@Boston Celtics

☘️The Boston Celtics are TRASH!🚮 (NBA Debates) | The Panel

☘️The Boston Celtics are TRASH!🚮 (NBA Debates) | The Panel

Well uh African English man what what they call what they call black black black folks what’s up what’s up y what’s up black people I did one of them um 23 and me thing because I want to find out what my peoples was from oh where where you from turns out

My I think over 80% of my lineage is Nigerian so I was like all right that’s dope and I got some English and S 17% English and Irish so it’s obvious that you know some people sneaking in the slave quarters right so right I get that

Part but then didn’t sneak in at all actually yeah they kind of like just kind of made their way and they weren’t sneaking in the slave quarters they was just you know showing up but then I found out that there’s a percentage like a 2% got some Asian people in my family

I’m like what the hell is that about where I get that from I how far back do you what’s the furthest back you can go with uh like your actual like you know who somebody is like know their name or something well the the the thing on um

On 23 and me it was uh the lineage was like five generations something like that that’s cold a you know where you from uh California no no no no you know what I mean don’t do that don’t do that you know what I mean you know anything

About your your people yeah yeah my my grandpa from Mississippi my you know what I’m saying we [ __ ] but I’m from California though yeah only American I got you Mars you know where your people from I think M said something about Jamaican I think I think M said something like

That I said Bumble claw one time CH you did say that but then you also but then you also then you also did say something about Jamaican Mars are your people from Jamaican are from Jamaica maybe I don’t know what do you mean maybe

Mars as far as as far as as far as I’m concerned I just spawn him as far as I’m concerned I I don’t know all right okay like you just showed up is that what it is what what about what about what did what did your 23 and me say I never did

One I I’ve only done um we had to do little projects for grad school stuff so we find out where we from the fur I can get back it’s like the 1830s where we had uh I know we had some people in West Africa like everybody else does around

Here but I know that the 1830s is further back we can go as Indiana uh because apparently the rumor on the street is is that there was a a black uh a black slave that ran away with a Frenchman to America in the 1830s and then they settled in Indiana uh and then

They went to Kansas and then they my family also moved to Colorado bro so I’m I’m from I got people in Maryland like Preston smalltown Maryland middle of nowhere type deal but like y’all the furthest I can go back it’s like 1930s to like my grandfather when they were

Born uh we had men that served in the war so they were a part of like some of the first black infantries to serve in like the the world war you know World War II and then obviously in Vietnam War and all that stuff too but yeah bro

That’s what’s up that’s what’s up I don’t know I don’t know much bro that’s that’s another thing I feel like personally I should be free for all of us you know all that stuff like oh hey would you you want to know you know where y’all been the last 700 years okay

Here you go for free you know we owe it to you so that that would be dope to find that out for free I shouldn’t have to pay for right right yeah like where you from I’m from C I’m I’m American a foundational black American that’s what

I said so I get it no I just s off from California that’s all but uh so yesterday we was talking about uh we was talking about Draymond and I was telling ox and I was telling Ms I’m over Draymond swipe I’m out I’m out on Draymond I I’ve had enough of him

I know that he is intrical to their success I know how important he is to what the Warriors have been doing over the years Steph is much better when he plays with Draymond Draymond is one of the better players of this generation one of the best defensive players of

This generation but I feel like where we are in this progression of the Warriors they’re going the other way this is a team that was in the championship in 22 last year they lose to the Lakers who they’re not better than and that’s largely due to Anthony Davis in the post

And then now here we are excuse me excuse me now here we are they’re fighting for a playing spot so they may not make the playoffs and this is largely due to Draymond off the strength that Dray they are better when Draymond is on the floor well he can’t keep

Himself on the floor I think he got thrown out of four games this year in the process of him getting thrown out of four games they don’t have a winning record he got suspended for 12 games he should have gotten suspended David Stern was still alive he probably

Would have been done for the season to be quite honest with you knowing David Stern I think he would have been finished but with that being said I think that Draymond has become more of a headache than he is a resource and that’s where I am with him at this point

I think that I I don’t think the headache is I don’t think the headache is worth everything else because they’re not winning the NBA championship and that’s the only reason why you keep this crew together that’s the only reason why Steph is on the crew that’s the only

Reason why Klay is on the crew that’s the only reason why Dre is on the crew because you guys are trying to win the NBA championship if you’re not winning it why are we keeping this crew together well chill can we all can we all just get aboard and say I was right

From the beginning when I said what I said in the summertime trade Steph Curry oh it was time I think okay okay so it was it was it was a lot of people that were just upset with me that were disgruntled by me saying these things like it was

Blasphemous or something and I’m like this is how you this is how you save or this is how you allow Steph to continue to build on his legacy and also save your your franchise for the future you think ask for that Ox I don’t know if

You would ask for it but sometimes you don’t ask some sometimes you just don’t know what good for you like you don’t you think the Warriors would want to self blow it up like they say they would just do it without what steps input I think that’s be I would that’s my thing

That’s my thing swiper I’m I’m so I’m so with coaches coaches coaching gmms being GMS and players being players that I don’t care if Steph Curry Legacy for players that are like that I care who you are I don’t care who you are I’m I’m with GMS being GMS and players being

Players that’s what I’m with imagine being a GM that creat a step though without without him wanting to be imagine imagine being the GM imagine being the GM that sat around for these next three years watching this team not make the playoffs and Steph just wasting

His last two three years of his career I think it’s I think it’s pointless I think on top of that you can Revitalize your franchise you can go you can go somewhere and get some draft picks you can go and get another another young player uh you know what I’m saying you

Can go do that we can be we can build up on this instead of us instead of us just pretending like Steph can continue to carry us through the things he’s carry he’s Carri us through I think somebody has to sack up and be like all right

Steph thank you so much for what youve done for this franchise You’ changed our you I mean you’ve changed all of our lives forever you know what I’m saying but now it’s time to not be one of those sentimental teams that end up not in the playoffs for six years because we love

Steph Curry you know way to go I’m say G I’m I’m cool with player empowerment to an extent players play coaches coach GM GM that’s let’s do that let’s just do that Mar what was your what was your mares what was your basis for moving off of Curry

Once they got Chris P it was it was cooked I I don’t know what they I was pushing for the Pingas thing if you remember I do remember that yes I do I do remember that what would the trade been for poringa that time Mars at that time uh

What did I say I know no it was definitely you actually had you had third team involved if I remember correctly I can’t I can’t fully remember I just know I know for a fact I had Jordan Paul going to Washington like I know I Jordan PA was definitely in the

Trade um I believe I believe I probably had to put put in um some picks that they had I can’t remember what it was I’ll be lying if I said I could I just know Jordan Paul was in it then they didn’t get they didn’t they didn’t get

Porul zingus they went and got another player from the wizards they went and got Chris Paul I was like yeah this team is cooked so I I was of the belief that they’re not going to win if they’re not going to win why you Wasing Steph Curry pack up

Steph Curry and then I didn’t have an idea of where he should go so then I just started pushing Steph Curry to Houston propaganda but I I do think Steph Curry If he if he doesn’t want to be there which I don’t know if he doesn’t he might want to stay there

Forever if he wants to win if he wants to win i’ I’d get rid of him but Mars this is what I want to know Mars if you’re the GM if you’re the GM you’re the president whatever how much does Steph Curry wanted to be there really

Matter to you honestly for for me for me it wouldn’t matter but I mean you I understand the politics of the NB you saying it wouldn’t matter for you it wouldn’t matter to me at all for me because the way the way I the way I view it

Is my job is to make the Warriors the best it can be not to help the Superstar who helped me along the way I’m sorrys my job is my job is for the Golden State Warriors if in the best interest of the Golden State Warriors is we rebuild

Without 36y old Steph Curry making 60 million then that’s what I’m going to do if the best move for the Golden State Warriors is to keep Steph Curry and build a Championship unit around him then that’s what I’m going to do it’s not about sentimentality and oh this is

The guy who got us out the dark times and all of that I understand the politics of the matter which is like yeah you treat your stars with respect you treat your Superstars I get that but but my job is for the Warriors that’s it

The NBA bid so I think at the top uh in my limited limited limited limited limited time there has been that it’s mostly relationships though and I think if you’re I would say if you can convince Steph Curry to like hey look you know you’re you got like four more

Years left remars you know maybe three three more years left of being Elite truly Elite top I think he got two of them okay so two top 15 more years hey you know Steph this is not going to work out you know Draymond is aging we have

Him on the books Clay’s on the books we’re going to try to offload all these dudes and you know we respect all the things that you’ve done but hey we if you want to stay here we get it and we will support your decision but I think

That end look we can trade you to one of these teams to get you to the Knicks or get you I’m just saying name and name to get you to Nick get you to heat get you to the know nugget get you to the Clippers whatever and say Hey you know

You get a chance to go compete for two more championships and you can be the first or second player of the team how about we trade them to Boston no anyway so we can we can put all these players around all these teams or whatever and then we can give you an

Opportunity to get a run not in Boston I don’t know why you would want to well I Steph Curry would never go to the east coast you heard Jaylen Brown talk about Boston Steph Curry’s not going to Boston um I think some of this is Steph not

Going to Charlotte Steph not going to Charlotte yeah that not yet not yet he ain’t that point but I can see him going to like a you know a nice little playoff team that got some that got some pieces and all that stuff so this is all I’m saying I

Think that for the G for Mike Dunley being for ownership they would not make that kind of move without having an agreement from Steph Curry because of what that would do that could possibly tank your culture period which is you know again it’s it’s 50% of the job it

Just is just that’s what part of your job is managing relationships so I think some of this is I think Steph if he wants to win more yes please ask out go somewhere be special like if he was playing next to embid right now tyres

Maxi Tyrus Maxi here you know go get a flourishing situation maybe in the Warriors Steph go play next to embiid that’d be cold I mean I think we all love to see that they need draft pi as long as they got draft picks and I mean

They should at least at least you you know you know what team has you know what team has draft picks andah City Oklahoma City Oklahoma City roet see but see that that was that was one of the teams I mentioned I mentioned two teams specifically said

Orando or Orlando and OKC those are the two teams I said initially and they got draft picks they got young players they also they also got good pieces to where yeah they they also got good pieces to where if Steph was there they could compete I I think that’s I think that

Was just a smart move and I think people are just so sentimental now it’s just like you’re gonna you’re gonna take your franchise trying to hold on to step and it’s not going to be good for you uh if Draymond and Clay had a little left in

The tank then maybe but hey I mean I’m not a GM for a reason so Steph comes off not Steph I’m sorry uh Klay comes off the books after this year I think that I think that the Dre has a pretty trade friendly they just extend you say trade friendly what team

Wants Draymond Green well it’s a difference between a team that wants him Mars and a team that he works with okay remember Mars this isn’t boyfriend and girlfriend this is what works okay so if if if I’m on a crew like for example the Dallas Mavericks I

Don’t hate him in Dallas to be quite honest with you I actually like him in Dallas that gives him that gives Dallas another ball handler that can take the ball out of Luca’s hands gives him another playmaker who can also set Luca up who can set Kyrie Irving up and he

Would come cheap it’s not like million is not cheap about the trade the trade assets the trade assets and just so in in in in 24 million you don’t really have to give up a lot to get Draymond on your crew you wouldn’t have to you wouldn’t have to break up anything in

Terms of your core to get Draymond on your crew Tim Hardway J yeah it would be Tim Hardway Jr in like another Wing or something I don’t want him around if if I’m any young team Oklahoma City Houston I don’t want him around any of my kids

None of my kids so let’s let’s dead that logic right now Oklahoma City Houston any young team that’s got really good Toronto I don’t want Draymond around none of my kids so do not call me I’m not interested but a team like Dallas that’s in the playoffs and on the

Doorstep and trying to get pushed over the top I don’t hate that I don’t fellas fellas fellas uh yesterday was Steph Curry and draymond’s episode I know y’all seen the thumbnail it had Steph on there crying and it had Dre on there throwing a temper Tantra oh

Today we talking about the Bucks losing to the Pelicans that’s he’s going to ignore the Bucks losing two straight to talk about the Celtics of course is the Celtics episode where we will be putting them on the grill yep let’s do it today we will be taking the Celtics

To grill Town let’s do okay let’s do it today we gonna talk about how the Celtics lost back-to-back games I was fire on taking him to grill toown to the Hawks without the best player and without currently their second best player correct oh shout out to jayen Johnson shout out to Jay

Johnson yeah so let’s start the conversation with the switches that the Celtics were having last night with Deon Murray in KP that was just bad there’s no and I’m sure y’all probably heard it earlier today I mean I’m sure y’all probably heard it earlier I think

There’s a lot of switching going on in the NBA that’s not necessary I complain about it probably the most on this show about guys switching on the perimeter there’s no reason to switch as much as these dudes switch if you’re 27 feet away from the basket and I got CL

Capella setting a G screen or even setting a screen for Deonte Murray porzingis does not have to switch if Deonte Murray is coming off of that if if de jonay Murray is coming off off that off that pick 24 25 feet away from the basket and he makes that I’m cool

With that but there’s no reason to switch that regularly these guys don’t get around screens nearly as much nearly as much as they should that’s number one number two they got killed on the offensive glass last night right they got killed on the offensive glass last

Night and that’s going to be a pro I think that that’s a problem moving forward that they can Rectify but I’m not going to overreact to the fact that they lost to straight because they lost two straight to Cleveland and Denver they ran off nine straight after that

They lost to the Lakers they ran off 11 straight the Golden State Warriors in 2017 they lost three straight they ran off 14 straight after that so the fact that these dudes lost two straight to a team in Atlanta let’s be clear about one thing if they played Atlanta in the

Playoffs they beat them dudes in five six games tops that’s it six games tops so you dudes can talk all you want about them losing to Atlanta the way that they did that’s fine I definitely get that but this is just the beginning of another win streak for them another win

Streak for them I still feel like Jason Tatum am I hearing to get the pass right now I didn’t say that it sounds like passes me it sounds like we’re handing out hall passes again so I I understand Jason Tatum in the meet and potatoes games he’s gonna get behind

That long ball line which he did last night and I may have to accept that that’s just who he is right now I just have to I may you see shot they had at the end of the game show yes good shot I I may just have to

Accept that that’s just who he is and it’s not just the system that’s him I I I just may have to accept that that’s just they don’t run no plays chill they was running isos at the end of the game which and and that and my question to

You swipe is so when we get to when when we get to yeah here’s why and here’s why here’s why I’m I’m saying this because Mars I’m gonna get to you in a second I can only I can only ex and O you for a certain amount of time

Eventually yo go get me a bucket go get me a bucket but no but I’m saying but like isos is cool but your primary action is an isolation at the top of the key and and again when they got the ball with six seconds left I was screaming at

Thought hawks just double as soon as Tatum get the ball start dribing just double because they’re gon then Force the ball to somebody else that’s not in not in any motion at all whatsoever I I’m bro look I’m telling you I’m telling you right now shield and Mars please go come May

June it’s going to be some trouble and it’s going to be some trouble because all that little net rating stuff going out the window all that regular season stuff going out the window all that plus 10 plus 11 going out the window all these set defenses that you’re playing

Versus the Wizards and the Hawks and all this other team when you get into a seven game series with Foster or one of these dudes and they’re like all right we got seven I got seven games in you I’m locked in a cage with you chill like

Me and you if I’m locked in a phone booth with you it’s cook it’s over one of us is coming out it ain’t going to be you that’s how I’m feeling that’s how I’m feeling about it so this is look I’m telling you this gonna be special that

Man Jason Tatum said a sidestep leftwing contested three-pointer to try to win the game and to the left double team tul though with two hands in his four hands in his face essentially but we saw this Tatum is just and here’s my thing let me ask Mar go after this I don’t understand

Why JT gets all the primary load to deal with those situations when Jaylen Brown is sitting right there and also might be a little better in those situation I just don’t understand why there’s nothing wrong it’s not it’s not it’s not player it’s not player for player Tatum’s better than brown but

Sometimes but sometimes getting into the action when you’re not the primary score right it might be a little easier because you’re not seeing the same level of Defense so my thing is go ahead keep going keep going keep going I just I just I I’m just saying like run

Something else other than Tatum hedgy tween hedgy tween fade back back back and then and try to throw it up that’s just not good basketball it’s just not right quick before you go right quick I I wna just hold that thought hold that thought we G we’re gonna cover

Everything regarding this topic but Mars I know you you’ve been pressing to get something off had your hand up um well it’s not that pressing if TR wants to go he can go I just wanted to say something that I just think I just think it’s it’s

It’s so iron not ironic but I just think it’s hypocritical it’s not just you swiper but when I hear people talking about it’s not just you swiper one minute Jason Tatum doesn’t get the basketball in the crunch right he doesn’t ask for the ball in the crunch

But when he does you should be looking you should be look I mean you just you just said if they double him said he always does I’m trying to figure out why he always get the ball jayen Brown you got Jaylen Brown wide open so if he’s got the basketball in

The crunch if he’s got the ball in the crunch he should be shooting it well he shouldn’t be shooting it well if he doesn’t get it why don’t you have the basketball it’s no but jayen Brown was standing in the corner as a spot up shooter just like this while Tatum is

Not going to pass the ball he’s not like that level of playmaker look literally chill he’s getting into multiple shots that are the Nugget shot versus kcp horrible shot didn’t even hit the rim the shot versus Cleveland horrible shot horrible shot was not a bad shot the

Shot against Cleveland it was it was 16 dribbles it was 16 midrange which he can make by away mid-range he can make yes how tall how tall is Jason T how B 69ine why is he not using his body and getting contact and going to the rim in those situations

That’s what he ended up doing that’s how he got the separation sear that’s how he end fade away I did the mid-range Fade Away over who over whom who was the defender I think it was Darius Garland Darius Garland Dar gar Darius Garland so this is what I’m saying so

