@Toronto Raptors

Raptors lose 11 straight as Jontay Porter SCANDAL dominates headlines

Raptors lose 11 straight as Jontay Porter SCANDAL dominates headlines

That moment like for you oh it was very exciting especially for me and my family um I feel like I prayed on the moment to happen like this and I’m I’m just so thankful um that this organization gave me a chance so then today you know P fber Kobe is

Getting the 10-day contract he SP go have this dog guy what was it like to see him get this chance you know and share this moment with him too um it um I was excited for him U when I found out the news yesterday so um for him to just

Come in and just continue to be and play his game um I was just happy to see it have you been able to kind of uh take some positives from this tough stretch for the team um we could just keep building honestly um I feel like the uh

Us younger guys out there could just keep building and working um with each other each and every day and by the time either uh end of next year or beginning of next year uh we’ll be fine what kind of message have you got from the coaching staff in terms of

Growing your game as a facilitating point card like you know clearly you can get kind of get troen you can score at all the levels but you know those some kind of the nuances of playing point guard what’s what are they trying to get you to work on and improve um just relax

Out there um I know it’s fast based game out there but um just take my time and be able to get what I want so the game jont Porter and his absence turns out I guess he’s been being investigated by the league for gambling issue um is there anything you know

About that and when so when did you become aware of um became aware of that uh today pretty much like anybody else and um U caught me of the G but uh at this point I really don’t have any comment on that the two games that he um

Pulled himself out of one was an ey injury and the other was illness did anything seem unusual to you in any of those instances uh no because uh for my perspective as a coach of the I never uh doubt uh injuries I never doubt you know honesty from players obviously I never

Had situation like like this before and uh you know so I did not Jericho did you have a conversation with the team after you found out that there was an investigation or or what did that look like uh I did not it really happened right before the game um and then new

Was broke out and uh we were focused on on basketball we were focused on a game tonight and I was trying to get our guys ready for the game tonight is this kind of distraction difficult like did people did your players seem upset I did not talk talk to players so

I do not know their reaction um I just don’t know I I just know that nobody wants those kind of uh situations to happen to anybody to any team and um we just got to deal with it have you JB biera made some comments a little while ago about how he’s had

You know threats to himself because of people call him him I think Tyrese halber made comments have you had any interaction with people kind of of that old has there been any impact of gambling on you in that respect uh no I never gambled in my life um I have 18 or

19 NBA Summer leagues uh with the different teams I never gambled one dollar in uh in Las Vegas so that’s definitely out of my zone of Interest or or knowledge but and I did not have any any contacts from anybody but nobody has like you know threatened you or anything

Or come to you say why didn’t my player play more minutes because I needed the pro never had those uh those situations I’m not using social media so I’m not checking any of that if somebody tried to reach out or anything but no I did not have that experience

Yet RJ and Emanuel were both on the bench tonight uh when do you expect them back uh they’re just uh now in a process of reconditioning and we’re going to take it uh day by day um and see you know as a group we’re going to evaluate when they’re going to be physically

Mentally ready to to join the team and play on the uh Lighter Side of things you guys said the franchise record for assists in a season I know it’s like 11 losses in a row but speaking to the overall of the offensive system how do you feel that kind of endorses what

You’ve been trying to teach and trying to coach all season um I think overall for for a season as a team uh we’re doing pretty good job of of moving the ball uh you know having a lot of players a lot of different lineups out there I

Think it speaks uh uh a volume of commitment of our guys to try to play to to that style and I think it’s just like we talked about the other day planting the seeds and good seeds uh for for the future of of our team I asked you before

The game about Kobe how did you feel def F in tonight um you know what uh joining a team uh after you know 7 one game and you know new teammates and everything overall I thought that that he did well um during the course of the game I was

Trying to coach him on a spot to recognize some of the situations offensively and defensively I liked his initiative to pick up full court and you know to to play some aggressive defense and I thought in the half court that he had a couple of really good drives uh

Some of those finished with layups or assists some of those he had the potential to to make a little bit better decisions but all of that to be expected at this point so this is a very disappointing development for torono um to those of you been following

My takes on this jonte Porter is easily one of the best Revelations of the Season he has been one of the five or six best players on this team and I know some people find that very hard to believe but he has been that good defensively offensively he’s been really

Solid and in a weird way he was replacing a guy that I already really liked a lot which is Christian Koko and now in a single season you received news that not only will one guy not possibly play basketball again and Christian Koko until he gets better um

You also receive word that you know for a guy like jonte who is not a major you know recruit or not like John Morant or Zion Williamson did this in which case you know maybe this is like this is serious serious stuff right and in a weird way it shouldn’t be right

Because he is a fringe role player um you know betting on the under but yeah there was a particular evening or night um where his parlay bat or his player props LED FanDuel and that was very strange now I will say this he is probably the best 11th or 12’s guy in

The league so if someone just figured out that he’s really freaking good when he plays that’s not a mystery to me um I’ve never seen his player props ever but if I had yeah I would take the one steel and one block and I would sleep easy knowing that if he plays he’s

Probably GNA get one steel and one block do you know what I mean um this opens up a much larger conversation about sports betting in general there have been a lot of allegations of referees Stars Etc um I think we can talk about in general a couple things uh this was a

Very very big day for Hoops huge day for hoops and if you were watching it early it seemed like nothing surprising was going to happen today it seemed like Iowa was going to win the Iowa uh women’s team of course with Caitlyn Clark was going to win um it seemed like

Every team in the NBA That was supposed to be blowing out the team that they were facing was going to win right and then we see this massive comeback from the Atlanta Hawks against the Boston Celtics and I was just like uhoh are are the Raptors going to beat the Nets and

It’s true um you know gett Temple was on the willu show talking yesterday or the day before sometime about you know the Perils of tanking and you know how it’s sort of a little bit destructive you know to think that way and how players

Need to go out and try to win anyway and here I am you know wanting a team that I absolutely rooting for because of the way the system is designed I’m rooting for them to lose every single game from here on out and I’ll would be very very

Upset if they win another game this season and that’s just the math of it because of course you know there’s win the day and there’s all sorts of stuff but one thing that g Temple did say is that this is the few one of the few

Teams that he’s ever been on that has initiated a tank where the Vibes have been this good um Paradise Lost saying what happened to jonte so so report broke out earlier um that jonte Porter is being investigated for uh sports betting effectively that the investigation is involving whether or not he was involved

With suspicious bets on his player props and I want to be very careful how I say this because we do kind of exist in a society where people are held guilty for things before they’re proven to be guilty um such instances of course of jayen Harris you know for instance you know

People just going out and saying you know he’s a drug addict or some [ __ ] like that no you want to be careful when you don’t have enough information and I don’t have any information on this but I will tell you this I’ve gotten to know a

Lot about jonte Porter over the last six months I was actually doing one of those I was going to do a profile video on him because he was just so freaking interesting like his backstory and this is just completely this is not an accusation anyone who’s followed this

Channel knows that I like the guy a lot like I like him he’s one of my favorite players on the team let me put it this way if you told me that a raptor had done this and you asked me to put money on which Raptor

Had done this I would pick him um he is insanely smart that usually helps for something like this to orchestrate something like this um he’s a bit of a hustler you know in in a sense like some of his childhood stories remind me of you know things that I did

When I was a kid he’s obsessed with chess I don’t know these are all things that make me think weirdly enough that he is at least somebody who could entertain the idea of um trying to exploit a weakness in the system if you will um maybe looking at himself as

