@Miami Heat

The Miami Heat are the Most BIPOLAR Team in NBA History | Miami Heat News

The Miami Heat are the Most BIPOLAR Team in NBA History | Miami Heat News

What’s good y’all welcome back to believe in Momi he project but believe Network as always I’m your host Anthony dinardo coming to you live today from the childhood home down here in beautiful Miami well okay it’s not technically Miami I grew up in Broward but I’ll still claim Miami uh and if you

Don’t care about that feel free to skip ahead because timestamps are down below on both the podcast audio only side and the YouTube side with the video now if you’re on the YouTube side well I always got to show it off you see up here we got the big poster with Hassan Whiteside

Covering up LeBron James because yes that’s how I used to roll as a kid we also got the sign dwade picture we got me with UD over there uh so pretty pretty neat little setup here uh although it’s not as good as what I usually work with uh you can see I’m

Holding the mic today I don’t got my mic stand uh so we’ll do a bit of a hand job today well pause on that point is are we making it work because as you as you all know the Miami Heat had a histor win yesterday and I’m not going to lie to

Y’all Heat fans I did not get to see it so I’m back home uh for Easter obviously it’s Easter Sunday tomorrow so if anyone’s watching this on Easter Sunday happy Easter everyone and uh I’ll actually be here for the next few days taking a few days off work just to hang

Out with the family over here so I might have another video over here we’ll see how much I got time for while I’m on vacation uh but uh I didn’t get to see the game last night cuz usually when I’m back in town uh me and the boy we you

Know that I went to high school with we rent out a gym and we play some full court right uh and just so happens yesterday we we got a the gym time from 8 to 10 uh and we were playing during the Heat game now we were keeping up

With the score best believe uh mostly because yesterday was rough and we lost quite a bit yesterday I played not good at all which is which is rare because usually when we going to that gym we’d be hoping uh but it was a bit of a rough

Day yesterday I guess we gave most of our powers to the Miami who absolutely lit it up yesterday uh and I got a couple highlights I mean probably my best one is this hame hotz type post up face up step through I told y’all I got a foot fetish for the

Footwork and again if y’all on the audio side come over to the YouTube side I’m showing these clips uh just search Anthony dinardo and subscribe while you’re over here because I’m on the grind to 5,000 Subs we had about 3.7k right now but uh the rest of my

Highlights were either wide open three which is whatever you know I’m supposed to hit that or this one right here in which it was a nice looking three but my wrist curled sideways like my follow through was all the way to the left the ball was kind of slippery I don’t know

It was windy inside whatever other excuse I can make uh point is uh yesterday was a rough day for all of us but I mean everyone kind of everyone on my team was kind of ass and do y’all ever play pickup and like you play bad

And you lowkey kind of hoop for your other you you lowkey hope for your other teammates to to be bad as well so all the blame isn’t on you I’m not saying that’s what I do cuz you know at the end of the day I’m a winner I want to win uh

But yest say was was terrible so if they point fingers at me I could Point them right back anyways during that I told y’all the Mi Heats were busting the Portland Trailblazers ass which good because I hate that sorry ass team I hate that sorry ass franchise and I hate

Joe Cronin y’all know I got the Joe Cronin diss track I only get to play it a couple times a year now I played it last time the Heat won in Portland so we going to play it again at the end of this episode don’t you worry and if you

Have not heard my Joe cron in diss track make sure to stick around to the end because it is a thing of beauty uh but yeah obviously I did watch the highlights from yesterday’s game uh obviously I keep up with it pretty well through Twitter uh and couple things

Stood out to me one uh pretty much the well there’s two negatives Nicole yovic did get hurt he had a bit of a knee contusion but Ira Wiman said it’s nothing serious uh the other thing I noticed is Jimmy B had eight points uh and selfishly that hurts because I had a

Easy parlay trying to stack my bread up easily I had Jimmy Butler for 10 points alternate 10 points the man had eight they scored 120 something points Jimmy Butler had eight points but outside of that we don’t we don’t care about that Hayward heith continues to be hooping

The man had the nastiest step back three you’ll ever see looking like James Harden regular season James Harden CU we know playoff James Harden is a bum uh but Hayward heith was hooping continues a a great run of shooting lowkey though he did travel on that step

Back not the rain on his parade but uh Loki kind of traveled uh I wanted to pull up Heisman stats here too because I feel like he’s having a really great season coming into the season I was not a Believer a lot of Heat fans liked him they liked his defensive versatility I

Was always kind of a guy that said uh he I’ve never heard the phrase great defense better offense more than he when he was guarding someone because I felt like he was clamping up felt like he was rotating sliding laterally pretty well but I still felt like he was getting

Scored on all the time uh but I did publicly State my conversion into a high Smith believer earlier this season because I started to see the vision you know defensively and offensively I really liked what he had going on and he did have some rough stretches you know

Earlier in the season shooting uh but in totality he’s averaging uh he’s played 57 games uh at uh how many minutes 20 minutes at nights and his averages are six points per game three rebounds whatever uh but if you look at the shooting percentage 46% from the field and

