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NBA Stock Market: The league’s biggest risers and fallers 📈 📉 | Numbers on the Board

NBA Stock Market: The league’s biggest risers and fallers 📈 📉 | Numbers on the Board

Welcome back to numbers on the board numbers on the board yes on today’s episode we got to talk about a lot of things like the Minnesota timos not being sold like Draymond Green getting ejected again he almost got suspended again last night as well like jayen

Brons are putting up 60 and a loss cuz wheny put up 40 and 20 and we’re also investing stock y’all got y’ portfolios ready I do got my portfolio right here okay all right be sure to leave a like I a know my portfolio is so sexy leave a

Like subscribe to the channel as we are on our road to 100K go to audio platform Spotify Apple give us five stars so we can continue to climb up those charts fellas how we doing I’m feeling amazing how you feeling feeling great feeling great woke up this morning got my car

And it start dinging that can’t be good yeah them cars they just more expans you know what you see got a haircut I did I did cuz you know what we doing afterwards we got to take our pictures but you know the car when you it’s got the the price tag

On it is never going to be it cuz it’s going you going to have to put obviously you got your gas but the maintenance is where the crazy stuff comes that’s why I bought the the used PT Cruiser cuz it was cheap and the maintenance is really

Low the 20 uh 2004 okay okay okay that’s how you get them back though you buying it what you need to do is lease it no I’m glad I’m glad you said the the 60 point game for JB though cuz that’s where the drop the mic kind of comes

From I’m going give a little bit more background um the Spurs did pull this game out but it was a lot of times where I was like especially when Wy went off in the fourth and it was Deon Vel making the plays it was a lot of times I was

Like you see the youth with a lot of these other guys on the Spurs team so it always just makes you imagine what what the Spurs going to look like when wmy has a team around them so today we’re going to be doing an uh fantasy draft for Wy just starting five everybody’s

Got Vic at the starting or starting center spot you get one Allstar and then the rest role players okay okay wayb we going to do the draft order let Derek get first pick it seem like he got somebody already I thought I feel like first pick might be a little

Hard you see why I’m trying to give it to Derek right got first pick any going down the row um Steph Curry yeah that makes sense to me he’s wimy is the type of dude that can cover up some of the deficiencies one allar right not MVP or top I mean one

Allstar take whoever you want I’m G get sexy with or Jaylen Bronson you already paid your pick he already picked Madam ad Sila going to the podium like no no no no no Derek don’t we were working together as a team my bad I thought we was doing no no you

Get you picking your player Oh bet I got Steph Curry he just tried to take the hat off him right you want me to go while you think give me johnar please oh my God johnar we won’t highlight after highlight after highlight the Spurs going to have 82

ESPN games because it’s either going to be J jumping over somebody or Wy jumping through somebody well I’m gon give him Luca so Wy can average at least 50 just off live Luka GNA throw it up every time to him that just sound that that sound op it does

Does I know I got Steph but Luca’s just so damn good you the first pitch you could have just taken Luca is that your MVP Luka the way he playing right now it’s shifting I don’t know it is he’s making it very interesting right now he is like real

[ __ ] I’m rocking with Luca right now at first it was like Shan and yish but way you oh my god way Luka been playing lately is weeks ago I was yic Shay Yannis yeah because the Mavs was like in a play in still potentially could be but

Now I’m kind of just like last night was a big win for them though we going to get to it we going to get to it um I I don’t know anybody give me Mel Bridges that’s not an allar I don’t have to take why do I have to take an allar when

Y’all took he said role players no he this y’all made it an Allstar round it’s got be it’s a draft if he want Mel Bridges he could have definitely have Mel Bridges they m is back on you got to pick my allar when y’all pick it the [ __ ] so I got

To see that’s this is taking too long give me kav’s car give me my give give me my role players first L give me my role players first you see this why I went role player I’ll take Derek white oh hey I should bust your head D like

That I like that give me ogan and Obi damn it okay good call good call good call surounding Stu with a bunch of big wings give me uh Nicole yic wmy gonna be my f oh [ __ ] yo I thought about putting a center next to wimy still can give me Aaron um Aaron

Gordon I would just take I’m just gonna take the Denver Nuggets and replace yic with Wy um I think I need a power for let me get just don’t say it don’t think it don’t say it don’t think it don’t say it y’all remember that movie no

Oh what is that movie I don’t remember the name of that’s why I asked I know Mike has seen it because it’s a horror movie wait say more time oh the bye-bye man have you you remember that movie oh yeah yeah yeah think kind it was M it

Was very M you seen that no I haven’t either it’s a bad movie it’s bad uh but it’s like one of those bad movies that’s enjoyable because it’s so bad give me Dylan Brooks but and then I’mma take Draymond Green Oh wait he’s an Allstar

No hey you can have him I promise you we are not going fight you I takeing Draymond how many games you going to have Draymond for all of them he in line over here he almost kicked Grant Williams we got pop we good okay well uh

My last pick I’m looking for like a a wing a small four Wing uh give me uh give me Tory Craig Homer pick I like it Jabari Smith Jr okay I like them teams what we dve it into first we g go we G I got Mills men

Of the week this I’m sorry I thought that segment died it’s been two months retired I had reti we talking segments the last time he was here so he had to bring it back ah do we all have a segment today no I do oh bet it’s

Introducing so okay so this week I’m g go with Deonte Murray um he beat the Celtics twice he led them to that 30 point comeback uh and he’s averaging he’s averaging pretty good numbers he had 19 against the Celtics and 15 assists he had 33 and seven against the

Portland Trailblazers 447 and S against the Boston you know what we do against the Blazers baby everybody bust the Blazers ass to so I actually got some additional stats with that I didn’t expect you to give him meals mans of the week cuz first of all I thought that

Segment d a little while ago but we happy that it’s back um I do want to talk about him because prior to the Trey young injury Deonte Murray was responsible for 352 points per game based on points scored himself and the points that he created off assist now it

Is up to 30 since Trey young is been sideline and we did a a stream on playback where we watched basically the fourth quarter in overtime of that game and he scored every single point in overtime period he was saying that this is his house in Atlanta um and I saw

Some tweets from some Atlanta Hawks fan it was like I think we know who our guy is and I just it’s so interesting to see um because they’re play they’re playing solid basketball they only half a game behind the Bulls to host this the n910 playoff um playin game and everything

And Je M has been a huge part of that yeah I felt like that Trey young absence was like this just way for him to come in and insert himself and like show what he could still contribute to the table whether it is the Atlanta Hawks buying

Into him and moving Trey young or either him just raising his draft stock severely to where teams are like hey we have to be aggressive and go get Deonte Murray because he is that missing piece for us so that back court is going to be looking a little different this summer

And it’s going to be exciting to see do jonte either lead the Atlanta Hawks or either be somewhere doing his thing I think it’s going to be very fun do you think this is a you know sometimes front officers get like these rosecolor glasses and they struggle to make the

Decision do you think they look at this and say hey they can stay together he could do this with Trey on the team no I wouldn’t look at it like that and honestly the way I think you can look a little bit deeper into it is even early

In the season before Trey Young’s injury this one he missed a c uh he had a couple games that he had missed or times that he’s honestly just on the bench well dejon was still out there and they look pretty good you know they dejonte

Does a pretty good job of like he’s got better at being able to facilitate and score like he could not try young but he could replicate and do some of the overlapping things in terms of like spread the ball around and also like be be aggressive while doing so and he

Obviously we know he could play a little bit more defense so I think there’s going to be interest there it’s definitely going to be interest especially with the value of Trey young I mean we talk about Trey young like it’s just like they want to move they

Don’t want to but they’re looking for an option you know the jante is one of my one of my favorite point guards but the only thing about this is just like again kind of what we talked about in the last episode the S it’s you play a dangerous

Game when you do sample siiz things and I know this situation is a little tricky because you can only really decipher dejonte with just the team and no Trey young in a sample size you’re not going to get a full season of no Tre young um but in Trey young defense there’s been

Stretches where he’s look like this with the hwks by himself yeah like so I um me personally I feel like Trey young would probably have more value on the market because he’s the star status guy so that would make me more favorable but I do think they have they have their work cut

Out for them and I do think that there is a possibility just dealing in a realistic world that they do bring them back together this ain’t you know it ain’t 2K like social media and fans they live in this world where like it’s a it’s a it’s like a time crunch when I

Just don’t think that front offices and teams look at it at the way that fans do even with the rocket situation I I did a video oh I did a pod and I was talking about Jaylen green and Shams had put a report out that the Nets and the rockets

Communicated on a trade at one point and the Nets wasn’t budging because the Rockets wanted uh Mel for Jaylen green and like some cap I mean some picks and my stand point on that was I could see something like this play ignite those trade conversations again if the Rockets don’t feel the confidence

Of having green and singon work now I said this earli in this week Jaylen green is still tearing it up so if he continues to to play it out like this the rest of the year those talks probably won’t come back you know what I’m saying but I would just saying that

In a realistic standpoint and Rockets fans got their panties in a bunch like I’m the one that created the trade it’s just a realistic thing the responsibility and the job is for the coaches and the and the staff to make it work but if they don’t make it work

Somebody got to go I’ve even seen uh I think McMan and wior says something about sangon or green they’re only speaking on if they can’t if they can coexist and play at this level the Rockets ain’t trading nobody but in a realistic sense of the world if you have

Two players like this who can play at a high level and they’re playing extremely high when one of the other isn’t on the floor or when they play together somebody is falling off from their standard that they show that they can do a move is going to be made it’s no it’s

No hate in that that’s just the truth if you got two players and one is Elite without the other and then they come together and that that dude now looks damn near average to below average while this other dude is back you got decisions to make if you can’t make it

Coexist and I think the the standpoint uh for the the rocket is the same for the Hawks the only difference between the Hawks and the rock is is Jaylen green and sangon are extremely young I say they’re a lot younger younger and cheaper and I think it’s much easier for

A guard in a big to learn how to jail versus two guards who kind of do the same thing trying to jail I would normally agree and i’ be seeing Rockets fans say that but it’s just that sangon isn’t the typical Center just cuz he passes I was say they play through him

With the basketball so he’s one of those people that’s like it I don’t think you got to be a certain person to play like he doesn’t need a lot he could play with anybody damn near as long as they’re like playing the right basketball the way they play through them like it’s not

Hard to cut off it’s not hard to you know play off so as long as you like can play underneath or play Within the system a little bit you’re going to eat off him you know he make makes a lot of the right decision thing in this

Situation jayen green he can do all those if you look into the numbers though he is going I look I I think I told y’all this when I I’m I’m trying to get find some things in this Jaylen green thing because I want to make a

Video on it just really looking at it his numbers majority of his shots come with three to six dribbles or seven plus dribbles yeah he’s not trying like his game and and I’m not saying he can’t change it I’m not saying he don’t go on offseason and work on it knowing now

Because this is his first time playing with senon at this level so he probably came into the year not knowing that the that the keys was going to get get given to S Shon but if you look at his his diet and the frequency of his shots he

He’s not a guy that has a lot of zero dribble attempts he’s not you know what I mean like he wants that The Rock and now the month of March he’s averaging 28 some points it’s coming off of him it may not be the most efficient for

Some other people it may come with some bad shots but I’m giving credit to Jaylen green right now [ __ ] I’m letting them if you can rock out like this dribble all you want dribble ball sometimes you you need that player on the team to take those type of shots

Yeah and you right though because a lot of times like progression isn’t just like in a certain time period it might take a year and a half it may take you know so long I think you kind of look at the other players about like how I mean you look

At I guess you keep the comparison like yic and Jamal Murray Jamal Murr obviously creates his own shot but he has adjusted very well to where he plays off the you know the one dribble pull up off the little handoff or whatever like absolutely you know so he’s worked it to

His game fits with jish but I think his game has always been way different than Jaylen green even when you go back to Kentucky he was able to be a comfortable catch and shoot threat for them when he was in college Jaylen green game has been way more different than that at every

Level to go from being a number one high school guy doing whatever the hell you want the a circuit and at in in high school then you bypass College where you would have probably had a little bit more organization you go to the g- league ignite the first version of it

You rock out there then you go to the Rockets who didn’t have [ __ ] you came in the door as the best guy and you just got the rock so to now all of a sudden you snap your fingers and they organizing this and you’re playing off

Of somebody who is a big and you got to cut you know I give him the benefit of the doubt because that is a lot like this ain’t just 2 it Ain 2K that’s got to be like the toughest adjustment and that’s why I give the most leadway to

Like score high volume scores too cuz everybody’s that man growing especially if you really like Jaylen green status like once you get to that point in NBA it’s different I’m trying to look up all of the stuff as y’all talking uh just cuz y’all know I like to look at the

Numbers too I I just feel like it’s the hardest thing to be an efficient shot Creator young in the league cuz it’s just so many things you like first of all you got to get your body right because it’s just this is the best it’s the best uh defenders in the league like

You going see really strong it’s a 82 Game season people don’t realize how tiring it is to take 20 shots you know what I was thinking you know what I was thinking about yesterday what again this is the Nick’s uh Spurs game about how we see players that have like about

Jonathan you know you talking about Jonathan Isaac play like the eight minutes he’s playing so hard you know Yannis used to do that bro Josh Harvey playing all game just going 100 I don’t know how he don’t be dead bro for real cuz he don’t cuz he doesn’t no every offensive rebound he

Going for it lose ball I’m diving defense I’m here like I love him I thought she was going to go in the other way with the I couldn’t imagine how exhausting it would be to take 44 shots said he was tired deante Brunson like it looked good like as a fan or as

A person who wants to be a BAS player and you looking and you want to be that that dude yeah it sound good but when you have to do this ain’t a choice de had to do that Brunson has to do that second in the second half like her shots was a

Little short and then he started overcompensating cuz just like you so tired you don’t know how to like fix it in the moment but he he’s still getting it done though so credit to the Big Score I want to go back seven minutes ago was good conversation going on um

