@Dallas Mavericks

Mavericks vs Kings: This is the most important Dallas Mavericks game of the season

Mavericks vs Kings: This is the most important Dallas Mavericks game of the season

N [Applause] Hello everyone welcome to pod Maverick after dark I’m Kirk Henderson joined as always by fellow editor over at Mavs Moneyball Josh Bo we are joining you at 11:35 on Tuesday March 26th the Dallas Mavericks just beat the pants off the Sacramento Kings 132 to 96 and an absolutely massive statement win Josh Bo

How are you I’m doing pretty good it’s it’s a little late but second out of a back to back but we are here for I guess what is probably the greatest win of the Maverick season so far what do you think it’s certainly the most I I had a non- Mavericks friend

Reach out to me and basically say wow you’re really celebrating this one and I’m like man we’ve not been able to pull off one of these games that we really we being the Mavericks that the Mavericks have not been able to pull off one of these wins that would make a difference

Against a really quality opponent in a while now I could be misspeaking I’m not remembering any particular games but this was a chance a head-to-head chance to go and take the lead in the six seed and the Mavericks went out and took it and you know what

Yeah they could fall back on Friday but for right now for two solid days we’re going to be able to enjoy this win enjoy what it means and and you know after the Kings had really kind of thumped the Mavericks in their two earlier season matchups this one just feels good it’s

It’s if you can’t enjoy regular season basketball for what it is you know every great now and again and wildly overreact to something then what in the hell are you even doing here this is this is fun yeah yeah it was it was fantastic um I mean don’t really know I mean there’s

Plenty to talk about but I mean they basically did everything that they needed to do um both teams on the second out of a back toback Kings on a five and seven nights which I didn’t even think were allowed anymore right with the N with the way the NBA the Mavericks have

Some of that stuff to close out the season because that they get that second Warriors game that got Pro postponed there’s some brutal it just it happens and and sorry yeah yeah know I know I’m just I mean they I mean they took advantage of of a team that clearly didn’t have a

Lot left in the tank I mean we’ve seen plenty of instances where teams against tired teams don’t win by 36 points so uh you have to do something right um and apparently this is what it looks like when the new look Mavericks actually make three-pointers uh which is they

Look like the greatest team in the history of basketball uh they made 22 threes which feels like uh more threes than they’ve made like the last two weeks combined I know that’s not true but I mean man I mean so to wind it back a

Little bit yeah yeah it’s the M you know you created a flowchart several seasons ago like this is not it’s goes back to like the middle of the 2021 22 season which the flowchart was essentially are the Mavericks um hitting their threes if yes they look like you know the greatest

Team of all time and they’re going to win a title if no they look like a lottery team and you hate to be that simplistic but that really was the the formula they either hit threes or or they lost like that was it and to see the Mavericks have this stretch of games

And it’s it’s I mean it’s eight or nine games where they were shooting under 33% you were telling me it was like in the high 20s for some of these games I think yeah they’ve been under 30% I think before tonight and their this little winning stretch yes yes and it’s it’s

Really fun to see them go out and grind through some games I mean they they’ve been scoring at The Rim in a way where you know we experienced the Dirk mid-range era which was a you know the 2000s were just different basketball you know I’m sure there are some 80s people

In here but like 80s basketball if you go watch 80s and 90s basketball nobody’s [ __ ] moving around I’m sorry it’s a completely different game than it was 25 30 40 years ago and and watching how these guys score right now now in the paint at The Rim I mean 18 dunks against

Utah in the first game they probably had at least 10 in the second game it’s it’s really fun watching the Mavericks attack the rim so there was there was gonna be a game where the lid came off the basket and guys who aren’t great at three-point shooting become three-point Shooters

Even if only for a night and the fact that the Mavericks shot above 50% from three if you’re going to do that most games you’re G and and shoot at volume they took nearly um of their 92 shots 39 of them were threes so it’s it’s like if

You’re going to shoot 45% of your volume from distance and you’re gonna hit half your shots you’re gonna be really hard to beat they actually I think they shot better on threes than they did on twos today which is pretty outrageous when you consider how they’ve been playing

Lately but yeah they were due PJ Washington for I mean and it was basically the people that we were wondering when are they going to have that game because Tim mway Jr and P DJ Washington combined to go uh eight of 12 from three um and those were basically

The two guys that have been really mired in this in this heavy slump since the All-Star break so they and you know nothing you know there’s nothing really to analyze like they they’ve been getting the same shots they’ve been getting since the slump for them started

They just they made them like just make your open shots there’s nothing more really to say and they got them um but the the Cascade effect of the Mavericks making their threes they just get to mollywop these teams because they’re still putting you know it’s not like

They didn’t put pressure on the rim like yeah they made 22 threes and they still scored 44 points in the paint which is a lot of points like it doesn’t sound like a lot especially when you’ve seen the Maverick score like 60 points in the paint lately but 44 points in the paint

When you take 39 threes is is a lot um they were still 16 to 24 at The Rim which is pretty good um I mean they I mean they they gave it to him man I mean they they absolutely pounded this team into the ground I think Lucas started

The game uh with a good disposition he definitely knew that this was a big Prime Time National T like he had that look in his eye not that he hasn’t been playing well otherwise but there’s you could tell there’s National TV Luca sometimes feels different and and it

Felt a little different in the first half I think what he had 26 in the first half and and then everything flowed from there but you know the offense was great but for me me I mean the story of this game and the story of this this this

Winning you know nine of 10 it’s the defense and Sacramento in particular is a team that has challenged the Mavericks defensively uh not just this season but prior Lucas Seasons I mean the Kings pretty much get took the Mavericks to the Woodshed and the the two games they

Played they were both before the trade deadline um but they still you know kind of dominated those games especially with their scoring and this team the way that the Kings uh way the Kings play and their and their lineup present this present a lot of challenges because they

Don’t have a lot of easy outs on the offensive end and sabonis is great and does kind of the things that can give the Mavericks fits but like Lively and gafford’s length bothered sabonis like he did not look comfortable at all and then you know the Mavericks kind of drop

Scheme held up they gave up some Corner threes they gave up some open threes Kings I think started the game seven of 15 from three and then then it the game got kind of got out of hand but the Mavericks it feels like they’re like okay you know with the way we’re playing

We’re gonna give up some threes but we’re not giving you anything else and we’re basically gonna kick the [ __ ] out of you everywhere else on the floor and yeah that might mean we give up some open threes but like you’re not scoring at The Rim um you’re not scoring in the

Paint uh and and we’ll live with everything else we’re going to force turnovers we’re going to cause Havoc the King shot eight of 16 at The Rim uh they shot 11 of 30 in the paint outside the rim and when you consider you know the drop coverage kind of invites that

Floater range shot uh I thought the Mavericks did a pretty good job with Daren Fox and some of the other guards and making sure those looks Wen as clean as possible Kings did miss some shots that they should have made but like yeah I I think the Maverick scheme is holding

Up after that really bad losing stretch I think they’ve just tightened things up and really like Lively like I think a really good thing to look at this game is look at what Lively did when he was on sabonis compared to what he did those first two games like it’s like a night

And day difference and I think that goes to show like just the team getting better Lively getting better you’re talking Lively in the earlier games against the Kings versus this game yes it’s a night night and day difference I I said something to A A friend of mine

That wasn’t watching the game and he reports back I was like Lively’s a monster in this game and he said back to me he’s got four points on five shots what are you talking about and his just largess on defense was making an impact now let’s be crystal clear here sabonis

Can come back on Friday and just bury him because he’s an All-Star I mean he’s gonna be an all NBA guy this year I think sabonis is he has the longest streak of double doubles in in a bajillion years really talented player great passer I think the Mavericks

Limited his his passing a lot this game which I think was pretty pretty helpful um you know there there’s kind of a there’s a lot of chat going on in our chat right now like a lot of a lot of talk about this element of the game but

One of the things that I I think is just so beneficial is you know obviously the game’s being called different we all know that now but like the Mavericks are really taking advantage of the physicality and it’s it’s allowing them to do some things that they weren’t earlier getting away with and they’re

Built for it in a way that I just I mean nobody knew that the game was going to called different like it started happening basically February 1 on but the Mavericks are really taking advantage of that physicality like you know the the Jason kid’s uh assistant

Coach ring that he got with the Los Angeles Lakers in the bubble that Lakers team was [ __ ] garbage they beat the hell out of teams they really did I mean it was three yards in a cloud of dust basketball and defense you were not getting shots off the Mavericks aren’t

Doing that but there’s bumping going on everywhere and it’s it’s good you know it’s it’s fun basketball because it doesn’t feel dirty it just feels intense and and there’s there’s there’s a lot you you can take away from that and Lively is one of the key beneficiaries

From that because he uses his body in really really really smart ways um he’s never overly physical but he’s just enormous and he’s in the right spot a lot and that can make up for a lot like we saw um enemy of the program javel McGee out there on the floor in the

Final minutes that was the [ __ ] guy that the Mavericks opted to start last year I just can’t get over the difference in like what you know I’m really glad the Mavericks have have turned around but it’s like it was just such a stark reminder of where this team

Was like 18 19 calendar months uh months ago with with what they thought heading into the 2223 season I’m just I’m really pretty funny I I I’m on such a high from this game I mean it’s I want to show everybody my ridiculous shirt and Josh you get off your next Point

Okay yeah I want to stay with Lively because there’s you were talking and while you were talking two things kind of rang in my head the free throw thing and the physicality of the game like that’s such a huge deal for this Mavericks team specifically because what’s been their ailly Hills on defense

For like the last three years they give up a ton of free throws like they’ve been one of the worst free throw defense teams in a while what I mean by that is basically like opponent free throw rate it was awful last year because they

Would get blown by and they had no they had no chance and they would just foul guys because they they got they would get beat so bad off the off the dribble or you know at The Rim uh now they’re not getting called for as many Ticky Tech foul so to

Speak Lively that especially helps a rookie uh Lively had one foul in 22 minutes you kidding like yeah he’s obviously getting better but like I don’t know if that I don’t know if that changes that that quickly like you know I don’t know if the rookie wall can get

Scaled that quickly uh without some help with some of the rule changes and you know I think the game is better for like I’m not trying to like short Change what the Mavericks are doing I think the game is better for it and I like watching the

