@Detroit Pistons



Welcome to the Piston fanatic I’m your host Dave Dalton and I’m excited to share my passion and perspective of our Detroit Pistons as we go on this Fantastic Voyage together I’ve been a Die Hard piston fan since the days of De Bing and boob lanir I’ve also been the

Varsity basketball coach of a very successful program in northern Michigan thank you very much for staying with me and listening Please Subscribe if you haven’t already our Detroit Pistons lost another one4 to one to 99 to the New York Knicks and in Madison Square Garden so another

Tough loss I do think it’s ridiculous when when uh Grant long or uh Greg kelzer or Monty Williams say oh they just there’s no excuses they got to still fight and compete well they gotta fight and compete and try hard but to think that a g-league team team full of

G-league players that’s going to compete against the New York Knicks who are like fourth in the East is just ridiculous I mean sure should we got have guarded d venzo a little bit better he he made 11 threes yeah somebody should have stuck to him probably but it’s just still it’s

Ridiculous these guys haven’t practiced together there’s hardly any time to practice now this time in the season and even if they did they’re just they’re not talented players they would not be Beyond any other team’s rotation and we’re playing all of them so it’s not just so we’re missing eight players they

Sitting out but six of our top seven players are sitting out six of our top seven and the one player that’s playing Jaden Ivy has been playing terrible and he he was awful tonight he was two for 14 and that’s the one player that we

Have that’s in our top seven and so you expect them to compete and you know we we fall behind it was nine to8 and then New York went on a 20 to zero run and so it’s 29 to8 and then game was over then so it’s real hard but we’re going to

Talk today about which core four players should we trade so that’s a topic I’ve heard I haven’t really wanted to dive into that but we’re going to today and a lot of people you know debate whether what it is but we’re we’re going to discuss each one of those guys Wednesday

We got to go to Minnesota play the Timberwolves one of the best teams in the league and who knows Kade you know if his kneece hurt sit him out the rest of the year I hope not I want to see him play and it’s one of the most fun parts

Of the game for me to watch him play and uh and they said that Grimes and Pono should be back soon and Durance day today so they all could play and again it’s still going to be fascinating you know uh the Wizards are one game ahead

Of us you know they won 13 we won 12 and so that could be a fight for the big game for who finishes last and I again this significance of finishing last is if you slide that back in the lottery if you’re the worst have the worst record

You can um get no worse than the fifth pick and that which is what we’ve got the last two years one year we had the last year we had the worst record the year before we had the second worst record and we slid all the way to five

So it matters though because otherwise you could slide to seven except the Spurs one tonight so the Spurs and I know I get I get to hear people say you know how bad Kate is the Spurs have a terrible record but they won their 16th game tonight without Victor Victor didn’t

Play they’re playing the Suns they’re playing the Phoenix Suns who are battling with all their heart and they had you know Booker out there and they had dur Duran out there and they beat him 102 to 104 and Jeremy Sohan hits a three he with 0 for six on threes he’s

Not a good shooter and with like 20 seconds left they’re down by um one and he hits a three so they’re up by two and the Suns come down and Durant gets a shot and Booker gets a shot anyway but they win without um without Victor and he’s one of the

Great I mean he is amazing but you just can’t say that one player can make a team win or lose and you it was interesting tonight so anyway let’s get into it let’s talk about the core for and a lot some some of you hate that

Term but it’s you know I’ve been using it for a long time but so which one would you trade and I have people there’s people on that follow my podcasts that I know that like and hate every one of those guys you know everybody has opinions and it’s just we

Have opinions in politics we have opinions for players and what based on our opinion and most of the time we don’t want to change our mind so if you had it in your mind that you like Kade you probably still like Kade or if you didn’t like Cade you still don’t like

Cade so but anyway I my opinion is Kade is just he is our one great player and he has had a really great year and I mentioned last episode he he’s struggling recently in the last four or five games and if his knee’s bothering him that affects you just like I

