@Phoenix Suns

Phoenix Suns UNACCEPTABLE Loss To The San Antonio Spurs RANT/Therapy Show

Phoenix Suns UNACCEPTABLE Loss To The San Antonio Spurs RANT/Therapy Show

He Oh He oh my God what the heck just happened you know I I don’t even know like I don’t know if like Angry is the word I don’t know if disappointed is the word I’m at a loss for words with how disappointing this season has been I’m at a loss for words with

How frustrating ing this team has been and I’m kind of sick with how bad this loss was and it’s funny because this wasn’t even the worst loss of the season but it’s definitely one of them and I understand like nurk went out Bradley Beal went out and you know I get it

But it’s more of the reason this loss was so bad was because of where the Phoenix Suns are currently at and a lot of that is because of games like tonight where the Suns put themselves in the position position excuse me to to lose games the Suns put themselves many times this season

And in in in games in the past you know where where like they start off slow they allow the team to get a good Rhythm they allow the team to to make good shots and get hot and the Suns have to literally scratch and Claw their way back

And it’s it just makes no sense that you have a team with you know arguably a top 10 player of all time in Kevin Durant you have a superstar in Devin Booker and you have a you know former Allstar really talented scorer in Bradley Beal and you

Got guys like Yousef nerk and Grayson Allen and Royce O’Neal and you you lose to one of the worst teams in the league without Victor weman Yama it makes absolutely no sense and you know Super Mario Hoops who’s in the chat I appreciate you being here you know does make a good point

It’s funny Super Mario I texted romp and I said dude the sun suck bro and he was like oh it could be worse you know you guys could not even be in the playing tournament I’m like you know that makes sense and and the reason I’m bringing up

Super Mario and romp is because it’s just a bad day for the NBA like like Super Mario says because the Celtics blew a 30-point lead to the Hawks so you know I guess it could be worse but it’s it’s more it’s just so frustrating you guys

And like you guys know me you know Mark Jackson Jesse sunsfan Abraham sauck Etc you guys know me everybody who’s in here everybody’s watching later whether you’re a firsttime viewer or you know watching me since day one a lot of you guys know me I am one of the most

Optimistic positive Suns fans I can ever be but on nights like tonight on nights like tonight because of the Phoenix Suns circumstances how the Suns have put themselves you know currently at the six seat I believe we we might have dropped now um this is why losses like this are

Frustrating and it’s even even worse because again not only are the Spurs you know one of the worst teams in the league but they didn’t even have Victor tonight they didn’t they didn’t have wemi I call them the San Antonio wemes it’s just embarrassing man it is just

Frustrating and you know as a fan as somebody who covers this team and makes videos and live shows about this team it’s like I hate to be the fan that’s a fan or whatever you guys want to call me media member podcaster whatever you want

To call me it’s like I hate to be the guy that’s pointing the fingers but tonight is one of those nights where everybody should have the the finger pointed at them you know Frank vogle for example heck even Kevin Durant and at times even though I thought Booker played pretty

Hard Harden was really doing his best to to fight back you make the Suns fight back and get us back into the game you could even blame Devin Booker throughout parts of this game and I knew this was going to be a rough night really Midway through the first quarter Because I was tweeting I was pretty much like live tweeting throughout this most of most of if not the entire game so follow me on Twitter by the way the little tickers going going down here that the suns were down like it was like 11 to5

Or 15 to n you know they just the Spurs just got off to a good start and it really all started by I think three turnovers and two fouls early and just the Suns you know in all fairness throughout most of the game I feel like they did have good looks but

Nothing was converting and I can’t use like tonight specifically I can’t use I guess I kind of can but I can’t really use the it’s a make or Miss League because of this the way the St the sun started out this game the their their energy e the energy

The effort just allowing the Spurs to just get whatever shots they wanted to get hot to give them confidence did you see how the Spurs reacted at the very end of the game it’s probably up on YouTube right now go watch the final seconds of this game by the way the sun

Had like two or three chances to either tie the game or to pretty much win the game and it they missed all they missed both of them and just watch how the Spurs got up and celebrated I sort of had flashbacks to when the suns were like

That when it win like this would have been huge for a son’s team it is just it is just frustrating y i that’s what like I I literally tweeted I was like I’m not even going to waste my time editing a video because the sun’s effort tonight reminded me why should I waste

My time you know at edting a video taking up most of my night why not just go live and ranch for a little bit and talk to you guys and yes I am keeping my eyes on the comments so if you guys got comments questions whatever you want to say let me know

And like I I can read you guys the stats you know I just it’s like my guy Anthony says man unbelievable it really is like I thought how do I say this like I’m like literally baffled I’m so frustrated and so baffled I thought I knew like how this Phoenix Suns team you

Would think we’re we’re 70 whatever games into the season with like 10 games left or whatever you would think I would know this team and I really don’t I really don’t know this Phoenix Suns basketball team because it seems like every game is something different and it seems

Like you know the the fourth quarter woses as we like to call them started early in the season and that’s why it’s so hard to predict and to kind of really get a feel for this team and we can’t even I mean I guess now we can because of nerkish and

Beal being injur but we can’t even use the injuries really as an excuse anymore because prior to tonight’s game The Big Three was pretty much healthy Kevin Durant’s pretty much been healthy most of the Season he maybe missed like a game or two you know I’m

Sure I know Booker’s been out here and there but we’ve been pretty much healthy besides Bradley Beal and stuff and we can’t even use that as an excuse it’s and I guess in a way you know we should have seen this coming because it seems like every time the Suns take a

Step forward they take a few steps back remember when we lost to the Spurs back to back you guys remember that like I’m not going to say this person’s name but I remember there was one guy that reached out to me and he was just furious about those losses

And now I get it and I even tweeted this out we’re going to read a lot of tweets tonight by the way I even tweeted this out right before I went live I said and this is nothing against Amari stmm I love Amari stod one of the best F Sons

