@New York Knicks

How the Knicks went from laughing stocks to NBA finals contenders (yes, really)

How the Knicks went from laughing stocks to NBA finals contenders (yes, really)

by rit56


  1. Iamamyrmidon

    The Canadian bacon (RJ contract) and truffle debacle (Fournier contract) not withstanding, Chef Rose has cooked!

  2. evertrue13

    I cannot believe this article headline exists. We’ve waited so long…

  3. Snuggle__Monster

    It was all Leon. And I’ll admit, I thought his hiring was just a cheap ploy to attract his former star clients to the franchise but this guy knew how to build a fucking squad. He also knew to be patient with Thibs when no one else would.

  4. James Dolan deserves a lot of credit. After about 15 years of being one of the worst owners in the league he finally took a step back and stopped meddling in basketball operations since 2015. Of course Dolan did hire Phil Jackson so that bagged the first few years of him actually letting basketball people handle things. Then of course Dolan puts Scott Perry in charge in 2019/20 and Perry did a good job building the team and leaving it better than he found it.

    Then Leon Rose was hired and he actually had a decent starting point to build the team properly. Thibs gets brought in and then Jalen Brunson is brought in via free agency and all sort of other positive moves build on top of each other.

    But it all started with Dolan stepping away and taking a chance on basketball people to fully run the team. After the Phil Jackson disaster Dolan got Scott Perry in and then Leon Rose in and it has finally clicked.

  5. beanie_mac

    Four guys are responsible for this turnaround:

    Leon Rose

    Jalen Brunson

    Julius Randle

    Tom Thibodeau

  6. I wouldn’t say we were “laughing stocks” just sad af franchise and I also wouldn’t go as far as “finals contenders” just yet.

  7. jjazznola

    NBA finals contenders is pushing it. Not saying it can’t happen but with injured stars who may not be back or make it through the playoffs I have a hard time saying finals contenders. If the entire team was healthy then maybe.

  8. cpedra925

    it feels so validating when NBA writers outside of the NYC bubble take a look at this team and go, yeah, these are contenders whether you like it or not

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