@Orlando Magic

LA Clippers vs Orlando Magic Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Mar 29 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

LA Clippers vs Orlando Magic Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Mar 29 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

In that category hold on to home court advantage tow wraps it around to Plumley oh maybe hit from behind by Isaac it falls nevertheless Plum made sure he put both hands and the ball inside the rim nice drive nice dump off pass by Powell Joe Les certainly not a fan

Favorite or a player favorite Houston in the corner for three it’s good fan favorite with the Clippers that is you’ve seen him make one from the left side one from the right side hou him 36% on the year coffee tries to retaliate oh and he rips the cords

Clippers out in front and a few of those in Philadelphia for the Clippers one of those role players that kept the Clippers close even though Kawai and PG weren’t playing their best picked up two fouls already Bri Mo vogner big finish inside an aggressive drive and ignites the crowd here at tiia Center

Clippers out in front by four Harden picked up by Isaac not a very fun task if you’re James Harden Powell inside oh the floater is good a tough shot for Norman Powell scorers know how to score they get it get foul they make their open looks six points in five minutes

For Norman Powell Engles for three it’s good been has been a contributor every place he’s been his ability to make open shots is so important he’s talking some trash to Russell Westbrook coffee finds Russ in the quarter extra Passat to coffee hit a three earlier and coffee gets the rebound on

The refill puts it up can’t put it in Westbrook out of nowhere comes away with a rebound the put back oh it’s good what a play by Westbrook and now he’s chatting with Engles whistle and a foul out in front 33 to 27 they have really played with great Pace North and

South three on the wing for Anthony is good I’m not sure you want to keep going underneath on Cole Anthony he’s going to make shots on you and make you get up over the top of those screens you talk about scores he’s as good as there is

Off the Bench lobed to Plumley what a play by Westbrook Wagner needs to probably tone it down a little bit because he’s getting on the officials nerves he’s complaining on every call that time he wanted a charge call not even close they’ve got some instigators on this team and I say that

In a positive light there’s one of them Engles with the floater vogner is certainly one of them too sugs can be another Joe Eng Les able to get that one to fall his second basket he’s scen seven turnover for the clippers but they’ve all been dead ball turnovers

Only two points for Orlando deep three for Anthony vogner inside doing work rebound goes to plumbley PG made got a piece of that on the way up and we saw the little Zone that the clipers worked on in shoot around today they went to it got a Miss

Jump shot out of it George turns the corner no look into Plumley stri on throws it up high hard gets downhill Stripped by vogner able to recover with three to shoot Sid step tough contest by vogner great defense there National play this summer Ron vogner played for his native Germany and was playing

Really well defensively speaking of playing well defensively aita zubot with the stifle on Mo vogner the pass inside oh you reward the big fella and Elita a zubot slams it down after the block zoo was out in front vagna had f the floor so by running hard he winds up with an

Easy bucket Bono elevates B magic hanging around despite the fact the Clippers are 53% from the field your coffee will play the role of point guard Zoo power triple oh my goodness pounds it down with the left hand Zoo went right at wend Carter and threw that ball

Zo flirts with a double bonero picks up his dribble makes a nice pass toles drives in on George Miss fires rebound goes to harden Harden down the lane second quarter clippers eight of 14 Hardon gets both he is struggling 0 for four from the field here tonight he was 5 for 17

Against the Golden State Warriors a couple of nights ago Leonard Giants strides down the lane and off the window and coai Leonard with six he looked down saw Cole Anthony he said I’m just attacking this guard that’s so much smaller than I am and that Terence man

Has to remember he’s guarding that man in the corner who makes three and able to go all the way George disappears behind the zoo screen comes up firing not there Carol with a rebound for Orlando communicating that time nice poke in there by George turnover Orlando Here Comes Terence man wrapped up by

Anthony puts up the shot with a recovery there by Zoo he can’t get it to go down Terrence man is perplexed on how there’s no whistle Anthony for three Harden blocked Inside by sugs well we have seen some defensive plays here Anthony good ball movement for Orlando sucked in

The corner it’s good there’s 73 here in this first half we saw their three-point shooting earlier bottom 10 in the league they have it’s seven of 13 in this first half they pull to within three nice pass nice finish Evita zubot with six points and five rebounds you mentioned bottom of the

League the 24th overall three-point field goal percentage three and a half to go in this first half and of course they’ve hit five of five coach forell I’m going to blame you on that one that’s a you problem right there 320 to play here in the first

Half kind of a mismatch there despite the energy and effort and intensity from Suggs kawhai pulls up on the mid-range and knocks it down 49- 44 Kawai with eight Suggs knew exactly what he was going to do he had his hands in there so kawhai couldn’t swing the ball up for

That jump shot and he still got it off tough shot by bonero in and out he’s missed all of them so far tonight five of them vogner driven off the line picked up by Zoo second efforts here for the Clippers defensively vogner for three not there rebound goes to harden Clippers can push

Here Harden the other way down the lane stripped on the way have an understanding with your front office what are the expectations of ownership and the president general manager Etc once you clear that up and you’re both on the same page you have an understanding then you could be begin to

Implement your philosophies big finish inside for Carter and it’s a 5046 Affair Clippers is out at front they’ve LED essentially the Tire way so far in this first half Kawai once again on Suggs forces it up looking for a whistle not going to get it rebound goes to

Orlando you see them put Kawai in the middle of the floor so that if a double team is coming from right or left side he can see it coming and make the pass Bon Carol with his first bucket tonight he is one for six he and vogner have

Combined to go just three for 10 with 10 total points well James Harden got caught on him in transition in the big Bank just shot over what should concern the Clippers is they only lead by two Kawai down the lane draws the contact absorbs it and knocks it down 10

First half points for Leonard sus find a drive on zoo little floater for sus and he puts it down he’s got 10 first half points averages 12 on the year came out the other side went underneath the backboard and they probably thought he was going to continue on to the corner but instead

Turned and flipped it in with a little floater Kawai pump they on a three late in the clock for Russ comes up short and voger with a rebound two for one opportunity here for Orlando mono just hit his last shot after missing the first five Gary Harris

Driven off the line throws it away Amir coffee has it and the Clippers lead by two in about a 3se second shot to game clock differential here playing center field that time saw the drive on the Baseline anticipated the corner pass shot the gap of the pass thing picked it

Off you want to run this down as far as you can before you get a shot of wh and a quarter we’ve got 31 points total Maron Westbrook gives a nice effort it doesn’t go down and that’ll do it for the first half

LA Clippers vs Orlando Magic Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Mar 29 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


  1. Clipper have to many individuals. Not a team that pass the ball. Probably 2 assist per game as a team.

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