Game uh the way it’s being called right now but it’s just helpful them because they’ve they’ve had trouble keeping opponents off the free throw line so that’s definitely a boon and the other thing is the length like when we talked after the LA the Jazz game last night we

Talked about how the Mavericks did a pretty good job on on jic uh and that went against Denver a couple weeks ago and we were like can they follow that blueprint like against sabonis who is kind of like mini yic like they basically they almost play they play

Very similar Styles uh and they kind of did and they kind of did what they did to joic uh and that win um and really like you think about it like joic his only time he’s ever really struggled has been like Rudy like in that wolv Series

In the playoffs last season against Rudy goar and it’s like what does Rudy goar have he is freaking long and enormous like the only thing that that makes that could be considered yic Kryptonite is just outrageous length and what do what does Derrik Lively have outrageous

Length like I just think that he’s got a better understanding of how to use that length like because you know you don’t just have length because look at what sabonis did to Lively in the first two games of the season so like clearly there’s more to it than that but like

That length like considering how good Lively is between the ears uh from what we’ve heard from what he talks about like from listening to interviews and from how the coaching staff regard you know regards him like you can’t there’s a lot you can teach and he’s he’s learn

He feels like he learned something new every game you can’t teach his wingspan like he he has some natural gifts god-given gifts that he’s putting to good use and he’s learning every day and he’s getting better every game um that just you can’t replicate like you just

Can’t rep like you just can’t ask anyone else in this roster to do um and it’s just it’s fun to watch now that he’s kind of put the physical pieces with you know just getting better and learning and I think you saw that tonight you’re absolutely right all right we’re about

To halfway point the show thank you for tuning in live those of you who are here those of you who are watching on the YouTube stream if you could go ahead and give this particular um live show a like I would be very appreciative if you haven’t subscribed to our show yet

Please do Josh and I go live after every game and as often as I can I do a secondary live show uh I didn’t do one last night so we’re going to do one tonight for anybody who would like to stick around and come up and talk a

Little basketball with me please feel free to it’s a very easy show to to join um and we like to have fun and talk little ball uh those of you who are listening on the audio stream on Wednesday morning or or late Tuesday night or I guess by the time it’s

Published it is going to be Wednesday um just uh feel free to leave us a review Josh and I would appreciate that uh and anybody else watching the YouTube at a later date please leave us a comment uh the live comment shows are always very funny but the the actual uh comment on

The video after the fact is is very helpful as well now I’m going to leave just a few seconds to insert some live ads which if you could listen to those you know take the extra 30 seconds Josh and I would appreciate it that’s one of

The main ways that we actually make a little uh beer money off this so we will be right back okay so we’ve been gushing and we’re going to continue uh when you win 132 to 9 and you look at the box score and see that every single Maverick that played

Finished with the positive plus minus even the garbage time lineup was awesome that’s just I mean what do you do it it’s it’s so great Sacramento just just not your night Sacramento is is you’re right about that um and there were even even some of the stuff that kind of

Like bugged me like Dante exom getting his [ __ ] blocked at The Rim so hard that you heard um who was it here you heard uh where is he which Kings player blocked him at The Rim oh Malik monk Malik monk you heard Malik monk just absolutely destroying him and it was

Just even the stuff that was bad ended up good like it was just a comedy of errors for the Kings shout out to master of Fame in the chat he left us a tip we’re really appreciative of that he says thj is so back so is the three-point shot you know they

Timmy drives me crazy but I couldn’t be happier that he was hitting some Shots tonight he also Josh you did you see how many helpers Tim Hardway had tonight he had six Tim Hardway six assists new point guard he had some and they were like he had some pick and roll dimes

Like they weren’t just like him swing pass getting assists off jumpers like he had a couple of pocket passes in the pick and roll well they’re doing and you know the Mavericks are up to 11th in Pace like Matt more uh HP basketball posted on Twitter the other day like the

Points created thing the other day uh shout out to Prince sing another tip really appreciate that that’s fantastic that was very kind of you uh Matt Moore pointed out the points created like Luca’s winning by such a laughable margin it’s like 13 more points created

Per game than the next guy he’s like at 60 points created a game it’s like something absolutely baffling um and I was just sort of thinking about that in the context of one of the things the marcks are doing more and more and more is after a rebound Luca is advancing the

Ball to midcourt more and more again good God B Billy coward with a massive tip Bobby Chapman with a chip with a tip himself thank you guys you guys are um making Josh and I’s month uh really appreciate this look when I when I said we we like business is good when the

Mavericks are winning I didn’t really this is what we mean everybody’s happy you know it’s it’s uh it’s it’s very it’s very man guys you guys are grateful anybody anybody listening to the audio stream the next day is probably like what are these guys talking about well

Our live show listeners are tipping US money it’s it’s very kind we’re ex we’re hey yo got a drunk tip it’s fantastic Billy um I can’t remember what I was talking about what was I babbling about oh my gosh I’m sorry uh Timmy or the assists just just that you know oh the

The way the ball’s getting Advanced to half court and they’re they’re pressing in these they’re not necessarily numerically advantageous um situations thank you to uh appearance appear now or appear later for another tip as well uh but Kyrie like took one like hilarious three in the first half that kind of

Made me yell at the TV because he missed it so badly but these the Mavericks are pressing in these situations where teams are not ready for it and I think they they were kind of really pressing their advantage going for the kill shot against the Kings and it obviously

Worked out in their advantage um but this was this was one of those games where I just you sort of see all the elements coming together in a way that almost feels like cheating I mean the Mavericks aren’t going to do this against the Kings on Friday but the fact

That we know that they have it in them to to you know play great defense while also scoring um it’s it’s just it’s nice man it’s really nice it is really nice uh and it’s kind of like what we talked about when they beat Denver like that third quarter run

Where Kyrie was just like oh I’m the best offensive player in basketball for the next 10 minutes and went on that heater like they’ve got two of those guys and I can’t remember I think it was on the broadcast this is not an original thought I’m stealing this I can’t

Remember who said it I think it was either the the TNT commentator or maybe he was relaying something that that was said in a quote or something but he was like this isn’t B like Luca Luca and Kyrie aren’t Batman and Rob and it’s Superman and Batman that like that’s

Like the most accurate summation of this Duo right now offensively wait did you say you know where it came from I know where it came from it was from uh our follower he’s joined the show often Jordan Enis at hoop social draft tweeted that out about

Three weeks ago and it went super viral the Tweet did it was a really big it was a really I saw it like on all the Instagram accounts to the point to where it’s been repeated on TV and it’s just it’s it’s absolutely accurate and yes

You know I I tweeted during the game something you know A variation of it which is like the Luca Kyrie bet over 48 minutes is that neither of them is going to get hot enough to break your game plan that’s that’s what you’re hoping for on on when you’re guarding those too

And it just maybe somebody will figure something out I mean I was I actually asked this question of of some of the people who’ve been watching the games more like why are teams continuing to like super Blitz Luca like what is going on we thought we thought the Mavericks

Offense had been solved as recently as 10 games ago when he when Luca is is getting like okay Luca you go score 50 like it’s you know Prim ofari stmy and we’ll just make you tired and now everybody’s just blitzing him all the time I don’t get it well they didn’t

Start out blitzing him I mean they Luca was I mean kind of just I mean he scored 26 points in the first half um and I think they just kind of got fed up with it uh and then Kyrie goes nuts and then they then I think it just kind of goes

Downstream from there um so I think I think teams it’s it’s with a $20 tip good Lord you guys are gonna pay Josh and I’s child daycare thanks guys uh yeah we really appreciate it it’s uh what was I trying to say I think it’s one thing for

Us up here to be like yeah just let Luca score 80 points and it’s another thing for like professional NBA players and coaches to like want to stick with that like for an entire game when you’re on the floor so I think that’s part of it

And it’s regular season so I I you know we’ll see what happens in the playoffs I would bet a team in the playoffs might stick with that strategy for an entire game instead of abandoning it but I mean if Luka keeps scoring like he is he’s

Gonna play these teams out of that and they’re gonna be like all right well that didn’t work let’s try some because the Mavericks had the lead in the first half too so it’s not like Luca scored 26 and the Mavericks were down 13 like the Kings needed you know the Kings go in

Halftime they’re like well we we’re down we need to mix something up and then you know flood G but they were blitzing Luca with two before half court yeah I know there were three times where he was met before half court one of them was when

He threw a pass to Maxi and Maxi just [ __ ] himself and threw it into like section 132 Ro L like I If Mavericks would have like lost this game in an alternate universe that would have been the first play you talked about when we

First I just just me and my me and me and my homie Maxi with a 11o one steel or I’m sorry 11 minutes one steal one turnover plus two line absolutely magical Maxi kba thank Christ you played basketball for us today um I’m just all over the place man you know

It one of the things I I think I want to highlight before we get out of here is just a real shout out to Kyrie Irving and just how Matthew in the chat keeps talking about this to how great a shape Kyrie is in Luca only had to play 32

Minutes I don’t think he had to play any in the fourth quarter he was able to get out and for those who don’t know um he is a he was basically a game time decision with a achilles and you don’t [ __ ] around with Achilles stuff like at all and it’s really quite incredible

That that he played and then played well and then the other Mavericks were able to close and Kyrie was part of that closing lineup that really and it’s just you know he’s he’s done the part of of playing the co-star and and I really mean that it’s really fantastic quick

Shout out to Brian to Colton and to Joe Biden uh for some of the tips that are also rolling in here you guys are absolutely cracking me up tonight um what are we thinking anything else before we get out of Dodge and I head on

Over to the live show I’m I’m just I’m just kind of kind of exuberant at the moment no I know and I don’t want to keep you up too late and you haven’t been able to do a live show in a while so I know you’re excited I I mean I was

Up with my baby at 4:45 have had more caffeine like I I could see God When I close my eyes that’s how tired I am yeah I I just think you know I’m gonna be very curious to see what happens Friday um because I think this game definitely did snowball not to say

The Mavericks didn’t earn every bit of this win they did no one freak out but I’m just gonna be curious to see you know because the kings are not a bad team like let’s not forget by the way the Kings did not like Scuttle into this game by the way they’ve probably the