The J Murray and Trey young thing they were going the same thing for jayen green and Al shinon so the number say Deon Murray on the court without Trey Young on the court 1300 minutes they have a net rating of a 0.47 when both of them are on the court together in 1100

Minut it’s a minus 5.19 I don’t know how Landry fields or whoever is running the show can look at something like this and say we should bring that back now I know it’s a possibility just cuz that’s how front offices are absolutely but I just like

It’s the same thing with again the Bulls when they look at their top three players and say hey our best three players have a net rating that’s negative how are we still doing it I don’t know the philosophy of Landry fields in them but I don’t know if

They’re they should not be looking at these numbers and saying that these two should coexist and should make a decision but with Trey young is on the court without Dante in the 700 minutes has a net rating of a 2.7 so better than was just deante by himself on the other

Hand going to the Houston Rocket side shinon and Jaylen green together 1600 minutes have a net rating of a 0 uh 69 when it’s Jaylen green by himself in 7 100 minutes it’s a 5.59 and then Al and going by himself in 400 minutes it’s a

4.32 so both of them on the court by themselves are positive together they are slight negative and both of them off the court they are positive 3.41 so now I just think that sample size is a little bit too small for them to make the ultimate decision but because Jaylen

Green is up for this money it might force their hand one way or another because he’s playing like a a damn Superstar C right now he’s on an 11 game win streak too that was the other thing that I didn’t appreciate when Rockets fans was getting their panties and a bunch

About it because like and I’m only talking to a select group that reacted a certain way because they act like they didn’t know that that part too he’s up for some money when this money get involved it makes everything different but I I also think the pressure when I

Hear things like that for both sides is on the coaching staff like that’s my philosophy if I’m a Landry fields we got to we got to make we got to make something we got to try to make something work because you’re not you don’t don’t just give up a Trey young

You don’t just hand over dejonte Murray without without the right Market there so there is a possibility that these two dudes are back on this team yep is it is it a big possibility I don’t know I think it’s I I think this is 50/50 I would not be surprised if somebody was

Moved in the offseason but I think it probably just depends on what the market says right I mean you’re not just GNA trade Trey young just to trade him you’re gonna want stuff back in return um and maybe some of that stuff is your own first round picks from the Spurs or

Maybe it’s another team out there that we not thinking of three first round picks from the Lakers that’s a possibility um but if I’m Fields like do I do I want them Lakers picks if I know Trey young is gonna be there and Anthony Davis is going to be there for the

Forceable future I don’t know if those picks worth anything you know but who knows that’s a hardest part about training that star you don’t know how to match that value yeah and then you also most of the time they don’t most of the time you you also have to be very very

Very sure of D jante you don’t trade Trey young to continue to be a sub partam for sure y That’s the other part of this your job and credibil credibility is is on the line for future jobs you know what I’m saying like you

You don’t want to be known as a dude who traded Trey young to keep D jonte and y’all was still a seven seed playing team that’s the other part that GMS are thinking about too gming is different than coaching because you could be not so great of a coach for a threee stretch

And get another job and a GM if you get fire from a GM job in a lot of cases it’s wraps for you you got to be an assistant GM somewhere else you got to do another front office thing you can be known for one thing as a

GM he’s known as what Billy King is known for I don’t know yes you do if he gave you some hint you’ll pick up on it one of the biggest trades in the modern era lopsided trades a lopsided trade in recent some old guys was involved this team went and

Got some old guys I thought they was going to pump it up cuz they the um Brooklyn Nets yes okay there you go Tatum and brown both technically came away from that trade technically crazy bro but yeah and Billy King never got another shot crazy I I’m

I’m I am loving this though I’m loving the jayen green surge um I’m seeing a lot of people I I’ll say this looking right in the Jaylen green you hooping out of your mind man I’m I’m having fun this is my highlight of the day when

When I’m when I go to my PC and I’m on my computer watching these games I am looking at when the Rockets are starting mhmh and I am basing things around that you know what I mean yesterday I didn’t know that Jaylen Bron was going to be

Rup for 61 points so that kind of stole the show but as soon as that was over I went Rockets Jazz I’m all I’m all over that that is the Rockets is my must SE for every single night I don’t give a damn about what anything else is going

On I’m watching that game and I’ll peek in on other things or something need my attention I’ll give it to it Clippers magic went down the line I tun it but like and that was before the Rockets even started but Jay green ended up scoring 30 points in the second half

Four Points in four points that half ended up with 34 of them points and I was on the thing telling shout out to Freddy big tell Mike and them during again like they they tweaking 26 points in the middle of the second qu saying a man everybody that

Layup yes yes yes you seen it no I didn’t see that bro he was on a fast break dunk or fast break he was about to dunk and I think he took off a little too far so he’s like this and he we just went over right over the rim they had me

Nervous I’m like no way we going out like this on this win streak on this type of performance to the Jazz to the Jazz all of a sudden we can’t score but yeah Freddy Freddy got going we part of that the what you keep saying we I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been

Rocking that I was I was saying we when we slip I know I love it I was saying we when we slip baby there’s a couple games that I gave I gave all of my attention to Clippers magic was one yes cuz the Clippers have not looked amazing I’ve

Already talked about this they had a game against the 76ers a couple nights before that that’s the the famous uh Kelly UB F you Fu F your mama Kelly UB definitely deserved that call he did deserve and they even said it right after the game that they messed up yeah

That was that’s like a classic moment that we live through we’re play for reference this game was going on I didn’t give it much attention I don’t like watching the 76ers right now I’ll be be honest with you it’s not let be honest let’s be honest I didn’t like it

Either but when they played against the Lakers Tyrese was killing y we in your league Mike has a 2K League or whatever um and I’m on your team and there’s a couple is where I’m completely out of the game because I’m watching Kelly UB

Look at the refs and say f you f you f you and also simultaneously in another game Josh giddy got a was on the floor with the ball and shot it from the floor so I’m like it was a lot going on that night um but the Lakers played that

Night too right uh they I remember both of y’all having like situations where y’all wasn’t watching y’all game maybe the Lakers you know what funny Josh Hart did that last night too where he shot the ball while on the floor did it go in no he missed yeah

That’s why here I think the Lakers was playing that day um anyway yeah it was it took the Clippers a heroic kawhai Leonard two minute stretch and a miss call the defense from kawhai was Elite and I feel like that’s what makes the Clippers like cuz they they kind of

Struggled Paul George too struggling shooting the ball he hadit a a super big shot like for damn near the last shot with the turnaround but the defense was amazing they had so many times where kawhai had got a little poke ball or he got a block shot and it led to easy

Basket and it was like y’all could do that all the time I went into this game versus the magic cuz the magic are a good basketball team and I was like okay let’s see how the Clippers performed it was another they again they etched out the win that’s all that matters at the

End of the day um but again it took a crazy run in the end of the fourth quarter and the Paul George one of the more difficult shots cuz Jonathan ISAC is amazing it was right over his fingertips um and Paul George had a rough night too a very rough night and

He hit he hit the one seven points down stretch that ended up getting a lot of my attention and then I was like Suns versus Thunder the suns are just coming off their best of the season they beat joic and him and then I see the card um

I see the card and I see that um Shay is not playing I’m like oh this about to be L Josh giddy has been averaging like 19 points per game over the last couple weeks and you know what’s funny about this game Josh giddy sometimes just got

The ball he rebounded it and he would just push it up and just get a layup and it was like the do the Suns just not know normal defensive discipline somebody got to stop the I swear Wallace did the same thing K Wallace was hooping and they were doing every look the OKC

Guy it felt like it was just easy bask like everything was getting contested that just look so old OKC made them look old without an MVP candidate on their team but it’s still just certain [ __ ] just stopping the ball case Wallace had a few had a basket where he

Literally got the rebound and just came up the court Euro Step lateer I’m just like no one’s going to pick up ball mhm I I I don’t know yeah it’s it’s another one of them rough ones one day that team I had you convinced two days later they

Had you convinced that they ain’t on a crumb there was oh no there was one possession that almost made me turn the game off is is it the inbound play no no no Kevin Durant is wide open in the corner I mean wide and he’s Kevin Durant

Yes he swung it one more grayon all to a contested three by Grayson Allen who airball I’m like yo Kevin is trying to be too much of a team guy when you’re Kevin Durant and you’re having the most efficient year of your career just shoot the damn corner especially when

Everybody else didn’t really have it going cayson Allen was like one of seven from three at one point in this game yeah they also had to play in like the first quarter where they the Thunder inbounding the ball they in that straight line and then Aaron Wiggins

Just cuts to the basket and no one’s with him and he just gets an open layup and I’m just like that’s also Mark Dayton all just and the slob slob wizard uh Josh giddy on the inbound passes but it’s like how do you just leave a man

Wide open on inbound pass it’s a regular season game guarding him I don’t even remember they stack so that it was miscommunication by sons not knowing who was got to make him talk yeah no facts um it seems like they don’t have a talk on it ain’t they first time seeing some

[ __ ] like that Kevin Le 15 15 years the best part about it though is that our guy isah times checked in with like nine minutes to go how did he do I think he scored two buckets but he got some shots up best believe he post ont blame him uh

I don’t know you think he did I would say he probably quoted somebody else that posted it something I noticed about this team is that damn tamani Kamar missed the rest of the season with a fractur rib lacerated kidney oh damn [ __ ] yeah that make you hurt get what soon but uh the

Other night Isaiah Joe had a crazy dunk where he and then in the press conference that was on who that was on Jeff Green yeah yeah get the rockets and then jdub in the press conference they asked him about the dunk he was like yeah man it was a crazy dunk but

Unfortunately we lost so he can’t even post about it and I was like like damn they they have like that in the culture that like on losing nights you’re not going to see shade drop a fit pick if they L about anything you’ve done in the

Game on an L as it should and I think that’s that’s a great thing to have within the locker room that’s how like it wasn’t no talking on the bus or no singing no yelling if we lost that game they probably they probably can’t play

Music on the PJ on their way to the next I’m probably playing music on the on the play be a long ride imagine sitting in silence right there I’m just gonna put my headphones in but that was it from last night for me and then other than the Timberwolves

Having an amazing game again no Jamal Murray like you mentioned earlier but they continue to roll um 111 to 98 but nobody really cares about this because they got the whole are they selling the team are they not selling the team going on obviously A-Rod and Cole have been

Trying to buy the team for like three years now at a 1 point I think five million billion dollar valuation which is really low when you think about it and I think that’s one of the reasons why Glen Taylor has made up these rules to say that he’s not trading the team

Cuz he saw MJ get 3 million for a worst organization um and now it’s up in limbo like they’ve been trying they’ve been I think they said that they’ve paid 40% of it and yesterday or two days ago whenever that was was the deadline to

Put the rest of the money in and I guess they didn’t hit the deadline and that was Glen Taylor’s way of saying hey I’m not actually G to trade this team he actually said um the team is looking good and I wouldn’t be a part of it

Going forward so he was trying to trade the team two years ago when they were ass and now that they’re the one SE and everything he’s like no no no no no no no I want to stay here and I just look at that 1.5 million billion dollar

Valuation I’m like how did they come to that with Anthony Edwards on the team I know he wasn’t a star two years ago that he is now but it was projectable to see that this dude was going to help this organization be good again eventually

Yeah and they had cat too they had both of them so like but you also again we still got to think in the mindset of two years ago yeah that’s true two years ago they were a playing Team yeah two years ago is there you know what I mean that

Was Patrick Beverly on the stand yes after the play Win but uh yeah a $1.5 billion valuation we damn near could have bought that team uh which is it’s just going to be interesting because obviously the NBA um Adam Silver has talked about a couple times over the last couple years about

Expansion coming to the association so if 1.5 was the selling price for this team two years ago and now he’s saying no he may want a little bit more money I’m just curious to see what that Vegas team evaluation going to be and I’m just going to assume it’s going to be Seattle

Again bigger than I would say five to seven seven billion maybe Minnesota probably comes to Eastern Conference then or Memphis yeah both of them are on the opposite side of the Mississippi have we had realignment in our lives League realignment no hold up yes we have with um the horn the Hornets all

The Hornets yeah okay okay yeah that makes sense we could be seeing it again and I would be cool for it you know what I’m saying Minnesota make this conference tough I mean if Grizzlies coming over too yeah it’s kind of that would be kind of like a balance and

Power too cuz the West have so many goddamn great teams we two of those to the east the culture of the Grizzlies is East is EAS in conference and we also like maybe three five years away from it so who knows what these is is is easn Conference basketball yeah it’ be easier

For the players too got to play go fly to La four times in a year you know it’s just well they probably enjoy that maybe do y’all have any opinions about the selling of the St or the lack of selling of the team I mean no not nothing deep I

I I do hope that A-Rod and them be able to get it um from when I seen A-Rod whenever they got invested or involved I’ve see A-Rod there supporting the team and posting about them and being a part of it with Anthony Edwards and celebrated Anthony Edward didn’t he

Know who he was yeah which was insane in insane Alex Rodriguez is one of the biggest names in sports history so to not know his name at least in his modern time it’s kind of crazy but um yeah like I I love those type of owners I love

Owners that get involved with it those are the type of owners that I want in basketball um Glen Taylor I I I have never really seen Glen Taylor be involved outside of the typical [ __ ] of something happening he’s like 80 you know what I mean I can’t expect him to

Be SE cor side at 80 what was what was the what was the Wiz what’s the Wizard’s owner name the uh I forget but there a certain owners where you know what I mean I get it but like if you GNA once you say you want to sell it then if I’m

I mean his I guess he got nobody to report to it’s his damn team but yeah even that you wanted to sell it just sell it bro you could still be a part of it but I I don’t that’s the type of [ __ ] I don’t like you know what I mean like

Coming back from it but yeah give it to somebody who is invested give it to somebody who um really wants it like if I owned a team and I was going to get to the point where I wanted to sell it I would at least wanted to sell it to somebody like

