@Minnesota Timberwolves

Minnesota Timberwolves ownership drama + Wolves’ declining free throw differential

Minnesota Timberwolves ownership drama + Wolves’ declining free throw differential

Hello and welcome into another episode of Locked on wolves today on the show Timberwolves ownership drama perhaps not the most surprising thing not at all really the most Timberwolves thing ever we’ll talk all about that today plus how the wolves have been trending in the free throw Department after the Rudy

Goar money sign symbol to the referees three weeks ago it’s all up come and welcome in you are locked on wolves you are locked on Timberwolves your daily min SOA Timberwolves podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day hello and welcome to the lock on wolves podcast part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day my name is Ben Beacon I’m the host of lockdown wolves today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel every moment more right now new customers get $200 in

Bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 200 bucks if your bet wins visit lockon to get started happy Friday everybody happy weekend and Happy T’s game day a fun one tonight the Wolves head out to Denver for a onegame road trip to take on the defending champion

And current number one seed in the west Denver Nuggets be a fun game we’ll talk about that toward the end of the show lot to get to first though lots of wolves news made on an off day on Thursday and I want to get into the the free throw differential stuff uh since

The goar incident with the referees three weeks ago today uh anecdotally it seemed like the WV was having beginning calls the numbers back that up we’ll get into that next I want to start with the ownership stuff the very first thing though I want to do is thank you for making lockdown

Wolves your first listen every day of course this show is free and available everywhere that includes YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms wherever you listen to podcast you can find lockdown wolves you can also watch on the lockdown Sports Minnesota app

Both Roku and Amazon Fire TV and you can follow on X at lockon T wolves and also at B Beacon with 2bs 2 e cken a reminder about the postcast as well you can watch the postcast tonight on lockdown Sports Minnesota on YouTube of course we have daily podcast Monday

Through Friday we also cover your team every day on the postcast check out the lockdown wolves postcast on the lockdown wolves audio feed right here and then also on the lockedown sports Minnesota YouTube channel right after games the audio gets posted later on uh on this

Feed here so make sure to check that out following wolves nuggets here tonight all right where to start with this ownership stuff um if you’re listening to this you probably know the Saga to this point I’ll give the the real quick version uh Mark lauan Alex Rodriquez entered into

An agreement to buy the Tim rules in basically installments back in 2021 they bought 20% of the team at the end of that year uh they bought another 20% at the end of 22 and now this year they’re supposed to get 40% they’re supposed to get up to roughly 80 % ownership stake

In the team and Glen Taylor would keep roughly 20% as of you know three days ago it was 40% Lori Rodriguez and roughly 60% tailor they were supposed to double their ownership stake with a payment this week story came out last week we briefly touched that on the show

That one of the investment groups in within the umbrella of the Lor Rodriguez group uh there was some paperwork issue the NBA ultimately said we didn’t deny them it sounded like there was a some sort of a mutual disagreement between the NBA and this Investment Group and so laor riquez reportedly found somebody

Else well on Thursday morning Glen Taylor in the timber rolles issued a statement saying that the uh some of the benchmarks had not been met by the new owners by the the Lori Rodriguez group um I’m GNA find the exact uh the exact wording so I don’t I don’t butcher that

Um let’s see he didn’t say he didn’t say benchmarks I don’t think here it is uh he said said under terms of the purchase agreement the closing was required to occur within 90 days following the exercise notice the 90-day period expired on the 27th which was Wednesday um it says under certain circumstances

They could have been entitled to a limited extension however those circumstances did not occur so basically Glen Taylor didn’t say they didn’t have the money uh well actually he did say that he basically said they didn’t get to buy it because they didn’t have the money but um he wouldn’t extend it

Because they didn’t meet these terms right so what happens Mark Lor and Alex Rodriquez come out with their own statement like less than hours later that says quote we are disappointed with Glen Taylor’s public statement we have fulfilled our obligations have all necessary funding and are fully Li