Other the second hottest team in the NBA besides the Mavericks so like I know that they’re tired but they they have played pretty well in the month of March so so you know this was such a really good win I’m just C you know this is a

Good team the kings are not a bad team I’m gonna be curious what it looks like with two days off and they’re they’re at home again so like they’re they’re not traveling I know the Mavericks aren’t traveling either but they’re sleeping in hotels the Kings get well I mean you

Just like like Luca on the road for three days not having to take care of of a baby you can’t watch out Reas in Sacramento Sacramento is so like I’ve been to Sacramento CU I went to college on California that town downtown is bull ring but if there’s anything I can

Convince I can bet the Mavericks will do I wonder if they like head down to to to Sonoma I I’m very interested hey shout out to Albert for another tip good gravy you guys this is more money than we made all last [Laughter] month oh it’s I just ah man yeah I I’m

Just curious to see what the because I I love like I kind of this is probably the one thing the NBA has done with the regular season schedule stuff that I really like is I like these little miniseries like because it feels like a little playoff series and that’s test oh

Camera’s off sorry I’m coming back been off I was going to see how long it took you sorry sorry sorry um but yeah it gets testy and you get to actually see adjustments because you don’t normally see a ton of adjustments in regular season basketball camera donations so it

Just went off again sorry every one um but yeah I’m just going to be curious to see what the Mavericks look like defensively on Friday um but like scheme wise I mean they’re I might have some some some quibbles with with the way that they kind of just give up open

Threes but if you’re a defense you can’t you can’t stop everything like there’s no Perfect Defense you have to give up something and if they give up some occasional open threes and they’re just going to rock fight you in the paint otherwise and they’re GNA cause havoc

And force turnovers um then yeah I mean I want to see them try to do that again on Friday because really the sabonis fox dribble handoff Fox floater game is theoretic and with Shooters all around them is theoretically the counter to what the Mavericks are doing defensively

And the Mavericks smash them like they just absolutely destroyed them so I want to see what happens Friday I want to see if they can do it again and if they can I mean people you can I mean start start ordering Championship banners or whatever because uh you know I a no take

Would be too raes for me if they can if they can convincing win on Friday so I’m excited to see what it looks like it’s great stuff uh sorry y’all but Dallas people shouldn’t talk [ __ ] about Sacramento look I’ve lived in both places well I didn’t live in Sacramento

But I’ve been up in Sacramento um I I compared to like Los Angeles year whatever but I I you know it’s uh I was more I was more commenting on it from the fact of like Luca being able to get in trouble wherever possible you know it’s one thing he gets in trouble

Like on Beal Street in Memphis but it’s like it’s like what are you gon to go to cap are you g to go to the state capital Luca what are you gonna do love it um okay so uh programming stuff I’m gonna hold our secondary live show less than a

Minute after Josh and I head out from here uh how do you join that show I’ll post a link you will click that link you will join the show you will say your peace and we will let everyone Revel in this win as much as we can Josh and I

Did next to we did zero standing talk if you want to talk about how the Mavericks are going to win the West even though that’s not numerically possible fine let’s do it if you wanted to you know talk about a particular play if you want to you know yell about Shaquille O’Neal

Being a just a a top tier hater on TNT tonight we can do all of that and more it’s a little after midnight I’m gonna stay up late got at least another hour in me um thank you so much Josh for joining us uh everybody that is here in

The chat we will be right back when Josh or when I join to um to to do Mavs party all right everybody thanks so much for hanging out we will be right back thanks Every [Applause] m hello fellow lunatics we’re up after midnight it is 1206 a.m. on Wednesday March 27th uh you are joining me for the second part of our post game show here Live on YouTube those of you who are listening on this on the audio version that’s getting posted on Wednesday

Afternoon if you missed Josh ny’s recap show please check your feeds and go back and listen to this uh those of you who are here on the live show there is a link that was pinned to the chat it says join it is a uh streamyard domcom link

It is an easy thing that you can access via your phone via your computer uh if you want to show your video great if you don’t I completely understand would love for you to come talk basketball with me I bring people up uh more or less in

Order that I see them you know clicking to the show um and then we will just kind of hang out till people are out of takes all right coming up first we have uh Julio uh coming up here so welcome to the show how are

You no audio just yet we’ll give it a second I can hear some a static that’s okay what we’re going to do here hey there we go how’s that one second one second it’s this one it’s uh it’s it’s this is how live radio works is sometimes the audio doesn’t work perfectly

Can you hear me can you hear me now I can hear you okay sorry sorry I was not expecting for you to to to to get me to stay sorry I I got to get better about leading people in I get really excited whenever because sometimes I like got to

Talk to myself for like five to seven minutes before somebody joins to the show yeah thank you I I’m a fan of your show you are uh very good what you do um I’m from Brazil by the way I was expecting just to listen than anything else can can we talk for a

Second about your countrymen Marcelo weres uh who now leads um what is it Liga ACB he is the all-time assist leader for for the Spanish ACB league as of two days ago did you know that I did not know that I I am a huge um I have followed

Brazilian national team basketball for close to 20 years because I went to high school I went to high school with Marcelo uh he played a year here in Dallas weirdly so I I love Brazilian basketball because they put out some of the most unique players in in NBA

History yeah um I to be honest with you I I do not follow Brazilian baset yet I do not have the time yeah I started following NBA 2017 playoffs W yeah it’s it’s really new for me and the the reason why I’m I’m a fan is because of that because I

Started watching NBA in 2017 and then luuka was drafted and Luca is just amazing and I was like fell in love with his game and here in Brazil most of people is either a Lakers fan Bost fan um some of them Miami sure yeah yeah but I I never I never met

Nobody that is like Delan sure just just me hey that’s okay well we’re glad to have you here I’m really glad you joined the show um what’ you think of tonight’s game I was surprised I was really nervous about the about the game um the

Kings they they they beat the crap of us the last two games and I was like okay I I really respect them h ly I think they are a playoff Contender um and uh I was like okay the first two two quarters was really really

Tight and uh I was like oh is this going to be one of those games where the the Mavs are like getting those small leads and then they just can’t keep up right right and then the third quarter was like looks like a g- league game like what the

[ __ ] I mean that like Kyrie was Kyrie was was you could tell he was frustrated that some things didn’t go down for him in the first half and he just came out ready to go and the door was shut that game was all but over with six minutes

Left in the third quarter it was just a great I the Mavericks never do this they never close third quarters I usually third quarters are usually the time when I get the most matad as a Mavericks fan because it’s like God why did they fall apart only for tonight they really came through

Huge yeah I think the the addition of gord and and PJ Washington was much better than I was expecting at the beginning um I understand why kid is putting geord on the starting lineup instead of dive yep geord is more experienced is more matured as a player I do believe that D

Is going to be a better player when when one El hadn’t done um but it’s this past since the I don’t know I don’t know if I can say since the break but since I don’t know the last 10 days or so M’s defense came around and this is a really really good

Sign uh we are closing to the pay playoffs and if if if our defense is like that during the playoffs and Luca on the playoff is is God molde always I think we have a chance I mean more than a chance I wouldn’t want to play us I would not

Want to play this team if I was any of the top teams above us just because the Mavericks are capable of such frustrating lows but they’re also in in capable of just running a team off the floor like tonight even Denver I think so I think Denver is the best team

In in in the west by a a significant margin yeah and that’s that’s the team that’s cares me the most but even Denver I think they don’t want to play us nobody wants to play us um you you you know the the team

That I I want to see I would like to see us play is is is the Clippers sure just get some Revenge well there’s a there’s a so I’m um I’m a bit of a nerd and I really like reading all sorts of different I I I

Read all the time and and you know there’s a a pretty classic kind of like Western like like story um structure like the heroic journey and you kind of got to go through stuff before you can Elevate and become great and I would argue that the Mavericks are on that

Upward trend and just for a storybook type ending I would really like to see them play the Clippers too I’m also just scared to hell I because when qu Leonard is good he’s he’s just terrifying he’s a machine so it’s like I’m both for it but

I also am a little like yeah I don’t know about that one yeah yeah know I feel you um Kawai when we played them we played them two years in a row right and we we lost two years in a row but we we are the only team they’ve actually beat

Like well enough the the only time the Clippers have looked good is when they beat the Mavericks is is my takeaway yeah Kawai had to play his best B basketball in his life yeah because of Luca that’s how good Luca is that’s right I I would like to have some

Revenge but you know the other team that I I I also would like to to to see in the playoffs sure I don’t think we’re going to seize the sense um because of that uh Booker Luca beef yeah I mean I respect the booka’s game he’s an amazing

Player I don’t like his character I don’t like he’s a fun it’s fun to have somebody to root against yeah so I I like I like this um how do you say that I forgot but I but but I like like this this this this m Sons rivalry rivalry yeah yeah

Absolutely yeah rivalry that that is building up uh so the sun is the other team that I would like to see but I don’t think we’re going to see them they no they’re falling they’re falling behind yeah well my friend I really appreciate you starting off the show um

I got nine other people down there I got to get to before I go to bed at Le at least anybody else is welcome to join thank you so much for joining us is there anything else you’d like to say before I uh head on to the next folk or

Person on the show nothing else I’m really appreciated for um for for your taking me in thank you very much absolutely glad to have you as a as a as a as a friend of the show we’ll talk soon have a good day you too sir okay

Now we have to have on somebody even though he has on a frakin Los Angeles hat in a in a Maverick’s podcast uh longtime friend of the show I koled him into coming on only because he is uh out there on the Mean Streets of Twitter fighting the good fight Jason Gallagher

How are you my friend what’s up dude I I I produce a podcast with the the Los Angeles based basketball player now this is what I’ve got to do I get it pandering is pandering I I Pander so you know it’s just it’s part of it that’s

What you got to do speaking of I do uh want to plug the podcast really quick because of something that you said with Josh earlier okay uh about why teams are blitzing so much there is a nice five minute discussion in which LeBron and JJ just wonder aloud why the hell teams are

Blitzing him so much and then talk about how it’s actually just a riddle because if you did then decide not to Blitz him the way that Atlanta did he might just drop 73 points on you um and so the video that is publishing tomorrow is called guarding Luca Don is a riddle I

