
5 Best Outdoor Basketball Shoes Spring/Summer 2024

5 Best Outdoor Basketball Shoes Spring/Summer 2024

What’s up Zach here and today I’ve got my top five favorite shoes for outdoor basketball and I really tried in this video to kind of cover all the different bases of outdoor basketball number one the rubber durability number two protection from those really unforgiving quarts and number three breathability on

Super hot days so it try to get a little bit of a mix in there this year let’s get into it now the number five shoe on this list really intrigued me because to me it felt like it was a tennis shoe just disguised as a basketball shoe

That’s how rugged it was but it also plays well on indoor courts too and that would be the Adidas Dawn Issue 5 now the reason I love the dawn Issue 5 especially for outdoor basketball is that number one it’s relatively inexpensive right especially depending on the colorways you get number two it’s

Got enough features in it that yeah if you’re playing indoor basketball they grip fine they’re a really nice playing shoe on indoor courts but that tread pattern is rugged enough four outdoor courts and just the shape of them especially in the rear foot with how

Stable it is back here it does a really nice job in terms of accepting an orthotic if you want to put it in for outdoor quartz so you’re looking for a pretty widely available budget option on outdoor quartz you can throw an orthotic in there to really kind of bump up the

Protection aspect of them this is a great pickup and speaking of that protection like in the fives you can put the orthotics in the number four shoe I feel like is one of the most protective out there just on its own even with no augmentation and that is the New Balance

Fresh Foam BB V2 and like I said in my review if you’re a dragger or slider you know this tread pattern is going to wear down a little bit however if you’re not dragging and sliding a ton the rubber number one the durometer is high enough right to resist wear on outdoor quart

Especially painted slick outdoor quarts but the tread pattern also is good enough to grip those super slick painted outdoor quarts I’m sure if you’ve played outdoor basketball you know you’ve gotten onto some courts and they are 10 times more slippery than any of the dusty courts you might be playing on as

Well so this tread pattern just induces a lot of confidence on those types of quarts but also will resist wear enough on the grittier you know just more black top outdoor quarts as well but the main reason I like these for outdoor basketball is the Fresh Foam x in them

These are one of the most protective shoes out there and unlike some other shoes that are super protective just don’t have the rubber durability just don’t have enough other features in them to make them good for outdoor basketball these have the protection in the midsole as well as the trappings all around them

That really help these hold their own on outdoor Court the one complaint I would have about them is is that there is a lot in the uppers in these that could potentially trap heat and moisture on a hot day so I would make sure you’re bringing an extra pair of socks or just

Thin light socks in these to keep your feet feeling you know fresh and cool on those hot summer days but coming in at number three is a shoe that just finds itself on I swear every list I make it’s just it’s built so well for so many

Things until someone makes a shoe better it’s going to keep coming up on this list and that is once again the New Balance Coco cg1 and the reason I like these so much is they’ve got the side to side support of a maximalist tennis shoe right so they are really really good in

Terms of that low Toth ground feel just that nice just protective containing feel but they also are kind of un encumbering and Nimble enough that they feel like more of a minimalist tennis shoe or more of almost like a really thin minimalist drop in basketball shoe but they don’t have any of the

Instability concerns there so it really it’s almost like the faster version of The Fresh Foam BBV too just maybe not as protective but once again you can throw an orthotic in these and still get you know really excellent protection from the ground so you like I said this is

Build as a tennis shoe however in terms of this prowess for tennis outdoor pickle ball and outdoor basketball honestly I think it does all three things equally as well as well as equally Elite and speaking of the cg1 for outdoor basketball I’m sure you’ve realized this shoe is a midtop that’s

Unlik a lot of other shoes recently been coming out that the ankle collars are getting lower and lower and that means it’s harder and harder to fit orthotics in them and that’s what brings me to today’s fine sponsor which is power step and specifically the power step pulse

Which I think is kind of the best solution these days for these super low ankle colored basketball tennis pickle ball and running shoes because number one they have the same broad AR support as any other power step orthotic but that heel counter that heel cup gets so

