@New York Knicks

Mikal Bridges DIRECTLY Addresses Knicks Rumors…

Mikal Bridges DIRECTLY Addresses Knicks Rumors…

Mel Bridges has directly addressed the New York Nicks rumors and we have to talk about this so what’s up guys welcome back to Nicks digest it’s Chris here and we’re going to jump right into the video as we always do because Mel Bridges has recently addressed the

Rumors between him and the New York Knicks and the comments that Josh har made regarding male Bridges playing for the Brooklyn Knicks while all of his friends who he won championships with and Dante D venzo Jaylen Brunson and Josh Hart all play for the cross toown

New York Knicks the better team that has fans so let’s just jump right into and break it down as you may have seen a few days ago Josh Hart made a hilarious connection to this situation where essentially he said that it’s like the SpongeBob Meme when Squidward is

Looking out the window and he see SpongeBob and Patrick having fun male is Squidward so what he’s saying there is it’s like that Meme where Squidwards looking at the windows SpongeBob and Patrick are having fun and it’s usually just alluded to something along the lines of like someone’s watching from

The outside looking in even if they are on the or even if Squidward is on the inside of that Meme but essentially Nick Nick Muse posted about it and he already posted this around six months back and he said great minds think alike Josh Hart and then obviously he tweeted out

The choice is yours and it has D venzo Hart and Jaylen Bronson obviously outside while mber just watches kind of just sitting out missing out on all the fun while he plays for the Brooklyn Nets who have 26 wins on the season as we are deep into March so obviously Bridges

Probably does not want to play for the Brooklyn Nets if he could play for the New York Knicks as the Nets don’t even have their own draft pick this year essentially when they made that trade with the Rockets to land James Harden the Rockets bet on this failing and it

Failed miserably the Rockets will be getting a lottery pick from the Brooklyn Nets this year which is going to help them out which is going to help them not a ton it’s going to hurt the Nets because it essentially means the Nets which who really would only have one

Option with this team which is blow it up get as many draft picks as possible and try to con and try to just rebuild they can’t even do that because they traded away all their picks and recently they were offered to trade by recently I mean before the season they were offered

To trade to basically send Mel Bridges to the rockets for Jaylen green and the Nets picks back and the Nets said no I don’t know why maybe Shawn marks just has no idea what he’s doing and stumbled into ktie and Kyrie but clearly this has just gone so poorly for male and the

Nets and M Bridges addressed these rumors between the Knicks the Nets and obviously what Josh Hart had to say and he he was asked did you happen to see Josh Hart’s comments about the other day regarding SpongeBob male said you know that’s Josh right jaylen’s not saying

Anything it’s just Josh that’s who he is he’s going to say jokes like that he knows he’s going to get everyone riled up now male Bridges was one of the first guests to ever be on Brunson and Har podcast the roommates and when they kind of asked male about playing for the Nets

And just the New York Knicks Josh Hart took off his jacket and showed that he was wearing a New York Knicks shirt which male audibly laughed at I mean again he knows what it is Josh hard is openly tampering to bring male Bridges to the New York Knicks but he can get

Away with it because the two are friends it can come across as jokes because part of it is jokes Josh Hart knows that if male Bridges ever went up to him as his friend and was like yo man I understand what you’re doing it’s I get that it’s

Funny and all that but I’m not gonna end up on the Knicks it’s pissing me off could you please stop Josh Hart being male’s friend would probably stop doing it like I hear you totally cool so clearly male Bridges is fine with all this happening he finds it funny it’s

His friend doing it and also because male Bridges clearly wants to play for the New York Knicks I mean if you asked M hey there can be zero conse quences to this action but would you rather play for the New York Knicks or the Brooklyn

Nets he’d be like I want to play for the Knicks you think when him Hart Deen chenzo Brunson are hanging out Mel’s never once said dude I wish I was on the Knicks with you guys contending for something real for a championship instead of in a place that no one even

Crowds up gets no fans we lose all the time there’s no structure to this team we fired our coach our GM has no idea what’s going on our owner doesn’t care I can’t stand stand being here when all you guys are out over there this sucks he definitely has alluded to that before