A-Rod has seemed to be I I’m a fan of those type of guy I I don’t think you want to be too involved but I like to see bombers I like Mark cub and I like I don’t know how I feel about I don’t know how I feel about when

Mark H sold his talk he did it so great to it like he still has control over all basketball decisions still there so like for him to still be able to control the team that he built and make all the decisions for it I think it’s phenomenal

I think the thing that matters the most about all of this he earned it too this the Mavericks have always in my life been a good team yes they have they never I was on Reddit the other day and I was seeing post it was just like

For like what reasons does it seem like the West is just always better than the East and somebody was saying that like they think it’s part of the ownership and how like just some teams a lot of teams out east are poorly Charlotte Hornets you talk about the Chicago Bulls

Are not the best friend just a lot of teams the westes has the more benefit to it and it just ends up they’re a better team out there so that actually is the reason why this matters the most to to us yeah um is because the Minnesota Tims

Payroll is about to be over 300 million this year or next year because anthy Edwards extension kicks in Jen McDaniel’s extension kicks in and we don’t know if Glen Taylor is the type of owner to pay that team we don’t know if A-Rod would have been the type of owner

To pay that team um and I think all of that’s going to matter because if he’s saying like oh we want to cut Corners we don’t want to be second apron team then that means either Jaden McDaniels or carony town are going to get traded because you’re not trading at the a

Obviously you’re not trading Mike Conley because he just signed a very low um salary extension you probably not trading Rudy Gober because he’s one of the reasons why you have the best defense in basketball so it’s either jayen McDaniels he also Reed as well and nz’s contract is great so it’s like you

Probably not trading him either who would you trade probably jayen McDaniels who you trading KB I was looking at this trying to figure out okay if they did trade Jen McDaniels because the trades are going to have to be you saving money right so you you’re not matching salaries because you’re

Still in the same position and I was like okay carony towns trades I would love to see a carony towns Brandon Ingram swap but that puts him in the same situation really Brandon’s contract is a little bit lower because he got that super max extension but it’s not

Enough for you to be below the second APR I I think it’s it would be a rental too yes cuz he’s only got one year left after this one when then you would have to consider paying him you’re right back in the same position the same build as

Jen McDaniel so you got two Slender Man that is true who would I ra I think cat might be the one that makes the most will get you the most value and we’re also seeing right now that do they need value I just think they need players I’m

Thinking more so like draft Capital let me not say that but that’s what I that’s what I really meant do they need draft Capital they trying to win well yeah draft capital is just another salary that you got to pay true but it’s such a much lesser tax they folks don’t give me

To I don’t say give away car in but stretch that contract you remember they weigh Bradley Bill in my lead just waved them off the team $54 million is we talking about we playing better ever since we waved him just doing funny about talking about when you going to start another League

That’s the funny thing about them leagues cuz they want to be Glen Taylor they really want man we I’m going just wave Bradley Bill because we don’t want to see the second apron like bro ain’t no second apron in the game yet BR they ain’t put that probably won’t come to 2K

29 dog you ain’t got to worry about it we playing better since we waved them just want to do some [ __ ] you could easily put him in reserve and just not play with him so gave him away Le million he’s 82 years old by the way glint

Taylor talking about he want to be a part of something she didn’t even want to be an owner at that point I I ain’t gonna say that now if I own the team as hell you tripping there chill sit back and relax I mean he might he doing both

True I guess owners are some owners are probably pretty hands off yeah delegate other places when you when your net worth is uh $3 billion life is probably really good we went to that Bulls game I sat next to you I was trying to show my I’m like he look see see homie

He got that yeah he know know somebody that know somebody little old ass over there with young young team you see that at a lot of games or like at a lot like you could put that on your story I could get you some some cour Side Story looks with your

IG what about you Mike mcdu is a cat if you if you had to make the decision and again they don’t have to but maybe they will I don’t know uh it’s so tough I I don’t want to trade McDaniels but I feel like that might be the route but what

Y’all saying too about the money match and it might be making more sense to get uh make make the trade with cat because I think you can find somebody or you can find the value back on a lesser contract but I I really like what Jaden mcos has

Been doing for this team like he’s one of the glue guys it’s just going to be hard to replace that floor spacing that cat brings especially at that four spot he’s he’s he’s transitioned to that four spot so beautifully but if you do want to repl it’s it’s cheaper to replace spacing

Shooting than it is Elite Wing defense yeah that is true you paying some money for that you could go and get you know I don’t know who Kell Kelly o lenck welcome to the Minnesota timber wolves boom now what are some teams that I don’t know we we

Getting too far I think a lot of it depends on how successful they are in the playoffs this year if they go to the Western Conference Finals than Clint Taylor glint Taylor or Alex rguez better pay that money because you were just four games away from the finals we Roo

For A- to get that for the culture the last thing I want to talk about before we get to our break um is the Dallas Mavericks they were they came back to win a game against the Sacramento Kings and now with that win they are a game and a half above the

Phoenix Suns to stay out the play end and they’ve now got a two game difference between them and the Sacramento Kings they spank the Sacramento King’s ass a few few games ago as well they did yes they did I fear this I do too I fear anybody who would shoot

A free throw wave and say you should have drafted me yeah what a moment man that’s actually crazy I fear a team I fear this team for the whole thing yeah for the whole thing this team can win a championship they always when I feel like Luca just he’s just has shown that

And when it come playoff time he’s one of the most dangerous players in the league and like we saw when he went to the Conference Finals he beat Phoenix by 60 in a closeout game so like he was going total to with Kawai PG like he’s cemented himself as one of those guys

That you don’t want to play in the first round and cuz he can bounce your ass real quick and what they had in nerve to do what they had in nerve to do put put him next to Kyrie oh yeah King of the four Kyrie was nasty last night bro that’s my

Kot do you know how many uh like social media accounts have their own like DeMar rosen gets called K in the fourth quarter they say it about dearon Fox too dear Fox yes they do I was working with he went one clutch award now he the king

Of the fourth I was working with this this this woman who works at uh who does work with like the Bulls and the white socks and uh she was telling me like oh man you come to game you got to let me know you know we get you on camera I’m

Always looking for people I’m trying to get people on camera at the game people be shy hook you up type thing no problem I’m like I’m like yeah we went one time we had a sweep my cousin who I work with he threw out the first pitch she like

What’s his name I’m like Kenny Kenny beat him but he’s known King of the fourth quarter she said like like the demard Rosen thing I was like I was like I listen dear was I said this is here he was King in fourth qu way before de I I

Relax he was he was this is eight years before dear Rosa existed in the Chicago she was like oh okay yeah yeah put some respect on that before before Isaiah Thomas too yeah yeah but I will say that the Isaiah Thomas was at least super close it it was super close he is

Actually King in the fourth quarter so it’s different it’s damn near the same thing but trademark wise it’s different yes it’s not you’re right I like the pizza man I like the pizza man nickname better for him he always delivers he always deliver U but a 120 run by the

Mavs in the fourth quarter got them to the point where they won uh 107 to 103 Harris Barnes had a Cru shoe turnover down the stretch Kyrie Irvin dropped 14 of his his 30 in the fourth quarter Luca was one rebound away from 2610 and 12 and they just they’re putting it

Together man and they they not too far from getting that fifth seed too it is in play they they right there they can go against the the Clippers who haven’t looked too great or the Pelicans they could go against either one of those teams right now and I think those are

Both winnable matchups now they them against the Nuggets it would be questionable I don’t think they winning that series but I think that’s a dog fight for the Nuggets I’ve seen fans say they like the 63 they like six for them and thunder at three and oh yeah that’s what I see

Maverick fans say so that’s that’s the match up they want the most that’s what I see I was in they Reddit yesterday last night laying in bed like I I’m like I fear the Mavericks let me see if they let me see what type of [ __ ] they fans

Popping real quick yeah I mean I feel like the Thunder if you are one of those over seeds who are like topheavy with Talent they are the team that you would probably want to play just do the experience so I hope that they I mean I’m not rooting against anybody but I

Hope that they just shut that [ __ ] down can you imagine if they just went into their series and dogged or whatever team was trying to get that would be amazing yeah imagine we see another like young OKC finals run it’s possible it is every time I watch this team I’m just amazed

At how they do the thing so again I understand that they that they are very young I don’t even care about the rebounding anything anymore because they’re just better at that now I’m almost rooting for them because I told KB we was on Discord the other day I’m

Like what if Shay get in the playoff it ain’t on [ __ ] I’m just not ready to hear stupid [ __ ] all summer and you know they that’s the one thing about this generation of basketball players can if players aren’t perfect or at the highest level you got

To hear about it for the whole whole off season and to me some of it is reasonable some of it is credible but a lot of it is merely and purely [ __ ] MH it’s [ __ ] a young player has this Evolution it’s like he comes to the scene he’s surprising he’s good

Everybody loves a young player then eventually it gets to the point where half of those people that loved him three years ago are now extreme haters like the Sha the shayars Alexander thing it turned into like oh he’s a foul Merchant right um this guy does this

Does that that was not even a conversation three years ago as he was you know going onto the scene it’s just the Natural Evolution of NBA Twitter unfortunately I’m C no great scorer has ever become a great scorer without getting to the freeo line it is very

Important to be efficient and good at what you do it’s it’s impossible to become a great scorer without getting to the line that’s literally a part you got to get the easy ones you need to get you 10 to easy 11 free throws a game in do you average 30 10 to

11 yeah that’s all the all the great scores have had Seasons like that where they average 10 to 11 talking about if you want to lead the league and score yeah you talk about how much it drains you like constantly putting up shots and going against the best defender free

Throw you get to catch your breath take your time and get the easy ones too like what is the lower lowest free throw attempts per game amongst the top 10 scores oh the top 10 this year or Seas um 4.2 it is 4.5 can you guess who it is

No I can he’s a 92% free throw shooter I cannot the best in the game 92 yeah um the best ever maybe Curry Steph Curry okay how many is Tatum at uh Jason Tatum shoots about seven 6.9 okay is the exact number and then Luca’s at nine Giannis

Is at 11 Shay is at 8.7 Jaylen Brunson who’s fourth in the league in scoring by the9 fourth in the league in scoring um is 6.1 6.1 see you got to get to the line got fourth in the league in SC are y’all Jaylen brunson’s fourth in the

League in scoring over Kevin Durant Jason tat de Booker Steph surprising y’all no well I’m just thinking about where he was five four years ago when we signed him I was happy for reason I did not expect this yeah not fourth I expected this you expected I’m I’m on

Some Bron [ __ ] my don’t pay me attention my I expected this from him you know what braon does after two episodes of his podcast JJ will be saying something and the end of the sentence Bri would just repeat so just talk talk basketball yeah so what I was saying when we was

Watching the game I didn’t like that Deon yeah I like I didn’t like the Deon yeah he but but no but even even after that like simple [ __ ] he’ll repeat too like yeah floppy action FL Coach K was phen Coach K phenomenal phenomal guy he

He does even that [ __ ] though like I I it’s a word for that oh my God it’s a word for that where where like your first mind is to repeat what the last thing you heard he does in order to keep your train of thought going a lot I tell

My JJ what you be telling your kids when when they what they call you they call you coach or dad they call me dad he said no he said they call them both he like oh they call you both I’m like damn bro damn bro I thought I was the only

Person that PE [ __ ] like that I’m people that be having there like just just like constantly doing the same thing and without like subconsciously like you know how people you ever talk to somebody that always say like you get what I’m saying you what I’m saying you

Get what I’m saying after everything hey this is and we going to go to a break after this pissed me off when we when I first started dating my now wife she didn’t recognize that that was like a a v a verbal crutch you know what I’m

Saying I just it um where my dad would be talking you know what I’m saying he don’t need you to say yes to he was like yep hey hey hey Relax He’s just talking you know he just I get exactly what you’re saying I no I totally get what you’re

Saying every three KB go KB go piss all you hear that I get what you’re saying yeah I get exactly what you mean no I totally totally get it trust me I tell contr the same thing I don’t even like he should WIP his ass you know what I’m

Saying I don’t know why I I don’t know why I could WIP his I’ve had stuff I say it as like a joke and then I said it a couple times and it just automatically is like in my vocabulary now yeah I will respond to when I know it’s the end of

This I used say CU when I was young I used to say cuz all the time just cuz I made fun of somebody who kept saying cuz and then all of a sudden like that’s what I call used to say Lord yeah he’s so Federal

You know why and I tell you this all the time I’ll be hearing I’ll be hearing [ __ ] that’s when I thought I was in a game it be it be kic it be cut off in the Tik toks or sometimes they don’t let me explain it in the Tik toks so it just

Sound like I’m on your ass you be so thirsty he be so thirsty I was thinking about when he said cuz it immed came to my head that he he was we used to say Lord so y’all Vice Lord yeah no no I’m joking why does he say what the

[ __ ] take a side break cuz you might not go back to the city but I go to the city my guy not g to have people thinking I’m a gang affiliated throw VL out the window I seen a video yesterday little boy was throwing a fze clam that’s crazy that’s a social media

How you thr that up with the little L that is the lame [ __ ] I’ve ever seen that’s the lame [ __ ] I’ve ever seen used I used to really rock with FaZe back in the day RO with too but I ain’t never throw it up oh yeah I couldn’t say I was

In pict like this if I yeah that’s throwing it up is crazy and you w here talk about you w hear gang Bing this is a ESPN Omaha enjoy platform and you are gang banging I’m good just him by the way I don’t even know what that what does that mean

Lord let’s hear a word from you Kevin Garnett he kg kg got that crutch kg go get these fols man go get these but you know what you know what crutch I hated uhhuh and we all dealt with it because we grew up in certain areas like bro oh

My gosh you know how many Samanthas I’ve talked to when I was in high school like yeah we probably like just go like like I when I hear that I be trying to get people Le cuz I just know it’s it’s a you say what when I be hearing it I I