You’re telling me that at the end of the game situation Joe moula who I think respect is getting a lot better Joe Mula said CH you know what he said at the end of the game oh that was a good shot because that’s what he’s that’s the

Reason why is because that’s the shots that he’s been shooting all year that’s why and what what’s the that’s the shot and what’s the result they got they got the best record in the NBA that’s the result wa best record versus who not not versus the not versus the elite teams in

The west not vers teams what what he clut versus Shay what you CL versus the wols what he clutch vers to the Nuggets did he get out clutch vers to the Nuggets yes sir first of all they split they split with Minnesota all right that’s that they didn’t

Have split give me a break they split with Minnesota they they they lost to Oklahoma City which they were in a dog fight with them right they only played them once they played them Wednesday as a matter of fact right they lost to Denver twice they beat Phoenix twice

They beat Dallas Phoenix yeah they’re terrible they’re dead they’re dead bad they’re not so so even so even team twice yeah but they’re still not I’m saying but that’s cool but like they’re not a good team like there’s a reason why they are where they are so I’m just

Telling you that’s there’s a reason why they are with that’s all I’m saying they’re a good team they’re going to they’re going to put up numbers they’re going to be competitive but I’m saying but like they’re not the they’re not the measure that I’m measuring Boston versus

And they got obliterated in both those matches they don’t have the they don’t have the Personnel the mentality anything to do with Boston so 1,00% 1,00% but you doing too much you’re doing too much I came back on this line I left the work call heard you heard you

Putting a cape on for Jason Tatum and try to save him for what he did at the end of the game and not this ain’t even just Tatum this is Joe moula too it’s both of first of all I’m not trying to save anybody that’s number one number

Two I recognize in the NBA yes top two MVP candidates we’ve already we’ve already done that but with that being said yo the team they lost two games right they’ve lost two games but haven’t we seen other great teams lose two games and go on runs like I just said the

Warriors that’s fine I don’t think this matters for the regular season at all they’re still gonna win 65 games I’m talking about when it’s slow down we get into half court basketball man to man this is going to be problematic because Jimmy Butler and them Ain gonna be

Running away in the clutch and they’re not gonna be too small for you to defend what not you say you’re not worried about Jimmy you you’re not worried about Jimmy chill it’s no way it’s no way you watched last night’s game and Monday’s game you’re not concerned about a team

Like the Miami Heat I’m not concerned about way the reason why I’m not concerned about them is because of what they have to do in order to win they gotta do they gotta basically double what they did last year they have to do that and they not what they did last

Year what they first they got to shoot way better not only because the Boston Celtics offense is way different than last year it’s better and on top of that they gotta play better than they did last you think it’s gonna be do you think it’s gonna be an leite offense in

In the playoffs are you sure about that I do think I do think that particularly because of porzingis In the Zone that’s you think they’re gonna be but do you think be the number one offense in the playoffs again I don’t know if number one but I do think that with the

Exception of with the exception of Denver I do think that they’re GNA be up there off the strength that porzingis in his own and the fact that he stretches the defense like he does in own stretch P so a stretch P making that difference I got you I’m pretty Warford stretched

The floor last year too he chill but he doesn’t he does not do what porzingis does that’s number one number two if I’m not mistaken where the Oklahoma City Thunder at where are the Oklahoma City thundera I’m 100% where are the Oklahoma City Thunder in the standings this year

They’re at the top of the Western Conference that has a lot to do with the stretch five that they have the offense that they the offense that he provides for them the fact that he shoots the long ball the fact that he shoots the long ball the fact that he shoots in the

Mid-range the fact that shoots in the long ball the fact that he shoots the long ball the fact that he shoots in the mid-range that helps their offense out way more than it did last year the best defenders in the league Al Horford did the same things

For the last yes he he’s just not he’s not as tall he’s not you said shter the same thing yeah shooter you said shooter not not player shooter you said shooter shooter we’re talking about shooter we’re was good shooter last year he was 100% but does he provide what porzingis provides when

Teams go Zone does he stretch the defense like porzingis stretches the 30 foot three quter probably probably not probably not 30 foot three’s knocking even at this even at this Advanced stage of his career he’s still doing that I might actually might be better than porzingis against the Zone

Against the zone no against the Zone against the zone I’m Al Horford he’s smarter than porzingis he play makes better than porzingis on top of that H go post up in the zone as as porzingis he’s going to run around none of this happen n none of none of this happens

Last like we’re speaking in hypotheticals when we saw in the and they put him in the corner watched you haven’t watch Bost put Alford in the corner of the Zone they didn’t put him in the middle because every time he was in the middle he was making bad

Decisions we can’t just be lying about what Al Horford could do in his Z when we saw him in his Zone last year not do saying he could do he was in a dunker spot so he wasn’t in the Ducker spot don’t say Al could do this and this man he was

In the zone last year he wasn’t doing this and this like no we didn’t off when it comes I’m I’m telling you what I saw from Al Horford knocking down the corner three knocking down that knocking down the top of at the top of the key too he

He wasn’t just put in the corner that’s not that’s not true yeah that that that 20 that that 29.8% in the playoffs was he was hitting that three yeah whatever I’m saying at the top the top of playing against the Miami Heat playing against the Miami Heat with that

Two3 zone number one porzingis is much bigger he creates a lot more mismatches he can knock down that mid-range shot which him knocking down that mid-range shot strengths the defense make Al Harford wasn’t doing that not like porzingis can do that on top of that him stretching the defense even further

Shooting the long Ball even though Al Harford can shoot the long ball not like porzingis because if that was the case they wouldn’t have traded for porzingis they don’t need porzingis if Al Harford is doing that there’s no reason for him to be on the crew we already have that

So we don’t had that that’s why we trading for porzingis Mars you had a question less of a question more of a oh yeah kind of a question um the Boston Celtics are 11 games ahead of the bucks for the number two seed with nine games left y so long

Story short they’ve got the number one seed even if they lose every game for the rest of the season locked up there’re six games ahead of the next best team in the west with nine games left so it’s reasonable to assume they’re going to have the best record in

The NBA which means in every single playoff series they’re going to have home court advantage um I heard I believe it was Mario chers or Norris Cole one of those Miami Heat guards from like the super team Heat he said um paraphrasing but he said Eric spoler would put us in

Coverages that maybe would lose us a regular season game but we knew we’d need it come playoff time so we was getting the Reps that’s what he said you can find you can find I can’t remember what podcast he said it on but he said

That and might not be word for word but paraphrasing that’s what he said Eric sper would make us run coverages that even if it was we were losing this game or this team was countering it in this way but we knew we would need those reps come postseason time in that certain

Coverage the Boston Celtics are so far ahead of the rest of the NBA they afford to lose a regular season game running coverages that they don’t need to run to win the game they were switching KP on um Deon muray they were switching um ones and fives as CH would say because

They know in the postseason you might need that I think Joe moua said it in the intervie last night I think Joe Missoula said it in the interview in in the postgame interview last night that we wanted to see por zingus with reps guarding and switching ones one through

Five because we haven’t had many reps of that this season and they’re at point where they can afford to do that he said that that was his words I’m pretty sure so why are we overreacting to a Boston team that is by the coach’s admission experimenting because they can afford to

Do so how we giv Joe moua a pass too no it’s not about giving anyone a it’s about it’s about it’s about observing what is happening observing I watched the game last night these games these last why they lost the game why they lose they AR about why they lost the

Game I’m talking about when you weren I don’t think you were here I no you were here because you came up and B talk chill said that they were switching por zingus on jari one through five that’s what they were doing I’m talking about that point in particular and saying the

Celtics can afford to run these sort of coverages because of what they have achieved throughout the regular season so far they are at no risk of getting the number two seed they are at virtually zero risk of not being the having the best record in the NBA they

Can switch porzingis on ones and fives and even if desari gets 44 points you live with the results if there’s other reasons why they lost the game sure but they are at a point in the season where they could lose every game for the rest of the season and still probably have

The best record in the league these games do not matter at all they can rest Jason Tayon for the rest of the season they can rest Jaylen Brown for the rest of the season they can rest Paul zingas for the rest of the season it does not

Matter we are overreacting to the fact that the they lost last night because it doesn’t matter is what you’re saying doesn’t matter I’m not saying they lost because it doesn’t matter I’m saying the fact that they lost does not matter this the game that they just lost is not

Indicative of anything that’s going to happen in the postseason and if you think it is I would love to hear you explain to me why and then tell me why you don’t care that the Bucks have lost two straight games and talk we we’ll get to the Bucks my thing with the Celtics

Is you had your full roster nobody hurt yep it didn’t look like anybody wasn’t trying last night because they didn’t care that they’ll end up with the number one seed no matter what everybody was playing hard Joe moua was coaching hard okay everybody wanted to win that game

If you watch the game it went to overtime they competed all the way through and through okay so we’re not allowed to lose games late in the season even though we got a mile nobody’s allowed to lose games technically chill like when you lose it’s no problem with

Them losing the losing isn’t the issue I think sometimes you got see you got to see the forest through the trees swiper issue is different swiper saying the way they proceeded throughout the whole regular season isn’t indicative to playoff success in the lat great teams I think that’s I think that’s a

Valid criticism to have Ron’s criticism is every time my criticis because you my criticism you did the same thing when they lost to the Cavs coming off an 11 game win streak you did the same thing they just they just came off a nine game winning streak lost two games in a row

And the title is about why the Celtics are trash you do this every time they lose games you haven heard lost 15 your criticism guar we’ve G at least four times why the Celtics are trash every time they lose no one excused no one said it’s okay to lose no one said they

Shouldis know your know they are literally experimenting throughout these games they are experimenting things they Mar they were not I’m watching you play What season when you seen poring switching first off first off that whole thing is a myth what’s a myth I’m not I’m not gonna say

It’s a myth they they may have been switching and they may not typically do that but porzingis wasn’t the only one getting cooked by the Jay Murray porzingis wasn’t the only one he wasn’t even cooking he shots last night and and and and that even goes

Further to my point how do you lose to an Atlanta Team without the best player and without jayen Johnson and you lose to the muray shooting lost the Suns the Suns let’s not do that not at Denver not bonver saying but not Boston well no this is the thing though but the Nuggets

Lost to them twice in the last month in the span they lost or well more than a month they lost three games is that is that indicative of their longterm swiper swiper this is the point I’m trying to make they didn’t lose to them at at full

Strength which M Murray there without KD without lost to the Lakers without LeBron James blowing that’s a cause for concern no it’s not and that’s a cause for conern problem wait no hold on here here listen listen sit here tell me under team and you’re at full strength

And you’re supposed to be the best team in the can I finish making my point before you before you respond before you respond no cuz I’m asking a legit question at full strength right full strength everybody’s good to go you got your star players reved up yeah the

Bench is full and you in a team and you and you play against a team that’s at a bottom of the barrel Team without their best players and you and they beat you back to back they take you down to the wire you’re and you guys are performing

In the clutch that that’s not indicative of something being problematic going forward you guys don’t see that as a cause for concern at all I don’t give a [ __ ] if it’s the pre season I don’t care if mid SE I don’t care if it’s the last

Game of the season I don’t care if it’s the summer league you guys cannot tell me that that’s not a cause for concern that’s like the college team come in and beat you guys in a scrimmage it’s a college team they’re they’re not the point I’m trying to make is they’re not

Up to your level talent wise or anything wise they lost they lost jeon Murray and bdam banovich what are we talking about number one there’s a difference between a cause for concern garage that’s number one number two if you’re gonna keep that energy for the Celtics

You got to do it for everybody else Ron because you left out the fact that the that the Phoenix Suns two nights ago lost to the San Antonio Spurs without wimy had their whole crew on the floor trash it in that’s trash it not only did

You not only did they do that to Mar’s point the Lakers end up beating them no James they’re up 20 in the fourth quarter whole that’s trash is it not true is it not true that the lose to last night when you think hey by the way two completely different

Scenarios no be but to defend to defend the Celtics a little bit here the issue is are we not aware that when a fully healthy team expects to see a certain lineup on certain nights especially if you get up for that game if they show up with a completely different Personnel

Missing their two best players everything goes out the window it becomes a dog fight how do I know this because I was in Denver in press row when Joo and B didn’t play versus the the Denver Nuggets in that game when they had no Tobias Harris they had no

Tyrese Maxi that game and they made it a dog fight down the stretch of the game because you everything Chang Everything Changes our Personnel our decision making our scheme all that stuff changes so I think the same thing for the C in that Lakers game so you can

You can you can maximize yourself all you want all I’m telling you is this you gonna get cooked out the way solo you cook with me on solo the issue with what you’re saying is that every team does this you just have a different approach to the Celtics because you have

Different expectation for them in the playoffs and in the finals and so for you you’re like you guys have different expectations for you you you guys think but everybody has these losses on their Ledger everyone does every team every team so I’m trying to figure out is it just the Celtics

That don’t get to have a regular season drop versus certain matchup the nuggets are one and three versus the Rockies they’re one and three versus the Kings they’re uh what are they uh they’re o they’re one and they’re 0 and2 versus the magic they’re now one and two versus

The Suns is that a is that a is that an indictment on them for the rest of the year or do you believe the three teams you said they what Rockets one and three the Kings one and three the magic 0 and2 the Utah Jazz they’re two in one but

They got dog rocked in Utah that’s a bad team but this is basketball bro like that that’s what happens over the course of a regular season no what Ron is looking for is Ron is looking for us to roast Jason Tatum that’s what he’s this

Is this is even I’m not I’m not promise you want to talk about roasting you wna put you want to put the Boston Celtics on the grill off the strength that they lost to Atlanta two nights in a row right and and we and we we we doing that

You want to put on the grill because twice they’ve lost and in the process of them losing this is a playing team that they lost to Meanwhile the same thing is going on in the NBA throughout the other teams we don’t have this conversation about them and it’s because the

Expectations of the Boston Celtics which is to win the NBA championship that’s absolutely absolutely that’s what I’m saying though like the the Boston Celtics doing this far supersedes any other team if they lose to a team to Superior because the Boston Celtics are at the top of the mountain that’s first

And foremost second off the point that I’m really trying to make is you guys having dog fights with a team without their best player and without their second second best player currently at the time Jaylen Johnson in a team that if if they were currently constructed right now fights I

Watched the 91 Bulls I watched the 91 Bulls hit hit a buzzer beater in Sacramento Sacramento was at the bottom of the Western Conference they won NBA championship that year they lose back to I watch I watched the 2017 Warriors lose every single overtime game game they

Were in that year they did every one of them not not most of them not most of them o every every overtime game that the Warriors was in that year L every last one of them and they March to the finals me final yeah I mean I guess

Because I mean the conversation must have been oh how are they going to close games or who’s the man KD or Steph what are we gonna do and then you realize yeah okay maybe the regular season when you’ve already secured the top of the conference isn’t it

Important okay hey I’m I’m just say saying they’re going to run through the playoffs I’m just saying you’re clearly overreacting because you want to be right about Boston so badly I’m going leave it at this because you hey you guys when they when they put the makeup

On and you don’t see the acne you don’t see she got crusted under her lips you got a black eye what’s the issue with this group Ron what what’s your biggest issue with this group for in in come come those closing moments of the game today is today it’s a month from today

The playoffs start tomorrow what’s your issue with this group going into it’s it’s it’s a few things it’s a few things first off they’re just not as good as you guys think they are they’re just not you guys you guys they’re just not Swip I don’t know what side you’re on I’m I’m

Talking about in general I’m talking about the masses okay I’m talking about the masses they’re not they’re not as good as you guys think they are based on what Ron what what are we basing that on and the reason why I’m asking you that the reason why I’m asking you that is

Because this is the same Boston Celtic team that’s had five Ron count them five five plus game winning streaks this year no other team in the league is doing that nobody they lose to the Nuggets they lose to the Nuggets they lose to the Cavs they proceed to run off 11 straight

After that right they lose to I’m sorry they they lose to the Lakers they proceed the runoff 11 straight after that they lose to the Cavs and they lose to Denver they proceed to runoff nine straight after that I’m and it’s not just because of a favorable schedule

It’s not these winning streaks mean that they’re the best team in the NBA no most people don’t think they’re the best team in the NBA honestly they don’t they don’t they most people do not I would say majority of non betters non- betters betters are betting their money on the

Celtics but I’m saying if most analysts they don’t think that Celtics are the outright best team in the league they think they’re the walk the walk through the East but they think they just think the West is stiffer most people honestly probably think this is what you think no

Most if you if you just did a if you just listen to most national voices about the sport most people are still picking Denver to win most people are and then even in there even in the East people are saying that the themselves are going to have a hard time still with

The Bucks or with the Knicks or with I depend on how you feel like 76 me come back and all that stuff and the heat there are multiple teams in the playoff that we know are going to push them so that’s just it we know that the regular

Season you’re playing versus all 29 teams at least three to four times and then two times in the other conference you can’t game plan for them as soon as the C start getting game planned against it’s just going to be different but you’re not gonna I don’t think the

Celtics are are are going to run through the playoff like people think so I’m on your side and that I don’t but I don’t think they’re frauds I just think that playoff basketball what Ron thinks by the way Ron thinks that I I think they’re frauds up to you guys

Expectations I’m not saying the only winning a chip is chill and Ox so 60% of us don’t so how are they for us okay the majority of us don’t have them winning so how would that make them for us 40 40% is a good amount Mars

60% swiper you got him going to the championship Mars you got him going to the championship we think they’re the best team in the east okay then so that that’s high expectations that’s very high expectations you have making it out of East he has the buck the bus the Bucks

Are 14 and 13 since Doc Rivers got there they’re a mid- team on defense and offense and a bad clutch team so what are they doing tell me can you baset they have Yann I got you that’s it but somehow that’s logical explanation but Boston being by far in away the best

