@Milwaukee Bucks

Milwaukee Bucks vs New Orleans Pelicans 3rd QTR – PART 2 Highlights|Mar 28 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Milwaukee Bucks vs New Orleans Pelicans 3rd QTR – PART 2 Highlights|Mar 28 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

[Applause] glad you said [Applause] that n junor taking the pass Williamson Zion not there and here comes Giannis on the Move Giannis is looking for his Runway once again flips it up off the class my goodness this is spectacular wow the last 16 points for lost going on the road for three games

Trying to pick up a win against one of the top five teams here in the west adversity staring the Milwaukee box in the face here tonight in the Box trailing 74 to 69 but an impressive Yannis performance in the third quarter has brought him all the way back and

That one ring out for mllo we’ll take that kind of look as Hawkins with the three-point look and two shots two misses for the Pelicans here’s Yannis has the last 16 points here for the buck hesitation that’s a mid-range oo he’s got the last 18 he’s on a heater that’s what I talked

About at the beginning of the game he missed about four three or four of those in a row you get those bricks out of your system early and then now all of a sudden you’re into a nice Groove and the jumper shows up doing all this without

Damen Lillard on the bench went back into the locker room and the three-pointer for the Pelicans they were thirsting for that from Trey Murphy well he had missed the six out of seven going into that shot to kind of do on that one well now he’s feeling himself a little

Bit he goes back to back and he dances back like he’s hit seven of those Tre Murphy those are his only two three-pointers of the game Giannis leaning in splits the defense lays it in with his left hand all of a sudden he’s got 32 points and a blink of the

Eye the last 20 points here for the bucks it’s the Giannis [Applause] counter 80 to 73 McCullum pulls up KNX have done a decent do job rebounding the basketball here in this third quarter plenty of one anddone chances here for the Pelicans Chris backs down spins off of mum leaves it

Short and as impressive as Yannis has been he’s going to have to have his reinforcements come to play well and that’s the thing you you look at him now and jior from the corner hel are responding to the challeng that jannis and the Bucks are putting forth here

Late the third Giannis will pull up from three little bit of a heat check the buck have outscored the Pelicans 8 to 22 here in this third [Applause] quarter yis with 20 points here in the third the last 20 for Milwaukee Murphy thei has hit his last two three-pointers he misses that one

Great effort by Chris Middleton just to keep the the basketball the defensive rebound alive and away from Maji Maria Chris Middleton trying to feed Yannis it’s a turnover instead number 12 here for the buck McCullum driving Baseline to Murphy cutting towards the middle gets his own Miss can’t put it back and

A delayed fall all this happening without Damien Lillard who’s returned to the bench area on the stationary bike here for Milwaukee Shan clock still in play going into this possession they work it around the J Crowder Pat conon sees the seam and gives it up to Malik Beasley who’s

Looking for his 6 three pointer that was beautiful teamwork by both Beasley and and and Pat conon Pat pen it elevated and then be nice bailout movement to get to the corner for the open three be has got one of those three-pointers here in the third quarter one of the the few

Bucks not named Giannis to score here in the third Nance Jr losing it and the final shot and final play of the Third quar

Milwaukee Bucks vs New Orleans Pelicans 3rd QTR – PART 2 Highlights|Mar 28 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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