@Miami Heat

Big O & Ira Winderman – Have The #MiamiHeat Realized It Is Time to Move On from Jimmy Butler? 032524

Big O & Ira Winderman – Have The #MiamiHeat Realized It Is Time to Move On from Jimmy Butler? 032524

This is the Big O Show this is the Big O Show a ride Ira your Bitcoin bag is growing also right I I I keep checking I’m just I’m just riding the dips oh then you’re doing really good that’s for damn sure all right uh we needed it yesterday like a shot in the arm brother I mean

You know overall I I I was laughing at that video that Ethan posted and you were asking the question about you know with the with the Pelicans and Jimmy saying well we’re we’re still a better team and um you know up until that night they were 19 and 20 in their last 39

After last night you’re 20 and 20 in your last 40 so it was really nice to see but when are we Crossing that threshold of not being the team that’s 20 and 20 because that’s basically what you’ve been you’ve been a 500 team for 40 games and that’s the thing you know

So on one hand you can look at yesterday’s game against Cleveland and go wow this team has it in them but that was the takeaway so why don’t you have it in them more often why does it take the debacle on Friday night against the Pelicans to get you motivated for something

Better the regular season for the Miami Heat is what it is Big O we know it we talk about it every week here in our acur P Pines report I just would like to see a better sense of them giving a crap about games that could make their lives

Easier and you know SPO will turn it around we love it the hard way when he gets in the play in this is who we are with the roadless travel the tough road no that’s a bunch of bull crap because you can catch lightning in a bottle once

But lightning is not going to strike twice in the same place it’s just not and if you wind up getting the number eight seed and look I know heat Nation Oh we have Boston’s number we’re in Jason Tatum’s head this is a great team this year the Celtics this season look

Like the Warriors did at their Prime like the Cavaliers did at their Prime they are a great team for the ages with one of the greatest regular seasons of all time and they’re not gonna go anywhere so my my shocker with the Celtics is that porzingis EST stayed healthy actually that’s really my

Because that’s kind of what I thought would happen to the Celtics that you’re counting on porzingis it’s really hard like I have a hard time relying on a guy that’s been his body has been so unreliable that’s what I thought but you you knew that if he would stay healthy

Dude they have the talent I mean they they should be a really good team they have thing is and porzingis as a number three option is where he fits with the Knicks with the Mavericks into degree with the wizards they wanted him to be more they wanted him to be the number

Two to donit in Dallas that’s not who he is now you got Tatum now youve got Jaylen Brown and now porzingis can be that third guy he doesn’t have to but can so again bigo if they get in the playin and they lose the first game like

They did last year to the Hawks even if they win the second one to go to Boston there’s way too many memories for Boston to slip up like Milwaukee did against the Heat in the first round on the other hand you look at a game last night and

You say to yourself man if we get the Cavaliers in the first round good things can happen that’s a team they play very well against that’s a team that still could wind up number three you get to number six you’re fine so why crap games away like against the Pelicans like not

Closing against the idless Sixers that’s the frustrating thing about this team and you know what Eric spoler works his ass off to get ready I know what you think of him as one of the all-time greatest coaches babile for whatever you think or don’t you would agree bigo

Works his butt off plays hard all the time but you know what going back to the porzingis talk that’s bam he’s the third guy and that’s fine in that Sixers game you need somebody else to step up right he took 10 shots and he shot if I remember

Correctly eight of 10 in that game which was a very high percentage but it’s like that’s why he’s a three he’s not a one or a two no shots in the fourth quarter of that game totally agree with that so my point my point being it comes down to

Jimmy Butler and the whole thing of I’m GNA Pace myself I’m was talking about this in The Press Room yesterday there’s a very good chance if that he’ wind up in the play in they’ll wind up in the play in by one game in the standings one

Game that could have make a difference Big O I go back to the third game of the season when Jimmy Butler took the night off for rest in Minnesota and what was largely a close game in the third night of the Season you play with the basketball Gods you toy with them by

Taking time off by saying this game doesn’t matter I’m gonna miss this game I’m gonna miss 20 games I’m goingon To Miss A of the season this is what happens and you wind up punishing your teammates because injuries do come later in the season with Tyler with Kevin Love

With Duncan through no fault of his own we’ve all dealt with back pain how debilitating that can be but if you wind up getting yourself in a better position you can live and absorb the injuries without the kind of Fate The Heat have this Jimmy Butler is a 75% of the time

Guy thing doesn’t work in the NBA unless you’re a super team and have great players 75 75 66% I’m just saying I’ll go down to at least 60 because he doesn’t show up for 20 25% of the games and then there’s another like 15 20% of the games that he

He’s there but he’s he walks through yeah walks through the night and you wind up desperate and having have yeah okay so I I have a I have this Theory now okay this new Theory now with Jimmy and here’s my he knows his body is practically cooked okay and he no longer

Can be Jimmy badass for a ton of regular season games okay season games and so now he’s at a point where even if he wanted to I don’t think he can anymore Ira I think he has a certain amount of fumes left in that gas tank and so I

