
NCAA Tournament Sweet 16: LSU Tigers vs. UCLA Bruins | Full Game Highlights

NCAA Tournament Sweet 16: LSU Tigers vs. UCLA Bruins | Full Game Highlights

Bets and Reese to jump it up and away we go in Albany New York and right away dulich turning taking and hitting UCLA on the board first 32nd mination when it came to turnovers per game here’s Williams The Freshman so smooth as talented as any freshman in

The country and we have a lot of great ones this year if you run fall screens for for her for William she can come up and she is so good in the mid-range here’s bats catching and finishing plus the foul J ree trying to play the high

Side but a perfectly delivered pass a little touch at the end that gets her that foul but Ryan Lauren bets his here is Van lith last tier POA getting ready to check in for LSU van lith can at the jumper blaj Johnson gives LSU an extra possession her three is good good F

Johnson who has improved dramatically from three this season over 38% she has been exceptional in particular in the last five games now 11 of 16 from three in that period of time here is bats bodying into Reese able to shovel it in again Reese having to be a little bit

Careful with that one personal just coming in getting the board retreating and confidently has Blossom this season as Johnson hits another three Fage Johnson backto back triple F Johnson defense goes under the screen steps in the last tier POA in for Haley van lith with the other four LSU

Starters has trouble with the handle here Jones racing ahead and London Jones lays it in Cory close talked about maybe a couple easy twos helping get London Jones unlocked we’ll see if that layup does anything for game you and I Ryan earlier this season Where She Went seven

Of 10 from three against Utah she can be very dangerous reys pops it up and in Nifty shot from Angel Reed for LSU last tier pole remains on the floor as well as the Freshman Williams gets a breather what a spin from morrow and Morrow lays it in Nisa Moro so talented

Can face you up hit from the outside we just saw her take it off the bounce playing in her first tournament had got on to the first FL with depal but no further as hakz poked Away by Van [Applause] lith rice gets it inside hawz Nifty footwork and the Finish beautiful job as

Del Rosario came over to help stepped right around the 66 player knock Away by hakz here comes hakz running with Cameron Brown hakz unable to finish it rice does and a steal by Rees Angel Rees all the way in for two Angel Reese Angel Reese gets it done on both

Ends of the floor average nearly three steals per game this season to go with her nearly 19 points and over 13 [Applause] rebounds hakz dumps it in BS right back out hakz is three is good head to Williams here’s Rees Rees backing into Dugal and winning the [Applause] battle here’s Johnson twirling and

Finishing what a move from FL Johnson and UCLA will take a timeout and we saw her early in the game trained from Deep spin around finish we see not wanting Kiki to focus on being perfect talking about how that word is really the word she thinks about with Kiki as Williams

Drains the jumper that is now one for 12 from three and they’ve been great looks as Johnson saves it but to UCLA it Springs a break Kiki rice will lay it in F Johnson would have been better served probably there to let it go out of bounds she just said my bad

Yeah Kiki rice just her second field goal van li no rebound galich well UCLA is defending that mid-range pullup is there for LSU rice dips inside and floats it in you’re right Ryan Kiki rice certainly has come alive starts defensively carals the ball tough finish with London Jones was the number 22

Recruit in that 2022 class here’s Morrow spinning and finishing big bucket there to stabilize from LSU an empathetic post who can relate I can to that too oh nice Cut and Reese finding Moro playing through the elbow beautiful pass by Angel re Reese you see how quickly she had the ball and

Then here’s Johnson Johnson’s jumper is good CL Johnson so smooth off the dribble sponse after the Bruins had cut the deficit to two here’s William shimmying and hitting Jones connects does that unlock London Jones had been 0 for five in the game first field goal of the game for Haley van

LIF great hedge by Angel ree that time oh what a pass from BS and cut from dugle really nice really nice cut on the weak side and Lauren Betts has the vision to see it here’s van Li lost the handle rice has it three on0 Kiki rice will lay it

Home London Jones one of eight from three in this game gets another look and [Applause] hits how about London Jones one for eight and steps in confidently to that one not shy no not deterred here’s Morrow fading and hitting Ana eight points for Ana Morrow here’s Betts getting the touch elbow jumper is

Smooths foring bets Del Rosario whips it here’s Morrow back to work Morrow elevates and finishes Ana Morrow dump it in B draws three Brown kicks out great movement here Jones pics inning possession by UCLA into the post reverse out touch touch the plus one pass every sing back

In pull it to the bench here’s Williams quick First Step can’t Bank it in BS trying to control the rebound could not but now UCLA has has it Osborne running with Jones her three you B shot even when she was missing repeatedly early in this game huge one

There to take the lead Holly I don’t know what she said but it had to be something like I’m about to come out and hit these threes cuz she’s hit three in a row and she had missed her first five oh my goodness FL Johnson the Highlight

