@Golden State Warriors

Klay Thompson Postgame-Thompson scores 28, Golden State runs away in 2nd half to top Miami 113-92

Klay Thompson Postgame-Thompson scores 28, Golden State runs away in 2nd half to top Miami 113-92

Score in this game with 28 points Klay Thompson back in the starting lineup now we know you’re no stranger to being a starter but since the All-Star break that’s really not what the team has been asking from you so now back in the starting lineup how did you catch your Rhythm so quickly

Clay I think uh I took good shots early uh at The Rim couple layups a mid-range shot anytime you get a couple Great Looks early it uh opens up that perimeter for you and a must win and I’m really happy how he responded after a tough loss in Minnesota even though they’re missing

Their best guys they still play a certain brand that’s hard to beat so just a great win KT I talk about how these last games are a great preparation if you want to make a run down the down the uh towards the playoffs what do you

See in in the last games what do you what does the team have to do for the last games our last games we must play that brand of ball that has had us so successful last 10 years moving it uh switching on defense on ball tenacity then just trusting each other and

Playing selfless and then most importantly having fun we’re having fun and we’re playing connected it’s a beautiful thing to be a part of Kay having fun great shot selection great game by you tonight talk about the difference now you went from Minnesota snowy Minnesota to beautiful Miami how do that affect your

Energy you kidding me get a beach day yesterday run some football routes kick the soccer ball jump the ocean I mean that’s just good for the go I’m not nothing against Minnesota my dad was golden go for got a lot of love for the state of Minnesota but uh there’s

Something just about being in this tropical air that just has you feeling loose your KN feel good and it was a lot of fun to spend a couple days in South in uh South Florida all right thank you so much clay again staying in Florida hope the sunshine carries over for

Orlando as well you guys are on a back to back there all right so the Warriors getting it done here against the Miami Heat thank you again clay um what stood out to you guys as far as the way the ball was moving tonight cuz you also

Wanted to see a quick Pace yeah I thought great shot selection now Miami did dictate the tempo play they slowed the game down but I thought the Warriors did a great job they were obviously trying to take Steph Curry’s three-point shots away they went to Zone when they

Did Klay Thompson knock down a three-point shots I thought draymond’s playmaking and then playing off the wall Wiggins and kaminga attacking the paint and you mentioned kth I think with Clay back in that starting line there was a little more spacing for for kaminga and and Andrew Wigan that’s exactly what I

Saw I love the ball movement especially in the second half the Warriors let the Miami Heat slow the pace down in the first half second half they just attacked I said I wanted to see Andrew Wiggins go straight to the rim he settled for some jumpers in the first

Half he’s can hit those but his strength his ability to get to the rim especially when the defense is so hugged up on Steph Curry out there on the three-point line the Miami he they’re on defense it doesn’t matter that they’re Miss missing their best guys they are they they’re

Very staunched defensively they very principal they practice two hours the whole year long so their principles are inred than everybody on the team so they did a great job of staying out there trying to deny Steph Curry so when those guys started to attack then Steph Curry

Got loose at the end and there you have it no more Steph Curry minute restriction argument whatever you want to call it whatever that was all right all right they got the win they got some rest important because they got Orlando Magic who’s playing really well they got

Them tomorrow there you go yeah you don’t mind if Steph Curry plays 31 minutes in this one because he sat when the Warriors had a double digit lead that double digit lead was built in the third quarter we got to roll this tape

It was a 3 two to 20 quarter in this one where did you guys see the Warriors start to buckle down and turn defense into offense third quarter they dominated I thought a combination was with the offensive possessions I thought they were really efficient in turn their

Defensive transition was in in place uh here time and time again great recognition there by Draymond finding gp2 again the the Miami Heat defense extending Way Beyond the three-point line I just thought really good decision making I love this break here psky ran through a hard Lane opened up Clay Klay

Was phenomenal tonight fezy Klay was incredible mlly you’re right I I thought in the the the Warriors shot 56% in the first half so offense was not a problem for them they just turned the ball over a few times the first half they had a 8sec count uh 8sec violation which you

Never see from the Warriors especially when Chris Paul has the ball in the second half locked down on that take took care of the took much better care of the ball in second half and that third quarter they just closed out the shooters I said that about the

Three-point ball earlier the Miami Heat they shut them down for the three-point line really get out got out there contested everyone even Bama Deb had a great night tonight hit a lot of tough shots that’s what you want the Warriors to do you have guys like Draymond Green Jonathan kaminga Andrew Wiggins these

Guys can keep up with the athletes on other teams you can Jonathan kaminga did a great job on haime hawz you know just locking down on defensive end what they did in the third quarter when you see that you’re you’re you’re impressed you’re you’re also uh encouraged by the

Defensive that they can turn it on in the third quarter and I just thought great recognition I thought Draymond had a bunch of assists he played a beautiful floor game The Warriors make 13 threes but they make 34 tws and I thought it was a great balance we saw some some

Lobs uh some slipped uh SLI back door cuts for layups so the Miami defense really made a conscious effort to try and you know take the three ball out of the game uh but in turn I thought the Warriors playmaking and shot selection was on point the Warriors playing with

