@Houston Rockets

The Golden State Warriors Are In Trouble…

The Golden State Warriors Are In Trouble…

What’s the word y’all for the last like month two months we kind of assumed that we knew the 10 teams in each conference that was going to make the plan right these top 10 and these top 10 but look who it is out of nowhere just one game

Behind the Golden State Warriors to potentially cause Adam Silva to have a have an aneurism the Houston Rockets is here and the Warriors might be in trouble I mean listen the play in is the best thing Adam Silver has done as a commissioner from all aspects of it

Winner go home games are amazing you seeing that at March Madness as they’re put up all time numbers as far as the viewer base and in a season 3 to four years ago if it the play didn’t exist LeBron James Anthony Davis and Steph Curry would be missing the Playoffs

Right now that is something Adam Silva definitely don’t want and the rockets might be spoiling the legendary LeBron versus Steph Curry winner go home game now I don’t have a dog in this fight I don’t care who makes it who doesn’t make it but things are very interesting right

Now last night the Golden State Warriors played against the Minnesota Timberwolves and shout out to the timber wolves they continue to to be great even without carony towns and last night there was a moment in it where I was like oh my God Anthony ERS took like an

Ilevis three-point shot and I thought it could have cost him the game it did not they closed it out and I’m sure a lot of the conversation today revolving around this game especially now that the Houston Rockers are again one game behind the Warriors is about the rotation piece of the Golden State

Warriors right now so last night they were up by five with four minutes left in the third quarter this is where Steph Curry got his rest um I think this is relatively normal for the Warriors where he sits the last couple minutes of the third quarter but he did not check back

In to 650 54 654 left in the fourth quarter and at that point that five-point lead that they had was now five-point deficit and that can matter a lot when you’re the Golden State Warriors which is just not a good team right now now that’s not the

Reason why they have not looked amazing it’s maybe just one of the factors in a lot of different things uh cuz even the game before that when they played against the Indiana Pacers it was just a rough watch the Pacers had been playing amazing basketball specifically Tyrese halberton had been playing amazing

Basketball it felt like a very winable game but in that they let the Rope go and again the timing could not be any worse like Steph Curry is not having an amazing month last night again he was really good I think 31 points or something like that but this month for

Steph Curry has not been uh the Steph Curry that you are accustomed to right 22 points per game 40% from the field 36% from three again last night he was really good but for the most part of this month he’s been he’s been struggling and I’m only comparing Steph

Curry to Steph Curry right a lot of other players in the league if they put up these numbers be like oh my God but for Steph Curry when this team needs him to be Superman he just can’t be Superman every single night and that is part of

The problem they don’t have a lot of people over there that can really hold it down if Steph is having a bad stretch but I don’t really care too much to talk about the Warriors and their struggles cuz I’m more intrigued by the team that is creeping up the Houston Rockets yep

You click this video thinking we were talking about the Warriors No we really talking about the Rockets now a lot of y’all know that when I watch NBA games I have a document and I take notes on the games that I’ve watching it’s a full document of pretty much every game I’ve

Watched this season and sometimes my bullet points can be very very very simple sometimes it can be very complex here are are like the foot the clip notes version of the things I’ve seen in the Houston Rockets during their stretch now I have not watched every single win

On this current streak but the these are my first notes the first note obviously they have ALR shenon out for some time I don’t think it’s been officially announced Al for the season but the inury looked bad it said it wasn’t too nothing too too crazy but we don’t know

But now that ALR shenon is not playing they have the ability to to literally switch everything and they have been maybe not everything but they’re switching a crazy amount and I wish I had like second Spectrum which is like this big old statistical thing where I could kind of cuz they track everything

I can track how often they’re switching Now versus when Al shenon is playing but the defense was already really good this season that’s why they were able to play solidly for the for the uh beginning of the regular season it looks even better now because they have really plus

Defenders and they’re switching a lot I’m going to jump around here a little bit part of that is jayen green and I know Jaylen Green is having an explosion of an offensive output right now which is amazing to see I’ve said this before that jayen green was one of those great

Spots in my NBA knowledge where I would watch the Houston Rockets and I still couldn’t tell you if I believe he was going to be a future Allstar or was he going to end up like uh uh Jordan Clarkson was he gonna be a Jamal Jamal Crawford type of player I couldn’t

Really bridge the gap to having a formal opinion and I’m starting to to figure that out right now I’m starting to now I might be L to the party y’all maybe already made your decision on what Jaylen Gren could or couldn’t be I’m starting to turn the corner to realize

What he could be as a player here’s his game log 28 points per game this month 51% from the field 41% from three and the scoring aspect is dope right obviously they need more scoring output without Prince shinon going down and he’s been taking the range on that I mean the game

That I watched recently was against the Cavs where he shot nine of 20 which was um 45% but it was such a good game for Jaylen green then he had a couple 40 pieces after that the scoring thing is the scoring thing right Jaylen green

