@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons Have Ended Their Season Early, Fans Should Completely Check Out Of This Team

The Detroit Pistons Have Ended Their Season Early, Fans Should Completely Check Out Of This Team

The Detroit Pistons did play a game today against the New York Knicks but this team has stopped taking the season serious and basically wrapped their season up early so we’re going to do the same thing we’re not going to take this team very serious you are locked on Pistons your

Daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day what studio welcome welcome back to another episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host Cahill you can find me over on Twitter ukah Hill I want to thank you guys making lockon Pistons your first listen of every single day we’re free available on all your podcast platforms if you

Haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review or whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on it’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by priz piix the easiest most exciting way

To play daily fantasy sports go to NBA new cold all lowercase locked NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 the Detroit Pistons did play a game tonight I’m recording this right after their loss their 12499 loss to the New York Knicks the Pistons had 40 dropped on them by Dante

Devan chenzo Jaylen Brunson had 28 Dante Devan chenzo had 11 threes made in this game the Pistons didn’t crack 100 points the Detroit Pistons played Troy Brown Jr toson James wisman Jane Ivy Marcus Asser Malachi Flynn chimeny metu Evan forier Jared Rhoden buddy baheim and if you’re one of

The lucky listeners of this podcast who have listened maybe not all year or have tuned the team out and haven’t paid attention to this team as often all year you probably maybe know two of those names two of those names you maybe know two of them maybe three around two or

Three so you may be sitting here asking who who the hell are these people and I’m not even going to take the time to explain who they are to you guys because it’s as simple as this and for the rest of the year oh I guess I

Should I should start the podcast off saying this to you guys um just real quickly from here on out throughout the rest of the offseason I’m GNA have Pistons fans on the podcast um to talk about how they feel about this season and where the Pistons are heading

And how you know miserable this season was get everything off your chest so if you’re interested in coming on the podcast and having uh a segment to come on here and really let your grievances out comment in the comment section down below of the YouTube channel or you can

Head over to my Twitter at Cahill you can DM me and we’re going to try to get as many fans as we possibly can on throughout the rest of the season throughout the rest of the offseason um so again if you’re interested in that go

Ahead and do that but like I was saying um I’m not going to explain who these guys are uh for those people who who maybe haven’t been watching the team all year and have been tuning in and out because it’s as simple as this the Detroit Piston stopped taking this

Season serious a long time ago maybe I’m not saying the player stopped taking it serious K Cunningham still took it serious you know Jay and Ivy still takes it serious he’s still out there playing you know I’m not saying the players stopped taking it seriously though you could probably argue that

Some of the players stopped taking it seriously as well the Pistons as a franchise stopped taking this season serious but I’m gonna go out I’m gonna go ahead and go out on the limb and say this I’m gon go out on the limb and say this every single piston that is

Currently out and not playing I’m gonna take a guess and say not every single one of them actually is out because they just couldn’t play I’m going to take a guess and say some of those Pistons probably could play um and just like every season for the

Last four years just like every season of the last four years of this rebuild underneath Troy Weaver at the end of their season they give up at the end of their season every single season for the last four years this team has given up every single

Time they have given up with 20 games to go 20 five games to go in this season was supposed to be different this season was supposed to be different and if you guys don’t believe me just listen to this video real quick from Troy weaver himself before the

Season on what the goals were supposed to be for this team this year um realistic go 25 gam the Pistons goals for before this season according to Troy Weaver realistic goal for our team is to play 82 meaningful games we want to go down

To the wire we just look at the last 25 games and not be in contention we want to be in contention for 82 games of the entire season we are at March 25th and the Pistons probably gave up their season and stopped caring a week ago two weeks ago

Probably this team has stopped caring they stopped caring a long time ago so why should you guys care I am actively on this podcast yes I look this may hurt my own numbers it is what it is I telling any of you guys who are watching this podcast who are listening to this

Podcast stop watching the Pistons for the rest of the year don’t buy any tickets to any home games don’t waste your money going down to see them uh uh give up or or what’s the word I’m looking for why am I drawing a blank um

Remove or or or get rid of your bad Sports membership don’t watch their games on your phone don’t watch the games on TV liil C’s Arena should be completely empty for the rest of the year because if the Detroit Pistons don’t want to take this season serious

Why are the fans why are the fans spending money to take this this season serious needs to be over so fans I’m I’m not joking stop stop watching the Pistons anything to do with the Pistons just stop stop if this is how the Pistons are going to playes they should just just

Forfeit the rest of the 10 games just forfeit forfeit these games just give up don’t even show up for them this is this is like I don’t got nothing else for you guys I don’t know what else I don’t got nothing else for you guys for real I’m

Sorry I wish I did trust me i’ I’ve been I have tried I have tried so hard to try to find you guys some positive outlook each podcast I’ve tried because I don’t want to be all negative I don’t want to but this team has 12 wins they are playing a

