@Miami Heat

Patty Mills after the Miami Heat win over the Cavs!!!

Patty Mills after the Miami Heat win over the Cavs!!!

Patty Mills after the Miami Heat went over the Cavs check out the video what’s up Patty how’s it feel to get a huge win like that at home yeah great win man we knock it down together as a team and um yeah got a much much deserved win right Team Patty we just want to hear you say whatever bring us in [Applause] go you got listen up Co three bam how do you explain the turnaround from what we saw on Friday to what we saw tonight ma shots uh now I feel you can you can

Definitely tell was a different sense of urgency during the game and you know obviously making shots help but we was really active on the defensive end getting steals getting deflections and turning them in offense I was about to ask you that question but the defense

How much of that kind of fuel what you guys did on offense tonight just getting those easy buckets like I always say man let our defense be our offense B against a against a pick and roll combo like Darius and Jared Allen when you’ve got a pull-up guard and and

A guy who can roll and finish how much has the Reps you’ve had in new different coverages over the past year and a half kind of helped you manage and shut down a combination about that uh we just know how to make him shoot difficult shots force him into difficult

Shots uh get the ball out of his hand as much as possible and you live with that result um you know for us is really just giving that extra effort I got oh bam um you’re still very young what does it mean to you that you get so

Early in your career a third time and heat history the double double leader with 168 third place third place third place dang uh I mean still mad at SPO cuz he ain’t let me really play my first two years uh but it just shows the the the trust that you know obviously the

Coaches having me to go out there and produce um but also myself believing in myself that I can be you know top five in everything in the franchise um so yeah just keep working towards my goals and uh keeping our head down hey this kind of games uh taking in

Mind that you’re approaching the the playoffs and the cups can can be one of the teams that you have to face this kind of games mean something you you think in the future mentally for you and for them uh I mean for us it was a

It was a it was a good rest for the the fourth quarter uh I feel like a lot of us needed it but you know you see teams like that in the playoffs and when it gets in the playoff these these games don’t matter game slows down possession

By possession it starts looking a lot different so for us we know we can beat them uh it’s just if we get there and we see him you know it’s a it’s a different ball game yeah SP talked about even though you’re young and age you seen so

Much you know playing in so many playoff games throughout your career how much does that experience so early in your career helped form the player you are today uh you start to get familiar with it you start to understand the the ins and outs of the playoffs obviously you

Know for me it feels weird if we don’t make the playoffs cuz it’s like I don’t know what to do with that summer um but it’s just the experience of you know there’s nothing like it you know regular season and the playoffs are totally different like I just said it’s

Possession by possession and when you when you have to think like that everything matters you know turnover steals uh Miss shots you start to think about everything um you know so for for me as a young age it’s just great to have that opportunity one more question uh because

Of your threes is it something that you specifically specifically kind of working at it at the moment or is it just coming up naturally that you’re starting I woke up one day and just felt like shooting threes not ain’t going to lie I just

Woke up one day I was like a I’m going shoot thre Today be sure to like comment and subscribe see you in the next video hoop life family

Patty Mills after the Miami Heat win over the Cavs!!! #miamiheat

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