@Oklahoma City Thunder

OKC Thunder Full Media Availability | Post Game vs Phoenix Suns | March 29, 2024

OKC Thunder Full Media Availability | Post Game vs Phoenix Suns | March 29, 2024

Gall KC Thunder Josh how does it feel out there um in terms of when all the guys seem tuned in effort wise at the same time the sheer number of hustle plays that you guys had the the chase downs and transition um what’s happening out there on the floor and how does that

Feel yeah I feel like you know that’s just energy and it’s contagious um guys latch onto it and um when you see one guy doing it the next gu wants to do it so um I mean it’s it’s it’s easy to do that when you’re making shots and you’ve

Got a lead but I think the really good teams do it when you’re not when you don’t have a lead and and things aren’t going on the other end of the floor so um that’s kind of what we hang our hats on um those little plays that um Can can

Really make or break a game and um you know we had guys everyone that stepped on the floor tonight was you know big uh contributor for us and um they’re the type of efforts you need against a really good team like that and um you know as I said I thought you know

Everyone that stepped on the floor tonight made an impact and and that’s the way it’s got to be yeah you kind of talk about that balance contributions 10 different guys have an assist what’s happening within the offense for um that distribution to happen guys run selfish they trust each other trust the offense

Trust right way running and um and we kind of know now you know um when we move the ball we’ve got so many weapons out there that we’re going to get a good shot you know a lot of the time and um and we’re going to double down on good

Shots and whether they go in or not um that’s that’s kind of your recipe to win and um we figured that out now and uh we got a lot of Playmakers out there guys make the right read make the unselfish play and and you know guys want to make

Guys better out there Josh obviously what your recent play we’ve we’ve asked you a lot about just your confidence generally I just remember talking to LA and you kind of mentioned the low points of you know the whole adjustment with the way teams were guarding you just emotionally in this reaching stretch

Just how good have you felt about the game just especially relative to to your career yeah I mean it’s easy to feel good you know when things are going well but I think um you know if you get caught up in the highs and and and the

Lows it it sends your emotions on a roller coaster and um I think just staying levelheaded bad games good games um but and I struggled with that early you know I I you know the start of probably the first you know 50 or so games I used to you know overthink

Everything every you know a lot of the time when I touch the ball I would think too much about what I’m doing and um and it’s hard to play that way you know it’s hard to play freely and confidently when that’s what’s happening but um I as I

Said last night I just tried to stay with it you know stay in the gym as much as I could um and and you know the work that you do behind closed doors and um before practice after practice you know comes to light and um I’ve been staying

With it and um it’s good to have this stretch obviously but um you know you never know what’s going to happen the next night in New York you know it could be completely opposite and you’ve got to find a way to bounce back the next night

And put the you know the last game in the past and um keep moving forward and you just mentioned the the first 50 or so games you know when you would catch the ball just overthinking stuff like that so I just wonder now when you’ve caught the ball lately just what’s going

Through your mind I mean it’s not you know predetermined what I’m going to do with it but um being decisive I guess you know not holding it not not overthinking it um just just being a basketball player and um I think that’s kind of the player I am um I’m trying to

Make people around me better trying to make the game easy for other guys and um you know when I stand there and and overthink things it it makes it hard to do that so um obviously the way teams are guarding me um still our gu to me um

You know played a role in that but um a lot of it was just figuring out on the Fly and I think I’m starting to learn you know how to attack it and um some teams do it some teams don’t and um it’s it’s not just about me but um it it’s

You know my job as a as a POS guy to make life easy for other players and and that’s what you know I’ve been trying to do inter just like with the athletic just a follow up on that what what was it that kind of clicked for you you know

As teams are guarding you differently you know what what is it that’s kind of clicked for you because your confidence level like we’ve talked about just seems different as they’re guarding you with bigs yeah I think it was you know a lot of it was embracing it I used to hate it

I used to dread coming into a game knowing a big was going to guard me and you know I used to think you know it’s another one of these nights where they’re going to Dam to shoot it and and I used to judge my game so much on if I

You know made or missed threes and now I’ve kind of changed my mindset going into games where it’s like B’s going to leave me open like I’m going to punish them and I’m going to make them pay and make them change their defensive scheme