Think he’s pacing himself not only because he’s taking care of himself but because I think that body we’re we’re kind of getting to that point so he’s kind of saving as much as he can because he really in the end he couldn’t go balls out even if he wanted to for the

Rest of the regular season and throughout a long stretch of the playoffs as you know as brutal as the playoffs can be so I think Jimmy knows that that body of his is not not what it was anymore and not only does Jimmy know Big O but the he’ know

And there’s a reason they made the play for Damen Lillard and there was the desperation and waiting to the last minute on the slim hope it would happen because they needed that Alpha and then before the trading deadline in January when they realized where Jimmy stood

Look it’s a risk giving up that future first round pick for Terry Rosier but that he realized that he that that Jimmy needed more in support so here’s the deal right now you can can be an alpha in the NBA but if you’re not an all the

Time Alpha it changes I’ll give you an example tomorrow the Golden State Warriors come to town Steph Curry is a great great player Klay Thompson was a great great player done but right now last night in the game against Minnesota Steve cerr held out Steph Curry during

Part of crunch time because he knew his leading man was exhausted Klay Thompson has been moved to reserve role so they can maximize what’s left of him this is the tough thing in the NBA and the one thing I think the Heat have not been great at although they tried it once

I’ll relate to that in a second is when you realize that you need to move on or to change the dynamic they did that with Dwayne Wade to much consternation in South Florida and you know what bigo look Hassan Whiteside was the wrong choice for replacement leading man we

All know that yeah but the thought process was not necessarily wrong that Dwayne had reached and maximized that point that he was not going to be a leaving man nor was he when he came back from Chicago and the Cavaliers you have to start to realize that also that’s the

Hardest thing we you see you know like you see in music when you see aging Stars touring and you’re like yeah what are you doing they this isn’t them anymore the Eagles you know who’s who’s left anymore when Glenn Fry’s not there it’s not the same group

You see it on TV shows i i i g up on Kirby Your Enthusiasm Larry David is so jump the shark it’s not funny it’s the same tired kind of Trope and in the NBA when you realize you’re getting past players primes you have to react ahead

Of the curve I don’t think the Heat have I don’t think the Warriors have and that’s why they’re in the position they are going into tomorrow’s game so everybody’s on the Orlando Al Gary Camp no more extensions for Jimmy right I mean that’s probably done with

The heat right that’s not that I mean really seriously you know what okay I’m not gonna go no for this reason for the proper amount no bigo bigo stop for a second stop get your hand away from your eyes here the proper extension for a huge pay cut still could

Be workable that’s what happened with Dwayne Wade with Dwayne Wade they realized he wasn’t an alpha maybe he wasn’t a beta but you still had someone if Jimmy Butler loves how Florida loves how we get treated here wants to spend his Winters here and is willing to go from 60 million to something

Considerably L I’d be okay with that Butler wants two years at the maximum and two years at $110 million away it’s a negotiation and if Jimmy’s willing to pay back all that the he’s done for him and helping him get to these NBA finals or Eastern Conference

Finals I’m fine with that Jimmy Butler can be a bridge for bam for Tyler for haime but he can’t be the guy leading them into that next incarnation of the heat I think that’s where they stand right now so again will Jimmy Butler be with the heat beond the next two seasons

It’s possible but it has to be on the Heat’s terms yeah no it has to be on the Heat’s terms and and and talk about giving back by the way something that it’s all hindsight now when you see it after it’s all developed but this marriage and the stage they gave Jimmy

Might have been what catapults him to the Hall of Fame okay because I would agree with that and I’ll tell you another thing he was a really good player leading up to his heat career but in his heat career he got the opportunity to lead a team to multiple finals multiple Conference

Finals these are Hall of Fame resume filling type of things you know I’m not saying he’s first Ballot or anything like I’m just saying that if he ever makes it to the hall okay I don’t know if he does or doesn’t but if he does he

Could thank the heat he could thank this opportunity in this stage that Miami gave him because it gave him the opportunity to be the best he could ever be something he really never had in any other team no let’s let’s take it to another step let’s take it not only the

Hall of Fame but to being a star he’s on every goddamn commercial when you turn the TV on between his his nickel Ultra and his hotel’s commercial and and now he’s trying to sell us on on Hulu TV so the whole thing is so you know what it

Works together look LeBron James when he came here was a star Chris Bosch was trending that way had the personality Jimmy Butler I mean Maybe I’m Wrong do you remember a single Jimmy Butler commercial or or or theatrical appearance or television appearance before he got to the heat so it has

Worked together so now he was just an allar before he nice player a nice player who came up short in Chicago in Minnesota and Philadelphia so I agree with that they can work with them but to go back to your initial Point yeah Jimmy Butler is an everynight player is not

There anymore and it’s made it really hard for the heat especially with the injuries yeah all right uh what’s the latest with HZ I I that’s a one game thing where it’s the same soreness that Caleb Martin play through ankle knee basically it’s the 10 to Nest he’s been

Pushing himself too much why has been pushing himself too much because Tyler Hero’s going on like a month now without playing when you’re without who what okay but that’s the problem for Jimmy also is having to push yourself when the rest of your teammates aren’t there it is

