@Boston Celtics

Celtics win 9th straight, Warriors too reliant on Curry, Can the Bucks compete? | NBA | THE HERD

Celtics win 9th straight, Warriors too reliant on Curry, Can the Bucks compete? | NBA | THE HERD

Chris manx ready to joust with me is joining us on the show did you hear JM last week manx was up in Boston and he and Eddie just taken these subliminal shots at us because we have questioned late game efficiency by the Celtics I will acknowledge they were pretty good

Late against Chicago and my eyes were there set on I’m glad that 70 games into a dominant season one trip to Chicago to watch them and watch Jason Tatum has you sold on this team as a legit Contender well I have said they’re going to roll through the East I don’t have any

Question and I do think they’re deeper than Denver I do like to go every year I go to a couple games and there is a different perception when you go to games my takeaway was and it’s always been with Tatum I know he’s great I’ve said all NBA got no problems uh late

Game stuff take it over and Chicago’s more talented than people think they actually have real NBA players they’re young in spots but they have some players the one thing I saw with Tatum first guy out at 510 first guy out on the floor both teams working hard like first guy

By like 25 30 minutes the second thing was in the late game situation he wanted the ball he just like give me the ball and there’s also and I kind of knew this but there is a gap in this league as you know outside of Steph Curry think how

Smart the Warriors are run they don’t have another guy that can give him 25 points Tatum is clearly in an Elite Class of give me the ball I’m always was going to get my shot yeah that was very clear in that game and I think with that

Said I may be uncomfortable at times but I don’t think Boston’s uncomfortable with anything about Tatum no they they’re satisfied with him being a distributor at times in those situations because he has the horses to throw the ball to I mean Jaylen Brown has closed the Gap I think this year even more

Between himself and Jason Tatum Chris has poring is averaged 20 this season Drew holiday has proven he can make big shots in big moments if you don’t have an open look or if you don’t have the play that you want passing the ball is the right play and look the criticism of

Boston over the last few weeks really has boiled down to is Jason Tatum a closer and you know this you can find stats to back up any argument and I’ve seen some of Jason Tatum’s you know the clutch time stats aren’t as good as some of the top tier guys how about the

Eyeball test how about we go with that like did I fall asleep last year during the conference semi-finals when Jason Tatum went off in the fourth quarter of an elimination game in game six did I miss that game seven against the 76ers when Tatum went for what 51 in that game

The three games that the Celtics won against Miami Jason Tatum scored like 85 points in those three games and I’m convinced he would have had a breakthrough performance in game seven if he didn’t get hurt on the very first play of that game so this idea that

Jason Tatum is somehow on another tier of clutch player than some of the other guys we regularly talk about to me is ridiculous well the other thing I will say about Tatum is Luca doesn’t defend Tatum does yes he has gotten measurably better over the last few years yeah so

The other thing is unlike bigs Tatum doesn’t get hurt much he’s there every night so there are a lot of things um you know I mean some of this is jousting and it’s fun but I did want to go see him in person so I saw him in person

Last year and I do I like to watch guys in person see the body language Jason’s a very confident guy and the one thing that really is so true when you watch the Celtics play there’s so much culture Golden State’s got a lot of this because

It’s a lot of the same guys Boston has this too Al Harford is a classic example Boston’s ball movement you know Chicago’s young now Andre Drummond’s not Young D there’s a lot of young guys they’re perpetually rebuilding when you watch Boston in in in crisis moments end

Of the clock end of the game their ball movement you can tell these guys have been in a lot of practices together and a Derek white a lot of guys that don’t get Pub so I I just thought it was interesting to me watching without three starters and yet the backup guys it’s

Like they practice with the ones all day their ball movement I thought was exceptional well yeah and this is the Paradox of you right here where part of you wants Jason Tatum to go one on Three to be you know Jordan in the 80s and

Just go after it every time he has the ball in clutch situations but you just named derck White’s another guy who makes big shots and is comfortable in the moment 16 night nobody pays attention to it everyone knows that if Dereck white is open or if Drew holiday

Is open that is a better shot than Jason Tatum getting a soft double team thrown his way that forces up a contested to he makes the right plays every single time that’s not always going to manifest itself in a game-winning shot but it’s going to manifest itself in an assist or

A hockey assist or something that gets it done Jason Tatum all season long has made great plays for this team so I was saying in my opening rant is uh by the way can we just can I also Nick Wright who you’re picking on who who

Likes to take shots at my support of the Celtics over the years Nick Wright the LeBron Advocate General for so many years of everything LeBron does and is great and nothing he there’s no reason not to want to play with LeBron James we used to argue on first things first all

The time about whether Anthony Davis was better off being traded from the Pelicans to the Lakers or the Pelicans to the Celtics what would you say about that right now because ad does have a championship but he’s probably got three four five more years left in the NBA

