@Orlando Magic



I can hear go ahead coach your your group pulled within one there with a little over two minutes to go you know what was the difference down the stretch uh how it kind of slipped away you know they came up with a ton of 50-50 balls

So you you have to give them credit for the way in which they play extremely hungry uh getting after it desperate and so you know those 50/50 balls hurt down the stretch and then you know that was a big part of that down the down the stretch what can you say about your

Second unit able to get you back in the game Co Anthony shooting obviously but how did they provide a a boost tonight I mean you saw it they they provided a big time spark uh the way the pace in which they played uh popping the ball was

Popping ball was moving uh shots were going in and I I think that was that was a big portion of it getting stops to be able to get out and run for free throws just real quick for free throws to be a problem tonight at

This point in the year just what can you do to avoid that in the future and and what can you say about the free throws tonight we shot 52% that’s not good uh I can say that uh I can say that it’s a level of concentration nobody steps to the free

Throw line not thinking they’re G that they’re going to make the shot I think they step in you know wanting to step in with confidence just more concentration and and knock them down we’ll get more of that work in tomorrow watch the film and go from there

Uh Co coach coming starting the game with an 11-point quarter obviously that’s that’s not IDE deal what what do you what did you see from your team to kind of fight back and and kind of stay stay in the hunt despite that poor start you know similar to the Sacramento game

You know shots were not falling free throws were not falling uh again it was it wasn’t the it wasn’t that there were not good looks uh we were getting open and good looks we missed some at The Rim easy ones at The Rim so I think those levels of concentration we’ve continue

To get better at continue to work on uh but being able to stay the course and not let it get too far away from us uh those guys did a great job of you know bouncing back in the game uh and you know getting it close like you said to a one-point

Game two things with AB tonight one was it in the game plan or within the flow of the game to kind of get him those early rotational minutes tonight combination of both uh I think you know you start out thinking about the the matchups and you know being able to

Guard Chris Paul and you know pmy I I think those are situations that you look at um from for for those parts of the game and just being able to get those you know those touches those reps uh that that’s part of it do you think that

We could see him you know moving forward just down the stretch now just getting some more rotational minutes as we ramp up to the postseason I think it’s going to you know it’s going to be uh constant changing um Pieces Just because of what we have guys coming back in guys coming

Back out these are a lot of times why it happens but he’s going to continue to stay ready uh and you know play the part that we’ve asked him to continue to play with this within this group to this is another game against a experienced high quality opponent um what do you think

Your guys might have learned from this loss we just continue to stay poised regardless of what’s happening and again it comes down to the little things in this situation and that the big portion of that tonight was our free throws you know the free throw line shooting 54 52%

And then you know turning it over 11 times for for 19 points those those live ball turnovers hurt because then they get it early easy baskets you know but you got to tip your hat for the way in which they came out and play uh desperate and hungry you know and

Then I think that’s something we can take away from that knowing how every team is going to come in to this Arena going back to kind of those last two minutes down by one what did you think of the the the shot selection that that your that your guys that you guys made

And and maybe even passing up some shots and others that 24 second shot clock violation but what did you how what did you think about the late game execution knowing what what’s going to come in the playoffs well being able to go back and

Look at the film is one piece of it you know the other part we we found some mismatches a double team we made the right play we were trying to make one more pass shot clock violation you know you can’t fault him for trying to make

The right play Cole was wide open in the corner on that on the jayen on jaylen’s back door cut so being able to get good looks you know being willing and wanting to share the ball in that moment you you have to say that’s what you want your

Guys to do Coach Joe Engles had kind of extended minutes from the third into the fourth quarter was that more so you like the matchup with him in there or was it you know just getting Jaylen some extra rest to to finish the game out some of

It was a comb it’s going to be a combination within the games you you know I I like the way in which he was playing playmaking Distributing communicating on the floor his Poise um the leadership there was great and then you know obviously jayen chasing Steph

All over the court I think being able to get him extended breast at that moment was very important to us as well thank you thank you guys appreciate it back Cole you guys were able to pull within one with just a little over two minutes

To go you know what what did you see as the reasons that that it was able to slip away and they were able to pull pull away down the stretch um a few things man I mean um there was a some offensive rebounds where um you know we’

Play good uh defense for a possession and all of a sudden offensive rebound layup or offensive rebound dagger three so I’d say that’s probably a big part of it and then obviously you know Steph’s going to do what Steph’s going to do and thought we we did a pretty good job on

Him for a lot of the game but you know he gets going at the end and you know gets a little out of our reach just because of those those stuff like stuff like that I mean Miss free throw it’s a lot of stuff I could sit here and name

But you know we just we got to be better Cole just just kind of how frustrating is the Miss free throws you know that’s that’s something that’s completely within your guys your guys control to to to be able to hit as as a team and I know it may not necessarily