Ever pre pretend that Amari STM didn’t get into the Ring of Honor versus that you remember that loss against the Rockets pretend Omari that that wasn’t his night right it reminded this loss reminded me of that game I I think I made a video that night about how ugly

That Rockets loss was and again that’s not a Mario stm’s fall he can’t control you know the the day he was getting inducted in the Ring of Honor he can’t control what the Suns do out there but it reminded me of that this loss was up

There with that Rockets loss as one of the worst losses of the season now oh and real quick you guys we got an update on Bradley Beal um Andrew Lopez and Mark J Spears just retweeted this Sons Coach Frank vogle said Bradley Beal left with a sprained

Right finger late and could not return x-ray X-rays were negative nerkish left the game earlier with the sprain right ankle he did not return and now the suns are 42 and 30 final 10 opponents have a combined winning percentage of 648 I’ll just pull that tweet up so you guys can can read

It so x-rays are negative is good right I hope maybe I don’t know I’m literally like baffled guys I I that’s why I’m like screw it I’m like I’m not going to edit a video tonight like I’m literally just going to just go live and react so let me pull

Up this tweet real quick you guys shout out to Andrew Lopez who pulled this up again Mark Mark J Spears retweeted this so I believe it’s pretty accurate um let me just share my screen give me a second here you guys how you guys doing tonight you guys are you guys doing

Better than me are you I don’t know let me know your thoughts so yeah here’s what I was trying to read anyways and I’ll pull this up so you guys can read better Sons Coach Frank vogle said Bradley Beal left with a sprained right finger late and

Could not return and by the way if you guys were watching the broadcast he had like two like layers of tape around the finger um X-rays were negative Yousef nerkish left the game earlier with a sprained right ankle he also did not return Sun’s final opponents combined 648 win

Percentage I need to sip in my Sprite y’all I just I don’t know you guys speaking of tweets Dwayne Ranken just posted this we’re gonna we’re going to react to this live Frank vogle said you know what we’re just going to watch the reaction

Let’s do it let me um let me put on my headphones let me turn the volume all the way up by the way follow me on Twitter by the way if you guys don’t already already give me one second here you guys you already know the drill one man show

If you’re drinking tonight which I’m not unfortunately if you’re drinking tonight drink every time I say onean show here’s what Frank vogle had to say and I got the volume all the way up big shout out to Dwayne Ranken by the way who travels you know wherever the team

Goes but let’s listen to Frank vogle here because he said that this loss was unacceptable B what’s what’s going on with him finger okay okay and then NK was the left was the left I mean ankle spring yeah and then ankle spr for could not return okay um how does a game like

This happen coach yeah it’s just it’s unacceptable to lose that game you know for our guys you know we all said the right things we all uh did the right preparation to come in but we didn’t play with the necessary focus and disposition throughout uh I would say

The first half and you give a team like that life and that’s how the NBA Works they get they get going they get charged up they start believing they they have a chance to win it and edit those guys that you know Victor out those guys played really well curious with I mean

We know the turnovers have been something going on all year but some of them were just trying to crosscourt paths how how baffling was that tonight yes you know it’s part of the the whole totality of the game we weren’t as focused as why do you think that was I

Don’t know if I knew it would happen real quick real quick you guys I’m furious he said Frank vogle said something that Monty Williams used to say a lot like we didn’t come out as focused or as ready to go oh okay well why is that Frank vog I don’t know if I

Knew it wouldn’t have happened that literally just sounded like mon Williams and I don’t know who to blame I don’t know if I’m blaming Frank vogle for that or if I’m blaming the entire Sun’s team or if everybody deserves a blame let’s keep listening that that that just made me

Furious We like our chances against anybody not worried about when I when obviously when you have Bill go out um it obviously changes what you what you went small there did you feel like at that when you went small that was gotta do something to com back with this with

The Spurs got minutes to go went small got the lead St small to finish I do find it interesting with EU Banks it just seemed like communication was a problem tonight on where to be we not to be not just singling him out but it just seemed like that was overall is

That a fair assessment on where guys were supposed to be be as far as communication wise no I don’t think so okay Drew like the red didn’t play his best game um but nobody did okay I didn’t coach my best game none of our guys played their best game and missed an

Opportunity with Brad in his finger what have the next steps for him yeah x-rays are negative I I kind of glossed over that before but um you know so see how he responds to treatment which which finger is shooting and right finger okay okay I am literally going to lose my

Mind you guys might actually see me like freak out if I didn’t have people sleeping in this house and my dog sleeping on my bed in front of me I would be throwing things around my room screaming and freaking out right now it’s just embarrassing and don’t worry we’re gonna

React to that clip Again by Frank Fogle but he said you know like the players didn’t have their best night he didn’t coach his best night and I just everybody is to blame I know that Frank vogle is the the Suns fans scapegoat and I won’t lie to you guys

I’ve defended Frank vogle a lot I won’t I won’t I won’t lie I really won’t I really like I’ll just say this as the games are going on as these ugly losses keep piling up and yes there’s been a lot of them I can’t really defend Frank vogle but I will say

This it really is it’s on the players as well it’s on the rest of the coaching staff and even though I hate to say this you can blame it on the front office you know let’s say let’s say we make it to the playing tournament somehow get to the playoffs

And we lose in the first round I honestly could see James Jones getting fired and no shocker here this isn’t a hot take or anything but Frank vogle could easily be fired I didn’t read the full article I don’t even know where the article came from but there was an

Article not too long ago that was like like Frank vogle under tremendous pressure if the Suns don’t succeed you guys remember that or something like that I I don’t remember where the source came from but I I just am I even making sense you guys like I just I don’t know man you