Being so insignificant and so inconsequential that maybe him sitting out a second half in which you know a vast majority of betters had taken the under on his player props would not raise too many red flags however I will say that whenever whenever there is a bet that

Massively loses for the casinos or for the bet you know for the betting books there’s always always going to be a little bit of scrutiny and a little bit of tension to it and yeah if that’s you know Luca donich 40 Point triple double and then you know everyone bets that

Luca is going to have a 40 Point triple double and he having a 40 Point triple double that’s going to raise a lot of eyebrows but dude if it’s jonte Porter under you know four rebounds or three rebounds or whatever the hell it was yeah that’s going to be a very very

Weird it’s going to be a weird thing for sports books to lose money on so I’m inclined to say that if they have launched such a public investigation they have more grounds than just mere coincidence and I’m just preparing myself for the Raptors have released jonte Porter and blah blah blah and so

You move on unfortunately I hope I’m wrong I really do but I don’t think I am um which is a bummer because he fits in so beautifully with how the Raptors play um it’s a bummer it really is anyways um moving on to the game uh Dennis schroer

Pays the Raptors back by Leading the Brooklyn Nets over the Toronto Raptors I never thought I would ever say anything nice about Dennis Porter uh Dennis wow Dennis schroer but here I go thank you Dennis Schroeder for continuing on with the Tank See Dennis Schroeder is the original tank commander he is the

Original guy who started the tank he started it in Miami and really he’s the reason we even have our pick right now because had he not been such a train wreck earlier in the season quite frankly you know disruptive chemistry Etc setting up guys over leverag as a

Playmaker you see him now with a way less talented roster around him like I mean Mel Bridges is Mel Bridges but he’s no Scotty Barnes and he’s no Pascal seak so let’s be real this guy is playing like really off the ball and really sober and I’m like

Why couldn’t he have just done this for us in the beginning we would have had a pretty successful season it’s weird um we have a super chat here I feel like since this is a weak draft giving up the pick won’t be so bad remember when we

Had the first pick in another week draft Um weird logic because you had the second pick in that draft be a really good player in LaMarcus Aldridge and he was a multiple time All-Star and you had the sixth pick in that draft if I’m not mistaken which was Brandon Roy who was on his way to becoming one of the top

Five players in the league had you know injuries not derailed him there’s always going to be Talent um I honestly think Andre’s career could have been very different too so yeah like I mean it’s I’m not saying there’s superstars in this draft that you need to T for

Like wanyama or Zion or whatever um but so often we’ve heard of a weak draft and it’s turned out to be so great you know the Paulo chat Jabari draft was supposed to be a pretty weak draft right relatively speaking the Anthony Edwards draft Anthony Edwards lamelo ball James

Wisman was supposed to be a weak draft now James wisman certainly is weak but lamelo has been better than Cade and Cade was supposed to be generational do you know what I mean like you you can only judge so far now I understand that a lot of that evaluation was a little

Bit screwed up because of covid and I get that so maybe this is more fair evaluation but I do believe honestly that that you know the Raptors will be very very much better off taking their chances and getting their pick this year and I do want to say also that the math

On this is pretty obvious that even with the six worst odds there’s still a substantial and a good chance that you still lose the pick so you know again all you need is one team behind you to move up and you’re out you’re toast and you’re not catching any of the teams

Ahead of you at all right tonight the Memphis Grizzlies lose the CH rap also lose um we will see I don’t know if they will hold out Emanuel quickley and RJ bar for the rest of the season that would be quite an obvious tank move you’ve lost 11 straight games um tonight

Comes with a little bit of a you know catch22 if you will right so let me share the screen here not a catch 22 it’s a it’s a let’s call it a bitter Suite so the bitter is that you have 88 points on the board

Which is a season low in terms of points scored for the Tron Raptors the sweet is that this game comes in the midst of the Raptors setting the single uh season Mark for most assists in a in a in a season for the Tron Raptors historically and they’ve had some really interesting

You know pass first friendly you know European style offenses before they had 2006 where they had Garo HOSA and U TJ Ford and Jose Calderone granted Pace was not nearly as great back then in 2006 but passing was a huge part of how that

Team was good um you also had the we the north you know team with Kyle Lowry and you know and then you had the championship duration Raptors we had Mark Gasol and movement and passing were huge huge parts of those teams as well so the fact that you have done this and

With time to spare by the way like there’s there’s more than 10 games to go in the season right now or there’s exactly 10 games to go in the season so yeah I mean this is this is quite Quite a feat to accomplish um even when you take stat inflation into account it’s

Quite crazy uh let’s take a look at the team stats tonight the Raptors do manage to pull this one out in terms of losing uh they do so despite taking more shots and they just shot abysmally from three both teams shot abysmally from three when’s the last time you saw an

NBA game with one team shot 18% the other shot 23 like this was ugly to watch it really was it was like watching the battle of the tank and really the only way the Nets even won this game was they doubled the Raptors on the offensive glass they got on the glass uh

For 16 boards and they they just merked them on rebounds 50 to 30 um but in terms of assists the Raptors win that battle steals you know it’s the stocks battle uh the Nets turn the ball over twice as much but yeah it was just that simple right the Raptors don’t give up

60 points in in the paint congratulations to give a 52 um and yeah the Nets had a 13-point lead at one point but it got it got too close too close for comfort for me um in terms of who Shan brigh for the Nets well it wasn’t really

Mel Bridges I thought he struggled he did twist his ankle at some point but that was a little bit later in the game I wondered if that played a part in terms of how he closed but honestly he’s been really bad for at least two months now

Ever since the Nets tanked that game against Milwaukee it seems like he has not really recovered and his pre tank game stats and his post tank game stats are ridiculous um Jaylen Wilson you know he was per fairly positive tonight he has you know he leads a pretty balanced

Attack 13 points for Bridges uh 12 points for Wilson and 11 points for Dorian finny Smith um Nick Clon was largely in visible offensively I think like some of his passing and limited passing really show up obviously Nick has been widely rumored as a raptor Target in the off season I don’t know

About that like watching him was was quite sad really to see some of the playmaking and stuff and I’m just like damn like I’m not really seeing it you know like I get the shot blocking and you know some of some of the paint protection stuff but like really like if

He doesn’t put on weight and he’s not he doesn’t become a better playmaker and he’s not really much of a shooter like I’m not really seeing some team out there trying to park 25 to30 million in this guy if you could get him for 15 holy [ __ ] that would be really worth it

If you can get him for 18 that might still be worth it but anytime you go north of 20 for a guy like Nick Claxton I think you’re starting to get in trouble um Watford was probably the best player on their team um he he and

Schroeder lead the way with 19 points to piece I don’t know where the hell they would have been I liked what I saw from Noah Clowney and I love what I saw from Deon sharp like I have been a big proponent for like I want day Ron sharp

On the Raptors you know like big lob Target no Scotty they play together in high school would be great but St lovey um in terms of the Raptors honestly there’s this entire game should go to three guys number one it should go to Sher as an x-raptor for leading the

Charge for the Nets but it should also go to Kelly olenic and probably let’s say Bruce Brown you know like whenever the Raptors got it going and like really the guys who got it going in terms of like energy and force were guys like Javon Freeman Liberty Grady dick Kobe