Hope you guys check it out that’s it I like it I like it so what did you think of tonight’s uh tonight’s game that was freaking awesome it’s like the it’s the kind of game I mean you and I have watched so many of these these Mavs

Games it’s the kind of game that that shows that we’re a different team you know what I mean like yes um just sort of it was clearly a grind for both given that both teams are on a second night of a back toback and yada yada um and to

Come out and just just kick ass uh yeah I don’t know you don’t get that very much you don’t we haven’t gotten that very much and we’ve seen over the last couple weeks different kinds of Victories and you again you know what I mean by that uh last night was another

Great example where it’s like Luca doesn’t look awesome like it’s it’s it just felt like a grinded out kind of game and and again we’re we’re winning games that that we should win we’re winning games that we shouldn’t win we’re winning games that against tough opponents we’re winning games on the

Road we’re blowing te like we’re we’re getting different kinds of Victories and I like that a lot I certainly do and you know as a as a longtime fan of the Dallas Mavericks I personally ascribe to finishing in the right place finishing playing well finishing in a good frame of mind uh

Friend of the show Seth part now tells me I’m completely full of [ __ ] uh and that that doesn’t exist but after watching the 2006 2007 Dallas Mavericks I completely [ __ ] disagree because that team finished in a blar after going you know winning a bajillion games in

The regular season I think 67 wins and then they lost in the first round like I just think heading into the playoffs playing great basketball matters I think it matters for some teams for sure like I think you know doesn’t matter for Denver clearly I think it doesn’t matter if you’ve

They’ve been there before exactly for teams that are on the up it really I I subscribe to that it’s very you know it’s it’s it’s yeah it’s it’s almost like the hot hand Theory but for wins I like Jeremy in the chat identifies you is this the most favorite is is

Gallagher the most famous Mavs fan after Patrick Mahomes we’re gonna go with yes no no isn’t post Malone a mass fan I guess so not a bad one it’s George Lopez George Lopez he’s in the in the 2006 or in the 2011 finals or it’s 201 I don’t remember he’s in the

I have this great big print and George Lopez is in the bottom right because he’s in the front row of all those games there’s a lot of like really obscure celebrities that were like Mavs fans for like a second like Jamie Fox is a really good one what happened to that I thought

You were our guy Jamie you were at the parade he was at the parade and he didn’t and now all of a sudden he’s not anyways um yeah so that’s that’s how I feel you know I’m I’m here as always to push the agenda that is not being pushed

Enough true and I um am you know I work on a basketball show and I sit behind the camera and I listen to people talk and I listen to people talk about other players and I listen to people gloss over Luca and I feel like I’m living in

The Twilight Zone sometimes it really it really does feel like that because and I keep making this point because everyone you know ESPN is ESPN but there’s so many smart people not just on my show but all over NBA Twitter that have taken the time to find

Information that I literally if you gave me a million dollars could not find myself how do you know this type of metric when it comes to an individual’s uh uh impact on both the offense and defensive end and then also weighs in when they’re on the you know

Whatever like so much information but then at the end of their sentence they’ll say uh and also uh you know they’re they they’re the two seed and you’re just like wait are you are we really just doing that we’re I like to describe that as it’s like you know in

High school how you had to show your work on all your math problem like you had to like write it’s it’s it’s showing your work and then getting the [ __ ] answer wrong it how do you do that it really is and and and so I think that

That I was trying to construct why Mavs fans are so so frustrated with this sort of discourse around Luca is that it feels like people are doing everything they can to make an excuse for him to not be considered and it’s kind of weird because that’s kind of the only at least

For me that’s the only thing I’m trying to push is that he needs to be in that conversation like embedded deep deep right up right inside people’s core of this discussion about MVP and the fact that he’s not is actually like a slap in the face to NBA history it is people 50

Years now are going to look back and say you guys were morons morons I think that’s true I mean yeah it’s true every every NBA every MVP race is different and like I personally think the Joel em beat MVP last year is going to look [ __ ] ridiculous despite the fact that

Joel embiid actually closed the regular season in a significantly better way than than um joic did the closing of what has gone on and we still have eight games to to go the whole season matters it’s not a a 70 game award it’s an 82 game award and sorry sha Shay gillus

Alexander is not finishing strong he’s not he’s not he’s not finishing strong and not only that uh it it it begs the question of of again we’ve we’ve Advanced so much as a society I cannot believe that we can’t look at these at these two teams throughout the entirety

Of the year and ask ourselves why does Oklahoma City have five more games or six more games than Dallas it’s all the health and and and and it take it my my literal child could explain why yeah but for some reason they people gloss over it and I was sitting through a recording

At one point uh and and my guy one of my guys on there he said he said something about um the onoff numbers of blah blah blah and then and then he had said something about the seating and and he he questioned Luca’s impact on winning

And then he went on to say Lucas uh you know the Mavs have lost four was something like five out of their last nine games or something it was when they went on that ter that winning or that losing streak a few weeks ago right yes

And I was like that’s a weird cut off point to say to say that he’s you know lost five out of their last nine right is that not a weird cut off point considering that they had actually won 11 out of their last 16 you could searching it’s searching for

Something this is why people and I try to say this this is why people think there’s an actual agenda because it’s I mean there is an agenda it’s not people think there is a [ __ ] agenda there is and that’s why I’m Tim bont Tim bont I I

Would qualify him as a as an internet friend he talks about this thing like it’s a like it’s it’s it’s a he calls it a narrative award well he’s so he’s so full of [ __ ] as a media member you’re driving like you’re driving that narrative you’re driving the agenda you

Are doing that and I and I think that’s the biggest copout within media right now or these internet is the are these media people that sit there I’m sorry to go fullblown like freaking like whatever Ben Shapiro right now but but the these these media people talk about themselves

Like they are someone else and they go well that’s how voters vot and it’s aren’t aren’t you the voter like and he does these like these these straw poles and he is the one deeply like impacting these poles it’s just it’s just outrageous and it it is like um all you

Have to do is say all you have to do is say the Mavs were banged up Luca’s best player for almost a month was d x you trying to tell me that joic and Murray is the same as donic and exom is that is that where we are your your former boss

Bill Simmons can’t [ __ ] say out loud that Luca was playing without Kyrie for 25 games like he cannot say it ky’s missed some games it’s like not alone wait wait I I I am happy to talk talk [ __ ] Sports [ __ ] no no but he’s just he’s the one where it’s like like

This stuff is available go look at the game log there’s a big chunk where Kyrie didn’t play didn’t play and there’s a big chunk where you know a legitimate like lineups being played where if you swapped Luca for Shay I can’t even imagine in fact I can imagine because we’ve seen that scenario

And we’ve seen how the Thunder finish when that scenario is in place sure so just saying when you’re like and another the last we sound like such grievance mongers right now I am a grievous Monger I’m saying it loud guys you can say all you want I’m saying right now the only

Thing I disagree with you about is the embiid thing and the big reason is I am for and I feel this way about uh championships too usually if it’s if Dallas or Luca are not in the conversation I like to cheer for things that feel like they’ve earned that and I

Think embiid over the course of course of three or four years has played well enough to earn himself an MVP at some [ __ ] point and that’s exact I think if not to say that that’s the only thing to consider but when you look at the players that are

Available the players that are available who have not won it is Luca then 10,000 feet of nothing then the next best player sure that’s where we are right now no I don’t I don’t like the up and Order thing I mean look to me it it’s

Let’s just see how the rest of this regular season closes I hope it’s a fun I hope it’s a fun vote that’s what I’m hoping for I’m hoping it’s not it’s gonna be hell that’s fine though but if it’s like some if it’s like some you know like 303 like

Like three- white tie like the scene in the office like that’s fun for me like that’s at least weird this whole unanimous voting block stuff has to go well all right I’ve kept you babbling for too long because you are you are willing to fight this fight more than

Anyone else in the internet right now and I really respect it because I am just not good enough at it despite me being just so sirly all the time great um do you have do you have any any any other passing thoughts uh uh before you

You head back to uh to real life because I think you were on a quasi coming back from this game I was um no other passing thoughts this is this is a fun time and I was I was reading some of Matt Mo’s tweets and I think that the

MAV schedule is deceptively can be deceptively harder than we might think it it could so many trap games there’s way there’s opportunities to let down yeah for sure a lot a lot so I am excited to watch some Mavs basketball down the stretch and the good news about

This team is I think even if they finish in the playin which hopefully they don’t but if they do I still think that they’re good enough to uh you know play any of those top seats even like you know Denver would be tough but that would be an entertaining season or

Series be honest yeah so that’s it for me you’re the man Jason goodbye Kirk all right talk soon Jason runs multiple NBA podcast I’m not even going to bother like trying to list them all um here so if you’re waiting on joining the room here uh there I can only have 10 people

In the waiting room at any one time now I punted Jason now we got nine so if you want to try to join again uh my guest we’re going to try to bring up people I’ll try to be a little quicker with folks I had talked to Jason in like

Three weeks um I see some names that I don’t recognize so I hope my regulars aren’t bothered I’m going to bring up Ken next who’s been waiting patiently then we’re gonna go with Jobo Ken how are we tonight great looking hat how’s it going I’m having a great time awesome

Yeah long time listener I talked to you one time probably like three years ago on the good old Spotify live gosh I missed that I’m the Los Angeles Maverick fan we talked a little bit about that um been been a fan for 20 years cool thing

I went to my first Dallas Maverick um American Airline Center game and I had to I was going for work a few weeks ago and I had tode um Indiana heat when we’re on this losing streak on Tuesday or the or or Indiana Pacers or um Miami

Heat I’m glad it chose the heat that was the game where the first half I was shaky I like man we’re we’re we’re we’re playing like [ __ ] how’s the getright game and then we we we went on that winning streak so that was my first um inamerican Airline Center game which was

Awesome to to see the Dirk statue and all that fun stuff but yeah just wanted to come on here um because I listen all the time and you know I don’t get on I don’t get up here um but watching this team for like 20 years

And there’s and just watching the NBA so much today felt like that the just the look in uh Kyrie’s eyes and and Luca and the whole team like the chemistry part you know it it definitely gave me the The Vibes of two years ago but even like

