@Detroit Pistons

Should The Detroit Pistons Shut Cade Cunningham Down for The Season?

Should The Detroit Pistons Shut Cade Cunningham Down for The Season?

K Cunningham was a late scratch in the Detroit Pistons loss to the New Orleans Pelicans on Sunday should the Detroit Pistons consider just shutting him down for the season we’ll talk about that in today’s episode of the locked on Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of

The locked on podcast Network your team Everyday what’s the welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host kahill you can find me over on Twitter at Cahill I want to thank you guys for making lockon Pistons your first listen of every single day we are fre ofar

Podcast platforms and if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by priz piics the

Easiest most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to priz lockon NBA news code all lowercase lockon NBA for our first deposit match up to $100 later on I want to talk about will any of the players that we just witness play in this game against the

Pelicans this loss against the Pelicans will any of those players be on the roster next year is there a nonzero chance that every single player fans just watched will not be on the roster next year we’ll talk about that later and also we’ll briefly touch on should Pistons fans start being concerned about

Kade asking out at any point uh we’ll briefly touch on that um but the first thing we’re going to talk about is Cade not playing in this game against the New Orleans Pelicans he went through shootter around and was a late scratch to this game right before the game uh

Was notified that he would not be playing over the last two weeks or so over the last like six or seven games he’s been popping up in the injury report questionable with that knee injury or not knee injury but I guess you I guess you’d call it knee soreness or

They’re calling it left knee management um he has missed one game due to it at the back end of a back toback against Boston but he’s been playing through it um but he’s been showing up in the injury report every I’d say since I believe it’s since the Toronto game um

He’s been showing up in the injury report either that or the Charlotte game I forget which one it started at but one of those two um the Pistons now are in the final stages of the Season there’s not many games to go they’re 12 and 59 there’s a games left in this season

Should they just shut Kade down for the season should he should the end of should K Cunningham have his season ended right now there’s my answer depends on two different um two different things or I guess I have two different answers I should say um if Kate is healthy and

This is something that I need everybody to consider all Pistons fans need to consider this if Kate actually is is healthy and wants to play let him finish this season out let him finish this season out he’ll get the 69 games played that will be a a hell of an improvement

After not playing basically at all last year it be the most games played in his career if he’s just sore and he wants to play if he’s not actually hurt if he’s just sore at this point of the Season like everyone is there’s only 11 games left let him finish this season out

He’ll get to around 64 games or what what did I say 69 games played let him finish this season out get these reps in continue get NBA basketball reps in again people don’t really realize that Kade doesn’t even have two seasons worth of game experience in he has about a

Season and a half just about so he needs these reps too just like everyone else he still needs these reps so if he’s healthy and can play and wants to play let him finish this season out that’s first if he is not healthy if he is trying to play through something if he’s

Not 100% if he’s not near 100% because I guess everyone’s not 100% at this point in the season everyone’s dealing with like soreness and whatever but if he’s like actually ailing if if there’s something actually legit bothering him then okay yes go ahead and shut him down

Go ahead and shut him down there’s no reason for him to continue to you know uh play through something like that if that’s the case and as we looked at and as we’ve been talking about over the last few episodes every since he started popping back up on the injury report

With that left knee management he’s been struggling from the field over over the last six games he’s shooting underneath 40% from the field after playing exceptional um after the All-Star break and playing really well over the last two and a half three months once he started popping back up on this injury

Report last six gamees he’s shooting 38% from the field so it’s clear that it I mean I don’t want to speak for him I don’t want to speak for the team I’m not a doctor but I mean it seems like it’s directly correlated as soon as he

Started popping back up on the injury report he instantly started shooting worse like I that’s just critical thinking at that point so if it’s actually something bothering him if that’s why he’s struggling if he’s actually hurt don’t play him but if this is just and this is why I really wanted

To get to if this is just another season where guys are being shut down early because the Pistons are terrible and they want to make sure they get the top odds in the draft class again like it has been the last four years like I’m again I’m not going to speak for the

Team I can only speak off what I understand and what what I’m pulling away from this over the last few years a lot of these guys that you saw the Pistons shut down at the end of the year if the Pistons were not straight up trash and playing for the number one

