
The MOST EMBARRASSING Game In Basketball History…

The MOST EMBARRASSING Game In Basketball History…

Welcome back to the next chapter my name is Devonte fra here with Scotty Weaver we have an amazing one that we’ve all been waiting for dieso Trey and trell twins all teaming up and I know the people are super excited going against EJ DC heat and Castro I know you guys

Are ready to take these teams on we’re going to get over there in a second but hey everybody’s been waiting for you guys to play in the same team we already know why can you guys talk to us a little bit about what’s about to happen

Uh I feel like we just got to come out here with a lot of energy and intensity and show everybody that we just we we real dogs three dogs on one team get dangerous for real know what I’m saying three-headed dogs they heard of the three-headed goat we the three-headed

Dogs three-headed raccoons with rabies raccoon three-headed raccoons with rabies is what they said guys three-headed raccoon with rabies that’s what they said they are that’s a little bit intimidating I’m not going to lie that’s a little bit Wild headed uh what three-headed raccoon with rabies is what you’re about to go

Atesh uh hey man it’s going to be a a raccoon fight cuz we racons too we just ain’t three-headed man let’s get this money man you guys aren’t nervous to go against them right because the whole comment section was saying that they wouldn’t do this Scotty listen I have I have a lot

Of I’m giving you guys a lot of credit you’re the first ones to step out against the three-headed raccoon with rabies [Applause] hell no hell [Applause] no People come [Applause] here yeah boy [Applause] what go [Applause] That one keep moving [Applause] mov [Applause] 3 3 good ER you good EJ Good fin got me one t said I finally got me one TN get another one then get another one G give him another one gang right there right There got me another one got me another one everyone thought they were going to win because of just their energy you three are skilled another one if y’all go 30 Z I’ll give each y’all $150 oh [ __ ] these [ __ ] for real keep playing good BB freck you heard frck Jeremy said if they

Go 30 Z he got 150 for all three of them who black who said that joh [ __ ] I’m at it hey fre say he matching J 150 that’s 250 a piece 250 300 my bad y’all don’t take that out 300 so right now if they 30 Z this team

Which is mad disrespectful they’re getting 300 a piece cuz Jeremy threw 150 and I said we would match it just box up we need a box we need the box and we can’t let them shoot they already hot we don’t get them more confident we good we box out you

Be everything’s against you guys right now the whole building yeah whole building against y’all I’m not worri bro we good out hustle you got to out hustle though all right relax I know you’re in the middle of witnessing one of the craziest next chapter videos we’ve ever

Posted but today’s video of course is sponsored by prize picks now if you enjoy doing player fantasy like myself and like everybody else that you’ve seen here on the next chapter you need to try out prize picks and I know you guys have heard everybody say this but instead of

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30 I got you Bo now over’s [Applause] over hey first 30 150 to diesel TR and Trey right now for the first 30 and Jeremy’s doing the same thing that was unbelievable that was Crazy

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  1. Idk what the F this was but it wasn’t basketball. Just arm wrestle instead we knew ahead of time those hacks were stronger, if you’re not gonna call fouls why even play

  2. Also it’s 2’d and 3’s, it’s still bad but more like 15-0. It happens, teams get uncharacteristically hot and when you just flagrantly assault someone anytime they get the ball what do u expect? Thought Next Chapter valued skill

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