Simmons who was freaking awesome like Kobe was really good um even Jordan wara in bursts I think Garrett Temple had good moments like you had these like moments where the Raptors looked so much better do you know what I mean like their offensive process was so good that

It was just like and they felt so energetic and then at one point they were even playing defense and you’re like how are they going to lose this game are the Nets so bad like how are they going to lose this game um Paradise Lost saying why Jack is why Yak is still

Off um I’m pretty sure he’s done for the season actually so yeah um he had surgery did he not so yeah anyway it was really not a great game I thought oai was was good like I think I think he was solid like there’s really not a lot to talk about with this

Game right like you’re literally like I’m sitting there rooting for this team to lose I’m not sure how they’re going to lose and then that Bruce Brown turnover that like transition opportunity lost because he double dribbled the basketball and you just just felt the air and the momentum

Shift out of the building and out of the team he looked over his teammate like yeah I know what we’re doing do you know what we’re doing and you know everyone can talk about like this entire oh my God like the Raptors you know no one

Would ever go out and try to lose games on purpose and blah blah blah blah okay how many games can I think of where the Raptors had the game and the other team did absolutely nothing to win the game but then somehow the Raptors just

Had like a comedy of errors like do you think this is just the most unclutched team in the world or maybe there are like a couple of veterans who kind of get the bigger picture of what the Raptors are doing and they’ll just occasionally throw the ball away and

Fail to get back on defense I don’t know because I’m telling you this game was impossible to lose with the with how bad the Nets were playing like it felt impossible to lose um James said I think Porter took the under tonight here’s the thing um I understand

That I’m asking people who are probably not millionaires to have empathy for you know a professional athlete uh who makes over a million dollars I get that um but he is still under 25 number one so he’s like to me y sure he’s a young adult or

Whatever and you know he has guidance and he should have known better if he’s guilty and blah blah blah blah but what I really don’t appreciate and and I’ve seen a lot of it is people calling him stupid or people call him an idiot or people you know trying to almost like

Mock it or like even having fun at his expense like see your buddy taught you first of all taking Pleasure in someone else’s misery and this is I’m sure a very miserable moment for him uh regardless of what you think they did to deserve it is never cool um number two if he’s

Stupid oh my God I I consider myself pretty good at judging how smart people are and he might be one of the smartest Raptors of all time um so yeah like he’s really really intelligent like I can tell from how he talks and and how he’s thought things through and stuff so yeah

He’s made a really big mistake but you know they they say that um intelligence is often a a precursor to deviant as well um so ve basically when you look at um criminal populations right anyone who does anything wrong in terms of against the law you will see outliers on both

Sides it’s either people who are extremely stupid or people who are extremely smart right typically it is your you know 106 IQ middle of the road type of person who’s not going to break the law but if you have like a 166 IQ or if you have a 65 IQ

Mostly those are the two categories of people that are most likely to break the law and break the law in very different re in very different ways right so again they call it deviance for a reason because it’s deviation from the mean right so I think jont Porter is a very

Atypical person and a very atypical athlete like he’s very unique in a lot of ways in terms of how he plays in terms of how he thinks in terms of what he’s interested in all that stuff so yeah uh I don’t know um but I can tell

You like I I I really don’t understand people calling him stupid because if he’s stupid what are you right like I I really I don’t understand that at all um let’s talk a little bit about um I mean I want to talk briefly about this Caitlyn Clark stuff right because this

Is dominating everything right um I’m a little bit torn about it to be honest and and there there’s a lot of stuff happening that’s that’s uh um has a lot to do with um how we have been going politically for a while now so let me

Just pull this off the screen and just make myself a little big here so Cheryl swoops um said some stuff Caitlin Clark uh which which is categorically false right she said that I think she said something like she takes 40 shots a game or something on the Gilbert Arenas podcast which in fact

Is not true she takes 19 or so a game she said that she’s 25 years old and basically playing as bunch of kids which is not true she’s 22 years old she said something along the lines of she’s had longer time to break the records than Kelsey Plum and herself which is also

Not true she’s a senior she just you know I would just won tonight and then there’s been a lot of talk about you know the growth of the women’s game and if the faces of the future need to look like the faces of the past right specifically is Caitlyn Clark

Too white too religious and too straight to effectively be the face of the WNBA a league which According to some people is 98% lgbtq shut the hell up about that it’s not true it’s less than 50% but it is it the way the league presents itself it is very Progressive extremely liberal

And if you look at what liberal values have been presented as a straight white woman who believes in God and has a boyfriend and is from you know where she’s from is probably not going to be the model face of your league you’re going to want someone like Britney Griner right or

Even Diana terasi and I think it’s so weird to listen to people talk about this because everyone is using everyone uses this is something I’ve realized everyone uses things that happen in the news to po up what things that they already believe to be true right I’ll give you an example let’s say

You’re like some racist right-wing nut who believes that black people disproportionately commit crimes you’re going to look at this Jon Porter thing and you’re going to be like see told you do you know what I mean and and you’re going to have like and and the worst part about the internet is no

Matter what you say there’s always someone out there who agrees with you and there’s always someone out there who’s more extreme than you and you got to start to see through it man so on the Caitlyn Clark being too white or Paige Beckers being too white or you know WNBA athletes being

Threatened by these young women and Etc I’m like yo you don’t have to go to the WNBA and you don’t have to go to you know black white anything you can see that resentment between black people and white people you can see that resentment between Scotty and Fred

100% 100% you can see that between Scotty and Fred you can see that resentment between you know darus miles and LeBron James I mean there’s no there’s no gay person there there’s no there’s no white person there I mean obviously if you have people who believe that they are disproportionately

Underpaid and you have somebody who is making more money in nil deals in college than they are making as professional basketball players there’s going to be some element of resentment there there’s going to be some element of jealousy but to the question of whether Caitlyn

Clark is too white to be the face of women’s basketball two things number one two schools of thought on this first school of thought is sports is the only place where racism is less prevalent whereby Talent wins out 90% of the time personally I still see the seeds of

Systemic racism in terms of how we cover Sports and how we talk about sports and how Sports athletes move up in the world because there are still historical disadvantages that I believe certain groups and certain you know um community space and I think that that’s just for

Me that is unquestionably true but for some people it’s like hey this is more fair than you know ownership when you look at look at the fan base of the NBA what percentage of fans are like white a lot like a lot of fans are white what

Percentage of the US population is white a lot it’s like more than 60% of the US population is white okay so the NBA players are over 70% black so this to some people is like this is the system working or this is this is you know athletes beating the

System or whatever this is true across most major sports I think whatever your political alignment here I think it is worth noting two things number one no she is not too white to be the face of college basketball or women’s Hoops because neither was Diana chasi you know

And and nor was Lisa Leslie too too black nor was spy more to black I think it’s okay to note that she should not be judged entirely by the color of her skin I also think the Nuance argument here is that you should not completely ignore the color of her skin

Either because I think the question then becomes if a woman of color was doing what she was doing would it be as impressive would it be as talked about and if your answer to that is yes then we have no issue but if your answer to

That is no then that is the issue isn’t it that to be more marketable because of the color of your skin I think draws some issues for a lot of people now if I were advising the WNBA and I’m not trying to mansplain or anything like

That but if I were if I were conary or whatever like if I was just like a person who was asked to come and speak to WNBA players and be like what should we do about this I would say grin and Barrett honestly I would say grin and Barrett because you

