@Los Angeles Lakers

Post Game Thread: The Indiana Pacers defeat The Los Angeles Lakers 109-90

#Los Angeles Lakers at Indiana Pacers

Gainbridge Fieldhouse- Indianapolis, IN




|Time Clock|

|LAL |24|25|23|18|90|
|IND |27|27|32|23|109|

###Player Stats

**Los Angeles Lakers**

|R. Hachimura|31:17|14|5-10|2-4|2-2|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|2|-15
|L. James|34:41|16|6-12|0-3|4-4|1|9|10|8|0|0|5|1|-13
|A. Davis|37:30|24|9-17|0-1|6-7|4|11|15|3|0|0|3|0|-12
|A. Reaves|36:11|16|7-16|1-7|1-1|1|12|13|6|1|0|5|2|-15
|D. Russell|35:03|6|3-14|0-6|0-0|0|3|3|5|1|1|0|3|-17
|C. Reddish|13:19|0|0-2|0-0|0-0|3|1|4|0|0|2|0|1|-6
|J. Hayes|10:30|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|1|1|2|2|0|0|0|1|-7
|T. Prince|14:35|5|2-5|1-3|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|-4
|S. Dinwiddie|20:30|5|1-6|1-5|2-4|0|1|1|0|1|0|2|4|-6
|M. Christie|2:08|2|1-2|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0
|C. Castleton|2:08|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0
|M. Lewis|2:08|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0

**Indiana Pacers**

|A. Nesmith|39:20|12|5-11|2-7|0-0|1|3|4|2|1|1|1|1|15
|P. Siakam|31:10|22|8-16|0-0|6-7|1|10|11|6|1|1|1|0|23
|M. Turner|28:23|10|4-12|0-5|2-2|1|4|5|3|1|2|1|4|14
|A. Nembhard|29:38|10|4-9|2-5|0-0|0|2|2|2|1|0|0|1|17
|T. Haliburton|33:00|21|7-15|3-8|4-4|0|8|8|8|2|0|2|2|27
|O. Toppin|16:50|7|3-3|1-1|0-0|0|2|2|0|0|1|1|1|-4
|T. McConnell|18:51|16|7-11|1-1|1-1|0|3|3|3|0|0|2|0|0
|J. Smith|17:29|4|2-5|0-1|0-0|2|5|7|0|2|1|0|3|5
|B. Sheppard|19:39|7|3-7|1-3|0-0|0|2|2|3|0|0|0|2|-2
|D. McDermott|1:24|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0
|J. Walker|2:08|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0
|I. Jackson|2:08|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|1|1|2|0|0|0|0|0|0
###Team Stats



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  1. ehehehuahe

    Tough loss. Although, we have to acknowledge we’re not going to win every game down this final stretch. That being said this was atrocious to watch.

  2. Expensive_Bass_6979

    Not counting max’s garbage time bucket, we scored 3 points in the last 8 mins of actual game time. That’s fucking insane

  3. BritzlBen

    Gotta shoot better than 5/30 from 3 and that’s that

  4. TheMysticHD

    You’re bound to lose games when you shoot below 20% from 3. Unlucky shooting night

  5. awkotacos

    Tough stretch of games prior to tonight’s. 3 point shooting was atrocious but can’t do much when everyone is gassed. Just take it in stride and move onto the next.

  6. Adventurous-Ad3545

    Oh well there goes 14-0 let’s move on. 13-1 6th seed then 😤.

  7. tito-ortiz-wife69

    Doomers ready to call the season over again

  8. AuspiciousOtter24

    Cam Reddish should be closer to getting cut then getting minutes on this team

  9. Disgusting game from DLo, not because of his six point, but we were playing 4 against 5, everytime he played.

  10. Not gonna win many games shooting that poorly and turning over the ball. Would have liked to see Rui shooting some more still. Hopefully they can get some rest.

  11. Ok_Board9845

    Nobody could buy a 3. Maybe should’ve gotten Rui a couple more touches. But it’s hard to win an NBA game going 5-30 from 3

  12. fractal_fables

    5-30 from 3 mostly open shots and unforced turnovers

  13. ___-0-0-___

    It’s fine, man. Like I said in the game thread – 3rd road game in 4 nights…against a tough playoff team. We’ve been playing great ball heading into this stretch, have had some great wins and the rest of the schedule is soooooooft.

    just memory-hole this shit. we’ll be fine

    *90 points was a season low. we’re just exhausted.