Hear it and pay attention to it but I wouldn’t say anything cuz it’s like say somebody I cared about I’d be hearing from like random people I never said nothing cuz I was young yeah but I definitely walked away from the conversation like what the hell

Was that about cuz I was young I was ignorant to her but you know what Donald Glover say got more likes than a white girl talking oh I like that yeah I told you it’s going to be a saman it’s going be it’s going to be a Becky all right uh

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Empire all right and we are back baby and now let’s get into some stocks back like we never left H how do y’all want to do this because what I was thinking is we we we we all have a certain amount of money to buy stocks right but the

Celtics nugget they they got that stock is high that’s what I to say if we take a stock from another do we got to take it from another team say that again I’m sorry do if we’re if we’re going to play stock in one team do we got to take it

From another team well I was thinking you have like a you just have the set amount though we all have like $100 the Celtics and Nuggets they should be like as we go we’ll we’ll figure out Celtics should probably be like they they both should be like $60 damn yeah

Cuz they like like you said like apple you nobody’s buying a share of Apple right now let me get buy percent of Apple this is dumb yeah okay I’m here for that I’m here for that okay and then the cheapest should be the play in teams

So if you want to buy 50 [ __ ] the Lakers the Warriors King son hey can I B can I start it off then go ahead I am buying Laker stock that’s what I was KB if we’re saying that it’s one of the cheapest stocks available it’s like a

Penny stock yes I would actually spend a lot of money they playing lately hell yes other than last night yeah where they let the Pacers hold them to under you know what we’ve been playing so well that was one of them games it’s just like it happens yeah you just move on

You just move on for sure I was going to do a video but I didn’t want you know I I didn’t want people to I saw you in the Mavericks Discord in the Mavericks Discord yeah who you no I was not no somebody no not you literally but uh you

Made a video at the Mavericks and they put it in there oh it was a screenshot was like who got another account yeah I’m like whoa I was not it was like Kenny beum uh latest video on Mavericks or something like that look at me traversing uh platforms let me go see

What they were saying in the com I kept SC Discord or reddit reddit I’m sorry I said disc that makes a little bit more sense I in readd I don’t know why I’m saying disc right now I would buy I would buy Lakers stock it’s so crazy to

See a team that made zero changes changed their identity mid-season this was a team that was really good defensively for the first half of the Season could not score to save their life they were starting every game down by 12 cuz they didn’t take and make

Threes and now since like Jan uish a lot of things have shifted where they one of the better three-point shooter teams they’re one of the high volume three-point shooter teams but now they don’t defend anything it’s like they sacrifice their identity to switch it and I like this version of them a lot

Better I feel like they’re in more games and they have the ability to win against almost anybody they have the ability to win against anybody except for the Denver nuget I just think their personnel just started to play better ruy now back into the starting line him he’s shooting the ball better Austin

Reed has been playing better DLo has been playing better so like everybody collectively kind of like hit a rhythm all at the same time so now you’re seeing his big offensive influx which you didn’t see at the beginning cuz dowlo got off to the rough start Austin Reed was coming off

The bench and he wasn’t starting rury wasn’t in the starting lineup either so it’s like you’re seeing a shift because everybody’s kind of jelling at the right time I don’t know what it is about LeBron James Le teams but they Jail at the right time A lot of times but in

This case it just always gets them started off at like the damn 10 to nth seene and it’s like you always got this uphill battle so that’s just unfortunate part I think that’s that’s one of the benefits of the long season is you have so much room to get better and improve

And focus on your weak areas but everything D said Is Right like the offense has been clicking and large partly like a lot of credit to DLo for how well he’s been hooping and everything I told y’all I’m a sucker for just growth and character growth from like everything he’s kind of been

Through especially like last season didn’t play so well in the playoffs to this season talking about him and trade so now he’s playing at this type of level I love seeing that type of stuff mhm so yall bu I’ll put I’m going put I’m going to put 20 of my dollars into

The L of stock okay I was thinking like 10 for me personally just just enough to get my feet wet and if it Sky rock is and I feel great about it if you lose it you ain’t missing it exactly a little little 10 piece I’m putting 30 on my

Legs no no that’s too much that’s too much for 100 30% going on give me 19 other 10 I’ll cut it in half I’ll cut it in half 15 15 okay okay all right I did my did my team what’s another team that y’all want to throw

Out as a team that y’all buy the Dallas Mavericks that’s my biggest Money Maker right there that’s a team that I’m I’m probably willing to invest another another $2 on I will say the Mavericks are a lot more expensive than a Lakers and they’re trading upward so we’re

Seeing their stock and I’m getting it right now though okay it ain’t at its peak but it’s going to get so it’s what what if it is that his Peak cuz they’re they’re what 11 and one in their last 12 it could be their

Peak 6 SE yeah so it could Plum it but this is the chances you take when you in the stock market but remember you spend 20 of your $100 so you got I’ll put 15 on Dallas I’ll put 15 on Dallas where are we saying the the Baseline cost is

To get one Dallas Maverick share so with his 15 let’s just say let’s say he bought three okay so five five $5 per share okay yeah okay even though it should be more yeah but he blow he BMF over here L money f r

Ricky Ros l l i i that but that’s why I didn’t buy the Lakers cuz I know I had a lot to spend with this Mavericks team um I’m putting 30 on now is that six shares yeah give me 30 of them big money P I I

I need I need I’m going off every team we talk about ain’t gonna get no money from me I’m sorry oh no for sure every team’s worth investing in I’m sorry did we determine what what it was the cost for one share of Lakers stock let’s

Figure it out so if if the Mavs at $5 I think the lake should be a $2 stock does that make sense yeah yeah okay so $2 stock um per $2 per share for the Lakers so I have five shares of Lakers stock I got seven and a half okay okay what did

I say the Mavericks was $5 per share and I bought 30 yes you did I put 15 on the mths and I put 20 on the Lakers this is the way I think about investing not in the real life but in this in real life I’m very very cautious in my investing

I’m going I’m getting % of Apple stock cuz I know that that’s safe but in this exercise you going to play you going to play I want to play a little bit Yeah Yeah I want to play a little bit so a team like the Denver Nuggets I’m not

Putting a single penny in absolutely not I’m not putting a single pen me I’m not putting a single penny even in mines let me do this since the Rockets was I mean since the Lakers was two the Rockets is 11 can I get them for $1 yes you can I’m

Not against that so you might as well hand me that money right now but if you want to put your heart on cash on the team that won’t make it value I don’t see why everybody didn’t take a little pen a little bit of it right contenders

Though right huh I don’t think it’s got to be contenders I think it could be just like going past expectations or maybe like meeting expectations I’m buying I’m buying $10 worth of 10 shares for the Rockets okay I want to I want to buy some of the Cavs just for them to

Miss the playoff oh oh Evan Mo big time I believe Donovan Mitchell could turn the shooting back around he can he’s Donovan Mitchell but see Moy hit that three was huge yes I got to buy some cavali a year or two ago yes it is

I ain’t mad at that at all shout out Evan Moy man tough seeds of him so far with the so if I have I’ll probably buy I’m I’m uh do 15 again okay so what do we see in the stock set is for the Cavs

Is a three seed 45 and 29 obviously I think they’re in a tier below the other two teams in there so the Mavericks was how much M $5 per stock the Cav should be 10 you think so Le the mass I think they should be slightly higher than the

M i mean the record are the same oh I see I’m going I think they should be yeah they should be around the same range I think so too maybe seven maybe slightly higher because the path for the Cavs is going to be easier than the path for the

Mavericks who the Mavericks go get $7 seven that seven yeah that works I’m not mad at that uh can I I want to buy talk to me about Miami Heat stock what’s we on the same page there that’s that’s what I was about you know how I was

Looking at it it’s shaking up right now to where the East they seem like they locked at that seventh spot maybe it it it’s close but they got an easy schedule left in one g games left right nine or games it look like they might play the

Bucks in the first round and that’s a that’s a very interesting Series so that’s why I was thinking about buying that where are we saying the stock is at cuz I’m here to invest in Miami Heat again this is the Miami Heat this is like when you go and it’s like the name

Brand stuff it might be old but it’s name brand so you got to pay a little bit extra for it let let’s go three Lakers is two let’s do three for okay I’m okay with that $3 give me uh give me $15 worth of Miami Heat stock I’mma take

$10 worth of Miami he sock okay okay and you said it’s at at $3 okay I’mma Buy $5 worth for for uh I mean it just it just got so much potential I’m spending $15 for five shares right right that might be our worst invest but

It might be our best investment it might be we might be billionaires we might end up that stock I think at some point yeah familiarity yeah you got you got to it’s like it’s like one of those stocks that’s like we saw it be good at one

Point and then had a year probably circles around doc there’s a good chance that that happens the Doc Rivers ever is what 14 and 13 so far yes don’t love that uh can I ask y’all about New York Nick St stock please that’s a one how how we feeling obviously we don’t know

If julus rand’s coming back I feel like might break my bank on this I might break my bank on this one yeah how much is if C was seven they got to be like five or six right six probably six like right under it since I

Guess the health issues I’m not mad at that so I’m gauging also are they on the same tier as the Nets I mean as the Mavericks they’re slightly above the MS but slightly below the caves okay I still I slightly still think the Mad stock is higher than

Everything got a little but the reason but the reason that would be is because like he said they’re dealing with injuries the Mavs are literally N9 and one in their last 10 tougher pass did I H end up getting injured he heard he kept playing he just fouled out

Okay I saw that play when him went down then I went to put Avery to bed and I came back he wasn’t anymore so I thought they put in MIT robs okay um but yeah okay what’s what’s the number $6 $6 $6 is good for Nick

Okay H $6 for Nick stock I’m I’m going to get uh give me three shares of Nick stock give me three shares anybody else want in on Nick I’m taking a share of Nick stock just cuz I love me some JB if they was healthy I I don’t know Dante Dev

Chenzo his jumper is so pure bro it’s like the like in 2K when you see the green release or green release it’s just so it just feels like it’s always going in bro a couple different teams just let him go yeah and now like those scenes would love to have him right now

Especially the Bucks especially the Warriors The Warriors would love to have them right now but I don’t think the Warriors had the opportunity to bring him back either way what did we agree on for the uh the share of it was it six uh $6 per okay you know who also you just

Said Dante shoots it like a green jayen sug sometimes shoots the ball and he and he holds it and like you know that [ __ ] going yeah shout out to J four four shares of the next what’s the price for thunderstock that’s that’s that’s expensive right there four Clippers one

Of I would wanted to ask about the Clippers too which stock is higher I think the Clippers stock might be higher then the Thunder I think so because of the playoff experience yeah I think most if you ask people who’s more of a contender they probably say Clippers

Both in that that top tier that’s that Top exra Line of the West I at least want to make one purch I mean the Thunder is more expensive than the Clippers to me because they got they five games better do you wait you want

To you want to have a purchase of a top team but you want it to be volatile I don’t want it to be the buck or the the Nuggets yeah so cuz if I’m going to go top team I’m thinking I’m think I don’t think you know safe but

I’m also thinking like the lower potent like the lower teams have more potential to wear more money back I think it’s also you got to find out what’s the difference you asked though right like what’s the share cuz I think what’s the share for the nuggets and Celtics like

That’s got to be 10 the highest right soppers $40 probably for a share I think you said $40 he almost made he almost made K spit out his it would be like $10 I think we did agree with you but I think we were just talking about like figuring out

Over the course now that we see how this money is gone $40 is a little ridiculous it might end up being like 12 to 15ish for the Thunder yall talking about for the I’m talking about the top two 15 Max Team Max for the Thunder yeah we can

Talk through the Thunder one cuz I’m I’m okay with it being like a $10 share it has to be at at the least 10 it’s a t for number one yeah yeah that makes sense so we can we can stick them at 10 so the Clippers will be a lower amount

So can we put them at eight Clippers should be eight but I’m buying two shares of clipper stock so talk talk me through your portfolio so far okay so hold on I’m I’m typing in what I’m putting in mhm we said the cers were eight okay so that’s

$16 uh so I put $15 into the maths um I put $20 into the Lakers $10 into Miami and 16 into the Clippers right now okay talk to me about the Pelicans this is going to be a you know they’re slightly below the Clippers cuz I don’t think they have the topheavy tal

Got yeah and Brandon engam out for two weeks so I would probably put them at like a $6 per share and that would they around the same area as the mass I’ll put them right there with the mass at $6 yeah hey man for $6 for the I

Might have to go in on the $6 I was say I might I might have to too you know what I’m saying I’m buying $18 worth for three shares at a Pelicans I’m buying $18 worth of three shares of the Pelicans too I got money to spend so

Give me two give me two shares I got money to spend but you going to spend less than us because I got money to spend a dou cheeseburger please come on man now his R when he may be back for the regular season and Joel andem be

Talk to me de Mill the 76ers are looking intriguing even though they will have to go against potentially the Boston Celtics or the Milwaukee Bucks but it’s Joel embiid I think 80% of him is still dangerous so that stock is low right now what are we talking what do we have the

Heat ass we had the heat as a $5 stock no three $3 oh three damn um we might match it right does it make sense to match that with the 76ers as A3 share no because Jo and be is not back I would say like two potential they should be oh

I was thinking higher actually because they feel good that he’s coming back before the regular season before the Seas Mi he don’t have this save and Grace player that can change their season they don’t have this save and Grace player that can change their season hey man the way that offens is

Look Tyler hero might say today he ain’t J and B put up 140 some points yes they did they won what 60 hey it was a good they said scho Henderson had the worst plus minus in the history of basketball hisory basketball y isn’t that the second time he’s done that

Yes he beat his own record the best type of competition is the competition with yourself man do that twice in one season I think it was it was it was Manny Harris then scoot now it’s scoop Manny Harris scoop oh Manny Harris Manny Harris what college you went to oh my