Committed to closing our purchase of the team and then they go on to say Glen Taylor’s statement is an unfortunate case of sellers remorse that is shortsighted and disruptive to the team and the fans during a historic winning season you could say that again and here’s the thing Mark lur Alex

Rodriguez are party to this as well um as the day wore on then Glen Taylor issued I guess a statement not an official team press release as the first one was but a statement to the athletic via John krinski saying that uh like admitting as much admitting that he had

Buyers remorse I mean he all but said those words and I don’t know what like I don’t know Glenn is Glenn right he says quote we’re just saying we had a contract with you guys you’ve had your time this is the end of the contract we’re kind we’re going to kind of kind

Of go on running the way we’ve been run he said I think we just built this team we’ve got the players now it appears to me we should have a very positive run for a number of years and I want to be part of that okay so here’s what this looks

Like this looks like we knew laua and Rodriguez were struggling to get the funds right you don’t usually this was an unusual agreement arrangement in the first place it’s unusual to buy a sports team over the course of 3 years and have this plan

In place to do it but they did and the first two-thirds plus of it seemed to be going fine although there were some questions along the way would they find the money and the whole thing is like well yeah you just got to raise some investors within the group right they

Can still be led by Mark Lori who is a billionaire and Alex Rodriquez who has a lot less money but he still has some money right uh so that was a little bit weird in the first place what it seems like to me and I’m reading the tea leaves here a

Little bit but it seems like maybe didn’t have all the eyes dotted and the te’s crossed on Wednesday and you know we’re hoping for a slight extension or we we’re doing just that crossing the teas and dotting the eyes nearly there whatever uh clearly there you know there were some

Warning signs along the way but never was it like hey there’s no way this is going to happen as recently as last week even Glen Taylor was positive last week it seems to me like they weren’t quite there and Glenn said hey wait a minute this team’s probably worth twice as much

As it was two and a half three years ago I agreed to sell the team I don’t want to give this up now I want to be around I want to be the majority winner if this team Hoist the Larry O’Brien trophy in June this year

Or next year I want to be part of this and this team is now worth twice as much as the valuation I gave you guys several years ago and so he took like this little foothold in whatever was happening this week and instead of saying like you know let’s work this out

He’s going to dig in and say this is business this is contractual you guys didn’t fulfill your end I’m going to put my foot down because this is this is a business transaction and I have the right to do this which he might and we’ll see it sounds like based on I

Think Darren wolson and John krinski both some reporting about this will now go to an arbitrator uh based on U or arbit Arbiter I don’t know based on what had been arranged previously and uh there was also an Adrien wowski report that the relationship had soured between the Lori Rodriguez group

And Glen Taylor uh what were his exact words uh that relationship has disintegrated over the past two plus years so it’ll go to it’ll be arbitrated and here’s the thing if they check the boxes then I don’t like I I guess it depends on the on the semantics of the contract

Right like do can Glenn still pull out or is he contractually obligated to complete the transaction if they’ve hit these certain benchmarks done the things they’ve needed to do if there’s any breach though if there’s anything that they didn’t do then it’s absolutely within his right to walk away

From the deal it’s very weird given that he still owns 60% and they own 40% give or take a percentage Point there’s some much smaller shareholders in there and it absolutely is a distraction Lori and Rodriguez were right in their statement so I don’t know like nobody’s

In the right here nobody’s I mean everybody’s kind of in the wrong right like I don’t know maybe have the money when you go to buy a team but everything for the most part that they’ve done since taking over has been great right like all like the the buzz has been

Great stuff they’ve done with the team that the team seems to enjoy those guys loran Rodriguez obviously hiring Tim Connelly um you know the the apparent they were part of you know the push to do something like the Rudy go bear Splash like a lot of the

Stuff that just has felt not wolvy has happened already under the watch of lauan Rodriguez as albeit minority owners but they’ve been part of it so I it’s it it it’s this is very wolvesyoutube right other than the carony towns injury and every team has injuries like this this season has been