Performing team in the regular season nah they lost to the Hawks just hope so it’s hope and VI with with the Bucks I got you but somehow we’re the on I never said that mar mar said that you and Mars having a convers literally said last

Week you you guys are talking back and you literally said last week is because of Yannis you said that last week someone I said other things I said other things I said other things please there’s 1,00 there’s nearly 1300 people come on man find the clip of who’s coming out east Ron who’s

Coming out of East got the you got okay can I got I got the Bucks winning the championship but can you give me a reason why why do you have them winning a championship and making to the fin and and I’ve said this and this is actually

What I said Mars I said because you guys are underestimating the talent that the Bucks got there and I started with I started with the lower tier guys I said Brook Lopez I said Chris Middleton I said Bobby poris I said Malik Beasley and then I went I also said guys like

Jay Crowder uh you know th those guys I think you guys are heavily under those guys then when you get to their second tier of guys Chris Middleton Daman Lillard I think you guys are highly under especially we’ seen can you explain to me why they are so bad or so

Mid to bad since Doc Rivers got there on both sides of the basketball it’s an adjustment period okay they just lost they did did they just just a quick just a quick question here um what just happened in the Laker game with Anthony Davis please can you

Give me a rundown on uh why they lost that game he he went crazy who did who went crazy ad went crazy but you just said but we have all these expectations for the Celtics there’s no way you’re supposed to lose to an underman team the

Lakers I said the same thing applies for I said the same thing applies for the bus they have worse losses than theel this year I said that was trash they have worse losses than the Celtics D this year Sir with Yannis on the court didn’t the beat the Celtics by 40 what

Yes didn’t The Bu beat the Celtics by 40 was this watch you might you might have took that night off brother no when was it they got a they got a m was right before the allar bre they okay right for the allstar bre cool great I just I just

Want to remember make my time could have nuggets lost three straight at that 22 to the Kings and to the bus so I guess I guess that counts I guess the nuggets from frost could so no no loss matters that that’s what I’m hearing no l matter

I’m the I’m asking question about the Bucks the Milwaukee Bucks have not been good they got a coach fired already this year they’ve not been good on defense all year and their M their offense has been literally been mid so so if they’re not good then why

Are we even bringing up the Celtics record I’ve been hear I’ve been hearing the Celtics record the whole time they’re they’re clear and by far got the best record in the league they can lose every game from here on out and still finish number one if they’re not good

Then why do they have the second best record in the East if they’re not good why are they on Pace to win 51 games they were 30 and 13 prior to Adrian getting fired they been 14 and 13 ever since so their their record has gotten worse worse so that’s a problem they’re

Going down they’re going backwards not forward so we’re talking we’re talk we’re talking about recently what happened talking about when I bring up the last two recent games all of a sudden all of a sudden I’m a bad guy when I bring up the last two recent

Games Boston Celtics the the Bucks had one of the easiest schedules of Adrian Griffin they then hired Doc Rivers have one of the toughest schedules in the league in their a 500 [Laughter] team maybe they could be working on playoff stuff instead of regular I’m not

I’m not I’m not arguing against that I’m saying the the buck have way the buck have clearly the Bucks clearly have way more concerns than the Celtics right and the Bucks are also five and five in their last 10 whereas the Celtics are eight- two but we’re

Harping on the team that has lost two straight but the buck have lost two straight as well but we’re not harping on them it’s clear because Ron Ron has done this every time the Celtics have lost back-to-back games he spoke about the Celtics being frauds every time and

It’s only happened three times during the season because they don’t lose back to back very often but every time this happens we’ve had to hear why the Celtics are frauds but every time the Bucks do something bad he will refuse to say their frauds and say they’re going

To win a championship because he doesn’t believe the regular season is indicative of the buck the buck flaws but every time it’s the Celtics oh this losses the proof this is the proof that I’m right because you just want to be right and that’s fine you want to be right so

You’re going to use everything that helps your argument to prove you’re right and I’m going to ignore every you’re going to ignore all the other evidence that would refute you and look at the tiny amount of evidence that might support because you have the power you

Able to make it TI of the show that my thing uh my my only thing is like I I hate what Ron’s doing you know last time he did this I called him out y’ y’all was you know y’all was there I called him out but he’s not the only one I’m

Tired I’m tired of all of y’all every single last one of y’all up here I’m TI I’m sick and tired of y’all I’m tired of y’all in the chat I’m sick of all of y’all because y’all can never decide what y’all pick and TR what losses matter and what losses don’t matter

Based on who you want to see win and who y’all want to see good who your fans of like one day one day it’s like oh well we lost because of this but then this oh we lost because of that like well you lost you lost How come every loss

Doesn’t matter how come how come losses only matter when you want him to wins only matter when you want them to and then and then you know and then swie a beat oh well it wasn’t the playoffs it’s like God damn like so you know what what I’m tired of that [ __ ] like

All the time CH so so so every loss is different these teams don’t lose every game the same way that’s that that’s just not true right that’s that that’s number one number two what are we supposed to say when you lose in December they lost okay I understand

That they lost and it’s a bad loss to lose to Portland at home yes that’s a bad loss but is that indicative to the rest of our season no well if that’s not indicative then losing to Denver in March is an indicative that means losing that means losing to Orlando in November

Isn’t indicative but I’ve been hearing this stuff for what what how many games we got less 12 so 70 I’ve been listening to this for three game the first three games of the season Y was like oh they lost him the next 30 Games season all they lost

Him they can’t like I mean hey I specifically I specifically said don’t drun I specifically said do not jump in this because you gonna get I don’t don’t care what you said I don’t listen to your argument makes no sense once again now I got to put you in

Here I got to put you in here listen listen I got to put you in here with r this is the problem both of y’all both of y’all both of y’all these two these two dudes right here trying to jump off side of the vanwagon get cooked up listen

Ax listen listen because the issue with Ron Ron is over here bringing up some stuff about the when the Bucks have been way worse than the Celtic he got not no level of the same energy for The Bu because he likes the some defense some losses always

Matter more than others because if you try to win that you’re getting up for that competition you’re fully healthy and you’re leaning into a certain matchup that actually playoff you can decipher can deer you can decipher when you can you can tell you can tell can can you tell can you tell

Not not trying to win you can tell it’s not it’s not about it’s not about when you’re not trying to but a can you agree with me that some matchup some teams are getting up for more than others you have more of a scheme advantage in certain matches because you’re intentionally

Trying to win that game that happens over the course of the Season every team has those teams guess what the king that’s the Lakers it’s a Lakers match up so when you lose and so if you lose those games that you say they’re getting up for that matters more of course it

Matters more because so for instance for instance the Celtics losses to the to Denver that matters like you can’t solve them and you can’t they don’t play them unless they meet them in the finals so why does that matter more than against uh that’s most of us minut why wouldn’t

It matter more Hawks because we’re talking about I got more chance ofs so how come it matters I mean not the Celtics the Nuggets I’m I gotta I gotta get through I might have to get through Cleveland I might go to get through Orlando I got to get through New York

Before I even got to worry about what them dudes are doing over there in the mountain they’re doing well versus those teams right so but and and with that being said Ox to have to see the Denver Nuggets in the NBA finals and knowing how you failed against them that’s gonna

Be a problem moving forward on the biggest stage which is where we fail I think every I think every game matters CH I think every game matter your record yeah every game clearly matter right I I think I think every game matters you know what I’m

Saying personally but at the same time I don’t think every game is going to is indicative of what’s going to happen in the playoffs what’s gonna happen AG every game every game is different that’s all that’s all we agree if we agree how come you so quick because you

Jumped on you jumped on Ron Ron keeps moving himself he keeps moving himself Ron you jumped on Ron’s argument you jumped on Ron’s argument we were cooking Ron for being biased towards the bu if you would listen swiper if you would listen every time every time I open my mouth go ahead go

Ahead I’m going ahead right now every time I say something swiping one oh don’t let me don’t let me put you in this bag a like you can’t put me in nothing you can’t put me in [ __ ] what’s what’s that you think you put me on the

Time limit I’ll talk next whole two hours I’m not hurrying [ __ ] I’m say what I’m saying is I got on here not to back up Ron the first thing I said is I disagree with what Ron’s doing right now I when he does this every time the

CATE all of a sudden all of a sudden he jump I was there when he when he was talking we’re changing the title we’re changing the title I got something I got something for him today like that’s corny I hate I hate that but my thing is

I think every game I think every games matter but I don’t think we have to jump off a cliff every time a team loses to a team that we considered a a rival or or you know what I mean like it’s it’s not this this game isn’t what we do all we

Do chill don’t here why we don’t here’s why we don’t big Ox the reason why we don’t is because I’m 100% confident that the Milwaukee Bucks count them Ron have eight two game losing streaks this year eight of them have they ever led the show has that ever been the title of the

Show the Milwaukee Bucks are trash we’ve never heard that from them because so so here’s the thing here’s the thing y’all I was about to put the bucks on the thumbnail tonight but then I had to weigh the risk in the reward the Bucks l losing to the big bad

Pelicans or the Celtics losing to the tiny fragile Hawks which one is more alarming and and this is this is this also goes to my point I hate how you guys try to act like it’s impossible to do both Celtics it’s impossible I I hate how you

Guys try to act like it’s no cause for concern at all it’s just another game the Celtics are the number one seed it doesn’t matter Jason Tatum wasn’t clutch last night Jaylen Brown wasn’t shaky last night the defense wasn’t suspect last night my only thing is and this and

I’mma leave it at this if y’all want to keep talking about the Celtics Shar hand I’mma leave it at this I don’t trust the Celtics in the clutch I don’t trust them when things get when the game gets tight and on top of that the most important

Thing and it starts with the with the with the with the the top two players they’re both inconsistent can I finish right quick can I finish right quick before but hey swi before you put me in the box and chill before you put me on the grill can

I finish can I let you guys know how I actually feel about the Celtics and why I feel this way about the Celtics and why I’ve been this way this whole season because if I can’t ex know what to expect from my best player or my

Second best player a lot of people would say one a 1B on a night in Night Out basis I think that that’s a cause for concern I I if I don’t know what I’mma get on the offensive end or the defensive end or neither of you guys can

Close for me if Derek white has to be the person that gets our team through the fire when when when the going gets rough I just don’t know coaching inconsistent I just don’t know have the level concern for Doc Rivers Damen and by the way Yiannis runs from the

Free throw we’re talking about the you guys said the the final you have the same concerns do do you do you want to hear my concerns about the bucks or are we going to talk about which which one one terrible which one no I can give you my concern about the Bucks

Too I’ll put the books on the skillet too and we can run down the whole topad we can we stage cool right now can we stage like a hostile takeover please what’s crazy everything I just said before I do that what’s crazy before because look you got you guys

Okay I I get that you guys want me to be consistent about the Bucks and the Celtics okay cool but but before go to the bus before I go talk about the bus what did I say that’s crazy about the Celtics what did I say that’s not true

Well number one if you try if you take over the whole spot right now I’ll back you bro I got your back we can take it what did I say that’s not true well Well Ron number one the Celtics have the record that they have largely due to the fact that they have

Guys who Clos games like Jason Tatum like Jaylen Brown they might not do it that’s that’s a lot a lot of their wins a lot of wins come from from a lot of their wins come from taking care of teams in the first three quarters right a lot of their wins

Do when when it when when it comes down to the clutch right it it looks a little different a little and i’ and I’ve watched them I’ve watched them have games where the game we get into the meet matatas of games J Jason Tatum will ice the game Jaylen Brown will close the

Game Jason Tatum will close the game jayen Brown will ice the game so those two things are going on porzingis will ice the game but I want to get back to the milwauke Buck Ron what are your concerns with the Milwaukee Bucks my concerns with the Bucks are it’s a couple different

Things defense at the guard position is one thing Dame is Dame’s a walking meal if you will Dame is door Dash okay hey when teams get the ball they ordering Dame on door Dash they pull up the app they’re like okay we hey we we hey we can get a

Two for one special on Dame every every single possession if we want to so that Dame is a concern on defense also age is a concern as much as much as age favors them in terms of wisdom and whatnot ages are concerned because at any moment in

Time Brook Lopez can break down at any moment in time Bobby poris who was older too he could break down jannis is the youngest guy um who else oh Chris Middleton he’s he’s shown signs of breaking down Dame’s even old too so AG is a concern as well also I do have my

Concerns with the Bucks when it comes to the clutch in specific Giannis I need I I need Giannis to not be the best player on the court for the first three and a half quart three and a half quarters and then the last half of the fourth quarter all of a sudden just

Crawl under a rock that’s a cause for concern with me and last but well another one is just their chemistry obviously they just got on unit they can’t give the ball to your best player down the stretch of a game also that’s that that that’s a concern

That’s a concern a big that’s a b problem that’s a big that’s a big concern I I would probably put that at the top of the list actually well no no no I wouldn’t I wouldn’t I wouldn’t I’m going keep it right where it is because they have two

Other closers in Chris Middleton and Damen liard Ron do you believe in do you believe in jannis more than you believe in Jason tat of course absolutely 100% that’s not even a question that’s what I was thinking so can we just say that that’s that’s that’s really where we

Where we’re going with this you believe more in Giannis than you do Jason what are we asking what I believe in with the with the bucks or are we asking what I don’t like with the Bucks well I already know your concerns You’ and your concerns really don’t outweigh your

Concerns don’t really I mean your you believeing in Giannis more than than Jason Tatum don’t outweigh your concerns because when you talk about the leag Guard the leag guard being defensive liability that’s a huge problem that’s not a problem that’s a huge this is what

I this is the point i’ be trying to make to you guys when you guys say Dame is trash on defense he’s fooled and this this and that well from what I watched last night and what I watched last year in the playoffs Drew holiday looked like

Food to me too from what I watched last night Derek white looked like food to me too from what I watched last night porzingis looked like food too this is the I’m I’m telling you two things too two things too I’m glad y’all got me to this point the Celtics are overrated on

Defense I’m telling you I know it sounds crazy I know it sounds crazy I I know it does overated not top I know I know it does and they are no even overrated they’re still better than the look look look check me out Che me out I’m telling you wait run

That one we’ve watched Drew get cooked on multiple occasions on multiple occas food but Drew’s food too so I mean I guess I mean obviously Drew obviously Drew is a better Defender than Dave and I don’t think nobody is just hunting out and nobody’s just hunting out Drew but

What I’m trying to say is Drew is gonna get cooked just as much if not more than Dame on a night toight basis really and and I’mma tell you why and I’mma tell you why he would have only given damee 54 it’s it’s a couple it’s a couple things it’s

A couple things first off Drew is assigned to guard the best player so Drew has to guard the the best guards in the league on a night toight basis so he’s more inclined to get cooked Dame’s getting hit in on defense he’s not we don’t in 2024 in the

Playoff you’re getting we we don’t miss match hun that’s all we don’t do that n offensive player just because you mismatch doesn’t that that that doesn’t mean that you’re just because you’re you get put in a mismatch you still have to put him in a mismatch Drew is starting

Guarding it like let’s say they play the Kings for instance Drew is guarding dear Fox full court Drew is guarding de Fox every possession of the game Drew when he comes down to the clutch that’s Drew’s assignment so Drew is gonna get a majority he’s gonna take the the brunt

Of that match up they have four players that can do that though I think that’s the what that’s the difference between them and the Bucks there is no I’m not even talking about the bucks or comparing them to the Bucks what why do you keep bringing the Bucks up swiper

Because you’re bringing up Drew holiday as the POA Defender the primary Defender I’m saying that that’s cool the problem is you can’t hide Dame there’s no hiding a small point guard in the playoffs off ball or on ball because all I’m going to do is Target secondary actions that are

Going to be on the side of the court that he’s on so you got got to get over get under that screen or you’re dying and I’m cooking you so I think that’s a misnomer like the fact that you can hide somebody you don’t hide anybody on a

Five on five basketball game I’m finding advantages and I’m coming for you every single play you might just not be on ball Ron but I’m absolutely going at you so Dame Lillard Brook Lopez and Giannis as good as Giannis is as a Defender the reason why they’ve been so bad they are

Slow and unathletic outside of two key spots that’s horrible that’s a horrible mixture for the playoffs so you’re comparing go ahead quick question why would I said that you can’t hide people you can do your best to protect them I was an idiot when I said that but swiper

Says it and now it said maybe it’s I think it’s the delivery more than it’s anything because you’re not hiding nobody we know who you are especially come playoff time we know who Damen Lillet is they go after him he’s six foot he’s six feet by the way and he’s

Not a great screen navigator on and off off the ball so I think for me it’s like this whole thing about Dame and Drew they’re both going to get equally cooked well no because one of them is 6’4 and it’s a very strong so the difference the Booker don’t care who’s

Guarding Deon Booker don’t care if you’re 6 foot I’m I’m speaking didn’t score onw down the stretch of the finals he didn’t score on him which is why they lost he got locked up the game those last two games of that finals got locked up by Drew holiday do you remember the

Game-winning play in game five when they threw the Ali hoop who stripped him that was Drew so don’t don’t sit up here and act like Drew hard wasn’t absolutely putting him in Chains in that series that’s the difference Dame has no capability of doing that that’s the difference I’m not comp I’m not

Comparing D Drew I’m not I never said Dame was on Drew’s level you just said dein Booker doesn’t care if Drew holiday’s on him and I just correct and he doesn’t what I’m trying to say is the real killers in the league the real killers in the league the real killers

In the league the real killers in the league are shooting no matter what going whoever’s guarding them no matter what it doesn’t matter if you’re six they lost they lost lost because matter what they lost they lost because the bus were a better team the real killer still that’s not

True the real killer still mismatch H oh Ron let me ask you this if Dame and Drew were on the same team and let’s say they’re playing let’s say they’re playing the Nuggets you’re saying Drew would be guarding Jamal Murray right absolutely and Dame would be guarding

