@National Basketball Association

Why do people say Sabonis set the record for double double when Wilt had 227 in a row? Nobody says Kobe set the record for scoring for example.

Why do people say Sabonis set the record for double double when Wilt had 227 in a row? Nobody says Kobe set the record for scoring for example.

Wilt did it from 1964 to 1967, in the same period he had his 100 points game.

Don’t get me wrong, what Sabonis did is extremely impressive and it deserves recognition, I’m just wondering why it’s presented as an NBA record.


by JMoon33


  1. domenic821

    Sabonis set the post-merger record for most consecutive double-doubles.

  2. OpportunitySmalls

    Because it’s fake hype to boost ratings not an actual stat that anyone cared about. Removing like 7 years of Kareems scoring because it was pre merger would actually be hilarious in this context and is probably a reason why no one ever uses post merger unless they specifically want to remove Wilt from the discussion.

  3. grusilag9

    It’s definitely weird. Gafford just set the “post-merger” record for consecutive shot makes and yet nobody is treating it like he has the record because of Wilt. But with Sabonis nobody is really mentioning Wilt even for context let alone a standard to beat.

  4. Post merger. It’s really not that hard, r/nba

  5. Vegetable-Beet

    You can’t compare stats from different eras. The 60s were ridiculous, they had higher scoring than todays nba without 3pointers. Also back then 99.9% of players were trash, so they bricked like 100 shots a game, thats why Wilt had these ridiculous rebound numbers.

  6. Because Wilt did it with double digits in blocks too so it counts as consecutive triple-double not double-double /s

  7. Because Wilt did it vs the same plumbers and milkmen Russell beat to earn 11 titles; so it doesn’t count to anyone born after the Berlin Wall fell.

  8. OpportunitySmalls

    Karl Malone would have actually been the post merger scoring leader before Lebron btw so that makes using it to boost someone new even funnier.

  9. KoolAidOhYeeaa

    Being that Wilt’s full scoring record is accounted for his double doubles should be as well

  10. Desafiante

    Because there is a trend to dismiss Wilt’s records and pretend they didn’t exist. And that puts him lower in all time lists as well.

  11. TigerKlaw

    Honestly, no one really cares if Wilt had more double doubles in light of his other accomplishments. This is like the 5th most important stat on any given night on any basketball social media page. It’s just a lost merger record that was only set last decade.

  12. Edwunclerthe3rd

    Stats from the blue collar/ postal era don’t get the same respect as if Wilt didn’t have the same resources available as everyone else

  13. Neveraththesmith

    People artificially inflate the value of arbitrary measurement box score stats.

  14. roadfoolmc

    Espn wants to make everything a record now. It’s a Disney thing combined with the modern world of analytics, they can twist anything they want into clickbait.

  15. The noti I saw said since like 1976. So idk what your yapping bout

  16. TheDogtor--

    Because sensationalizing is a strategy of the NBA marketing division.

    Years ago they started showing highlights of players that lost that specific game. They still do that today.

    Mind Baiting.

  17. SandyMandy17

    Daniel Gafford would’ve set the record if he played in the 60s too let’s relax

  18. nocturnalis

    The NBA needed good headlines yesterday after promoting gambling (predictably) blew up in their face.

  19. kushjrdid911

    This is common from the NBA, ESPN, etc. They want to make it more newsworthy and more impressive so they just straight up lie via omission to pump it up.

    Most of the time they will do so with stats and set a time limit for how far it goes back so they can not include people like Wilt, The Big O, Hayes, etc etc because they know the modern “records” do not compare.

    Most modern NBA fans watch highlights and tiktok length videos anyways so they are not going to do a minute or two of research lol.

  20. shortcake182

    Did anyone raise this point two days ago when Kevin Love held this record?

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