Mentioned Tre halberton he is his shot fell off a cliff he was shooting great over two-thirds of the race through the season and then all of a sudden he pull hurts his hamstring and he keeps on trying to play and his shot he started missing all you know his percentage just

No so anyway Kade this summer is going to sign a Max extension rookie extension and so he’s going to be making a lot of money but it’s it’s the right thing to do it’s a no-brainer it’s what’s going to happen and we’re gonna have him

Locked up for a lot of years and you know I I I’m confident that kage is going to want to stay a piston and he’s not a kind of guy that’s just going to quit he wants to make it work here does that mean that in three years if we’re

This terrible is he GNA try to you know talk about getting traded you know we could get a lot per Cade it just depends on what team I think he’s a guy of these four guys he’s the only one that has real value but he’s the best one and

He’s the one that we need I mean he’s he’s has averaging 23 points and over seven assists that’s very few guys do that very few guys do that his percentages are still okay they’ve been great since you know like December 1st and so it’s it’s no brainer that we keep

Him so then since so then what who do we trade so now we have a sar who has the blood CL and can’t shoot he’s shooting like 18% on threes on the year and that’s an important thing in the NBA but bigger yet is which team would ever risk

Trading a bunch of stuff for a guy this has a blood clot nobody they’re not going to do that they’re not going to trade a bunch of valuable assets for assar even if the the team loved him which again I love watching him play it’s it I’m not sure that you can win

Especially if you have a bunch of guys that can’t shoot which is we seem to have that right now and so but I really think that he can’t be traded so then we come along to Jaden Ivy and he was looking good uh a month ago he would

Have had a lot of trade value but his trade value has tanked and he has been miserable for last month and I I think it’s psychological and I mean obviously the form gets affected so when when you get things get in your head then it does affect your form so

When you lose your confidence then your muscles in your forearm get tighter and so when you go to shoot things just your release isn’t the same ball doesn’t come off your fingertips you you don’t extend your follow through you you stop it early you look at the rim and you’re not seeing

The ball go in the basket and I you know I’ve seen it with lots of players seen it with myself at times when I was younger and I I think that it’s that’s what it is with him I I’m confident he’s going to bounce back and I you know

Everybody’s not it still still bothers me that he when he plays with now well now he starts with Sasser tonight he started with Sasser and they played together quite a bit but it always amazes me even when they were trying to stagger Ivy they with Sasser and Kade

Was off the court ceser had the ball casser came out of college he was not a point guard he was not that he didn’t play point in college so now he’s going to play point in the NBA and we want um iy to have more touches at least before

He’s went into a slump and but he he never did get to handle the ball Sasser always handled the ball so that that makes no sense to me and that’s you know that’s Monty’s decision and again I think they just need to run things you can run things you can call out plays

They run set plays you can run something and just ensure that he has the ball so anyway I just think that his um obviously if somebody wants all these guys if if somebody makes you the right trade I’m just saying that nobody’s going to and everybody wants to trade

This guy or that guy and you know we need this or that so that’s the next one Duren okay Jaylen Duren so he is had a great year he averaging 14 points 12 rebounds shooting 60 some percent that’s great but he he is not playing good defense he plays bad defense and he’s

Not getting better he’s you know he’s average n blocks nine10 of a block last year and he’s only averaging 8/10 of a block this year and he’s not even there challenging shots even he’s not even attempting to block shots most place and so that’s a

Concern but he is 20 years old and I know you get tired of hearing that I don’t blame you for being tired of hearing that but how is you know he he’s improved in a lot of ways again everybody talks about his footwork and it is amazing he has he’s got he’s

Gifted in so many ways there are so many big guys who are just uncoordinated and don’t see things he again he he also turns the wall way too much and he’s trying to take some forcing up some shots but he’s he’s trying to learn and so he’s trying to get better and add