God U Miami no um Tennessee I have no idea I don’t know Big 10 man IND Michigan Michigan ah was in the I actually kind of remember that at least I stayed in the Big 10 this time I know the area okay I know the area was your

First guess we here your first guess was Tennessee no no he said after you said okay okay oh that you know yeah yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right good for sure yeah I tweaked I’ll tweaked I see what you mean yeah good good [ __ ] yeah

You know the Big 10 conference five big 10 schools and you cannot say Indiana cuz you just said them Michigan okay I just said I right you can’t use Michigan either if his teacher said Michigan State okay uh Dayton no [ __ ] wrong with you okay I’m just stand in the so Illinois

Yes Illinois State no no ISU no what is ISU team Illinois State University no so once I say no I Illinois State why would you say as you it’s the same school I’m sing you the same no holy [ __ ] Iowa just I’m going say it differently yes Iowa Wisconsin yes

And NRE Dame no damn they’re not in there you was right on a path you said Minnesota there you go my boy it’s in the area but you thinking it ain’t the area it’s in the area typically the state schools can make big conf okay so

You talking about I so the only only Kansas state is in a big conference though the only school that has the only state that has two schools in the Big 10 is Michigan because of Michigan and Michigan State if I’m if I’m thinking off the top of my brain correctly uh

Then you got yeah you got Ohio State oh yeah Purdue Wisconsin you said Iowa Nebraska so yeah but I don’t blame you cuz they keep changing [ __ ] realign so northwestern’s Illinois Northwestern yeah there you go Northwestern there too yeah opue and Indiana are both in Indiana boom but I didn’t let you say

Indiana so right yeah yeah yeah did we um so the sixer stock is at what two $2 uh we said it was uh you arguing that it should be higher than I think it should be higher yeah it should be higher than $3 higher $3 is what the heat is at so

I’m thinking $4 for the 76ers just cuz I might came back I got a little hat like Le I don’t think I can do that how y’all feeling about the paces oh you talk to me yeah you can buy all of their stock if you want but they defense got

Better did to 90 points it did they did get a little better I’m abouty $4 they also I’ll bu he was saying it got better in the sense when we was talking about the bucks first St in the first round yeah [ __ ] out of here so went bu that

Stock shout out to Aaron Smith I want to buy some magic but they just cannot shoot score save their l any more money I got $3 left wait what what did you buy he bought a lot of that I bought $30 wor of Mavericks and 24 for the the the

Knicks that’s 54 right there oh my God you know what I probably got to sell some of my Rockets pled I got I got a sale no I’m I’ll buy it do I’m holding I’m holding P I don’t need no money to spend on no damn magic yeah true I’mma

Buy $10 worth sixer stock okay where I think that’s a smart investment yeah jel and be is a stud I mean you can’t really mess up with that what is the Suns man they they in the playing I was waiting for somebody to mention their name they got Kevin to rent Deon Booker

Playing if all those are just if it’s cheap enough I’m so cheap right so it’s $1 right oh no but you say all they got is names you saw what they did yesterday what if we put it at $4 oh I’m put at four [ __ ] we’re not putting that [ __ ] above

The heat I’m not going for no I got $3 left to my name we’re not putting it above the heat $2 I got2 $2 either though that’s the same as the Lakers them and the Lakers should be on the same path the Lakers went further than them last year

What was the Lakers at for that last year they didn’t have Bradley I mean their records the records are almost similar it’s two gam it’s a two game different talk to me m the Lakers just got off to a little slow bit of a slow start but shouldn’t they have the

Benefit that of at least one extra dollar because they only have to win one game to get in why the Lakers have to win two games to get in right now they have to win one game the Lakers might catch them it ain’t that I feel like

We’ve been trying to catch them for the past two three months who gives it Dam as long as y’all catch Chas Chas 10 games two two 10 games left two game difference it’s that’s just hard that’s just really if the Lakers catch him on the last game are you going to be happy

Hell yeah let’s see do they play each other no that’s no that that would be let’s see what playoff G for come on playoff status they actually don’t play each other again they got this the Suns as a favorite to to be the eigh seed and the

Lakers uh wait let me do that again I’m sorry for the Suns it’s a 25% chance to be the seventh seed 33% chance to be the eth seed 26% chance to be the ninth seed 7% chance to be the 10th seed but luckily the Lakers coming up they have

Nets Raptors Wizards and it’s all in a roll but it’s easy games yes they they should be able to clean the floor they ass and the Suns have the hardest schedule clean the floor with they ass yeah that [ __ ] sound painful oh yeah dipp ass and some

Solution that WIP it on the floor the sun’s look at the sun’s schedule please tell me cuz last time I checked they had the hardest schedule left and it’s like it’s not easy at all they can’t even take OKC without Shay yeah that that

Right so so it should be Che yeah on put on the same level as the Lakers they play theel on Monday so they get a nice little break um oh Timberwolves Pelicans Clippers Clippers Kings Minnesota oh [ __ ] I’m telling you they got all playoff teams left they could the Lakers can catch

It’s possible cuz the Lakers got those three easy gains right off the bat they got a doll fight right off the bat they also got to catch the kings in order to catch them who are sitting smoos between all of that that’s true I think the Lakers would still be happy with just

Getting to that ath seed but guess what the Lakers now have a 0.0 Point differential now finally hey y’all were y were negative for like the last two months I spent $99 fellas I got $1 left you better put that on the Bulls well put it on the Hawks the Hawks

Behind the yep put my $1 on the hul we said Celtics was 15 yep I took two shares wow I I’m not mad at that though it’s just s they just so different this year I’m not mad at that uh so I’m guessing the the nuggets are exactly 15 as

Well no they rain in Champs 20 rain and Champs yic cost 15 by himself right $20 that just feel like a bad investment then you know $20 is a lot I actually like the Celtics bet now if it’s only 15 uh no bucks anybody putting money on

The Bucks I got $29 left so big bucks with the Bucks the Bucks to the buck bu I’m going invest something heavy in somebody I’mma just invest the rest of the $29 into you might get you might buy some n bad nugget stock he like I real nugget I do the Milwaukee Bucks

I’ll I’ll put $29 on the bock we send the buck with like a $12 team at $15 for the Celtics $12 for the bucks yeah get like two and a half shares okay all right I got a lot of money left how much money you got left Mike uh since I

Bought the two shares of the Celtics I only got 12 bucks left y’all cheat spend that [ __ ] I I’m at $61 I was at $61 give me give me one share yeah we basically have the same portfolio until then give me one share the Clipper no the Clippers

Was high though wasn’t they what day they say the Clippers I think we put them at like six or seven if the Clippers and the Pelicans are six I’ll take one share of both of them cuz that’ll clear up the rest of my money if they both six I’m going to take one

Share of Denver Nuggets basketball I feel like you got to get at least one of them top though right yeah so N I ain’t getting none of them I I don’t like uh easy money I like the worker you don’t want to invest in McDonald’s right I

Want to invest in Chick-fil-A I’m going to take one share the mck is Chick-fil-A of Boston Celtics stock 2 okay and that leaves me with $4 to spend now this is where you take your $4 and put it in Chicago Bulls I would I’d rather burn it

I’d rather burn it to put M off to say if you going to do that give me give me $4 if you’re just going to waste it yeah I mean they’re they’re about to lose the knife seat they’re half a game in front of the Atlanta Hawks they had like a

Five game difference earlier that is so ridiculous they lost that Gap uh so my last $4 I’m actually going to change and get seven stocks of the Lakers instead of five okay big lake you gonna be rooting for us no you want to Roo for LeBron no

Oh just play in the league I didn’t Ro for Udonis hasm last year right oh Vince C I mean it’s a fine line between those people right you ain’t want the heat to win in the finals huh you ain’t want the heat to win in the finals hell no when

SC the Nuggets no no I mean I didn’t want anything to have it I wasn’t a fan of any of those Taps right I was rooting for Jimmy I was rooting for Jimmy too a nothing wrong with that I was rooting for Jimmy to Lose you a big yage gu I wasn’t rude for anybody I just know Heat fans this why I hate Jimmy B so I like to play along with it here’s my portfolio seven shares of the Lakers five shares of the heat three shares of the Knicks three shares

Of the pales one share of the Nuggets one share of the the Celtics I got seven shares of my Lakers two shares of the Cavs uh five shares of the Suns two shares of the Celtics and then two sh uh two share one share each of the Clippers and the

Pelicans so I that c share is going to mess your your portfolio Okay but do you not know they got George Yang on the scene oh yeah true forgot about that for about that yeah my fault fa $15 on the Mavs $20 on the Lakers $10 on Miami 16

On the Clippers 10 on the Sixers just to be saving and 29 on the Bucks 30 on the Mavs which is six shares 10 on the Rockets 10 shares five shares heat for $15 $24 for four shares of Knicks $18 three shares of the Pelicans uh one share the Suns one share the

Hawks if you can invest in one team one team that’s outside looking in the 11 through 15 seed to make an next year what team you invested in the rockets that makes sense that Mak sense no the gries the gries the gries the Spurs I want the I want the Spurs to be

In there I they should have an interest they could have an interest off SE that [ __ ] is disgusting all those teams going to be ass next year too unless lamelo just come back might put the play basketball that’s the only hope that they have is that lamelo plays

Basketball and brenon Miller takes a jump at least Charlotte has some hope those other teams don’t have no hope really until carony swns is in a Raptor’s Jersey KB don’t say that don’t do that to cat what you mean cat don’t deserve him is Scotty bar I’m just

Talking him and Scotty Barnes be a nice little point guard when P get their back court the lightskinn back court Kaden and Zach oh yeah I forgot about that who we get back in that trade uh nobody and B donovich is already gone they gone so I don’t even know how you

Can’t even make the exact money work no more yeah Zack is going to be a bull for the rest of his they going to give Isaiah Stewart a nice Hefty extension and the bull is going he already got extended oh he did at Summer League last year he got

Extended so it’s possible they can make they have $60 million in cap they could just take him we don’t even need nothing back oh yeah that’s right yeah they could just absorb the money that way straight up straight up yeah that would be tough though uh anything else around

The association we getting to we didn’t really talk about the Draymond Green ejection let’s talk about the Draymond Green ejection uh first four minutes of the game versus the Orlando Orlando Magic Draymond Green gets double teed up after saying some stuff to the the refs then we get a a different reaction for

Steph Curry than was he crying that’s what people are saying I can’t I don’t know but he’s never looked that frustrated in a situation yes the whole game he even hit the big shot and then kick the chair um so it was just one of those games and and Steve cerr did not

Enable Draymond Green this time so he deserved it everything so that’s different uh luckily for them they end up winning that game because again the Rockets are right on their ass that that could have been like a a point of change in their season mhm and I can I’m going

Just be honest and transparent here I was rooting against the Warriors partly rooting for the Warriors too because obviously the Knicks and Magic are very close in the standings and in these days if you’re playing the Cavs or you’re playing the magic I’m probably rooting for the opposite team to win to

Help my Knicks yeah um even when the Bucks lose to the Pelicans I I enjoyed that because we all around each other y but I was kind kind of rooting for the magic at the same time because Steph’s reaction Draymond at some point is going

To have to learn they like they have to get tired of this at some point and what has to start happening is for them to lose and I I I just think that them losing the playin could be a big wake up call or they’re either going to let that

Just let that go because you already missed a bunch of these games due to suspension which is probably why we in this situation I I like the Rockets I’m a big fan I’m supporting him and rooting for him but in no way shape or form if Draymond Green is there for the majority

Of the Season or he don’t have those games to sus spin this this is not close yeah the Rockets are probably too far on the outside to even make this close making it so wild cuz a lot of times especially like I feel like I see a lot

Of the clippit of his podcast or I even clicked in if I’m just chilling at home and like you hear him say so many smart things and like he has such a good mind that it’s just like him not being able to control emotions some times it just

Don’t make no sense I don’t understand it because you lost x amount of dollars you’ve lost so much for the team and like you said Draymond is a smart and intelligent dude but the way that people view him who don’t who aren’t in this like we are it it’s so different when

You go and talk to people if we went to if we went out to eat somewhere at a sports bar and Draymond Green came up in conversation with some random people at a bar they’re probably going to have some some crazy viewpoints of him based off of that they’re cuz they’re not

Watching his podcast or they’re not seeing interviews that we’ve seen or they don’t know the game and how important he is to the Warriors and so that happens and then even last night how you get into a shoing match up with Grant Williams even that could have been

Something that just turns into something it’s like when are you going to wake up and learn like these are this is all one season we talking this is we’re not even talking about the punch no more we’re talking about just this year and you constantly are having these instances

You don’t see that Steph Curry reaction you don’t hear Steve Curry and everything that they saying so the very next game you come out and have another situation that could potentially turn into something over Grant Williams and the Hornets yeah Grant Williams and the Hornets then you go on your podcast and

You talk he has some [ __ ] to say about tar een because t e like way Warriors come out and play and like man T I’ll rock with you but you better learn you know it’s history here what we do to the and it’s just like you got to shut up

That [ __ ] over with it’s a new day and age you got a hoop what they say on The Wire the thing about the old days the old days I never got that far but okay I like that and then two weeks ago he said I ain’t worried about the damn Rockets not the

Rockets on they ass I understand that I didn’t understand that either y’ yeah on a 10 game winning stre worried about it yeah you know what I think I think um that would I’ll defend him just cuz in in the grand scheme of the interview it

Makes sense for when he said it cuz he was he was more saying like we we keep beating ourselves and and what he was saying was I can’t worry about the Rockets right now cuz we got [ __ ] to worry about that’s that was more of the context if you watch the entire

Interview um but yeah I just my least favorite thing about all of this is that this will happen and then we’ll turn on TV and it’ll be like is Steph Curry a good leader because Draymond Green did this that dialogue makes it bothers the hell out of me it don’t even make sense