Kyp more than likely you do know that the Nuggets would still just the same way you mismatch to get the weak Defender to do that’s what they would TR to doam when are they not successful to do when are they not successful yo if if that if that was the

Case let me let me just let me just do this for you guys if that was the case it would be a mismatch every possession if that was the case you know what you know what you know what jit would average 70 if that was the case Kevin

Dur would average 80 you know why because he would get the the the the most disadvantaged person on him every time take him to a spot on the on the floor and score every single time you guys know that the game of basketball doesn’t work let me finish my point before

Before y’all go you guys know the game of basketball doesn’t work like that every time right you guys do know that it’s other players on the team that also have mismatches that are also Stars within their own right that get their own shots you guys do know that it’s

Sometimes when it hey when The Possession comes down the coaches say you know what we’re going over here or I’m calling this play or we’re doing this so Dame does not get hunted every possession he has the potential to get hunted every possession he can get hunted every possession but that’s not

How basketball works as a as a matter of as a matter of as a matter of fact I I don’t know the percentages but I guarantee it’s not the majority of the time where Dame is getting attacked on defense be clear try to because you brought up you brought it up you brought

It up you brought it up so I’m I’m gonna go pack this up for you real quick and give it to you real nice so you can eat it with your lunch the issue is that you just brought up mismatch hunting versus Denver the reason why it’s so difficult

Impossible to guard them because what they’re doing is they’re putting joic in every action possible to get your Defender close or near to him because what happens is if they do try to mismatch chch against weaker Defender that Defender is gonna have to stunt and show and recover versus joic which

Leaves them open passing Lanes on every poot on the court so if you do get on him one-on-one you’re getting cooked if you get close to him and you have any advantage that’s created by his motion at all you’re getting cooked KTP dhos you’re getting cooked CU there’s too

Much Lane and now oh I got to get over the top the guard KTP then you go down to the hole you’re big at the step I give out to yic you collapse on yic I’ll give it to kcp I give it to mpj I give

It to Jamal that so you’re the whole thing of you saying if you would have if if you mismatch on every possession and you win y have 70 points the reason the nuggets are so indomitable versus players like Anthony Davis and others is because they make them irrelevant they

Make your best defensive schemes irrelevant because of how they play my issue with what you’re saying is you’re comparing him to Drew holiday what I’m telling you even if Drew holiday isn’t having success in that matchup do you no no I’m not done do you know who will

Derrik White’s going to be available Jason T can to be available Jaylen Brown going to be available so not only is Dame a liability with that with that unit Malik Beasley is not a primary Lockdown Defender Dame is not a good Defender Jay Crowder is not a good

Defender Chris Middleton in 2024 no longer a good Defender so the problem is it’s not just Dame there are advantages to be taken up across the court for the Milwaukee Buck which is why as much as you’re saying they’re making it to the final they have been such a bad to Mid

Defense over the course of the year and Dame is one of the largest reasons why because he’s lazy doesn’t get around screens not good off ball and he stays stagnant in transition so when you have a player that’s six foot and does all that that’s why you get cooked oh by the

Way that player has never been great past the first round in his life but apparently he’s going to be good enough to be a number two option versus the Boston Celtics versus the 70 Sixers and versus these other teams at the Eastern Conference for them to be able to get to

The E the what the Eastern Conference Finals and they get to the NBA finals so you’re putting a lot of Hope is something You’ never seen happen you have never seen it happen so that’s the difference when you’re comparing the Bucks to the Celtics and I I’m not even

Advocating for the Celtics like that but your logic is extremely flawed and bringing up this argument go ahead so swiper I’m I’m gonna start in the beginning with you talking about the Nuggets go and them switching and all of that good stuff and the action that they

Run that’s why the nuggets are oneof one nobody in the NBA does that like the Nuggets you brought nobody nobody mismatch hunts like the Nuggets nobody can do what they do in terms of the dribble handoffs and the and the and the pick and rolls and and all of that good

Stuff and nobody has a playmaker at the center position to joic Calibur so that’s why the nuggets are one one you can’t compare their offense to anybody else you you you can’t compare their offense to anybody else that’s one of one okay I think that I think the

Biggest issue that you have Ron is teams mismatch hunt especially when they got a guy that’s got it going I actually seen Drew holiday go after Damen Lillard in the playoffs where he’s got it going and they’ll go after him go to he scores go to him again he scores

Go to him again they won’t St they won’t just stop and okay I want to get this guy involved I want to get this guy involved no they will exploit that mismatch not only will they exploit it they’ll keep going to it until they can’t go to it

Anymore that’s not true though if that’s the case every time somebody played the Bucks they would be getting career highs if that was the case every time guards played the the Portland Trailblazers we will be hearing night after night oh another guard had a career high this

This and this it’s a season High that’s not that’s not that’s not true yes yes you yes you would try to did I not just see D’Angelo Russell put 30 on or 29 on on on on on on Daman did I not see he put it on Dame or you

Put it on the Bucks which one no no they specifically went after Damen Lillard specifically to get him in mismatches and to get him in action Austin Reeds D’Angelo Russell they specifically went after Damen Lillard now I’m pretty sure that these coaches are smart enough to recognize that wait

A minute we got a guy like D’Angelo Russell wait a minute we got a guy like Drew holiday we can go after him too just like they do it so that’s gonna resonate throughout the rest of the league so when they have to see Cleveland what do you think Donovan

Mitchell is what do what do you think Donovan Mitchell is thinking when he see Damen lard in front of him what do you do you already know about your man Halbert the same thing when he sees Dame in front of him as when he sees Derek

White in front of him as when he sees Tyler hero in front of him as when he sees Trey Trey young in front of him as when he sees Tre Jones in front of as he sees Jaylen Bron yo a killer is a killer I don’t care who you this this is

The point I’m trying to make I watch D white get cooked last night by the jeante I watched dere white get cooked by I watch this get C night in and night out I’m tired of you guys doing this I because you’re a good Defender does not

Mean you’re not g to get cooked first and foremost gonna cook anybody he sees chill abely you’re a killer you kill blood and eat you the self get cooked by the hearts the same way they get cooked by the Bucks the same way they get cooked by

Philly the same way Jimmy Butler are come and stop a mud H their ass like you did in 2020 when you’re a killer you kill that’s the point I’m trying to make the Celtics are not that good on defense matter fact let me stop let me stop they’re they’re good on defense they’re

Great on defense but that does not mean that Drew holiday will not get cooked by Tyrese Maxi when it comes down to it it does not mean that when Joel BBI sees them that he’s not gonna cook them it does not mean that that Damen Lillard

Just hey just because Drew holiday is a superb Defender it does not mean that Bay Area Kima will not put 40 on Drew holiday on any given night he’s never done that On Any Given night is different but to to your point Ron just so you know because I think overrating

Your man’s performance last night just so you know he didn’t get cooking until the overtime that’s actually when he got cooking because in the second half they had the clamps on him he was not doing work he was terrible down the stretch of the fourth too you guys know I watched

The game on playback last night right they had the clamps on him last night you guys you know I watched the game on playback last night did you see him try to back down jayen Brown closed your eyes every time he missed open he tried to he tried to back down Jaylen Brown

And threw up some nonsense did you see that I seen I’ve seen all of that he was shot chucking yesterday play all that but you know but bogie was playing better than him down the stretch and and he was shot chucking still so I’m trying to understand like it’s not like so

Anyway and again Ron because you’re you’re you’re a good man I know you’re a good man you got a good kinded heart you’re a good Soul not debatable not debatable you’re a good Soul so and Ox knows this he he Tred you so listen listen for two weeks

Listen the the issue is what you’re saying is that you’re putting Damen lul in conversation with Drew holiday and Dereck room and while you add it go to players choic copy something hey don’t don’t be a casual be a ex casual you don’t have to be a casual anymore be an

Ex casual let me shout out all of our new members right now uh we got Joshua Martin Mato amandola let’s keep it a buck podcast shout out let’s keep it a buck man pre appreciate y’all for subscribing becoming members yeah y y’all the truth y’all the truth uh who else we got bore

Lamar H Noah ding Noah ding theore Broski and jayen Hoops Chris became a member as well and one time steo the goat shout out steveo the goat shout out everybody that became members today uh if you haven’t subscribed go ahead and subscribe become a member if you if you

If if you so choose you can type in the chat for 199 I got a few super chats we’re GNA go ahead and dive into these and keep it pushing on the show because I do want to do something with all of our playoff teams I want to give you

Guys a team right let’s say for instance it is the Phoenix Suns and I want you guys to describe that team in your own words in three words so we gonna get to that in a second I I want to feel I want to understand how you guys feel about all

Of these teams that are going into the playoffs but from the top my man Alan L said if I see that dancing Tatum in real life on God is on it for what he’s done L duub LX you started that what’s what is the L

Du logic have you you’ve been on a show with dub you know what the old dub logic is like come on you been around dub like I you don’t remember you don’t remember us having a conversation at PC weekend about how Magic Johnson would be a worse

Ben Simmons in today’s game and we had to you don’t remember like man what you talking about said Scotty P wasn’t a great playmaker he said Scot a great offensive player I could believe it’s just oh done like from now to the end of time what are you talking

About alen I’m talking about a three knuckle nugie though you know what I’m saying you got him in the head like three Knuckles nugie right there to the forehead I’mma get you when I catch up with you alanar three knuckle noie time three knuckle noie is crazy Adams

Said in your opinion who has the highest basketball IQ in NBA history I thought they were going to say who has the best who has the highest basketball IQ in in PC I was gonna say it’s obviously me but okay we talking about we talk about NBA history um [ __ ]

I don’t know maybe Jason kid I know y’all don’t like what he’s doing as a coach but um J Braun ran it’s a lot it’s a lot of dudes Ronda Ronda is yeah I can see magic Chris basketball like you too I I think he revolutionized shot

Blocking instead of me smacking it in the third row I’mma block it so my teammates can get it I mean that’s that’s pretty smart to do something like that John Stockton yes H ronzo is up there I don’t know ronzo Chris P Braun y dream on green BOS

IQ control IQ is a different thing but B IQ he up there any of any of the alltime greats Bill Russell all of them every one of them they all had basketball solved who’s the best though I like C CP3 and it’s probably LeBron that’s what I was thinking James him a

Magic I wish there was a way we could no for sure I take Chris P before magic no why you taking Chris Paul what what what what’s the what’s the Chris Paul logic M I think I think I just think I mean I think it’s cheating if I

Just say defensively I think he was able to diagnose more plays quicker offensively in the half court I think he’s able to I think he’s a in the half court I think he controlled more aspects than than magic did in my opinion I think with the on the defensive end of talking

About defensively and offensively but I think offensively I think part of it is just era I think the 2010s and the 2000s onwards I think you had to there was more there was more you had to do in the half court offensively in my opinion um so I think Chris Paul by that

Product he had to do more which means I think he had to think more which is mean I’d probably take um Chris P IQ which is why I’m very high on Rond I just think I think just with that you had to do more and maybe and I’m not taxing a legal

Defense because I think there’s IQ parts of that as well s pipp was great with a legal defense but I think without a legal defense you got teams loading up and you gotta be able to diagnose that low man because you know he can’t do this because if he does this you got

This guy here all of that and being able to recognize all of that on the flag while playing at a fast pace which the game is today I think that’s why I prob get Chris I think we I think we sleep on kg’s IQ as well oh for sure k

Draymond Dennis Dennis Rodman’s another high IQ player defensive guys that IQ get slept on in my op you know what’s funny to me now I don’t know about all the watching the the ball Spin and stuff like that right but when people were amazed about Dennis Robins assessment on

How to rebound I was kind of like isn’t that obvious like you watch how the ball the trajectory of the ball like no and go to where the ball is no no it’s not that simple no because not everybody has a nose for the basketball knowing when to go to jabal knowing when

To go to Michael Cooper knowing when to go to guys who had it going knowing when to look for offense yourself I think that that’s I I think that that’s uncanny to be honest I think when the game goes fast you rely more on Instinct and when the game slows down that’s

Where I think people separate themselves just I think Instinct like when when you don’t have time to think it’s instinctual it’s your feel and feel for the game is something that I don’t think you can teach either you have it or you don’t in my and feel for the game is something I

Would separate it from IQ I think IQ is some like some of it natural some of it’s inate but I think there’s things you just got to learn you got to be able to recognize when things are happening and how they’re happening whereas I think instincts is just more how things

Feel at the time and you don’t have a lot of time to second guess yourself I think instinct to Magic Johnson is one of one like I don’t know many people who are more instinctual than Magic Johnson but I’d say Larry Bird has a higher IQ

Than mag Johnson in my opinion I can get that that’s M Johnson is still top 10 15 IQ if I was to rank it but just a few people i’ consider but the the thing too with basketball in particular it’s like my IQ doesn’t have to be super high if I

Just know uh like C we could call them tricks or like remedies to certain situations like you know like specifically we talk about on defense um off ball defense if I’m just knowing where to be positioned or um knowing like in transition just get back protect the rim you know certain things like

That will keep you in positions to right make the right decisions on on on defense keep my butt to the Baseline see man C barall if I can just do that I can be in better position a lot of times it’s about preparation on offense if um

If if I’m off ball if I’m off ball I know don’t just you know moving without the ball is IQ I can’t just go anywhere you know what I’m saying I gotta move I gotta find open spots um certain things like that make it to where

I might not be the most um cerebral I might not be the smartest guy on the court but if I just remember basic things like that finding open spots protecting the rim getting back you know keeping my hands up on defense um talking on defense and that’s why I

Brought up kg earlier was just uh communication talking on defense let let my man yeah let letting my man know where I’m at being the man to say oh I got him somebody go Corner cutter coming through about the cutter you know man you know just certain terminologies

Right those things make it to where if my IQ isn’t that high I can trick you and make you think it is you know what I mean but you be surprised that those things it’s not common like those like even it’s the basics it’s the fundamentals that’s crazy you do it like

You doing the what should be considered the Baseline puts you in the upper percentiles of just IQ like it shouldn’t be that way but that’s how it is and for better for and that’s that’s kind of what I was getting out earlier even when I said like the rebounding thing like to me

That’s that’s just obvious like because that’s something that I I had to do I had to rebound you know what I’m saying you know I’m saying I’m not shooting 40 40% from the three so I got to do things so rebounding to me that seems like and

I’ve said that before that’s the to me that’s the most important part of the game so that’s why I brought that up earlier like if if I see somebody’s on this right wing in they’re shooting I look at the The Arc in the shot if it’s

A flat shot coming from this way it’s most likely coming back that way you know what I mean if it’s a if it’s a high arcing shot I know it’s it’s less likely to be a long rebound I can cover this side but since where that come from

No ox but but what you talking about where’d that come from like you didn’t just step on the floor and learn that like you had you play just playing just playing a lot of basketball yeah enough you recognize patterns on how things work I

But I mean my thing chill is like I kind of recognize those things younger you know what I’m saying like Okay I’m seeing this and I don’t know just but I was good at geometry too you know what I’m saying so it’s just kind of like re

At Angles and things like that so I don’t know it’s just it’s just things like that like I don’t understand these people in the in the NBA that don’t that don’t get it it’s just like how do you not get these things how do you how are

You not flashing the open spots with your hands up how are you not playing playing defense with your with your butt to the Baseline how are you how are your hands down on defense I don’t know it’s just certain things like I don’t I don’t

Get I mean but a you know that though you hooped enough to know like some players aren’t natural basketball players you’re just no no no some people are some people aren’t intellectual basketball players they’re just 65 in conjunct you just happen to be 161 and you know you’re you’re you’re built like

An athlete or you you you can jump pretty high or run fast a lot of people just have the physical frame which is which that was actually gonna be my next question to you guys how much do you tax physical stature when it comes to IQ because when you compare like John

Stockon for instance to LeBron LeBron has tools that he can rely on that can that he doesn’t necessarily need IQ for stock everything he does has to be calculated so Bron can put his head down and just get to the rim Baron can bully himself like yic too yic could just

Bully himself to the rim he doesn’t necessarily have to rely on his IQ now yic does have a a high IQ but he has other tools he can yo joic can be he could be just your typical big man LeBron can just be a freaking nature if

He wanted to whereas Stockton Chris Paul guy other guys like that they have to literally be calcula everything you can probably measure that in the gap between all of them as players though as much as that’s true I think for them to become you know top 15ish alltime 12 10 alltime

Players I think that’s that’s the margin is that they were also able to access a level of IQ that is rival to if not better than Stockton which is what put them in those comos that’s the separator that’s the separator right they already gonna be good players CH said it with M

Johnson it’s about knowing what you IQ is knowing what you’re capable of too like not to Russell Westbrook’s the only example I can think of sorry but like Russell Westbrook can’t shoot but does Russell Westbrook know he can’t shoot so he start so he starts so

He starts taking 27 foot threes where if he knew what he was capable of he would take smarter shots I think he knows he get shoot I think well he knows now I think now he knows like now you can see he’s a lot more selective Russ in his

Prime thought he could do whatever he wanted but but like I don’t think he cared he let but KN but knowing what you’re knowing what you’re capable of or knowing what you can and can’t do is a clear sign of IQ if you know you can’t do something especially like in a team

Sport where teams are going to try and make you do what you don’t want to do if you can’t shoot teams are going to try and make you shoot if you give defense is what they want like oh hey we want LeBron James shooting jump shots in 07

Is if LeBron James just starts bailing you out shooting a bunch of jumpers that’s not that’s not high IQ that’s what we want you’re playing into our hands Russell Westbrook we want you shooting jumpers kid we want you in transition we want you pulling up for

Threes instead of finding Kenyan W or k k was filling the lane we want that if you’re playing into people’s hands if you’re playing into people’s hands that’s that’s a indicator of low IQ now at times there’s some things you just have to do you have to be a threat to

Score the ball you have to be willing to take shots at certain times I get it but generally speaking if you’re doing things that either teams want you to do or that you aren’t capable of doing that’s a sign of low IQ to me and I think that’s what makes certain guys

