@Orlando Magic

Steve Kerr shares his thoughts on Draymond’s ejection, Postgame Interview 🎤

Steve Kerr shares his thoughts on Draymond’s ejection, Postgame Interview 🎤

This seem like a abnormally emotional for you guys what would you say made uh just a it was a gutsy effort um you know in tough circumstances back to back U you know losing Draymond early and um the guy just um competed for 48 and obviously we need every every game

We can get right now so that’s why everybody was pretty emotional what did you think about Draymond uh yeah too bad it was unfortunate um he deserved it um and um you know he’ll he’ll bounce back I’m just proud of the guys um for um stepping up Moses came off the bench um

Had a a big game for us um ghee made a big three you know Gary was fantastic um so we had guys step up and that’s that’s what it takes particularly from St to on the emotions I mean from Dred he’d be very emotional night night

Are uh I that’s I don’t know that’s a tough question for me to answer I mean it you know Steph is the ultimate competitor wasn’t his best night um but he showed who he is um by hitting the you know the dagger um on a night WI

A chance to win by um you know rebounding well um taking care of the ball and defending really really hard and just trying to find enough points to to win we saw Steph being more of a true standard point guard tonight um in you know getting all the guys involved and

You see Andrew had a great game too you mentioned a couple of the guys uh how effective is your offense when he’s involved in dising the game like that when wigs Steph Steph is dising the B like he yeah yeah and taking care of it you know

10 assists two turnovers yeah that’s a that’s a huge stat for him and for us and I thought in the first half he was trying too hard um and then I thought in the second half he U he just um played a cleaner game he made the the nice pass

To ghee for the three where you know he could have tried to attack but G was open and you so um I I thought you know for on a night when you know Steph was not at his best um he he did a great job as the point guard of um Distributing

And um leading us with Po in the second half Andrew with 13 in the fourth quarter just what kind of rhythm is he starting uh wigs was fantastic um just stepped up and made one big play after another at both ends you know had to had

The Big Block near the end on on Vagner um but um made big shots got to the line attacked um yeah wigs was was fantastic young guy you mentioned the rebounding earlier a lot of tra Moses yeah how big was off Moses had a really big one you

Know when it felt like uh the momentum was shifting to their side and he came in got an offensive board and I think clay hit the three off of it I thought that was a big play um but um yeah I mean 5239 on the glass um you know

That’s important we’ve always felt like if we can you know win The Possession game or at least be even um then we’re going to be in good shape and um I think um the rebounding really helped in that regard tonight how difficult was it managing steps minutes in the fourth I

Know you went offense defense there for I think one trip um and what made this game different than every game’s different um you know I I’m I’m kind of amazed that there’s this discussion about a handful of minutes to be honest with you I mean you

Know so he we needed him out there tonight and uh we played him and you know I try to manage everybody’s minutes during the year and give them um rest when I can and I don’t know I just coached the team so you get to you get to

Judge and Moses were they in the plans for tonight or was Ray rejection prel did I Propel come back come in the game yeah g and Moses were the the the guys who stepped in for draymond’s minutes there and and Lon Lon was going to play anyway but he got some

Extra minutes as well you maintain confidence in this group all year despite the ups and downs is this the kind of victory that reflects that confidence I’m sorry you’ve maintained confidence the ups and downs is this the kind of victory that reflects the confence yeah yeah I mean I we’ve been

We’ve been close I mean we play so many tight games you know we’re we’re obviously a team that can compete with anybody and can lose to anybody but it’s it’s kind of where the league is these days you know other than a handful of teams that are like Boston um you know

You see you know close games um you get you got a ton of teams in the league going for it um you know with um very few teams that are at the bottom so there’s just a ton of close games we’ve lost our share but we’ve you know we’re

Also winning some and um so we’re um hoping that uh we can keep this thing going and and uh close out the season with some more winds like this and put ourselves in a good spot

Golden State Warriors vs Orlando Magic – Full Game Highlights | March 27, 2024 | 2023-24 NBA Regular Season


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  1. Mike Dunleavy ruined their flexibility trading Poole and resigning a Non Scoring hindrance. They say Draymond is the heart and soul of the team and that's simply not true. Draymond and Klay have acted like they made Steph so they've hitched their wagons to that idea like he wouldn't be great without him but that's simply not true. Draymond need to be replaced this summer. They need a real Center

  2. Draymond’s opinions and his need to be right are more important than the team…….to Draymond. The big guy on the Suns is right………Draymond will never learn.