It bothers the hell out of me cuz what is Steph Curry supposed to do realistically people want them him to do when they say that they want him to into the office look at Mike D say trade Draymond I’m tired of it that’s leadership to them cuz it’s a grown ass

30 plus year old man that’s a contradiction because if LeBron did it they would say look he always got to go do something so it’s like you can’t win yeah you can’t win yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t know how we’ve seen 10 plus years of dominance from Steph Curry in

The Golden State Warriors for us to be like that’s a bad leader right there that’s a bad Leader’s he’s okay with somebody coming onto his team for two years and winning Finals MVP bad leader he’s a bad leader you can never be a bad never just grun you can never never be a

Bad leader letting the MVP come and technically steal your shine it’s just it’s too much bro were y’all questioning his leadership three years ago before draym got crazy no and nobody on nobody on team nobody on that team or that organization is responsible for another grown man no my leadership is not

Reflective of how another grown man chooses to handle himself in any situation that don’t that don’t even make sense I’m responsible for a whole another grown ass man I try to put it in like a normal daytoday thing right if Mike was the Draymond Green of our

Podcast what the what are we supposed to do about Mike being a CRA being a crash out what are we supposed to do they gonna be they be in the comment P Draymond Green oh yeah p is the Draymond Green you’re right um only thing we can

Say is like if it was messing with the show we say Pierre what you’re doing right now is is not a good depiction of who we are in our show exactly I would assume Steph Curry them have has done if Pierre decides to keep doing that what

Are we supposed to do as his teammates now absolutely we supposed to we supposed to go to to Anthony at omah call Pa Manning and say well we got to trade Pierre for uh we got to trade Pierre for Kendra Perkins right now but that’s just not how it really works and

I just I never I will never understand the he’s a bad leader thing because one of his teammates in a 15-year career is a crash out I I agree I agree with that sentiment I think as a leader all you are are you supposed to do is kind of kind of like friendships

And just like relationships you stay real you stay honest and when you do that you your job is done as a friend I’m supposed to let you know hey bro I don’t know I don’t know about that that’s all I’m supposed to do if you continue to do it that’s on you you

Continue to do it but I did my part by letting you know that ain’t it and I I want I I I put it out there versus saying versus lying to you being like man that that fit decent no bro that [ __ ] don’t really go well together but if you still want

To wear it by all means do you but but when people looking at you crazy while we out in public you can’t look at me cuz I tried to tell you the truth all I’m supposed to do in any relationship I have is tell the truth and be honest

Without trying to hurt somebody feelings or or be bad mean to him but yeah I just think that relationships is all about being honest and that’s leadership and if you’re being honest and person continue to not do it then yeah another thing about it is that the onc court

Stuff for Draymond is hard to replicate with Steph Curry for the last 10 years they’ve been one of the best Duos in basketball the way they play off each other how Draymond and him are connected at the hip when it comes to like Draymond just knowing exactly what he’s

Thinking where he’s going to be at you trade Draymond Green away there ain’t nobody on is there anybody with better chemistry no I mean you can Jamal Murray Nicole yic are up there trayon Clint capella no that ain’t close it a it’s just I feel like it might be the best no

No I’m just thinking dri because it’s just like the the dribble handoffs is one thing cuz y does that with everybody but it’s like there’s times where Dre just always is constantly looking for stuff no matter what and I think that a lot of the role players like what was it

A year or two ago where they was talking about uh like when a uh Andrew Wiggins first came over there was like they were still getting adapted to the system and everything like that like Draymond Green knows the system like the back of his hand like he knows where Steph is going

To be every time and I think it’s just hard because it’s hard to replace that because with Steph being the best shooter in the world getting him those looks and having him be able to get those looks on a nightly basis you can’t replace that yeah what and Draymond does

A great job with him and Clay he finds both replic he their their Trio chemistry is literally why they won all those championships so like if you want to stay competitive and compete it’s going to be hard to get rid of Draymond especially when you talk about the

Defensive aspect we only talking about what does offensively defensively he just brings so much to the table he’s their vocal guy on the defensive side he switches on all positions he’ll guard dearon Fox One season series but then next series he’s going to guard joic so like you that’s just not somebody you

Can ever replace since 2014 2015 Dre MCG green and Steph Curry have played a total of 14,000 minutes together can y’all guess the net rating of them two on the court plus 20 plus 72 plus 20 7.2 in 14,000 minutes by 5.8 plus 5.8 it’s plus

13.4 that is other worldly for I had a feeling was double digits cuz they used to have stretch is crazy though 20 they they just blowing everybody out they did have a stretch where they were blowing Seasons but yeah plus 13 you’re not that’s hard to replicate M I’m actually

When I get home I want to do this for like best Duos in history and see what their net rating is for a 10year stretch because 13.4 think got to be up there probably like John stock carob sha Kobe Kobe lost one playoff game they had a run where they lost one

Playoff I wonder if if Advance stats like that favor not even that they go back that far but I wonder if it favors them as much as now because of how much scoring has like you get 30o blowouts very regularly back in the early 2000s that might not have been the case but

I’m have to see I’m going go Bri carry on Aon that that would be a good one I’m gonna go Kobe and Shaq and just see Kobe and Shaq and this is from 2000 to 2004 Yeah Boy cold it might y y’all can feel this cuz it’s going to take a couple

Minutes what’s your guess for them I got I got the number right here they’ve played about 8,000 minutes a little under 8,000 minutes I’ll say plus five I’mma say plus plus n for uh plus 14.3 plus 9.62 okay yeah who Scotty and Jordan uh it doesn’t it only starts in

2000 oh damn LeBron you want to go to LeBron it’s a good one what year would they start that 201 2011 I think 2011 2013 cool 2011 2013 LeBron and Wade I was watching Michael Beasley interview yesterday with the only ogs with you UD and Mike Miller he

Was saying some interesting things about what he was just saying like he came in he was 19 and he he was he was he was trying to say in a non- disrespectful way he didn’t want people to think he was crazy but he wanted to be his show

You know what I mean like I’m 19 I’m coming in and and you like I’m I had the mindset of like d way was old so I’m thinking going to Usher me in but in reality it was only his fourth year you know what I’m saying like I’m you said

Old I’m like hold on he could have been that he was like you got to remember I was 19 so I was tweaking but for whatever reason LeBron James and and Dwayne Wade played a total of 6,653 minutes again this is all regular season it doesn’t account for playoffs guess

The net rating together 7.7 11.3 plus 6 12.2 damn 12 that was just a good ass team too was it or was it just LeBron Boston Wade that’s a good ass team don’t forget about Mario Thomas Mike Miller no disrespect Shane Bader give me give me one more you remember which Rashard

Lewis came into the picture give me one more Duo um let’s let’s let’s think of K Russ let’s think of a real good one though KD Russ is I I actually like KD Russ but then again they started off so young yeah what’s a real good Duo what’s

The do that didn’t win a championship it was real I no that didn’t win a championship D Williams and Carlos Boozer look that up though look that I’m just curious they had a really good year one year I’m just laughing because he said a really good D we went from Shaq

And Kobe W though right I just got to figure out what a good it ain’t but but it ain’t that it ain’t them I was thinking the DU is that didn’t win championship 2005 to 2010 okay I got it 2005 2010 uh how many how many games were

They I don’t even remember how many games they were winning back then they might have had a 50 win season Once okay might have I have a good one after that they definitely has had some 40 win season which what is it Nation Mari not mad at that um you said Darren

Williams and boo Cruz yeah Carlos boo all right let’s get it I don’t be mad at Ted mon Brown either honestly but I feel like we’ seen those stats recently I mean their their this year stats are going to make it s is kind of cool

Though all right so they’ve played 8 302 minutes together Darren Williams and Carlos Bo a guess the net rating plus four 32 3.2 3.3 3.3 plus 3.3 they actually were better better with just Darren Williams on a Cory no Carlos Boozer what was their net rating with

Just five oh wow probably was because you just slide Carol Linko to the four oh yeah y I’m gonna do Tatum Brown just because I think that’s you want to do nashar we I mean yeah we got it’s our thirsty he heard his voice [Laughter]

Man um and this site is a free site for everybody at home that want to dive in um hold up new care boo just drop you funny 17 18 oh I can’t wait to hoop tonight we F to get a championship PE I hope I can hoop KB playing tonight it it

All depends again I might be having a film T cuz tomorrow’s Easter oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so I don’t that’s why we trying to get it in tonight cuz for sure for sure I’m going try I’m going to try to be y’all don’t know we always do 2K tournaments during private

Pram runs you can get in you can join the runs by getting to my Discord and you’ll kind of learn everything out from there but just be just get in the Discord I need a championship also uh playback enjoy basketball we doing streams on playback yeah if you missed

The last one you missed the good one you missed the class DS might have had the wildest the hell saying in there what do he say remember when you talking about the the nuts you was like I just be cracking them open whatever oh yeah yeah

You remember what he said yeah but that was funny cuz he he but he tried to I was wild for talk about I’m going I can’t wait to go home and grind my dude with no context that was crazy I was thinking about that earlier cuz uh my

Girl was like my I was yesterday my girl came out to me and she’s like what you doing I was like I’m I was playing again I was like I’m grinding my dude and I started laughing un unfortunately fellas I think the site has crashed on

Me um I put Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum not it it’s making it seem like they were never teammates those numbers are just so damn good it wanted you to do a mar and ass it might have yeah let me hit this refresh one more time um Jaya

Brown Jason Tatum oh it says loading it says loading internet sucks sometimes I just got off the Wi-Fi yep all right Jayla Brown and Jason tatman played a total of 9,267 minutes together guess the net rating is this from this is from 2017 18 to now so Jason Tatum season plus

7.3 I’ll go 8.2 plus nine both of y’all are very close it’s 788 oh okay but Jason Tatum playing without Jaylen Brown is a plus nine okay jayen Brown by himself 3.2 when y’all hear the minutes together is that [ __ ] kind of like is it like

Surprise you a little bit when you hear them numbers like always 9,000 9,000 minutes the one with Steph was like 13,000 minutes especially teams that stagger a little bit uh no it don’t go that way espe te Stagg minutes played between the Duos before we wrap up and

Get up out of here I want to introduce a brand new segment that I think will become a fan favorite um we’re going to call this unplug and basically what we’re going to do in this segment is I’m going come up here with different talking points or topics in

The pop culture around the world and just kind of unplug the end of the episode with some non basketball talk if it’s something really going crazy in the sports world I may bring that as a topic too I don’t want to say we we gonna focus on getting away from Sports you

Know what I’m saying if the bears go up there and they don’t draft Cayla Williams number one we’ll probably save that for you know what I mean like something like that U but last night I was laying in bed and while I was trying to go to bed sister sister came on S

Okay and I’m like I would love to go I’m like that’s my unplug I want to go up there and I want to ask the guys can they think of some underrated shows from their childhood that and when I say underrated the reason I’m saying that is

Because if you ask me my favorite shows from like being a kid Sister Sister probably wouldn’t have came up in that combo but when I was in bed and it came on I was like oh [ __ ] like sister sister was a good show they don’t make they

Don’t make shows like that only one that that is very good that’s currently airing Abbott Elementary so good yeah I watch that so I watch that too I watched that but like when you think about that air where we grew up we had you seen all

The episodes no I haven’t seen but oh you ain’t seen the one with the VAP no oh that one’s funny okay is that is that a new one uh I I just like I guess I like mockumentaries like the office is cool you know what I’m saying I like I guess

You like seeing the inside of that world yeah I see I and I don’t want to stop your segment do you remember before when we were thinking about transitioner we thought about doing like a mockumentary I still thought we should have we should it’s still possibility a podcast

Documentary Series yeah Mike over there like man I hate y’all don’t know it infuriates me when he cuts me Oh I like when he come y never it’s like it’s like it’s like y’all do a thing it’s like yeah we took Mike’s Bape and it’s just like I’m looking all over we should just we just have fun some film some some stuff like Anyway back back to y’all but yeah they just

Don’t make like when you really think about in that time we had Martin Fresh Prince we had Sister Sister Harve show Steve Harvey Show we had DL hugle show Bernie Max show the par the par I can go back I’ve rewatched The Parkers like five times that was the underrated

Show that I was all one era yeah yeah um what else we had one onone yes like this this is all even if you go to Disney even Stephen I know future huh feel of the future I wasn’t really big on that but I like the season finale or the series

Finale that so raven was a good one I know they got t uh Torio going on right now but Drake and Josh like we had literally we can name 20 shows at one time that you can just turn on the TV and watchel I think what changed that is now

That everything is on demand you can watch whatever it kind of watered it down in a way well I feel like there might be really good shows that we don’t even know about or care to watch because I think Nostalgia is a real thing too in

Terms of like it’s just I’m so familiar with the cartoons and the shows that I have watched as some of these be just looking so new that just like I I’m not I’m just kind of turned off by y’all ever seen the show yes noing a bell though I’ve seen it though

Yes deer was a show I used to watch did you say King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens was so George Lopez We George lope lope best WTTW yes they with the cats used to come on that [ __ ] what’s wrong with the cats Saga s Dragon Tales like

Even you would turn on the TV and you had so many options you can watch TV all day and yeah it is a Nostalgia except for that one goddamn day Saturday that Nickelodeon said go outside y’all remember that day go outside day I the TV was black well not black I’m sorry it

Had their logo and it just said um today is our outside day and I was like I remember watching as a kid like who are you to tell me to go outside we had the grassy Robot Chicken started watching the grass seat when we would going to

Like you know in the Plex how they got the little uh that Center in the middle by the court we used to there like after school and they will play the grass SE that’s how we started watching that I had saw a tweet yesterday said what’s a show that should have never been

Canceled and Boondocks was one of the first show that came to my mind Everybody Hates Chris but they just got the think about The Boondocks is that a lot of the jokes when NOA people had that they they were satire to stuff and people would clip a person the boond Dos