Know excuse me um if the suns were like the fifth seed and they lost tonight I probably wouldn’t be as frustrated I mean like I would but I don’t think I’d be here like live ranting and reacting you know but again it’s like I said the very

Start of the show it’s it’s just because of the the situations and the circumstances that the sons put themselves in why this loss is so frustrating and what makes it even worse like I said earlier they had no WBY out there let’s if Wy was out there and we

Lost maybe maybe I wouldn’t be as pissed off but you want to know what sucks you guys I’m really being serious here I had a really really good day today y’all like I slept in a little bit I took care of my dogs in the morning I went to work

Because yes I do have another job out here I had a really good day at work I came home and ate a great dinner oh man Mama Suns geek was cooking up some good stuff tonight had a great dinner tonight you know was hanging out life was good and then the game

Starts and then we lost and Suns fan is right right here we need to start playing thato s we need to do something because what we have is not working we need to do something and that’s where mod D or mo mo Dizzle kind of sums it up perfectly here

Too we have no dogs out there I know a lot of you guys don’t like Jay Crowder anymore and I think I’m in the same boat but at least Jay Crowder was a dog and this is where I feel like I’m kind of sometimes my words get hypocritical because I don’t really

Like too many of the Aon stands and the male and cam stands but like losses like this kind of make me miss some of that team because at least those teams were like predictable and don’t get me wrong those teams had bad losses too but I don’t

Remember so many ugly losses and don’t get me wrong I still love Matt ishia I still am happy with the KD and be Trey because whether you love or hate Bradley Beal we literally got Bradley Beal for scraps no offense to Chris Paul I love Chris Paul you know he did wonders for

This team but that was literally like a once- in a-lifetime trade and the Suns got him you guys remember I was making videos and live shows I didn’t even think Bradley Beal was like a Target and by the way prior to this game Bradley Beal and really during this game Bradley

Beal was playing really freaking well for us you guys remember the play where like the Suns turned the ball over him and Booker chased it down Beal swatted that thing took a back up the court the ball kind of zipped around I think it led to a Kevin Durant three which

Bradley Beal assisted on like that’s what Bradley Beal has been doing all season not to mention his playmaking and and I will say this you guys I don’t have video of it I tried to look for it but he was on that bench and the fingers were taped up and he just looked

Like saying Bradley be look disappointed doesn’t do a Justice this he just looked deflated getting his his fingers and taped worked on like I just I’m I’m reading Twitter right now because I get like notifications and people are funny man I just I don’t know

Man uh I want to I want to relist to what Frank vogle said real quick um and and I got some comment I got some comments um moved over to the side they’re like the ones that I want to read later oh and I I do want to read some tweets

Later but let’s just relist to what Frank Fogle said again how do I pull this up here we go let’s just relist to what Frank vogle said especially uh especially some parts let’s just relisten what’s going on with him finger okay okay and then n was the left was

The left I mean ankle spring yeah and then ankle could not return okay um how does a game like this happen coach it’s just it’s unacceptable to lose that game you know for our guys you know we all said the right things we all let’s just repeat that one more time

Unacceptable to lose that game wait it’s just it’s unacceptable to lose that game it’s unacceptable to lose that game Let’s Play it again it’s just unacceptable to lose that game you know for our guys we all said the right things we all uh did the right preparation to come in but we didn’t

Play with the necessary focus and disposition throughout uh I would say the first half and give a team like that life and that’s how the NBA Works they get they get going they get charged up they start believing they to win it and edit those guys that

You know with Victor out those guys played really well ding ding ding ding ding ding ding let’s relisten to what Frank Fogle said because I was literally tweeting this out during the game I said you give the Spurs life you give them opportunities you know to hit shots and get themselves

Comfortable and confident and they’re going to be in the game like like listen to what Frank vogle says right here you guys but we didn’t play with the necessary focus and disposition throughout uh I would say the first half and you give a team like that life and that’s how the NBA Works

They get they get going they get charged up they start have a chance to win it andit those guys that you know Victor outout those guys played really well no Victor wanyama the Suns start the game with no energy terrible defense turning the ball over of course the

Spurs are going to be in the game and believe they can win the game I mean it what it was like a two fourpoint game at Halftime even though the Suns played pretty well in the second half like curious we know turnovers has been something going on all year but some of

Them were just trying to crosscourt paths how how baffling was that tonight yes you know it’s part of the the whole totality of the game we weren’t as focused as we why do you think that was I don’t know if I knew it would happen real quick again big shout out to

Dwayne Rankin because he is okay and like has done this for so long he he doesn’t mind asking the hard questions and the awkward questions if that were me as a reporter I’d be so scared to ask those kind of questions man shout out to Dwayne Rankin

Man you like our Chan against anybody wor about when I whoa whoa whoa I must have missed that part wait a minute what did you just say Frank vogle what what the [ __ ] is going on we like our chances against anybody worri about we like our chances against anybody we’re not

Worried about the schedule I understand Frank vogle has to say that like he’s he’s the coach of a professional basketball team like I get it but oh my oh my God man I’m gonna cry I I legit might cry dude this is obviously go out obviously changes small

Did you feel like at that when you went small that was got to do something to com back with this with the Spurs minutes to go um went small got the lead stay small to finish it I do find it interesting with Eubanks it just seemed like communication was a problem

Tonight on where to be where not to be not just single him out but it just seemed like that was overall that a fair assessment on where guys were supposed to be as far as communication wise no I don’t think so okay Drew like the rest

Us didn’t play his best game um but nobody did okay I didn’t coach my best game none of our guys played their best game and we missed an opportunity coach with Brad in his finger what are the next steps for him yeah x-rays are negative I I kind of gloss over that

Before but um you know so see how it responds to treatment see where he’s at tomorrow which which finger is right finger okay okay oh my God you guys I just jeez Louise man okay guys um literally been sitting here ranting for 30 minutes I want to read some tweets I

