@Milwaukee Bucks

Milwaukee Bucks vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Game Highlights | Mar 24 | 2024 NBA Regular Seasons

Milwaukee Bucks vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Game Highlights | Mar 24 | 2024 NBA Regular Seasons

For Humanity thanks to sarento tip off for homes we see a block 76 Wings green uniforms it is the thunder in the association Edition white here’s giddy you know you get a little bit too AED up at the start so that’s a good sign though that’s a good sign that

Means you got a potential finals preview potentially between these two teams it’s simple right that’s easy right Miss shot in the corner from JD jdb is a lot better basketball player middle another long rebound now yis will say let’s do this the oldfashioned way he stuffs it

Down what do they do to get this switch they want with d against SGA open look again for Giddy and he splashes another one through so Josh get of weapons but he is capable yeah as high powered as their offense is he’s kind of that one link offensively

There’s no there’s no weak Link in that 3point one that’s got to be huge because ham loves to kind of Patrol the paint help out on penetration Brook and get him out of there with that three-point shot the field goal percentage it’s a career high but it’s not so much a

Three-point shot 37% it’s knocking down the mid-range player I’m saying involved in sports in New York woman there’s less abuse there’s less uh everything so um it’s good that we’re doing we saw a great shot earlier of Coach Sydney doer she’s the first female assistant coach in Bucks franchise history Brook Lopez

He said J Williams by the way that’s Jaylen Williams joining Jaylen Williams on the court J J Will Jay will goes for the shot fake Jay will get gets his eye going to hand the basketball off here’s Jay dub Jay dub working on Middleton the thunder on their heels

We’ll see if they can Capitalize Crowder fires one up got ptis yes sir yeah get that right hand left shoulder right hand bucks little momentum on their side trying to add a little more side pocket three p con Splash shot for us now with the clock winding down that one will car him out books doing a nice

Job switching all ball screens keeping the thunder on the perimeter until that penetrating drive by J J dub Giannis drivs a crowd trying to get out of it very fortunate to hold on to a second to shoot jnis got it off just in time great find by the swarming ability and the

Length of OKC When J catches in the post wow that’s a good looking runner from a good look he playing like he thinks he’s back in Adel and austalia M I mean he is just playing so free and easy and confident good F haven’t called his name a ton yet

Tonight this fires there have done a great job down there for Pat here’s Yannis in the open floor looking of even you know bigger just over two minutes gone in the second quarter that’s that three-point shot that Oklahoma City has really utilized to their advantage and you see the inside

They duve Jaylen Williams they send two Defenders at Giannis make him give the basketball up somebody else is going to have to make a play thank you very much jayen Williams playing catch with giddy this is a heck of a match up Giannis guarding him as a ball yeah it’s

Amazing he was the number nine ranked player in Arizona out of high school number nine in his spots are on the floor based on what Oklahoma City Jon Wallace he’s got it in his Arsenal for sure 42% three-point shooter Nifty move here from BP he took the seconde man

Williams to school on that grow he tall so he’s going to be the same size when you decide to take that shot after two or three seconds there’s Jay will I Milwaukee Milwaukee Sports youth Alliance um and it will give back to girls within the community oh that’s so

Wonder meanwhile back at the ranch the Bucks trying to stretch that lead again exchanging buckets a couple times here’s Middleton dumping inside y Ling in a CL for strike hope they make the bu initiate their offense right below the mid Court line here’s a great set up

Lopez finishes it off another assist in the first quarter down by as many as nine here in the second quarter gy another Corner three is could attest now going the other holds on to it Glides inside and shows off that incredible skill squirted out out one of eight now here’s gilis Alexander the

Other way good ball rotation here dor has it poked away from behind by De Middleton had fallen down and that [Applause] down goes to work with about eight to shoot Middleton over the seven quter cash buch back ahead by one here comes the final shot of the half Williams a

Long three no good and Milwaukee after half on five on four shots he misses his first here for the Thunder counter with dork Williams hren Giddy and he’ll just Janis loses it down in the post oh that opens the door here comes giddy oh he missed the