Things to his game but you know he’s just got to hopefully improve I I’m not sure how he improves on defense though because it seems to be an innate thing that a lot of when I coached there’s some players that were so unbelievable at helping out on defense and there are

Some players that weren’t but some players you you know they were always there on help and that I’m talking about even junior varsity kids I coached Varsity a lot of years but I coached junior varsity some years and I had some kids that helped on defense all the time

Every play they were there so I don’t I don’t know I don’t I’m not sure what’s going on with d but but the biggest thing is centers are not valued in the NBA they do not have a high trade value and who are we going to get and I talked

About this last episode but Jan makes hardly anything he he’s making like $4 million a year and so who are we going to get in a trade for him that then we have to get another Center so we’re going to talk about that in a minute too

But I just I just want to make it clear that you know we probably would need to trade one of our core four they don’t fit together I mean there too better shooting we need better shooting it’s just that when you can’t just make trades I say this all the time it takes

Two teams to make a trade and we’re going to be selling low on iy you know and again I don’t even think we could trade assar and Duran is I think he’s more valuable to the team than what we could get for him if somebody blew me

Away with the trade I I would take it so um we’ll have to see what happens I know again there’s a lot of debate on who should be traded and who should go but these guys can’t play together my thing is we still got to see some a little bit of stretches where

They played well together and if you put a great shoot shooter with the four of them if you play with in The Limited minutes that fono played with them they were good and so if they we get a shooter like him or even another player that’s better that’s fine before I go

Any further I just want to I I still did Kade Smith is the one that made my the introduction to my video uh to my show so thank you again Kade Smith so I I said Kade but I I I had to look up his last name I didn’t remember his last

Name and so I didn’t want I didn’t know if people thought Kate Cunningham uh obviously he didn’t make it but um so here’s some centers that are free agents and some fans are talking about this Nick Claxton I love Nick Claxton I’ve Loved Nick Claxton for you some time now

And two years ago I really loved him and I’ve talked about trading for him when they talked about they might trade him but he’s 611 he’s 24 he’s going to be 25 real soon he averaged 12 points 10 rebounds two assists 63% he doesn’t shoot threes so where are we going to go

You know and he is a free agent so he is going to demand a lot of money and so we got Duren who’s gonna make four million a year or we can get into Claxton and sign him but he can block shots and he is that Defender and he’s a great lob

Threat I think he’d work great with Cade but it’s going to be I bet he’s gonna make 15 to 20 or maybe more I you know could make 22 I I don’t know it’s hard to predict with salaries and again Senators aren’t highly Valu valed so

Maybe he would go for Less he’s made um 9.6 million this year but he’s going to get a big rise and he had two and a half blocks per 36 minutes uh this year two and a half blocks last year just in what he the minutes he played and he shot 70% last

Year from the floor so that’s a lot like Duran offensively but except he can block shots and so that’s the difference and then a lot I heard on podcasts Isaiah hartenstein and tibs loves him and he plays for the Knicks he played tonight he’s seven-footer and he

Averaged 7.3 points a game and eight and a half rebounds and two and a half assists and shooting 63% he doesn’t shoot threes he shoot shooting through through 33% on the ones he does last four games so he’s got to play a lot more because Mitchell Robinson who’s

Their Star Center so that’s one reason they might like let him go but tibs loves him and he’s playing him into the ground but he’s playing um in the last four games 14 points 10 rebounds and two and a half blocks you know so I think he

Would cost a lot and of course a lot of Trades and a lot of deals dealings in the MBA come down to salary cap so if the Knicks you know we can offer them we can offer these guys more than almost anybody can offer them you know we can

And so it will be interesting to see what they do I mean we we we’re going to have to overpay if we want a free agent we’re going to have to overpay but do we pay somebody uh all that money to be the center and place of Duran and who’s

Making four million a year so that that’s and you know you got him locked up for a long time because if he you know next year he has he’s under contract again and next year then we can sign him to an extension if we want but it’s just it’s it’s challenging and so