Really do uh um that kind of and remember a lot of these tweets were tweeted during the game so I kind of want to just let me let me scroll down for a minute um geeez Louise as I’m scrolling down I’m like reading them quickly and I’m just like shaking my head

Man so let’s start with let’s see let’s talk about use of nage real quick I want to start with the tweet that I tweeted out um let me just pull this up okay by the way again follow me on Twitter just search Suns geek you’ll find me so use

Of nage landed on jery San’s ankle or somebody’s ankle whoever was wearing the bright shoes tonight landed on his ankle definitely was a tweak I call it a tweak uh first off I hope he’s okay and look I know that nage struggles to lay you know score the

Ball like lay it in you know especially when he’s super close to the rim he doesn’t get much bounce he doesn’t have bunnies if you will I get it he’s a big dude you know I understand and I understand that Suns fans are frustrated about that because it kind of brings

Back bad DeAndre in memories right but one yo nurk did I almost said yage nerkin did have a post sort of not a poster dunk he had a Throwdown dunk earlier in the game and thought he was assisting well sometimes he does the little things when he doesn’t have it going

Offensively and yes the the the the the the terrible finishes the the slow effort you know the the slow jump is bad he needs to work on that he needs to get better defensively as well at times but for a while I thought nerkish was actually having a pretty okay game for

The most part besides the finishing then the ankle sprain happens and again I hope he’s okay but um excuse me but I did tweet this out some Suns fans are about to learn how valuable nerk is I feel like we just don’t play well when he’s not in the game I really do

And that’s where you’ve been hearing the term you know nerk is a better fit you know like is a better fit with this team than DeAndre and I’m not going to sit here and go on a 30 minute rant about why nerkish is a better we deand

Dton plays for a different team now we can’t change that you know he’ll never play for the Phoenix Suns ever again unless there’s like some crazy wild comeback I thought Isaiah Thomas would never play for the Phoenix Suns again and here he is sitting on a 10-day

Contract so anything can happen but he’s not going to play for this team for a very long time nerkish is on this team nerkish has been an incredible incredible teammate he’s been a voice to the fans he’s been a voice in the locker room a positive voice in the

Locker room a positive voice to the fans really loves playing for this team he is smart Devin Booker has credited his IQ countless times and even though you know nerk struggles to make layups and stuff and is a poor finisher when we’re playing the Yokes and the the bigger centers of this

League we’re going to miss nage we really are we’re going to miss his presence out there and his experience and his IQ we’re gonna miss him when we play the Nuggets I’ll just say that it’s not even about that again like go back and look

At some of these non- nerk games I feel like we struggle with him not being you know out there so now look in all fairness though in all fairness there’s two sides to this sometimes we do play better without nerkish you know when we go small ball like for example remember that amazing

Historic comeback we had against the Kings nerkish wasn’t in that lineup that was back when we had chimzi met to by the way um but I’m just saying in you know with with with games against like yage and stuff we’re we’re going to need nage that’s all I’m saying plus nage

Always seems to play better against yage by the way but that’s not the only tweet there’s more tweets I want to get to let me just pull this up real quick um go back here okay so shout out to let me see let’s find a good one here

I was retweeting and tweeting so much during the night um by the way speaking of ner one more one more quick nerk tweet here shout out to suns are better on Twitter the game got out of hand for the Suns basically right when nerk left the game with an

Injury no coincidence he really does mean that much to this team anyways some other tweets that I wanted to get to like a billion I could read this is a great tweet here and I know you guys all know who this is because him and the whole phnx crew of they they

Do incredible work real quick Shameless plug I was on their show uh this past October and it was an incredible experience so shout out to the P phnx crew but I love this tweet from Gerald here I’ll even zoom in so you guys can read it better I just

Love this tweet man I think I quote tweeted this and it really does kind of sum up the sun season in a way games like tonight are why people don’t believe in the Suns as contenders they can’t consistently substain their best performances and fall back into some

Kind of some of the same bad habits like the turnovers so I butchered his tweet there but let’s try that again shall we games like tonight are why people don’t believe in the Suns as contenders they can’t consistently substain their best performances and fall back into some of

The some of the same bad habits like the turnovers and then I saw a tweet from espo I think when he was sharing their their show tonight he was like the suns are consistently inconsistent that sums up the sun season right there the suns are the Suns are consistently inconsistent it just I

Just I don’t know y’all I really don’t and it’s funny because that’s not even like all the tweets that I want to read but that was a really good one again shout out to Gerald Borg and the phnx crew uh Brandon clean from locked on suns had a really good tweet too um

Where was it where was it give me a second here you guys let’s scroll down a bit where was that tweet I quote tweeted it don’t worry guys I got a little bit more after we read some tweets here here we go I love this tweet too from Brandon

Cling shout out to shout out to locked on suns um now again I think this was like Midway through the third but he said those are the types of runs the Suns team should be able to reel off at will especially against Bad teams it it just makes no

Sense that what I said at the very beginning of the show that you have a team full of Kevin Durant Bradley Beal Devin Booker Grayson Allen who’s having a career year as the best three-point shooter in the game Royce O’Neal Eric Gordon you have those guys for example and even

Nage and the Suns can’t just as Brandon says here go on a run just like like in the snap of a finger it makes no sense it makes no sense he he’s a 100% right in this tweet right here it makes no sense like the sun should be able to do it like

That and they they just don’t do it I can’t wait till Kevin Durant I hope Kevin Durant speaks to the media tonight I I want to hear what he has to say man because he had a really good game by the I haven’t even really talked much about

The actual game you know what I mean that’s how frustrating tonight’s loss was I’m just trying to see if I missed any good tweets um yeah so those are just a couple of the tweets that I wanted to read let me see what this one is I mean Brandon also