Rotation where only maybe one or two of these guys will be on the roster next year maybe they played 10 guys against the New York Knicks May maybe two will be on the roster next year and what was supposed to be a competitive year for I

If there was ever a a more perfect way to tip to just just cap off this season after the losing streak longest losing streak in a single NBA season after how bad it’s gone if there’s a more perfect way to cap that off to really show just

How bad it was go look at the go look at the people who have been playing the last three games this team this franchise is stop taking this season serious and so should you that’s my message to all of you guys that’s where we’ll leave it at it’s

Opening opening P opening segment um when we come back honestly guys this is just going to be like this is just going to be a rant filled episode this is just going to be a rant filled episode and the comment section my mentions on Twitter my DMs on Twitter after this

Episode this is going to be a safe space this is where we all can just scream into the pillow and and let it all out and let it all out so I mean yeah that’s what you can look forward to when we come back price Pi is America’s number one

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Pick less it’s that easy with price picks so I want to thank you guys again for somehow some way caring enough about this team to tune into this podcast again uh thank you for making us our first listen your first every single daybar podcast platforms hit the Subscribe button to the YouTube channel

Leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to us on that’s another great way to support the podcast all of you guys who have supported the podcast throughout the year despite what’s going on with this team I really appreciate you guys uh you

Guys are absolute real ones we had a big jump with the team or with the podcast this year W there was a big jump with the team we had a big jump with the podcast this year um despite how how bad it went so um appreciate you

Guys the Pistons like I don’t think people truly understand like truly like I I know I know people know that this season was bad like obviously I I know I know that this I know that everyone knows that this season has been terrible but I I I I truly don’t think that

People I I I don’t feel like people fully grasp maybe and more so people outside Detroit because it’s not being talked about enough I don’t think they fully grasp just how bad this is so like Keith Black Trudeau who you guys know I’ve called U many times the historian

Of his history itself um follow him over on Twitter a great basketball history mind um knows everything about the history of the NBA we’ve had him on the podcast before um he tweeted this out with 10 games remaining here are the worst 72 game records in Pistons history fifth is 2022 at

1953 fourth is 1981 1755 third is 1980 1650 16 and 56 and the top two worst records is 16 and 56 which was last year and 12 of 60 which is this year which means three of the Pistons top five worst records of all time have come in backto backto back

Seasons I’ll say it again that means three of the of the five worst seasons in Pistons history have come in back to backto back Seasons the Pistons must have mistaken what all my Jordan [ __ ] looks like because this is not what it’s supposed to look like not that means

Winning they they they got confused with what that means I I TR like I saw some people talking about earlier why AR why isn’t the NBA stepping in and like if the Pistons end this season and no changes are made I don’t blame any Pistons fans for begging for the NBA to step

In I won’t blame any Pistons fans for begging for the NBA to step in because this right here is is one of the worst threeyear stretches in NBA history in NBA history and yes that includes the Philadelphia 76ers process process teams let’s go look you know what let’s

Go look at what the p or the the the 76ers record was during the process teams first year they were 1963 that’s better than this year’s Pistons second year they were 18- 64 that’ll be better than this year’s Pistons now they did have a year that was 10 and 72 which my God

Like 10 and 72 dude like I not GNA lie to you I didn’t know that before like 10 games um so yeah that team is worse but I mean what 19 18 like those two G those two seasons of the process is better than the last three years for the

Detroit Pistons for last two years in the Detroit Pistons on par basically the exact same like the Pistons are basically being the processed 76ers without trying to be the process 76ers which is what’s made it worse like they weren’t trying to be this bad this year which is why they

Should be fired immediately as soon as the season they should have been fired weeks ago is that they weren’t trying for this to happen this wasn’t supposed to happen the Sixers were like you can’t really like to be honest the coaching staff you know the front office

Like they were doing that on purpose like they were actively trying to be the worst team of all time for those three years like that that was their goal this year the pisses were not like their goal was not to be that and they’re being compared by the to the PRC

76ers and notice how I haven’t even mentioned really anything from this New York Knicks game outside the opening bit about Dante Devan chenzo going off if I were to talk about this game it things would just get more depressing Jay iy two of 14 in this

Game there’s two things to say about Jay Ivy I guess like one he’s continuing to struggle mly badly he has not played well in a while that’s first which is really concerning I I I’ve voiced my concerns about Ivy throughout this year but then the other thing is

God bless them God bless them because everyone else is sitting out no one else is playing he decid he’s going to keep playing he’s going to keep going out there and he’s being surrounded by these players like like like God bless him God bless him that he’s still out there

Playing I’ll tell you this much if I was a player on this team and I saw what this what was going on everyone sitting out and this is the this is the roster I’d be playing with ah Coach man my knee my like it’s killing me man like I don’t

