@National Basketball Association

The Hardest Actions to Guard in Basketball | LeBron James and JJ Redick | Mind the Game

The Hardest Actions to Guard in Basketball | LeBron James and JJ Redick | Mind the Game

by RVarki


  1. StormSaniWater

    Great episode. Loved lebrons little rant about the 1v1 mindset of young hoopers

  2. Street-Common-4023

    Lebron explanation about that Jokic and Murray pick and roll is what makes it so unstoppable. Jokic can make any pass

  3. Street-Common-4023

    “Ben when he was in his groove “ 💀

  4. warrenholly

    That craziest thing about these episodes is that they are clearly talking slower for the audience and providing aides to help the casual viewer, yet the pace of their conversation is still really quick-minded. We definitely underestimate the intelligence of these players.

  5. This is so fucking good. I immediately sent episode 1 to all of the kids I coach in high school and this one is even more pertinent for them.

  6. danlong87

    they said they will add graphics aid alongside the discussion right? hopefully it will be added soon coz seeing the Xs and Os will really helps in visualization of the stuff they are explaining/discussing (for me any way)

  7. orangebikini

    I’ve really liked both of the episodes so far, but the way they’ve lit the set is really bothering me. Such strong shadows coming from behind Redick, and since LeBron is wearing a cap his eyes are in the shadow like 90% of the time. It’d be really nice to see a person’s eyes when they’re talking and explaining something.

  8. Intelligent_Virus_85

    Wish we could’ve had these with Kobe

  9. Cant lie the targeting had me losing it, poor JJ man it I cant imagine how helpless that shit must feel when you’re being targeted on defense

  10. LegitimatePotato3632

    I have been watching this on repeat all morning. This pod changed my life.

  11. Razatiger

    Its interesting that Lebron says he wishes he was able to play todays scoring intense version of the game in 2012 when he had “young tires”

    Implying that he would put up like 40ppg every season, and honestly I believe it.

    Just imagine 2012 Lebron is todays era…

  12. MrDannyOcean

    Lebron and JJ are very different players but they’re similar to me in one respect: I really believe that both of them absolutely maximized the talent they were given.

    JJ has never been an elite athlete. There was skepticism he could make it in the NBA a long time. But he played 15 years and given that he’s not a great jumper or quick-twitch athlete he absolutely got the most out of his ability he could have. He had an unbelievable career for his natural gifts.

    LeBron is LeBron, obviously. but it’s remarkable how much he isn’t content to just rely on his generational talent and athleticism. He still studies. He obsessively cares for his body. He’s obsessed with basketball and he clearly wants to squeeze every bit of juice he can out of his career. He wants to maximize.

  13. SuperVaderMinion

    “I was explaining it to my wife the other day, when she asked me how I was feeling, when I came home after a game. I said ‘Babe just imagine, buying a 2003 Escalade and it’s 2024, and you’ve never changed the tires.'”

    I feel like that’s as close to saying: “I’m tired man…” as I’ve ever heard from LeBron.

  14. orangotai

    me trying to comprehend JJ’s intro:
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
    (¬º-°) ¬

  15. Agile_Highlight_4747

    I love this. I’m a bit ashamed because I realise how incompetent I have been, but also happy for gettin leveled up.

  16. TheReal_Slim-Shady

    It is great that Adam Silver is taking actual actions when he said the basketball discussion should be improved. This seems serious as they put LeBron to do the work.

    Maybe they expect him to deliver analysis like Tony Romo did when he began his media career.

    I feel like this is one of the moves the league took to do so. Even better that an ESPN analyst took responsibility here.

  17. minkdraggingonfloor

    Bro the doubling comment by LeBron is so true. I didn’t know a lot of the kids in the league had the same mentality as Booker. If you got 40, the double is coming. Fuck your bag

  18. trianglesaurus

    Love this podcast. High quality hoops talk is what we’re missing

  19. bukharin88

    Lebron bragging about how he would be amazing at chess, a game he never played, was hilarious.

  20. Was a little surprised that concept LeBron was talking about switching from guarding the inbounder to the shooter seems to be done in the WNBA but seems like neither LeBron or JJ knew about it to comment during the segment.

  21. Once they upgrade the video examples, this podcast will improve dramatically. This is really good though.

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