Overall pick would have finished the season out they would have played the end of the year and some of these guys who don’t have as many games played in their career if the Pistons were not this bad and they weren’t trying to get the first overall pick there wouldn’t be

Maybe as many concerns about games played at this point because a lot of them got shut down a little too early because of that at that time so if that’s what this is if they’re going to if they’re trying to shut him down if they want are they’re considering to

Shut him down because of that absolutely not if that’s the reason for wanting to shut him down 100% absolutely not I’m completely against that this season is lost you’re gonna probably end up with the top odds anyways what’s more important is getting your best player your franchise player rest and letting

Him get game experience and continue to let them end the season strong let them end the season strong and you need to because it’s not for sure that Ivy that durren I mean maybe durren doesn’t play again the rest of year he’s missed the last two games but it’s not for sure

That those guys are gone and if they’re not g if they’re not going to be gone this off season you need him to get reps with those guys those guys need to get reps with him still like it there’s no reason to shut him down for that reason

This is year four of a rebuild Kade is in his in what is really his second season of his career let him get to near 70 games played if he wants to play and can play through his injury now if he’s actually hurt again like I said sit him

Out no reason to risk him actually getting like legit injured at the end of a season like this to S him out and it is what it is is so it it just depends if if it’s because he’s hurt yes you should sit him out and it’s over with if

He can play and wants to play and you’re just sting them down because the team is trying to get the top overall pick and they and you know they’re tanking even worse than what they were before if they’re just straight up tanking sitting guys out at the end of the year like

They have the last few years absolutely not let them play absolutely let them play and close the season out so I mean that’s that’s my quick thoughts on that I think that’s it’s as simple as that if Kay is healthy and wants to play Let him

Play let him finish this season out let him finish it out strong if he’s actually hurt sit him down simple as that to me um let me know what you guys think about that though comment section down below or over on Twitter at cooka Hill should the Detroit Pistons shut K

Down already with 11 games left in the season how do you guys stand in in the in the topic of shutting guys down for the top pck at this point should they still be trying to do that should they just let anyone play what do you guys

Think let me know all that again in the comment section down below or over on Twitter ATK Hill when we come back the Pistons lost to the New Orleans Pelicans and they were playing players that I don’t think I I had a few of you guys

Tweet at me and say I’ve never even heard of these guys before I had a few of you guys DM me I had a few comments on the YouTube section like this is the first game I just haven’t watched I just I just did not tune in well any is it a

Possible that no player not a single one that played in this game against the Pelicans will be on this roster next year we’ll talk about that when we come back did you know that even if you have a 401k for retirement you can still have

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So I want to thank you guys again for Mak lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day we are fre of webinar podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at laon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever

Podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast uh so the Pistons I’m recording this right after their loss um to the New Orleans Pelicans by the way as had 36 points missing one shot in this game against the Pistons he

Was 13 or 14 from the floor stra up just dominated the Pistons um the Pelicans about to be in fourth seed in the west I think they might be going to the Western cap finals but that’s just me um and this is without Brandon but anyways anyways anyways back to the Pistons side

The Pistons were without K Cunningham they were without Jaylen durren they were without Stanley UD they were without assar Thompson they were without Tod Gibson they were without Isaiah Stewart they were without quinon Grimes they were without Simone fanto and that’s the end of the

List so in this game I tuned the game on for a little bit not gonna lie to you guys I did not tune into as much of this game as as let’s just say I wasn’t as in tune to this game as I was other games

Of the year I don’t think many other fans were as well but if you just look at the names that played in this game for the Detroit Pistons I was watching the game and I tweeted this out I was like I seriously think there’s a nonzero chance

That not a single player that the Pistons are playing right now the fans will see on the roster next year there’s a non zero chance doesn’t mean it’s likely doesn’t mean it’s it’s it’s you know guaranteed to happen but I think there is a nonzero chance that every

Single player that does played in this Pelicans game is not going to be on the team next year so let’s talk about it let’s go down the roster let’s go let’s go throughout this and see how if that’s possible so buddy beheim played 22 minutes in this game two-way player I I

I would assume he’s not going to be on on the roster next year I don’t think that’s too crazy to think Malachi Flynn don’t think he’ll be on the roster next year I think that’s pretty okay to think Evan forier who by the way only played nine minutes in this game was not