Be one one guy just maybe kind of an accumulation but but what is it about the free throws it seems like it’s been a problem all year here yeah I mean the stuff that we can control is always frustrating when you don’t control it so

Um we just you know we just got to hit free throws man we get we get into the line that’s half the battle I don’t think we’ve struggled to get to the line all season but you know we just got to lock in whether it takes an extra second

Just a deep breath whatever it is we guys got to hit free throws I mean I’m guilty of myself so I mean I got to work on it too team High 26 for you tonight just what did you make of not just your effort tonight even though it didn’t

Come in a winning effort and then the second unit as a whole just playing well together um I mean all credit to the team man I mean they got me some open looks was helped me get going and um you know felt good to hit a few shots but

You know wi would wi would have been a lot better so I mean we just we got a lock and that’s a team that has Championship a lot of Championship experience and has been in many close games and you know once they kind of got

Us big on once they kind of got up big they I mean we got it within one but we were never able to over over uh turn that tide so um you know it’s hard to play down so we just you know we got to come ready from the

Jump kind of speaking on that point you know you were you were on the bench for at least the first half of that first first quarter but what what did you see was the problem in the first quarter you know putting yourselves in that in that

Much of a hole I mean I was part of it too I mean I played a little bit that first quarter and you know we got down too I we we we missed a lot of shots we missed shots I mean we weren’t doing a great job of guarding I say that first

Quarter what was that their I think that was their highest scoring quarter right so I mean we we got to do a better job with that we and we can’t let uh Miss shots for us cuz I thought honestly in the first quar I thought we had got a

Lot of good looks they just weren’t falling and second quarter you know they started falling but you know you get in a hole against a good team like not a good team against a really good team like that you know they going they they know how to play with a lead what does

It say about the team that you guys were able to kind of fight back fight back from from that that much of a hole even even with shots not fall we got a heck of a group I mean we’ve seen youve seen it all year we just uh we can’t put

Ourselves in that situation I call situations like that you know that’s that’s us beating ourselves where you know we let Miss shots affect the defense kind of just affect everyone’s move you know people start putting their heads down and you know I’m guilty of it myself obviously but um we just we got

As a unit just be ready to go from the jump thank you Pao you guys were able to cut their lead down to one with a little over two minutes to go but then they were able to pull away down the stretch what did you

See as the reason for them to to gain that separation uh I think they just made timely shots at the right time uh I think you know some of their best players made some tough shots to keep keep their lead at arms length what did they how did they make

It challenging for you guys to hit shots earlier were those just not falling or what did you think led to that offensive struggle in the start for you guys uh I’m not sure you know sometimes it just goes down like that or you know

Come out Miss Miss a couple in a row and it uh just trickles down so uh no I don’t think there’s really any specific reason but it’s had some tough tough tough misses with with the game with the game close there at the end what did you what

Did you see offens offensively um with with some of with some of the shots that you guys got down the stretch uh I mean I think Cole probably had it going the most um especially in that second half uh he has some had some looks me and fr had some looks

But uh credit to them they did a good job um you know defending and making making the shots tough how did you guys kind of overcome the the frustration of of that first quarter um you know you know just kind of trying to fight back in into the game

Yeah I mean it’s a long game uh so when you go down early you know you got you know 36 minutes to get back so I think you don’t get too discouraged you know if you go down out in the first quarter was 54 points in the paint for

Golden State tonight you know what did you guys just make about the defensive rotations maybe not getting back into the pain and contesting a lot of those shots closer to the rim uh I mean I think we contested a lot of shots at The Rim uh you know they’re

A good a great shooting team got some great Shooters so you want to get them off the line and uh that opens up driving lanes and um I think you know I think that’s what you live with you know they only scored 100 which for that team

Is is good defensively we just couldn’t find it offensively Cole’s been up and down this season but since they all start break seems like he’s figured out on offense just how important is that in these final nine games of the season in the postseason for Cole to you know find his shot on

Offense uh it’s very important you know we definitely need his energy his scoring um you know night in night out so you know it sucks that no one else could help him but uh it’s good to see him you know playing that well Paulo even when the team wasn’t

Doing so well it seemed like you guys were within an arms length with missing the amount of free throws that you guys have missed how frustrating is it to to lose a game like this when you miss 10 free throws as a team yeah I mean it’s really frustrating you know uh free

Throws are you know they’re they come they decide you know wins and Los is you know we lost by eight missed 10 free throws you know we make eight more we in overtime and maybe win the game so you just got to you know hopefully we can

Work on them and obviously I mean I could have shot better from the line too so I think it’s just a team-wide thing that we got to get better at how how important is it going to be moving forward to control those kinds of things that you can control like making free

Throws you know golden state was able to attack the glass A Lot the offensive glass a lot tonight how important is it to kind of control those things as as you guys move closer to the playoffs uh it’s important uh those are uh little things that matter so uh those

Those you know decide whether you win or lose especially in the postseason so definitely got to uh clean up in some of those areas thanks

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