@Toronto Raptors

Things Keep Getting WORSE for Jontay Porter…

Things Keep Getting WORSE for Jontay Porter…

Things keep getting worse for jonte Porter as more reports have come out from aent war Janowski regarding this Scandal that’s going on with the Toronto Raptor Center so we’re going to break down the latest information what it means for his future with the Toronto

Raptors as well as in the NBA so lots of stuff to break down again if you want to stay up to date with all the latest on all this news surrounding the Toronto Raptors make sure to subscribe over 55% of our viewers are not subscribed to the

Channel just yet so mean the world to us if you guys could hit that subscribe button but if you missed it earlier jonte Porter is currently being investigated the NBA is officially looking into a little Scandal that’s happening regarding sports betting and jonte Porter I made a full video that

Came out yesterday regarding this entire situation but I’ll recap a little bit of it here but I will say in the same vein I said at the start of that video this is all not 100% proven yet these are reports these are investigations that are currently going on again it

Continues to look worse for Jon Porter as more and more info more and more Twitter sleuths are coming out of the woodwork but it’s not official yet so we do have to take everything you know with that sort of frame in mind hoping this is just a misunderstanding hopefully

This is a misfire by the investigators you know in terms of uh what’s going on with this entire situation but basically you know we had a little bomb dropped from aent war Janowski revealing an article that says there’s an MBA investigation in the prop betting irregular irregularities regarding

Raptor’s jonte Porter and I won’t read the full report I did that in yesterday’s video but basically what’s happened is there was multiple games and once against the Memphis Grizzlies and once uh or against the Clippers and then against the Grizzlies and one recent game where jonte Porter had an over

Under in terms of points so you could bet on whether or not he would score a certain amount of points certain amount of rebounds certain amount of assists and in those games he end up leaving with an eye injury or an illness you know something that it’s kind of easy to

Fake you know in theory right so he left the game you know so the the betting accounts you could still bet on him but he wasn’t going to hit those over under targets so there was apparently irregular betting patterns so those games that he left a lot of people were

Betting the under on jonte Porter again bet on yourself Fred Van vet said jonte Porter was going with the under he was betting the other way the other way that Fred Van vet did with his contracts and stuff like that but basically jonte portered their speculation with the

Irregular sort of betting uh things that are going out there now that he was a part of it again he purposely sort of sat out these games or played the beginning and then left sort of in the middle so people that knew he was going

To leave could bet a lot of money on the under and then get paid out one more deeper exclamation check out the video from yesterday but more news has come out regarding the situation as we have some details in terms of how much money was actually in play for uh this whole

Scenario what’s going on basically more reporting from ESPN’s David Perman is that at least least one other us sports book and again the main sports book that was in W’s report was DraftKings but one other us sports book detected unusual betting interest in Porters props in games in question a sports Industry

Source told ESPN that multiple betting accounts attempted to bet large amounts upwards of $10,000 $20,000 on jonte Porter unders in a January game against the Clippers so again we know sports betting is getting pretty degenerate out there there’s a lot of people betting a lot of money on

Different sort of factors in different games but I’d be hardpressed to believe there’s a lot of people especially in January no one knew really who Jon Porter was that your casual Sports bets are out there saying oh I got a line here we’re putting 10 to $20,000 on Jon Porter under and rebounds

You know for this Toronto Raptors group that seems extremely suspicious that seems something crazy especially given the fact he left the game I mean who on Earth will be doing that if they didn’t sort of have an Insider SCP again it’s all alleged the was speculation all that

Sort of stuff here now at this point basically the uh the report continues on that betting limits in the NBA prop bets vary from Sportsbook and uh by sports book and customer but they’re typically around 1,000 to 2,000 people so people were trying to do whatever they could to

Bet on jonte Porter props against the Clippers The Source said and then just a few days ago the same thing happened uh we had a bunch of people trying to bet the under for more so basically what’s happened now and multiple Sports books are uh you know confirming their

Information together on this is that when jonte Porter had a few games had a few things that are going on and ended up leaving those games kind of irregularly a lot of people just dumped a bunch of money upwards of that $10,000 to $20,000 mark on those Sports books

And other ones where there was caps and limits terms of how much you could bet in those sort of uh you know betting parlays or whatever the heck you want to call it right people were just scrambling just sort of put as much money as possible in terms of uh you

Know making money on jonte Porter not hitting those marks hitting those targets whatever the specific betting lingo is so that’s uh that’s a bit crazy that’s the fact that it’s multiple books it’s multiple games and you know even recent games as well that’s not a good

Look for jonte it’s not just oh one issue with DraftKings or someone found a crazy line or something like that this is uh this is sort of something that looks organized it looks planned and again hasn’t been fully confirmed fully you know proven in a court of law or