Had a tweet and I’ll pull it up real quick because I retweeted it um pretty much a worst case scenario game for tonight for the Suns to struggle with the Victor you know wemi L Spurs and have injuries to both nage and Beal cannot catch a break it’s true like

This team just literally cannot catch a break again it seems like every time the Suns take a step forward we take like five steps back it just it just makes no sense y’all it just makes this whole Suns team this season just makes no sense like I don’t know

Adub 188 responded to one of my tweets and he said this imagine a team winning 16 games all year and three of them are against you the Suns that literally like sums up tonight’s game too the Spurs beat us three times this season it’s embarrassing man it is straight up

Embarrassing um let me get to some comments here some of these are from earlier some of these are from Recently my guy sabuk says this team is not a title Contender this team is mid at best and again you guys know me I try to

Keep it positive but I also try to keep it real and I feel like I talked about this not too long ago maybe it was on Amari stm’s Ring of Honor night or whenever the hell I did a rant live show last time there’s been so many of

These Rants and so many of these ugly losses I don’t even know when I said what I said but oh I think it was against the Bucks yeah it was on St Patty’s Day that’s when I said that the suns are not winning the championship this year and I

Have to accept that like it’s true like we’re not winning the championship this year even if the Suns somehow let’s say we do really well these next 10 games and we’re going to go over the schedule in a minute you guys let’s say the sun somehow do really

Well in these next 10 games and we put together like a magical run like a bubble you guys remember the bubble a bubble esque run right and we we win the playing tournament and we’re we’re looking good in the first round we’re not winning a playoff series there’s no way

Like but again you guys let’s get positive for a second I know I read the comment earlier but I’m going to read it again just a bad day for NBA fans because the Celtics blew a 30-point lead to the Hawks the Celtics are terrible or not not terrible the Celtics are

Supposed to be the best team in the league and they blew a 30-point lead to one of the poorer teams in the leading the Hawks y’all got embarrassed by the Suns and my bowls just lost to the Wizards I love March Madness speaking of March Madness shout

Out to I know they lost but shout out to G seeu man had a great season just a tough tough loss against Alabama I watched most of that game yesterday Carson says I think we’re all doing just as bad my friend because I asked how y’all were doing earlier

Literally the Suns playoffs start today everybody they have left to play has a better record than them says my guy Super Mario Hoops 100% right Frank vogle and all them said the playoffs started like a couple weeks ago you know that’s what I was saying kind of earlier too that’s what’s

Frustrating about this year’s team is that like the fact like I know other teams are kind of in the same scenario we’re going to go over the standings and the records later it’s not just the Phoenix Suns who are put in this position but it’s different it’s

Different with the Suns because of the expectations and the excitement and just the hope and the optimism that Suns fans had around our exciting new Rich owner Matt ishbia our new coaching staff our big three you know the Bradley Beal trade and you know getting guys like bub for example there

Was just so much excitement and hype and that’s what’s so disappointing the fact that the suns were put in this situation where the playoffs started the the the quote playoffs started two weeks ago and it kind of seems like every game is a must-win that’s what’s disappointing that’s what’s frustrating that’s

What’s it it like breaks my heart as a Suns fan right there I’m literally like baffled I am baffled Anthony says I thought the Suns would have more cohesion by now it’s frustrating to see the Suns pass the ball away so often I can’t stand watching wideopen dunks layups and

Threes being being given away our defense is horrific I mean it doesn’t matter who you are the The Scouting Report against the Suns is drive drive to the drive to the rim Go full force at The Rim because the suns are not going to stop

You and look I know there’s a lot of eighton stands out there I think even if DeAndre Aton was still on this team the Suns would still be able to or not the Suns teams will still be able just to blow by us and score easily and we are terrible at guarding

The three-point line I need to sip with my Sprite y’all I’m just I’m just so frustrated y’all I don’t even can’t believe like just let me just hold on for a minute you guys there’s 157 people watching we’re we’re 46 minutes in I I love you guys you’re all amazing even if

You’re watching Just For the First Time Crush that like button share the show thank you guys for watching me just rant don’t worry I’m not going anywhere we still got lots more to talk about y’all that’s the sad thing too there’s just so much more to talk about after a terrible

Ugly loss like tonight it’s a shame how many stars they have and they can’t close it exactly Suns geek is it fair to say the Suns don’t play with intensity that’s totally fair because there’s been some nights in some games where they from the jump play with intensity and effort

And just you know they they look like they give a crap but the way they started the game no intensity no effort no energy you know I’ve been a Grayson Allen Stan All Season I’m not afraid to admit that but I don’t even really want to blame the game on graay and Allen

Tonight like I know sound like a St saying that but it’s true like you know he only had six points but I feel like on the nights when he doesn’t really contribute he had four rebounds and two assists by the way but I feel like on the nights when he doesn’t really

Contribute offensively it’s either because they’re doing a great job of closing out on him on the three-point line or because he’s guarding the other team’s best offensive player most nights but this was just a bad night all around I remember Grayson Allen I even tweeted this out he had like two

Pretty much wideopen good looks from three and he missed both of them so I can’t even really blame Grace and Allen for the most part but again like the blame should be every everybody should get the blame tonight even though Kevin Durant I think literally made like nine

Shots in a row and was like shooting an incredible incredible percentage at one point in the game even he in a weird way is like to blame tonight like this team just they just don’t have it man I just everybody from top to bottom even the players that didn’t

Play should be blamed for tonight that’s how bad tonight was um that’s like the Pistons and wizards having an average of 13 wins this season and three of their wins are against the Bulls yeah man like you don’t want to lose to these teams that are that have

Been in the lottery from the beginning you know let’s see we got a super chat here from my guy Andrew $3 super sticker I appreciate you man thank you I appreciate the the donation man uh yeah the audio might be lagging a bit it is we’re having a big storm here