We do need a a shot blocker but I don’t know what’s going to happen there but yeah it’s funny how things go in the league you see lots of ups and downs where teams and players and they’re valued and you think this guy oh man we

Could get I’ve had some of my um listeners love Jonathan Isaac the plays for uh Orlando Magic and he’s been injured so much of his career but he’s is big and he is a phenomenal Defender and my listeners when he was when his value was really low they wanted to

Trade for him I had several listeners talk make comments on you know my podcast where they said to trade for Jonathan ISAC I said yeah he’s like seven foot tall but he is so mobile and quick and block shots and he’s shooting the three good he had 24 points the

Other night but so now he’s Untouchable he was like on the trading block and there’s a lot of these guys that they do really bad and they struggle and then all of a sudden they start doing good and now the team’s not going to trade them because their value’s gone up so

Interesting thing to happen tonight though and Tom tiido the coach of the Knicks is notorious for playing his players into the ground he’ll play them all 48 minutes played their one guard 48 minutes just the last game but what’s fascinating to me it makes no sense they’re in the struggle they have OG

Anobi is injured and Mitchell Robinson’s injured and Julius Randle is injured and he he’s known for making his players get injured because he plays him too much and so tonight they’re 30 points ahead of us with like three minutes to go and Jaylen brunson’s in the game jacking up

Shots and Devon chenzo is in the game even longer and I mean he was trying to get 40 points and he had 11 threes but it just doesn’t make any sense they’re they’re drubbing us and why they would leave those guys in when they got all

This game to season to play and to risk an injury of a player when you’re 30 points ahead it just as mindboggling so um I’m not going to go over much of the the box score the only guys that matter that I think are probably um

Going to be with the Pistons or at least be even near the the rotation if they stay here our wisan he played 31 minutes he was 7 for 11 11 rebounds 4 for 10 14 points but he had four turnovers but once again and I mean I I just how can

You just keep on getting these illegal screens and Duran does the same thing so he gets four turnovers but like though when they call he had at least two tonight so that’s at least two of his turnovers were uh were setting illegal screens so um like I said Ivy was 24

Minutes only so he sad him he was bad and I think he just I don’t know I don’t blame so I’m not blaming Monty I would I would have said him too there’s no point in risking his injury so I only played 24 minutes two for 14 one for six on

Threes four for four from the line four rebounds three assists two steals one block and nine points so it’s I it’s got to be disappointing and again I I was huge you know I do think that it was wrong that Monty didn’t play him earlier

In the year but now you know it’s crazy how bad he’s playing so Sasser 34 minutes and he was one for six on threes but he was nine for 10 from the line so he ended up with 24 points so he took 18 shots seven for 18 and he had six

Assists so good for him for I’m glad he you know they booed him at the at the Garden and but tonight he had he was five for 11 but only went for four and 15 points so piston shot bad 38% and shot 51% Pistons shot 29% on threes so

That’s you know and Nick shot 41 so that’s basically the game but got to see our old friend bogie but Bogie’s he’s shooting about the same I mean he’s shooting like he’s not shooting quite as good as he did with the Pistons but he’s only playing like

21 minutes a game this year for the Knicks and a lot of the Nick fans really don’t like him so everybody thought that the Knicks of all the teams at the trade deadline everybody was saying the Knicks won the trade dead deadline because they got bogy and Burks and then now the knck

Fans are not liking them and they uh tibs is limied in their minutes of course they’re they’re bad on defense and tibs is a big defensive Guru so um Burks is only averaging 15 minutes the game and eight points so he’s he he was injured tonight I guess so he didn’t

Play but bogie had 13 points and made some shots I I still will always appreciate him so but D.A chenzo 11 threes he’s gonna break the record for a season for the Knicks for three-pointers and who has that record Evan forier that’s on the Pistons so he’s a good