  3. To Steve and the rest of the Warriors: You have enabled Green's attitude. It's a "me first" attitude for Green: "I will get those technical fouls. F the team!"

  4. Kerr just has a big heart, listened to an interview where he said Rodman had a sweet soul.
    Some are just more messed up than others-after all most geniuses/gifted folks-musicians, artists, authors etc-in all of history were ‘mad’.
    He sees the good in Dray. As many would when he is not being offended and loses his mind.
    Tired of him but also feel for the guy. But feeling for the guy does not give him a free card to not face consequences.

  5. Bro we love Draymond in golden state but boy is he annoying at times he's even pissing off curry I never seen curry this mad

  6. Draymond has the composure of a toddler who was told they can’t eat ice cream for dinner.

  7. Watch Draymond call his team mates brother the next time he does interviews. Disgracefully letting them and the franchise down, this guy..

  8. Kerr, a challenge for you. You and your coaching staff always drafting up plays against opponents. Why not design plays to prevent Draymond, the bully, from getting ejected from games by constantly berating refs with non-stop verbal assaults? It's given knowledge that no bench players may stepped onto the court without fines and penalties. Perhaps you could design a play that when Dray goes ballistic to a ref, have the active 4 Warriors who are playing to quickly go between Dray and the ref and create space between them and gradually distant Dray away from the ref and prevent getting a second T/ejection. It's given and shown in history that no single player could stop Dray when he loses it. Not Steph, not Chris, nor any single Warrior could do it alone. All have tried and failed. It will have to be a collective effort for whichever four Warriors who are on the court to quickly intervene before a second T.

    You might want to tweak it or customize a play that fits Dray's behavior pattern. With lots of practice and drills, so when this happens again (and it will), whichever 4 Warriors on the court will react quickly to separate Dray before the ref ejects him.

    You might think this plan may be unnecessary, but if Dray's going to act like a child, you don't have many options. Don't take this lightly, because we all could assure you (before this season is over) this will not be the end of Dray getting ejected from a ref, unless you guys get knocked out of the play-in bracket, then your season will be over. In which case, you and your coaching staff will have plenty of time to design a preventive ejection play for Dray next season.

  9. This is why Curry is not the best player in the world or compared to MJ. They played the Magic and everyone crying about draymond not playing in the game.

  10. That's Draymond team not Stephs. That man does what he wanna do and they don't say anything. Draymond done broke up teams and hit teammates and you never see Steph say anything. Him and Steve kerr scared of him.

  11. Did Mr. Green get a "Technical Foul" for punching out his teammate at practice…?

    Jesus "Emmanuel"Christ
    The Truth Dislocator

  12. So you guys think Draymond will change? This just shows you HE WONT! Draymond will cost this team many more disasters…I have said they should have traded him.

  13. Its time to bench draymond and cut him after this year. Im tired of his b.s. its 1 thing to foul out playing hard, or even ejected for some stupid play during the game, but for talking to the ref, its time to cut ties with draymond 🤡 brooks

  14. This man took a punch by MJ with a smile on his face, and he's been enabling Green's antics for a decade. What a leader of men! Such a sad puppet, what you wouldn't do for a few nba titles and a huge paycheck

  15. Kerr is one of the main reason for drays downfall ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY & enabled his clown many many many times before.
    "Dray will bounce back" LOL ban that fool still havent learned. Maybe when dray assaults another teammate or fan

  16. Steve Kerr is a wuss. Would the late Bobby Knight "put up with" a player like Draymond Green? Chile, pleeze lol

  17. League is just way too soft anymore, Just suck it up and give it back. Games are decided by Refs 100%. There's no point in even playing games.

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