Stand Out Above the Rest isn’t it is it equally as important is isn’t it equally as important to know for me to know my my teammate strength too like to know my to know my Personnel I think equally as important to know my Personnel like if

You’re if if you’re D if you’re driving and kicking to Ben Simmons in the corner right bad that’s just bad basket but then at the same time Ben Simmons why you in the corner like it it goes hand in hand like the IQ is like it’s not

Just one person like I I’ve be seing turnovers all the time where the guy who commits the turnover I’m like it’s not his fault like I’m looking at the turnover I’m like you were meant to be there and if you were there that’s not a turnover so I can’t blame like at some

Point like yeah your teammate wasn’t there so you probably shouldn’t have thrown it but your teammate should have been there so your pass still would have been in the right T like I’ve seen joic many times he’s he throws the ball out of bounds but I’m like kcp was meant to

Lift to higher up in the corner right there that’s what he’s meant to be and yic is throwing it there thinking kcp knows where he’s meant to be now sometimes like well why you throw no look passes but like when you understand the game enough and you understand where

Everyone’s meant to be on the court you kind of have the trust in your teammates to that they should be where they’re supposed to be so I feel like turnovers like not all of them are created equal in terms of who’s at fault for the turn

Was like I see that a lot I think Janis g a couple days ago I was like Dame was meant to drop to the corner right there and he didn’t and Janis threw out of bounds on the drift I’m like that’s Dame’s fault but yeah you gotta know

Where to be you gota know your personnel like I I had to learn that kind like like way I don’t know the hard way kind of just we having a a dope point guard shout out svante bar like I’ve had a situation when we running the floor and

He G he gives it to me when we’re running the transition and and i r stop it I I get but instead I just hit it right back to him and he like even though he he made the layup or whatever he’s like bro don’t give me the ball

Back like what are you doing this is not this is not what we’re here for you’re trying to do my job you know what I’m saying let me do this I pass the ball you you finish the layup it’s like you got to why would you give it to me I’m

Five I’m 510 you know what I’m saying you giving me the ball back when under the rim like that doesn’t make no sense you know what I’m saying let me you know like got to know sometimes we just sometimes people are just out there just playing robot ball you know what I mean

Instead of paying attention to who’s in what spot right you gotta figure it out yo DMO what’s going on um yesterday was a horrible day also a great day that’s why I came pass it chill want to talk about it bro it it’s champagne problems man it’s like I go

Out and I tell everybody gr Nelson is a dog go watch him go peep him gr Nelson is gonna be a killer and then he going and kill my tar Hills man like how do I how do I go on like this this is crazy on the plus sides you were right

But at the same time at Cost what this supposed to be our year at what cost is it to be right like other than other than didn’t y’ win didn’t y’all win the championship two years ago we won it every year okay so y’all won the championship they don’t get complacent

They don’t get they excuse me excuse me so you won a championship two years ago uhuh I believe you lose to North Carolina they hit a buzzer beater you win the championship the next year after that I’m sorry dammo you can’t have all the girls in the school you

Can’t have every car on the line I’m sorry the that’s not the Laker in me no no that’s not the Laker in me that is the Tar Hill fan in me that was born in Duke hospital and year in year out it don’t matter what you did last year when you

Battling in a rivalry with Duke it’s about what you do next and if we don’t win they win and if they don’t win we win at the end of the day we need to win like what if both y’all lose it don’t really then all it matters is who lost

Last because that’s what that’s what the other person’s going to go off of so if we make it further in the tournament than Duke and then Duke and then we lose all Duke fans get to say is oh look what happened the last time y’all played

That’s how it goes that’s the rodeo if we get knocked out before Duke like for for example now I want to say duke duke play us yeah when Duke loses when Duke loses we’re not even gonna remember that we lost to Grant Nelson all we’re going

To be able to say is yeah yeah look at dookies look at the dookies that’s all we gonna be able to say and that’s that’s cool I guess I want that man I want to win every time man meanwhile if Duke ends up in the final

Four this year that’s not good and and you know what I’m gonna say what happened to last time they seen us what happened the last time Coach K coached that’s all I’mma say who do you run into you’re not supposed to do that what happened you supposed to leave Coach K

Out of this well just his last year just his last year just his last year year ask Duke fans what happened the last time Coach K coach on the Duke Court who did he lose to us Yoo that’s low you gota car that’s robber man you gotta Get Low particularly Duke in North

Carolina so I I I know how it is DMO I I I grew up with Bobby Hurley so I’m familiar DMO I got a question for you and we can’t really get all the way back into this topic but what loss was worse last night it was only two teams that

Lost last night only two teams that lost last night yeah which oh for me personally for my own agendas oh [ __ ] another Bay Area kimle master class in my opinion that’s just me if you what my got on Bay Area Kim popping out is always the best loss in my

Opinion but to be honest I watched that in to the CP to the uh Celtics game and I I called the OT I called the fourth shot to go well the shot to Ty that end up sending him to OT after T misses I called the shot

To tie it I called Tatum’s Miss and then I called the uh Deon gamewinner so I was on fire that game that game was that game was amazing the Hawks might be a mid team but boy oh boy you can’t say they not fun to watch hey DMO you you

Was watching that on playback last night sure was Mar okay okay you watching someone play back tonights sure is absolutely the Lakers tonight don’t matter I ain’t gonna lie to you I’m not there for one game seven games at seven o’clock I’m watching all of them realy Warriors Hornets that’s

The game we here for hey I’m watching everything there’s like seven games in seven o’clock we’re watching all of them I need I need I need the BR Miller Master class tonight 50 let me go ahead and throw this schedule on the screen right now because you know it’s we

Getting into the dark days of the season it’s it’s it’s where you know things get a little more important a lot of these games have implications so let’s put this on tonight let’s let’s check out the schedule for tonight in the association let me zoom in a little bit all right

Tonight we got we we got the gutter bowl tonight real basketball that’s what we starting off with real Pistons whist you know what to be honest with you DMO I might peek my head in on that game I might check it out You’ been seeing Jordan po recently

Jord pull off the bench Resurgence James wisman who would have thought res you about to have some good hoops at 7 o’clock hey chill I really do think that might be a good game though I’m G stick my head in on the Pistons wi anytime you get to see Johnny

Davis on the floor it’s good it’s good anytime all right so we got the Pistons and the Wizards we got the Clippers and the magic but actually since we doing this let me go ahead and get y’ prediction Pistons Wizards who you got the Wizards give me the Pistons the

Wizard’s been ho recently take Detroit swiper Pistons Wizards all I get you swiper I hear what you saying we don’t gotta do this is gonna hate man that’s reals right there we got a Super Chat Ron we got a Super Chat Ron appreciate you chill Town Super Chat

From Kent libum Jr he said and that’s why dammo is and that that DMO is why I have no faith in Paulo because he allowed that to happen Duke Duke oh wait was that that was P yeah 22 yeah it was I mean what do you want him to do

He’s not Superman like what no no no if you’re that guy get done if you’re that guy who first of all first of all I can give you a laundry list of of Kentucky guards that ain’t getting nothing done and they panned out just fine so I don’t

Know what we’re talking about if we keep that’s Kari T Yo NC went in NC went in the cam Indoor Stadium and served them dudes that night shut the door they went in there served them I remember that game I was specifically watching that I never forget that game

They Coach K is over I’m thinking there’s no way I’m thinking there’s no way Coach K loses to North Carolina on senior night his last game in Cameron Indoor Stadium no way he losing they went in there and smoked them dudes I did bad that night how B how bad was it

I watch this game how I think they I think it was plus 10 I can tell you that they went in there and smoked them a convincing win a very convincing win had the had the momentum the entire game it was our game from the start as an Arenal

Fan I remember when it was Austin wengers our manager 1000th game in charge you got smoked by Chelsea 6 nil damn I cried I cried it was a sad day man that was disgusting sad times the next game I got on the Slate for you guys tonight is the Clippers in the

Magic who y’all taking in this game be done with Florida I got the Clippers me Orlando I’m taking the magic the Clippers have been garbage they this all you know they’ve only won two games since Allstar I know I think I think Dallas are getting that four seed well

Five seed because no one is gonna get it I think Dallas gonna catch him just not tonight because they’re gonna lose tonight they’re gonna win tonight I’m I’m telling you dudes if there’s any team team that could find them because Ox is trying to sell me that this is the

Art of War with the Clippers I think he’s giv them way too much credit because I don’t think they that smart I don’t at all of War yeah ox’s logic is with the Art of War with the Clippers where you beat up on whoever you need to beat up when they’re

Weak not strong and Ox is thinking with the Art of War that you can play at the four spot but then move down so you can avoid New Orleans and let somebody else deal with meanwhile I’m looking at the Clippers and how they’ve been playing and the turmoil that’s going on because

It’s such the Clippers I’m thinking to myself this is the one team that can end up in the play in tournament and get bounced that can happen with the Clippers Al just doesn’t want to be doesn’t want to be wrong about the Clippers cuz I think if if he’s watching

Them I think he I think he’d be two and a half a out of the seven I don’t think they’re going to suck enough to make it all the way down to the plan but since isn’t here I think I can speak for him quick um he said something like be weak

Not strong be slow not Swift be small not big something like that that’s when close appear far away when far away appear close the get the clippers off my te man they were they were one seed for what like two seconds like a night and now they’re

Five and a half came back at first the West is crazy oh I was just saying I’m picking I’m picking Orlando Apollo masterclass in coming he hears the nay say he’s well he need he needs to because what he did against the Warriors was unforgivable I’m never gonna forgive him damn so Mars

Three years from now you gonna bring that game up no no no you see how I used to hate Bren Ingram because he had that one game I think against Kentucky where he went like two for 11 and I was just hating on Brandon Ingram for like the

First six years of his career Paulo got that now I need him to win one game he can’t win n we done with paa these Duke forwards man they just they have to get for six years minimum swiper who’ you say you Tak out of the Clippers and the

Magic Man magic been they’ve been cooking I’m saying they lost two in a row though they’re trying to catch that I think it’s gonna be the magic because they’re trying to catch that four seed to get home court all right the next game we got is seven is the Charlotte

Hornets in the Golden State Warriors charlot Charlotte I will not I will not be watching that game U me Golden State I will be watching that game intensely you don’t want nothing to do you don’t want nothing to do with that um dammo Joe Hornets with no lamelo absolutely not beat

The I’ll peek in for Brandon Miller but other than that no I’m good I’m off that that’s a big game tonight definely take Golden State until Jordan sells full ownership until he sells all his shares of the Hornets I’m not supporting that team listen somebody I really rock with

There get Mike off the books get Mike off I’m I’m a Charlotte fan for tonight I believe us I think I think we gonna get this win man vasil Mitch he been hooping since he got traded so I think he he really he gonna be the best point

Guard on the floor tonight I can see that Brandon Miller just had 30 on the Cavs I think he gonna have a Nast winning 10 straight games and being two games above 500 and 11 just nuts that’s a we have the second longest winning streak in the NBA this season only

Boston has 11 game we we’re at 10 no I’m saying going from 27 and 35 to 37 and 35 is it’s interesting 10 game wi streak in a month we got Utah tonight I said I was hoping for 35 we’ve already got that Dom 40 is looking in reach we got Utah

Tonight I’m hoping but I know Charlotte getting this win man bro the Rockets make the playoff that’s about to be I’m not goingon to hold you Mars you know respecting my dude that’s a maybe the easiest Series in playoffs might be it you’re one and three against us sir no I mean regular

Season I I don’t care anything about that you know I don’t but whoever they play I think I think get your kitchen that Jaylen green pick and roll all right let’s see that room protection all right maybe if Atlanta or Chicago makes let s come back let s come back all

Right I think Houston is I think they are what sh what Sacramento and Oklahoma City is I think they could be that next year I I’m I’m gonna be unbearable next year real talk yes I I think they could be that next year yeah all right the the next game I got

For you is the Lakers and the Pacers almost watching on playback yes we’ll be tuned into that one and you know I’m taking us come on it’s us who’s us what you talk what is you talking about you see him it’s us is James going

Tonight I hope so we need that by the way I actually heard an interesting yeah I I heard an interesting take you DMO how you how you felt about this I heard Nick Wright say something real interesting if the Lakers would it be better for them to

Get Denver in round one than to get them in the Eastern Conference in the west I thought I’m I heard that I thought that made perfect sense and when I heard it I was like you know what I don’t hate that I like that absolutely well the reason

I don’t know if you heard of DMO but it’s it’s early in the playoffs so the time is a lot more spread out as opposed to when you get to the Western Conference Championship we’re playing every other night there’s not nearly as much rest when you play him in the first

Round the games are a lot more spread out which means that you have a lot more time to prepare even though I think it’s a bad matchup but from a from a logistic standpoint I don’t hate it I don’t if you want if you want to go the wayver at

Some point why not just I’m G to say right right in theory it sounds cool but no uh I do not want to go through a situation where we got to go playing then first round against Denver nah I would much rather hear me out much

Rather get the six seed because if we’re the six seed that puts us in the bottom half of the uh playoffs correct so then you get so I ain’t gonna lie Thunder and wolves maybe it’s just me I would much rather I much rather be on the opposite

Side them [ __ ] and hopefully somebody can take them out before they get to us I I would much rather else business yeah let someone else handle them and then hey we there I can’t I can’t say realistically oh yeah I might as well get him out of the way on the first

Round because if we can’t beat them no because that’s not the agendas that’s gonna get pushed in the off season that I gotta deal with I don’t have to hear people say I mean well was diver in the first round all I’mma hear is year 21 another first round exit must be BR

Can’t be my goat ad he saw first round exit that’s all you going to hear it’s a first round exit no one’s going to care who that was it’s a first round exit so no I’m I would much rather us get six seed us battle whoever we got to battle

And get to the Western Conference Finals because I’m not gonna lie barring two teams I’m generally nervous about one being the nuggets the other being ox’s team other than that I like our chances with anybody in the west and out east all the [ __ ] is fake so I’m not

Worried about if if if the Nuggets got to play like the Warriors and then the Pelicans and then the Lakers on the way to the finals bro I’m not that would I mean honestly that would like all that all that stuff about the Western C being

More difficult this year be out be out the door because I think the Thunder and the Wolves be easy the best probably teams to a play against but I think the Lakers man I don’t know Lakers should feel confident y’all should feel confident man they see anybody in in in

The playoffs this year they should feel confident that’s a fact hey let have made the conference F was both he as a coach yeah play deal if you do that terrorist gotta get terorist hon two Western Conference Finals hey hey what a leader LeBron is am I right

No what a imagine how great the mind of LeBron gotta be if Darin scam made two Western Conference Finals as a head coach imagine how great of a of a of a conc or whatever the hell Phil Hardy is Phil handy imagine how great that guy

Got to be for the players if Darin scams likeing two Conference Finals man this gotta be some Ro pinga might be the goat if Darvin scam is making two Conference Finals D all all I’m G say is maybe those pockets are a little deeper than you giving them credit

For maybe when his hands are in his pockets he’s reaching deep down in there to grab something and pull it out maybe that maybe he got a lot let me ask because they because he has a podcast now and he’s been have we heard

Your Don ham at any point so far on his podcast question decisions from Eric postra throughout his career has he ever went on there and addressed a time where he had to be pulled to the side and question what the hell is going on with the [ __ ] I heard Michael question I

Heard Michael and I also heard Michael yeah and let’s not talk about what else I heard Michael Beasley getting into all I’m saying is when it comes to did did Jason T have to step aside and hey can someone let Brad stevens or Joe moula or

Eck can you let them know that I can on the court Joe gets questioned all the time all by the best player on the team why then huh why no no no cuse Udonis hlam is the the leader of the team and I was saying because he has a

Pod he has more of an opportunity to speak on it I was saying we seen Jimmy but step aside and be caught questioning fight with him on the court Jimmy him yeah it’s not failing again the point I’m making is I have witnessed multiple Lakers especially LeBron James since day

One of the Season LeBron what the he didn’t question SP he questiony he questioned everything no no LeBron questioned everything that’s different he he questions everything so of course everything DLo questions it this is more of a player problem than a coach problem questioners they always question credit nothing heed

I never about once this is my this is my biggest thing DMO if I’m a coach it’s offseason and I’m explaining to the GM to the Presidents to jinny bust everybody I’m explaining to them yo this is my culture philosophy I know you obviously you hired me for a reason so

You agree with my culture philosophy these are the players I need in order for me to fulfill what you want me to fulfill with my playing with my playing philosophy I need players I need players that play this I need players to do that then you go and give me toan Prince Gabe

Vincent Christian Wood and um and what’s and what’s the big fell so I’m so I’m saying and that’s what I was saying swi oh we won we W oh my god look who we got look what we got you got Tor Prince and Gabe viny I’m

Saying is this is this a Darin ham problem he he has and on top of that the players he wants and they’re Duo Ox everybody everybody keep bringing this up and people didn’t like when when you bring this up but if you look at the

Duos in the NBA if you look at the Duos in the LeBron and AD they also have been underperforming as a du so that’s also it too like they have not been as good as’ be so you can so that’s the thing you can look at both of them and say

That oh they if they were better then they would be in a different situation but LeBron’s 39 years old you can’t expect him to do everything every day so I don’t tell you bro and then and then they won the off to do what I was

Talking about all the they made you made plenty of adjustments you made plenty of adjustments you beat the Boston Celtics as Rod was talking about earlier we beat the Boston Celtics with no LeBron and no ad fully healthy everybody’s questioning the Celtics credit that’s what I’m trying to

Understand why feel like I’m getting put on a bit screen with a [ __ ] that’s just talking to talk why does this feel like deja anyway anyway like I was saying like I was saying like I was saying like you have to be right with the take

