@Miami Heat

Golden State Warriors vs Miami Heat Full Game Highlights 4th QTR | NBA Season 2023-24

Golden State Warriors vs Miami Heat Full Game Highlights 4th QTR | NBA Season 2023-24

The Warriors have had on the road okay so you’re up 10 here we go you’re in the fourth can you keep the lead maintain Steph is on the bench how long does he stay seated out of Bio he’s trying to call his own number with a shot clock at

Three from the Bas side and what an amazing basket he was Resolute there wasn’t going to pass that one again that heat trying to make every pass tough full cord pressure we showed at the top of the telecast the Warriors have 11 losses when leading at the end of three

And unfortunately that’s number one in the NBA and the heat are eigh an opponent turnovers you have to take care of it here jamy to a slicing kaminga to get to the mid-range and he’s fouled well there they’re just working and you’re seeing all the pictures your speed looks even

Faster Draymond and clay with kga pamy Chris Paul G two straight post-ups hakz had to give it up hakz tough turn and fade kaminga how about that on ball defense there so Warriors are double teaming and it’s like a quick double team and they’re sprinting out of it it’s really well done yeah credit Kenny Atkinson that’s a

A little creative wrinkle defensively Chris Paul has not scored in the game but that was only his first shot of the game high Smith and Martin at 20 in the first half the Warriors have turned the faucet off on those two players in the second out a bio and Draymond met him at

The top psky tried to save hakz a warm-up three and Draymond Green the rebound that’s ao’s move and Draymond stopped it that spin move after he thinks One Direction BL coming off that curl two men meet him and out of Bio good hands just Expos the ball and it’s a smart F

Stop the layup there think each other which is so hard because they’re both smart they’re both smart and tough and skilled out of Bio missed that three but then have the offensive rebound from Delan right and then out of Bio will clean it up that’s the problem Draymond contested and ran

Out of there if he would have stayed he might have been able to get that rebound L missing from the Baseline ksky batted it back but the on right to high Smith on the step through and the finish here you go got a little momentum here

They’re trying to cut into the lead now full court pick up again Chris Ball gets by Delon right and Clay’s had the hot hand missed that open three right now it’s just miss shots at least you’re not tur the ball over but at times it just

Comes down to makes and the Warriors are nine of 31 on threes clay has five of the makes out of Bio again and now Draymond Le King out Draymond catching Raymond finishing how about that he wanted the foul call too he was sandwiched found a

Way to concentrate put it off put it up there softly that was not easy to do on right hiding behind out of Bio going to attack Draymond Green and the Warriors best offense and Mark this down up eight with eight and 1 half when Draymond had to sit with the four

Fouls out of bio he’ll get to the line see that pump fake as soon as Draymond goes out of the game he goes right at Looney’s head could you go Zone again and so make it tougher where ababo can’t just pick one guy to go again you could but then the

Problem there is adabo is so smart he’ll try to pick like an even smaller guy if someone’s on the weak side if you’re in that two3 and that third defender on the bottom side is smaller he’ll just pick that guy and seal him yeah one year

Kentucky for B a bio three time Allstar four time all defense his first free throw the night he rims that out you can check out the dubs and my GF asked if there was something my ex CLA she wanted to see how much milk I had in

My fridge for when the kids came up my GF told her we had a handle to my ex left when I got home I demanded the apartment key since she’s not living there she then took my son’s keys and made copies for when my lease was up my

Girlfriend asked me to move in with her so we could distance ourselves my ex did everything she could calling the police and telling them I was leaving with belong and when asked what was she could name anything in my place that was left that was now we get the kids every other

Weekend and I was told by my children that they not allowed to talk about what they did with me because she doesn’t want to he that didn’t last long now she PS my kids for all the information she can get are in the bottom four in terms of fourth quarter offensive

Efficiency out of Bio missing there good rebound for Wiggins just going aob bio ISO keep adding to the lead the offense just stopped in the Minnesota game Curry three Terry roier missing that three air balls go to the offense High Smith into it back no reload on the shot clock down to one

Roier step back I was going to say if he hit that it would have typified the Warrior season but he didn’t hit it and the fact that he missed it typifies Warriors defense tonight the on ball defense has been solid look got Miami three of 12 shooting here in the

Fourth Wiggins have picked up the dribble Chris Paul going to get it with seven to shoot Steph was held now this is something that if you saw more of it would change the Warriors even more because the six games in those Warriors are like five and one no they played

Well so they played well in those first things first get the win tonight Looney’s Got Deep position but out of Bio made that a tougher shot and they’ve added to the lead since going into the fourth quarter they were up 10 now they’re up

12 roir to out of bio and he was held Chris Paul tried to get in there they just switched that one late and then when do you bring Draymond back with four fouls some at some point you just got to trust him probably pretty soon yic and kaminga that’s the way to

Read The Scouting Report that’s a 42% three-point shooter close out like your life depends on it all the way to him all the way to his body yeah no short close curry in the wow he got fou yeah I was going to say the whistle blue and

Steph looked at like hey three I went through I went through the fumble drill in an NFL training camp three guys were whacking at the ball I think that’s what prompted them to call it he he turned around looking at the ri like hey did you not see this and the official’s like

Oh yeah oh yeah I got a whistle St fouled with the ball off the ball Curry what a lightning pass to Looney finding the holes in the zone now the biggest lead of the night is 14 was frustrating as the fourth quarter was in Minnesota this has been Warrior excellence in the

Fourth out of Bio I want to that my GF couldn’t compete or hold a candle at that point I had enough and ask her to contact me when she’s better and sober and turn my phone off hours later when my GF came home she asked me what was wrong I

Warned her she was going to get mad and I handed her my phone and told her to read it for herself she read it and just laughed her crap off and handed me back my phone and said looks like you cheated I said it seemed like way and proceeded

To try to reassure her thinking the ugly comments might make her question they didn’t even face it she told me that my ex’s narcissist wavs really come out full-blown when she’s drunk and bet that my ex was upset that she couldn’t come to me for a Revenge F to get back I yet

To hear anything else from my ex my guess is as usual the next day she looked back at those text and saw what I’m also betting she’s back with him because she can’t stand to be alone edit 20 years of her abuse was I’m trying to work back together 3 days later I

Expected she has no one to fall back on and now she stuck with it for the most part ever since that last incident I haven’t heard anything from her outside signing up some documents for our divorce and Communications about the kids and I’m thankful for that but I

Know it won’t last before she gets drunk and I get sent another drunk you’re the ultimate crap off the decision maker and Hammer watch your head down there no one wants to jump with that man this has been firm I think he’s got 18 and Martin spinning that time nobody reached that time the Warriors come up with a [Applause] stop nothing easy at The Rim Bin’s got everything going in the third quarter he’s got 17 kaminga has got 18

Golden State Warriors vs Miami Heat Full Game Highlights 4th QTR | NBA Season 2023-24 #nba #highlights #nbahighlightstoday

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