
How the NBA Caught Its Player in a Betting Scandal

How the NBA Caught Its Player in a Betting Scandal

On January 27th DraftKings sent an email to their customers saying the biggest winner last night was jonte Porter unders now most people don’t even know who that is but somebody did and made bank one better made a six playay parlay on jonte unders for 80,000 bucks and won

$1.1 million normally the cap is like a $1 to $2,000 bet on props so this looked off then sure enough March 20th jonte Porter unders 1 Millions again something’s going on Sports books alerted the NBA to suspicious betting activity and Porter is now being investigated when you watch the film

Nothing stands out too much a fringe player setting screens and stuff some people say he tried to miss this Bank three look at that guilty face when it goes in but what about this Tom habro pointed this out Porters number 34 in gold at the end of the quarter in

Position to get a rebound but his man pulls away yes he is safe but then the ball bounces right to him instead of grabbing the board though what was that he like Taps it to his teammate at the end of the quarter have you ever seen that before now that was the third

Rebound of the game and it’s only the first quarter the total’s 4 and a half so you can see jonte go immediately to the coaches in the background and start pointing to his eye so he left the game having re agravated an eye injury nowhere in the minutes he played did he

Get hit in the eye he wasn’t even on the injury report before the game but maybe he got that board and was like three in the first quarter I am out a sports book employee told ESPN people were trying to do whatever they could to bet Jon border

Props against the Clippers and then just a few days ago the same thing we had a bunch of people trying to bet the under for more so it looks like jonte told people to bet his unders because that’s what he could control maybe an organized crime person approached him to pay a

Flat fee to hit the under then that mob guy sent Runners all over the country to different books to place bets it’s really suspicious if one person makes a huge bet but spread out less red flags but after getting away with it they did it again so stupid J Porter is a random

Player but that’s why he would do this Porter’s on a two-way cont contract in Toronto which means g-league and the NBA he makes 415k per year which is a ton of money but not among his peers he is surrounded by millionaires including his brother Michael Porter Jr who signed 179 million

Doll contract I am not saying this is right this is why the mafia might have targeted him so what happens next well in the new CBA the rule says any player who directly or indirectly Wagers money or anything of value on any game shall be subject to a penalty the penalty for

Such offense shall be within the absolute and sole discretion of the commissioner may include a fine suspension expulsion and or Perpetual disqualification so it’s up to Commissioner Adam Silver and honestly he is lucky it is Jon Porter he could throw the book at this dude suspend him for

Life to scare other players but this might not be the last time and if he suspends jonte for Life what happens if it’s a top 100 player next time you going to kick him out too according to the ringer the top 100 ends with Terry roier Chris Paul Isaiah hartenstein

Walker Kessler and Brandon Miller now some casual fans don’t know them outside of CP3 but it would be a huge deal if any of these guys got banned for life jonte is such a fringe player silver could probably suspend him for 2 years and it’s basically a lifetime Bank

But this kind of thing was bound to eventually happen silver was the first commissioner to come out for legalized gambling in 2014 one of my most important responsibilities as commissioner of the NBA is to protect the Integrity of professional basketball and preserve public confidence in the league and our

Sport I believe that sports betting should be brought out of the underground and into the sunlight where it can be appropriately monitored and regulated which is exactly what happened happened but I guarantee people will say this is proof the NBA is rigged this kind of thing probably happened in the past but

We never found out about it because gambling was illegal now we’ve got companies like DraftKings who can call up the NBA and say hey we noticed something weird back in the day an illegal bookie ain’t doing that so because it’s legal jonte Porter may have gotten caught here but at the same time

It erodes confidence in the NBA obviously Underdog is a sponsor of this channel but I’m trying to tell this story and report on it as unbiased as possible but legal gambling is why jonte Porter got caught what’s crazier is what happened in baseball now you might have

Heard this story but most people don’t know what actually happened sh Otani is like the victor wanyama of baseball a new player from overseas can do things we haven’t seen before but this week the FBI says he sent an illegal bookie a million bucks so show ha’s rep say it

Was actually his interpreter betting on sports and Otani was covering his friend’s losses The Interpreter then gets interviewed and says yeah Otani didn’t trust me so he logged onto his account and transferred the money himself no problem except you can’t send a million bucks to an illegal bookie

That’s a crime Otani could get fined suspended go to jail get deported so his reps changed their original story and said wait actually The Interpreter stole the money and show didn’t even know how obvious can it be that this man is the Fall Guy for his famous friend an

Interpreter makes I don’t know let’s just say like six figures a year Reports say this dude was $45 million in debt what bookie would allow that guy to get that big in debt unless he knew who was actually paying the bill so baseball is investigating but nobody thinks that

They’re going to suspend their biggest star baseball actually looks really hypocritical here at least the NBA can get out of this one looking somewhat clean but will that kind of thing happen in the NBA well gambling has been legal in Europe for a long time their biggest