Came into the league as a guy that a lot of people projected to be able to score in bunches we knew that um it’s just about getting his efficiency down whatever whatever the things that I’m enjoying most about jayen green there’s two aspects of it I think his

Progression as a defensive player in this season along needs to be talked about more I did a segment on my podcast right where I was trying to again do what I’ve been trying to do with trying to figure out where Jaylen green is going to sit as the NBA player so for

Three games straight I watched Jaylen green I didn’t watch the Houston Rockets I tuned into their games earlier in the season where I didn’t care about the other nine people on the court my eyes were locked on and glued on to Jaylen green and I was disappointed in his

Defensive output his rotations his IQ on the defensive side of the ball because he has the tools right he’s a thinf frame 64 guard so he’s limited a little bit but he’s one of the fastest players in the league we see on the offensive side that he has just all of the tools

To be at least a average to plus Defender and in that three- game stretch that I watched I was highly disappointed I’ve watched a lot of this team during during this run and it’s night and day now he’s he’s not out there looking like a prime Jimmy Butler he not looking like

Kawai Leonard but that improvement from being like I’m super disappointed to oh he’s average to sometimes above average is night and day so that’s the one thing about jayen green game that I’ve Loved this month the second thing is the decision making in my notes it’s Oh I

Thought it was a little bit more complex T that in my notes it says jayen green is not forcing it as much that is good enough for me there are times s where they’re running some pick and roll actions which is also a part of my notes

I’m in Thompson as a screener has become this thing that they didn’t use a lot this season to now that they don’t have another big on the court he’s the the role man or the screener a lot of the times where he would turn the corner Jaylen green is turning the corner and

Instead of just thinking me me me me me he’s making the right decision and sometimes the decision is me me me me because I am on a burner and it’s not a lot of people that can contest me at The Rim but other times I’m seeing a make

The right play and the right play doesn’t necessarily translate to getting a bunch of assists a lot of the times right but J GRE getting the hockey assist or just setting his team up even better is things that he struggled with earlier in the season and I’m seeing him

Turn and that is amazing to see this morning as I woke up I saw a clip of sham shiria talking about how the Houston Rockets offer Jaylen Green Plus draft capital for Mel Bridges in the the Brooklyn n set no I don’t know how that’s going to age but right nowo that

They luck out because Jaylen green looks phenomenal yeah in that Cavs game there are a lot of times where they were trying to force the ball out of Jaylen Green’s hands where they were sending two Defenders at him him and again making the right decision I want to talk

About Aman Thompson as a screener because the game has opened up so much more for him um him and his brother obviously play very similar Styles get will Su and assar uh because that’s some scary stuff I hope you’re doing well but I’m in Thompson having the space to be

The role man and I mean he’s one of the best offensive rebounding Wings SL guards in all the basketball there’s just so much opportunity and I think the opp the the outcomes are very endless for Aman Thompson um God forbid he learns how to shoot a a little bit it’s

Going to be dangerous for the league because everything everything else about his game is top level as a as a rookie right he’s a good decision maker he’s one of the better defenders in all the basketball already he’s a right place right time type of player crashes the

Glass he does everything you can imagine for a player except for shoot the three-point ball and again he’s what 19 20 years old like there’s a lot of time for him to continue to develop and you’re seeing some of this stuff now um Jac lale also on my notes real

Rotational player basketball I’ll just leave it at that but there’s a lot of conversation about O is a is it a coincidence that the team is playing a lot better now that ALR shenon is out I I would say yes I’m definitely not about to go to

The trade finder and and figure out who wants ALR and goon because they have a nine game stretch so they look amazing um but I I think the best thing about it is that it shows that this team doesn’t have to have a single identity right okay the single identity is that we’re

Going to be a really good defensive team but they have other ways to play on the offens side of the ball instead of it being like if Alber shon’s not in the game we don’t really know what to do and I’m not saying that’s what it was but

Now we have this small ball we switch everything uh orchestration of players that we can run out when alred shenon comes back whether it be at the end of this season or uh next season and it’s a testament to eme udoka right em udoka has these guys playing I don’t think

Anybody really expected them to be this good I know they started off well they were one of the top season and and struggled the middle part of the season but I I think it just opens up the door to different ways to run a team and do a

Rebuild right the traditional way to do a rebuild is that we’re going to be really really bad for 5 to 10 no we’re going to be really really bad to like I think the perfect rebuild that the GMS want to say is like we have three really

Bad years we draft well in those three years and then boom we’re back into playoff contention and the rockets had what four years of them being bad post James Harden no not four years they had three years and then now we’re here they had three really bad years and those

Years were again terrible they got top picks in those years um and instead of saying like Okay we’re still going to be this super young uh Team we got money to spend and they laughed at the Fred Van contract because he’s Fred Van he’s a one time allar you giving him that much