Like see the boond Dos was right but the boond Dos was making fun of you for making fun of that that situation MH but you didn’t it went over your head yeah so Boondock is definitely one of the ones rest in peace to pop you know what

Else made the boond huh is it you know what made boond raw though too what’s that cuz soundtrack soundtrack and they the fight scenes they’re anime like they’re anime fight scenes like they take them out of like other anime what who um is that new jaab no new jaab did

Samurai Champloo never mind who did that I’m gonna look and see who did that sound I know was the other show that just came out it was animated it was about the black Warrior what was his name what is it what’s uh it was on Netflix black like a black Warrior I

Know exactly what you’re talking about I can’t think of the name of it right now that soundtrack flying Lotus did it brilliant yes I can’t remember the name of it it’s based on like a real Black Samurai um but flying Lotus did I love when the movie got they own soundtrack

Yes bro it Spider-Man [ __ ] it can yes that [ __ ] is amazing it can elevate a movie from like a 6 to a eight or a show from an 8 to a 10 you know what I did yesterday I was walking around the house and I was playing the 2K 12 uh

Soundtrack and the look I was getting I was just confused and I’m like you don’t understand the face you get when the old 2K song comes on from like a couple years agoo you be like it’s just I won’t bow down no man and that’s a song I

Would have never heard unless it was super it’s crazy not uh just hearing he ever heard a word and like immediately kind of unlocks like a memory bank or whatever like some Nostalgia this still on the 2K but like somebody is like talking about the old jump shots and

It’s like high school one and I’m like I remember High School one B 63 what happened was it was it that was 2K7 I remember I had was I remember B 70 I was telling about that yeah Bas 70 that’s was oname uh oh Rachel deita

Jumper yeah face he put his feet kind of in no that was aldd that was Al oh ald everybody had aldrid but um oh same subject have you seen the The Last Airbender new series no they they live action there yeah bad that’s unfortunate cuz disappointing air bender itself is

Like one of the best shows ever it is it is for and I think the reason is bad cuz they cut so many corners where like the last airband to let us like really sit in the moment um there’s a lot of suspense revolving around a and like him

Finding out about his village and stuff which I don’t want to spoil but it’s a goddamn 15y old TV show so whatever in the live action I didn’t finish it because I the first episode like you got rid of one of the biggest twists in the entire

Like Series in the first episode I don’t want to watch this [ __ ] more you know what’s crazy I felt it looked good though with the live action I I haven’t watched it yet but I’m surprised because I felt the same thing about I didn’t know I was going to feel about one piece

Live action but I felt like that was amazing like they did a really good job that’s the Trap one well they were working on this before one piece came out but we see a lot of different things like um what there’s another anime that’s about to get a liveaction

Adaptation just because one piece did so well and part of the reason it it did well is because the actual writer of One Piece was on on production the writers of The Last Airbender started on production and then left because they weren’t given the opportunity to build

Their show and that should have been the moment in my head that clicked to say this [ __ ] about to be bad because if the Creator is not there and part of the project then everybody’s reinterpreting your art and it was bad so yeah I’m not surprised I still don’t love the idea of

Um live action and everything live action and everything and then rebooting stuff yeah I was say I hate remake and I understand it cuz it’s like so far like at today in today’s age it’s hard to really think of something that’s just straight up original like it’s so many

Remakes or you even just taking ideas off something else and BR hell here’s a part two of this movie that didn’t need a part a quiet place did not need a part two and now they’re working on a part three well they’re not making a part four bad boys now yes that trailer

Actually made me excited though I can’t liead I can’t lie I was excited I didn’t see Bad Boys 3 so I got to watch that bad boys did I see Bad Boys 3 I don’t know if I did not that you say that the trailer said I watch the trailer when

You get oh you said you didn’t see three though no I think you it’s one of those you don’t I don’t think you need to see three you absolutely don’t need to see but you maybe should but you don’t I don’t think it’s a necessity okay um the

Movies has kind of never been I mean it’s good to see them obviously but no I I like this conversation though cuz they’re I don’t get to watch TV as much as I used to I told you I’ve been watching the old 2000 shows I finished the wireing and I’m currently watching

24 I’m in the midst of that but like I always think about having a we a week before the next did you watch Lost I love watch I didn’t make it to the end I I se like the first season good your memory of did you enjoy it yeah that’s all that

Matter don’t watch the Ender ruines everything but hey you know what real [ __ ] we talking about TV again they don’t make shows like they used to so I’m not going I’m not so I’m not looking for the wire in 2024 I’m not looking for sopranos I’ll just rewatch those you

Know what I’m saying and I’m glad I never finished cuz I always have that I’m going to watch the wire and finish it I’m going to finish The Sopranos even though I know how it end um love is blind man oh love me and no no [ __ ] but love is blind you

Need to get y’all show started man y’all should watch it I told you know what I was watching yesterday cuz my girl was watching Love after lock down what the Y it’s like a let’s say I’m in jail right and you my girlfriend you you stick

Around until I get out of jail and then we it it pretty much shows our life after I’m done getting it’s just the most toxic things I don’t like reality TV especially love reality me neither I love it is such a good I It Love is

Blind I watch I watch X on the beach Love is Blind uh Teen Mom Teen Mom you pregnant I’ve never seen no [ __ ] like that no no no I’m telling you love is blind is it’s so unique that you’re probably like it that’s why it got me

Cuz it was unique I I got tired of seeing the same I’m not some Bachelor R I like some little drama some little we but it’s so creative where you literally are talking to a person through this wall and you basing everything off their conversation their voice and then you

You go out there and you either hit the jackpot like boy I know what I’m doing or you walk out there and you got Megan Fox what what platform is it on Netflix on Netflix I I’ll watch a few episodes today and I’ll start go to season 6

Watch season six that is season six that’s the most current one that’s I watch chronological no no no that’s the why I watch season six okay cuz season six is like probably the best version of it so last time D Mills told me to watch

Season six it was season six of 90 days in and that’s when I really got hooked on uh 0 days I’ll give a few episodes to see if I enjoy I’m telling you does Suzanne watch it I don’t know what she W I don’t know what she watches oh other

Thing I know she watched gry’s Anatomy she watched other shows but like I walk in her watching other shows but I I don’t know what the name Anatomy is is the one that they’ll be watching yeah that’s that’s so I hate I’ve never gotten into it either why did you hate

It you hate it the same reason I hate it I I personally I don’t like the idea of of death my boy and turmoil that’s the whole show who wants to sit around I tried to watch oh my God I just did cocaine and now I got to do a surgery

And now the patient’s dead yeah why would I want to see that dere have you tried to watch it I’ve watched little bits and pieces it’s always just never been and it’s like oh my patience flatliner but I need to go in this uh this genit room and and have sex real

Quick what every episode is some traumatic [ __ ] they trying to put a person on a damn elevator the elevator closes chop his leg off the girl trying to go into the hospital on a normal day for work the first 15 seconds of episode bus hit her every episode bro you know what’s so

Funny about it I go to couples therapy um and then my wife was telling our therapist yeah I hate Watching Death I’m like that’s all you do that’s the whole premise of your TV show The the main character in that show had a [ __ ] plane crash they were in a plane

Crash you know I’m I’m going to go to play like the little devil shot they had a shoot active shooter was in a thing plane crash hit by a car you go on the elevator get your leg chopped off you that you watch and they got 20 SE I’m

Play I’m Play Devil I’m going play Devil’s cuz I feel like I’m the same way 20 Seas where it’s like I see somebody roll their ankle and I just can’t stand it but it’s just like I all I do is watch horror movies or like slashing

Movies all day is it because it’s a disconnect because you know it’s fictional a little bit but I mean it’s still the same premise like me watching somebody get his head cut off or something like that like n TV in movies yeah yeah in TV it’s going to be a lot

Different but it’s I I see I see the connection a little bit but I I only thing I’m saying is like if you have anxiety about death and injuries and blood then this is the exact opposite show that you should be watching I don’t I I understand people like genes

Everything you like [ __ ] I I understand that I personally I don’t watch anything that don’t correlate to how I want to feel 90% of the things I watch is going to have some type of Jova to or funny tune because I’m just a person that enjoys to

Laugh and be goofy so of course I love Adam sandley and Will Smith of course that’s majority of got a new animated movie really good oh does he cuz his animated movie from over 15 years ago the Christmas one phenomenal uh nine crazy nights or Eight Crazy Nights or

Something so if he did it again he just he should just continue to good I’m not against horror movies I watch amville horror you know what I’m saying I watch chainsaw Massac damn you going back those the ones I like I like I like the old [ __ ] I like the old ones

More I remember I the reason I stopped watching this new [ __ ] is because two movies I think I went to see the Texas Chainsaw Massacre from like a decade ago with like darney and them we was like was it the one the songs T songs yeah

That that movie did not scare me and I’m a scary ass person so many like remakes and re it’s just that’s why I go back to the old ones and it I went to go see it about five six years ago those good the first one I didn’t like I didn’t go back

To see the other one after that but the first one with the they just scar love movies they that’s why I didn’t like it cuz when I was younger and I and my brother thean showed me it for the very first time it scared the [ __ ] we had the

[ __ ] on VHS where just all white and you just see the clown one scene in that and I would never forget that we were in your dad’s house in that front room watching this God d movie do y’all remember the yearbook scene it’s a it’s maybe not a

Yearbook but it’s some form of of a book and they’re in like this old western and the book start flipping Pages by itself and the it’s Pages Penny wise walking he comes and then the next page he jumping out oh oh hell no and that shower scene

I kid you not I was we may I may have been seven years old when I watched that I did not shower for about 3 days because of get your thinking that I was seven but I didn’t I would I swear to you I would go to the bathroom turn on

The water sit on the toilet for about 10 minutes which like seven years old 10 minutes of normal shower for me and act like I took a shower that scene scarred me bro scar I be laughing at the fact cuz I just be thinking about how the

Movie start out where he’s like chasing the boat or whatever and it go down that like drain why the hell is you sticking your arm down there for a paper boat yeah there there’s certain things apparent that I’m I’m teaching my daughter right now yeah just know don’t

Put your hand in this even if it’s a clown that looks cool do not put your hand over there that’s why those I I grew up in that [ __ ] yeah like those movies scared the [ __ ] out of me so I don’t really look at horror I’ll

Watch it but like that ain’t my go-to if you ever ask me what movie we going to watch it’s going to be an action movie it’s going to be a sports movie or it’s going to be a funny movie I like Thrillers that aren’t exactly like horror movies but like there’s like a

Story behind it or I like thato that one movie like they’re they’re online they’re at a computer and like there’s some man searching searching yes searching was a good movie what what I know you liked this movie I went to the movie theater twice to see that where

Would you put stranger things in terms of like shows it season one was really good I think it was really good because we didn’t know anything right we went in relatively blind it’s got last season wasn’t fun for me really it wasn’t fun I

It got me hyped for the like I know it’s still a long time for the next season started F I think the reason I like stranger stranger things so much much is cuz I never really did the research on it but I felt like there was some

Inspiration from it with like the losers the losers Club to the hellfire club like the losers Club is OG I think the reason I didn’t like it as much is because my favorite character is C you never seen stranger thing I haven’t either it’s I I say it’s a worth worth

Watching um but my favorite character is Lucas the black guy yeah this last season they made him a jackass yeah he completely turned on his homies I mean it came back at the end of it cuz he’s a a brother in the ‘ 80s but he had to face some real racism in

That show he did real I do like I do like Thrillers though and suspension and having to place things together that’s why I like the GI I always bring that movie up I like the Tak taken was a good thr is good like suspenseful but the thing about taken that’s different than

Like the gift I know the ending oh yeah soon as you walk into the theater I know Liam GNA find hisg kill 600 people but he find his I know the ending of that same thing with like the John Wick movies like you can turn your brain off

You going to see some cool kills you going to see boom yov fighting some dude John Wick don’t got [ __ ] on Jack Bower I’ll tell you that right now I I can’t I can’t yeah I but that’s daytime TV so I’m gonna say yes he does John Wick was

The number one assassin in his Universe none of got nothing on Neo he can stop bullets but no CU that’s daytime TV so he he can’t be doing crazy [ __ ] how it’s daytime he stopping he’s stopping terrorist attacks 247 did you did you see John Wick John bodies John Bower got

A he is a federal agent you can’t talk you can’t talk bodies with John Wick I’m telling you John Wick eight people tried to come into his house and joh Wick in his movies can you guess how many people he has killed in his movies how many 415

People you know how many in his movies in his movies Jack Bower has over 400 bodies how I I put it in the chv I put it in the chat are you seeing these kills or they just say oh yes in the uh cuz I looked at the little numb from 24 right Yeah he’s got over 400 bodies and the season I’m watching out he got over 60 bodies what did you what you watching it on uh it’s a site show I need to watch that because when I was a kid I’m that’s why I got has Jack B ever rode a horse

And killed four people while riding a horse has has no he hasn’t okay 24 as when 24 came out I thought it was weak I was a kid I was like seven and I remember it came it was used to come on when Prison Break came on so Prison Break was my

Thing show that’ll go off and 24 come I’ll be like [ __ ] 24 or NFL football on Sunday would come on it’ be like stay after 24 is coming on I be 24 is so like you have to kind of watch it to obviously keep up with it but also I’m

Sure it’s a real good show that’s my it is me and my girl always be laughing cuz you know how they do like the little previews of the show before it get into like the little two-minute recap they be showing everything off the last episode

He was like you might as well just watch the Recaps Rolling Stones did an article of the 100 best TV shows of all time oh man what’s the top five let’s see it’s going to be some [ __ ] we don’t why it’s going to be friend never not I haven’t either

I’ve seen every episode of friend just like how I’ve watched the whole thing of I never really dove into oh I love that 70 show number one best show of all time according to Rolling Stones The Sopranos HBO from 1999 to 2007 that’s that’s good that’s good cinema you ever seen that I

