@Miami Heat

Postgame Interview: Erik Spoelstra

Postgame Interview: Erik Spoelstra

Obviously that was a very depleted roster but in every game you talk about how your teams can take steps forward can show growth so what did you see even against a team in that situation that you feel portends well going for ahead for your team right I mean there’s a

Bunch of different ways you could approach this game but um there was a professionalism from our our part uh and an energy and an intentionality you know and that’s really what we’re aiming for right now it doesn’t guarantee you get the results you want uh but you stack those kind of uh minutes

Possessions quarters games uh and then you start to build those habits and you know hopefully that becomes more who you are um but that that was encouraging to see us be able to sustain that kind of energy and intentionality throughout the course of the game you always talk about

Staying ready how pleasing is it to see what Thomas has done in the stretch and Haywood too yeah they’re both playing their their best basketball right now uh it really is um encouraging to see you’re happy for those guys you know I I get to see them be behind the scenes uh

They put so much into this uh and you know early on the year you know because we had our depth uh they didn’t know necessarily uh whether they’re going to play uh every single night but they stayed the course uh they continued uh to stay ready and then also improve so

When they got their opportunities they were ready for the opportunity uh and then were able to you know produce um and be better for the team than you know at the start of the season and that’s what you hope for everybody but not everybody approaches that uh during a

Long NBA season when you’re not necessarily getting what you want it’s it’s the long game it’s the not searching for instant gratification um and you’re just really happy you know for those guys they’re they’re they’re Pros Pros and um you know they’re playing really well right now Eric we saw that one possession

Where Point bam desperately was trying to get that 10th assist so he can get out and eventually you just had to pull the curtain with a minute to go in the third what’s what’s sort of the balance in the Fine Line there with the guy’s one unit away from a triple double but

Health is also yeah look I I don’t want to be a total buzz kill you know out there you know I want the the guys to have fun and that was a fun moment I think Patty’s going to oh a lch or a coffee or a bottle of wine or for some

You know something we tried to run one action for it I thought he got a good clean look at it he actually had a second play I told him you get one crack at it uh and then I don’t think uh Patty finished his cut and and Bam um led him

And I think it possibly it would have been a tough layup but there was another opportunity for that but ultimately look we’re not we’re not playing for stats uh and the way our season has gone you know with all the injuries and Miss games uh you know I also have to be

Responsible as the head coach another game where bam hits two threes I I just want to ask you in terms of like do you think there’s going to be a point soon where you start to see coverages shift a little bit no probably not this year but we’re going to back if

It does I mean what would that open up I think for the for the offense yeah I don’t know I think it would be a cool thing to explore for sure um I think it’ll take some time uh before schemes change from other teams teams are always

Going to you know right now play off of them just because of all the other things that it can create you know the the passing angles the drives the aggressiveness uh all that stuff uh but we’re probably going to look back on this you know four or five years from now

And not even remember that these were those kind of discussions um and that’s the exciting thing about bam every single year you know he just continues uh to add and that’s a credit to his work ethic uh you know and and having the right environment where you know he can

Explore you know new things within the context of of the team all right thank you come into the room

Mar. 29, 2024 – Erik Spoelstra speaks to the media following Friday night’s game vs. the Portland Trail Blazers.

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