And um you know as I said earli in the year I used to you know the night before a game where I knew a big was going to guard me I used to be up thinking how do I do it you know and and I have to make

Shots that’s the only way to get him out of it and uh and I was wrong you know I kind of sat down with Coach you know I’ve been sitting down a lot throughout the year and um you know trying to find ways to attack different looks and

Matchups and um I think you know us as a whole was starting to learn how to do that and um you know it becomes easier and easier the more you play against it but part of it the biggest part for me was just embracing how teams were

Guarding me and not trying to push it away and um not act like it was happening and once I accepted it um embraced it I think that really changed my mindset and perception you know of of how I wanted to look at going into the next game following up on that um more

Than the shots going in and scoring points cuz stuff that’s obvious it seems like you’re making the more decisive quicker reads um is that that that mindset that you’re talking about that or what’s been I guess a key that’s allowed you to make those quicker reads

And yeah I’d say a lot of it is um you know one playing fre not overthinking uh when I’ve got the ball in my hands and um you know just knowing that um if if teams are going to gu me like that that you know I’m going to punish them and

That’s kind of been my mindset and and that doesn’t mean scoring the ball every time down the floor but um finding ways to make an imp when teams want to guide you that way um and as I said you know I struggled with it early um it was

Something I’d never seen before I’d never been Guided by five man in my life and um it took adjustin it took you know weeks months a lot of games to really figure it out and um and not that I have you know I’ve still got a lot of room to

Grow in that area but um I think the more as I said The more you play against it you start to realize how to attack it um not just for myself but how to get my other guys looks and um yeah it doesn’t happen every night but when it does I

Think we’re getting better and better at at Learning learning how to punish teams for doing it and getting them to go to something else you know in that that second half they they took nerkish off you know because it wasn’t working and that’s kind of been um that’s not a diss

On him but it’s just like they they tried one defensive scheme and it’s more of a credit to our team with the guys we have out there and playmakers that we have that teams are throwing different looks at us because we’re a hard team to guard and uh when we’re playing

Unselfish like we did tonight um teams you know try a lot of different things let’s just say it’s a big game for both of you guys they’re fighting Dallas let’s get into the playoffs they out of the play in you guys are fighting Minnesota and Denver for the top spot

You don’t have Shay you win by a big number what’s that say about you guys and the team we got a deep team I think um you know one of the best players in the world I’m not playing against a really tough team and you know guys Step

Up Guys see the opportunity that they get and um you know they kind of relishing those moments and um you know it doesn’t matter you know the opponent’s in front of us um we go out there play 48 minutes and um and you know prepare the best we can for the

Next one so um obviously whe he’s out there or not obviously he’s a massive you know part of what we’re doing here but um when he’s not out it’s up to other guys to step up uh carry that load and I thought guys you know did a great

Job with that tonight when you say stuff do you do you come into the game thinking you got to do more or is it just kind of come to you I’m talking the team as a whole not just you yeah I mean you know especially for a guard the ball

Is going to be in your hands a little bit more naturally just just without him um on the floor but you know I don’t think you have to come in and try to be you know Superman it’s just uh picking up you know a little couple extra

Percent and um everyone does that and it kind of um can make up for for obviously the big hole that he leaves in the team and um as I said we’ve got guys all through the roster that when the number is called they come and make an impact

And um that that’s how it has to be and especially against a team like that with with so many weapons um guys are ready to play and uh we didn’t it off to a great start but the way we fought back you know in that third quarter in

Particular um I think the 10 guys that stepped on the floor in that third were were unbelievable and it kind of blew the game open Josh on that silent of Bounce play you guys run that usually is with shade diving at The Rim how much of

That pass timing base and how often do you get to practice that with a guy like Wiggins who kind of took that role tonight yeah I would we’ve never practiced it it’s kind of just been something for my Rook year that you know I’ve always tried to find different ways

To score the ball for get other guys looks and um usually when teams run a side sideline out of bounds play they’re not looking to score off the first cut it’s kind of like a dummy cut just get through and I’ve started throwing it early and now guys obviously know that

I’m looking for them and teams have started to scouted a bit more and it’s we haven’t got to this much obviously because teams sit they’re big under the rim and it’s not as open but um you know they know it’s a Live card and I’m