Catching up to the heat missing Kevin Love and having to play Thomas Bryant in those minutes it’s all these little steps that wear down a team so again be careful who you trust you’re saying don’t trust Jimmy with an extension at age 38in he trusted T Tyler hero with

His injuries with the fouryear $120 million extension and now they’re getting burned that every night they a $30 million player who’s not out on the court no no and not only that he’s untradable literally untradable if you’re was tradeable with the proper sweetener Jordan P got traded from the

Warriors No that’s what I’m saying he’s untradeable because you literally have to give him away but what I’m saying is if you had a $30 million player that was desirable because at the moment he’s sideline okay fine but he’s not a desirable player so it just becomes a

Burden for the Heat because now they have to like you said add a sweetener to it and this sucks they have to go back to the drawing board to build them back up again to see if they can build the value back up you have to try to do that

You know what it’s like you were saying about your Bitcoin you don’t trade when it’s low you sell when it’s high and you’ve got you’ve got to wind up doing something there with Tyler they need him back they need him back now they need him back at his best and that’s what you

Don’t know what are you going to get how are you going to impact the rotation yeah all right what are you working on the Sentinel so folks can check you out my friend I mean just tomorrow the Golden State Warriors coming in and this should be the absolute you know

Must-watch TV game instead that he desperately trying to avoid the playin the Warriors just trying to get into the playin it’s crazy how life comes at you so quickly 2023 NBA Finals Miami Heat 2022 NBA champions the Golden State Warriors like Eric spoler said after yesterday’s game this league will humble

You and these are two teams that are absolutely being humbled right now so we keep an eye on that and I hate to keep doing this every game but it’s the injury report does Duncan Robinson come back from his back injury when does Tyler hero show up Kevin Love how bad

Can a heel be that you can’t give me 10 minutes a game right now it’s these little things that are adding a burden thankfully hey talked about this at the beginning of the year sure that if you’re gonna play Kevin Love early on in a lot of minutes you’re putting a burden

On that body and so last year you got lucky he didn’t play much he was on the bench most of the time you got a fresh old man that came to play with you and so you were able to milk him for a while and and and you had no issues but now

You’re actually using him like a rotational player and we actually talked about this at the beginning of the year that that’s that’s the risky part and look what’s happened unfortunately it’s kind of caught up to him and it’s not his fault Ira it’s just wear and tear

Man well and it’s what they thought they were getting from Thomas and what they did look at the beginning of the year they were talking Thomas Bryan and Josh Richardson and forget about maxre and Gabe Vincent we’ve got two guys at the minimum with proven resumes Josh obviously gets hurt shoulder surgery

Done for the year Thomas Bryant never hit the stride that Pat Riley himself said he thought he’d be the key off season game so now I like him I like it although I will say this this was his best stretch of basketball so far absolutely and I spoke to him about it

He’s finally getting consistent minutes so maybe something there happens if Kevin doesn’t come back at least he’s active and energetic at a time when some of the team has been lethargic so yeah that’s an ongoing thing to keep an eye on out as well I uh I I fall on the

Sword with Pat Riley on that one I was I was all in on Thomas Bryan was I I thought they got a nice pickup of an active guy simply has not fit the system yeah follow him on Twitter at Ira heatbeat better yet subscribe to the South Florida Sun Central so you can

Follow all of his coverage as always and the entire paper Ira thank you sir we will catch up next week my friend after I buy the dip thank you bigo you got it there you go no it’s it’s up now don’t buy now never stop buying Bitcoin is what I

Would say spring into performance sales event is going on right now at Craigs xin’s Acura pen broke Pines the new Integra 2024 299 a month you can get it 1.9% financing for 36 months also the RDX we should know we’ve had a couple of RDX in our family the 2024 right now 419

A month and again 1.9% financing for 36 months spring into an MDX 489 a month and you can also take advantage of 1.9% financing go see Larry schlosberg and Pat nasso Tony stampone and all the great people out there at Craig zins Acura of Pim Brook Pines This is the Big O Show this is the big old Show

Big O Talks about #Heat with Ira Winderman – #HeatCulture and Jimmy Butler – #tylerherro – #injuryreport

Host By Orlando “Big O” Alzugaray
Executive Producer – Sean Stanley
Edited By Sean Stanley

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  1. The regular season is so boring. After this season I am going to quit watching it because life's too short 😢

  2. Im afraid that you guys may be right about Jimmy, I disagree about Bam. In my opinion Jimmy doesn’t only take games off, but I just don’t see the effort from TD past when he does play.


  4. Jimmy is our best player by far…. It’s just a collection of guys. Bam can’t force shots, he needs the offense to set him up….

  5. Rozier trade not looking good…. He is Dion Waiters.. better passer but I’m surprised when one of his shots go in..

  6. Ira really say that the Heat helped Jimmy have success in the playoffs…. Got that backwards….

  7. What if Heat just saving his body. Specially knowing Jimmy suffered too many empty minutes back when he played for Thibs 😫

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