Know this is not a business that has been super profitable for a very long time um you know we’re talking over 25 years WNBA has existed and it has been you know not a huge draw for a lot of people I’m seeing you know games with 3,000 4,000 people that are about to

Become games with 15,000 people I mean this girl is she’s box office um so I think you know if and and again it’s not just the white factor it’s also the Steph Curry factor of relatability so many WNBA players in the past whether it be Lisa Leslie or

Candace Parker are so unrelatedly large they’re just large it’s the Shaq argument or the Yao Ming argument you know those guys are never going to lead sneaker sales right somehow Caitlyn Clark being identifiable makes it better does the fact that she white lean into her identifi given that the country in which

She plays in is majority white well I don’t know sure of course it does you’d be stupid to think it does not play into it um I do think race plays a part into sports I don’t think it always has to be a bad thing you know um I used to think

It was a terrible thing I I used to get really upset when you know um people would uh I think there was a there was a game in like 1980 Something In which uh both benches cleared their cleared their sides and like all five scrubs on both teams were

White and so you had five white players against five white players and Tommy Hinson you know a Celtics broadcaster said if you have your VCR basically record this because this might be the last time you ever see 10 white players on on an NBA court there’s a lot of

Players or people out there who are so weirdly backwards in Old School that they actually thirst for a time when that was the case and to those people I don’t think they represent the majority of Caitlin Clark fans I think the majority of Caitlin Clark fans are just

People who enjoy her spirit and her competitive spirit and personally I’m kind of sick of allowing you know two to three% of a demographic to speak for the other 97% do you know what I mean like is race playing a part into in terms of her marketability in certain segments

Yes does race play a part in how I view her hell no I don’t care my favorite part my favorite player for for years was Candace Parker you know um I like Kelsey Plum you know like I I mean these are these are players that I’m I like

Diana terazi now I just named two white players instead of you know I just named three white players out of four okay you know I don’t personally love watching Asia Wilson play basketball I’m sorry like I don’t I understand she’s really great but the skill element of it

You know like [ __ ] that matters to me and that’s that’s that’s that’s been how I’ve viewed male basketball players as well I was a way bigger Allen Iverson fan than I was a Dale Davis fan or C be Mumbo fan or an Alonzo Morning fan and frankly if you’re being honest so were

You so was everybody you know so I think Kaitlyn Clark is good for women’s Hoops I hope that the WNBA will not go all pull atick on her and we’ll just allow it to happen because it’s good for the game um I’ve always believed that people

Who have this mentality of like you know we got to eat because I fet us are always the people who fail in life um at some point you do have to just believe that if it’s benefiting the group it then everybody’s eating right um like if you’re part of a team and

Your goal is to suppress good ideas because they’re not your ideas then you’re not really part of that team you know um the collaborative mindset here is that WMA players are together in a group and they have a vested interest alongside the other players and the star

Players and the owners and the NBA and the men’s you know side all of them together have a vested interest in growing this thing and making it good because it exists at a time when Hoops are basically summer stuff like Olympics and so having like for instance you know

If Toronto gets a WNBA team doesn’t it make a difference that Paige Beckers and Caitlyn Clark are coming this weekend do you know what I mean doesn’t it make a difference that Candace Parker is playing her final game in Toronto doesn’t this make a difference that Asia

Asia and the Mercury are are or or the Vegas aces are coming to Toronto like the defending Champions are coming to Toronto like it’s a good place for the game to be and I think it’s um it’s sort of sad that resentment and jealousy is

Going to play a part in terms of how Paige um and and Caitlin are covered because they’re obviously both very young charismatic women with a hell of a lot of game and a lot of spunk they just happen to have you know white skin and they’re entering a league and I believe

They’re both straight I don’t remember if Paige Beckers is straight but I know Caitlin Clark is straight so um I will say though that it seems like a lot of the weird talks about white players seem to be coming from White reporters to that I will say liberal media is weirdly pandering not

Covering and you know there’s this old saying go woke go woke go broke and and I think it polarizes people a lot it’s not to say that you shouldn’t have Progressive values so they you should believe the same things your grandfather believed about race and religion and you

Know gender and identity and whatever you should be Progressive I believe you know it would be quite weird um to be a rational person today and not be a progressive um and Forward Thinking person to not have nuanced balanced opinions on things but this constant massaging of victimhood is

So oddly it’s so oddly counterintuitive if what you actually want is for people to rise up two things today the hot dogs Film Festival which I’m sure some of you know about hot dogs it’s the largest documentary film festival in the world um nine programmers left the arst IC

Director left there were rumors that this Festival May not exist Beyond this year now I don’t know if that is true there’s a press conference tomorrow I’ll certainly try to find out more but this is crazy now for those of you who don’t know I run a film festival and we are

Most AP unapologetically unpolitical or apolitical like we refuse to take a side on politics because I don’t think art and politics have anything to do with each other but so many Channel channel so many media Outlets so many magazines so many you know film festivals so many basically everything in the Arts Oscars

Etc there has been such a concerted effort over the last 15 years to make these things so activist driven you know oh we got to eradicate this uh imbalance and that imbalance and this and this and this here’s the thing you ascribe power to whatever um hold on I want to say this

Correctly not to get my words Twisted here anything that makes you the victim so which is to say if something victimizes you you are assigning that power okay so that’s not to say you cannot be victimized it cannot that’s not to say that someone can victimize

You it’s not to say that you cannot be abused of course there are systemic abuses of power and Dynamics and there’s corrupt governments and to quote Louis black if you want to feel your soul die find the meeting of Art in politics sure real activism or real equality or

Real elevation starts with powerful EX examples of positive behavior not whining about negative behavior and you know um pandering that’s all it is it’s pandering right now I’m very humbled that this channel has managed to still attract somewhat viewership given the place that the Raptors are in

Because most channels on in the Raptors I think have suffered a far more drastic drop and I was thinking about why that might be and it’s certainly not my face and it’s certainly not you know that I have the best takes on basketball or anything

Like that or that I’m putting in so much work into these videos it’s nothing like that I think it’s because I’ve managed to be honest and I think I’ve managed to be transparent and I think it’s because I’ve managed to own up to mistakes that I’m making as I’m making them and that

Makes it okay I I I do sometimes when I’m curious maybe when I have like an hour here an hour there I will go and listen to other you know Raptor stuff or whatever and I got to say I find a lot of it kind of hard to listen to because

I find it like like it’s piggybacking on something that’s not true or it feels disingenuous or or it feels like it’s fake outrage or whatever it just it it never completely feels aligned and coherent with the person so yeah and and I’m real and I’m realizing of course that telling the

Truth has always meant that I don’t always fit into a box that it’s very possible that everyone else is zigging while I’m zagging and it’s very possible that I agree with something because I’m not trying to be contrari and I’m not trying to just say like okay what is

What is Samson think and what what did Blake Murphy think okay well I will think the opposite because I’m the opposite guy no sometimes like I I have to agree with them because they’re right and yeah I think it’s been pretty cool to just have my own thoughts and to have

So many people accept that it’s been really it’s been really nice thanks appreciate it I see more examples of people fighting for social Vengeance instead of social Justice thanks a lot for the super chat um um yeah like here’s the thing uh Sean also saying how about the

Texas A&M and Houston game yeah that was nuts uh there’s been a lot of like really really great colge troops last two three days um honestly I need to do so much [ __ ] for this house like I just tore up my office and I I I finally threw out some stuff