Know I like I try to jump on it it just I think I’m done for the year man I think I’m done like that that don’t you don’t want Cucka Hill the NBA player that’s why I’d be I’d be the biggest scumbag out there like as simple as that

Simple as that I would you wouldn’t catch me in cold day and hell out there with this roster out there on that floor for what to embarrass myself to make my stats worse to what what Pride am I proven here my pride was lost a long

Time ago at this point in the season Pride was gone I to be honest I don’t even know where I’m going I don’t think any of us know where we’re going when we talking about the Pistons anymore like I said this is just an open like diary this is

Just an open like everyone just get everything out in the comment section tweet at me DM me like just just get everything out like truly how do how how does the Pistons franchise expect Pistons fans they’re lucky this game wasn’t in Detroit I promise you the sell the team chance

Would have been louder than ever and honestly you guys don’t understand what would be what would be even more louder what would be like like so loud it would kill everyone’s ears in the front office in the franchise what would be what would be even louder than chanting selda team

With the building filled to the to the absolute top would be it would that arena being completely empty that right that arena being completely empty would be much louder than any chant you guys could yell during games I promise you that and that’s what should happen at

Least at one point this season I’m not joking at some point this year there’s 11 games left 10 games left the Pistons fan base needs to deliver on that and just not show up no one show up as little people as possible show up there’s no reason to there’s no reason

To I this is just like and and I feel bad I feel bad for Pistons fans like I’ve said this many times many many times but like for those of you who are on social media like you see that like the Pistons have become the laughing stock the the they’ve become the laughing

Stock of like professional sports not just the NBA a professional sports if you scroll social media it’s non-stop making fun of the Pistons I tune in to while I’m at work I tune in to first things first at three o’clock and every time they do their NBA rankings the

Pistons are at the bottom of the rankings not at the bottom of normal rankings they’re in their own tier which is relegation like actively there are shows saying that the pisses need to be moved to Las Vegas that the team needs to be taken out of

Detroit and at the end of this season there’s a good chance that everyone will be back not one person will be fired not one person will be held accountable for this that’s that’s that’s where we’re at I got nothing for you guys man I got nothing for you guys I guess I’ll go

Ahead and preview this for you guys as well like for the rest of the year after this podcast I don’t think any podcast I recorded is going to be about a Pistons game because they’re not taking it serious so I’m not going to either and neither you guys so we’re probably going

To come up with some very interesting episodes we’re gonna have some fun with it we’re GNA try to bring some happiness we’re g to try to bring some Smiles we’re gonna try to bring some laughs to to the Pistons Community by not talking about this season’s Pistons by not

Talking about the final nine games of this season where they’ll probably be asking me to go out there and suit up we’re not we’re not going to do that the team the fan base has been tortured enough this year so we’re going to try to have fun we’re gonna try to H have

Laughs after this podcast after we get everything out on this podcast moving forward we’re going to try have some laughs because damn it the Pistons fan base needs it so um when we come back we’ll wrap this up and I I’ll give my final thoughts really on the Pistons

Season because in my mind this is where the Pistons season ends they may have technically nine 10 games to go but this is The Season’s done this is where they decided that their season was going to end so I I’ll give my overall thoughts on the season in the final segment we’ll

Forget about this season completely and we won’t talk about it no more in future episodes it’s done unless something changes we’re we’re done so um stay tuned for that when we come back this episode is sponsored by betterhelp give online therapy a try at lockon MBA and get on

Your way to being your best self sometimes we all need the opportunity to get something off of our chest big or small certain things can really start to get to you and it’s important to let that out especially to someone who’s unbiased in your life just like I’m

Using this podcast right now to come on here and just rant and get everything off my chest I can think of people usually have things a little bit more important more things that matter more in life than your favorite sports team being this historically bad and for

Those things you should give better help a try especially if you’re thinking of starting therapy it’s entirely online designed to be flexible and suited to your schedule you get an online therapist and if you’re not vibing with that therapist you can switch just like that all entirely online it’s amazing

Over at better hope so visit lockon MBA to get 10% off your first month that’s better hel lockin MBA to get 10% off your first month with better help so I want to thank you guys again for me lock on pist since your first listen of every single day available on

All your podcast platforms if you haven’t already headed to the YouTube channel at loon assist hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review or whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast the this is my final thoughts on this

Season I’m gonna give you guys my my and of course when the season actually ends technically we’ll do uh like I I’ll obviously do a season recap episode I might have some fans on to do it I might have a guest on to do it because at that

Point I I I don’t know if I’ll have it in me to talk about this season again but like I said this is where the Pistons season has ended for me this this is where the Pistons have told me and told all the fans and told everyone who’s paying attention that this is