Trying to get him the ball but um yeah it’s nothing we’ve really worked on guys are smart and they know that I’m trying to get him looks and on that same note it seems like whenever you used to throw that skip pass to L Dort in the corner

Now teams are kind of positioning the guy on the ball shading toward Dort have you noticed that same thing too and kind you worked on counters away from that yeah I have I mean as I said you know teams are throwing different looks and it’s just silent out of bouns play so

You think teams wouldn’t react too much to it but they are and uh you know it’s kind of a credit to the guys and the way they get open and get and and cut so um you know we we’ve got coaches really smart with you know atos and sideline

Baseline plays and he um he puts me in a position to be able to get guys shots and uh we’ve got guys that can cut you know it’s when you got Isaiah Joe flying off pin Downs he attracts a lot of attention and guys get slips and layups

So um he’s very very smart on drawing up plays like that Nick you see thunder Chad what did you um would you see some as some keys to the defense in the second half I think you held him to 42 uh yeah just keing in on game plan uh

Knowing what they were trying to do and then uh you know trying to make that tough and uh make them beat us doing something else uh dub I think 10 different guys had an assist what did you feel in terms of just the the energy

That the ball had tonight um I think we did a good job moving the ball trusting one another uh we didn’t really do a good job of that in the Houston game and it didn’t allow us to really get out in transition or kind of have any flow um

So I think we did a really good job there trusting each other I think a lot of that too stem from from our defense I thought we were flying around really well and uh did a good job with our rotations understand the game plan and I think our defense kind of

Sparks our offense so when we’re in that defensive mode um just trusting each other I think kind of flows into our offense and you can kind of see it from there CH Mark weren’t necessarily super happy with the way things played out last game for you so just obviously off

Season you had never fouled out once um going from that to tonight you you get free throws just a general performance you have one foul just talk to me about that that flip and just the difference in these two games obviously way different team yeah

Um I mean you you can always look at last game and be like just wasn’t my night uh and just call it one of those but uh you know I never try to do that I always try to see where I can be better and uh you know a couple of the fouls

Were Silly a couple of the fouls were questionable and then it all adds up and then uh you know on top I had some fatigue and bad decision making in that game so it was a lot I could clean up made sure I watched the film figured out

What I could be better at and then uh you know came in more focused and ready to go tonight for either of you U Josh just we talked in La uh back in January or so and he was just mentioning the low points of this whole thing where he’s

Having to adjust to to teams defending him the the way they’ve been and now you know obviously he’s had this recent stretch of play where he’s been way better he was just talking about um the the different approach the different energy he has for the game just from

From your points of view just in terms of emotions like how have you seen him you know maybe be different this time around compared to when he was first started dealing with that um I think I think he just changed his mindset a little bit um you know we Tred

To instill confidence in him and I think constantly just let him know that we’re here as a team uh you know we’re probably going to be especially during that stretch the only people at that time you know that would be able to be close enough to talk

To him and and kind of keep his confidence ey I think that just speaks to the volumes you know of a person that he is to be able to to play through that I don’t think a lot of guys in the NBA will be able to do do that and kind of

Stick with you know the DraStic change of how people regard regarding him uh he stuck with it stayed in the gym did his thing there and um you know you’re kind of seeing that come back to light but I think a lot of that is just stuff that

He’s doing in the you know being able to work out and you know kind of just stick to his routine and stick to what got him there and just kind of trust in his work um you can kind of see his confidence go from there yeah I mean obviously he’s on

A heater right now he’s hooping at a very high level but uh you know that’s who get is uh you know hell of a player and when when teams play us different ways it’s it’s not just a single person’s job to figure out how to

Counter that you know us as a team have to get better at playing against how team team are playing him individually and us as a team and you know I have nights like that where teams throw different looks at us Shay gets different looks dub gets

Different looks and and us as a team have to figure it out uh you know it’s not a one person thing and I feel like we’re in a really good spot with that figuring out how to play against different looks and on top of that he’s

He’s hooping at a high level right now uh getting downhill beating guys uh you know where he’s not just finishing over the top of people he’s getting to the rack and finishing through people um you know he’s knocking down jumpers as well and uh making his free throws playing