With his friends behind closed doors when No cameras are on he’s maybe texted about it who knows there’s just no way that he hasn’t I refuse to believe that M Bridges would rather play for the net for the Nets than the Knicks I mean if I

Put myself in my position I’d be like damn this sucks man all my friends get to go on these trips together get to play for the Knicks and get love from all the city and I’m on the Nets and 95% of the time when fans come up to me it’s

Either right out side of a Nets game when I’m seeing Nets fans or it’s Nick’s fans who are coming up to me showing me so much love because they understand the situation at hand they know where I want to be Knicks fans are smart they’re not bumbling around like oh yeah Mel Bridges

Doesn’t want to be on the Knicks they know he does we all do know where Mel Bridges wants to be it’s a matter of getting him here and that is difficult though it is possible and part of the way it has to become possible is for

Male Bridges to make this real he’s done a great job being the franchise player for the Nets and not really addressing this that much though he has mentioned it in the past as he kind of brought the Knicks up unprompted one time and basically was asked about his confidence

In the future of the Nets and somehow the Knicks infiltrated the answer as it says here and he said I know people might want to think about different situations and teams obviously I’ve got my boys over there in New York so everybody goes with that and then kind

Of trailed off and then basically the rest of his answer was about how he wasn’t a quitter he said he’s not cut from that cloth that when he was brought up you don’t leave once times get tough and he said he wants to stick it out

With the Nets despite the losing and the turnover in Brooklyn it’s the stuff you’d expect because male Bridges isn’t going to be interviewed about it and be asked about the Net’s future he’s like well the Nets traded for James Harden after getting KD and Kyrie they gave all

Of their assets to the Rockets so now when we lose the Rockets just get better I couldn’t care less about the Rockets personally as someone who’s from Philadelphia and now is playing for the Brooklyn Nets all my friends are on the Knicks and I’m stuck here with a team

That has zero zero idea what they’re doing they don’t know the direction they’re going in they don’t know heads or tals of anything I’d rather be on the Knicks why would he not say that because that’s bad for business it’s bad for male and that’s the way for people to think oh

Yeah he’s not a true whatever the hell no he just can’t be honest as much as it probably as we would say honesty is the best policy though in interviews that’s not always the case you’re an NBA player you don’t want to screw things up and he

Also I don’t think he has too many problems with the Nets I don’t think he’s thinking God I wish I could just be on any other team I don’t think that’s what he’s thinking he’s from the Northeast so he’s probably thinking to himself well at least I’m near home at

Least I’m near Philly like and also there’s a good chance he might rather play for the 76ers than the Knicks like I’m not saying that he just is waiting for the day to put on this sweatshirt and not this exact sweatshirt I don’t want Mich Bri just stealing my clothes

That’d be weird don’t do that male you freak no but in all serious this like that was so stupid um in all seriousness I would imagine male Bridges would rather play for the Knicks or 76ers or probably even the Celtics over the Brooklyn Nets but I don’t think he

Has too many problems with the Nets and he’s definitely not going to give that boring interview answer and I mean male if you look here Bobby marks has kind of given some Insider thought into this and also he was once the assistant GM for the Brooklyn Nets a while back not under

The Mel Bridges days but he did say that he kind of suggested that Bridges gets traded for Quinton Grimes back before Grimes got traded and Dean forier for the contract reasons and five future first round picks and he quoted it and said what if what happens if one morning

Nick’s president Leon Rose picks up the phone and calls Shawn marks to offer him an unprecedented five firstr round picks in Quinton Grimes that’s two more firsts than the Cleveland Cavaliers sent to the Utah Jazz for All-Star Donovan Mitchell would marks politely declin since the thought of bridges in a Knicks uniform

Would be tough to stomach maybe he’d get bold and ask for even more the Knicks can trade up to a total for eight firsts now the Knicks definitely shouldn’t be trading more than five firsts for male Bridges I think five is a little egregious though I do think that if they

Could land male Bridges and say for even five firsts two unprotected three protected maybe two unprotected two protected one Swap and then you give bu on bonovich for the contract reasons just to match it up give the Nets $20 million in cap space upcoming do the

Nets say yes I don’t know probably not but maybe it depends on what the market is for male if they can get they’re just going to go for whatever the best deal they can get for male if they decide they do want to trade him though it’s also highly unlikely they do because