Urgency because they have to the War uh the Rockets creeping up behind them so they needed to do something needed to shake it up it happened in the starting lineup Brandon pky out Klay Thompson back in Klay Thompson got going early guys he started six of eight three of

Five and then again arriving at being at the leading scorer in this game I thought the Klay Thompson shots they came as a result of great ball movement and when they once he started rolling he started to hit shots like those I loved a lot of the passes that came in

Transition to Clay here you have I’ve never seen this before for clay this is a little Scoopy scoop right there in in transition I love this play right here when they got a stop on the other end they ran Jonathan kaminga run down to the post and you had Chris Paul hit him

On the on the on the wing that chemistry is there you saw that from Klay Thompson coming off the bench and now it continues to roll doesn’t matter if he starts doesn’t matter if he comes off the bench Klay Thompson is as lethal as anyone from the three-point line when

His feet are set yeah the Miami Heat played the most zone of any team in the NBA and I thought they did a great job of finding clay when they went Zone because that sometimes can be tricky defense to attack pods got in there made

A few uh shots in the paint but I think finding clay for those threes was important and then he you know he he went and got some layups as well so I thought he he read the game really well but the ball mve I thought was Draymond

Played a really good floor game tonight was Clay going back to the starting lineup specifically to help add a little bit more spacing for Steph Curry how did how did those two play off each other Splash Brothers well I I think look Steph’s always going to get the number

One assignment their going to be all over him so that next guy is really important to me not only to knock down shots but to be a threat so even Klay just being on the floor is going to open up opportunities for Jonathan and for Andrew Wiggins uh in turn draymond’s

Assist what he had nine assists tonight I think Draymond Sharon the basketball and really making the Miami defense pay for overc committing to Steph and then you know they lost clay in the zone a few times so the the balance attack was what really won the game for them

Tonight I just I think that whether clay starts or comes off the bench it doesn’t really matter I I want to see them I want to see the finishing lineup I want to see Klay there at the end of the game and I thought I just loved his his

Patience coming into a game like this all the experiences this Warriors team has going through this year I want to see it payoff and tonight you saw Clay’s chemistry with Chris Paul with the guys coming off the bench Kavon Looney made a debut tonight after after a few games of

Being of getting dmps I I just love to see the chemistry that these guys all have with the movement of the lineups that they’ve had so far all year long I’m not sure if we’re going to get to Looney tape so I’ll back you up there seven of the last nine games cavon

Looney has been a dnp but with Trace Jackson Davis out those minutes open up for cavon Looney let’s go back to Steph Curry’s KN because of course par for the course he’s always hounded by the defense how did you guys see him try to work through these double teams or you

Know if he couldn’t get his shot off facilitate for teammates Well Steph Curry is a guy who is always going to get the attention of Defense you can’t let him get loose and the Miami he they they are so good they’re so principled every time they came off screens they

Never let him they never let him get loose every time they switched somebody was always on him I love seeing the matchup with him and Bam he took advantage of those shout out to Kavon Looney great great offensive rebounds there in the second half to get Steph

Curry some shots I thought the Miami played a great game of trying to take step out of the game but with his gravity he was able to create shots for other guys on the team and that’s exactly what the Warriors offense is and when it’s firing and all cylinders and

All guys are attacking then that’s exactly what you want you want two guys to be on step and they they use that against them where Draymond gets the ball in the pick and roll and then he it’s a it’s a three on two action on the back end because the two Defenders on

Steph Curry so I thought they did a great job I thought the Warriors did a great job of using that that that Force against the Miami Heat tonight I thought Steph read the game really well you got to give Miami Miami Heat’s defense a lot of credit we talked pregame about their

Attention to detail they’re not a team that just always switches everything they’ll stay with their man one-on-one as much as they can they’ll throw double teams at step to open up other players those other players responded Klay Thompson Andrew Wiggins and Jonathan kaminga made them pay Jonathan kaminga

I’m going to remember that put back dunk he had he’s had double digit scoring in 49 sure of the last 51 game there you go but what are you guys seeing is Jonathan kaminga is like solidifying his place as the team’s number one number two scoring option right there with Jonathan it’s shot

Selection it’s awareness uh you look at the efficiency numbers there eight of 13 his rebounds is always important to get you know five seven rebounds a game but again attacking the painton transition and his overall shot selection you know being patient Bui and f f mentioned

During the game as the game slows down for him he actually looks quicker meaning he’s changing Pace changing direction and you attack like that that that’s just a nasty put back there you saw the you saw an array of offensive uh just everything that uh the offensive

What would I call it his Arsenal his offensive Arsenal from Jonathan kaminga tonight it was on full display you had him on the post right there against a small Terry Rosier you put a small guy on me I’m going to get to the rack and

That’s an N1 you put a big guy on me I’m going to drive by him and he has this crazy elevation on his jumper where he gets fouled even when bad Deo is guarding him and then you put him on on Hae hwz on the defensive end and he’s