Playing well um I will not be on this roster next year Jared rhen I don’t believe will be on this roster next year toan play 28 minutes probably will not be on this roster next year Troy Brown Jr will not be on this roster next year

Chimen meu will not be on this roster next year and now you get to the three guys that did play in this game that I think have the most likely chance of being under roster next year and that is James wisman Jay and Ivy and Marcus

Sasser so will those guys all be on the team next year now again remember this is not this is not me saying that it’s likely that the P that that every single player here is not going to be on the team next year this is simply saying is

A nonzero chance is there a realistic chance they may not be in the Rost next year and I’m going to arrive at the conclusion of yes there is a legit chance that not a single one of these players are gonna be on the team next year first let’s talk about James wisman

James wisman is entering a team option this off season I don’t believe they’re going to bring him back um I do think that he’ll get an offer from another team I don’t think his career is over but this team as like is very known and has been talked about like ad nauseum

This team is going to have to be better next year significantly like make massive changes I believe everywhere and they are under pressure to win and be much much better next year and bringing back James wisman who yes maybe improveed from the beginning of the Season as your primary backup big when

You’re in a season of we have to win more games don’t think that’s very smart like let wisman go somewhere else he’ll get a decent contract somewhere else I think probably like8 to 12 million or somewhere like a little bit less than back he got from the Pistons a few years

Ago I think um he’s improved a little bit from the beginning of the Season no doubt like let him go you help launch his career I guess springboard his career forward to let him go somewhere else but no I I think the Pistons are going to be in the market for a backup

Big um a name that we’ll talk about obviously free agency soon at the end of the season um but but a name I guess I’ll just thr out there that I’ve seen a lot of Pistons fans talk about I think actually would be a really good signing

Isaiah hardenstein I think that’s a name that you should be on to look out for this off seon for the Pistons um but yeah I don’t think they’re gonna be bringing back James wisman he has again team option $12.1 million um I don’t think they’re gonna bring him back um so

Yes that’s so that now that leaves two players and these two players are Jay iy Marcus sass so obviously Marcus Sasser is under contract for the next four years Jane Ivy is under contract for the next three years um now these two guys are obviously the most unlikely ones to

Be moved and I’m not saying here betting money that they are going to be off the roster next year but again the whole point of this this topic this segment is is there a non-zero chance all of them are off the team is it is there is there

A realistic pathway where all of these players are on the team Marcus Asser I don’t think he’s a priority I think he’s a he’s a he was a fine late round pick he shown some stuff this year but is he an Untouchable no is Marcus Sasser a guy

That if you have to throw him into a trade to get a starting power forward or you have to throw him into the trade to get a starting Wing or maybe a better starting two if you have to do that is is he like off the table absolutely not

Absolutely not could they even upgrade from Marcus right now they’ve been playing him as a backup point guard is it possible they upgrade from that position 100% 100% is there a chance obviously that he’s back on the team next year in the rotation yes there’s a

Chance of it but there’s also a chance I believe that he could be a part of the massive overhaul in the in the on the roster I should say um or with the roster of this off season where he’s traded somewhere he’s a throwing into a

Trade to sweet sweet it up a little bit and get some the Pistons one now you move on to Jay Ivy Jaye Ivy I think out of all the players obviously that played in this game is the most likely to be here next year however is it possible

That he gets moved this off season again we’ve talked about this many times over the last week ever since James wrote that article I’ve talked about it the same day as James article where James basically said that the Pistons look like they’re going to have to be they’re gonna have to make

Some decisions on this young Court more or quicker than they wanted to whether it’s trade them or bring them off the bench but if you read the article it’s more insinuated that the Pistons VI it as if they push to that they’re they believe they’ll probably get more value

Through trade than sitting them on the bench like they’ll provide more value to this team in a trade than they would just playing up like 20 minutes off the bench 25 minutes off the bench so is it possible that Jane Ivy’s moved 100% 100% I think is possible um so that makes it

To where literally every player that the Pistons that you guys just watched them play could not be on the roster next year Troy Brown Jr met wisan Ivy Sasser tosan Jared rhen Evan for Malachi Flyn buddy beheim all these guys the Pistons just played one two three four five they