So if it’s lagging I apologize let’s see thank you for this comment Andrew because I guess we can get a little positive here I know fans don’t want to hear this but it’s true this is still a three-year window KD could play till he’s 40 he loves Phoenix he came

Here because of Booker also KD wears the Diamondback hats before the game funny because I almost wore a Diamondback’s hat tonight um let’s get a little positive here just for a minute just for a minute you guys then we’ll get back to the negativity because I know you guys love that stuff

I do agree with Andrew here and again was shouting out the phnx crew earlier we literally had this conversation on that episode that I was on it is a threeyear I guess now it’s a two-year window you know but three-year window because I really do believe that Kevin Durant is not going

Anywhere unless things get like terrible if things like melt down from here that it’s you know Kevin Durant’s not going anywhere and whether you guys like it or not Bradley Beal’s not going anywhere Grayson Al our owner wants to bring back Grayson Allen nerk isn’t going anywhere now it’s all about

Just getting a real true point guard somebody that can help quarterback this team for all you football fans out there and you know I I was so wrong on my last live one of my last live shows cuz I was talking about how the Suns need more

Offense the Suns need more bench scores I was like one of my last live shows I was so wrong about that Suns don’t need that they don’t need more offense our starting five our starting four our big four you know with Grayson Allen and maybe maybe nerkish points here and

There we have all the offense we need including Royce O’Neal Who again Matt SBO wants to bring back we need Defenders we need pure Defenders we need a better backup center backup big men we need Defenders man we need a real point guard and I I’ll take I’ll take the L man I

Was one of those people who at the very beginning I was one of those people I didn’t believe we needed a point guard I thought Bradley Beal and Devin Booker could have been our point guards and even though Beal’s been our point guard as of late and he’s been better he’s not

He’s not it he’s not going to be our point guard man we need like a legit true quarterback type point guard the only player I can think of and I don’t even know if he’s able to get is a tius Jones because he has that reputation of being the best backup

Point guard in the league for a reason I forgot who said this recently I was listening to another podcast but it’s like you don’t even need like a superstar point guard you just need a guy that can just go in there and cool things down and and get

The ball to our big three and kind of control the game in a way we don’t even need a superstar point guard we really don’t man and again we need Defenders we need dogs out there we need guys that are going to set the tone just by energy and effort and hustle and

Just I just I’m just shaking my head I’m disappointed I’m I’m Riley saysi Miss Chris Paul’s leadership Man by the way if you guys heard what I said earlier I wasn’t trying to like throw Chris Paul under the bus about the Bradley Beal trade but I was just saying

If you take Chris Paul out of there you know we pretty much got Bradley Beal for cheap if you will but I love Chris Paul man I you know a lot of the conversation this season has been man what if deand rayton was still on this team you know

What screw that what if Chris Paul was still on this team with Bradley Beal could you imagine that I miss you Chris Paul man you know I made a video on this and I remember there was other Sons podcasts and people talking about this I really do believe

That Chris Paul one day should be in the sun’s Ring of Honor and I know there’s a whole conversation he didn’t accomplish enough when he was here and acoid and all that like I get it but I don’t care man he literally changed this franchise around we don’t have this team we don’t

Even have that 64 win team you know with male and all them without Chris Paul put him in the Ring of Honor one day Matt isbi I don’t even care if it’s like 10 15 20 years from now put him in the Ring of Honor man I

Just I don’t know man what the hell am I even ranting about now this this this has been a real like rant to where I am just baffled the conversations all over the place I feel like I haven’t even taken a breath I’m just frustrated man trying to check

Twitter to see if there’s any other updates but you know I even tweeted this out too because I was watching shout out to Tom and Tom you guys know Tom Leander Tom Chambers I love the the postgame show by the way by then they’re so good I literally tweeted this out follow me

On Twitter once once again but I tweeted out this is a bad bad loss Tom Chambers because that’s what he said this is a bad bad loss Kevin Ray on the broadcast I couldn’t even see his face but he sounded just so deflated and disappointed right when that buzzer

Sound right when they showed Tom and Tom on the broadcast Tom Chambers just had his head down he’s looking at his notes he just it bad bad loss man I just everybody is to blame everybody and it it is embarrassing man um Monty to vogle was a lateral move

Kevin young needs to be elevated for the remainder of the season to see if he can change something fire Vogal so sad to believe news before this season I was like and said to myself if we’re going to win we have so much depth so much

Defense no one can beat us here I am with 10 games left and we’re not even making the playoffs speaking of that before we kind of wrap things up Ryan says we will make the playoffs at the end of the day it will just be a play in thank you for the positivity

Ryan I appreciate that real quick let’s do a little score check I don’t think that we’re really going to fall down much at least today but the Mavericks did they win oh the Mavericks did win okay so let’s check the updated standings then uh I don’t know if it changed much

But let’s see sorry my computer’s running a little slow okay wow we fell to the eigh seed we’re the e seed what we were the six seed this morning what the hell if Kings lose we are seven okay yeah so if the Kings lose we’re seven

And what’s the score on that let me see oh the kings are up nine against the Sixers so we’re all Sixers fans right now y’all because we want excuse me we want them to lose thank you Slayers for wrapping that up for me so before we get out of here you

Guys because I’ve been doing this for an hour I want to go enjoy what’s left of my night you know what I mean before we get out of here though and I talked about this with Matthew lissy from the Suns jam session podcast let me pull this

Up give me a second here you guys what am I doing what is going on here here we go let me just add this here we go so I literally screenshotted this the way it is because I wanted to specifically focus in on these games you guys remember might remember this from

The other night with the Suns jam session podcast here’s our schedule and I’ll lower this little icon so you can see it let me take a sip of my Sprite and I’ll read you guys the rest of the schedule look how crazy the schedule is Wednesday in like 48