They’re holding on to him as the last piece of that Kevin Durant debacle and I think that kind of gives incentive to not make a move but that’s stupid and they just totally should anyway because the Knicks have a ton of picks that aren’t even their own so they wouldn’t

Have to bank on the Knicks being bad after giving the Knicks the perfect team when you could Trot out of lineup of Brunson Bridges OG Randall and Isaiah hartenstein with Mitch Off the Bench with Josh Harton Dante de venzo and Duce McBride Off the Bench having the deepest

Team in the NBA one of the best teams in the NBA and a team that I think would probably win the 2025 NBA Finals if I’m being honest because the world the NBA has gone back to a two All-Star format and a good team around them the Nuggets

Had one All-Star in yic yes Jamal Murray’s probably the best player in the NBA to never make an All-Star team outside of maybe wembanyama but wem’s a rookie so that’s a little bit different I truly truly think that this would be a tough trade to make for the Brooklyn

Nets but if they want the most value for Mel Bridges it probably comes from the Knicks because they probably value him the highest so it would be something the Nets would have to internally think about I talked about a lot of this already two days ago so I’m not going to

Dig really deep into it but I will just throw up his stats right there because he is putting up 20 points per game with five rebounds and four assists as a first option he’s shooting around 36.5% from three while shooting 44% from the field and his PR is still League average

Despite the fact that the Nets are brutal so clearly M Bridges we know he’s a great player is he an All-Star level player probably not but he’s basically the next tier below and we do know one thing he’s one of the best defenders in the NBA having male and OG on the wings

Be absolutely insane it would make for one of the best defenses in NBA history especially perimeter wise and I do think this is a team that could win the finals so hopefully the Knicks can get this done do whatever it takes to get male Bridges I don’t see any other star

That’s really becoming available so I think he’s the guy you take a swing for because there’s the biggest chance at it unless something happens in the playoffs and a big star does become available then do that I don’t know I think either of these scenarios work where you can

Get them or you can get a player better but the Knicks don’t need necessarily a third star player I think Brunson can be the best player on one of the deepest teams in the NBA to win to for the Knicks to win the finals the the CS are

Good but they’re thin especially when it comes to big men and their bench Is Not Great 76ers are just never going to have Joel and beid healthy and then outside of that the Bucks have their problems no team in the west is perfect the Knicks could absolutely make this trade and win

The NBA finals in 2025 hopefully that happens comment your thoughts down below like this video subscribe to Nick’s digest tell M Bridges to not steal Chris Gall or sweatshirt if you ever run into him on the street he’ll be like what and then just respond with go to the Knicks

Guys have a great day and go Nicks and M Bridges we love Mel Bridges

Mikal Bridges has DIRECTLY spoken out on Josh Hart’s comments and the New York Knicks rumors. Chris Gallagher breaks it down.

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  1. Pretty clear that Brooklyn’s gonna shake things up in the off-season. My only concern is that Houston has all the leverage if Bridges did become available.

  2. Nets are not giving up best player on team for less than Julius Randle or OG anuoby

    miles Mcbridge needs a new deal/ free agent soon
    bogdanovic is expensive veteran nets dont need
    sims nope
    mitchel robinson too injury prone wont pass physical
    jacob toppin nope

    so basically the problem is the knicks would have to sacrifice a main piece like Randle to get Bridges

    doesnt seem like the knicks need Bridges

    he would just be taking minutes away from Hart and Divencenzo

  3. Why are Knicks fans so obsessed with getting Mikal? IDK, If my team was a couple moves away from really contending & they had the assets to go big fish hunting I would want a SUPERSTAR before I added another role player….Very strange!

  4. Why would we need Mikal?? And also: it would make no sense based on what the Nets would try to get for him….

  5. Players can't way possible the league can stop players from talking with each other or even tell what they talking about.and the league can't stop a player from telling a next player he wants to play with him or them👍👍

  6. To be real the uncertainty over Randall's injury and recovery may lead to him being traded. Mikal would be an ultimate fit but why would Brooklyn trade him to a rival??

  7. Mikal and OG on the perimeter would be sick. And lets remember mikal was commanding 4 picks last year. His value has def gone down since then. What are the nets gonna gonna do? Ask for 6? We got that won.

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