Just played five players no six players right one two three four five oh 10 players in this game they may have just played an entire game of 12 or 10 players in their rotation that just won’t even be on the roster next year like that’s that’s how massive this

Roster overhaul I think is going to get this off season um again I won’t bet on that happening but I think it’s pretty crazy I I seriously I think it’s pretty crazy that at this point in the season the Pistons after what everyone believed preseason what everyone what was told to

Everyone preseason that we are at a point on March 24th that the Pistons just played 10 guys in a game and it’s possible that not a single one of those guys will be on the roster next year I think that speaks to how bad the season has went how bad the roster construction

Was how badly the front office failed how badly the coaching staff has failed and how badly just the organization has fa faed everyone themselves The Players the fans like I if I told you guys before the year seriously think about it just just seriously think about it if I

Told you before the year that the Pistons will play a game on March 24th this season and all 10 of the players in this game may not be on the roster the following year I don’t think anyone would have believed that but that’s where the Pistons have themselves at and

This is the kind of injury bug the Pistons are dealing with now too for the like the fourth straight year for them they’ve dealt with injuries every single year and like I said some of it may be we’ll find out but some of it may be just oh we’re we’re shutting guys down

Early to tank for the number one overall pick at the end of the year again some of it may be that who knows we’ll find out but this is the position the Pistons find themselves again I don’t think any fan uh and what the front office at

Least said to the fan base and the ownership said to the fan base it’s not what they expected to be at either and this is where they find themselves again just another markdown for why massive changes need to be made at every part of the organization after after a season

Like this the Pistons are probably about to set the worst record in Pistons history in year four of their rebuild it’s like it’s it’s bad it’s just bad so I think this is I just thought this was crazy I was watching G I’m like dude there’s some Pistons fans

Out there that may be watching this and get literally no value out of it because maybe every single one of these players are gone like there may be zero there may there is a chance that there is literally zero reason to watch this game I think that’s absolutely crazy to think

About in year for the reboot but let me know what you you guys think comment section down below or over on Twitter at CA Hill when we come back should fans be worried about Kade asking out anytime soon we’ll talk about that when we come back ppix is America’s number one

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Platforms um hit that subscribe button to the YouTube channel or leave us a fivar review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast um before we um before we get into this topic I do want to say there’s something

I had said on the last episode that was incorrect I want to correct that real quick um Quin Grimes he is I said that the psons may have to decide whether they want to pay him this offseason um going in blind I was incorrect on that

James or not James wi quen Grimes is entering this offseason the the Pistons have his rights they’re not going to have to extend him this offseason that’s next year where they have to make that decision just want to come out here and clarify that I was wrong on that I I I

Misremembered um the Pistons will not have to make now they may end up trading him like that kind of decision but contract wise I doubt that his representation will try to get extension from the Pistons and I doubt they’ll be interested give him an extension after

How he may not even play the rest of the year so they won’t have to make that decision this offseason that was a a misspeak on my end so just wanted to correct that real quick for you guys um but anyways it doesn’t matter because this this topic is going to be short

Should Pistons fans be worried about K cam asking out soon this is something I’ve had a lot of fans reach out to me and tweet at me and DM me I’ve seen a lot of comments in the YouTube section saying um K’s gonna ask out um I know

This season’s been really bad but now I’m just gonna give you guys like not this isn’t going to be emotion this is just basically this is just how the NBA works there’s no way K cyan’s asking out this offseason there’s no way he’s asking out anytime soon I don’t think

This offseason this is how it goes he is entering year four this is where he’s going to have a rookie extension offer to him he is going to sign a rookie extension this offseason I can I I like it’s 99.9999999% chance that he will sign a rookie extension this off season when

You want to argue about whether it’s gonna be the rookie Max or something below it you can argue by all you want but he is going to get his rookie extension this off season I think it’s going to be the rookie Max extension five I think he’s going to get that so

With that after you sign that you can’t be traded for a period of time anyways you can’t be trading in the same offseason I believe it’s a year until you can be traded on that contract so now he’s not going to ask for to trade this offseason and he’s not going to ask

For the trade during the season next year so that’s at least another year the way that also works is that usually in these situations if you go through all these times where guys ask out and and you know guys ask for trades what happens is they ask for a trade