And I want to repaint the home and everything but man it is so tempting to just sit sit my ass down in front of the television and just watch college hoops and and NBA Hoops all day um very tempting indeed Um oh my God Indiana is beating the Clippers right now 80 to 71 [ __ ] crap hold on is this a good thing or a bad thing I need to check with my jonte porter app my bad that that was a very very horrible joke um okay that was terrible Sacramento is beating

Philadelphia uh Cleveland has beaten Charlotte Atlanta Eed out a win over Boston thus cementing in my opinion how important Drew holiday and Derek white are for Boston to those people who just say it’s the jayen Brown and Jason Tatum show yeah a fully healthy I mean not a

Fully healthy but Jason and Jo you the Celtics have been doing this thing where they’ve been swapping out like different lineups every single game almost they rest like they’ll rest Drew and then they’ll arrest Derek white and then they’ll arrest Jason Tatum and then they’ll arrest uh uh Jaylen Brown and do

You know what I mean they’ve been doing that sort of thing and and they just keep winning regardless so I think they finally found out who they can’t win without um D1 S1 is it possible that we lose a pick after they investigate jonte no I

Do not think so number one um it would have to be shown that the organization knew about what he was doing he does not stand for the organization just like Jaylen like when you saw the Minesota Timberwolves lose like a ton of picks uh for the Joe Smith Scandal that’s because

The Minnesota Timberwolves did something when I believe the Miami Heat or some team lost uh a pick for tampering um yeah like this is this is team um but what unless you can show I mean this is just been such a strange season for the Raptors because you had the Knicks

Lawsuit right then you had Christian Koko not that that was a scandal but you know it was it was a big story outside of specifically on the basketball court it was an off the basketball court story then of course you have RJ Barrett’s brother passing away then you have jonte

Porter um this Scandal you have Emanuel Quicky’s Uncle um I mean like geez like talk about a season like a season from hell in in so many ways um and to and to top all of this off if you lose your draft pick like a lot of it will be for nothing

Because it does not look like it doesn’t specifically look like the um Pacers pick is going to be top 15 like so it’s probably going to be 17th or 18th pick now I realize a lot of people are very anxious to okay sorry I just want to finish the hot dog

Thought I think that film festivals and arts agencies and organizations should not be propaganda machines personally I think art should be art speaking of art being art to those who are fans of Cinema April 17th scos Bank theater uh downtown Toronto Penance is hosting a Canada film day screening

Of zavier Dolan’s feature debut um jayu M uh it’s like my French is horrible but it it means I killed my mother and deline um these are two of the best Canadian films and it’s free so tickets will go on sale for those tomorrow I

Hope some of you can come out maybe some of you that missed pend Dan will get a chance to see this it’s like super downtown obviously sco Bank theater 9:30 p.m. um hopefully it’s a really Full House these are great films these are incredible films um yeah and they’re

About childhood and and about figuring things out and about navigating adults and it’s cool it’s not a social justice e type of thing but nevertheless um okay we l John I’m going to bring you on but I’m just let you know I have exactly 10 minutes what’s going on man

Hello your mic is off can you hear me yeah what’s up yeah how you doing man I wanted to speak about you you still want to talk about that Jon situation if you have something to add to it sure do you think Banning him is would be disingenuous because I feel like

Promoting promoting this gambling stuff left right in center and then Banning somebody like I don’t know I feel like that’s a little Fair um I don’t see how the two are related look I’m obviously very very firmly against the sports betting thing right I think I’ve recounted in previous

Lives how I think I’ve lost like close to 15 18 $20,000 by not accepting sports betting sponsorships because I refused to promote this [ __ ] because I know how dangerous it can be for people’s minds I know that like I know how addictive it can be I I feel it um from people that

I’ve watched go down this road and yeah like if you’re not in control of it it can it can wreck your life and I know that and most people will lose the math on this is clear most people will lose a ton of money and the odds are so skewed

So I get all of that so yeah when I’m listening to the ringer when I’m listening to all these shows everything I hear is and DraftKings and this and that and I’m like oh my God it’s everywhere it’s everywhere like Rob tomorrow when Malika Andrew reports on it it’s going to be it’s

Going to be like brought to you by draft right well that’s that’s fair but the two things are not they’re not equivalent you are a player in the NBA you have an individual contract this would be like saying I don’t know let’s just say tomorrow guys are young man

These guys are young he’s 24 years old like he’s one of my favorite players but he’s 24 years old and he’s really smart so he knew what he was doing um and knew that it was wrong but this is this is the first this is going to happen a lot

More I mean this is why they’re doing it to jonte Porter so that everyone can see ah see like they made an example of that guy don’t do this and you know if they look man this okay here’s the thing if they give him like a two Monon

Suspension yeah it’s gonna continue then it it will continue everything so the precedent here is you have to make a really strong example out of this and you know a two-year ban or a one-year ban is how you do that for the Raptors and of course for jonte who’s already

Had so many hiccups if he is found guilty like I guarantee you he’s not playing basketball next year and that itself I’m fine with that I I was think why are you fine with that because he’s a really good young player no I was thinking a lifetime B is unfair that’s a

Little wild lifetime I was that I’m like this gu I don’t think they’re going to do a life I don’t think they’re going to do a lifetime B like he he to find a new job I mean he would go overseas that’s exactly it um yeah I don’t think it’ll

Be a lifetime ban but I would be very shocked if it’s less than a one year ban one year three years two to three years one is actually kind of light to be honest one in your back that’s kind of like that’s I mean okay so here’s the

Thing conflicting thoughts number one I I seem to think he’s very smart so maybe he covered his tracks just well enough that they won’t be able to find the dirt on him but then he ended up doing an interview with war report so I’m like

How smart is he heard I heard that yeah I I about the stocks H was it about the stocks I heard I seen a clip about him uh speaking about stocks and how he’s uh HED hedge funding and [ __ ] [ __ ] like that well no I’m like he did a he did a

Interview with a Raptor’s Channel that I do not like and okay yeah like and I was just like okay whoa what um just just really random and I thought that was like a really weird move and I was like who’s around him that he’s allowed to do that or he’s he’s even

Curious to do that like maybe the guy met him at the 905 and became friends or something I have no idea but nevertheless I think um you know this this uh if found guilty like that yeah we were looking one to two years minimum did you see did you did you read

The details uh it’s it’s pretty damning um I think it said it happened twice he left he left the game early yep um and and you know someone had taken the under Etc but then the motive is like he doesn’t want to mess up his stats

Because I’m on a two-way so like think about that right he doesn’t want to mess up his stats so instead I’ll just leave because I’m also trying to make a mark in the NBA so instead of you know go you know going two for 12 and you know being

Under your total I’m just going to leave so like he’s playing both sides which is makes it kind of funny because he’s like I’ll just leave and that way I’ll ensure the the under without messing up my my stats for the Raptors if the NBA really

Wanted to dig into this I guarantee you at least 5% of players do this regularly there’s absolutely just stuff like that going on but like between I know of a player who did this um for sure like sports book this this like 10 12 years ago and

They never got caught for this and and I know for a fact they were doing it um through through one of their family members so you know like they just kind of they were just like okay tonight’s going to be like I’m feeling I’m feeling points tonight you know or something

Like that Wizards huh we’re playing the Wizards and you know I’m like it’s probably a lot easier to do if you’re a really good player jonte doing it twice being jonte like that’s just wow I just can’t believe I can’t believe he did that right was it twice or was it was it