Hours on the road we play against the defending Champion Denver Nuggets and then then we play a really good really fun Oklahoma City Thunder team with one day off in between each of those games then we got two days off then the month of March is over then we

Play a pretty good Pelicans team with or without Brandon Ingram which he’s probably done for at least the rest of the regular season hopefully you know thank God his injury wasn’t worse cuz that that was an ugly uh leg knee injury whatever you want to call it I hope he’s

Okay and he comes back but with or without Brandon Ingram they’re still really good but the Pelicans on Monday after two days off to kick off April so on April Fool’s Day then one day off in between pretty much the rest of the way you know Wednesday April 3D against

The Cavs you know they’ve been injured but they can still compete y’all then we play the Timberwolves they’re really good with or without Carl Anthony towns then we play the Pelicans again then the Clippers back to back then the Kings then the Timberwolves now my only optimism my optimism with this schedule is

This is that it’s it’s obviously the last month or last half month of the Season wherever you want put it maybe the Suns get lucky maybe there’s just a lot of bad losses with all these teams that I just mentioned maybe there maybe the standings start going bonkers you know maybe

There’s maybe things play out a little in the sun’s favor and we win a lot of these games but look at these teams you guys it is not going to be easy and the Suns should be kicking themselves after tonight but my hope is that the suns are

Now motivated and focused maybe this was the night maybe this was the night where the Suns say we cannot have a terrible loss like tonight and we need to we need to go what nine and one the rest of the way which that’s very unlikely but you

Know what I mean I’m trying to I’m trying to Hype myself up I’m trying to Hype up the Suns I hope the Suns you know it’s sort of like my guy the Q’s comment here my assessment of tonight the West is Fun the NBA has to

Love this they have to love the fact and again I talked about this with Suns Jam you have to they have to love the fact that you got like Steph Curry LeBron Anthony Davis the Suns big three all in you know the playing tournament pretty much it is unbelievable man I just hope

That the Suns put it together and that this was sort of the long overdue wakeup call that they need but the fact that the suns are in the position they’re in it’s just embarrassing and again the fact that we have to kind of score watch and the fact that we have

To kind of like cheer for other teams to win so that we can have a better chance at the at this you know a better uh spot in the standings is just it’s just disappointing it really is so I just you know it sounds like wishful thinking I sound

Delusional I sound probably silly saying this I just it literally is fingers crossed I just I’m wishful thinking I’m I’m I’m optimistically delusional if that makes any sense uh real quick little Bradley Beal update Bradley Beal told reporters he believes the game plan is to play Denver on Wednesday let me share one

More tweet before we get out of here you guys uh Twitter by the way I still call it Twitter y’all I’m never calling it x i I’m just not going to do that okay here we go uh again shout out to Andrew Lopez he must be a Spurs reporter or live in San

Antonio because he’s been all over this tonight here is the latest Bradley Beal update shout out to Andrew Lopez Bradley Beal told reporters and I quote the game plan is to play against Denver on Wednesday that finger L pretty bad though y’all like he had tape over it

And everything but you know finger injuries are weird you know so I’m glad he’s okay that that’s a little opt optimistic right there I’ll take it I’ll take the optimism right there um but but what I was trying to say though pretty much and again I know

I sound delusional I know I sound stupid but I just really hope that this was the long overdue ass kicking the long overdue wakeup call that the sons need and hopefully they can just just hit the ground running from here it’s really it I think I’m done y’all I went over an

Hour just ranting and just I want to go enjoy the rest of my night I want to go watch a movie and relax and not think about basketball you know what I mean like I I I don’t want to sound too conceited I don’t want to sound too like

Overconfident but like and like I am truly thankful that I have this platform I’m truly thankful that you guys sit here and watch me and listen to me rant for an hour but losses like tonight I’m just like why do I do this like what you know what I mean it’s but

I’m just joking I love the Suns I always will I always love doing this content creating this podcasting whatever want to call I call it content creating but I I’ll always be forever grateful that I have a platform where I can just sit here and rant about the Suns and you

Guys allow me to do that so thank you so if you guys made it this far seriously you guys I know that’s cliche and you guys get sick of hearing it but Crush that like button just destroy the like button share this show because that literally tells YouTube that I’m doing a

Good job and you guys want more crush the like button share care of the show tell your grandma tell your cousin tell your coworker tell whoever tell your neighbors hey check out Suns geek on YouTube the dude just went live for an hour and ranted about the Suns

After an ugly loss of the Spurs go tell them that right now if they’re sleeping who cares wake them up go tell them I don’t care tell your boss in the morning even if you don’t get along with your boss just be like hey you should check

Out Suns geek on YouTube he rants about the Suns after an ugly loss um so yeah I think that’s pretty much it you guys I love y’all y’all are the absolute best I just I’m thankful I’m grateful that I have this platform to talk about

The Suns and you guys allow me to have that Justin says Suns for life even though the Suns even though the season is frustrating Carson says enjoy your night good therapy show yeah thank you Carson maybe we need to start calling it that maybe instead of rant we need to

Call it therapy show thank you Carson I like your comment there I love you guys I’m done ranting have a great night go watch a movie or something guys go right now go do something that makes you happy I’m serious go do something that makes you happy you guys go have fun forget

About the Suns for a minute because they forgot how to win tonight so I love you guys God bless you guys stay safe out there win or lose Phoenix Suns for life that will never change doesn’t matter who the Suns have on their roster doesn’t matter how many

Wins they have I will still be here for you guys for more Suns therapy you guys are the absolute best God bless you guys I love you all peace out win or lose Phoenix Suns for life and go Sons see you guys next Time What’s up son De
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Follow Me On News Break

Phoenix Suns News Isaiah Thomas will officially signed with the Suns. Frank Vogel talks about the team’s 3-point defense and MORE!