After they sign these rookie extensions usually around their age 24 25 seasons usually it’s like two years into the rookie deal they asked for a trade they’re asked out so we’re looking at at least I would say realistically now we moving all emotion away from it pistol

Fans should not be worried about Kate asking out until around like 26 20 2026 2027 season like that that would be when it makes most sense financially most sense timeline wise for a player in his rookie extension to ask out so I know it’s like funny jokes you know dark

Humored or deal with like how bad the have been this year to say like oh here we go kage’s going to ask out like you know I don’t think you it just doesn’t make sense for Kade to ask out until then and also that’s not even taken into

Account that I do believe Cade wants to be here Kade wants to win for Detroit he wants to lead Detroit back so I like it’s not it’s not something that Pistons fans should be worried about I think until like 26 27 now the only caveat to

That there there is a caveat to this because I don’t think any other player that’s signed a rookie extension has went through maybe what the Pistons have gone through the last four years if the Pistons come out next year like this off season they don’t do anything and they

Don’t make massive moves and then next year it starts off like it it like it’s really bad next year then maybe that that timeline may get sped up to a point where maybe it isn’t even Kate asking out maybe new piss in front office is looking to move

Some people and just start all over again like that’s that’s where that’s where the the team would be entering at that point but I don’t think that’s I’m I’m gonna be honest with you guys I don’t think there’s a chance of that happening there’s no way after this

Season that there that major shakeup won’t happen this off season and that is like Defcon one like that’s red butt like nuclear warfare kind of stuff like that I don’t think that’s likely at all so I think the most realistic answer to that fans is like I don’t think that

Should be continued to be brought up it just doesn’t I don’t think it makes much sense right now unless like the two sides again this doesn’t usually happen so the pisses would have to Fumble this pretty damn badly for this to happen but unless the two sides are just so at odds

And that you JP pissed off this player and now this player has pissed the front office and now they don’t even like each other and now the player just wants out then maybe like it could happen like after next year like maybe or maybe like we’ve never seen this happen in NBA

History a player doesn’t sign the extension that’s never happened I don’t think it’s ever going to happen like it would H again like I said the Pistons would have to Fumble the bag like historically bad historically bad for to get to that point so no I don’t think

Anyone should be worried about Kate asking out anytime soon should you be worried about the Pistons rooting that relationship that forces that escout at some point yes you don’t want that to end up happening that is what should be the concern right now but should the

Concern be oh if they don’t do something he’s gonna ask out next year no that’s not going to happen it doesn’t make it doesn’t make sense financially it doesn’t make sense timeline wise so I think everyone can calm down with it though like I said if the if you want to

Have any concern the concern is about ruining relationship relationships and trust with the franchise because that’s where it starts at that’s where guys like Anthony Davis guys like you know all these guys end up asking for trades it’s not because they hate the city it’s not because they hate their teammates or

Hate the fans it’s because a lack of trust starts to get broke like that starts to happen early on and all that happens is more more and more to just where you don’t trust at all and now the relationship is SED and then that leads

To the trade out so you can be concerned about that but actual ask out like that’s no need to be worried like that’s not going to happen for years I don’t think like that’s not even like an option realistic option it doesn’t make sense to at this point so again like I

Said I know it’s like a dark humor for a lot of fans like to deal with this season I completely get it I I make the jokes all the time too it’s funny it’s a way to you know deal with what happened this year but on a realistic not I’ve

Had some people realistically ask me like who is this something could happen no it’s not going to happen um but anyways let me know what you guys think you guys think actually I’m wrong here and Kate could be the first first guy ever to not sign a rookie extension or

Ask out immediately like let me know comment section down below or over on Twitter Uka Hill that’s all I’ve got for you guys today thank you guys for Mak lock on Pistons it’s your first listen of every single day freom rebar podcast platforms hit that subscribe button to

The YouTube channel leave us a five star VI whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on and until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there and until next time peace out


The Detroit Pistons have 11 games left in their season, and with many key players dealing with injuries and a few being shut down for the season, along with Cade Cunningham being a late scratch to the Pistons’ loss Sunday, should Detroit shut their franchise player down for the season?

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