Great and now this has has to happen now I said this on Twitter on X on Thursday and and I’ll reiterate don’t let this distract from the actual basketball in the court it does matter and it would it’s it’s embarrassing and it’s Wolves Z and it’s not

Great but like if the players shouldn’t care about this right because technically nothing has changed from three days ago two days ago ago right Glen Taylor is still the majority owner Lori Rodriguez are still the minority owners it is what it is right it might

Be weird in the summer it might get real nasty in the summer if this thing you know uh drags on but right now between the lines in that locker room it doesn’t matter and if Chris Finch can I like I I would imagine it gets addressed with the

Players whether it’s a Tim Connelly situation or a Chris Finch but like it’s news right it’s out there people are talking about it you can’t just ignore it but I think the message is hey this doesn’t matter we could lose the rest of our games and get swept in the first

Round or we could win the rest of our games and never lose again and win the Larry O’Brien Trophy and this doesn’t have anything to do with it it really doesn’t it will after this season on some level right and do the Wolves become even more of a laughing stock the franchise themselves

If this thing blows up sure but you can shut everybody up if you want to T who cares if you go to the finals it’s you know like there’s the Wolves can do a lot in the next few weeks for this to just not matter um it’s very

Unfortunate Glen Taylor I if if he’s right and the boxes have not been checked he has every right to do it it doesn’t mean that we have to like it doesn’t mean that wolves fans have to like it I think everybody here shares blame and it really it stinks like

Because like laor seemed to be great like a lot of things they’ve been doing seem to be great but uh there has to be some blame to go around here and right now it’s against it’s all three of them and it’s not it’s not fair that we’re talking about this

Right now on March 29th before the battle that two of the top three teams in the west against the defending champs in a 50- win wolves team in the best season in 20 years but here I am dedicating a segment of the podcast to it because of because of this

So hopefully there’s no news on this until call it July right like hopefully and who knows will this impact contract negotiations with current players will it impact free agent negotiations down the line who knows but right now in March April May and hopefully June for this Timber roll team it does

Not matter it does not matter and here’s hoping that the team and the coaching staff can can get past it and allow it to not matter here moving forward all right let’s get into the free throw differential thing is very interesting Rudy goar made a sign made a symbol at

The officials three weeks ago today since then the T rolles have been getting crushed in terms of free throw differential we’re going to talk about all that here next today’s episode of lockdown wolves is brought To Us by our friends at eBay Motors passion Drive in patience what

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All the screaming lock on sports today brings you camp Miss analysis opinions and news streaming 247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day all right let’s talk free throws regular listeners to this podcast

Know that I try to avoid talking about officiating specifically unless we can’t like the Cleveland game three weeks ago which we will talk about because here’s the thing it’s really hard to be an official in the NBA and especially covering a team like the Wolves who complains all the

Time it I don’t know like it’s just not fun if that’s all we’re doing is complaining about officiating that said maybe more than any other this is a much is a very loaded topic maybe than any more than any other major sport officials have a really big impact on the on game

Playay in the NBA right like they can dictate whether or not players get literally free shots free throws right um not exactly the case I mean like I guess technically soccer and hockey penalty shots whatever but like not the same thing in baseball I mean yeah

Strike Zone sure but like not the same thing not the same thing in football like obviously calls matter they do everywhere but basketball is the one where the officials can control the game they can interpret rules on the Fly you it’s just there’s so much gray are in basketball right

And the Timberwolves there’s no question about it have been getting well the the numbers back this up I I’m just gonna I think the wolves are getting a bad whistle since the Rudy go bear thing and it’s really hard to not draw a line to it now to be clear

The Wolves were already trending in a not great Direction in terms of free throw differential but if you go back and look at the early part of the season the tials were getting to the line quite a bit offensively and defensively was more of a mixed back right like overall

They were weren’t doing too badly in terms of following opponents the Wolves were mostly defending without following and it’s one of the things that they really struggled with in pastors under Chris Finch that they had I want say extinguished but like last year they were bottom five in the league and