Twice or three times twice I honest but to like put it to the to Raptor’s perspective it’s disappointing because I’m I was right there with you of all these guys who were two-way guys the g- leag guys he was the only one who to me had a chance of

Sticking he’s not the only one that has a chance of sticking I think you know he had the best shot he had the best shot by far yes um Point yeah yeah um you know I’m I’m learning I’m learning one thing like you know it’s it’s about understanding blind

Spots right some people have a blind spot like they really really love draft picks or some people really really like young guards or some people really like bigs or whatever I have a bias towards Youth and um utility role players like I just really like Youth and and utility

Role players so when I see a 19 or 20y old I almost always assume a little bit too much on the upside and when it comes to a 30-year-old I almost always assume too much on the decline so I’m trying to learn now like hey this is a serviceable

Granted serviceable very serviceable um skilled big with a very checkered injury history who’s 24 years old and you have three draft picks you know potentially this this uh this coming draft like what are the chances that you draft someone who’s as good as him within two years

Yeah it’s possible you know yeah not likely but it’s possible um because he’s flashing like one box with minus right now which is crazy let me pull that up I was thinking of like his Advance stats must be terrific they are they are freaking awesome yeah he’s a 15 PR which is

Pretty good for a backup yeah that’s leag average and his his efficiency is isn’t even good which means he’s just that effective it’s defense uh so PR is a horrible horrible horrible um yeah PR sucks but still like if if your PR is good and you’re not even efficient

Because he’s he’s 38% from the field that means he’s like just a very very stats guy like he puts up stats yeah I mean he’s at one steal a game and two one one steel one block a game almost yeah he’s a 1.6 BLX plus minus guy to

Put into context how impressive that is um that’s higher than RJ Barrett that’s higher than every player on this team other than Scotty Barnes um if I’m not mistaken yeah is that that’s also higher than that might almost everyone quickley was probably a little bit higher when he was in Nick

No he wasn’t I don’t think so um I can I can double check I can double check that but I don’t I don’t think he was higher than than 1.6 he might have been just around there uh but yeah it’s it’s Scotty and him you know here’s something

Funny jonte Porters box plus minus is higher than Pascal seaks was as a raptor yeah I could believe does that blow your mind yeah so this kind yeah like his defensive Asos minus is higher than any player on the Raptors it’s a seak Sak’s defensive boock hasn’t been

Good for a long time and it’s really was never great to be honest correct he’s really just been offensive driven for you know more than people think but I wanted to ask you yeah so so was a 2.4 with the Knicks you’re right so he was higher I’ve seen someone allude to the

Raptors might be might lose a pick like did you have you have you thought about that because I was kind of yeah I’ve already talked about it and and like this is the thing about coming on late and then you you end up bringing up stuff that we already talked about

Unfortunately I already talked about it I don’t think they’re going to lose a pick they’re not involved they don’t have anything to do with it yeah so all right so yeah that’s that’s really what I wanted to speak about uh so yeah Raptor’s lost and you know that’s that’s the goal again just

Keep losing right so you gota ow you gota you gotta give Dennis schroer his flowers for for for helping that happen give Bruce Brown flowers for those turnovers clutch turnovers and give um Kelly linic you know some some props to those four four turnovers as well yeah

Yeah you know yeah yeah you know I know Dennis he had that uh he had that that tiger in his eye because he’s like I want to be my old team but he doesn’t realize that we actually want to lose as well so I was thinking about that like

We actually want to lose too so go ahead I’m sure I’m sure he knew I’m sure he knew he probably does he probably like yeah it’s rut beneficial yeah all right man peace have a good one all right man thanks man see y okay um yeah to finish off a very disjointed

Point on hot dogs and this wokeness thing I think that you cannot Empower people by talking all day about why they are disempowered you can’t you cannot talk talk about you cannot start you can accept it within yourselves and you can restructure policy based on you know understanding you know for instance you

Know I was listening to um The Odd Couple with Chris brousard and you know the other guy whose name I can’t remember right now and they were talking about how um there’s no disparity in sports when it comes to race and I’m like isn’t isn’t there isn’t there some disparity

Does does does is there not a social element to two parent households versus one parent households isn’t it easier to raise a young athlete if you have two parents money driving them to aaou driving them shuttling them all across the country how is that possible if you’re a single parent it’s just harder

So naturally if there is a particular culture and I’m trying to say that like we are designed to fail like as a society we’re designed to fail I’m trying to tell you like dude give you an example I ate way too much toothpaste when I was when I was

Like five or six years old I love the taste of this toothpaste and I just kept eating it and then someone told my dad it’s like yo like his brain is going to be messed up if he if you not force him to stop eating this toothpaste and I was

Compulsively eating this toothpaste and I think a lot of kids ingest a lot of fluoride through their toothpaste not realizing it drastically impairs your cognitive function and your brain development right there’s so many of us that are you know we’re like this world is so weirdly complicated you have a messaging system

Like the CBC or whatever uh or Tiff or hot dogs or whatever and their whole message to the whole world is look at these social injustices that we are you know correcting what is is this this is virtue signaling at its at its best case it’s virtue signaling right it’s it’s

Saying look at us look at how Progressive we are look at how good we are we don’t participate in this we condemn it right we hate we hate the right people we love the right people and it’s just like okay cool you know but it’s virtue signaling on the most

And that’s the best case outcome the worst case outcome is it’s actually a bigger part of the problem because all you’re doing is talking about it you’re not really providing great Solutions and you’re creating this entire like victim mentality you know towards everything where everybody just gets to play victim

And and I’m sorry that’s just just my opinion it’s not really effective it’s not an effective coping strategy in life very often in life if you want to get ahead if you want to be successful you’re going to have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and you’re going to

Have to accept that there are things that you cannot change and there are things that you know there always going to be people that are going to hate you and there going to be people out there who are going to judge you and that you just have to be successful regardless

And that’s not to say that you know historical you know oppression does not exist or that racism doesn’t exist or that you know cops are not but not all cops like don’t don’t create this framework not all white people not all black people like why why we we think in

Such absolutes about this stuff it’s so strange to me and so often as we’re telling the story of oppression and repression and silenced voices you are creating very powerful figures out of the oppressors and creating very powerless figures out of the oppressed and then you are asking the oppressed to go and free

Themselves this is I’m sorry like what what the hell right like why not tell stories you know if if your goal significantly is to tell the story of like honestly it’s weird I feel like we’re going backwards like when I was growing up in New York we had Black

History Month Black History Month all we heard I swear to God we had an African-American teacher we we heard like hundreds of inspirational stories about abolitionists and you know inventors and engineers and politicians and Trailblazers and I don’t know like I felt like a lot of the black students

Around me were feeling very proud of their Heritage and that is good pride is good pride is great because if they they’re thinking like you can do it I can do it you know she can do it I can do it that was great and for the

Non-black kids in in the class there were very few it allowed us to see that like this is how their lineage and their history is integrated in US history which was great this was great but imagine if that was not my up uping if my upbringing was not hearing stories about African-American engineers

And and Trailblazers and entrepreneurs and social you know uh activists and people who changed the world but rather just hearing about lynchings and hearing about people who got shot all day and those became the heroes how are those people Heroes they’re tragic figures they’re they’re people you should mourn they should not

Be the emblem of your entire culture because if your emblem of the entire culture is The Vic vitim of a shooting do you see what I mean then you become the culture that is technically worshiping victims and expecting to become Victors do you see the Insidious nature of this like I realize I’m