Money they laughed at the Dylan Brooks contract because people on Twitter was telling him that he got to learn Chinese after the playoffs last year but they’ve built a culture by bringing in one of the better coaches and some good vets Jeff Green left a championship team to

Come here because the bag was a little bit nicer here but also you can tell that that man has has changed a lot of stuff with this team I’ve always said this Jabar Smith Jr is one of my favorite young players in basketball because that guy plays winning ball and

I guess we haven’t seen it on a big scale just yet because they have not played a playoff series but I feel so confident in his ability to not really hurt you when it matters the most so there’s just a lot of stuff going on with the Rockets will they take what the

Go the Golden State Warriors T see I don’t really know here’s the strength of schedule for the rest of the season right now the Rockets have the 11th hardest schedule left they still got to go against OKC want Minnesota the ERS they still got Dallas twice Orlando and

Then the Miami Heat they still got four games against two of the bottom feeders out west so they hopefully should take care of business but if you look down here to 2015 is the Warriors so the Warriors have an easier schedule both have 12 games left again who knows it’s

It’s the NBA it’s basketball anybody can win on any given night um I’m not here to make a prediction I’m just here to shed some light on some of the cool stuff happen in the association in the Houston Rocket streak right now is one of the coolest things happening let me

Know what you think in the comments section with the Warriors retain that spot do you think the the Rockets have a real chance of taking it I’ll be down in the comments reading and I’ll see y’all soon

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  1. Imo you gotta drop Darymond Punch yo Face Green and rebuild on Steph and Kuminga. Also cut alot of minutes from Klay and get a role player

  2. Please do an analysis on how vavleet can be the best player on 2 teams 2 years in a row and still be called mid. Is it all about points ? Or actual basletball

  3. Ok I get that the league wants to make more money with the play in, but the problem is that teams that need to rebuild are delaying it for a minute chance to be in the playoffs and we're not assessing teams correctly anymore. Look at your bulls, for example, they should be thinking the draft, not playoffs. Lakers and warriors aren't playoff teams this year and should be looking to sell off parts and rebuild.

  4. What’s that Nike hoodie it is heat!Great video as well, rockets signings are turning out. But the warriors are taking it because you can’t bet against curry .

  5. Great I’m glad he ain’t deep diving into the warriors. I’m tired of this team. Went into the season thinking we could do something but Steve Kerr held the leash too long. The dogs are too afraid to run anymore and the old ones just can’t yet he has them racing the most. It’s just all wrong in sf and I wish he didn’t get 2 more years to keep doing this.

  6. If the warriors had lamelo they’d be better and lamelo wouldn’t have ankle injuries with Steph being his teammate.

  7. Kerr said he's resting curry for the playoffs 😂
    does he realize they're the 10th seed & on the verge of being 11th

  8. I remember religiously watch Jalen greens HS tapes with Josh Cristopher and man I was so impressed I knew they’d both go to the nba but to end up on the same team at some point was pretty cool. Hope Josh can turn it up and go crazy but Jalen was built for this

  9. not even mentioning sengun, tari eason and cam whitmore back in this line up after their injuries are gonna feed families

  10. As a rockets fan watching all these games over the past 3 years at crazy hours cause I live in Ireland it was some of the worst hoops you’ll see
    All I wanted coming into the season was watchable ball
    And this stretch has been coming, the right things were being done coaching wise for this team to succeed
    It’s a great season no matter how these final games go but let’s give it everything for the play in
    All my life the golden state warriors have beaten the rockets when it matters, please let us get this

  11. We knew this at the bigging of last season. The punch, and their dumb ass loyalty to klay and Draymon was never going to end good. Klay is washed and so is Draymon

  12. its because the are treating curry like he's 27-30 making him carry too much playing too small they've needed a Center for years now but kurr is stuck in his ways and they haven't been playing their rookies for the past 3-4 years until this one so when we needed people to step up they couldn't I think curry after his contract ends joins a team where he's not the MAIN roll but still a big long so the can get a chip like Nuggets spurs (They arent good now but after next 2 off season they are going to blast up in ranking I think)

  13. Every time I watch a warriors game, curry’s minute patterns baffle me. Dude is just chillin with a towel on his head half the time

  14. I believe its ime udoka effect most underrated coach in basketball he is shadow banned by the leagu but he revived Boston and now doing the same with Huston Last year Huston was ass and now is playing so good

  15. As a warriors fan I think we should bench curry the rest of the year. If it's our time, let our bench carry us in to the play in. If they lose with out steph, we didn't have a chance to begin with. The off-season is coming quick and someone has to go, we can't have both wiggins and klay underperform on offensive

  16. I can't believe it!
    The Old GS Warriors are in a "Dogfight" with the young Houston Rockets for the #10 Play-in spot.
    Not Good! 😮😯😦

  17. Never knew about the Warriors potentially falling out as the NBA app and websites never load the standings for me anymore (even ESPN). Am I the only one with this issue?

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