Shooter when when he’s set and he’s open but he D chenzo had 40 points I wanted the Pistons to get him I said it when when it’s on one of my tele on my podcasts from back in the spring when he was when he was in free agency I said

That would be a good guy to pick up when he was playing for Golden State but he had 40 points he was 11 for 20 and three not as good as the Oakland guy I don’t know who he delivered for I don’t know if it was GrubHub or but he was one of

Those deliveries that delivered from a restaurant to people’s houses while he was going to college and he went to little Hillsdale College division two school then he went for his fifth year to Oakland and he had 10 of 23s playing for Oakland and beating Kentucky in the tournament so that was

Pretty crazy pretty cool so it’s so bad tonight so if anybody still listening um George and Greg were talking George was talking about Mark Lindsay so one of the roughs in tonight’s game was Mark Lindy and Mark Lindsay I remember well he was the lead

Singer um a Paul R and the Raiders and they were a big thing man back in 1966 and around that time when I was a kid and I had these little portable record player that played these little 45 records and he they had this song called

Good thing and anyway they you know it’s so hard to announce these games when the Pistons are so bad and they you know again we’re not even have hope you know there’s the these players that like like I said before there’s always been when we’re bad and when we have three or four

Of our young guys that are going to be part of our future are playing and they still can play and do things and get better but game like tonight that’s not having like I said only one of our top eight players played and then and he he

Played bad so thank you for listening we’ll be on again still on Wednesday after um the game with the Timberwolves but be the reason that somebody feels heard let’s go Pistons

DiVincenzo makes 11 threes and 40 points as Pistons fall to the Knicks 124-99!


  1. Out of the core 4, it would have to be Jaden Ivey. Athletic guards who are not two way players are expendable. I like J.I, though. I think he has the potential to be a star. But, move on from him while you can. However, at the very least, I would give him one more year..💯

  2. Would not have even thought this before this season but, trade em all. Even cade. Sad to say. We have cade a Costco ja morant, and a Walmart Drummond. This team is not a "Detroit" team. The most heart i see is when stewart and AT are on the floor. I'm trading everyone now. This is ridiculous. Trade everyone. Cade doesn't have that dog, ivey doesn't have the talent. If we had a player that was generational they would have taken us to more that 20-30 wins. We don't have 1 or 2 guys that can take us there. Blow. It. Up

  3. If Jalen Duran, doesn’t make a leap defensively by next year, you just may be right about him. Something to strongly consider..🤔

  4. It's too soon to consider trading any of the core four. They haven't played together long enough. Monty Williams wasted the first half of the season. We needed to see them together a full season. Also, Ausar will work on his shot during the off-season and come back much improved. To be honest, ALL of them need to improve their shooting.

  5. A little reactionary due to his play lately but its gotta be ivey, I would like to think we could develop durens defense into something passable and with cade and sasser we just dont seem to need ivey as much, go pistons!

  6. Ivey has been playing like he wants to get traded next season. His trade value right now is dipping. Duren also has defense issues too. Please fire monty & troy at the end of this miserable season

  7. 0:14 knowing weaver he will sign both claxton n hartestein their bigs..starting lineup cade,claxton, duren ,wiseman n hartestein…lol ps take saar in draft

  8. They have to keep cade and Duren, I think that's the future. Everybody has their own opinion but a good playmaking pg and a pick and roll center can take you far and open up the floor for shooters. A backup center who can play good defense are available in the draft, some of them potentially in the 2nd rd. I'd trade ausar honestly if he's worth anything, they need more shooting and he's not the answer there.

  9. Any or all players are fair trade capital for the right deal. No one is untouchable including Cade. E.G. I would do Cade and Sasser and 2 second round picks for Banchero in a heart beat (Yeah, not happening.). If one of the weak sister franchises gets sloppy or weird or their owner has a stroke and is mentally pixilated, Pistons have to swoop down and steal some players because they, fo sho, ain't got much uh nuttin' on their roster! This year's draft is very weak and powder puffs like Risacher aren't gonna change things.

