice and you get a six three times in a row then you roll a dice and you get a six three times in a row that’s just how it

Goes the NBA is just Dungeons and Dragons okay although I’ll be honest there’s a little bit of Truth to that because you know what happened with the San Antonio Spurs they decided they were going all in with their D20 and they just put all their you know

Their their spells and everything on one roll so that they’d have a really high shot and they rolled it and they and they hit a critical hit they rolled a 20 and they got wanyama in like four or five years they might win a championship if they get enough Talent around him

He’s that good so sometimes it’s honestly a roll of the dice Cleveland went number one overall got LeBron James the San Antonio Spurs got Tim Duncan number one overall sometimes it’s just rolling that Dice and it’s as simple as that you get that guy when they they are there and that’s what

Happens so anyway not a lot else to say I really really think that that Bryce Sensa needs to work on his handles when he gets in traffic a little bit it’s pretty rough tonight could not hit a three he did hit two so it was nice to

See but he’s in a slump as well uh we saw a lot a lot of we saw a lot of Kyra Lewis tonight four for n from the field and so on five rebounds four assists I don’t know if he’s an NBA player to be honest but good for him to get some

Minutes no Jason Preston I kind of wouldn’t mind seeing him a little more because I think he has a chance to be pretty darn nice so uh that’s it let’s see um I have a new thumbnail by the way on the the YouTube channel I’m pretty excited about it it’s for the

Live I’m going to do more produced stuff I know I say this all the time but it’s actually going to happen because I have the stools now uh what am I looking for here all right let’s pull this over here and let’s see let’s pull up the music and then um and

Then all right let’s go to here and let’s see if the draft was today what would happen all right let’s see here guys all right the Jazz still sit solidly at 9ine they’re now two and a half games up on Atlanta in the lottery odds pretty good for them so let’s see what

Happens Utah stays at 9: the updated mock 6 days ago gives them jacobe Walter or Stefon Castle I hope they pick Castle just because of the physical traits I really like him I know a lot of other people really like him it’s just the shooting can he get his shot because

It’s his swing skill and if he can shoot the ball holy smokes can he do everything else in fact I haven’t watched Yukon so maybe I’ll watch some Yukon highlights from the tournament go watch some Yukon check out some Stefan Castle uh pretty nice to see him doing

So well but Utah has a chance at jacobe Walter or sephron castle that’s pretty nice I don’t know if Reed Shepard and Rob Dillingham are going that high tulen told us there’s no way Utah that he just doesn’t see it I don’t think so either Utah needs size they need size and I

Agree all right let’s give a shout out to our All Stars tonight oh man I didn’t pull up all right here we go let’s give a shout out to Ryan Perry the legend Tim the Tim protector robok Nathan butet Burkhart dirty Jazz Car Wash Channel Fly Eagles Fly Platinum Eagles the real deal

Large jarvin and just buckets JB baby Elliot mats and Christian house money to hos The Outlaw Jesse James Nelson as c r the man from Down Under see you leater buil for tough Alexander toughs Jorge arig Jordan the goat best roll tgd total game domination Tyson price The Price is

Right Austin or Grant editor extraordinaire kg10 to th5 dwcb De William Carlos Boozer Patrick akubo The Connoisseur and Robert Hall of Fame guys if you’re a jazz fan and you haven’t liked and subscribed already what are you doing like And subscribe to the the Hoops nerd channel in

Fact let’s bring me back up here to end the show I got to do this I got to do better at this what am I doing there we go like And subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already if you’re a jazz fan do it and go to prize

Pick use promo code Hoops nerd I would appreciate guys I will talk to you next time

The Utah Jazz were dominated by the Houston Rockets from start to finish. The Rockets are red hot right now, and they shot the lights out against the Utah Jazz


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  1. I don’t know why people are getting mad at the jazz losing

    Who cares at this point because even if we made the playoffs we aren’t going far it’s better to build a winning team than a losing team in the playoffs

  2. You’re remembering correct! Howard Eisley made that 3 in time. And the 3 Ron Harper made was after the buzzer. That’s the championship right there! Haunts me to this day

  3. I watch Philadelphia and how badly their "trust the process" mantra turned out. I don't think you learn good habits or attract top players by intentionally losing, especially not in the Utah market. We need to be able to keep great players when we get them and that is a steep hill to climb because Utah is a strange place for most Americans for obvious reasons. I feel bad for anyone who shelled out thousands for season tickets this season because we are unwatchable rn.

  4. Over 10 minutes and all I've heard is shit about the rockets and the nets???? This is a Jazz channel!!! Outa here!!

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