Defense and making great reads with the passes out of plays and sets and uh actions too so um you know credit to him uh and you know if if you’re going to find it at any point in the season Now’s the Time so uh you know he’s going to

Keep it rolling D that was a better answer Andrew schu with the athletic uh J last season Mark talked a lot about you clearing hurdles as you like went through your season um I’m curious how you see kase after like completing your rookie season seeing kind of KAS go through his rookie

Season how have you seen him kind of clear hurdles you know 16 points tonight he wouldn’t be able to do it without his vet right here so just throwing that out there let that one flop and hit the floor um Chad’s nobody’s vet by the way he’s one of the rookies on the

Team um we’re not really into like the rookie walls as an organization so uh he’s done a really good job doing that I think a lot of it just speaks to attitude um I think when you have a good approach and attitude and you go about having fun

With the sport and kind of embracing the obstacles of an NBA season it allows you to play really well and and get through a lot of stuff that might stump other people um his confidence is really high all the time and I think he’s just a

Good good human so I think when he goes to his approach of having off games or you know just the challenges of being in the NBA for the first year I think he’s done a really good job being optimistic with it and kind of buying into the team

Um understanding his role on the team and trying to be the best at that in it I think that served him really well and then you know how have nights like this where he plays extremely well and he’s been really consistent for us all year especially in the role that he’s in you

Know he’s picking up the best defenders on every basically every night um offensive yeah picking up the best offensive players on the defens side every night and um he’s doing a really good job that embracing his role and uh you know continue to do that for us but

He’s he’s been really consistent with his work ethic his attitude and just stuff like that and you know it’s obviously shining through and then what have you guys seen from Isaiah Joe is he kind of expands his game he had a career high six assists a couple threes in last

Game dunk somebody crazy yesterday they dunk somebody crazy two days ago yeah we’ve seen a lot from him uh you know everybody sees the threes knows how well you can shoot the ball other teams that’s the top thing on The Scouting Report for him but uh you know he does

So many other things for us like you said the the passing today uh you know he sticks his nose in every play on defense he’s huge on the glass for us at times and uh you know he’s really not a one-dimensional player um you know the shooting shines through uh cuz he does

It at such a high level but um you know as a team we don’t kind of let everything else he does go under the table we we definitely recognize it this is a question for for both of you I was just wondering from the outside of the

UN it seems like defense is the hardest part for like us to evaluate not kind of knowing the ins and outs of the NBA what do you guys think is like the most overlooked part of Defense same thing K rich said today can’t picture yourself out there sliding your feet on I

Personally I really can’t um go ahead um yeah I’m going to go I think the biggest adjustment for me especially this year uh has just been trying to play as hard as you can without fouling um there’s so many different ways offensively to draw fouls um that me and you have not

Figured out yet yeah I’m going be honest how many free I mean part of it is figuring out how to do it and part of it is there there’s an art to getting fouled and a lot of like main to do with actually getting the call too yeah

There’s like a cell aspect of it so I think defense is just and you also have to earn your way enough in the league where that you get that call whereas you know you guys writing that down certain certain guys get certain calls that certain guys might not get yeah so like

You got to like understand like that’s like a big part of it like understanding who your guarden every night and and tendencies so I would just I think I don’t know who did K Rich get asked that question or something similar to that today yeah I think it really is playing

Without fouling cuz you’re playing so hard and you’re trying to gauge how physical you can be and you got to see how the game is being afficiated so um that’s been my my biggest hurdle and something that I think any Defender would probably say you have to defend

Guys different every night and kind of understand how they like to get to the free throw line and just things like that so I would definitely say defending without fouling and still being there to test shot so there’s a lot that goes into that yeah my thing on defense is

Like always competing throughout a game throughout a single play uh just always competing and part of that is understanding how to not foul and part of that is also like just making it through 82 games and competing every single play uh especially on the defensive end sometimes that’s sliding your feet

Sometimes that’s cracking somebody on the rebounds sometimes that’s you know communicating screen coverage is just like trying to understand that we got 82 games but uh every single play is super important within that so not losing sight of that and then really locking in on each play so that we can get those

Handled you guys pretty loose uh most of the time you about to go on a a East Coast trip play some of the best teams Indiana and Boston Philly and considering you like in the west you know battling Denver how do you approach