  10. Gores should just hire a completely new front office and gm, and let them decide how to flip the roster. If they want to trade everyone and completely restart the rebuild, then let them.

  11. What a disgrace this franchise has become. Why is it that every April, Pistons fans are watching a literal G League team on the floor?

  12. I think the real question is who the Pistons want to keep and truly build around. The organization really needs to identify what the future of this team will look like that works both offensive and defensively. Cade seems like the guy to build around, therefore you have to identify what works around Cade and will be successful in 3-4 years. Every player has their flaws and its up to the Pistons to determine who will develop into the player they think they will be that effectively compliments Cade.

  13. What they probably will do is overpay Tobias Harris and Philly will laugh at us and be happy to get rid of such a contract

  14. DAVE, why are you always blaming Monty for Ivey's struggles. Why not admit that maybe Monty was right about not starting Ivey because he has the IQ of a former NBA player, assistant coach, and NBA coach, and parent combined. Monty was right to start Killian over Ivey.

  15. There are no core four. I still dont know why any of these players were crowned core anything, lol. I wish I could vote on this, but core four is not a real thing, smh.

  16. Ivey is definitely the one to go. He is too worried about preaching to everyone about religion rather than dedicating himself to the game. God and Hope isn't going to make you better, work will. Reps. Ivey is a one trick pony, quick first step and thats it. Cant dribble, cant shoot and definitely can't pass!
    I think Weaver also has the same problem. Worship Basketball and nothing else.

  17. Im open to trading anyone depending on the return. No one should be held sacred on a 12 win team. No, not even Cade: if he were ‘it’ the team would have more than 12 wins-they did last year without Cade.

  18. Pistons fans need to prepare for the team to trade 1-2 of their young core and one of them will go on to play very well somewhere else.

  19. Thompson kills the flow every single time. His man sags off of him, which makes it harder on everyone else. I saw games where they literally left him wide open and made him shoot from 3, and he still misses. Never going to work

  20. Troy had so much faith in his "Core Four" that he never even bothered to build a capable roster around them. As fans we have witnessed back to back totally wasted seasons whose ramifications will be felt for years to come.

  21. This organization had given up at least 2 weeks ago. Why should any fan lift a finger to watch this team or even think about this team when the coach and front office is still in charge. Also LCA should be empty for rest of season. You just getting robbed. Feel sorry for people (not Fans) that still show up. Anyone that has been going to this organization games are seriously NOT fans. They just looking to seek something to do in horrible weather. Not basketball IQ for people on the stands at LCA. People that show up now are just bord out of their mind and are duped thinking they are benefiting to waste gas energy to walk into those doors and sitting down at LCA

  22. I have listened to this podcast more and more lately. I love your work keep it up. As far as trades go, It all depends how the draft goes. I honestly would try out the season with Ivey Cade ausar and Duren. See how the first 10-15 games go and make decisions then unless there is an offer on the table you cannot turn down for a star player or assets to get a star player next to Cade. If ivey for Murray is on the table and no other assets I might do it for spacing and defense. Idk who knows how the offseason will go lol.

  23. We were a bad team before our core started going down. Outside of Cade, that ping pong ball has hurt us. That said, any competent GM would have still surrounded Cade with stretch bigs, forward length, shooters and D specialists. Ben Math, Shaedon, even Taylor Hendrix (potential) were better fits then this current misfit of talents. Everyone not named Cade needs to be available for trades.

  24. I would say Jaden Ivey would be my pick to move. But if he can accept a 6th man role, I would keep him. The Pistons main job is to keep building and adding talant.

    Eventually they will get things back on track.

    Fans need to be patient. Fans are in year 18 of rhe rebuild but the truth is this current managment group is in year 4 of the rebuild. Give Troy time!

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