@Minnesota Timberwolves

Nick Wright believes Anthony Edwards can solve NBA’s BIGGEST PROBLEM | Colin Cowherd Podcast

Nick Wright believes Anthony Edwards can solve NBA’s BIGGEST PROBLEM | Colin Cowherd Podcast

Welcome to the official YouTube channel for the Colin coward podcast go on hit the Subscribe button there you go right down there if you want to be among the first to hear my weekly takes NFL college football more right there so I was um it was brought to my

Attention somebody on the staff said this the other day is that and Dan Wy who’s for the LA Times a bright guy comes on my show and he said I like him he does a good job I like him thoughtful bright Guy and um and we were

Talking about I said you know listen I think the European structure is better than the aaou that’s what’s creating this imbalance in European stars and domestic Stars it’s nothing against our kids aaou is about getting yours playing with your buddies European theirm are playing against older physical players and

Coming out at 18 or 19 refined mature disciplined and hardened because ago 20 years ago the knock on European players was they’re all soft they’re all Tony C coach yeah and they heard it and so now they have created a system in which their guys come out Luca wemi uh the the

They come out ready to play physically our guys get a little pampered with aaou you don’t get the hard high school or college coaching you go to g-league you go on to a bad team Jaylen green and you can get yours but the the game is

There’s not a lot to it it it feels like an individual game and the European guys are part of system and teams very quickly and and somebody brought this up the NBA has to find a domestic star and they thought it would be Jason Tatum and he’s

Just not interested in that part of being a star is you have to be interested in it LeBron was MJ was magic was bird wasn’t Dr Kobe was obsessed with it yes Kobe was obsessed with it yeah and the European guys aren’t just like when you go to Europe you’re a

Visitor you you better you’re more gracious you’re more for you don’t add lib and go out to a club just you know let’s just random it so the European players don’t want to be the star of The League they want to get they want to get

Points they want to get wins they get their sleep and the American Kids frankly were waiting for one of these kids to embrace it and Tatum’s not interested Anthony Edwards may be but he is in Minnesota even kg was sort of invisible in Minnesota and he’s an

All-time great player so I I I I I’m thinking about this we need a domestic there nothing I love the Europeans but to no so but this is why so I have a lot of thoughts on this so one is this is why Jah and Zion going a

Little sideways is so damaging ja wanted it he’s electrifying yes he you know what I mean he may I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt maybe he was G to get back on track after a bunch of public missteps but then he got hurt

Zion you know seemed to get caught up in a lot of things and it feels like everyone even though by the way Zion’s been excellent this year he’s been healthy the Pelicans have been good but it feels like the idea of like oh Zion’s going to be an MVP like everyone’s kind

Of moved past that and been like oh okay he’s good he’s really good yeah and so like that’s disappointing from where he was Anthony Edwards wants it and even though he’s in Minnesota Colin he’s so electrifying I think he can I think he

Could do it now it’s hard for a 63 and a half 64 guy to be good enough to be the face of the league but he is so I’ll use the word again electrifying as an athlete and as a player and I’m sure you saw hustle he’s charismatic

He’s a good actor like all those things they they need the league really I think it would benefit the league massively even if the ratings weren’t great this go round if Minnesota goes on a real run if if he all of a you know what I mean

Starts showing up in those games but the other thing you pointed out because I’ve always appreciated the way you’ve talked about the issues potentially with the aaou circuit because you’ve made a very clear uh you’ve been very intentional about saying I’m not blaming the kids blaming the players because a lot of the

Critiques of a basketball from a lot of people have felt to me in the past slightly racist it’s always felt like they were trying to send coded language at these black a lot of black run organizations a lot of black kids I so but there obviously we now have almost

Proof of concept that the American born players are coming into the league the best ones a lot of them less prepared than the European players or the foreign players yeah no question so so why is that I think a lot of it has to do and this is a point mutual friend Bill

Simmons has made and he’s right the volume of games that are played removes some natural competitiveness and that might sound counterintuitive but if you are playing five games in two days how much does a loss sting yeah you know what I mean like I’m back at it I’m playing again in

Two hours like and so as opposed to from what I understand is a lot of the leagues or camps or uh what they call them uh I forget what they call them in Europe but doesn’t Mattery that’s the word it’s a lot of you know practice

Leading up to a game and then a lot more so then you see a real pain from losing because it’s like God doggy this is gonna have to sit with me for days and so I think that there’s a lot of elements there that are that are not necessarily the best

Incubators to create the the most talent and a and so I think that that is instructive because I do think it is important for any League to have where it is based some of its very best players be from there I don’t think that’s nativist I don’t

Think that’s I think that’s just normal I think that one of the reasons hockey is more popular Canada is a disproportionate amount of the great players are Canadian you know what I mean like that is and so yeah I do think it obviously would be better for the NBA

Yeah if we can have more domestic stars but you you look right now the NCAA tournament’s coming up there’s no there are far more far more domestic female stars than male stars and that’s not even debatable it’s not even debatable yeah USC the girl at LSU uh Angel re

Juju Watkins Caitlyn Clark those three names are bigger than Zack Edy or anyone Yukon has as far as you know and by the way none of them are even on the best team in South Carolina with just their star as their head coach and as great

Players um it there once upon a time it felt like in and that time wasn’t that long ago it felt like in our business you almost if you if people acknowledged or you know said that they were you know they had an opinion on the women’s tournament that wasn’t like Yukon or