Actually where their season’s done we don’t care no more this season and these will be my final comments and we’re logging off here this season has been probably not probably this has been the biggest disgrace to Detroit sports since the Pistons or the Lions 06 season and damn

It I wasn’t really that old for the 06 season so I’m going to say this is the most disgraceful Sports season that I’ve ever witness in the Detroit Detroit sports ERA this probably is the most disgraceful season in Pistons history these last four years have been the most

Disgraceful four years in a glorious honorable Rich culture filled franchise it’s been the worst fouryear stretch in this franchise history it’s been the most disgraceful four-year stretch in Pistons history it’s been an embarrassing twoyear stretch in Pistons history in Detroit sports history it’s been a slap

In the face to every Pistons fan that has spent money to go buy a ticket to buy memorabilia to go buy a Jersey to buy a poster to to to do anything remotely involving the Detroit Pistons it’s been a spit in the hand and then a

Slap across the face to every single one of those fans over the last two years that’s how bad this season was it’s a laughing stock they are embarrassing and every single person that is has any responsibility for how this season went for how last season went for how the last four years in

Detroit Pistons history has went should be fired as soon as this season ends honestly again if it was up to me they’d be fired tonight they would be fired tomorrow and like I’ve said many times in the podcast before I’ve asked the question tell me what’s the argument for

Them to not be fired I’m done asking that question because really that question was only being asked to be polite and try to avoid having to say what the truth was so I don’t have to say it out loud but I’m done hiding around it I’m saying it just straight up

They need to be fired right now every single one of the people in this franchise that was a part of the most disgraceful era in Pistons history and that’s not opinion that is fact these last two seasons are the worst seasons in Pistons history this season is the

Worst season in Pistons history it’s the worst season in Detroit sports history since the own 16 Lions season and right after that one it might be second this has been an embarrassment they’ve turned the Pistons franchise into a laughing stock it’s crazy it’s sad to see and no

One should care about this team for the rest of the year and honestly I’ll take it a step further not a single fan should care about this team or pay attention to this team or give this team any effort any thought if going into the off season no changes are made not a

Single person should care at any point in the off season if it’s the same people making the same decisions and like I said I’ll end it off with this there should be a home game this year where the Detroit Pistons fan base decides to not show up and leave Lil’s Arena

Empty there’s no reason why to keep pouring your money your hard-earned money into a team that’s not taking you serious that’s not taking themselves serious there’s no point in doing it it’s just robbery at that point I don’t care anymore I don’t care anymore I’m just goingon to say what’s

What’s real and what’s happened this year it’s been pathetic it’s been pathetic and embarrassing and everyone’s hands are covered in blood for this like they they everyone’s hands is is dirty and they shouldn’t get a chance to clean them they should all be fired this season was atrocious and it

Was embarrassing to everybody I’m sorry to Pistons fans that they had to witness this I’m sorry to Detroit sports fans and hell I’m sorry to NBA fans that there is a team like this in the NBA stinking up the NBA product thank you guys for Mak locked on

Pistons your first listen every single day freom re podcast platforms that’s all I’ve got for you guys guys today thank you guys for making lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day fre all your podcast platforms appreciate you guys stay safe out there find something other else to

Do with your guys’ day at 7:30 eastern time every night there has to be something better I’ll catch you guys in the next one peace out

The Detroit Pistons are no longer taking this season seriously, maybe they never did. Pistons fans should join them and completely check out of this season.

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  1. I'd play Ivey off the bench next year. He stinks as a shooter. I'd trade Duren because he can't protect the rim. Both of these guys are shitty defensively and that isn't PISTON BASKETBALL.

  2. I can't even enjoy basketball anymore, i only have time to watch pistons basketball games. I can't even watch games for fun because of how bad we have been for so long, glad other teams are getting to have fun seems like the pistons are the only team that can't have any kind of joy

  3. I’m sorry but when you do this makes you even less legit that you usually are and that’s hard to believe. Time to to delete this trash padcasts and takes. You still never admitted you were wrong about Hayes. Your takes are ass

  4. I don’t think I could ever stop watching entirely, even if I never turned the game on I’d check the score, but this team has become so unrecognizable with all these scrubs playing. I like Ivey and Sasser but they’re inconsistent and I can hardly stomach watching them play with G-Leaguers, then they go on the bench to rest and it’s the worst Pistons roster I’ve ever seen. It won’t get any better next year either.

  5. Why would the NBA “step in” and do something as drastic like relocate the Detroit Pistons, one of the premier and most decorated NBA franchises despite the past 10 years or so, just because of a few losing seasons in a row…? But we can keep the Charlotte Hornets and Washington wizards huh lol. Y’all are being overly dramatic as always

  6. The fact that Weaver wasn't fired after he threatened a fan is proof that Gores doesn't care about Pistons fans.

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