  14. Ruis statline is insane. How do you play 31 mins without a single rebound at 6’8

  15. LeBrons7thRing

    I’ll give them a slight pass tonight but I’m gonna flame them if they don’t go 3-0 here against the Nets, Raptors, and Wizards

  16. They will come back against Brooklyn, BELIEVE IT!

  17. No-Leading7857

    Lakers aren’t moving up cause they keep dropping winnable games

  18. Repulsive_Fortune396

    monty williams, chauncy billups or pockets the clown?

  19. PretendDubs

    If I have time watch a Cam/Prince/Dinwiddie lineup again I think I’m gonna rip my hair out.

  20. IskaralPustFanClub

    That was just about the most disinterested I’ve ever seen a professional sporting organization.

  21. mypeaksandmyfreaks

    cam should be throwing lobs to dwight in china

  22. LingDaKingofXing

    Am I the only one not really mad about this loss? Losing sucks, but I figured this might be a loss since we had one game where we went double OT with the 2nd best team in the east. Then we had to play another game in 24 hours against the Grizzlies. I figured the exhaustion finally caught up to them

  23. RiversofJell0

    Couldn’t shoot. Forget about this game and move on to the next. Shoot like they have recently and this was an easy win.

  24. dynamo458

    3rd game in 4 nights with one of those being a 2OT grind. We’ll live with it.

  25. I don’t get why we have minutes where neither Lebron or AD aren’t on the court.

  26. Tall_Succotash

    Guys it was unrealistic to think we would go undefeated on the road lol. Tbh I thought the bucks game was gonna be the loss but winning the last two gave us a little room to drop one, gotta be sharp against the terrible teams going forward.

    Everyone’s shot was completely off, credit to Indy playing physical defense.. they did the same shit kings did..go at us strong af. Oh well..let’s just move on lol.

    Also remember when cam reddish was at best mildly okay to offer minutes? I’m sorry but he doesn’t look like an NBA player..shit defense plus shittier offense.

  27. No_motivation5489

    Last couple games the other team seems to always go on a run when ham does the prince and reddish substitution. Could be just reddish by himself since it seems every time he comes in the other team goes on a run but there seems to be a pattern with those substitutions the past few games. Idk if prince is a factor or if it’s just because he’s playing reddish and prince together but ham needs to stop that line up change.

  28. thedonjefron69

    Sounds like a legitimate off night rather than anything else. On to the next one!

  29. Season low 90 points against well known defensive juggernauts… *checks notes*… Pacers??? Offense was hot dogshit all game, and Ham put out lineups of Reddish, Hayes, Prince and Dinwiddie. This is why Ham will get 0 credit for any success we have this year, dude is too busy playing favorites instead of trying to fucking win.

  30. NaiiKeeXD

    Like does Darvin actually think cam is that much better than max? Max has shown he can actually hit threes and have decent defence to cams brick every shot he takes and plays slightly better D then max, absolutely baffling

  31. Shooting was bad and the team look exhausted. Its understandable since this is the 3rd game in 4 nights for us. And they are all road games with the first game went to double ot.

    I think Bron might starts to rest games because of his ankle. His jumpers looks off and he is hesitated to shoot 3s just like last year after his injury.

  32. Electronic_Bit9495

    When does Lebron veto the entire coaching scheme? Only during the playoffs?

  33. D Lo is very likely to be played off the floor again IF the lakers make the playoffs

  34. No energy. 3rd in 4 nights against a motivated team. Hopefully we can regroup and get the next 3.

  35. One of the worst DLo games in a while. Also didn’t understand Ham’s subs in the first quarter when he took Bron, AD, Rui, & Dlo out all at the same time before inserting DLo back in to close the first.

    He really can’t stagger those better?

  36. inightyDAB

    Bad shooting night, can’t do much about that. But it is hilarious that the game was close until Ham took out Lebron, AD and Dlo and threw Reaves with Prince-Reddish-Hayes-Dinwiddie out there

  37. kopernikuus

    Hate to say it, Dlo is invinsible man tonight hopefully he bounce back against the Nets.

  38. bornlasttuesday

    Tired legs tonight. Not going to blame Ham too much, HOWEVER, should have pulled the plug halfway through the fourth to get a little more rest and not risk anything.

    Full Disclosure: I am not an NBA coach.

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