Anything like that but and might be something that’s very tough to prove but we’ll see how the the pattern recognition stuff comes out definitely not looking good for jonte Porter with all the evidence that is sort of a mounting here now at this point and then New York basketball also sort of did

This in response to the stuff that’s coming out saying that uh jonte Porter has a quote saying he once turned $5,000 into $100,000 and jonte Porter is an active social media about his opinions or his options and crypto trading he co-founded a firm that sells trading

Tips on this 2021 podcast he talks about some of his best trades so again we all uh you know as someone that worked as a software engineer in the crypto industry for a while you know prior prior to me working at NASDAQ and stuff I I’m familiar with the crypto space the

Trading stuff and all those types of things I mean you know it’s an interesting place it’s an interesting place and people are guaranteeing crazy returns and stuff it’s a little bit it there’s overlap you know there’s some overlap in terms of uh you know the the sports gabbling stuff I

These are links these are speculative stuff so I don’t want to go too too much into this but take that for what you will jonte Porter saying he’s able to turn $5,000 and $100,000 you know maybe in 2021 2021 you probably could have done it and then it crashed and it’s

Back up now so buy your eum but basically there’s also this picture going around where jonte Porter I think this was like an OKC game I’m not 100% sure I had the full clip I couldn’t get it up for this video but basically jonte Porter reacting to a three that he

Banked in it looked like he tried to miss it or at least he banked it in and then he came back on the court with this really just frustrated scowl on his face so people are saying that he was trying to sell that shot he tried to miss that

Open look which is absolutely bananas but basically there’s a lot of stuff again those last two ones are aren’t as important as the the W stuff that has been coming out there you know regarding jonte Porter but man I’m just hoping this isn’t true I’m just hoping that there’s an reasonable exclamation for

What’s going on someone sold a betting bot and they automatically put it on jonte Porter I don’t know I don’t know what it could be which would make this sound reasonable but he’s a guy that had a really fun story a really fun sort of narrative you know saw the Jersey swap

With mpj and his brother I mean I want to root for jonte Porter but if he’s out here ly selling games selling shots to make some money on DraftKings I think that’s that’s just crazy that’s some people in the comments and last you’re like oh you’re making a big deal out of

This I mean this is a huge deal this is something like that is is one of the biggest deals in the MBA so I don’t know let me know what you guys think in the comments section down below you guys the best mega star subscribe to the channel

If you guys haven’t already I’m signing out cheers

News came out yesterday from Adrian Wojnarowski that the NBA is investigating Jontay Porter for some irregular sports betting. As more details have been revealed on the situation it continues to look worse for the Toronto Raptors center. Ben Rogers breaks down the latest reports and updates on this story.

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  1. The NBA is saturated with gambling ads. Broadcasts have gambling content. Then we are supposed to be shocked that players are attracted and/or corrupted?

  2. If this turns out to be true and he's nuked his career, what a bummer. This dude had lots of potential and seemed like a smart, humble player. Fingers crossed it's just a mix-up.

  3. Ya he’s screwed. He was bragging on a podcast how much money he makes flipping and short buying and selling stocks. So ya. I’m sure this is legit. What an idiot. He could have made $2-6 million easy on his next deal.

  4. His bro makes like $30 million a year. Could he not ask his bro to lend him 1 million until he gets his first good contract? MPJ makes like $800,000 every week lol

  5. The most reason explanation is that he was having someone bet for him using different accounts.

  6. If the Raptors medical team can prove that his injuries were legit as well as his illness then what? Unless the NBA has Jontay's phone or a phone connected to Jontay making the bets, Jontay texting with people concerning the bets or money transfer evidence connected to Jontay it's all just circumstantial evidence. Also, the NBA promotes gambling on social media, during live game broadcasts, in various other ads… the NBA is gambling just look at the refs visibly calling games to favor Vegas betting lines one way or the other. Gambling is an addiction just like alcohol, crack, meth, heroin. If guilty, Jontay should seek help and the NBA should aid him in his rehabilitation and re-instate him after he goes through a rehab process.

  7. I love how it’s the sports books who are the ones calling for the investigation. It’s not the nba.. Vegas clearly calls the shots if there is a suspension without proper evidence.

  8. Can't they just rehab him? I mean it's not like he's waving a gun around or hooking up with underage girls. Scott Foster is still in the league ain't he?

  9. What is it about people who invest in crypto that tend to make them sleazy people. I guess it’s this notion of simply trying to make money for money sake, instead of actually being productive. It boggles my mind why people risk their careers doing stupid things.

  10. organized crime having a field day……..we know where you live, be a shame if anything happens to you and your family. the usa is run by the various mobs

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