That is it just one of 82 or is it uh do you look at as maybe a little bit setting the scene for what the playoffs going to be like um I feel like every team who’s in position is really gearing in for the playoffs uh all these games

Mean a lot because of how tight the standings are um but on top of that you know everybody’s trying to kind of get their together for uh the playoffs coming up uh you even see it in the way that uh games are being officiated they’re being officiated more like

Playoff games a lot more physicality uh you know it’s a lot harder to get a whistle on certain calls um and you know obviously we have to really focus in on on the west because that’s what we’re seeing first but um you know seeing these teams in the East is very

Important as well uh get a good look at them um and how they play and stuff try to figure them out but you know at the end of the day it’s going to be more about you know sticking to our stuff and what we do uh and if we do that I feel

Like we’ll be in a good spot no matter who we put that was a pretty good answer I don’t Daniel then Andrew for both you um you guys are by far the least fine team that takes into a text flagrance talking about the refs what on what did I do

Cursed right that’s a fine yep put it up I got fine oh I mean nobody nobody on this team has three max contracts under their belt where’re just like money is paper so we all care about that could be subject to change yeah Mark Mark talks about how uh he

Tells you guys to like not argue with the refs and cuz let him do that how much of that has allowed you guys to to not like how much of that of him saying telling you guys that allows you guys to not argue with the refs to get a t

They’re human they make mistakes just like I do miss shots turn the ball over they miss calls it’s part of the game um it is what it is like you can sit there and argue but like it’s not going to change the call that just happened

You know so just like coach is going to have our back uh so we just got to go out there and play and uh the cards are going to fall how they fall and it seems like it’s a really real mature thing for a team to have how much of that has

Allowed you guys to be as successful as you guys have been this year uh I mean every little thing adds up and I feel like that’s just one of them so uh you know it definitely uh you know helps go towards success when you know we don’t have guys missing games for suspensions

Or other teams shooting free throws for teexs and stuff so uh you know every every little thing adds up we’re just trying to give oursel the best chance to win games yeah you’re going to see these refs down the road too so it’s like like they’re human they’re supposed to be

Impartial but they’re human they I’m sure there’s some guys on their bad side yeah you don’t ever want to like rub somebody the wrong way like like I said like we’re going to have like I’m going to go throw a turnover in a game and

Mess up the same way they might miss a call or I might think they miss a call like unless we challenge it you really can’t change the change the Outlook of it so it’s just we have like a next play mentality um there’s probably going to

Be questionable calls that we get too so it’s both ways that’s the nature of the sport but I think a lot of it is just you know we plan on playing in the NBA for a while and they plan on officiating for a while so it’s just one of those

Things you just try to have a good relationship and just go from there last one Andrew Yeah you mentioned getting calls earlier and like selling calls in particular what what have you learned about that you guys are are both young in your career so far but what have you

Learned about that I shoot two a game I have no idea still trying to figure it out um honestly what I’ve learned is just don’t shy away from contact if you if you try to go out there and play with force and be physical you’ll be in

A good spot um obviously there’s some people who are great at just drawing fouls um but as a rookie I’m not going to game plan my game on that I’m going to go out there just try to play with force uh and you know when I do that uh you know I

See my free throw numbers go up and when I don’t I don’t shoot free throws so is this something you guys go to Shay about obviously this something that he’s done very well um yeah he’s got I me a little bit yeah but I think at the same time uh

I try and predicate my game on like not really needing a foul like during the summer I was working out on like getting hit with layups and just expecting nobody to call the foul um I think it kind of helps me be efficient and just kind of play through

Contact so um I’m not going into every game and I’m like okay how can I get a foul here it’s just something you kind of pick up as you play in the league a little longer uh probably pick Shan Shay’s brain a little bit just as far as

We kind of do a little bit of the same stuff um but I think some of that just comes with time but I’m there hasn’t been a real emphasis on it I just try and play uh if I get fouled being able to more so make the layup and kind of

Anticipate not getting a call I think that’s kind of served me the best way thanks guys Nick Al KY Thunder uh mark would you make of just the the energy that you guys put into into the game on offense in particular the way that I think 10