Probably you know entering into conversations that I probably don’t really have a place in um but I just want to say that if you are looking up to someone and and looking up to someone as a victim don’t you can feel bad for a victim you you can you absolutely can but imagine

If all of my childhood Heroes were kids who got beat up or or people who were abused as children I was like yeah these are going to be my heroes those were not my heroes I’m sorry those are not my heroes those were my those were some of my friends right

Um 416 jont rigged our season we could have beat the Clippers meanwhile Chris puts his body on the line for his team shame what number one you don’t know this right number two like what if jonte Porter has given us losses then jonte Porter has given us a

Gift erus lost NBA will punish jonte so bad so other players are the lesson that’s my point that’s my point because you finally have a quote unquote you know um you have a throwaway you know and him and Jaylen Harris these guys don’t matter to anybody right they’re

Not highly touted they’re not lottery picks they’re not on big rookie contracts there wasn’t a significant amount of Buzz of them coming into the league there’s not a lot of fanfare for them currently now that they are in the league and yeah no one’s really going to

Miss them I’m gonna miss them I’m ended up missing both of them but sucks anyways I don’t want to presume that jonte is 100% guilty just because it looks fishy and he’s really smart maybe um that’s why they think he’s guilty because they know he’s really smart and he is someone who could

Pull off something like this however I will say from Darko rakovich is reaction it did not seem like he was of the he seemed to be distancing himself very H very quickly from this situation not only by saying that he’s never gambled which I don’t doubt is true like

I I don’t doubt that like I’m sure he’s never gambled he seems like a very Prin principled individual who maybe has that as a as one of his key principles don’t gamble you know and that’s a great principle to have my dad never gambled either um ever so that’s that’s awesome

Uh I don’t know um but it it doesn’t seem good it does not seem good Sher and forb saying the gambling won’t stop sure uh maybe it won’t um maybe it won’t anyway I’ll talk to y’all later sorry about the disjointed nature of this live I’ve been trying to say a

Whole bunch of things let me try to sum up everything I’ve been trying to say number one the Raptor’s losing is a good thing number two I hope to continue to lose number three Dennis Schroeder and jonte Porter sorry damn Dennis schroer Kelly linck and Bruce Brown get my three

Stars for a raptorx Raptors who made this happen number four I’m not really sure what the hell I’m supposed to be looking forward to to the season but mathematically it’s still very possible the Raptors could lose every single game for the rest of the season and still

Lose their pick which is kind of daunting if you think about it number six this is this season has been a when it rains at pores type of season and this Shon Porter thing is the last feels like a final straw for me in terms of

Just my sanity and how difficult this is um number eight hot dogs and the Fallout of that and all the layoffs in the media space are evidence that don’t preach the [ __ ] to people like you don’t have to preach it this way um I remember when beat reporters just covered the news

They didn’t have an opinion because I think a lot of be reporters frankly are not intelligent enough to have deep opinions about the news case in point Doug Smith he’s not he’s not he’s not sophisticated enough enough about basketball to have intelligent views about basketball but unfortunately he’s

Forced to have intelligent views on basketball you consider even what’s happening with hot dogs now I don’t know in full detail but there’s a lot of pressure on them to Youth and well I was goingon to say euthanize no uh to it’s a real Michael Scott moment for

Me there my bad to to make Their audience a little bit younger because hot dogs of course if you’ve been to Hot Dogs Film Festival you realize Their audience is often really old and it’s not always but they have a lot of old people in their audience it’s a little

Bit older audience than ours or Tiff or whatever and um obviously a lot of those people passed away during the pandemic number one elephant in the room number two also those people were imuno compromised and really are the last people to return to normal when it comes

To post you know pandemic stuff and so obviously there’s new programs that have been introduced at hot dogs to put butts in seats because clearly after two years or year and a half of not going to theaters people are more inclined than ever to just sit at home and watch

Movies in their home why wouldn’t they right why would they go to a public space and risk getting covid or risk getting a disease or even waste time commuting or pay for parking if they could effectively have something very similar at home without all the added people and coughing and stupid people

Like phones going off do you know what I mean like it it makes sense and um you know in order to make in order to compete as a film festival you have to find a way to bring that sort of IMAX Fast and Furious 9 experience to to the

Cinema and and that’s very hard um so I think that’s part of why things are going badly for hot dogs but also just in terms of like the media in general magazines newspapers the layoffs that we’ve heard about I think a lot of this is just because people are in their

Appetite in terms of where they get news and if you’re going to succeed on a newspaper or as a magazine or as a film festival I think you need to lead with honesty um because people are not willing to pay to be lied to I think um

Yeah and my final point of course was that if you were trying to empower people don’t victimize them yeah right man I hope this live made sense because it was pretty scattered all over the place um please like the video on the way out if you’re also grateful for this

Wonderful intelligent go rapt Community created a thank you so much she wolf I really appreciate you and um yeah thanks Jon was a poor man’s marasol sad that he threw away his future um here’s the thing I don’t think he’s thrown away his future at all um if I

Know anything about jonty Porter is that regardless of how the situation turns out that he’s going to be phenomenally successful that he’s going to be um really great at wherever he goes next if it’s playing basketball if it’s trading you know if it’s prop betting whatever

It is this uh jonte Porter is a renaissance man um it would not surprise me in the least if he starts a tech company and makes a billion dollars in In Our Lifetime I’m telling you dude’s really hella smart so yeah hopefully he was hell hella smart enough to cover his

Tracks a little bit better than I think he did here um but I have a feeling he’ll land on his feet and then he’ll be just fine like I’m not worried about Jon Porter at all I’m more worried about the Tron Raptors if I’m being completely Frank because he’s one of the better

Players and one of the only times that I’ve seen us just bring a guy in from the undrafted Heap and it actually works out like he’s the second guy I think Fred was the first guy so after striking out on Justin champeny and after striking out on so many other players

Uh Ron Harper Jr Etc Maris Noel like to strike out so many times to finally strike gold on a player and then to have this happen feels like a bit of a kick in the gonads but yeah um in the Raptor’s perspective yeah so feel bad for the Raptors and I don’t

Really feel bad for him at all it’s not that’s not me being heartless I I I appreciate jonte a lot but he knows what he did if he did it um he’ll probably he probably knew the consequences going in and um he’ll be fine he’ll land on his

Feet uh there’s not going to be some huge penalty or anything like that I’m hoping for his sake there’s not going to be some huge penalty or whatever but yeah um yeah all right guys take care see you and thanks a lot again for all these

Super chats um Clan homes uh with a super chat here uh what is your favorite basketball movie of all time damn that is a great question I have a lot actually um so I really like Eddie uh with whoopy Goldberg I don’t know why I

Love that I love that movie um I don’t mind six man it’s all right um Sunset Park is pretty cool I really like Above the Rim I really like Above the Rim with Tupac and Bernie Mack um I like Coach Carter so yso Bruce saying Coach Carter I like I like Coach Carter

Um I I did like Space Jam when I saw it in theaters in 1995 96 um not a fan of Kazam didn’t watch thunder struck like Mike is just it’s too much it’s too much bro but I like the fact that Vince Carter was in it that was pretty cool blow bowwow

Um hooers is up there too White Men Can’t jump is pretty good too yeah so I’m I’m going to say probably Above the Rim Yeah I’m going to go with probably Above the Rim I think it’s just something about the performances the grief turn the fact that Tupac is in it

