@Dallas Mavericks

Dante Exum in the 4th quarter

Dante Exum in the 4th quarter

by DFWHomer


  1. SennKazuki

    Made me sad that we basically benched PJ this game because he couldn’t hit jack, but Exum not afraid after all those misses, just what we need.

  2. Afraid-Department-35

    Dante shines under the most dire circumstances, the first 2 3s and layup was not enough pressure for him, he needed that last possession dagger.

  3. MurderDreams

    I am so happy for Exum… everyone is always celebrating Luka, Irving and as of late Gafford and Lively – and deservingly so! But so does Exum deserve some celebrating. He is selfless and plays intelligently. Not every shot falls but at least he is doing the right thing – knowing when to shoot when not to. Man, again, so happy things worked out for him. I appreciate what he does for the team!

  4. blindfoldpeak

    I loved his primal scream after he hit that

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