Versus me bro again I’m put on a big screen with somebody Lakers are gonna winers gonna win y pick and roll did you see what Tom 40 why have I why do I feel like I’ve been here 40 oh my God this anyway Thomas did 21 and 10 versus Denver they’re gonna

Win six 4 two I’m not being allowed to talk definitely feels likeu finish point and we got we gotta get back we gotta get back to these games I need prediction go ahead D go ahead again I hate when people bring up other [ __ ] talking points when it

Comes to the Lakers to try to make it seem like oh that’s what we all think I can only speak for me when we talked about the offseason moves I was like yes I did enjoy some of the moves I did like getting Christian Wood I was definitely

I was definitely skeptical on Gabe Vincent but if we GNA sit here and act like I wasn’t the first [ __ ] to say torian prince was a terrorist before got the dreads I was the one that said hey I don’t know not like this at all I was adamant

On there from the jump so I get it other people might have said some off the rail things oh we won graded in the air whatever I damn sure gave us a C C+ if anything I like the couple of the pieces I did not like I like Jackson Hayes me

And Mars went back and forth on that I like Christian Wood me and Mars went back and forth on that I was questionable about gay Vincent because I wasn’t sure about his defense but I was like hey let’s be skeptical and with Toran Prince I was like that was a

Horrible move because he’s gonna forget how to play basketball when he puts a Lakers jersey on just like every one player we get every other year what do you mean it doesn’t make any sense forget how to play basketball could he put a Lakers jersey on yo we got we got

We gotta move on yo we gotta move in the wrong role it’s the actual issue what’s what’s going on you literally you literally love me you don’t hate me you do not hate me you don’t what’s the word today what’s going on guys chill will hello will you got any any agendas

At the moment that need to be pushed anything you need to get off the chest anything you want to say to the masses or anybody up here I mean earlier the show I was watching I think Ron I think that you was whing out uh earlier on when they

Were talking about the Boston Celtics and the Bucks think like yeah your takes was kind of crazy there crazy what what specifically did I say that was wild just give me one thing I think you just putting too much emphasis on uh the Celtics losing those two games to to the

HW but then it’s kind of like you’re not really absolving um the bucks for what they’ve been doing as well it’s a little crazy to me especially with the points that everybody else was making it just seemed like you didn’t want to be wrong you know you kind of just arguing just

To argue no and I feel that will but my thing is maybe I’m blowing it out of proportion but if I didn’t say anything we would have we we would nobody would have mentioned that up to now and will you don’t think that that’s a cause for concern I don’t think it’s that

Concerning now I mean it’s 82 Game season people gonna lose games all right and then I think maybe if your main argument was okay you want to trust Giannis over Tatum then I give you that because we’ve seen Giannis win a championship before as as the number one

Guy but I just think that you not really giving them will it wasn’t it wasn’t a bucks vers Celtics argument they turned it into that what I was I was merely just trying to point out what I don’t like about the Celtics and then chill forced me to

Point out what I don’t like about the bucks now because you said the BS going to the finals so we want to know what your why you think no not not go to the finals win the NBA champ so we why yeah why are you putting them over the

Celtics if they got flaws too because you haven’t talked about the flaws since I’ve known you in two months I’ve been with you I just talked about him I read today today today yeah I know before that I didn’t I didn’t know you were this high in the Bucks that and trusting

Giannis and Dame down the stretch of games when you never seen Dame do anything so I I was just curious your points didn’t make sense so thank you thank you will thank you appreciate that good work will yo D what’s good what’s good Roy what up old booy what up big

Fella what up D what up D how’s everyone doing good brother talk about KD for an hour now is that what’s gonna happen because every time Z comes out it’s been a while I don’t know I just I just got some time and I tapped in it’s been a while seea

Full cast was on so wanted to say hello share my so so so uh D just so you know KD over the last five games he’s almost 60 50 and 80 over the last five games yeah that’s terrible which is crazy to me because

He’s done it so much B from the free thr L man that’s exactly that’s what’s the terrible part wait wait chill why you why you speaking on him why you speaking on him because you telling me that Jason tat I’m better than KD this year yeah I

Did but anyway the point that I was making is that he’s done this so much that it’s kind of become something that gets thrown by the wayside because KD been so good for so long that when he does something like this it’s like all right whatever no big deal all right but

If somebody else was doing it we’ll make a big deal out of it right that’s the St of that’s the St of the greatness man yeah I’m not I’m not very high on the Suns right now yeah like well I had him second round exit before the season start I

Probably got them first right now how I’m feeling they hav’t been showing me this it’s been sad it’s been sad but would you say that the Suns is like one of the most disappointing teams this season in terms of for like what people thought that they should be doing well I

Don’t care what other people think I had them second round so I’ll say they’re disappointed now because now I have them first round but I didn’t have them I didn’t like how anything was constructed so I had them second round but some people had them championships some

People I never I I never seen that so what was your main reason to not seeing it I think they need some under control on offense Le a point guard yeah like it don’t even have to it could have be somebody in a system like a Draymond

Green just to someone to have some control like not Devin Booker bringing the ball up thinking he’s the point guard not KD doing it because it’s easier to guard when he dribbling up the ball instead of getting it at a spot and not Bradley b doing it

So so right now they play the timble you think they’d lose to the Timo was in the series um that’s hard you know what I’m saying that’s a very hard but and how and been playing how whaton name been playing if I got him out first round I’ll have to

Say they’ll probably lose to the Tim moves right now they just their inconsistency is like annoying to me you lose to the Spurs with no W then you beat the Nuggets it’s like even though Jamal M didn’t play he played the last time and y’all beat them there too like

Y’all know how to in a way lock in like today’s another big game for them for OKC and I have them winning tonight that’s a good sign though know that you can beat the the top of the competition because in the playoffs you’re not going to see but it’s also a terrible

Sign like I you argue they’re going to get up for the big games and the playoffs do big games so yeah but in they playing you’re not you’re more so playing you know what I’m saying no you you shouldn’t be be up for to play that same nuggets way every time lose that

Way that’s how you build a habit that’s how you build consisten that’s how good teams honestly are made it’s hard to get up for the Spurs it is it is hard to get up for the Spurs but no that’s why I say these these games where like you play like the

Portland Trailblazers or you play like the Spurs and wemes and all that build your statup those those games will trick you though those games will Tri you up0 points build your stat up those games will trip you up and then you come out and then all of a sudden Delano Bon’s

Got 40 go get 60 Jeremy Jeremy Shan had 30 and 28 rebounds or some nut [ __ ] against them like golly go build your stats up right all right fellas what we gonna get into is I’mma give y’all a team and I’mma go around the room and I need

Everybody to describe that team how they feel to you in three words could be one word could be two words or you could use all three so the first team I’m gonna start with and these is all playoff teams first team I’m G start with is the LA

Clippers will I’m G start with you describe the Clippers how they feel to you in three words I I got one contenders I think the Clippers are still contenders I think nobody’s going to want to see them in the playoffs more than three WS sorry oh okay well I

Thought I had the initial word going I thought it was I thought it was an initial word and then you just going go ahead will cuse we we haven’t heard J how you feel about the Clippers yeah I think that the Clippers they definitely are contenders I think a lot of people

Are I know recently what they’re like four and six over the last 10 games but I think look Kawhi Leonard’s been healthy Paul George has been healthy I like the fit with j Harden as well I think that they are a team come to playoffs if they can stay healthy which

We haven’t seen them be able to do the last few seasons I definitely think that they are a team that can go far and I don’t think anybody should really be surprised if you end up watching them in the Western Conference finals this season all right Dale oh he’s jumping off all right

Swiper the Los Angeles Clippers one word or three words how many up to three up to three um disappointment they had a great stretch and then it was cooked all right Delroy the Clippers and up to three words confusing that’s it I’m G say confusion three times all right DMO uh them boys

Cursed chill it’s the Clippers M damn Mars Arts of War all right big ax you heard mors you heard that’s three words there you go you heard Mor heard all right next team I got for you guys is the New York Nick will start with you again oh hold

Up swiper swiper you said you said dogs dogs simple as that all right will overrated all right overrated in what sense will so do where do where do you think people have the next right exactly I think people well maybe because I’m in the New

York area so be where I’m at yeah just a lot of New York yeahor look ex Cas ex Cas sorry all right so then D you know New York mostly Nick fans right it’s barely a few of us net guys out there but if you listen to how people talk about the

Knicks you would think that they have the same record as the Celtics do right now like you just woke up that’s not it come on man I’m explain something to you about a Nick fan you can’t tell a difference from a real Nick fan if the

Knicks is the last place team or the first place team so that’s why that’s bad because we always gonna especially if you from New York like myself so overrated I haven’t heard a Nick fan say that Nicks is going to the chip I haven’t heard I have I I

Have I got told day I got told delusion fans though I take out the delusion everybody you got listen to them though because I think that most Nick fans are delusional but I don’t think that makes them overated who did you who did you talk to swiper that said that the Knicks

Was going to the NBA Championship content creator a nick nick content creator and he said Jaylen Brunson was was the word he used was Unstoppable how do you stop him that was that was the answer J Brunson his looking unable and that’s enough to get them to the NBA fight who was it

Click look but I’m Notting into that like that’s not the person you go to or say when you say the Knicks is overrated though everybody get their own take from the mass media no Mass me everybody got Nick either second round exit or marginal could make it to the conference

Final and that’s a fair assessment right now for the Knicks that’s my experience though yeah I mean but you’re talking about mass media I’m talking about people who I work with just New York fans in general people okay so what do they what do they think of the where do they have the

Knicks the season ends today the Knicks are going into the playoffs what do they think the Knicks are doing at least the F no sorry not the NBA Finals the Eastern Conference Finals is that overrated is that ridiculous to think that that that get it’s not ridiculous

But I just don’t think that highly of the team so that’s why I’m saying that they’re overrated because I would agree if you say that they’re a second round exit I think that’s where they’ll get to but go ahead what’s your issue with the Knicks in terms of not just overrated

What what is what is your issue with the Knicks overall because they gotta this team is built for TS it’s a defensive minded team a bunch of dirty workouts but you get you got a Bucky get and Jaylen Brunson Julius Randle He can come back healthy and he doesn’t have to

Shoot as much he a little bit more efficient and they gonna win games on defense why is it ridiculous but you like Julius Randle CH like I TR Julius Rand don’t here’s here here’s the difference the difference is that I don’t think that he has to do nearly as

Much on this crew considering what their identity is their identity but he want to that’s the problem but he’ll want to do do you know he he has a 46 true shooting in his career in the playoffs 46 I do know I do know that true shooting a fluid that we don’t care

Which you already know how I feel about true shooting right I do understand that I’m not I’m not a fan of true shooting but the identity of this team is defense the identity of this team is dirty work that’s the identity of the New York

Knicks this not this this is not a team that’s going to run the score up they’re gonna get 125 130 from them no you’re not gonna get that so if a guy like Julius Randle buys into that which I think he would where think get we we can

Get 18 to 20 18 to 22 from him in the playoffs and on what what you gonna get Jaylen Brunson now that’s the that’s the difference swiper I don’t think they we’re gonna get chuckin because again this team is built on on defense which means that a lot of the stuff is in

Transition one stop it’s in transition one one shot from from the offense a lot of secondary Break Stuff for this New York Nick team it’s not a lot of iso which is what Julius Randle used to play at but this New York Nick team they

Don’t have to do that with him and I think that he could buy into that all right I I still need everybody’s word so I got will set overrated swiper what did you say again you said dogs dery how are you going to describe the Nicks

Um let me see if I think of the Knicks what I think of they’re impactful right now for New York City bu ass Brooklyn Nets you see what he just said they’re impactful they’re impa yo y’all standing in third yeah what a championship look how happy they are because they’ve been

Poverty for so long so wait question so you only I don’t want to hear you I don’t want to hear nothing from you will first of all y’all stole our team let’s start there y’all sto okay that’s number one number two it was the biggest failure with KD Kyrie Irving and James

Harden so I hear so what but we tried but we tried what have the Knicks done last 20 years let me ask you a question talk hold on hold on I’m saying or would you rather be like the Knicks and just try to rebuild over 20 plus years theck are a

Better situation than the Nets are though question how how did the Brooklyn Nets with KD James and them try and the Knicks didn’t try last year losing in second round if that’s the farthest both team has gone because what I’m saying is that the Nets have shown more ambition

Than what the Knicks have the Nets have made more moves to try to bring a championship back to New York and have twice ruined and have twice ruined ruined the franchise you built the Boston Celtics you did your franchise built the Boston go ahead go ahead dlyn kid so the

Moves you say the what is the move KD and Kyrie they signed their free agency Brooklyn had nothing to do with that they just called we’re coming okay we that’s a fact that’s not what players have signed with the Knicks hold on you talking about you said talking you have to convince them

To but you got to convince them to join wasn’t Brooklyn the second option because they weren’t because KD wasn’t gonna get the money he wanted from and he just didn’t want to play he didn’t want to play for Kye prer Brooklyn Kyrie preer go ahead de go ahead doesn’t go with your

Point next the only move y’ made was trading yeah got we got James Harden right that’s that that’s one and then we got Ben Simmons how is that looking yeah it didn’t work out like like what are you talking about like point is that they’re trying that’s

That’s will but we try we tried what have the Knicks done to show how are the Knicks not trying with Leon R worldwide it’s the big name it’s the big name he don’t see the Dante Jaylen Brunson is already a more successful Jay brunson’s already a more successful signing than

Anything that the Nets have done in the last five six years based on really they are they have their assets they have their assets they have their cap they got one of the best play one of the best players in the Eastern Conference and they have a formidable Donan Mitchell is

Coming you don’t you don’t need Donovan Mitch you don’t need don’t can we kill that Donovan Mitchell logic already 6 foot one guard next no yes you but you don’t win championships without Superstars and that’s something that the Knicks don’t have they don’t have a superstar you

What do the Nets have something the Nets don’t have is a CH okay yes y had multiple superstars it didn’t work I’m just confused on the fact of how we’re going to sit here and try to criticize and say oh my God you want to really be

In the shoes of a Nick fan look what they’ve done [ __ ] what have y’all done everything the league genuinely I would genuinely much watch my team suffer and probably make a bad draft decision then constantly trade away our future overpay for guys that don’t work can’t be

Healthy and can’t play or can’t keep their mouth shut like literally the Nick underpay Jaylen Brunson the Knicks underpay Jaylen Brunson get to the second round y’all overpay Kyrie Kevin Durant y’all over spin for James Harden y’all over spin for all these other guys that are superstars Allstars and y’all just get

To the second round what are we doing okay hold on wait hold the worst future in the NBA right now okay I understand that I understand that and we have the worst Future Okay obviously that James Harden trade set us back and with swiper you brought up

About the Jaylen green Mel Bridges yeah I think that was idiotic to not trade Mel Bridges for Jaylen green and some first round picks because I don’t really understand who the front office believes Mel Bridges is but besides that point what I’m saying is we have tried the

Knicks have not okay you can say that right nower the net trying they literally got isenstein those three players these three in the last year and a half are better than anything that the Nets have done collectively better than anything the Nets have done just those three all

Right oh on wait so when the net sign KD Kyrie and got James Harden were all you guys like up here saying that that was a bad move and that it would not work out be honest I wasn’t I was I said it I was

A hater I like this [ __ ] is not gonna work it’s only one basketball I don’t know how are they going to stay healthy are they going to actually get the job done you know what the answer ended up being no they didn’t get the job done

They stay okay wait let’s talk about why okay wait but let’s talk about why if Kevin Durant didn’t wear a size 50 that’s a three-pointer weat you knew what size shoe he will when you signed him okay fair enough I’m saying James hard on wait a minute where

James Harden was hurt and then let’s not act like New York putting in That covid vaccine mandate where if you don’t take the shot then you cannot play home games but traveling players can come in and play home games did not also lead to us failing because Kyrie wasn’t why you

Have to blame the city for y’all [ __ ] not doing your job about to blame the city of New York yeah BL C actually Yes actually yes I am about to blame them because that was a stupid rule that held out one of the best players in the NBA from

Contributing to the squad next thing you know players get frustrated James Harden’s frustrated these guys are so now they break up but to sit there and act like the the Nets being ambitious is the wrong move just because it did not work out it’s idiotic to me you miss

100% of the shots you don’t take we went for it twice they both failed the two different errors but we still went for it the Nick time talking why are you saying though that’s what’s blowing my mind think the Knicks haven’t tried okay because in my life since I could

Remember watching basketball I don’t ever remember the Knicks actually being a legit title Contender no but you’re saying they haven’t tried so I’m say not M they got mow in 2010 they wer trying andar they weren’t trying did anybody think that they were actual leg no no no no no you said try

You said try try to be a contender they to me again as I said there is not a time that I can remember the Knicks outside of maybe this season which is why I guess all of them are acting like they’ve lost their mind when have they

Been a legit threat they have not so so will rewind really quick were so in 2012 when they were the number two seed in the East they weren’t trying was it 2013 they W threat they were to they were a top three seed in the East they WTIC the Miami Heat a few

Seasons were the first overall seed and nobody taking him serious so that he was trying no of course every team tried but what I’m saying is that the front office did not put a like they did not put a team together that I believe was a legit threat chion they had

Two we got we got to move on y’all we gotta move on we gotta move on there’s no way I still hey will do you want to go back and change your uh your word for the for the Knicks you get a overated yeah the Knicks weren’t trying but the

Nets tried let me say the Knicks were trying but then he’s saying oh but they weren’t contenders but the Nets failed in their attempt to both of them failed so they were both trying or they both weren’t trying wait so Mars let ask you a question before we move on all

Right go ahead go ahead I was ji I was just gonna say it’s absolutely fine because the Nets have never been real contenders so we’re good as long as we know that as long as we have that understanding the Nets and the so no New York team has been can been contenders