Haven’t got number two is my vote for the best show of all time guesses no The Simpsons The Simpsons is number two this start off as a great list baby number three we ain’t even talk about The Simpsons mag school bus or nothing like we could do a

Simpsons poie we was we was spoiled number three break it back oh phenomenal I’m loving this list I made this list I might have made this list the wire I might have made this list number five the office flea bag never seen SE even heard of it that that’s that inclusion

[ __ ] they trying to include some people let make sure number six signf okay I’m not mad at that phenomenal phenomenal we didn’t even mention that another show that I used to think was weak until I became an adult same number seven mad now I know people in my everyday life

That love mad I watched the first season of Mad Man loved it but I fell off cuz again was younger but I’m sure if I watch it today which I should I’ll love it it was a good show number eight is cheers smoking cigarettes all day too

Young was [ __ ] get it off my TV wow number nine is going to surprise y’all Atlanta that’s insane you know whatow I a lie I I was been I’ve been rewatching like the last season of Atlanta and a couple there they have good episodes Atlanta is not better than good

Times you got me bent um I don’t know if good times go this the number 10 is the Mary Tyler Moore Show don’t ask me it’s from the 70s that’s not better than that’s 11 another show I’ve seen a lot of people talk about secession I have

Not watched session watched it it’s on HBO yeah I see it all the time when I’m watching uh some other [ __ ] it look good they office or some [ __ ] number 12 is a show I’ve watched though the Twilight Zone the old one I haven’t watched the Twilight the Twilight wa uh Forest

Whitaker no Forest Whitaker was around in the 50s I was about to say ain’t that [ __ ] in black and white I must have watched the remade one you might number 13 is vep I’ve heard about this show too don’t know anything about it number 14 The Americans never heard of it number

15 the Larry Sanders show nothing number 16 boyfriend of B Twin Peaks Twin Peaks is 16 I’ve never seen Twin Peaks but I’ve seen parity P Twin Peaks I thought Twin Peaks was just a restaurant I did not know that was a show you be making

Your jokes too easy boy for real for real that was just me being honest I legit oh was just the restaurant he just said bro you never mind never mind that joke wrote itself that he didn’t even want to do it everybody got the joke but say number

18 is Saturday Night Live um okay 30 Rock is 20 all the I could just see the [ __ ] clip I just see the clips I’ve never wanted to watch sweetney I could just see the clip why watch uh but yeah all these other shows I can’t Freaks and

Geeks the One season of Freaks and Geeks um and I think that like everybody on this cast and ended up being like very successful where the Kardashians at on this you got Mash Sesame Street at 26 Mas what’s the recogniz Mash mash was my

Mash was my bedtime when I was a kid and I was up Mash came on oh hell 300 morning clones is sitting at 31 below Mash I’m actually surprised it’s that low better call solul is right after that um the office there it is the office at 34 that is better that is

Better than better call off loss is 35 we got I Love Lucy is 36 Arrested Development is 37 so this is I’m not mad at some I watch the Arrested Development in one one episode they had a posum never watch it again I hate those things cir Your Enthusiasm is 39

Have you watched curb a couple episodes de Doan I’ve seen a I’ve seen one he at a Laker game boj Jack H the Staple Center Bo oh I saw a documentary about they were filming um curb and they got dude exonerated for murder cuz he was a background character while they were

Shooting he wasn’t on contract but they shot it at a uh a Dodger game and so that was his proof that was his proof that he was not on the scene it’s a full documentary it’s amazing that he was just in the background like two frames

That proves that he was not at the place M who I wonder who it’s worth watching I watched it years ago so I can give you able to pinpoint that did he know he was in the show I don’t remember um but yeah this some good show this sucks we should

Make our own okay Simpsons is one no I ain’t even I can’t be a part of it there we can’t have our number one show be animated okay to give me give me that AR for somebody else Sopranos I’ve never I can’t even give my opinion I’ve never

Watched I never watched Sopranos either but you watch The Wire The Sopranos is better than the Wire Watch The Sopranos see this one got all Breaking Bad I haven’t got past the first episode oh [ __ ] got past the first episode [ __ ] is there something about it that’s not

That turns you off to it or the first episode every time I watch it I just get bored and I just never watching that’s crazy I thought the first episode was really good but but my my my I should I should always keep watching but sometimes for me the first how many

Shows how be saying give it to three three episode minimum how many shows would you say the the first episode is the during the first couple episodes they’re doing like character introductions is that game is that episode one no I don’t mean the I don’t want to spoil I don’t mean that’s part

Of the like the the thing about was like is you having like some type of like connection with the people in the shows like you you like those people you don’t like them like you got to get that connection really love they hooked me on the first episode

Like the office like um Prison Break well yeah it’s just cuz they going have a bunch of jokes they going to make your ass laugh lost hooked me on the first episode [ __ ] Dexter hooked me on the first episode is a good one mention I’ll let you know right now Derek Breaking

Bad Breaking Bad is a thousand times better than Dexter I would agree a thousand times better than Dexter I I never watch all though not even close because it’s an actual show it’s like Dexter was an actual show too but this is like a show you have to watch everything makes

Sense everything matters you have to pay attention to everything W here’s in did y’all watch the boys no but I know what the boys is episode one of the boys another one of them is it no no no it’s a it’s that that um parody superhero

Show right ain’t it like four guys NM it’s not it’s not a comedy at all no no I said a comic oh a comic yeah yeah yeah yeah comic um I just Googled best episode ones in history they got lost as the best they got Sherlock as the second

Best I’ve never seen Sherlock the boys is third ozar Ozark Ozark’s is one of the death that show Breaking Bad see yeah breaking bad’s pilot is really really good I’m surprised you can’t get past that You’ never seen Ozarks no I I’ve always I feel like in some type of

Way because play the gift what’s his name Jason bit yep um but it’s that that drug connection and like their family doing undercover they got that same connection you know what’s herey be that pilot come on man stop M hey get into that Breaking Bad Boy that [ __ ] it’ll changed your

Life that was the first show I ever watched completely and was like you see people say this now on Twitter all the time but like I watched this as like a teen so I was probably but I finished it and I felt empty okay like what do I do like like I felt

Like this was my like I was a part of it so when it ended I was like damn like I’m that’s how that’s how I felt when I finished the wire and I like you just need that another show to keep going when it’s like all you know for so long

Damn what else do I watch now so when people when I see people say that I I understand it now cuz that was the first show where I everything that happened I knew now now I finished that show probably I don’t know how long ago I I

Know the main [ __ ] but it’s [ __ ] that you could probably when you start watching you probably be like remember this scene I’ll be like ah do I remember the piece of being on top of the roof yeah I do I do but like snowfall was one

Of those shows to me also I was like damn boom that [ __ ] was yep when it ended I’m like damn but you know why you’re funny because snowfall was at one in real time and your ass it the last episode we always was like damn you was

Like I just started it like damn where did you where was you at I with d on that too though sometimes yeah I do that with anime all the time where I don’t want to watch cuz I don’t like waiting week to you don’t like waiting yeah so

When when the season is done I’ll watch it but there’s some shows that reverse it like frean one of my it’s my number one anime of the year or I guess last year I was going week to week or I am going week to week on that one I can’t

Wait but a lot of shows I’m like wait I’ll wait till the season no I wait to the season I go week to week with like BMF that’s now out it’s certain ones you want to be there for for the Twitter conversations and stuff like that for

Sure uh but yeah but snowfall was so damn I didn’t start snowfall in a real time either though but that’s what I’m when they got when it got like the peak hype of like you cannot avoid people talking about on Twitter that’s when I doved in so that’s like season 3 that’s

How I did with u Game of Thrones you catch exactly but when you started like the literally the last episode I’m like Derek you are crazy uh we me and Angie recently watched Queen of the South my dad loves that show that was one of my favorite shows I’ve watched that sounds so

Familiar he said it was weak but he still loved it it got it got to a certain point where it was like just weak and predictable show was like that for sure because queen of so she probably Untouchable she go she face through some [ __ ] and you know she going

To get through you know that thing and he he he was just like it’s so predictable but he still liked it though you know what I mean so I love movies that had like that drug connection like moving drugs the government’s involved and all that I I love that even snowfall

There were certain things where you was just like you said moving drugs have you seen breaking bad no I have not that’s why the number one movie I mean number one TV show the number one drug show of all time because it’s not typical it’s not Franklin in the hood moving pack

Okay so white man in the wall though white man white man that teaches at hensdale South with a bald head y moving that [ __ ] oh [ __ ] well you never knew the premise of the show no I never knew he said he he only seen the first episode but even without seeing the

First episode like sometimes you just know the premise of a show I never knew the premise of a show at all you didn’t know Breaking Bad was about drugs at all no what you thought it was about I know he thought it was he seen him in school

Thought was about he thought it was about class fing F episode what he like oh I ain’t watching this science [ __ ] and then and then that you know he walked out of Star Wars too right he thought it was a movie book you walked out of Star Wars I

Didn’t watch Star Wars I only think I se one I think only seen one movie no then he saw you know the break a bag logo is a periodic table yeah he like oh this too sciency he like this way too sciencey now y’all got me one to sit down and

Lock in please do one of the it’s going to be worth it though it will be worth it one of the greatest shows of all time okay like no BS I’m a binge watch and then we can talk about it okay oh am my man’s in there too uh what’s his name

The big guy oh what he play remember he L Crawford it doesn’t he play in Breaking Bad he laid on money yeah la Crawford in there too that was one dude that I never found that funny who Crawford he not funny and Breaking Bad either a lot of his comedy is like hey

I’m a big guy yeah like that’s a lot of his that [ __ ] already got me left so you you you are crazy so you know what better call all is no you ever heard of it no okay cuz that was gonna blow my mind if you know you like um Gabriel glacius I

Do who most of his jokes are hey I’m Fluffy I’m a big guy yeah in a way I do like him yeah but he do become a little Annoying with the big jokes I why cuz you be no okay I be one a little different substance cuz you a’t youw big

But you’re not big like them yeah yeah that’s true they they ass is big um fluffy you big strong you know what I’m saying you Big Poppy Ortiz still can hit a home run I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know if they they swinging and missing they swinging and

Missing um but yeah man Breaking Bad we gave y’all an after show Austin how long this episode is two hours and 9 Minutes boom 2 hours uh so yeah y’all y’all let me know how y’all feel about the unplug segment me and D Mills man yeah we we might have to

When we shot the the uh stuff for the uh the stream we might have to do a pilot episode and talk about love is blind man What They Want U we’ll see y’all on Tuesday though we out peace peace

As the homestretch of the NBA season is upon us, Kenny, Pierre, Mike, and Darrick reveal which teams are trending in the right direction and which teams’ future looks grim. On Drop The Mike, Mike asks the team to build a dream team around Victor Wembanyama. Darrick awards Mills’ Man of the Week to Dejounte Murray, coming off a 44-point performance against the Celtics. Are Murray and Trae Young the long-term solution for the Hawks? What does the on-court future of the Wolves look like? Plus, the Dallas Maverick and Luka Doncic are on a 6-game winning streak; how scary are the Mavs entering the playoffs? And Draymond Green was involved in a couple of incidents this past week; when will the Warriors say enough is enough?

0:00 – Introduction
1:37 – Drop The Mike: Building a dream team around Wembanyama
6:33 – Mills’ Man of the Week: Dejounte Murray
11:13 – Will the Hawks & Rockets make trades this summer with their young core?
21:40 – Jalen Green has been hooping out of his mind!
23:18 – NBA Madness from Josh Giddey to Kawhi Leonard, to Isaiah Thomas’ Suns debut
29:09 – The Wolves are not up for sale, for now
39:06 – Are the Mavs the scariest team heading into the playoffs?
43:05 – Projecting the Oklahoma City Thunder’s playoff run
46:09 – Observations on Lebron James the podcaster
51:13 – NBA Stock Market
52:11 – Los Angeles Lakers stock
55:28 – Dallas Mavericks stock
57:35 – Elite teams we’re not investing in
58:09 – Houston Rockets, Cleveland Cavaliers stock
59:20 – Miami Heat stock
1:00:54 – New York Knicks stock
1:02:56 – Which stock is higher: Clippers or Thunders?
1:05:10 – New Orleans Pelicans stock
1:05:58 – Philadelphia 76ers stock
1:11:02 – Phoenix Suns stock
1:14:09 – Denver Nuggets stock
1:17:16 – Team’s full NBA portfolio
1:18:14 – If you could invest in one team outside of the playoffs who would it be?
1:19:52 – Draymond Green ejected again, what’s next for the Warriors?
1:36:25 – Unplugged: Nostalgic TV shows


  1. Y'all literally have negative knowledge on the Timberwolves and that situation. Like just listen to the Dane pod or read something for prep before you come on here trying to have opinions on things please – I'm trying to like y'all but literally it feels like Kenny is the only one who gives a hoot half the time and it seems like he's got the most going on still

  2. Jack Bauer has either 270 or 309 kills, both numbers on the wiki. Either way Mike on his dmills shit lol

  3. unplugged is 🔥🔥🔥 love hearing their opinions on other topics and getting to know them more

  4. Damn. Wolves reclaimed the 1 seed, have spanked the Nuggets 2/3 times, and the one time they lost was when KAT, Rudy, Naz were injured and the combo about them is all about billionaires doing dumb shit.

  5. TGIF on Friday nights was so fuego 🔥 I use to get excited about watching shows like Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper as soon as school was over. TV doesn’t have that kind of power anymore. There’s all kinds of sitcoms throughout the week but there’s never been anything as memorable as those Friday nights.

  6. Man the mavs were not considered contenders all year, even by y’all. Now people are catching on but took everyone too long.

  7. as a pelicans fan, i hate when people get that confused and associate us with the hornets, it went CHA Hornets, to CHA Bobcats in the 00's and the New Orleans hornets were added in 03, then both rebranded, CHA back to the hornets like the 90's and Nola to the Pelicans, pretty simple

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