A little bit more like of a [ __ ] we’re starting to really believe and play for each other um and it’s just kind of cool to see right yes because we’ve all been through hell on the last couple of years um and just the um the defensive intensity um and having two big centers

Like Lively and um Gafford um and and how we’re using our power forwards I’m like PJ to know place a bonus and then having them as the backline of Defense um it’s just it’s just a breath of fresh air I mean I think if anything I’m not

The biggest Jason kid fan but you have to kind of ask yourself you know we went through that losing stretch we weren’t playing good rotations there was this meeting all right um and they did kind of Corral around him and Luka and Kyrie love him and everyone’s kind of coring

Around him so you know as much as he’s not you know the best X’s and O’s guy got to give him some flowers because they’re all you know playing for him and Luc and Kyrie look focused um and I’m excited man I think I think definitely

We have a shot the only the only team I’m I’m kind of scared about um obviously is is Denver true but other than that I think we have a good chance if if we’re healthy if Kyrie’s playing like this he looks motivated man he really does he looks he looks good he

He’s playing such a sharp role um he’s seems to know when to go like my my 40 years old and I still remember when my high school basketball coach would yell at me he used to SC he used to scream from the sidelines know when to go and

Know when to wo kind of thing and and Kyrie just knows when to knows when to really exert his will on games it never ever feels forced uh whereas sometimes when like Tim Hardway shoots you just want to like chunk whatever you’re having to drink at the television but

It’s it’s it’s a great time to be a mass fan um so much of this one of my I mentioned this earlier in show one of my friends was like why are you so excited about this I’m like because we’ve like had some really garbage losses like this

Is fun especially the DI hard people that literally watch like I watch every game you know it’s like a lot of our time right it really is it really is and it’s fun to have fun yeah the these kind of and and thanks for everything that

You and and Josh do for you know I mean the amount of hours that we spend listening to podcast in the maps is kind of hilarious um but it’s a huge part of my life and thank you for making it entertaining uh because yeah it’s it’s

It’s in my bloodline it’s just good to see these guys uh going for it and and yeah I think the wrinkles in the second half of how Luca and Kyrie played I don’t know if you guys noticed it but like they’re doing a lot more actions

And everything is just so much like the assist totals the last like few games um it’s a lot of playing for each other and less Luca ball it’s everyone knows kind of what to do and I think that has a lot to do with you know 40 4 45 minutes of a

A big Center as well always rolling I think Maxi even talked about their defense why it’s better too because they actually all kind of know okay we’re playing this one type of Defense instead of sometimes you have Lively sometimes you have Maxi some you know what I mean

It’s a little bit sporadic it’s just the minutes it’s the familiarity with one another yeah yeah so things are looking good I’m stoked I won’t keep you long I know you have a lot of people up here but thanks for letting me on my man AB

Absolutely can I hope you come back uh I’m I’m it’s probably weird watching a game at a normal game time for you instead of having to watch like one at at six o’clock in the evening or something like that yeah you guys are crazy on staying up till like 1 or two

In the morning I you know I’m I’m good at like 10 o’clock I’m going to sleep great man all right have a good day we’ll talk soon bye guys all right coming up next I see a couple other uh um folks that I haven’t seen first so I

Hope my my regulars understand um we’re going to go first to uh how you doing Joo what’s going on hey doing well how about yourself I’m I’m having a great time thanks for joining us tonight what are you thinking uh well first I just

Want to say uh shout out to you and Josh for for doing these late night shows I know uh I know it’s late hours and largely thankless but uh you know forun we really appreciate it I I really kind of you to say same same for Ken Ken

Before you know it it’s more thankful than you’d think because the you know I lived um like so we had uh we have Julio who’s there in the chat who was in Brazil I was a mths fan I Liv you know after I went to college California lived

In Virginia I didn’t know any basketball fans so it’s like finding people that like the sport that I like is very important to me even here in Dallas like I don’t run across that many mass fans in real life um just because it’s such a Rangers town and there’s people have

Options so it’s it’s it’s really nice to it’s it’s fun for me it it is more thankful than You’ think it’s it’s it’s something I look forward to doing it gives me energy to kind of push through the rest of the regular season so I’m

I’m I’m glad to be doing as well so so what are you thinking tonight man I just keep thinking back to that Derek Lively third quarter defensively it was I think that was the best I’ve seen him on defense all season um and I thought there were some moments in the first

Half where not that he was bad but it was just like I felt like I saw so evidently why Gafford maybe needs to be the guy in the starting role over Lively just a couple of things that are rookie things you know body control when when

Guys are driving at him and he’s leaning in or jumping at guys um but I mean he was locked down in that third quarter it was it was getting me fired up um and then uh I texted my buddy after the first quarter had started PJ had hit a

Few threes Derrik Jones Jr hit a couple threes and and I told him you know if this if this holds we finally have the Mavs three-point shooting regression game that we’ve been waiting on and lo and behold I think that was a recipe to to just kick some Kings ass it it it

Helped them hold the line in the first half uh because the kings are just so Punchy um and I really thought the kings were going to make a run and then in the third quarter obviously Kyrie’s play just really helped blow the doors off it was great yeah yeah and the fact that

Luuka didn’t have to play the fourth quarter wonderful my favorite kind of Luca play my the weird like two and a half man game that him and um Gafford have where like Luka will find him at the rim and then because Luka will also be immediate push

Back right which like feels like a 3 second call waiting to happen but it’s like the refs never call it’s like oh he’s getting the ball right back this is amazing right back up it was great it was great um yeah I don’t I don’t think

I have a whole lot of than that it’s amazing to see Derek liveu where he’s at at 19 years old can’t wait to see what the future has for him shout out to Tim for hitting shots and to just keep chucking even when it’s been it’s been a

Struggle I think was it six assists for Tim theight something like that I mean he’s he’s making plays finding ways so um really just interested to see what this all looks like when Josh comes back but enjoying the wins for now that’s right well thanks so much for joining I

Hope you come back yeah thanks Kirk all right talk soon all right coming up next uh one more name I’m I’m or face I’m less familiar with um is Matt down there Matt just joined so I hope my my regulars aren’t too mad at me but um I I

Want to encourage people to come back here on the show Matt how are you what’s going on how you doing Kurt having a great night what are you thinking tonight uh I’ve never thought I would say this uh can we give Jason kid some credit I mean he’s been coaching his

Butt off the last couple weeks um I kind of didn’t see the Maxi thing but after tonight I know he didn’t play that the best but they just look so big with him in there I just it helps yeah it just he’s coaching his butt off right now I

Know he’s going to get us annoyed and I mean I don’t know I just think he’s doing a great job never thought I would have said that after a couple weeks ago but I mean I’m just I’m really pleased like you’re right I I I was always a

Little reluctant like when when Nick angad who’s you know he’s a positive fan more or less kind of called for the the the firing kid I remember being a little surprised cuz like I figured I was going to be the first dumbass to put my name

Out there like that oh I wanted them gone too yeah yeah and I and I still sort of Wonder kind of what the end game is but right now if you’re coaching when it matters you deserve the credit and he is he is like he’s a little more active

In all elements of things I also just really pleased that he’s utilizing the Maverick’s size going small has been his crutch for several for the past up until they got these new guys and I I think there’s a time and a place for it but these Mavericks playing big physical

Ball is what is is what is closing games for them in an effective manner I mean it’s obvious I mean like I know the three-point shots are falling but I mean I I don’t want to get in this conversation but how much bigger they look like without Josh out there man

It’s just crazy no it’s it’s it matters like I don’t think Josh green has a place in this rotation but don’t really want to worry about it until it becomes a challenge because I think with the minutes distribution among those kind of two and three guards if you’re playing

Every guy like 15ish minutes you’re going to use him in some way shape or form because there’s games when he’s going to have it and there’s games when he doesn’t and that’s fine you know it’s it’s it’s too long of a season too long of a postseason you know what I mean no

Definitely and I I mean I kind of we all I’m like Maverick’s Twitter I wanted to kill Timmy and send him off the face of the Earth but you kind of see it like I mean I mean his offense when he’s hitting and I mean I I think this is the

Two best games he’s played as a Maverick because I know he had all the scoring outbursts but like pure basketball he looks like a real basketball player not a Chuck but that’s right um last thing before I get out of here um this might be another crazy statement is it weird

To want to play the Clippers in the first round instead of playing nor Minnesota I’m not scared of them at all I’m not scared of them at all it’s it’s you know this is you look like a young man but there’s a ridiculous scene in the original Home Alone where where mcy

Culan runs outside and like screams to no one I’m not afraid anymore and that’s what I feel like with the Clippers so if you want to punch them in the mouth I completely get it I mean the size is just crazy I mean I don’t want to I mean

Everybody’s saying it but this team is really scary and I mean Luke I mean one last thing real quick Luka getting rest in the playoffs I mean remember those Clipper series and even the Western Conference Finals I mean I know golden state was just better than us but remember we were

In those games I think it was like an even net rating when Luka was on the court and as soon as you took him off like look tonight you’re going to give LCA can get six to eight minutes of rest in a playoff game yeah like it’s scary

But have a good night Kurt I’m glad your dad’s doing good I saw the Tweet oh thanks man yeah he just is he’s home now he’s resting and he doesn’t understand why he can’t do stuff and we’re like dude you had heart surgery stop being an

Idiot my dad had a stroke a couple years ago so I know how enjoy it while you can man enjoy everything have a good night Kurt thanks talk soon of course okay um now I think we got oh we got one more new face down there it’s is Mr Green

We’re GNA bring Mr Green up how you doing tonight yeah I’m well cook how’s yourself mate I am great man we got we have one from Brazil where are you calling in from today from Perth Western Australia fantastic this is I love technology so so what did you get to

Watch this game today yeah M it’s 1:42 in the afternoon well still but it’s a it’s a Tuesday so it’s you know some watching a game for some folks middle of the afternoon to be a pain in the ass hey come on come on mate like you know

Only suckers are working Kirk you should know that you know there is times to you know watch the Mavericks during the day um but mate glad we had a win but I’ll tell you one thing that really amazes me about watching this team now the athleticism the speed scary been waiting been waiting

How long how many years have we been waiting for some you know players my whole life man it’s um they can put some scary lineups in there um and look you know I I know a few people are wondering where Josh fits in when when he comes

