@Toronto Raptors

NBA eyes Raptors Jontay Porter for betting issues

NBA eyes Raptors Jontay Porter for betting issues

Prono Raptors for jonte Porter is under investigation by the NBA following multiple instances of betting irregularities over the past several months according to ESPN at issue prop bets on Porter from games January the 26th and March the 20th according to one sports book the under on Porter 3s was

The biggest Money winner among all NBA player props on the 26 while prop bets on Porter were the number one Money Maker in the NBA on the 20th Porter exited early in both games playing a total of seven minutes and with that we bring in our Raptors reporter Josh

Lenberg so Josh can you shed a little more light on what exactly is going on with jont Porter well I would imagine Jay that the NBA investigation is going to hinge in large part on whether the Raptors pulled Porter from those games in question or whether Porter pulled himself he left

That first game after AG aggravating an eye injury and he left the second game early due to an illness so this is either a very strange coincidence or it’s something very serious that the NBA is not going to take lightly as we know this is not the first betting Scandal

Recently it’s not going to be the last given the climate around professional sports right now so if he is found guilty I’m sure the NBA is going to come down on Porter hard throw the book at him which would include a lifetime ban and it’s a shame because this is a guy

We’ve gotten to know him well over the last few months it’s a good story he’s worked his way back into into the league after nearly having his career derailed by knee injuries in college and then in his first stop in Memphis he’s on a two-way deal and just on the fringes of

Really carving out a niche for himself as a role player in the league and that’s why it’s strange for him to be coming out of games taking himself out of games if that did in fact happen when he’s in a position to be taking advantage of every opportunity I don’t

Think his story makes it any more or less likely that he would be guilty but it’s certainly a shame if he is and here we are a strange Raptor season gets even stranger should have figured it was going to turn out this way when it started with a lawsuit and of course

Since then we’ve seen trades injuries tragic personal loss a lot of bad basketball and now a betting Scandal I just talked to 14-year NBA vet Garrett Temple who told me that this is by far the craziest season that he’s ever ever been a part of so there you go and and

As an NBA spokesperson told Adrien wowski of ESPN uh the league is obviously looking into it so we’ll talk to you more as this all unfolds Josh lenberg thanks for this

Toronto Raptors forward Jontay Porter is under investigation by the NBA following multiple instances of betting irregularities over the past several months, multiple sources told ESPN on Monday. Josh Lewenberg joins SC with Jay Onrait with more on the story.


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