Defensive free throw rate they were top 10 for a long time this season seriously like I remember I did a show I think it was even early January and I was talking about how the Wolves were top 10 in every single of you know all four of the four factors defensively defensive

Rebound rate defensive free throw rate and then obviously effective field goal percentage and um uh turnover rate they it was but turnover rate was close as was free throw rate right now according to basketball reference the wolves are all the way down to 21st in overall defensive free throw rate it’s not

Good on cleaning the glass you can sort by um you can you can look at um team’s game log okay so Team game log and it’s got the four factors plus points per possession so essentially uh offensive and defensive rating for the entire game log and then it’s got them coded by

Percentile right so uh like for instance first game of the season the wolves on offense against Toronto they shot 38.4% in terms of effective field goal percentage uh that would be a first percentile game for them okay so it’s percentile rank for all games played by

By all teams in that stat for the season so like that’s in the worst percentile of shooting nights for the wolves they had a game against the Pelicans they shot almost 70% effective field goal percentage and that win against them in November that was 98th percentile an incredible game right

So I’m I’m like I’m this is an anecdotal so I’m looking at the numbers but I’m going to summarize it right so you look at the free throw rate columns and they’re in the they’re in the orange like I don’t know 15 out of 20 games on

Offense in terms of free throw right like they’re getting to the line a bunch defensively it’s up and down a little bit but there’s no real Trends there’s no more than three games in a row where they’re in the blue for for having a bad ref free throw rate or three games in

The orange but it’s all over the map right there’s no obvious trend lines since the Rudy goar making the money gesture at the officials or in the vicinity of the officials and getting um called for the technical at the end of the game against the Cavs three weeks

Ago today March 8th the Tims have had exactly one game where their defensive free throw rate has not been in the blue meaning um or said in another way every game but one has been in the 43rd percentile or worse in terms of defensive free throw

Rate and the only one was that was uh the second Utah win on March 18th on offense since the Cleveland game they do not have a single game with a free throw rate better than 46 percentile 7th percentile free throw rate 12th 11th 11th 46th 6th the last two games have

Been 31st and 23rd percentile free throw rate games okay so we’re talking nine games if you include the Cleveland game that was 55th percentile so we’ll include it we’ll we’ll give it nine games include the Cleveland game where they were out free throwed but they also

Got to the line a bunch themselves so eight out of nine games have been worse than a 46 percenti free throw rate on offense and worse than a 43rd percentile rate on defense eight out of nine games set another way maybe a more tangible way they have lost the free throw

Differential in eight of their last nine games the only game that they won the free throw rate uh free throw differential in in terms of just free throws attempted for the game was the three-point loss to Denver and they won that by one single free throw attempt

They shot 23 free throws Denver shot 22 they have lost eight of the last nine games free throw differential attempts I’m not talking mates makes I’m talking attempts overall over the last nine games since the Bear game in Cleveland they’re a minus 68 at the free throw line attempts over

Nine games that’s more than an average of more than seven and a half less free throw attempts per game than their opponent this is a team that was in the top 10 in offensive free throw rate and and defensive free throw rate for the first call it third you know 35 40% of

The Season they’re still top 10 in in off offensive free throw rate because generally speaking they get to line a lot now I do want to acknowledge this started right after the car towns injury that matters too but cat wasn’t like not following people defensively like that’s

Not going to help you on the other end of the floor that’s not going to suddenly make you fou more because you don’t have carony towns and I wouldn’t buy into the you know I don’t think scheme wise anything’s changed enough for that to matter right offensively yeah I mean like K got

To the line he averag still it’s third most on the team right like even Rudy averages more attempts per game this year than Carl thony towns does I mean ant’s number one Rudy’s number two cat’s number three and in terms of attempts per game you could