Scandal was back in 2009 around 200 people including 32 players were involved in rigging about 2 games across nine countries but here’s the catch the most high-profile rig game was played in Turkey the rest of the matches were teams no one’s ever heard of people thought it might be in the Premier

League or maybe La Liga even in France but no it’s just not worth it for Super Rich players to get involved so criminals Target refs and Fringe players like jonte Porter who don’t make that much money and the average salary in the NBA is 10 million bucks the highest

Average in American Pro Sports I’m not saying saying it’s impossible obviously not but I would first look at you know college sports where this has happened before or even low-level NFL players before the NBA so hopefully the NBA puts a limit on Fringe players like this and

Keeps a close eye on their referees cuz otherwise another Scandal is coming but one thing the NBA would never admit is changing their rules midseason but there is definite evidence they did just that and lied to their fans about so I broke down the entire thing and what they’re actually covering up

Everyone knows who Jontay Porter is after the fringe NBA player was caught up in a gambling scandal. Betting companies noticed unusual activity and now Porter is under investigation. This is a look at how the player got caught and what happens next.


  1. Objectively speaking, "All evidence presented was circumstantial at best." Having said that, the NBA can make whatever determinations and decisions they want to, in order to maintain/portray whatever image they deem best represents their advertisers' broadcasters' and investors' best interests.

  2. So funny how people only think this guys guilty… obviously and i mean obviously the nba is using this man as a scape goat so that the real players can keep betting. Just like how in the nfl they catch like one guy a year abusing roids…. and anyone who thinks im wrong is very naive

  3. Excellent video as always! I'm less concerned with fringe players fixing games, than referees fixing games, because they will never make what players make, and can affect the pace and the outcome of the game in subtle ways throughout the course of the game. The danger of fixing elements of the game is amplified by the fact that you can bet on almost anything throughout the game, so individual things like the over/under for a quarter, or a player prop for a half could be manipulated without really standing out.

    The NBA already gives mandates on what it wants officials to call/not call, but in the last month we've seen games where the totals ranged from 152 (Sixers 79, Knicks 73) to 295 (Lakers 150, Pacers 145 (no OT)), that seems like an extremely wide range, and can't be solely due to the energy levels of the respective teams.

    The fact is that NBA games (and other sports as well) have gotten significantly weirder since gambling was legalized and became more prevalent. The microscope on referees has intensified, the injury reports started resembling those of the NFL and the players have started taking days off for load management to the point where the NBA had to put into effect rules to keep them from sitting out too many. We've seen unexpected late scratches of players, and games where half the team is listed as DTD so you have no idea how many key players will be out.

    You don't have to rig every play to rig a game against too evenly matched teams. Just a couple of little calls here and there can make the difference, and swing the odds and momentum in the favor of one over another,

  4. If this is showing Porter is doing wrong, the NBA needs to investigate lebron james for his zero defense and not even coming back to play Defense. Not playing against good teams and getting paid to make sure they suck because that's on him.

  5. The NBA has no problem with rigging matches and statistics for betting companies. The problem is that Jontay Porter acted for his own benefit and not for the benefit of those companies, which is why he will be immediately banned.

  6. This is a big issue with legalized gambling and especially with major sports having partnerships with gambling companies

  7. This is happening more often than not, but in reversal. I believe these sports betting companies are the ones telling players to go over or under based on the number of bets. Thus they don't lose more than they want too.

  8. There isn't an Italian mafia anymore, so which mob are you referring to? Also, Jews like Adam Silver don't care about integrity in sports as evidenced by the Black Sox scandal and they love gambling because Americans don't. That's why it was illegal until Jewish mobsters bribed enough losers until they got Las Vegas. Now, it's everywhere. Same with prostitution. Their philosophy is what's bad for the goyim is good for the Jews.

  9. "The NBA is rigged! Check out this player clearly rigging the league, and check out my older videos describing in detail how the NBA rigged the league via betting, and even got investigated by the FBI!!!"

    "This video is sponsored by SportsBetsBro. My son is 4 years old, but he LOVES the recent picks I have made. Check them out! By the way, sports betting is wrong."

    Get a grip dude. You're a grifter willing to follow any side that makes the most money. Gambling in the NBA is getting completely out of control, and yet you have the audacity to make a video 'revealing' it while supporting it. Beyond pathetic. Don't take any ethical advice from a swindler.

  10. I’ve been to Vegas a few times, gambled away $20k once because it was the first time I went there and could afford to. I haven’t gambled since and don’t plan on it.

    The house always wins, there is a reason that’s been THE saying forever. Unless you can count cards, it’s just an idiotic thing to do.

  11. This is the most speculative video I have seen in some time… You have literally no evidence of anything and are talking about maybe this and maybe that and the mob? Dude what a trash video…

  12. i love the implict jab at NBA refs
    but truth be told i think the refs are just the pawns
    the NBA is prolly behind it all
    ever seen the movie rollerball?

  13. This is why I don't use any sports betting app. It's all crooked. The moment they legalized gambling in sports. It's ruined all the integrity of sports imo.

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