Wouldn’t you say he’s probably better off playing with Jason Tatum playing with some of those guys in Boston than he is in La long term well I think the Celtics have since Brad Stevens first got the job I think I look at Boston and I think to myself this is a very

Well-run consistent franchise very Warriors like the difference is Steph just hits you know Steph just is one of one uh and Tatum is very good but Steph’s like a unique unicorn all time yeah I think Boston and and and I’ve said this before I think that Lakers are

Actually like a a small town business in a big Market that’s sometimes how they’ve been run so yeah I think ad80 to the Celtics probably would have been a better fit well let’s cut that and send that to Nick to use this afternoon um so I want to talk about the

Warriors because it is fascinating about the NBA so since he came into the league in 2009 the Warriors well-run everybody misses on draft picks I mean you get almost no video of these guys in college you have no I mean it’s ridiculous NFL GM gets four years of tape I get like

Six games where you played against an NBA guy I think it’s really hard to draft really hard to draft as an NBA GM 22 draft picks since Curry’s been there multiple dozen trades Acquisitions they are a totally dependent stephh Curry offense do they have to blow it up do

They I think they have to go get somebody we’ve seen this now for three years now one year you know Denver wasn’t quite ready to go LeBron and AD were unhealthy but I just feel like guys you got to go get somebody right they are completely dependent on step Curry

To score in key situations I mean that game like look look we can talk about the two most recent games with the Warriors which I thought were bad for different reasons uh last night against the Timberwolves were bad because they had a lead for most of the game they had

A lead going into the fourth quarter and Steve CER decided Steph had played too many minutes the night before gave him an extended rest that lead evaporated they were down I think eight at one point in that fourth quarter because they can’t score without Steph Curry you

Go to the uh the Indiana game which was the previous one they put up 111 points against Indiana Indiana is not a good defensive team that’s a team that doesn’t have have shot makers anymore Steph Curry still a shot maker but has to do it in somewhat of a reduced role

Because of his age and the desire by the coaching staff to keep him as rested as possible down the stretch but beyond Steph who can you count on on a nightly basis to make up the difference to to pick up the slack Klay Thompson’s not doing it anymore kaminga I like him a

Lot but he’s not capable of that just yet they don’t have the horses right now to compete with the number of teams out there that just have shot makers left and right they can make shots so a lot of people are um predicting that it won’t be a great playoff because

Boston’s going to fly through the East which I agree with although Miami is a weird way of making them uncomfortable the coaching’s excellent bam Butler they they’ll make things uncomfortable um and then that Denver is dominant um Phoenix is disappointing doesn’t necessarily match up and that Denver’s not that

Fascinating I love watching him play but I said this last week what’s really interesting to me is Milwaukee because they’re old they don’t defend as well once they left Drew holiday they didn’t want to get rid of him it’s a Hail Mary they had to get somebody and they got Dame they they

Loved I don’t know they didn’t want to get like I I I I would love to give them truth serum to ask if they would have made that deal if they knew Drew was going to wind up in Boston because I thought they assumed he was going to

Wind up on a Western Conference team and they wouldn’t have to deal with him at least not in the Conference playoffs so he’s clearly with with his departure they’re just not as good defensively yeah you can’t argue that and I think Giannis has been westernized not a

Criticism he’s a little more costic he’s running through you know that coach got fired the coach he wanted Adrien Griffin got fired because Giannis was tired of it even though they were the number one or two seed when he got fired and my takeaway is if they lose early or if

They play Boston and they do not match up with a c that could be a sweep they don’t match up athletically with Boston I don’t think at all they don’t match up well with Boston but I was at the game last week where it was very close down

The stretch with the Celtics and yes the Celtics were playing without holiday and there was probably a let down for them going into that game because Giannis was supposed to play then he didn’t play so it wasn’t the matchup they thought it was but watching Damen Lillard grind out

30 plus points in that game watching Chris Middleton continue to show signs of progress coming back from that injury he’s going to be a dangerous weapon for them almost had a triple double last night in the Bucks game watching Bobby poris step in and play well for them

They did all that kept it close against Boston in Boston without Giannis in the floor and the Bucs like to say no moral victories I walked away from that game thinking that it was a moral victory for them so I agree with you I would take Boston a series against Milwaukee I do

Think it’s a lot closer okay people saying let me make this argument that if they lose to Boston they have got to take it six or seven because if it’s five games three lob sided losses my take is Giannis looks at at roster and goes they’re younger and more athletic

We’re older less athletic we’re not getting younger I think Milwaukee has to be viable has to get to the Eastern Conference Finals I would agree with that I I think getting to the Eastern Conference Finals is the absolute floor for this team before they have to get

Worried about what Giannis is going to want to do long term look the contract extension Giannis signed was more about securing his financial future than it was about a long-term commitment with Milwaukee and I talk to NBA Executives all the time that tell me there are teams out there just sitting on them

Just you know crossing their fingers rooting against the Bucks every single game teams like the Knicks the Warriors the Lakers that are just sitting there hoping that this team bows out early and Giannis decides look this isn’t for me but if they get to the Conference Finals

