@Minnesota Timberwolves

Anthony Edwards year by year stats graphic from Warriors game

Anthony Edwards year by year stats graphic from Warriors game

by hippo_king11


  1. yourloudneighbor

    Enjoy the times folks. We can’t take talents like this for granted. We’ve waited years for an alpha to come along and we got one

  2. hippo_king11

    The yearly progression is so impressive, and playing 98% of games is absolutely unbelievable. I just hadn’t seen it laid out so clearly for awhile, and I’m grateful to see a guy like Ant play for the wolves.

  3. PlayInChampions

    Edwards missed 10 games in 21-22 season, 3 games in 22-23 season, and 3 games this season. So it’s 290/306 (95%), not 290/296.

  4. Uptownbro20

    His growth year over year is what really impressed me. Not unlike JT

  5. Self_Important_Mod

    I need this graphic next to one showing Wiggin’s first 4 years

  6. JoeyBougie

    I can’t wait for year 30 when’s averages 75 points a game (I don’t understand math)

  7. organized_meat

    The improvement in his passing/playmaking has been noticeable this year. Great to see that he has taken working on that part of his game seriously, seems like Conley can probably take some credit for that.

  8. Ants literally been everything people wanted wigs to be. Still wish we coulda seen the wigs zach kat trio get a real shot under flip but man ants made missing out on that group much less disappointing

  9. wolfpax97

    Rebounds too. And Stocks. Dude is well rounded af. If he couldn’t shoot at all he’d still be a good player. Think thybulle/raja bell

  10. garnett21mn

    Other than Shane Heal, Edwards is best SG in Wolves history.

  11. BingoBongoBang

    His FT% has also gone up although I swear he only shoots 50% the games that I watch

  12. pascaleon

    Maybe not to the same degree but this can be looked at as a huge warrior blunder depending on how great Ant becomes.

    Rosas offered them the #1 pick to get our 2021 pick back and trade down to #2. Essentially the warriors chose wiseman and Kuminga over potentially drafting Ant

  13. soft-cookie

    Second best Wolf in history, he’ll be gunning for KG the rest of his career

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