Look at free throw rate and uh cat’s actually also behind Kyle Anderson because Kat gets up a lot of shots shoots a lot of Threes ETA slowmo doesn’t so he’s fourth in rate on the free throw rate on the team he’s third in attempts per game so he’s not it’s

Not like he’s number one so it matters to an extent but that doesn’t explain eight out of nine games losing the differential eight out of nine games having a below League average offensive free throw rate and eight out of nine games having a below average defensive free throw rate something has changed

And I don’t by it being the style of play yeah they’re playing a little faster but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should shoot less free throws they’re shooting a few more threes but we studied this the other day early this week I think it was they’re not shooting drastically more three-pointers without

Carl th towns it’s roughly the same team they’re just playing a little bit faster I not the same team they’re playing the same way they’re just playing a little faster they’re and they’ve still been good right like what are they in their last nine six and three I think since

The clevel even yeah six and three including the Cleveland game so they’re still winning games and they’re still in these games right the Lakers game got away from a m little but they lost in that overtime game to Cleveland and they lost by three to Denver last

Week so yeah I don’t know I’m not saying there’s a conspiracy I’m saying officials are human and you can’t tell me that Rudy goar doing that during the game what he did and then doubling down after the game doesn’t have any sort of an effect conscious or subconscious on the

Officials we’re g to keep an eye on this and uh you know what other factors here like you know the cat thing matters how ant is playing matters but I mean three weeks now nine games there’s a little bit of evidence here so we’ll keep an eye on that all right

Let’s close by talking wolves nuggets as the Wolves head to Denver for tonight’s game we’ll do that next today’s episode of locky wolves is brought To Us by our friends at Nissan are you the kind of driver that likes to push things a little further ever wonder

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In this game coming in Denver actually has Jamal Murray listed as uh as questionable he’s missed the last three games Denver’s gone two and one during that span they just lost the other night to Phoenix I think on Wednesday um so they’re coming off of a loss have

Overall played really well they’ve lost what I think two games since the All-Star break um and Minnesota struggled in the first half against them last week it was more of remember the third quarter the Wolves got physical defensively kind of gave the nuggets the business and uh you know won that third

Quarter by 12 and what did they Trail by halftime 15 I believe won the third quarter by 12 and we’re in it down or we’re in the game late down just three and a got that open three after um who was it that flopped was it cavius cwell

Popee f trying to call a foul and and an just missed the three short um but remember the Wolves didn’t shoot the ball well for much of the game they got hot very late but they missed a lot of threes and uh you know gave themselves a

Chance to win but the fact they were in this game period was kind of a miracle remember Luca Garza played 22 minutes off the bench as a rotation guy you had TJ Warren playing nine minutes no Rudy um starting lineup in this game oh also

No Nas Reed no Nas Reed either so your starting lineup in this game was Mike Colley n Alexander Walker ant Kyle Anderson and Jaden McDaniel slow-mo played center started at Center and Garza played 22 minutes off the bench and this was I mean the Wolves tried to

Force yic into be a score and he was 35 and 16 for yic 14 to 22 shooting knocked down three threes it was jic confidently stepping up and knocking down those Threes And The Wolves not being able to hit the bright broad side of the barn the entire

Game until the final couple of minutes when they had that Furious comeback and then a missed that three-pointer um my takeaways from this one were basically hey if the Wolves knock down open shots and they play like they did defensively for most of the game against

Denver this is still a good match say good matchup it’s never a good match up when you’re playing arguably the best team in the league but they match up better than basically anyone else against Denver right because you have length you can throw at Jamal Murray and you have obviously size with

A healthy Rudy and healthy Nas and eventually hopefully a healthy cat to take on joic and there’s not much else size there for Denver right so you should dominate the non minutes which is a little bit of a problem I think the Wolves if I remember right were a minus

One in the non- yic minutes he plays 38 or 48 minutes so you got to win those 10 right but they have length to throw at Jamal Murray they have enough depth defensively that they can handle Porter Jr and Aaron Gordon for the most part