Frank Vogel says Isaiah Thomas won’t be in the Suns rotation (My Thoughts)

Grayson Allen is eligible for a long-term extension Mat Ishbia wants to keep both Allen and Royce O’Neale (Suns News)

“No one values him more than we do” Phoenix Suns GM James Jones talks about a potential Grayson Allen extension.

Devin Booker went live on Instagram to celebrate the Nike Book Chapter 1 launch. Enjoy.

Suns Geek and Suns JAM went live to recap the Phoenix Suns 2024 NBA trade deadline

Kevin Durant fires back at ESPN’s ‘frustrations’ report Jusuf Nurkic responds Grayson Allen’s optimism and MORE!

During my trip to Phoenix, I had the honor of geeking with the PHNX Suns crew. I filmed a video of the “behind-the-scenes” and took tons of pictures. I also included fun moments from the podcast. Enjoy! Thanks again PHNX!

Phoenix Suns Media Day 2023 Watch-Along/Live Reaction Show

The Athletic reported that Phoenix Suns Owner Mat Ishbia was “very involved” in the Deandre Ayton deal. More Ayton trade talk and what is our biggest concern is with the Suns roster.

The Bradley Beal vs Cooper Flagg 1-on-1 story NEVER HAPPENED. Here’s why. What do you think about this fake story and all the Suns hate?

ICYMI Emergency podcast with the Suns JAM Session podcast as we react to Bradley Beal being traded to the Phoenix Suns. The Chris Paul Suns era is over. What do you think of the trade?

🚨The Phoenix Suns trade for Kevin Durant and TJ Warren emergency live show🚨

Music Credits: Current live show intro countdown music Born a Rockstar (Instrumental) – NEFFEX (YouTube Audio Library)

End card beat by:

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  1. It is truly sad to sit back and watch Book and KD suffer. They have no choice but to go ISO as whenever they get the ball all their teammates stand around in corners with nobody cutting Infront of them to receive a pass. Shot clock is down and their teammates are just standing and watching. They have no choice to try to get separation and get a shot off which can either lead to a tough shot or turnover as they navigate to get a shot.

    KD kept drawing doubles in first quarter and passed it off, but they couldn't even make a layup after layups. Beal the game before kept cutting to get within sight to receive a pass for a layup or kick it out to assist but it wasn't there tonight as he too just watched. Some games, guys like Allen are consistently moving and cutting but tonight they just stood and watched especially EG for 24minutes with no results.

    It doesn't help when Eubanks checks in the game in first quarter gives up two wide open shots that went in for the same player that hit the game winner later on. As a competitor I don't have the heart to say that player has a really low field goal percentage, and I will leave him open. Even if there is like one percent chance that he will make it, I would rather go out contesting and not giving any chance. The analytics are ruining the game.

    From the time Eubanks checked in first quarter he gave up two, two pointers which were wide open and followed by three, three pointers shot leading to 13 points. Doesn't the coach see and notice that Eubanks kept backing away giving up 5 open shots, it is truly disturbing. Then when he started contesting, later on in the fourth quarter, he kept committing fouls.

    The offense was there but the defense was missing as they just came back at us each time. What was more frustrating to watch was too many undisciplined fouling that gave them chances after chances.

    The best way to help Eubanks, Allen, EG stay more engaged on defense must start by finding a way to involve them throughout the game on the offensive side first. Don't the offensive coaches realize how everyone is just standing around, making it harder to be seen with defender in front of them for KD or Book to give them passes. Same with Bol too, as soon as he checks in there should be a way to involve him on offense so he can play with more energy getting rebounds and blocking shots. Eubanks start him with a dunk or a lob so he can stay engaged on defense. Allen and EG just need to start learning how to cut especially EG he can't stand in corner for 24minutes out of sight.

    I used to blame Book for the ISO and KD too but now when I pay attention all I notice is how they are forced into it because nobody is moving to get the ball. Just standing around and when Nurk is the one who actually helps with screen and gets the ball its 50/50 whether he will blow the layup or not. When KD was with the Nets Bruce Brown was always cutting and putting up over 20 points just off that alone. Now all we got are just 3-point shooters standing behind defense and nobody cutting.

    Maybe it's time for JO to be given a shot as the one who can run and cut and dunk and defend. Those three-point shooters are not doing nothing on defense, and they are just standing in corners on offense which makes it tougher on Booker and Durant causing more ISO as shot clock goes down and creates easier turnovers as with time going down defenders will leave those standing in corner and help the ones guarding Booker and KD stripping the ball or contesting.

  2. as a mavericks fan who experienced missing the play ins with generational talent, i promise u it could be much much worse

  3. Out of all the losses this year, this one hurt the most. And with Sac and Dal winning, it didn't help. No excuse for this loss.

  4. Just when I thought the Suns might just be turning the corner, they blow a game to the Wemby-less Spurs, basically the g-league all-stars. This is not a serious NBA team if they can't be ready to take care of business against the basement dwellers when every possible win is so important right now! The only thing I can attribute that to besides gross incompetence and lack of effort is some hare-brained idea that if they pretend to suck, then no one will be ready for them in the playoffs. Man, it sure didn't take long for the Suns to go from two wins from the championship and a 64 win season to the hot frigging mess we see now!

  5. Suns fan but this team SUCKS. GUTLESS FVCKING TRASH. Most disappointing and rudderless Suns team since 1995-96. A loss like that eliminates any final hope. They are NOT going to magically click once the play in, yes, PLAY IN starts. They are NOT making #6 or higher. They will be properly DUSTED AND DESTROYED in the play in which at this point with the brutal final 10? Isn't even guaranteed. At this point just try to outlast Golden State and/or Houston for #10…..SEASON OVER. ACCEPT IT.

  6. Doesn't anybody realize that we did the same thing the Lakers did when they got all those star players a couple years ago and then their season was a failure. We did exactly the same thing so of course we got the same results. We even have the coach they had when they did that.

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