@Oklahoma City Thunder

Milwaukee Bucks vs Oklahoma City Thunder 3rd QTR-PART 2 Highlights | Mar 24 |2024 NBA Regular Season

Milwaukee Bucks vs Oklahoma City Thunder 3rd QTR-PART 2 Highlights | Mar 24 |2024 NBA Regular Season

Has in Spades just that mentality very similar Dynamic that way we going only hope the end result is as good as that one was Beasley squeezes off of three nice but that 2018 you could bring a James posy Off the Bench a Tony Allen a PJ Brown I mean along with kg Kevin

Garnett and Paul Pierce and Ray Allen Rajan Rondo that team was a defensive jug some people call that maybe one of the best defensive team and again and and the adjustments were not you know for the for the for the faint of intelligence let me put it that way I

Mean this was I was kind of I was kind of curious as if the Bucks were going to be able to execute some of the things that Doc and his coaching staff Rex camian had them doing defensively because a little bit different than what they’re normally used to sh just

Alexander finds a rare opening at least tonight well and the one thing about Shay you want to force him left but you can’t allow him just to walk to the basket going left you got to give them a little bit more resistance than that uhoh and here they come another turnover

Force This Is How They feast here’s a three that momentum getting ready to try to shift but a three-pointer misses from the rookie K Wallace there this is a team that’s had a lot of success obviously best record in the Western Conference so they’re not going anywhere they got a lot of Pride

They’ve been in these situations before that lead’s only 133 right now I mean that’s nothing in the NBA these days here comes SGA bounces off a Defender and lays it in those points off turnovers that’s 12 of them now on 11 turnovers and Bucks have done a good job

Since the opening four minutes of not turning that gate that ball over but all of a sudden it’s a flurry of them they get you with deflections here’s a three-point try Crowder comes up with a timely bomb well they’re going to send two ad Giannis at midcourt get the ball

Out of his hands early make sure you you swing swing you’ll get some open looks if you can knock down those threes you can win this game SJ try to to go he scored 25% of his team’s points this season that’s number one in the league Giannis is number three in that category

Just over 23.2% of his team’s points and he’s going to try to answer instead nice dish and PC will lay it in on the other side good delayed cut by Pat to make himself available yanov is caught in a bad way beautiful pass inside the Pat defense and Pat comes away with the

Steel as he gets it to poris poris trying to hold on SGA the League’s number one Steelman almost got it J Crowder now Giannis back to jam three ball four side that’s what’s got to happen Giannis has got to stay patient allow the double team to materialize and

Then pick it apart with the pass by the way they turned his previous three crowers that is to a two so that one will be a three-pointer but they took a point off the board earlier SGA hands off now on the other side good ball movement here this is the Sharpshooter

Isaiah Joe Canon one from the top of the AR he can shoot you back in the game but I love the way the Bucks walled off Chad hrum on the inside of the restricted area immediately scoring starting to pick up Bobby no sir Yannis gobbles up that

Rebound missed it Taps it again and he gets it to drop so with that Giannis now has his most points in a season over the course of his career he’s got 2,6 points pen funnel it to the corner no sir case Wallace Off the Mark box with a 16-point lead now trying

To stretch it going into the fourth conon would send to shoot double team arrives Giannis holds on to it I would venture to Guess That might be the first time in the history of this game that that series of events has ever played out back to back 10c call and a

Lane followed prly by a lane violation wow inside of 45 seconds to go now as game clock and shot clock separated by about 29 seconds we got to wait late the shot clock to get going good defense here good D Patrick Beverly one razor back to another on Isaiah Joe they were

Going for the two for one and it actually may cost him sometimes that’ll happen you get greedy middle jump hook there you go jump hook deposits that one right over Chad hren gave a two small sign and a tell you what toat the seven-footer Holy Smokes Chad hren

Suffice to the say probably hadn’t seen that don’t have enough size to get on this ride young fell only guy can big enough isama Chet trying to answer his shot rims out the Bucks are going to go to the fourth quarter with their largest

Milwaukee Bucks vs Oklahoma City Thunder 3rd QTR-PART 2 Highlights | Mar 24 |2024 NBA Regular Season


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