Back man but you know who cares worry about it when it happens I I think there’s a place for him but I don’t want to I’m not just like who cares right now exactly mate um it’s just so fun to watch these guys um be able to attack it

But man God bless having Kyrie Irving on your team man he is an absolute killer he unbelievable he just cuts through the lane and man they’re scary nine out of the last 10 and uh they’ve been playing well um just wish Luca maybe suited up

For that OKC game yeah um but mate how how do you think um how do you think we’re situated now because the race for those uh guaranteed playoff spots is heating up and looks like we might sneak up a couple of pegs higher if we’re if we’re

Lucky that they have the they control their own destiny and so that that is enough for me I’m hopeful for the six seed I’ll be pleased missing the plan quite candidly I know everybody else is is probably going to want more but my goal from the beginning of the Season what I wrote

I’ve checked this was was avoiding the play in everything after that is a bonus I think most MAV fans pick the Mavs to finish what between the third and the fifth seed sure I mean and and that’s because we’re all very happy but I mean the Western Conference this year is M

Like I saw this the other day um the Lakers and this is before they won I want to say they were like they’re like 30 the Lakers are I’m gonna go check the standings right now um the Los Angeles Lakers are sitting at Ninth in the west

At 40 and 32 and that would have been good enough for basically fourth in the west last season that’s how much more competitive the top half of the West is so it’s like you just kind of gota take what’s there and and so if they were to

Manage to get to five or somehow get to four then I think Luca is really truly an MVP like at that point but that’s just that’s a byproduct of them playing well at the right time and squeezing through I mean it’s I would rather I would rather just you just I’m not going

To bank on anything but they that that they can control where they end up is pretty exciting and what what do you think our most challenging game is moving into this last segment of the season because we still have some uh we still got two against Golden State but you know so I

Think we can just I think we’re just so much bigger than everyone El else now could we are the Rockets this is a ridiculous thing for most people the Rockets sort of freak me out because they are playing really athletic basketball and so they with how they’ve

Been able to put up points I think they’re kind of a trap game for the Mavericks I mean I definitely think the Mavericks are better but those the fact that they have to play them twice in what is it twice in basically eight days it just closing the Rockets out would be

Pretty to me that that’s like a big Trap game situation for me um I don’t worry too much about the Rockets man I mean when you watch their games it’s Fred Van vet that seems to be doing a lot of the damage and just put Kyrie against fled

Van vat and who’s got the most numbers at the end of the game I I don’t I’m not too worried about the Rockets I’m not too worried about um Golden State for the next two games um man I think we’re going to have a strong solid finish and

Um just get out of the way because I think they’re they’re getting the confidence now man yes they look like yeah you can you can see it in them and um I was waiting for the another 10 to0 run to happen in today’s game just didn’t happen didn’t happen it was great

It’s absolutely great well thank you for uh for hanging out and joining the show once again thanks C appreciate it mate we’ll talk soon right talk soon okay coming up next we have our our very loyal band of listeners I’m going to go to I told Henry he could go next but

Sam’s been waiting forever so I’m gonna I’m gonna go Sam and then I’m basically goingon to go in order there for those of you who are in the in the waiting room Sam thanks for waiting what’s up man what’s going on can you hear me k i

I can I really appreciate you waiting this long this is the most new callers we’ve had in in a long time so I just want to give people a chance to talk and encourages them to come back so grateful for you waiting so what’s going on oh

Yeah you know great win I I want to say this so I think the Denver game was obviously the best win but I think this is the best statement win if that makes sense it does as far as I mean everybody knew this is the biggest game of the

Year so far and just the way they came out and just pretty much from like the middle of the first quarter on just dominated I mean I wasn’t expecting that to be honest I was think it’s gonna be a nail B till the end but if you could

Play like that everybody’s been saying that luuka and Kyrie when you got those two going if everybody El just steps up sky’s the limit um Julio said like in the beginning everyone wants to play the Clippers listen bro I have PTSD like I don’t like because even last year I

Think when they played the Suns if kawhai doesn’t get hurt I think they beat the Suns personally yeah I can see it you know hey y’all begging for it like I know it will be better but if you got Kye playing like he’s playing like I said and Luka

Obviously he’s playing like he’s playing gu’s a limit and I think we got a chance to beat anybody I don’t want to play Denver but I think we could beat Denver just I I think it least be fun I mean my standards after missing the playoffs last year making the playoffs this year

You know everything after for that feels like a bonus right I mean the goals make the playoffs but now with the trades and everybody’s playing the way they’re playing we actually got size so if you could just just get in I mean I think personally I think we could be OKC I

Wanton to say handily but I think we could beat them pretty good Minnesota they’ll be tough because of their defense but I think we could beat them dver obviously that the defending Champions Minnesota series would be just so aggressively whiny between the maver we have Rudy goar accusing you

Know anyone he could think of of in between him and Luca complaining about the refs it would just be atrocious yeah but ant Edwards like I just I love ant [ __ ] talking him and Luca for six or seven games would be amazing oh yeah it would definitely be entertaining but I

Think the MAV was you know oh I certainly think they win that’s not a question yeah because at this point I mean we’ve seen Luka in the playoffs now what three four times and he hasn’t had a bad postseason yet so I mean until that happens you just got to go in there

Saying okay we know best play on the floor it’s just if everybody else just steps up so yeah um like I said great win now obviously everything could be undone on Friday and then this might not mean anything that’s right now it right now so that’s exactly right all right man

Talk soon thanks so much have a good night okay coming up next is my man Henry Henry thanks for waiting so long what’s going on it’s all good my guy I actually expected this actually it’s nice it’s nice people excited St what was the stat uh oh when you hold

Sacramento under 46 points in the pains they 45 that’s fun and I have to do go I have to go back and take a look at what they were but I know we hold sabonis down I think he was 11 point 10 rebounds nine assists um I wasn’t expecting what three

Four from PJ though shout out to PJ for finding his shot did you see the rebounds for PJ you know what I mean 13 rebounds good I it’s it’s taken me almost an hour and 20 minutes to mention his rebounding it was insane he hit it

Timmy hit it I mean I still want Timmy ship to Bangladesh but for tonight he was uh he was hitting so I’m okay with that he gets a day pass that’s true yeah that’s it it’s day by day no 10day contract get 24-hour contract that’s it

Did did you see that did did you see the best Kyrie Irving stat in that I’ve of of my it’s my favorite one of the Season no I was still in work with the client I probably missed it what’s up Kyrie got a dunk it is his fifth dunk of the Season

Which is where did I where did I do this it was I was so excited it is the most dunks he’s ever had in an NBA season yep ever yep 31 yeah yeah he’s just getting healthy he’s just getting health again I told Mavericks fans to this this isn’t

Even playoff Kyrie like relax I don’t know this kind of these last several games feel like he’s an octane you know he was he was kind of if if you missed the first half he was very frustrated with his own misses which doesn’t normally happen and so it was it was

Really like the third quarter he was just a like a just a he was a death squad I mean he he just put in the end of the to the entire King’s game it was great yeah he’s a walking flamethrower like literally at any moment I’m not

Even worried about it he just came out just said yeah yeah you guys can’t [ __ ] with us so night night rock you to sleep like he can literally do at any moment so it’s it’s I’m not too worried about as long as we don’t match up with Denver

Before the worst in Conference Finals I think I’m all right with pretty much anybody not a worry about the Clippers um I’m not worried about damn sure not worried about Phoenix and again I’m sure we’ve hit on this before but have you seen Phoenix’s last next 10 games brutal

Is it or am I right I think everyone has over a 60% win R everyone’s top five like and they just lost the wiet Spurs I am not surprised if we see sack at seven maybe the Lakers eight and then nine and 10 is probably Golden State and uh

Phoenix no Lakers for you even though they did you they they they pulled an allout crime tonight beating the Bucks they they had it was amazing yeah it’s fine I I don’t I don’t think very highly of them and you know Dame was choking Giannis traveled they didn’t call it

Those two are the most heavily free throw differential teams in the league so yeah I knew that game was actually going to be awesome but as long as we can avoid Denver until the Western Conference I think we do fine um Sacramento is going to be the same

Result on Friday they don’t have a big outside of sabonis um so as long as you limit their points in the pain in the transition they’re pretty much like Memphis that year they were the two seed sure I’m not too worried about it so and

Um just as a bonus here are really hope Golden State misses the playoffs because their fan base is [ __ ] insufferable um anytime time you beat them and say you guys are in a 10 seed they just say four rings so it’s actually I just I hope that they lose just because you

Can’t argue with them because even if you make sense show logic they just say four rings and that’s all they can see such a bizarre no I wouldn’t do that I I H and we still get to beat them two more times so I’m looking forward to

That oh my God we’re gonna destroy them it’s good stuff man well thank you so much thank you so much for waiting you got anything else tonight uh is there in is there any bracket set up where we don’t match up with Denver in the second round I haven’t checked it close enough

Because I just I if I standing if I start standings watching I really fall into a like a pit it’s all good you know it’s all good B prediction here we uh I’m gonna go with the fourth fifth is pretty is too easy I think we end the

Season fourth seed all right appreciate you joining love the enthusiasm talk soon all right I almost kicked myself off my own show that shows you how tired I am night um NBA Scouts on Twitter ask a question Kirk I have a question since you’re a journalist I am not a

Journalist thank God uh why isn’t Kyrie showing up on the NBA stats leaderboard my best guess to this question is it’s a games played element and he had even though he’s played a ton in a row that’s got to be the main reason why he hasn’t

Shown up on the thing all right so we’re gonna go Micah Krishna Brian and Leo Micah what’s up man Micah unmute yourself what yeah what’s going on Kirk oh we’re just we’re just here yeah this was fun um so first of all let me start with this yeah your audio

Is oh is it is this any better kind of sounds like a headset related issue I don’t know why try it again what about now ah it’s much better thing thank you okay but yeah just shout out to what Jason was saying and to me I don’t think

It’s like a conspiracy I just think most people in media don’t watch basketball oh sure no they they would look at box scores that’s that yeah and then they look at box sces and they watch like three minute highlights like you can tell between different analysts who are actually watching games like and