Low in the shoe that it’s not pushing your heel out of the shoes but it’s also not sacrificing any art support cuz remember you can get lowprofile Orthotics out there but a lot of times you’re going to be sacrificing the arch support for getting your heel lower into

The shoe whereas the pulse has the same durability as any other power step right you know you’re going to get a good 6 to8 months of really premium performance out of these unlike some other foam and gel insoles out there or more minimalist insoles out there or lowprofile insoles

Which maybe will last you 1 to 3 months these are going to give you the type of durability that a custom orthodic give you maybe even better but also in that low profile package so if you do want to check these out I will leave them Linked

In the description below and I do think like I said the pulse specifically in the power step line one of the better ones out there for the outdoor basketball Enthusiast or anybody that’s wanting to get that support in those lower heel countered shoes so let’s move on to number two and honestly

Differentiating the the top one and two shoes on this list pretty tough they’re both pretty darn Elite but coming in at number two this year is the anti- shock wave 5 as as well as the Shockwave 5 Pro now the reason I like the Shockwave 5 so

Much number one double shank on top of that nitrogen infused foam just gives you so much protection from the ground but also the tread pattern on this I feel like is probably the best out there for outdoor quarts number one the hollowed out triangles give you suction

Cup grip but also more that rug grip than getting into the for foot with that wave pattern plus those triangles that Boomerang pattern just on outdoor quarts no matter what quartz surface you use them on they’re just so good at gripping those quarts but they also are so darn

Durable too so you really can just get crazy in these plus that tread rides up over the for foot of the shoe giving you a lot of dragging and sliding protection like I said those double Shanks just protect you from the ground really really well plus the ankle color yeah

It’s swoops down really low in the mid but it has enough padding around both sides of your Achilles 10 and what we call kager’s Triangle you can throw an orthotic in these and still get a decent lockdown yes I do think the Shockwave 5 is a better outdoor shoe than the Kai 1

The kai 1’s to me yeah they can play outdoor basketball and and do it okay the rubber on them little softer still has good durability but in terms of the protection against the ground and the rubber durability I feel like you get as much playability on the shock wave 5 as

You do on the kai 1 on the outdoor courts on indoor quarts yeah I think the kai 1 definitely takes the shock wave 5 for sure just because of the feel the The Buttery smooth motion that these give you on foot really all the other packaging that this

Shoe has in it however on outdoor asphalt concrete cement these really unforgiving quarts I think the shock wave five still has it and before I get to the number one shoe I do want to do the best drop in midsole shoe for outdoor quarts and honestly this really

Isn’t even close and that is the Way of Wade 8083 and the Way of Wade 8083 Ultra V2 both of these shoes number one have good breathability and outstanding protection against those outdoor quarts with that boom drop in midsole plus the rubber durability on these like most way

Of wage shoes is just out of this world so in terms of breathability containment ruggedness protection on court Honestly by a country mile country kilometer wherever you are in the world the 808 line specifically The Way of Wade 8083 Ultra V2 as well as just 8083 the

Regular edition are just out of this world for outdoor basketball and really no other drop in midsole shoe yet that I’ve seen comes close to these in terms of their out door performance but coming in number one people that watch this channel a lot probably know where I’m

Going with this and that is the Way of Wade All City 12 to me has the best mix of protection on foot breathability rubber durability and grip on outdoor courts now the All City 11s did have a little bit more forgiveness in the forfoot however in every other aspect

The 12s have really built upon the 11s and just made them so much better plus in the rear foot this shoe is so stable so if you are getting into a lot of foot to- foot Combat on those courts they’re still going to grip and still going to

Stay very stable on courts you’re not rolling over and I I understand what way of way was doing with the TW in terms of trying to make the 4f foot a little bit more streamlined and not as clunky getting up and down the court um hopefully in future lines this does not

Get as narrow in the forefoot they can kind of bulk this out a little bit like they did in the 11s but in terms of playability in terms of outdoor basketball honestly it’s tough to get better than the 12s but of course love to hear your thoughts what shoes have