Locking that guy down he can’t get by him you know when when when Jonathan kaming is locked into the game he is one of the best players on the court and as he continues to develop as a star in this league I think that he’s the guy

That’s an X Factor for this team scoring he’s always going to be consistent now doing the other things making plays for his teammates that’s where it’s going to take this Warriors team to the next level okay his rebounding you were when when kaminga adds the rebounding element

Do you feel like he’s one of the more Unstoppable players and essential players to these Golden State wins yeah not not only do you see more activity I think it just it’s it’s really important for the Warriors on the defensive end that Jonathan and Andrew Wiggins got up those defensive rebounds with Draymond

Because then what happens is that’s where the open shots are they can you know get that off defensive rebound and get out and transition all right thank you guys on the other side of this break we’ll put the spotlight on Andrew Wiggins also here from Steve Kerr as the

Warriors get the win in Sunny Miami at halftime we were Googling uh Haywood heith started five of five three for three but they made sure he didn’t make any noise too much noise after that one uh D2 Player of the Year in 2018 listen at the end of the day everyone in

The NBA can play basketball if you give them the confidence I said it’s all about how you start the game he came into the game made some threes made some buckets a lot of confidence 13 points at the halftime only two points in the second half the Warriors do have another

Gear they can get to defensively and they showed you that tonight well one of the people who helps them Reach that gear defensively Draymond Green Molly you noticed his nine assists in this game too how did Draymond help the team pick it up in that third I just start

His overall floor game reading the game understanding they’re going to take a Steph away and just really Distributing the ball to the first open man uh aggressive in the paint when he needed to be but the nine rebounds eight assists just just a dynamic floor game and and really important tonight because

You know they only got 85 shots up so to shoot 55% on 85 shots you’re getting high quality shots play knock down a bunch of Threes but all these other plays a lot of in the paint layups uh thanks to Draymond green floor game I mean Draymond did a good job it’s really

Tough a guy like bad Deo he’s an All-Star and when you have Draymond on him he hit a lot of tough shots Fade Away jumpers he’s an All-Star for a reason I thought Draymond did a great job of pushing the pace being the pressure release whenever they pressured

On the back court pressur the point guards I told you about how they got the Eight Second count in the first half Draymond was doing a better job of of of being the pressure release bringing the ball up U making plays for guards whenever guys would miss a switch on

Steph he he found he found gp2 on one one cut he found JK on the lob one time that’s what he does he’s a guy that can that really distributes the ball and does a great job of also rebounding the ball on the other end so defense pushing

The pace all those things that we needed for the Warriors to win tonight Draymond Green was was a part of all that yeah I thought tonight what I saw which was really unique and Draymond does it a lot but tonight in in particular he was a great help Defender several times

Getting you know like fezy said clean up some mistakes getting his hands on balls but then one-on-one with bman adabo adabo was 10 for 21 so he had 21 shots to get 24 points so the one-on-one defense was phenomenal and I thought his help game was great too yeah bam is in

That category of players who will get their points but can you make it frustrating well you know Draymond loves that kind of task all right Andrew Wiggins in this game arriving at 17 points seven rebounds as well and you wanted to see Andrew Wiggins get going earlier and what helped him right a

Couple ball screens or just what did you think about Andrew wiggins’s game I I loved it I want to see Andrew Wiggins go downhill like I I I think that he is he’s another X Factor in addition to Jonathan kaminga two guys whose positions provide a mismatch Advantage

For the Warriors you have a two big six seven guards that can guard anyone on the floor point guard through fourman and offensively with that athleticism you can get by guys just like that and I thought he did a great job of really just saying I’m just going to take this

One in the second half his aggressiveness actually opened the floor for a couple other guys so that’s what he does and the Warriors right now for the last 11 games of the season this is what I want to see from the offense I want to see Andrew Wiggins be aggressive

On the offensive end not just shots he’s going to hit those shots those weak side shots when Steph Curry drives and creat shots for him on the week side I want to see him post up I want to see be aggressive on those I want to see him

Drive down to the middle of the lane and take some of those shots those what that’s what he can do he’s a guy who scored 20 points a game for his career I want to see that this year too great activity much like Jonathan he had the seven seven rebounds to fe’s point

Andrew Wiggins tonight was six of seven I mean five of six inside the paint one of five from three so really you know Jonathan and Andrew to me uh late shot clock wide openen threes are great otherwise the Warriors have that department covered they got plenty of guys that will shoot that three-point

Shot their main job is to attack the paint be aggressive on one-on-one coverages in the post and then get out on that break break and run for layups yeah Andrew Wiggins going inside had one three-pointer in this game that three-pointer gave him 1,000 for his career 1,000 career threes first player

Born in Canada to reach that Mark all right team stat comparison look at the Warriors shooting better than 55% Molly pointed out they didn’t rely on the three

Klay Thompson Postgame-Thompson scores 28, Golden State runs away in 2nd half to top Miami 113-92

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  1. We are still the dark horse. We get into the play ins and win that teams will be worried about GSW so much experience in the play-offs. Same goes with the Lakers.

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