They tell you something like as soon as they say that now shout out to him he had a great game tonight but when they’re saying that what the Maverick strategy should do is figure out how to get Timmy involved oh shout out to Michael wilbon one of the worst takes of the

Millennium they’re not watching basketball like are like if you listen to Tim legler just you can tell that he’s watching the games like and then several people I do playbacks with like yeah they could tell you everything about about the team what issues are hear what they see is but you

Listen to a lot of media people and like you’re not watching games sure so it’s not conspiracy it’s just they don’t watch basketball it’s like they report about something that I don’t know if they even like so I can feel that but um but yeah this was fun

Um we like we have been so much better defensively that’s absolutely like cuz when you think about the like of course they stink on defense right but when when you when you think about the Firepower of Sacramento yeah to hold them hold them under 100 points points

Right and then not too long ago to hold Denver to 105 it’s like that’s like defensive performances against top high octane offenses so it’s just we’re finding other ways to win that’s the exciting thing about this team so um I like their chances with anyone um yeah I would love to see the

Clippers again because please let me see the team that with 10 games left in the season their second and third best player are saying we don’t have an identity and then their head and then their head coach following that up with oh we have an identity where our

Identity is we’re soft love yeah let me play let me play that team please that’s right man that’s right man I got to be honest I’m fading like Rock do you mind if I head head on to the next guests yeah man I got to get some sleep

Too soon okay all right have a good night Kirk all right later all right coming up next is my man Krishna Krishna what’s up dude thanks for waiting you’re the best Kirk how are you I am I am all of a sudden very tired but uh but we’re

Gon we’re gonna keep pushing that’s good that’s good um man what a weird game I I had emotions even before because I was was like okay Luca’s probably not going to play the whole game time time decision stuff was a little scary and I almost was like if Luca’s not playing I

Think it’s probably a loss played and the fact that he was he was so good in that first half which was shocking like you could see him kind of limping up and like I don’t know sometimes he hams it up a little but yes found it very funny

And then man that third quarter the funny thing is I feel so bad I missed like three minutes of the third quarter and then I came back and I was like how would the lead just grow to this much and that’s right it it’s just awesome

Kirk and and it’s funny you know I don’t think I said it but it feels weird that this team has switched where you know you’ve talked about it with Josh so much that this team’s calling card was you know you have to make the three-pointers otherwise nothing else goes like the

Team doesn’t defend the team doesn’t do anything else that’s important to actually winning basketball games and in a weird way the team’s calling card is playing defense and scoring in the paint um like I think Nick gangstat was talking about it a few times the Kings

When they scored less than 45 points in the paint they’ve never won a game of the season they scored 38 tonight now part of it is probably they were you know in garbage time right but Mavs have been seriously dominant in the paint in a way that I don’t think we’ve ever seen

Like really we’ve not seen this with at least the Luca era we’ve never seen I think maybe you can go back to the dirt days especially because of spacing and how the game was played but and I think it’s a formula that’s working working in the sense that you know I get it

Three-point the three-point shot is important and this not me saying that teams should just move away from the three-pointer or that you have to play one or the other but you have to be a really balanced team and I think that’s what this team is becoming and as guys

Become more consistent with three their shot I think that helps and really this is like a game that they could have had all like this this entire second half of the All-Star break where if you just had a little bit better shooting in some of these instances you probably have a few

More blowout wins and this was just for some odd reason this was the game where it happened but it I don’t know it feels good like there was not really much you could look at this game and say oh they were horrible like early in the game

They were kind of getting killed on the rebounds but I think specifically Lively made such a great adjustment he just was so more physical in that third quarter and I you can see it clearly bothered sabonis like more than Gafford Lively clearly bothered sabon in the third

Quarter and it kind of just took him out of obviously the third quarter is what took the Kings out of the rest of the game but it just took them out the whole time and in a weird way you know obviously Josh was mentioning in your

Regular show but this Mavs team is now large and it plays a physical brand of basketball which is not something I would have said and the thing that makes me because the worry I had with this team honestly with this more transition and high Pace style was I look back at

Those Grizzly teams from the past two seasons and and they played that very high paac transition style but I think the difference with this team is when you have Kyrie and luuka being your primary creators you can play half court ball like better than most teams could

Even dream of and so I don’t know there’s just a lot of confidence going with this team and that’s awesome and hopefully it continues and hopefully the fans keep enjoying and I don’t know this season looks like it could be a really great one and I the the crazy thing is

Even next season looks like there could be great things which look at you looking ahead and being all excited one of my group chats everyone’s like I wonder who we can get in the offseason I’m like we’re going to go to the NBA finals everyone shut

Up well I I find it interesting you know the the Legends like are actually going for a playoff spot which I don’t think they ever have in my lifetime yeah they’re always a circus show yeah and it’s so weird that these past two years they’ve been taking much more seriously

And like with the ignite shutting down it kind of reminds me of like team continuity is important but Team Construction is so complicated and we like to think it’s just putting Talent together but you you can see with the Legends roster and this roster to some extent

Too you need guys who one have experience but you also need guys who just have energy and the Legends roster I think has kind of done that like omx is I think he’s gotten a lot better there and yeah I think part of that is the Legends are it’s not just like a

Team right it’s not like he’s just playing minutes but he’s playing on a functional team where you have guys who have experience and who can do things that he’s not able to do and it lets him grow but it also gives him like a certain Baseline and that’s something I

Don’t think we ever would have saw from this Mavericks team forget about drafting players just getting guys on that team and so there’s just a level of Baseline competence that I haven’t seen from this organization in years like like if feels like this drafted it drafted Dirk and it drafted Luca and

Somehow nothing else was competent about this organization it’s like oh this is what happens when your organization does the bare minimum to be good of just like trying no for sure that’s great great all right hey man well thank you so much for hanging out let’s talk we’ll talk

Soon all right absolutely all right we’re gonna go next to Brian Brian what’s up dude thanks for waiting for so long my my normal Show starting correspondent uh I’m bringing it up like an hour into the show what’s going on uh man I’m just you know just finished watching some basketball having

A good time uh we beat up on that Lithuanian Thug you know it’s a real good time smoked them in the paint because he he he he was up to his usual thuggery in the paint I saw it we saw it he was throwing elbows he was swinging him

Around doing what usually does didn’t matter Derek Lively Daniel Gafford uh PJ Washington had 13 rebounds they were in there they were doing the job LCA was holding them off you know from getting good post position when he would get switched on to him it was a fun time we

We were just too big for him they could handle loved it loved it don’t think I’ve ever heard of sabonis referred to in such a hilarious fashion oh I got I got more on him so let’s save it for Friday’s game let’s see what he does then right yeah

But yeah no I’m just uh I’ve got to give Jason K credit yep the uh the shot call therapy with Tim has borne fruit he hit Shots tonight which helped but more than that even as he was making King shot he was avoiding taking bad

Ones for the most part like he said he’s still going to take a few bad looks here and there make a dumb decision in transition but right there were plenty of times I saw him get ready to load up uh uh and uh lt’s in the house type

Three where he was getting ready to pull up from 30 and we didn’t need that or he was getting ready to pull with 18 left on the shock clock and we didn’t need that and he kept himself in check and held it moved it got it back later know and I think

That when you know it holding him accountable for the way he was playing on the court and cutting his minutes help him round his shop selection in form of it in a way that’s a bit more palatable to what the team needed right sure sure and so doing that where he was

Cleaning up his shot selection even at the games where he wasn’t making shots leads you to a game where he can be really efficient in like 21 22 minutes right and just hit four threes do the job move the ball got six six six assists purely off just

Like not trying to hold the ball any longer than he needed to yes and it was really fun to watch man Dante xman Derrick Jones Jr were flying around doing the best good on Fox he was Unstoppable in the first half but in the second it just it was too much for him

We just had too many bodies kind of to throw at and once we fixed what we were doing as far as that drop that we were playing that was letting them get all those little midi floaters and fls that that’s right because he loves those shots and he was burning us with them

Early on but he got a handle him that and he couldn’t get all the way to the paint because once he did that was in there and there he just got sick ofing Lively like I at the first part of the game I thought Lively was challenging

Shots a little too recklessly but him just like that must have clearly been part of the game plan where he was just at the peak of all of those floaters and the Mavericks sort of gambled that he wouldn’t make them all game and he didn’t dude and then in the second

Half I’m not sure Derek Lively has played a defensive game maybe the uh few minutes he played in that Spur game when he came back from the uh the nose injury he had sabonis in alcatra he I’m talking multiple times sabonis posted him up swung those elbows trying to get

A chicken wing off and he might move dere but he wasn’t going far the hand stayed up he didn’t bite on any those stupid pump fakes and he pinned him right under the rim and he had nowhere to go with the ball it was he did it

Like three times in a row when we went on that big run in the third quarter oh it was beautiful oh great stuff man it really was it really was yeah I’m just I’m excited about this team I’m happy that we put a win like that on that team yeah they’re really

Good situation on national TV yeah right like they’re they’re not we have our qualms and our reservations about the Kings as you know a program but they’re a talented team yeah really well coached and that we could do that to them in this situation where we both needed the game uh was

Really encouraging for me decided to see you know yeah they can look like on Friday I love it I love it all right man thanks for hanging out late of course dude thanks for having me all right talk soon all right coming up next is Leo Leo

What’s going on dude hi can can you hear me I can you sound great what do you got for us all right two quick hitters one uh as far as off season Acquisitions go do you think so far in this year anyone’s better than DJ uh D

Jones uh is anybody doing what now has anyone been like a better acquisition for another team for like a price point than D Jones has been for no he’s been too like him and Dante exm are got to be kind of Rivals there do you think we’ll able to sign

Him again uh come the offseason yes because but you I I don’t know how it’ll work but I’m looking forward to them trying okay and then just to look ahead a little bit up to the games that the maps have right now are the Kings again Houston Golden State Atlanta Golden

State and Houston at 3 o’clock and then if we look forward we have the Clippers who are going to be playing uh Orlando Sacramento Denver Utah Cleveland and then New Orleans we’re going to be playing uh Milwaukee Boston Phoenix Orlando San Antonio and Phoenix so we’re

Going to be uh Orlando Magic fans for here on out Mavs fans we need to hope for that fourth seed going forward sure thank you for having me up of course Leo talk in all right guys I hear my baby crying which is not great but we’re GNA