Layup here’s hen and Unleashed th and boy he’s had a tough night too Damen Lillard trying to break that seal on the rim that’s one way of doing it give it to Yannis let him do the Lopez took a little bit tooo long to get to him so he couldn’t get the shot

Off now they see the mismatch Lopez using the side of that board and that was a great timing and again you see the crowd of Defenders and Brook wide open doesn’t pay off for him on that possession but you got to keep going to that and they knock down an open three

From the the force to miss buks trying to get it to double digits for the first time tonight that Ball’s moving like a hot potato now and just not been able to get it going offensively but still here the Parx when plays like this leaving that skin on the

Floor Beasley now Yiannis count with another one find [Applause] buckets Point play Middleton now so he’s got seven assists eight rebounds now for the bucks the reason why we we call him qb1 around these parts Chris Middleton you can’t have because this team they they get their energy from

Turnover yeah I was just going to mention it three-pointer goes for Wallace this team has has in space just that mentality very similar Dynamic that way we only hope the end result is as good as that one was Beasley squeezes off of three ni and his coaching staff

Rex calamian had them doing defensively because a little bit different than what they’re normally used to sh just Alexander finds a that lead’s only 13 right now I mean that’s nothing in the NBA these days here comes SGA bounces off a defender in minutes of not turning

That gate that ball over but all of a sudden it’s a flurry of them they get you with deflections here’s a three-point try number one in the league Giannis is number three in that category just over 23.2% of his team’s points and he’s going to try to answer instead

League’s number one Steelman almost got it Jay Crowder now Yannis back to Jay three ball that one will be a three-pointer but they took a point off the board earlier SGA hands off now on the other side good ball movement here this is the Sharpshooter scoring starting to pick pick up

Bobby no sir yanis gobbles up that rebound missed it Taps it again to another on Isaiah Joe they were going for the two for one and it actually may have cost him sometimes that’ll happen you get greedy middle jump hook there you go young fell only guy who could maybe big

Enough isama CH trying to answer his shot rims out the Bucks are going to go to the fourth quar he was hitting those early not that time that’s good good defense D good help defense to stop penetration by K Wallace Wiggins lost it Dame’s hands the quick hands of Damian [Applause]

Lillard two and three contest on one possession W everything you got if we can make a look got a tech with I mean you see him in practice he is barking at his teammates he’s barking at everybody whether they’re listening or not Walky certainly has the clock on it side

Now Chris Middleton teas up another three got it rips the cord this year shot clock winding down Middleton has to test his range but another long rebound rebounding as advertised has been a problem and Dam going to punish him doubling up on the Thunder in the third

Quarter holding him to 17 points you got the Razer backs the Arkansas guys jayen Williams BBY pter is kind of going at each other keep a close on that there’s a lot of lot of bump of disagreement about their favorite eating spots in bfield or maybe they’re just talking

About whether they should have split up the Giannis with a rebound he’s in a crowd can he get it back he does you bring it down bad things happen there it is well and and I Bobby Porter with a 20-point lead now here we can here we go start to clear the bench

Now with Bo champ com coming to check in water says all right you can take my threeway I’ll I’ll do it just like beautiful oops upside your head L pass to Yannis only none better than that one Giannis climbed the ladder to send that one down West Ben recap tonight look ahead

To the Lakers coming up later on Tuesday oh yeah there it is Cash Middleton gets his get a little harder and another steal Here Comes poris other he punches it through Livingston new in not this time Jackson had his pass deflected now it’s bamp on the road is part of that rugged

Four game West Coast trip as you see on the other side shot go down I’m no math major but I think Yannis will be the number two scorer in the league after this thing’s done andik beas a lot of CR I mean it was a great team defensive effort but Malik was the

Guy at the point of attack he imp Pat conon is well stepped in Off the Bench for that assignment get one more inbound and get out of here with a Feelgood win for the bucks as Milwaukee a season High 57 rebound

Milwaukee Bucks vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Game Highlights | Mar 24 | 2024 NBA Regular Seasons



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