You been playing on outdoor courts what shoes have you had success with in terms of durability and protection love to hear your thoughts in the comments down below and speaking of the number one shoe on this list with all this boom foam in the midso if you do want to see

A deep dive in the differences between boom foam from Way of Wade and zoomx foam from Nike make sure you click into this video up above and subscribe down below respect your rubber in fo I’ll see you somewhere in the S of verse

Real foot doctor reviews the best basketball shoes for outdoor basketball on asphalt, concrete, and cement courts for spring and summer 2024

Buy Way Of Wade shoes HERE:
Grab a pair of Nikes HERE:
Grab a pair of adidas HERE:
Grab a pair of Under Armour HERE:
Grab a pair of Puma sneakers HERE:
Buy 361, Rigorer, Li-Ning and Anta Shoes HERE:
Buy New Balance shoes HERE:

2024 Basketball Shoe Guide:

Check out
FREE Updated shoe anatomy guide:
FREE Shoelace guide:
FREE Orthotic Fit and Wear Guide:

My custom orthotic guide and checklist:

My Favorite OTC Orthotics:
15% off PowerStep orthotics: ( use code: footdoctorzach15)

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My on-court camera:
My on-court drone:
My on-court 360 camera:
My on-court electrolytes:

My Favorite Shoe Laces:
Orthostep Thick Round Laces:
DELELE Round Wave Laces:
New Balance Bubble Laces:
Birch’s Thick Special Wave Laces:
My Shoe Lace Review:

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As a foot doctor I look at basketball shoes and basketball sneaker technology a bit differently as I focus more on what foot types benefit from these shoes as well as the basketball shoe’s functional attributes on the basketball court

DISCLOSURE: I often review or link to products I regularly use and think you might find helpful. Wherever possible we use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase I may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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Disclaimer : This is not medical advice, nor can I give you medical advice. Everything here including videos and comment responses is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical advice. You should contact your doctor to obtain advice with respect to any health issue or condition. Nothing here should be construed to form a doctor patient relationship.
Disclaimer : This is not medical advice, nor can I give you medical advice. Everything here including videos and comment responses is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical advice. You should contact your doctor to obtain advice with respect to any health issue or condition. Nothing here should be construed to form a doctor patient relationship.


  1. i put power step pinnacles in all my athletic shoes now…I have found them as low as 28 dollars on amazon and I stock up on them

  2. Based on one of your recommendations last year, I have found the New Balance Two WXY V3 to be great for outdoor pickleball surfaces….they have great support and they have good durability…compared to my Nike PG6, the New balance last 2x as long in sole durability although both feel great when playing on hard courts…can't forget the Power Step insoles too….I just wish New Balance made the same shoe upper with a turf sole so I could use them for softball

  3. I need an orthotics review video.. can you point us in the right direction? Different versions for different foot issues needed

  4. W need more vids like these. Unrelated to the video but you can improve the grip test by testing with the shoe facing sideways, backwards, and forward. !!

  5. Knew it would be no.1 for outdoors after also hearing other sneaker reviews about these. Very well rounded; Low to the ground but bouncy, low top shoe but still supportive and very breathable, grippy indoors and outdoors, and very affordable! Might be even better than the WoW 10s so im just waiting for more colorways to release while im earning. Im also waiting for the Li-Ning Gamma review to release. Heard it rivals the kobe 8s as the lightest basketball shoe.

  6. hoping for other video of list of shoes that goods about players weight or for players with bad knees or something else 🙂

  7. Hi zach! Do you think there is a better colorway option of the all city 12 for outdoor? Because some colorways like the silver one have instead of a mesh in the toebox some kind of fusing. Appreciate a lot your work here

  8. No Nike options?? These are fine and all but I was hoping to see a shoe that looks good too… new balance is so dull

  9. I have the AC11 and have really enjoyed playing in those, maybe I'll get the AC12 too when I have earned enough again but for now I'm gonna stick with my current pair

  10. Serious players only P1P and the AR1 are shoes that I would have included…maybe WOW Fission 9 too…but I agree AC12 is a better all-around shoe

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