@National Basketball Association

LeBron talks about how “he has a bag” narrative bothers him

LeBron talks about how “he has a bag” narrative bothers him

by KingREX_24


  1. This some real shit. Man it would’ve been dope to see Kobe do this. Podcasting wouldve been what he was looking for I think

  2. XXeadgbeXX

    I love this hearing this side of Lebron. Always knew he was intelligent but hearing him nerd out on basketball is a pleasure to listen to.

  3. Bag discourse is the worst, that’s when you start getting people ranking Kyrie over Steph

  4. Vicentesteb

    I fully agree with this. Its pretty crazy how youll have people say “Kyrie is the most skilled ever” when A. People of his height like Steph have more productive and are more efficient and B. There are so many players that also do things Kyrie cant.

    Like why isnt Luka or Jokic in the most skilled convos. Why isnt someone like Embiid being able to shoot the midrange at such an elite level despite being so tall. Why can Lebron be in the most skilled convos when hes so elite at everything. Why is defense never considered, because going back to Kyrie, he an absolutely terrible defender.

    End of the day, looking pretty or smooth while playing does contribute in terms of entertainment but it doesnt matter more than raw production and efficiency. At the end of the day, a crazy dribble move into an impossible finish is worth the exact same 2 points as Lebron just powering through and dunking it.

  5. RickThiCisbih

    It feels like no one watched the video because he’s not really talking about effectiveness vs skill but rather 1v1 culture in the NBA.

  6. ApoliticalAth3ist

    A lot of ppl arguing against LeBron as the goat are just doing it bc his game isn’t as aesthetically pleasing as Jordan’s

  7. Davethisisntcool

    thread full of nephews.

    he’s talking about y’all 🫵🏾🤣

  8. SatisDeus

    The AAU generation is turning the NBA into 1v1s with 8 dudes watching. It’s why US teams get cooked in international matchups now. Because Anthony Edwards just wants to go and make a highlight instead of making the extra pass.

  9. mikhailitwithfire

    Ball Don’t Stop is gonna tweet something salty about this.

  10. “LeBron don’t wanna guard me, they always send a double”

    – Ant

  11. Izanagi___

    Nobody watched the actual video so 90% of these comments make no sense lmaooo

    Sums up people online lol

  12. I’ve decided I could listen to LeBron crotchedy old man takes all day. Its just to nice to hear him talk without filter and he’s clearly passionate.

  13. NotPennysBoat010

    “Why you doubling me” gotta be Booker

  14. SouthFloridaSwag93

    Lebron James basketball IQ is on another level

  15. Illustrious_Mode_692

    Which player has the “deepest bag” but has the least impact? And which top player has the least “deep bag”?

  16. Man I feel like Larry would’ve been incredible in the podcast era. No media restraints or keeping it PG, just pure ball

    He didn’t have the physical attributes like MJ or LeBron, but he had the mind to do what needed to be done, and the mouth to talk trash

  17. I like that he always thinks of his brand. Flashing that hat with the “UN”

    Guess the “U” stands for “u” and “N” stands for “ninterrupted”

  18. I need to watch this seems like it would be great

  19. RiseStock

    Lebron like Magic is a master of game management. Like he says, it’s important to make sure the players around you get into a rhythm.

  20. TheMias24

    Saw the title and thought it was going to be about how people disrespect specialists, and don’t have well rounded games.

  21. XstasyOxycontin

    He’s talking about some of y’all’s favourite players 😶‍🌫️

  22. aoifhasoifha

    “Can you instill confidence in your teammates to win?” This is one of the most underrated aspects of greatness as an NBA player. Lebron instills trust in his teammates by feeding them all year long- that how Boobie Gibson throws fire in the playoffs with him and is out of the league without him. That’s what made the Warriors system so special, and why it formed a dynasty.

  23. jumboponcho

    I think bag talk is harmless when you recognize basketball is a team game. I love watching guys like Kyrie, PG, Demar, etc get busy on an island. When it was used to discredit guys like Giannis and even Lebron, it’s an issue

  24. I love that Lebron is old enough to be referencing NES games because you know Jordan VS Bird is a firsthand reference.

  25. BananaRepublic_BR

    I’m not a Lebron fan, but he’s spittin’ here. Basketball, at its heart is a 5v5 game. The team is more important than the individual. Frankly, if a guy dropped 50 on the Spurs, but the team managed to win, anyway, I’d be more than okay with that outcome.

  26. vitalbumhole

    100% the dude that said why y’all doubling me was either DBook or Jalen Green lol

  27. MassiveTelevision387

    man i gotta say this series so far is basically Lebron stroking his own ego and Reddick cupping his balls while he does it lol

    “i play chess all the time”….”everyone told me i should play real chess”
    “I told him to win us the game, and I knew by me instilling that confidence in him – it would pay dividends for the rest of my time with him and for his career”
    “then the coach said he never met someone that could make decisions as fast as me in his entire life”

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