@Phoenix Suns

Phoenix Suns vs San Antonio Spurs Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Mar 23 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Phoenix Suns vs San Antonio Spurs Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Mar 23 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Minutes be cut off in the paint with help from wiy oh I’m sorry EG fires Johnson another tck test yeah but that’s his game there Sons remember Ken Johnson what he did got the steel layup with the last 1.2 seconds to lit the Spurs with that 110 109 Victory is KD with a

12-footer eight points for Durant [Applause] next on the scoring list KD pursuing is none other than Wilt open shots like the Suns have shot makers and they’re making shots but it it goes back to what we have seen this season when that ball is popping around the perimeter the way

That it is is Wendy with a beautiful spin inside and finish he’s got eight but because they’ve got all those scores and finishers you’re talking about when the ball is moving like that it stresses out any deep it truly does pretty pocket pass from Beal and don’t

Even know who he is and I know Suns fans do but just in general they just have no idea that’s why we always take the opportunity to tell the uh the younger fans we won’t say kids we’ll say younger fans is that one off the foot of wimy versing that

Call Wesley on the drive looked like he got fouled there by bull bull this hello Mr [Applause] sergeon Eubanks one hands a pass down low to B nice turn and fight you know in talking to Frank vogle and Kevin young who’s kind of in charge of the offense

You know is is that a new wrinkle that they have added when Bowl is on the floor is that part of a set or is that probably it’s probably I mean just watching tape you’re seeing them put little guys on them and and he has the ability to turn around and knock down Shots bowl and windy squaring upama able to get across the side step three that was the shot that he was working on before the game tonight that I was watching with great interest he’s smiling about it yeah he’s out there smiling about it right now

He’s got 11 KD pulls to the defender KD say smileing that take it out of bounds while you at it I’m smiling right now 10 points 3824 Phoenix lead Sun scoring on their first six possessions of this quarter it’s a nice drive and finish there from from Maly

Bram started 21 of this first first 33 games but has been coming off of the bench s had four points in his 18 minutes last night Beal prob the defense circles away from wimy pulls him out into the corner now crosses him up trying to sneak one up finds B right

At the buzzer and Bobo didn’t get greedy on it uh maybe cognizant of the shot clock knowing he couldn’t get any closer to the rim that is six dimes courtesy of be no no no as Drew Yanks again with the rejection coming off the game Thursday

When he had three on the drive and kick Gordon set spires connects tell you what we we got some we got some athletic 61 seven Footers on the floor right now I tell you that we’ve seen Drew where he gets you know like a shooter gets into a shooting

Rhythm he sometimes this season gets into shop blocking Rhythm it seems good help defense that time from B they’ll leave the shooter open in the corner and a knock down bucket there from Blake Wesley seconde man out of Notre Dame broken down play there good

Shot n at the scores table he’ll go back with a timeout upcoming KD finds the mid-range Eubank had it but knocked out of his hands Here Comes Osman flying up the floor and the driving finish that’s his game he’s one of the best drivers of

The ball y you give him a hit of steam he is really good he’s gotten stronger too been first six years of his career in Cleveland as a whistle and a foul you’re talking about Olympians All Stars Hall of Famers I know what those three are capable

Of doing he definitely watched those two games early in the year when they won on our floor yeah he he talked about that too is nerk back in the game and he kind of you know brushed that one off as book able to get behind the back and feathery soft touch in the

Paint and didn’t push off he didn’t push off the crowd thought he did he kept his arm in he didn’t like push out forward and that’s what allowed him not to get the call quick trigger from the corner and that one right into the face on the

Rebound for big nerk but papovich talked about those two early wins and he just kind of said look that was basically pre-season trying to break a sweat for the Suns because of all the additions that they had but he certainly won’t apologize for those two wins you could

Count on that well I bet if he was close to not getting number one pick he might be upset that he got him Suns forc another Miss KD Glides down the lane C was like uh okay I I don’t know what to do here one thing I’m not going to do is

Pick up a foul babovic slowing the action down here first play last night got knocked off by Memphis 9997 here on their home floor as Collins too strong with that offering had a chance to win but it was jiren Jackson who hit the go-ahead and Ultimate Game Winner with just over his second

Remaining B with a pocket pass downloaded nerkish Min me pulls his way down the lane able to gather and follow trying to get another one up ahead of Asel Qui pull up three no long rebound Durant if I’m living with K I i’ throw it right back to ner because he’s got to

Get some Rhythm inside 2.6 rebounds three steals he hasn’t taken that three in a while where they still are like getting off of him but he hasn’t taken that yeah I’d have to go back and look at the stat sheet but it’s been probably at least a dozen

Games yeah maybe more since we’ve seen nerk pull from Beyond the arc on the other hand Collins will try his second three and Sam the first that cin if it wasn’t for an injury I mean I think he’d be much more valued than what he is played in 245 games in his first

Years his b connects on the beautiful midrange already eight minutes tonight for B and that’s a great non foul there he could have picked up his third foul look will hit the brakes set it up in a half cour here with ner on the roll ner rumbl down the

Lane and a timeout for GRE palovich and San Antonio

Phoenix Suns vs San Antonio Spurs Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Mar 23 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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