Um the fact that that guard reminds me of Kyle Lowry for some reason um I don’t know like there’s a there’s a lot there’s a lot to it um my backup would be Sunset Park my backup would be Coach Carter so yeah those those are my those are my three

Basketball movies they’re probably not the most evolved basketball movies hold on Basketball Diaries oh [ __ ] Basketball Diaries Leon DiCaprio that movie is stupidly underrated it’s actually pretty good too um I’m missing something I don’t think so no I think I think that’s it anyways yeah yeah yeah um it’s crazy to

See Terrence Howard in that movie and also see um Channing Tatum in that movie like it’s called yeah what is your biggest fear Mr Cruz y uh was it Teemo Cruz Teo Cruz is the original Steph Curry um that guy was dope I mean that moment where he comes back and he

Says now I know it’s cheesy as [ __ ] and I please understand like I I understand film well enough to know when something is cheesy and when something is just plain effective um yeah like it it shattered me dude like when he comes in and he’s just like

What I got to do to play I’ll do anything just I gotta get back on the team I gotta get back on the team whatever and um and then like kind of watching the team do his suicides for him when he runs out or whatever I thought that was just like that was

Crazy it was great um it’s very Blindside you know like emotional cue strung whatever um but I thought it was interesting um yeah lately I’ve been letting Netflix just do its own thing when it comes to movies and it’s been really cool it’s been really interesting

Um yeah I watched um I watched a bunch of Bollywood movies um a couple of days ago there’s a okay so there’s damn it hold on uh I’ll tell you what it was um so one was no one no one killed Jessica and the other one was Mom these are both bwood

Films and there was another one something man I don’t remember what these are called I watched like four so that was that was kind of that was kind of crazy I hadn’t watch Bollywood films in a really long time and I just decided I needed to watch three or four of them in

In a row and that was crazy um does anyone know what I’m talking about hold on I’ll tell you what it is Um does anyone want to talk about I don’t know um but yeah it was it was it was really great it’s just allowing Netflix to just sort of choose movies for me has been very interesting I also watched a movie um about uh vampires in

On a plane it was not Snakes on a Plane it was vampires on a plane it was called blood sky or Blood Red Sky not great not great at all not Indian it was um I think it was Norwegian or German it might have been German um yeah but the Indian films are

Great they were really good um especially that no one no one killed Jessica they’re all like it’s really interesting all these Indian films are like evaluating bureaucratic political struggles corruption but the one film that I’m like really really really Amazed by I can’t remember the name and

It’s it’s about like this school uh for orphaned kids um and it’s starring Boomie pod car it’s called hold on back shck y yep it’s called BX Shu hold on let me see if there’s a trailer for it I feel like I need to give this movie a

Shout out because it’s freaking awesome it’s really good I promise you it is good good or would I get copyright strike for it possibly okay hang on I pull this up here’s the first ever here yeah this it’s really good okay I’m going to pull myself Off Soci rep For tion for [Applause] you For my bad my bad my bad my badad sorry sorry let me repeat that I need to make a list of things on Netflix to watch because I listen to a lot of people say that they watch every single thing on Netflix and I promise you haven’t there’s some incredible French

Movies there’s incredible Spanish movies there’s um these really good Indian movies uh there’s um yeah man there there are some incredible incredible ones Love is Blind is that what what what language is that film oh my God what what no oh God sorry not to judge it but Nick

Lee no I’m good may maybe I’m Maybe I’m Wrong um I’m sure it’s very popular but no not quite um yeah anyway we’re live um the Pacers have beat the Clippers so that’s really [ __ ] [ __ ] that really sucks um this has been the day of upsets also the Clippers just lost

I can’t remember to who but like they lost to a team they were not supposed to lose to a couple of days ago as well I think they lost to yeah the Clippers are in free fall right now it it’s weird things are going so well for them like

Four or five weeks ago like we were talking about everyone was talking about the most NBA championship contenders and the minute people did that it’s just like it’s not even like Paul George and uh enson saying I red Porter Locker has been cleaned out yeah again I don’t doubt it

Have you seen life is beautiful it’s tremendous never heard of it yeah lots lots of movies um maybe we need to do a chess and movie talks live people get upset when we do lives that aren’t centered on basketball because be like pen basketball should be all about basketball but sometimes it’s not

Yeah yeah me too me too it’s it does not look like that’s going to happen though anyways talk to you later guys have a good one and thanks to the the five Super chats is really generous if you guys thank you

TORONTO — — Dennis Schroder scored 19 points against his former team, Trendon Watford had 11 of his season-high 19 points in the second quarter and the Brooklyn Nets snapped a six-game losing streak by beating the short-handed Toronto Raptors 96-88 on Monday night.

call in link:

Mikal Bridges scored 13 points and Jalen Wilson added 12 as the Nets won for the first time since March 10 at Cleveland.

Gary Trent Jr. scored 18 points and Javon Freeman-Liberty had 15 for Toronto. The Raptors have lost 11 straight and are winless since a home victory over Charlotte on March 3.

Among Toronto’s seven absent players was center Jontay Porter. The NBA has opened an investigation into Porter amid gambling allegations, a person with knowledge of the probe told The Associated Press on Monday night.

Porter’s locker was empty ahead of Monday’s game, although his nameplate was still in place.

Nic Claxton had 16 rebounds for Brooklyn, one shy of his career high. The Nets outrebounded Toronto 50-30.

Guard Cam Thomas, who led the Nets with 19 points in Saturday’s loss to the Knicks, sat out Monday because of a sore lower back. Also, forward Cameron Johnson was absent because of a sprained right big toe.

Nets guard Dennis Smith Jr. was not available because of a sore right hip, while forward Keita Bates-Diop sat because of a sore right shin.

For the second straight game, Toronto played without four regular starters, with only Trent available. All-Star Scottie Barnes (left hand) and center Jakob Poeltl (left pinkie) remain injured. RJ Barrett and Immanuel Quickley rejoined the team Monday after being away for personal reasons, but were sidelined for return to competition reconditioning.

Earlier Monday, Toronto signed guard Kobi Simmons to a 10-day contract. Simmons scored seven points in 17 minutes.

The Raptors had 23 assists Monday, giving them a single-season franchise record of 2,086. Toronto, which has 10 games remaining, had 2,085 assists in 2018-19.

#Raptors #Nets #nba


  1. I don't think Jontay did anything.

    He gets in trouble because the bookies set a line for his props
    And he has a history of injuries.

    If he's considered "game time decision" or something, why wouldn't big bettors consider the under when doing their parlays.

  2. Rob, thanks for coining the new moniker SROAT 😂 (smartest raptor of all time) I love it.

    Edit: I wanted to add: I don't think this live was as disjointed as you think. I enjoyed the threads you pulled at and tied together. The off-topic thoughts that weave back into basketball are one of my favourite parts of your channel.

  3. This is a sad year to be a Raptors fan. First, they are actively tanking – this may be fashionable, but it is completely unethical at an organizational level to figuratively take a dive EVERY fuckin9 game to try to steal a draft pick from another team. Second, the current coaching staff thought it wise to access/steal documents they shouldn't have. Third, we have this dude who actively bets on himself to LOSE. Fourth, despite shitting the bed several years in a row, Masai is still the biggest "star" on the team. Fifth, we are still stuck with Rogers and Bell as owners. Time to clean house.

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