Different guys had an assist uh you get 33 assists and and just efficient all night long yeah I thought you know our attacks were sharp early uh we obviously had a great shooting night you know so that helps but um did a really good job of just staying on the gas against that

Team following our plan our defense you know in the first quarter was just a little bit loose um they were able to get us in rotations uh and then once we tighten that up we really you know were able to stabilize the game uh and and finished it throughout we won every

Quarter which I think speaks to the consistency and I thought the defense second quarter on was really really good part of that the the sheer hustle play the number of fast breaks that you guys blew up um what’s it feel like as a coach to see the guys making those extra

Efforts yeah we had the juice tonight on both ends of the floor uh really competed did it together did it on both ends uh and were able to you know sustain it for the most part for the 48 minutes so uh you know gave the effort

That we needed to give to to play that well against the team of that quality it felt like especially early on you guys are going to a lot of the high post stuff the the dhos um is that like the to that degree is that a Personnel thing

Tonight and just what you like out of those those actions 34 minutes a night uh and obviously plays a large role in those minutes uh and with him being out we’d like him back as soon as possible but with him being out uh we can stretch our minutes a little bit it forces guys out of their

Normal role a little bit uh and I think has given some guys some confidence and and some um you know Swagger that we can carry forward inter with the athletic Josh has had an up and down season has had a really nice stretch recently not just shooting the basketball but seems

Like in all aspects of this game but what have you what have you seen from him lately has there been anything different you’ve seen um I mean he’s obviously playing with a lot of aggression and confidence right now um I think it’s a good lesson to just you know understand that there’s

A lot of ups and downs in a player’s career the guys to play for a long time there’s a lot of ups and downs in the season for individual players and for the team uh especially young players you know he’s experienced but he’s a young

Player and so um he’s done a great job of just kind of persisting through everything um I think the cross matching was a real challenge for him you know it was a little unexpected and um you know he hadn’t handled that before and so it took him a little bit to calibrate uh

But lately he’s been able to tap back into you know kind of his identity as a player his aggression what makes him really good uh and he’s you know bringing that every night they did that to him tonight and he looked unaffected by it one of the big stories in your

Last match up with the Suns was am just 31 rebounds tonight with three like what did you see from your group that was different from you know the first game um I thought you know Chad specifically did a really good job you know scrapping and keeping him off the glass we had an

Emphasis on trying to hit him early in the game and set in a physical tone with him you know so that he didn’t get kind of that rebounding confidence that he got last time uh but the guy we just played really hard tonight you know I

Thought you know we played hard in our initial point of attack we played hard in our close outs and we’ played hard and all the hustle areas that you know you guys are mentioning like Gordon heward’s been more aggressive off the C you know these recent games how have you kind of seen

Him evolve kind of as a as a guy who’s looking to integrate himself into the offense as a scorer yeah I mean I think our offense is a little different from um what he’s played in for a long period of time and so um him understanding kind

Of where his cracks are going to come from uh has taken a little bit of time but he’s doing a great job you know of of doing that and he’s uh fit right into what we’re doing you know he’s right about where we expect him to be at this

Point uh and he’s really helping us you know when we’re on the when he’s on the floor uh he’s additive and and you know I feel very comfortable with him out there it seemed like Jay will really had a good impact in this game was there anything specifically about this matchup

Or just this game in general that you saw from him um no I thought you know it was one of his better games in a while he played really well played really well defensively around the rim played really well offensively you know like I mentioned with uh Jo’s question in terms of the

Quarterbacking um and even you know they went small in the third you know they put Durant at the five and had you know five perimeters out there we kept him out there and he did a really good job in kind of the closeout game and some uh

Territory that he’s probably not used to so he played a really good game was something you did with Booker and Durant had a big never really had an impact they shot it well they got it but they didn’t really have much of an impact on the offensive I mean similar game plan that

We use on all the you know scorers all the guys that you know are just real threats um so schematically it wasn’t anything special but um you know it’s effective when we do it as hard as we did it tonight you I thought the guys were just really on it even early you

Know I thought our execution was a little sloppy but our effort was really good we were really trying but we just needed to tighten the screws a little bit and once we you know executed and executed at the level of effort that we did um it we just made him earn