In Will’s life here we go I mean look I look I can admit that the Nets are poverty just like the Knicks like what we talking about we’re you live in the same project building I live in you just got nicer Furniture what you talking about I ain’t going

LIE there’s level there’s levels to Poverty I ain’t gonna lie how is there level the Knicks with a champion level level millionaire one person has2 million the other one has 500 million New York is so funny bro yo DMO level you got up to three words to describe the New York Nick

What are you gon to say play a lot of minutes I don’t know for the Knicks um two years away that’s what that’s what I’ll say for him they’re two years away from really being legitimate threats in my opinion all right chill ttim what you got Dirty Work

Team Mars Mitch Robinson’s back yo Morris what are you what are you doing you know what a I’m G do you favor next time I’m gonna put you ahead of Mars all right I’m TI you got something else or are you just GNA uh yo Mitch is

Back yeah that’s all I gotta say about that’s all I gotta say about that um I want to say cuse who was that earlier saying that nobody said the Knicks were coming out the East so I had y’all know I got the I got the Celtics but I think

It was on chill with chill the other day I I said that you know Mitchell Robinson is back the Knicks got the East y oh you officially got the Knicks coming out the East the Knicks got the East bro Mitchell Robinson is back and this because of Mitchell Robinson or this is

Because what happened last night well not because remember we was talking about it before and I was like okay once when they got OG I’m like okay the Knicks are serious we can respect the Knicks now that got OG I respect the Knicks they good you know and then when

They short up that bench going to get boan Alec Burke I’m saying like they can beat they can beat the Celtics I’m I’m not if they beat the Celtics in six or seven I’m not shocked at all the Bucks don’t want to play the Knicks nobody wants to play the

Knicks Boston Boston Boston and New York are clearly the best two teams in the East but the the the Knicks can bully them the Knicks the Knicks can for sure bully the Celtics and win that series Mitchell Robinson is back yeah all right so okay okay so so your word should just

Be all of a sudden uh no no Mitchell Robertson is back I’m with Mark that’s that’s my three words Mitch I was going to say Mitch is back so this your final this your final finals pick for the Eastern Conference or you going to change again later I don’t know I can’t

Tell you what’s going to happen tomorrow swiper I’m just saying right now I got the I got the next one in these all right because of Mitchell Robinson that’s why he’s is that all you that’s exactly what you just said Mitchell Robinson me I wouldn’t say it like that I mean Mitch is

Mitch Mitch the best off re in the leag going to get OG get and Mitch Robinson coming back being healthy that’s that’s four is Julius is Julius Randle playing I sure hope so all right I got I got whoever the Micks are playing all right cool I

Don’t yo hey I do believe we do sleep on the Knicks at four strength with Jaylen Brunson dezo ogan anobi Julius Randle and Mitch and then the guys they got coming off the bench the Nicks is all right for real who’s gonna them who’s going to be second on that

Team in shot attempts over the course of that playoff run Ron probably be Julius not even priv it’s gonna be Julius okay I’m I’m telling y’all y’all gonna look at me funny like oh this Swip it’s not that bad it’s 48 true shooting it’s like all

Right cool yeah I don’t care I don’t care about what it’s true shooting this all I’m saying is he doesn’t have to shoot 25 shots you know what I’m saying they can they can spread it out all Julius like I said before all Julius Randle has to do is compete on defense

Get on the glass and be efficient I need Julius Randle shooting 12 13 14 shots you know what I’m saying we we good with that let Bo get his shots up let OG get some shots up let let uh Dante D chinzo come off the or he might be starting

Whatever let Dante D chinzo fire some shots up let Jaylen Brunson carry with this squad with the squad they got Jaylen Brunson can carry Jaylen Brunson number one option coming out as y’all know as y’all know when Becky Hammond said what she said I was 100% with her

She’s right the that they have put together now he can carry Jaylen brunon can carry the offensive load with some strong support strong support from Bo you think they’ll beat the heat he’s not playing he’s not playing if B’s not gonna play Never Gonna Play stop gonna

Play y are so y so quick here thing and just disagree instead of listening to No I’m listening I’m listening to I’m listening to what you’re saying in totality big talking about talking the totality of the of what I’m saying is that Jaylen Brunson can carry the offensive load with some strong support

From Julius R bonam bonovich OG OG anobi Dante Dian chinzo if those four can give him some strong support meaning meaning he can score his 208 whatever it is and the rest of these guys I need you uh uh Julius I need 16 from you that’s not strong support o That’s not

Strong support that is strong support no it is support if I if I got if I if if these next four guys up if these next four guys up are each if they’re averaging if they’re averaging about 16.5 15 points a game from four guys that’s not strong support wait so the

Thing go ahead will okay a I’m saying so you’re betting on Jaylen Brunson with average players to be able to come out to e conference I mean short you can you can try to Thro that these average players I’m talking about dominance I’m talking about dominance down there in the paint

With with Mitch with Mitch uh hardstein let’s let’s let’s relax let’s relax like Mitchell Robinson ain’t one of them like like Isaiah hardenstein isn’t the best backup big that y’all seen this year Isaiah hardenstein is doing his thing Mitchell Robertson is doing his Julius and Julius Randle all we all not we all

The Nicks need from Julius Randall is 17 and nine that’s not enough that’s not what he is though bro that’s not what he is he averaged that last year in the playoff on not so good efficieny this isn’t the same team all I said was jul need be more if Julius R

Could just shoot less shots not enough rebound and play defense hey we’ll see hey y’all say it’s not enough I say it is it’s only one way to find out you pck you P whoever they got a six foot guard that they’re going to hunt every possession who how’s that possible

That’s okay they got Josh dog my bad they got they got a five a five1 guard that gets R out every possession are you are you are you bitter from your Dame take earlier that why you’re comparing him and jayen Brunson that’s exactly what you’re doing Jon better Defender

Than Damen by the way just to be clear about this and they have a much better team defense around jayen Brunson so and he’s a much he’s a better offensive player probably in the playoffs again than Damen L would be so before you try to sneak this Jaylen Brunson you better

Stand up stand up and respect Jaylen Brunson stop trying to put him in so so what is it Swip are they are they like that or not cuz no I I don’t I don’t I think they’re going to contend for the Eastern Conference FAL I’m with you I just don’t

Think they’re going to be Boston or bucks I think they’ll bully Boston how what about Boston what about Boston suggest you don’t got you don’t got to be soft to get bullied that’s exactly what has to happen you got you don’t gota be soft to

Get bully you just gotta run into a real bully Nick real bully yes think in terms of bully BS in the E the Knicks play probably the best version of bully ball you possibly can in the east no way not not with B respect respect Robson that’s what y need to do

Y’ need to respect Mr Robinson we gotta move on the next team I got for you guys is the Dallas Mavericks will can you describe the Dallas Mavericks in up to three words and by the way while while we stinking go ahead and slap that like button subscribe if you haven’t and

Shout out all of our new members slap that button y a threat okay Swiper the Mavericks yes Yes uh Good Vibes loss Good Vibes loss fought hard fought hard just not enough fought hard just not enough so Good Vibes shots great shots lost great shots gonna be great shots made but remember that Alam all right you got you got some you you got some ox

Oh was it my turn thought last cool U something about grenades okay chill Mar um I really wasn’t ready because all I got is Gade launcher so that’s n launcher that’s that’s all I got for y all right d what you got Batman and Robin man y’ man I don’t

Know why everybody let it play with the goat Luca and play with that ethical Hooper Kyrie but yeah Batman and Robin they on the way they are on the way on the way we on the way we DMO hey let’s not talk about they just on the way they just

Move I don’t really know I don’t know where we going swiper say I don’t know where we going they be on way we driving for sure in the Batmobile right Nowell we going they are in the batcopter they in the Batmobile batcopter in a Bat Plane they on the way know where

To oh near said Batman and Robin on the way to Joker uh oh uh oh all right uh Morris that didn’t turn out so uh better than ever ever or like this era ever the Luca oh I got you I got you I got you respect I

Agree I think this might be his best squ all right chill Dallas Mavericks luk iMagic okay how far can he take them book whoever said to the Joker this is how Robin gets turned to Red Hood trust me he go to the Joker villains will be if you’re in the

DC cartoons at all you know what that means oh man so what Rob Robin went to the Joker side nah just pull on HBO HBO Max Red Hood Joker mered Robin and Robin turned into a villain because of it that’s essentially it it’s good it’s really good it’s a really good movie DC

Animations at all HBO got them all HBO has every single one of them best best thing they got hey quick side not quick side not shout out to Batman for having a plane I just want put that that is so got Batmobile just with no man be either brother be easy brother all

Right what is he doing cuz I’m if I was Elon I for sure be on some Batman type [ __ ] like say he is on Batman type [ __ ] that [ __ ] has his own space program do you not know how crazy man I thought you needed I thought you needed permits and

Like government like assistance to go to SP [ __ ] I don’t know if he got perits I think [ __ ] just doing it at this point you gotta have some type of perits you can’t just you got2 200 billion Department I’m about to say the money is Department my net worth is almost 200 is

That much that he’s worth 200 billion I think like 190 billion oh oh that’s it yo Elon let me hold let me let me hold a m to crazy one super CH is crazy at least one M God like where where’s the Super shat from Tesla what’s going on facts

SpaceX maybe but uh the next team that we got is the OKC Thunder will or whoever’s ready right first whoever’s ready first OKC Thunder and up to three words yeah what y’all got for me not there yet all right says they’re not there yet they’re close but not quite close to

That point they ain’t there yet getting close though what else we got um I would say that they are little or skinny little skinny yeah we describing chat right now in the middle just just just a skinny a skinny paint you know just a skinny paint you

Know real little in the paint that’s all but that’s the only that’s pretty much the only criticism I got for that Squad Thunder’s New Era it’s Shay’s time um whatever you want to go with uh I I know throughout before the season started throughout the season a lot of

People were questioning will he be able to do it in the playoffs he just crumble we don’t know we don’t know you’re right we don’t know so stop [ __ ] hating all right Shay’s been great let’s expect him to be great when it came to LeBron I told y’all

LeBron ain’t showing y’all no reason to believe he’s not still LeBron James you’re just assuming and hating because of his age and what have we seen this year LeBron still be somewhat of Lebron stop being ready to hate and this is coming from a hater he just don’t want you guys to be

Haters like him that’s all it is he just wants be only ha cuz it’s not fun no more when everybody hating who’s really hating hey CH is let’s say let’s say God forbid I’m pulling for the kid unless unless we play him obviously um let’s say God forbid like I said first round

Shay I mean laser egg I’m talking about Shay I’m talking about uh T let’s just say he average let’s not say he he needs to be trash he needs to be obvious egg CH is one of the worst is this one of the worst uh what do y’all

Call them playoff drops we’ve seen no from what he’s done this year the the sheer dominance no because I feel like talking Shay yeah yeah man I watched the whole half a decade of James on and Westbrook do crazy stuff in the regular season and he get to the playoffs and

Forget how to play basketball hell no this ain’t the biggest collapse what what I don’t think it’s gonna be a collapse anyway I just want to put that on record I think he’s gonna be a good playoff per right Mars and will I need you guys to give me up to three words

And a regular just sent through a Super Chat said I got you Ron OKC equals free throw Merchant okay but Mar Mars and will enlighten me I think is going down untrustworthy just because again it’s a young Squad and I got to see what they can do in the playoffs really I’m I’m

I’m not too sure all right Mars ready right now ready right now okay I think they can be I’m not picking them to win but I think they can win win it all the West the West okay M the because I be listening to what you be

Saying M about the West it sounds to me m with the exception of Denver like the West is wide open because you’ve already made it clear that Dallas could get bounced in the first round but they could also win the Western Conference Oklahoma City they could also win the

Western Conference so is the West more wide open outside of Denver than I realize I mean I could just say look at the standings I mean it’s it’s close like you got the top three they’ve kind of separated themselves but then four the four seed all the way down to nine

Is four games like it’s CL like the late we haven’t got to the Lakers yet right no we hav’t okay I’m I’m going leave them out but like the Mavericks like they’re on a great run right now the we haven’t spoke about the Pelicans the Pelicans on a great run the Clippers

They’ve been falling but I mean it’s possible like the West I think who do you feel better about boss let me ask you that question who do you feel better about do you feel better about the Clippers or Dallas in terms of winning the Weston conference Dallas

Wow go ahead sorry the next team we got is the Cleveland Cavaliers three words to describe it they are good never never gonna happen Mar says never gonna happen will says say that again will they are good okay chill DMO o Cleveland Cavs blow it up blow it

Up oxen shill I know you two are the highest on the Cav I am high on the Cavs I feel like I feel about them how I feel about Oklahoma City not there yet not there yet getting close but not there yet never gonna be I’m I’m I’m D there

With the I think you wrong on that m i do I think you’re wrong on that I think this team’s going to be better in the future they got they got the young talent that they have with Evan Mobley I definitely need to see Improvement after this season I mean he’s been injury

Riddled this season so that right there that’s been a hamper for him but next season offensively he’s got to be better I I already know who he is defensively I think he’s gonna be the best defensive player in the game offensively he’s got to be more aggressive he’s got to be

Better in the mid-range and I’d like to see him be respectable at the long ball line my word for him is soft my word for him is soft but I’m confused by him because I really like what they got going on over there and so

I think damos said blow it up when he said that I was like yeah I kind of feel the same way but it’s it’s a lot they got a lot of potential over there with Evan Donovan you know the young core they got and I really like uh the big

Fell I really like the big fell jar Allen so man I’m just confus so I’m confused I’m just confused with what’s going on with the Cavs they should be they should be better I think they’re just soft bro that’s really what it is I think they just need to get somebody

Over there that that can kind of toughen them up a little bit somebody no somebody somebody that play like the the you know like a maybe a starting small forward a backup power forward uh Bobby Porters type you know what I mean but okay yeah like you know somebody that’s

Really Gonna Get You Know get gutter over there I don’t think they got any of that on their lineup hold on for a second do that would be crazy D just a just a quick question so dude bra in the chat says that my Vendetta against young teams in your recent

History tell me how young teams have fared in the league because I watched the Oklahoma City Thunder with 23 year old KD and 22 year old Russell Westbrook Get Smoked by the Miami Heat I watched the Orlando Magic out of the playoff even in the finals I saw them

Get smoked so the idea that they’re not there yet why is that unrealistic to think why why why is that hating on them I mean they go to the finals I mean if this OKC team gets to the finals and get smoked so we gonna say oh well they

Weren ready like here’s the difference there’s nobody on that crew that was better better than KD at that time nobody I’m fine with that nobody on that crew and just like there was nobody on that crew that was better than that nobody on that crew that was better than

Shaq during that time nobody well yeah but I think the team top to bottom is very very good like even if if they get to the confence fin if they get to the Conference Finals and lose to Denver we gonna be like oh I told you they weren’t

Ready like no it to be honest with you m I think that’s a that’s a big time overachievement because there’s nobody who had this team going this deep into the playoffs we go from a team that’s a playing team that’s in a conference Championship with a second with with

Their second best player with their second best player being a secondy year guy their big guy being a rookie that’s it no I ain’t buying that nobody had them being this good if they end up in the conference Championship that would be a huge overachievement and it would

Be awesome for them to do that I just don’t think they’re there yet but I will say this in a couple of years the road to the NBA the if if they can keep this group together or the majority of this group together if they can keep them

Together the road to the NBA finals goes through Oklahoma City they don’t want to see Houston in a couple years but y’all don’t want to see them Mars I promise you think you you think you you I’m talking about in a couple of years Shay’s gonna be a lot better Jay Dub’s

Gonna be a lot better Chad’s gonna be way better I think they’re gonna I think they’re gonna upgrade L Dort I definitely think that they’re gonna upgrade him um Isaiah Joe they could very well upgrade him they could get better on that front line I don’t think

You gonna want anything to do with those guys in another two three years sangon sangon mat that tar e amen Thompson Jaylen green Jabari Smith C whip they don’t want to see us they don’t want to see how chill chill in what ways in what

Ways do you see CH getting better is he gonna get better based on skill set IQ and stuff or is it just more physicality getting older getting stronger getting bigger well it’s I think it’s two things number one he’s gonna be able to play more games and stay healthy and

Understand the game more he’s gonna get a little bit he’s gonna get bigger which makes him more physical so he’s going to start to understand the game more so him being able to stretch defenses him being able to understand def being able to understand how to play defense that’s

Gonna make him even better so I feel like him being more physical him understanding the game I think that’s gonna make him a lot better all right y’ moving along let’s have a little fun now let’s have some fun we got the Los Angeles Lakers y’all

Knew this team was going to be on the list three words to describe the Lakers last chance Last Chance last chance okay I think this is it after this season Bron I think this it after this season last chance say that again ax bronze too old all right ax says bronze too old

Will you have one yeah it’s over this being a Nets fan have to do with anything gota do with anything we both gonna be watching the finals from the couch I I I want to go on record and make sure that it’s not it’s no hate

Coming from a Sacramento King fan I just I just seen Bri last year bent over tired and you know what I’m saying like you could see his jump shot there was no legs in there he wasn’t shooting the ball he was throwing the ball you know I

Mean you you can you can see when somebody’s not shooting anymore he’s tired heaving at braon wasn’t looking the same he was now don’t get me wrong he he had some good stats in a lot of games but you could tell at certain times like he was tired bro so that’s

What I’m worried about are you talking about last year’s playoffs yes yeah I’m talking about last playf say the the playoffs where he was hurt that playoffs okay because the he LeBron this year like he got all the legs under him the shots actually falling the shots looking

Way better this year for per time I’m I’m talking into the playoffs though DMO when they’re playing as long as he’s healthy if we have a healthy LeBron James I I think you’re going to see Isa what you seen from the regular season probably times two

Okay second real quick I I I do want I do want to say this that um I’m not so much so much talking about his Play Because when he was when he was out there playing um you know standing standing up straight playing basketball not tired he was getting busy with or