Porter Jr was good in this game um and I think the bench is every bit as good when the wolves are healthy as Denver’s bench they’ve got more scoring with nas Off the Bench Etc although now Nas Nas is starting uh the T injury but um I still don’t mind this matchup the

Other thing in this game Denver turned it over 17 times the Wolves only had seven turnovers so that was an uncharacteristic thing in the Wolves favor they didn’t shoot the ball as well as normal but they also won the turnover category by 10 which is very abnormal for Minnesota so we can’t necessarily

Count on that happening again um but I I don’t mind this matchup all that much for the Wolves even short-handed especially if jamalmurray doesn’t play because if Jamal muray doesn’t play now the n the Nuggets need Aaron Gordon or Michael Porter Jr more likely to have a

Really big game um and because then the Wolves can just kind of let yic do yic things and he can score 35 and you could still beat them right if if there’s nobody else that’s going to contribute um now to be clear Denver’s still really really good right I’m not

Saying that they’re not I’m just saying that it’s a not a bad match up for Minnesota and especially if Jamal Murray doesn’t play Denver is actually dead last in three-point rate as it the team um and and that helps a little bit they also don’t get to the line a whole lot

They’re good offensively because of all the stuff Joker can do with the ball on his hands um you know they’re a top 10 offensive team but they’re not doing it in the um in the uh the the you know modern analytically friendly way right they’re not getting to the line a ton

They’re not shooting a ton of Threes in fact I was citing the rap Bas stats but if you look at the per game they’re 29th in free throw attempts per game they’re 30th in three-point attempts per game they don’t shoot free throws or get to

The line or excuse me or get to the uh or shoot threes um it’s more about the stuff Joker does with the ball in his hands the the back door cuts that he’s able to throw passes on um you know it’s not like the the nuggets are a fast team

Right they’re bottom five bottom four in pace so they’re doing a lot of this stuff in the half court with with Joker throwing Guys open right like Aaron Rogers and the Packers a few years ago like just get open all throw you the ball that’s kind of what this is uh for

Denver and then obviously yoka scores a ton of points too but they Bank on Jamal Murray getting them 20 plus and shooting over 40% from three and if he doesn’t play this is a a very winnable game for Minnesota the one game Road Trip thing is tough especially acclimating to the

Uh to the altitude um but you know just it’s a one game road trip pack for one game go in there dominate come back home so winnable game for Minnesota a reminder of the postcast tonight believe it’s Luke and Jack on the postcast live on lockdown Sports Minnesota and then

The audio will be right here on this audio feed late tonight so be sure to check that out all right that’s all we have for you today here on the show a big thank you for making lockdown wolves your first listen every day of course this show is free and available everywhere that

Includes YouTube as well as all of your favorite audio platforms wherever you like to listen to podcast you can find lockon wolves you can also watch on the lock on Sports Minnesota app on both Roku and Amazon Fire TV and you can follow on X at lockon t-wolves and also

At B Beacon with 2bs 2 e CK I already reminded you about the postcast um and of course if you can’t watch the game live you can listen on SiriusXM the sxm app our friend Alan Horton calling on the hometown broadcast every bucket of wolves nuggets Again download the sxm

App and just search Minnesota Tiber wolves you’ll find alen Horton on the call on SiriusXM that’s all we have for you today lockdown Wolves of course is part of the lockon podcast Network remember the locked on network is your local experts on all the biggest stories

Once again I’m Ben Beacon this is the locked on wolves podcast and we’ll catch you next time

The Minnesota Timberwolves have fresh ownership drama on their hands with the news that Glen Taylor will not complete the sale of the team to Alex Rodriguez and Marc Lore. Ben Beecken (@bbeecken) gives his thoughts on the issue, including plenty of blame to go around. Also, since the Rudy Gobert “money sign” incident with the officials three weeks ago, the Wolves’ free throw differential is headed in the wrong direction in a massive way. Plus the next Wolves-Nuggets showdown is Friday night.

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