@Oklahoma City Thunder

Milwaukee Bucks vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Mar 24 | 2024 NBA Regular Seasons

Milwaukee Bucks vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Mar 24 | 2024 NBA Regular Seasons

Middleton Yannis along with Lopez Lillard and Beasley hen trying to get off the schneide he had just one field goal on his uh opening half on five on four shots he misses his first here for the Thunder counter with dork Williams hren Giddy and hilis Alexander there is

Chris Middleton working his magic for the buck put him on the board first year at half number two well great execution G is doubled in the post but let me talk about Brook Lopez selling out on that contesting of the shot by HR from that corner three-point area that’s what

They’ve got to continue to do to Buck that’s what Josh hoer was talking about multiple efforts Giannis gets the pass inside now Beasley from the top of the Ark Malik only a second shot of the game right there he is Miss P bus four for 18 they missed 14 of 18 three-point shots

Not all have been highly contested either you got to start got to start knocking down some of those open threes that may be the key to wins this game between these two teams just Alexander going to try to tie it right here boy both of them cold OKC we

Mentioned it number one in the league and three-point shooting percentage the Bucks number seven right on their tail just about one percentage Point behind them but neither one of them you wouldn’t know it watching it tonight and give some credit to the defense I mean again a lot of a lot of

Misses for the bucks makeable as jiannis loses it down in the post oh that opens the door Here Comes gidy oh he missed the layup here’s hram and Unleashed thus far well and Chad hram has been really quiet and then SGA sh sh gild Alexander he’s

Going to make up for for his lack of scoring here in the second half you can believe that what a pass from D but bees cannot hit again for the bucks that challenges to not get not allow him to get to that 30-point Plateau that he’s so comfortable at hren

Challenged by Lopez and boy he’s had a tough night too Damen Lillard trying to break that seal on the rim that’s one way of doing it give it to Giannis let him do the finish work there and for D that is his fourth assist of the night talked about

The fact he has been a major distributor of late in addition to his scoring Crows with 30p point games four of his last seven G his beautiful job bailing him out a little delayed cut when Dame got stopped on his penetration SGA just struggle with the shots he’s three of 10

Now Dame lard with two Defenders on it finds the open man Lopez took a little bit too long to get to him so he couldn’t get the shot off now they see the mismatch Lopez using the size cleaning things up again he’s got the last four for the bucks now

That size that length and more importantly that activity against Jay dub who did not put a solid enough body on y to keep him off your offensive glass look at playing both players MH block two shots on that position yanis racing ahead I think the pass was

A little too far out in front of him and it got him under the rim dork had to deal with Lopez again now so does hram they’re not going to get past that brick wall Brook Lopez the SWAT doctor looks like I got a

76 Wings span a half a game no longer on Pace to break his career high in blocks for a season but he’s picking up again here right now you can see where he ranks amongst the leaders the other rookie to of that board and that was

Great timing and again you see the crowd of Defenders and Brook wide open doesn’t pay off for him on that possession but you got to keep going to that and they knocked out an open three on a pair of free throws from Chad holgren and they

Are trying to get it going Shay Gil just Alexander started well in this game but he has struggled mightily since just three of 10 in this one number one in three-point field goal percentage number one in regular field goal percentage 50% per game or number one or number two but

They shoot 50% you wouldn’t know about how well the Bucks have been able to throttle them out here tonight look at that swarming defense look at that I mean there was not an opening to be had for Oklahoma City throughout that possession and and and capped off by DNE

Got faked out of position but then came back with that second effort just to get into the air space of hram the the force to miss bu trying to get it to double digits for the first time tonight that Ball’s moving like a hot potato now and

There’s Malik Beasley he’ll put the bux up in front by 10 good Patience by Giannis not to force things against the double team take what the defense gives you hren trying to snap the 90 run so his rhythm has been thrown off by the aggressiveness of the buck defense and

BR Lopez SW his shot down in the paint respect that the Bucks in their coaching St have for this young OKC basketball team and a testament to how well the Bucks have executed this defensive game plan one of the few times ch’s been able to get right but doesn’t hurt because of

The help swarming again rumors of the buck defensive decline may have been greatly exaggerated if tonight is any indication here’s Dort he unloads on three could hurt that the Thunderhead really struggle to hit shots themselves but Giannis playing Big Boy ball down in 15 look at that body that guy’s got to be

He’s got to be at least 220 oh I won’t I won’t ask you to Define what the scales said last time please a nice drive but again unable to finish Dame has just not been able to get it going offensively but still here the box when plays like

This leaving that skin on the floor Beasley now Yiannis count with another up at the defensive end of the floor and they’re starting to knock down shots at their end not a lot of free throws in this this game once again second game in a row for Milwaukee who only attempted

15 last time out but Giannis gets it to go and now here’s another Miss shot for the Thunder who cannot find [Applause] buckets Point play Middleton now sitting with seven assists he is on triple double watch he’s only three of eight with six points but he’s got seven

Assists eight rebounds now for the bux the reason why we we call him qb1 around these parts Chris Middleton Here Comes Jay dub now he got an injured man down for the Thunder is that to front of him jannis sheds him beautifully passed right on the money easy to for the bucks it’s

Interesting to know when you get Chris Middleton back everybody’s waiting for a shooting but one of the things Doc Rivers talked about when he was asked what he misses most the first thing he said at one point was his defense Dame almost had the steal right there but

Couldn’t quite keep himself in bounds well and then you know to to along that theme Dame has missed eight or n shots but Dame’s defense has actually been really good and active and productive tonight they’ve gone at him a couple of times but for the most

Part hren drew a little bit of contact that time well it’s been an 18 to4 run after hunger made a pair see if Milwaukee can take care of business here this is a team that has been known to make up tell you more on that in a moment as Milwaukee tries to stretch

[Applause] it Giannis defended by Williams here as the shot clock inside a five CHS a little bit too low yeah that’s the one thing you know you can’t have because this team they they get their energy from turnover yeah I was just going to mention it three-pointer goes for

Wallace this team has 15 double digigit comeback wins this year that’s tied for the most in the NBA so we’ll see if the Bucks can hold him at Bay as we still have plenty of time to go in the third quarter of this one Milwaukee by the way if you’re wondering has

Milwaukee Bucks vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Mar 24 | 2024 NBA Regular Seasons


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