Tennessee was going to win it almost felt like it was performative yeah this last two years it feels like people are invested you know what I mean like have takes because they’ve been watching like oh I watch ju guu right she kicks ass like yeah everybody knows Caitlyn Clark

It’s exciting yeah it was um I remember watching Maya Mo and thinking for the first first time oh she could make a Division one men’s team that was the first time and I thought oh Jesus that’s that’s like that’s an alpha she is that’s she got moves and now I watch

Several women and I’m like Caitlyn Clark’s range is beyond men’s players like that’s just not you know that’s a different but now men tend to be more vertical palming the ball right right but and I also think what it points out to the emergence of women’s basketball is a lot of things

But I’ll throw my belief system into this uh we are more distracted than ever because of our phones and what is on our phones social media some people fall downstairs because of them yeah but what what they really are we’ve become a society of me and less about we and so

We go to our Instagram and we look at us and we take selfies and we you know the algorithms to uh let us read what we want to read we’re not interested really in information it’s mostly affirmation politically Sports my team my Reddit board so what’s happened we are distracted therefore Stars political

Stars uh Tech Stars stars now uh the rock Elon Musk so if you look at the sports that are growing the NFL where their best players are stars women’s basketball is growing like crazy because their best players are stars men’s basketball is shrinking there’s no star in the sport

There’s no there’s no I mean Zack Edy is a second round he can’t defend at the NBA level and so if you and by the way this has been baseball’s problem that shoh Otani I think will solve at least to the Dodgers he’s a Bonafide star so

As Society has gotten more distracted we read the headlines we don’t read the story and metaphorically politics that’s what opens the door for a trump right people laugh at Trump and I’m like Mark Cuban could run tomorrow and be a viable candidate within six months so I think what women’s

Basketball the growth of it NFL and women’s basketball are the two fastest growing Sports it they’re star Driven

Colin Cowherd & Nick Wright discuss whether the NBA needs a domestic-born star to carry the mantle of LeBron James and Steph Curry. Colin & Nick go back-and-forth over AAU culture vs. European academies. Nick also points out that Anthony Edwards of the Minnesota Timberwolves could be “electrifying” enough to be the next face of the league. Colin & Nick also discuss March Madness, particularly the lack of stars in the men’s tournament vs. the women’s with the likes of Caitlin Clark.

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  1. Lebron has sucked the life out of the NBA he refuses to retire and still wants to be the face of the league so as he ages so does the league. He really needs to retire but he won’t he has Zero skills outside of basketball it’s all he’s done since he was literally a child.

  2. Does the existing American educational system permitted athletes to follow a system akin to that of the Europeans. Would you be able to enter a system at age 14 where your training with and playing against adults? And what educational commitments comes with those systems? Are they congruent with American academic standards and requirements?

  3. ant man can help the nba bringing back us 90s fans..he plays like mike..a lil bit..he got that clutch in em

  4. Left the NBA in 2016 once Kobe retired because I'm not a fan of today's players (divas) or style of play. Really haven't missed the game I once loved but moved on to other things in my life that are more important. Still love the NFL….

  5. The biggest problem with nba is the same problem with Nick. Pretending racism is still like the 1960s. This is why your shows and league are losing viewers

  6. People like Cowherd and Wright are the reason these problems exist. They DO promote the same big-name players on big city teams to the exclusion of other stars and storylines. They DO want any new up-and-coming stars to gravitate to the cities that the media currently resides in. Everything is to make their jobs easier. A whole universe of fandom has moved on to watch events without taking their recommendations and advice. They have become bloated and irrelevant. And their niche depends on them being sycophants, so they don't do journalism. Women's college/pro basketball is growing in popularity because it IS fun to watch and they have good, marketable stars. Greed has eviscerated men's college basketball. By that, I mean that 'stars' have left the building early. I am sure the gamblers love March Madness, but there is little reason to watch teams with no recognizable players from colleges/universities you have never watched before. Much of large college sports, much of professional sports and virtually all of sports media is in some kind of post-peak captialist funk of their own making. It is not being "woke" that is the problem. It is their own incessant greed.

  7. Was Minnesota the problem when Lakers won 5 chips there? Last I checked Lakers still wears the purple and gold, bears the name Lakers and still spot MSP on their shirts? Forget the Hollywood crap, Minnesota is the craddle champions.

  8. Lakers can return to Minnesota and will still be winning there as they've previously done. The problem is the media and their dumb agenda with obsession with Hollywood

  9. Anthony Edwards is like a 3rd tier version of MJ, I don't know why people start calling him a legend. And Nick Wright is one of the biggest problems.

  10. So Lebron can be the face of the league in Cleveland the mistake by the lake but Ants gonna have a problem in Minneapolis? Huh? This isn’t 1980. Lol

  11. jayson tatum literally said he wants it, what is collin talking about, he needs to chamge it to the media don’t want him to be

  12. Maya Moore would get cooked in men’s D3, and probably by a lot of men hs players. Serena admitted she would be at the bottom of men’s tennis…and she’s the best woman ever. Just stop

  13. The problem is that “Teams” aren’t important as “players”. It’s why the NFL is awesome, and the NBA sucks.

  14. I’d tell you something if Ant was in NY, he would be the face of the league in the NBA.

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