It’s hard if they make it competitive against Boston you can’t blow it up you can’t because you still have enough pieces that are in their Prime Damen Lillard still back end of his prime but playing well enough All-Star starter in his prime Chris Middleton if you can

Just coax one full healthy season out of him he is still an effective player the front Court guys Brook Lopez is Ageless on that team I don’t think you can blow it up if they go up up against Boston and lose in six or seven if they get

Beat by Miami in the first round not out of the r of possibility by the way but if that happens then I think it’s a different picture Chris manx wait you you did you just say that if they get beat by the Heat and the first round I

Think you don’t think Miami can’t beat Milwaukee Miami is the classic lurking in the shadows as a six se they’ve been doing it for a decade yeah you you overvalued I mean there’s a team last year they made a great run they’ve looked exhausted all season Chris I I

Don’t see it this year okay well look they’ve had a lot of injuries all season long and I think they’re a lesser team agen but promise face nobody want nobody like what are they sitting eight seed right now you know they’ll be in the playin they have to fight their way through

That to get there and they almost lost the play last year they almost got beat in the plan so that is certainly on the table but if they get through and if they’re the seven seed and Milwaukee sitting there at number two that would make me nervous if I was the bucks if

They’re fully healthy and they’re they get a couple of play in wins or whatever it is I I would and look I feel the same way about Boston Boston doesn’t want to touch them in the first round either because a healthy Jimmy Butler a healthy ban at of Bio Duncan Robins has actually

Been better this year than he has been last year more complete player uh Tyler herro coming back that is not a team anyone wants the touch that’s Radioactive in the first round well listen I I’ve said this people can say what they want about the Lakers when

They won the inseason tournament and it was sort of a one game setting it’s like you don’t want to face LeBron in one game set you don’t want to face LeBron as a heavy favorite LeBron I I’ll make this argument that ad is now the third

Best center in the league joic is just the best player Giannis is a better athlete but Anthony Davis for a year and a half has not gotten hurt he is there every night he’s an unbelievable Defender three out of four games he gives you big offense I was banging on

Him for two years Anthony Davis has had a remarkable year and a half stretch he yes he’s one of the only guys that makes joic work now joic will get his but he makes joic work he does and those games has have been well documented are incredibly close between lers don’t win

Them but they’ve been incredibly close down the stretch his durability has been one of the most surprising stories of the last couple of years his ability to stay on the court yes be an elite defensive player where he still malfunctions from time to time is offensively offensively he’ll have maybe

Too many nights where he gives you like 10 points and it’s a low shooting percentage that makes you worried if you’re the Lakers because you don’t have a lot of reliable options after him but In fairness to ad when you’re leaning on a 280lb guy and you’re a great defender

I don’t think offensively you’re not Luca Luca just mails that side in yeah when you’re asking ad to defend guys that are off and bigger I think it that’s the problem like that that’s the problem with one of the problems Lakers have had this year is that they don’t

Have anyone they can rely on to play those five spot minutes like Jackson Hayes hasn’t really been that guy Christian wood hasn’t been that guy they haven’t had that one big that can give them 20 minutes of reliable production alongside Anthony Davis Hi everybody it’s me Uncle Colin subscribe here to

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The Boston Celtics have won 9 straight games and seem like the team to beat in the Eastern Conference. Colin Cowherd and Chris Mannix discuss the Celtics and if they and Jayson Tatum are going to breeze to the finals, and if the Golden State Warriors have become over-reliant on Stephen Curry. Plus, if the Milwaukee Bucks can compete with the Celtics.

#TheHerd #NBA #Celtics

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Celtics win 9th straight, Warriors too reliant on Curry, Can the Bucks compete? | NBA | THE HERD

The Herd with Colin Cowherd


  1. Jrue Holiday is flat-out a more valuable player than Damian Lillard if you care about winning a championship.

  2. Oh I remember this guy. 😂 He the dude that has been doubting Lebron since the cavs days and in 2018 claimed Lebron wouldn’t even make it past second round and he end up beating his Celtics at TD guarden.

  3. Maybe Chris forgot the fact that AD didn’t want to be in Boston. I think I remember his agent threatening it would be for 1 year if they traded for him. Winning with LA is better than winning anywhere else

  4. Bucks coverage by this dude is an absolute laughable joke. It’s garbage. BE PREPARED AND EDUCATED!!!! STOP MISREPORTING THE BUCKS

  5. they really talking about how good tatum looked against the bulls 😭 anybody looks good against bulls

  6. Chris needs to start keeping it real – they aren’t winning the championship, they should be steamrolling teams with that roster; they simply aren’t. If Kobe had this roster minus Tatum, it’d be seen as an utter failure of a season to not win the chip.

  7. The warriors need to do what the Celtics did with their aging big 3. Sell them off to a bad team and secure your future top round draft picks

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