Everything which is exactly what you have to do against a caliber of that team and also when with um the different starting lineup you started casing the other tonight Aaron tonight just different looks at those guys they both seen to play well but different roles I

Guess yeah I mean we we’ve done case in a good amount so it was number one giving us a different look we hadn’t done Wiggins yet this year we did him quite a bit last year um and then you know you’re going to be dealing with point of attack creators for 48 minutes

Against that team and two at a time and you know when you start casing and Lou together you’re kind of front loading your two dudes that are are really carrying that load so um the other night with green um you know we would have liked to have

K out there for some of those like second unit minutes so we shifted that tonight to take a look at it against this team and uh like I said to to alsoo give wigs a look with the first group we uh sorry we um we talked some

About you know just chat scrapping kind of on the board just dealing with ner but on the other end like his Rim takes I think eight free throws is up there with like his top five attempts in a game this season just what did you see

From him in terms of you know aggression putting his head down like around the room stuff like that yeah he was good tonight you know and and had to do it a different way they crossmatch him you know they don’t give him very traditional looks so uh he’s doing it

Against perimeter players I thought the pace of our offense tonight really benefited him because it it put him in space and allowed him to you know play freely um you know which is when he’s at his best that’s when he’s really Dynamic and his skill gets into the game so I

Thought he had a nice blend of shot drive for the most part he played pretty quick on the on the catch and with his decisions and you know had a really he obviously didn’t like how he play game and bounced back very well tonight all right

Hear from Josh Giddey, Jalen Williams and Chet Holmgren, and Head Coach Mark Daigneault following the Thunder’s 128 – 103 win over the Suns.

0:00 Josh Giddey
9:16 Jalen Williams and Chet Holmgren
24:03 Coach Daigneault

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  1. Way to bounce back tonight and execute the gameplan on offense and defense… As the defense held the Suns to only 45 second half points and the offense was effection when it goes to getting into the paint and the ball movement that leads to quality open shots… Rest Up and be ready for this 5-game East Coast road trip

  2. peeps giving Giddey shit all year…the guy is a PG that is forced to play off the ball…this is what he does when hes pg

  3. Well done guys for your responses to questions. Well done Chet in regards acknowledging each night defence setup allows another to shine

  4. There is No One Unicorn in this team. THE TEAM COMBINED IS THE UNICORN. The question is? Do the boys believe it enuf????

  5. I know coach thinking of away to use shai of the ball but why would u want too? I guess this is a good problem to have, interesting off season coming up with chet n Cason offseason workout I can see both making the same impact jdub having.

  6. I think the farther we get from the start of this season the better giddey will play. The allegations fucked up his head but maybe I’m trippin

  7. Wow amazing how the youngest playoff contender is the least fined team… The discipline & maturity man I love this team!!

  8. Giddeys a good interviewee , keeps it honest and not afraid to admit short comings or what he’s been thinking with regards to his game .
    As an Aussie , I wish Ben Simmons would take his route with not being afraid to shoot as a not great shooter . All mental .
    Side note , 12/6/4 average in 24 mins per game is not bad for a 21 year old who is used to being a point guard .

  9. All these guys are so intelligent, and the players are so mature for their age. Coach Mark has obviously been a great influence on them all, and he must be acknowledged as an important piece of why this team has grown as much as they have as fast as they have, not even taking his tactical mind into account. Such a great group of guys. ❤❤⭐⭐💪💪🏀🏀

  10. This team has great chemistry and all look out and trust eachother. So much better than having an entitled star begging for the MVP or trying to chase a ring. And they are all happy to credit everyone on the team and recognise a good game no matter who it is. Keep this group together.

  11. I like how he answers questions. I cant stand the lackadaisical nonchalant attitude that most urban influnced players, have towards being on the podium. Like they are too cool to be answering questions. You get more of an undersranding and sense of appreciation from the likes of a Giddy. Harkens back to the days of Jordan and Bird up there answering questions. I say stop interviewing the likes of SGA, Chet and keep it to players like Giddy. Makes for a better overall experience.

  12. This team just spills out intelligence. Part of that is them obviously but damn this coach is cerebral as well! Perfect coach for this young talented team. I really hope they can find a way to stick together long term because they really seem to enjoy being around each other.

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