Go to Ahmed and then Ryan to close this out Ahmed you there welcome to the show hi thank you for having me can you hear me I can thanks for uh for coming on what’s going on uh thank you I I’ve just been uh checking out the stat

Leaderboard for for a while now MH and I just Noti that Kyrie Irving is nowhere to be found I don’t know why I mean on all the websites and I I checked there is some players who have less game than him I figured maybe it’s because he hasn’t played enough games

But he has 25 points a game I I was just wondering since doesn’t make any sense but I don’t know my guess would have been my guess would have been the the the the playing thing and so I don’t actually have a great answer for you in this regard

Because I don’t because it’s like on the you know when you see a lot of the stats in game that’s probably the one that that stands out like you know Luca the combined Luca Kyrie points sort of is something but that’s that’s something I’ve not that I’ve not noticed um let’s

Go to the points I’m on right now let me see here Kyrie he’s not on the thing because that’s weird you have Tyrese halberton who has definitely played less games than less games yeah that’s that’s one thing you have you have for example uh yeah I’ve seen I mean like

Two day three days ago I’ve seen some players with 49 games or or so have three R 55 I don’t know why here here’s what I want you to do do you follow me on Twitter by chance yes shoot me shoot me a DM after this is over and I will

Ask around tomorrow because that’s a weird one that is I see I’m on this thing you’re right he’s not showing up up yeah he should be he and it’s not like he’s averaging something low he should be 10th right now I think yeah he he averages uh no not 10th I think he

Should be uh he averages more than Damian lard so he should be 15th he averag more than Anthony David that’s like something good to see for for your player so I would just he just hit me weird I’ve been shaking for the last three weeks and every time like okay

It’s a game thing but now I’m like no that’s that doesn’t make any sense and that is so strange that’s an interesting thing well thanks for pointing out I’ll look into it oh thank you thank you and yeah I was just going to reiterate the point of the previous person I I think

We have a really good shot at the fourth place I mean looking at the schedules of uh Clippers and New Orleans without bi I feel like they can they can easily lose four to five games same thing for Clipper the way they’ve been playing and also the competition and all the game

They have are against teams who can’t lose and not going to be players because they fighting for playoff position position and for for for for for for Dallas other than go Golden State in Atlanta not Atlanta Houston I don’t really see any even the last game against OKC they’re probably going to be

Arting a lot of players because they they by that time they probably have locked in the first or second seed right so hopefully we make it and yeah I I don’t want to hear any talk about offseason because we’re going to win the chip that’s right man I love the

Attitude take care like your contact thank you thanks for coming up hopefully you’ll come back soon all right Ryan you’re going to be my last guy and then I got to go take care of the screaming five Monon old I can hear what’s going on hey Kirk can you hear me okay I

Can awesome yeah so um I know it’s pretty late I’ll try and keep it short that’s okay um yeah the reason I’m on here so late is because I was actually at the game and I was yeah um so I live in the Bay Area I’d been keeping an eye on like the

Standings and I was wondering you know maybe if tickets are all right I’ll make the drive up to Sacramento oh am I glad I picked this Tuesday game Kirk what an atmosphere when I tell you that it felt like the playoffs I’ve only ever been to one

Playoffs game that was I was in eighth grade in like 2015 I’ve never been that’s amazing it was it was really like it was that Rocket series um I think that was 2015 and it was the game that JJ Brea kind of went crazy if you

Remember I anyways it was like the one win we had we lost 4-1 but that was like a key memory for me and I it was loud um you know the Kings don’t get a lot of national TV games when the PA guy said it like four times before the game like

This National TV game get your towels out whatever that’s funny but the crowd was loud they were ready um they said something about how like let’s show these Mavericks what a loud Arena looks like which I thought was pretty funny um but look so this was um a playoff

Atmosphere and it got shut down really pretty quick love it um like the this was was my first time in an O Arena watching the Mavs um I’ve only ever watched them at the AAC and like the people next to me were just speechless at just like the shot making that was on

Display and obviously this is not a game to game thing but it just speaks to when you have two killers on your team and we say it over and over again what a luxury like the way they can just deafen or they can just shut down like a deafening

Crowd within the span of couple shots the momentum you could just feel it shift so obviously they they’re just they’re just nails like they’re screaming for their there’s one um they would do the crumble cookies or something promotion where if they miss both free throws right so they’re

Screaming and they’re like oh Luca sucks whatever and you can just see it in his eyes that he’s Nails he’s Nails the entire time it’s such as a Mavs fan it’s such a like smug feeling to be sitting there and at some point you don’t want

To front run so I just shut my mouth um uh everybody t one day up or something like that um but but oh my God like you can see it in their eyes when they’re at the free throw line with Kyrie and Luca like these guys are killers we just got

To get them to the games that really matter and let them show us what they can do like oh my God how exciting so a couple quick takeaways then um before the game I sat there for like an hour and a half watching warm-ups kind of

Snuck down um that was pretty cool Nico talks to everybody but more importantly PJ like no one told him that apparently NBA players don’t miss in warm-ups because he misses every shot in warm-ups um he really looks like he has a vision problem when he’s shooting

Like it’s like and that’s what made his his make so incredible because when he misses it’s like oh no yeah his his misses look different than everyone else’s misses too like he has a lot of those In-N-Outs but often he’ll just like they’ll take High bounces off the back rim and not like

The good back rim Miss regardless it’s um it’s really funny to watch when you’re watching like a slumping Maxi who’s half injured figuring out if he’s gonna play hitting 75% of his you know warm-up jumpers and PJ is just like he’s got a real fluid motion anyways it’s

Been we’ve talked about it a ton but we went into the game and I was talking to this um Kings fan I met next to me I’m like oh don’t worry he can’t shoot like they’re gonna leave him open and lo and behold like I was just like about out of

My chair like no he doesn’t do this I swear 25% yeah I mean it was it was really really something um another thing I know we’ve talked a lot today I was kind of listening on my drive down about um Tim having a good game I’ll say in person it

Really didn’t feel like a different Tim it just felt like Tim was hitting some more threes than he usually would but I feel like if he hit two fewer then like we wouldn’t really maybe be talk maybe this is just me not being as informed but he still took some ridiculous shots

To the point where even the people next to me were like what what was that people who don’t watch the Mavericks um it’s befuddling I a Nick angad from lockon talks about it a lot about how Jason kid leaves him in on the defense for offense possessions and he just

Looks completely lost on all of those he did it again today it was like think the end of the first quarter so you know some of that stuff whatever we could talk about it forever but I just maybe you know to let you get to your baby and

Captain KN I think um you know watching LCA is such a privilege and we say it enough and I am up in arms just like everybody else when it comes to him not getting love from the national media about MVP and when it comes to all the

Nonsense that we kind of have to deal with as Mavs fans sometimes yep but other teams don’t get to do this the Kings fans there were defeated when they saw Luca especially but even Kyrie just two killers where you know that they’re inevitable like Thanos inevitable I love

It so it was just a ton of fun um I’m so excited for the playoffs I’ve been listening Forever by the way and this is my first time on so well thank you for joining I figured today would be the day yeah thanks so much yeah all right good night Kirk good

Night Ryan okay guys this has been a lot of fun thanks so much for hanging out remember if you’re uh you know go ahead and and like the stream leave a comment on the YouTube if you’re listening on on and audio go ahead and leave a review

That sort of thing five stars really appreciate it Josh and I will be back on Friday everyone uh have a great rest of your week and go Mavs

Kirk and Josh talk #DallasMavericks vs the #SacramentoKings late Tuesday night. There’s no way around it: this is a massively important game for playoff (or play-inn seeding. #LukaDoncic and #KyrieIrving need to be locked in. Let’s see how the fellas play tonight. Join us LIVE. #BlueWireVideo

Start time is an estimate! Anywhere from 11:35-12:15, depending on when the game ends.

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  1. “I can see god when I close my eyes!”
    There is a song in that caffeine induced statement!

    Enjoy the beer money! I’ll learn how to tip!

  2. If we shoot like this we can beat anyone. Thj was huge. 2nd half kyrie is a real thing. It feels like we're really coming together at the right time

  3. Luka was my 2nd fav player before Kyrie got traded here. But kyries game is literally like poetry in motion. Even if Luka is better.

  4. Game was much different in the 1980's than in the 1990's. All the things you say are correct at the top of the show about the 90's but the games from the 80's would look more similar to today than either the 90's or the 00's. Watch the 85 thru 1987 finals on youtube. There's never been so much fast break, ball movement, and, quite frankly, mid range pull ups at high speed. You replace those long 2's with 3's and it starts to look a lot like today. The difference is today is almost as fast, there's many more 3's in place of those long 2's (bad shots even then but they took them) and midrangers (which were hit a high clip because they were open from all the movement and guys specialized in it). The difference is defense. The defense now (since allstar break) is more physical and has better opportunities to get set. That's not because the 80's guys weren't trying, playing hard or physical or lacked good schemes. They were just freaking EXHAUSTED. The sheer amount of pace and running was staggering. The players were built more like long distance runners. The pace created confusion for the opposing defense and gave them opportunities to counter attack in the confusion of getting back. Now the defense in half court sets then was still good for the elite teams of the era. Its just there were fewer half court sets. How much of this is Magic Johnson's singular effect on an era's style? Maybe 90%.

  5. Why does that guy in a blue shirt always have to attach something negative related to mavs. He said the kings are tired because of the scheduling. That’s no excuse all teams have to play a lot of games. Just enjoy the win and give credit dude, you don’t always have to find the negative.

  6. In a presser PJ talked about how in Charlotte he mostly got above the break 3s. Nice to see the mavs getting him some good looks. He had like 3 or 4 that weren’t corner 3s in the first half.

  7. About this team feeling competent… Cuban finally realizing he has to hire other people and sell the team to give them a better chance to compete is the best thing he's done for the Mavs. Dirk won a single ring DESPITE Cuban's managment, I'm glad Luka isn't a pushover and threatened to leave if they didn't get him a team after the 2022 off season fiasco.

  8. This was such a fun show, the donations went nuts and it was so nice to see Kirks and Joshs reaction, being overwhelmed. Loved every minute of this show!

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