Without a hurt foot I’m talking about in the times when you could a li a hater [ __ ] you can get irritated all you want shut up [ __ ] oh my make me sit the thing is the thing is when uh when you could clearly see he was

Fatigued it was a it was a difference that’s all I’m saying I’m I think he played good I I don’t know about the hurt foot or none of that I think he played good basketball but he was fatigued I’m talking to you about clear I’m saying and I think that’s I think

That’s the issue that’s all I’m saying I feel don’t get me wrong I definitely feel that I just feel like this year’s a bit different because of the upgraded role got like DLo is gonna play this year compared to last year even he spoke on it without someone like Dennis

Schroer there that’s always on his neck so every bad decision he makes now he’s janked at the game and there’s another option in the eyes of darham now that that’s not there D’s playing with more freedom Austin Reeds has been given an upgraded role ESS essentially on paper

Has been upgraded but really he’s playing the same role but we’re goingon to see a lot more of the other guys a lot more of the other guys are be able to carry that burden a little bit so LeBron even if he does get tired We’re

Not gonna have to rely on him while he’s tired and even and even if it is situations where he’s gonna get fatigued because he’s only human I think the fact that he’s not hurt is going to be the biggest differ because he’s not going to

Just rely on the shot I think he was relying on the shot part partly because he was fatigued but because of the injury so he couldn’t do the normal things he could do now even if he is fatigued he’s still gonna be able to do normal LeBron things or things he deems

Normal at this point in LeBron’s career and it’s just going to be a different outlook on how we’re getting see D the the reason I’m worried about you DMO the reason I’m worried about you in your squad right now DMO is because in that whole time you you didn’t bring up ruy

Haimura because that’s your key to this bro I’m telling you if y’all you know who it is it’s the deep pocket Bandit um I don’t how do I know he’s gonna play ruy consistently I can’t say oh yeah done and then ruy only playing 15 minutes the first two rounds so I can’t

I can’t confidently say oh ru’s gonna take the load off of LeBron pause because I think I think he should that’s his role but if Darin Ham’s not gonna consistently play him then then what what use is he for real that’s why I didn’t bring up ruy gota Ry ruy gotta

Play bro play is there a series because I can understand Series where guys are just a bad matchup and like for example Dwight Howard he ain’t play that much in the Miami Heat series when they played them in the finals there’s Series where guys don’t play that much is there a

Series where you see ruy can’t play in this series in the west no no there’s no Ser there’s no series I can think of where I can’t think of ruy being in the lineup starting coming off the bench we have that conversation on which lineup he looks better with versus what team but

Games where he’s just not playing there’s no situation this playoffs where ruy is not playing unless he’s just awful other than that get ruy on the floor and that’s the thing DMO he gonna just have to be awful like if I’m Darin you are you’re there’s no reason why he should

Be on the Flor reason like even here playing trash you just gonna have to prove to me through that you are garbage we all know he’s not so that’s I also and I also think too DMO y’all I don’t think y’all giving the Lakers enough credit for how they managing James

Because like we automatically think that James is just gonna be available every night maybe he is but they also trying to save him from himself because even though he could go yeah he got a lot of miles on him so maybe we hold like they they held him out against Milwaukee only

For him to play the next a couple of nights later y’all should sweep this road trip but the way that y’all been managing him I think that’s been a good thing we should and that’ll prove if we serious or not if we lose to one of

These bum ass teams I’m like yeah this is this is why we got question marks but if we 5 the teams if we do if we do our job I’ll be confident is winning the games you’re supposed to win Mars and DMO I need you guys’ three words for the

Lakers don’t trust Darin that’s my that is my three words for our success in the playoff do not trust Darin don’t trust ham listen trust everyone in the building trust deari Carroll trust jeie trust everybody do not trust Darvin Jesus wow Mars All or Nothing All or

Nothing all right y’all we got some super chats to get into so let’s go ahead and do it um shout out to everybody that has became a member uh I got Kyrie the goat and I got two clutch Corey shout out to everybody else that BEC members of this show go ahead and

Slap that like button if you haven’t go to Adams with the Super Chat he said did that one we did had a whole conversation facts shout out shout out shout out sric Allan L said the Grizzlies beat the fully healthy bucks last month by the way oh yeah they did

Yeah yeah I do yeah before the right I think yeah before the we didn’t talk about that holding the Bucks account hold on did Bay Area keer play bad in that game because if he did we talked about it I promise you didn’t didn’t didn’t Detroit beat didn’t

Detroit beat uh Oklahoma City with their whole crew yeah but that’s what we do in Detroit that’s Detroit that’s different that’s what we do that’s Cade Sage said Oh wrong D Dame was seven for 21 and three or 13 from three garbage trash we talked about it meanwhile

Janis jannis had 35 points 12 assists on 15 and 17 shooting garage Darren fost said does it ever get exhausting pretending none of Boston’s wins matter until the playoffs and then overreacting to every single loss every two weeks does it get exhausted in yall it’s it’s just you because I tell you

What I could do this [ __ ] all day long we know Chris Martin said he hey chill as a hey chill as a stoner L Chris Stoner as as a stone chill as a stoner I need to actually see you pass pass the J DMO eventually gotta get that on cam PC weekend

Too London Edition DMO you coming to PC weekend uh I have no reason not to H we thought that last time and people didn’t show up oh well no no no I I let people know in advance hey my bad this is I was double booked get more babysitter you do got to

Get that say yeah now I have a open schedule wait when is it supposed to be is it actually a thing like is there actually dates it’s contingent on a couple different things so we’ll if they want to pay for my first class ticket this

Time because I’m I’m oh y gota pay for my first class give me a regular ticket I’m G just upgrade that whole to first class anyway so a [ __ ] that’s last last time my people were on the ship it ain’t M well so let’s that b r did not no well it’s it’s

Contingent on the Green Room D ain’t nobody sending you no invitees youing mascot no [ __ ] you not getting an invite no not you not this dude want to be down with us so bad get out of here man beat it beat it J1 J1 said Hawks in effect we win in the

East fact hey I know you just beat the best team in the East twice that means you up two in a week in a week basically your first round Series right there and you Trey hit the game winner and you guys lost in the playoffs you really up

Three smoke Rich big said chill do you still think Tatum is better than ad I’m sorry I missed that you still think Tatum is better than ad this season no good hey let’s go good yeah that’s ad man big Davis so Cole with the Super Chat said

Imagine not scoring 73 to beat the Hawks imagine that right that’s that’s because the league doesn’t play defense man the league doesn’t play defense for football breakdown said ad did not go crazy y’all couldn’t score laughing my ass off didn’t go crazy yes he did they could score they could they

Couldn’t score because a was going crazy that would explain it well part of the reason is cuz ad was going crazy not I can’t give him all the credit but part of breezy ston Marberry to the Hall of Fame yes panel done in China what he’s done

In China gives him a case right IM the Chinese Basketball Hall of Fame apparently but I don’t know made he made a couple NBA teams and stuff in the league I mean with the Chinese it’s possible they don’t look I don’t think they look at the they don’t look at that

Chinese career as much but I mean when he retired from the NBA he was one of three guys him Oscar Robinson and Walt Frasier to average 20 and8 for their career is that not crazy though that they’ll consider other professional leagues but they won’t consider the CBA

That’s kind of messed up ain’t it no it’s it’s only really Euro league they really give credit to like that I know I I don’t think they’d be being like Oh the French leag I don’t think they really doing that it’s got to be racist

I think St for sure is a Hall of Famer I think just what what he’s done in totality for the game of basketball what do you do what do you do for the game of basketball Bes besid besides cell kg here we go oh my B from that you a get

You you a have a pair of straberries no I did I had three pairs tough B St Mary from the Hall of Fame just for him leaving K yeah that’s that’s what he because kg is his man don’t leave that out that’s his man so put it

Back the other dude Rong going keep believing in the B till 2030 and Janis is 37 he’s still going to have them winning the Chip he gonna be right be he gonna be right one year and be like I told you jiannis said 37 one year already happened Mars it’s over with did

You have the Bucks winning the chip in 2021 probably not wi in 2020 oh so you’ve been you’ve been picking them for what this is the fifth year did you have them in 2019 nah 2019 what I have in 2019 I can’t remember who I had in 2019 wait so

If you had the Bucks winning since 2020 why are you just done why were you so done with the Sixers last year if you weren’t picking them yeah why are you not done with Yannis that’s the question this man done four years I want to say n

In 20 2019 that’s come on 2019 we know who 209 I didn’t have nobody but but K but then K got injured so when KD got injured and Y I had the Raptors oh you had them over the butt because they a played that series yet it was still Philly and

Um9 and Ron in 2019 when the Eastern Conference Championship starts who do you have winning that series it was hold on it was the um man had the Box let’s be had the Toronto and Milwaukee the Conference Finals was Toronto and Milwaukee and they had Milwaukee

By the way I had the B I for sure had the Bucks okay and then KD was still injured so did you have the bucks when in the finals I think I had the Warriors one in the finals I mean I had inj even with KD

Her cause he KD with with no with with with KD HT my hey I I was probably prancing around like yeah it’s on it’s on this man ktie yes injured in second what injury was that with Katie because that was he didn’t come back injury it was it was

The Achilles he didn’t come back to the finals he got hurt in the second round against it was apparent it was allegedly a cough injury but they they were still saying ktie was gonna come back though at that time right but he we we knew he

Wasn’t they didn’t put a timeline on it he was out in definitely right I’m G say I had well I know I had the bucks but I’m not gonna say I was very confident just because the Warriors you’ve had the Bucs winning every championship for the last five years they won one that’s

That’s good percentages it’s not bad percentages 20% in the NBA that’s that’s great percentages 20% you you win one Championship are five years as a matter of fact a nobody did that well I mean a couple people which you know I mean I mean that’s kind of what you guys’ goats

Done every five years on average he gets a championship on average 11 out of 13 is one every five years on average on average he got four rings he’s played 20 years he wins one every five oh you talking about that phony go I’m talking about the real Go 11 13 that’s real

Numbers hey but if you win if you win a championship 20% of the uh time you’re in the NBA that’s good numbers but if you’re predicting a champion every single year and you are wrong 80% of the time 4 times unct 30 team but but no one’s Pi no one’s picking the Wizards

Like we’re already ruling out that’s true it’s like a handful of teams okay so okay so there’s eight so let’s say there’s eight teams that’s a 12 and a 12 and a half perc chance each year right you got it right one time the I’m not gonna lie that’s bad percentages

That’s bad I but if he gets he get twice if he gets it twice so let’s say he gets it right again within the next three years so twice in eight years that’s great numbers because also can I get a pass for last year there’s eight teams I

Mean there’s eight teams so get a pass for last year my man couldn’t even walk he was walking he was that getting triple that’s his fault for not having no moves if had a he wouldn’t keep trying to run everybody over him not walking was why he was

Shooting 40% from the free throw line on top of that wasn’t Chris Middleton hurt one of them series too it was only one series R so why you picking an injury-prone team R Chris Middleton still injury prone this year you still got him so I’m trying to

Hear like when’s the pick made like before the season or right before the playoffs like well he hasn’t switched up the whole time he’s been picking them the whole time since since 2019 I’ve consistently rocked with the Bucks and since 2019 they’ve been a championship Contender you’ve only been right one so so

What what am I supposed to do I supposed to I supposed to now say okay you know what since Giannis isn’t dominant enough and Dam is this this and this I’mma just go with the team to be I’m just trying to hear I Told You So if they win one

More it’s not going to be I told you 2026 I told you hold up though hold up though hold up though just in this year in all fairness in this year have I not been preaching the bucks but hold on it’s not not so much I told you so it’s

You guys telling me that they’re fo’s gold right that’s true that’s true telling you that fool is go I just don’t think they’re beating Boston so when they beat Boston what I’m supposed to just come up here and just no you you were right if they beat

Boston you were right all right but then what happens if they but if they lose to Boston what you say they winning it next year that’s G be the logic he gonna pick next exactly next year hey we got two super chats right quick though um Prada Prada

Said who who who could go to the Knicks and they be Champs who you think will like realistically or or just try I don’t know if Don yeah yeah hey what y think KD probably won out of Phoenix like after they don’t make no noise the the answer is pa

George I want to tell you the is p George not mad at that yeah okay I could agree with they get Paul George over there all right and I think that what is there like a report saying that they can’t really agree to a new contract right now like him and the Clippers

That’s why I said okay but they PG did fall off but he’s not gonna be the best player on the team so he chilling second op PG they wouldn’t have to let anybody go like that right to get I think nothing like what’s their c space looking like I know

It wouldn’t be nothing crazy I mean I’m Paul George would like want a big back though they gotta they got Julius Randle on a cheap they got Brunson on a cheap you still gotta pay OG because OG come off the books after this season so you gotta pay

Him he’s gonna want to get paid so who are you the chap too right yes you they they don’t lose any of the pieces they don’t want they they can’t afford to lose to get p all right David mua said does Dale want the ax in DMO one onone he ducking

O it’s pitiful at this point I’m that’s why I don’t even bring it up I’m not I’m not no bully so I ain’t gonna press it all right y it has been a good week we will be back on Monday recapping the weekend talking about other narratives

And everything good that we need to talk about y’all have a good weekend fellas you got anything to say on the way out Houston go New York go New York go oh D Houston and six Houston and six is coming you picking Houston Houston and six oh okay are you pick Houston next

Year Pi year after that okay I’m G be saying I told you sir yeah I told you siry scary though y hey open gym is not next it’s now y’all be sure to go tap in later

In this episode, our panelists delve into some hot topics in the world of basketball. They start by debating whether the Warriors should consider breaking up their team, focusing on Draymond Green’s role. The discussion then moves to comparing the Boston Celtics with the Bucks, exploring the Celtics’ performance and potential. The panelists also dive into a fascinating debate about who possesses the highest basketball IQ in NBA history, sparking insightful conversations. Additionally, they provide predictions for tonight’s NBA games, offering their expert analysis. Shifting gears, they share their thoughts on Darvin Ham and the Lakers, analyzing their impact and potential. Finally, they express their opinions on playoff teams, and debate the Knicks’ chances of emerging from the Eastern Conference. Tune in for a lively and engaging discussion!
Welcome to The Panel, the NBA debate show that brings the heat, sparks passionate discussions, and dives headfirst into the world of basketball like never before! If you’re a hardcore NBA fan, a hoop junkie, or just someone who loves intense sports debates, you’ve found your weekly destination. Join us every weekday for a live, high-octane experience where we dissect, dispute, and celebrate all things NBA.

📅 Live Episodes Every Week: Weekdays @ 11AM EST

0:03:30 Thoughts on Draymond Green: Should Warriors breakup the team?
0:14:09 Are Boston Celtics trash: Comparing them with Bucks
1:15:49 L Dub
1:16:55 Who has highest basketball IQ in NBA history?
1:31:08 Chitchat
1:34:18 Bucks or Celtics: Which loss was worst?
1:35:48 Predictions for tonight’s games
1:37:10 Superchat
1:38:54 Predictions for tonight’s games
1:44:35 Thoughts on Darvin Ham & Lakers
1:54:06 Talking about Celtics & Bucks
1:56:25 Suns are 1st round exit
1:59:53 Explain the playoff teams in 3 words
2:17:04 Knicks are coming out of East
2:24:13 Explain the playoff teams in 3 words
2:45:48 Superchats
2:59:36 Outro





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  1. Y’all let ron Get that shit off 4real 😂 1:00:31 if teams are gonna beat Boston by torching Jrue and Derrick white 2 all defense caliber player than Boston will live with that😂

  2. Ron takes are terrible fr the hate on the clerics is crazy but the glaze in the bucks who aren’t even half the team they were is ridiculous

  3. Telling that Jrue and Derrick White are Liabilities on Defense in comparison to Dame and Beasley has to be one if not the dumbest take this Season and I am a Bucks Fan💀

  4. Chill, the Nigerian is actually Israelite, and so-called Blacks ruled Europe during the dark ages… hence the name

  5. The fact that Denver lost damn near struggle towards the end of the season but when the Cs do it it’s problem lol and this Ron idk how he is a host I’m starting to believe he don’t watch basketball his brain needs to be studied

  6. IQ I would say either Lebron Kidd Cp3 Rondo Magic Kobe Duncan KG Jokic Nash Bird Harden Wall all have legit arguments and are the most impressive I’ve watched play the game.

  7. First, this is why I wanted them to keep Jordan Poole. But if they couldn't somehow trade for KP and LaMelo Ball, that could set Steph up to possibly win for the next three or four years. But no, the Warriors extended Draymond and are probably keeping Klay, so now Steph has two options: ask for a trade or use his power and get rid of his friends. Because this isn't personal, it's just business, and Steph is trying to win. I hope.

  8. Second, I have never seen Ron turn up like this, but Ron's issue with the Celtics is not my issue because my issue with the Celtics is the same as with every other team, which is why I disagree with Marz when he said a team can lose every single game they have before the playoffs. Why would you want to go into the playoffs without momentum that could carry you into the playoffs? The only team I've seen do that is the Heat, but for me, I think a team should win every game or almost every game down the stretch to have that momentum and confidence to know that we are hot and cannot be stopped.

  9. YALL know Rasheed Wallace after nba career won lawsuit against nba for all those ejections and fines because of proven like targeting or sumin like that

  10. Third, Ron and Will got put on the grill and jumped so bad this episode…Ron's hate for the Celtics and Will's lack of knowledge about who tried or not

  11. The funny thing is Ron didn't even think Derrick White looked like food. If yapl watched Playback he legit was saying Derrick White was hooping and saving them

  12. Better show today please don’t bring crunch up anymore he’s ticket but way more stupid and 10x less funny atp just bring ticket back

  13. Ron, on the next episode y’all should rank the best defenders in the game regardless of position. Jonathan Isaac might be Top 5

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