Reel that FL is putting together today just incredible Jones has started over for five now is h four for last seven as Osborne gets in on the ACT oh certainly not flet Johnson I mean come on and then Charisma Osborne makes and misses are both contagious [Applause] Here here’s Kiki rice the soft more on the drive laying it in plus the foul she’s got the smaller van LIF on her uses the rim winner of this game will play the winner of Iowa and Colorado they’re up next on ABC Rees lays it in push the

Foul and Angel Reese a chance for three Defender is on her back simple moros sets the screen defense gets tosses out Osborne and Dugal have gotten jumbled up de deep catch left hand Shore she’s so good she’s just so good a double double for Lauren Betts here’s van lith off to Morrow oh

Yeah both themes have it going now that’ss off to rice rice lost it here’s Williams with numbers Williams shovels then Li can’t finish Williams does two player action with rice rice looking for help to the corner goes Osborne connects on a three right to the shooters pocket inste at the

Laces steps into it drains Williams Jitters off the line and Banks it home Michaela Williams The Freshman maybe that’s why Kim mili wanted the timeout after that made bucket last possession and to get POA in for Van lift here’s Williams her jumper is good the Freshman cool calm and

Effective here’s HZ right into the lane will tie it with the layup and that’s one of the problem here’s the Freshman Williams big buckets in this second half Williams looking to shake BS oh my what an authoritative rejection from Lauren BS bets on the screen she switches out

On the guard Williams and when she tries to elevate over her needs to be smart her guard Ys when they pass her the ball need to be smart can’t lead her into turnover situations or lays it in beautiful play off the inbound Osborne backing away five on the

Shot clock Osborne with three will take and hit a little thing but really SM smart for Osborne to wait for beex to set the screen so she doesn’t put her in a position to to get her fit foul Reese and B both with four here’s Morrow turning the corner Reese will lay

It in bets had to be careful Morrow and Reese work so well together underneath 14 points 10 rebounds for Angel [Applause] Reese here is Osborne behind the BET screen Osborne on the drive kicks it back hakz yes number [Applause] 6764 UCLA Morrow working hard against hakz posting here’s van

Lith dumping it underneath Morrow has the size and the Finish great job here’s rice rice drives it gets denied F Johnson on the Block and then rice on the foul outstanding defense flashes waights Reese putting it on the deck gets denied by bets another chance

Here for LSU shot clock at five John Cen lays it in CL Johnson to the rescue Osborne trying to find an angle Jones will fire a three can’t hit duich gets blocked from behind by Johnson LSU has it and that should just about do it with

12.7 to go Osborne will take it across duich is three the defending champs are not done yet LSU is headed to the elite eight

NCAA Tournament Sweet 16: LSU Tigers vs. UCLA Bruins | Full Game Highlights
Watch as the No. 3 LSU Tigers upset the No. 2 UCLA Bruins 78-69 to advance to the Elite 8, led by Flau’jae Johnson’s 24 PTS, 11 REB and 1 AST.
#espn #collegebasketball

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  1. LSU take care of business play hard core defense defense defense stop all this overated great hype theory Angel Fla go watch a MJ game 6 🤣 basketball is a mental game but defense is bread and butter no disney uncontested shots period.five fingers in yo face 🤣

  2. Flau'Jae Johnson and Angel Reese, both had Doubles Doubles in this game, UCLA got they self back in the game they was losing by 10 ten points they shot alot of three's in didn't make alot of them, LSU only shot nine threes in this game in made two., this was a close game overall congrats to LSU on Advancing to the Elite eight.🏀

  3. Flau'jae is a basket but they have no schemes set up for her the call is always opposite of her they not letting her shine the way she supposed to because there babysitting so called other star players

  4. Didn’t know Triple J sister is a baller like that. So unfortunate that her tournament is cut short

  5. Ice Cube need to sign Ms.Johnson and Ms.Reese. The whole team deserve a check. Ms.Mulkey got em on 🔥

  6. Do they really need all that hair though someone should tell them they look like galloping horses trodden up and down the court with rosey red cheeks

  7. 6:47 that’s not a jumper. She never left the ground. It’s crazy I tell everyone I coach it’s better to jump when they shoot. 🤦‍♂️ I hope none of my players ever see that shot.

  8. Van lith has to step up shes playing absolutely atrocious right now flauje is a dawg and angel gotta get big fk lsu lets fon geaux

  9. Love the coverage of the women's tournament…the Espn female commentators are so knowledgeable and experienced players. Great job ladies!

  10. Where's the Iowa fans creeping into LSU's highlights to drop some hate comments? Lol. I'm just playing. I love Flau'jae I'm glad she had a monster game like this. In my opinion, Iowa, UCLA, and LSU all got screwed by the NCAA selection committee this year.

  11. ——>Matthew 15:24**
    “But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
    —–>John 4:22**
    “Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for SALVATION is of the JEWS.
    ——->Revelation 2:9
    I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
    —->2 Corinthians 11:22**
    22 Are they HEBREWS? so am I. Are they ISRAELITES? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so am I.
    —–>Amos 3:1-2**
    Hear this word that the Lord hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying,
    YOU ONLY HAVE I KNOWN of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.😊

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