41% from three if you can get 41% from three from Hayward heith that is a guy that is a legitimate rotation piece in the NBA now come playoff time if everyone on heat gets healthy I don’t know if it’ll be in a rotation you know

I don’t want to get too much into that because we’ve talked about it a ton but if you got the normal starters with Duncan Off the Bench you got what Tyler Kevin Love Kar and Hamed Hawkins that’s nine right there and I don’t think spos will go more than

Nine deep in the playoffs but we’ll see point is I think there will be times for Hayward heith to get some run and if he keeps playing like he has been this season uh he’s a guy that I do trust in the playoffs uh we’ve seen him have some

Success guarding Jason Tatum too so maybe he’s a guy that you use uh match wise if you were to face the Boston Celtics uh but if you go for Hayward heith last three games he is wow uh basketball referen is usually when you when you uh click on it it’s supposed to

So is glitching out right now uh but quick mats here uh he’s 12 of his last 13 from three wow uh not saying he’s gonna keep that up but uh it’s been nice to see Hayward Heisman stepping in the Duncan Robinson role while Duncan Robinson has been out speaking of three-point

Shooters we saw bam B yesterday continue his stretch of shooting from three he was two of three yesterday both beautiful catch and shoots no hesitation like directly in the flow of the offense uh this season bam the B is actually up to 36% from three uh because he was at

Like 18 or something earlier but again it was on a couple attempts uh and they asked bam about this like why did he just so randomly start taking threes uh and it sounded like he was joking but I think he was kind of being serious he

Said one day I just woke up and felt like shooting threes and that’s that’s what happened literally I I can’t explain it this this is what we’ve all been dreaming of right but we all kind of pictured that it would happen like after a long off seon B would come into

You know a new season take a few the first game we say okay this is the year that’s kind of how I remember it with Chris BOS right because earlier in his heat tenure he wasn’t a three-point shooter but of course by the end of it

He was a knockdown sniper but if you go back bam uh shot his first three you know in this stretch it was uh against the nuggets on March 13 so about a two two to three weeks ago uh and since then he’s taken at least one three every game

Uh and in that stretch let me see if I can get basketball reference to work here in that stretch so how many games is that that’s one two three four that’s the last seven games for Bon B he’s shooting two threes a game at 62% that is not sustainable I understand

But I mean maybe if he’s only taking one to two a game and they’re both wide open maybe he could be in the high 40s you know you’re not talking about a guy that’s ever going to be high volume but the fact that he is taking one to two

Even last night took three a game that will do incredible things for the spacing on this team if they again I mean you guys are smart you you watching the channel That means you smart if he’s taking the threes the defense has to come out there because he’s now a threat

And that is so much more space for everyone for guys like Jimmy to cut back door and yic and Jame those guys love doing that even Duncan Robinson and we know bam is an amazing passer to find those guys in that little pocket pass that bounce past the guys rolling to the

Rim or even for bam itself the spacing allows him to use his athleticism to blow past Defenders get to the rim maybe pump fake now pull up to his uh you know do a dribble pull up in his beautiful mid-range spot there that this development in his game I don’t want to

Make it seem like it’s going to change the world or anything like that but I think it is critical like I don’t think it can be understated how important this is if B metab can continue to keep this up especially for a team that has been struggling offensively this I think is

Very important not to mention we know they’re very small and we know we have they we have Bam play to five because you usually need a stretch four because Jimmy’s not a great three-point shooter I know his percentages are good this year as well and Bam wasn’t really a

Threat from out there so you had to play a four that could shoot you know whether it was yoit kind of how they’re doing now but if bam can now space the floor you can play him potentially with the guy who’s actually maybe we see some minutes with Orlando

Robinson if if they’re going against the Boston Celtics and they’re getting killed on the glass maybe you can go out in the offseason and get someone who’s actually big and can rebound I I don’t know who off the top of my head there there’s not many of those big guys great

Rebounders left that are actually decent players we know that who aren’t zero on offenses but maybe they can get someone like a yaka Perle for example I think he might have signed an extension or something but that’s a guy that’s very big very good rebounder I’ve kind of

Wanted him in the past but I’ve been hesitant because he can’t space the floor and you can’t have three nons spacers you know in a starting lineup if you were to start yic but uh I don’t want to get too set ahead of myself here with the BAM three-point shooting stuff

Because it’s still early and again it’s not world changing now if bam can get to the point where he’s a Chris Bosch level threep point shooter well now you’re talking about who who uh you’re talking about a guy who could win the MVP the whole damn League because he is the best

Defender in the entire NBA I don’t care what anyone says now the only guy that I’m might give some credit to his Victor women Yama that boy had 40 and 20 last night he’s averaging about damn near four blocks a game I think he’s actually

Had like two and a half a game but On Any Given night he get you four to five blocks that dude is Sensational he’s a guy that could legitimately win MVP next year not to not to overreact but y’all see y’all see what he doing wait till

That Spurs team gets a point guard uh but yeah bam we know he’s always going to be one of the top three defenders in the entire NBA he’s already averaging over 20 points per game once he gets that three-point shot down continues to work on his post footwork which I do

Think has gotten better this season as well you’re talking about a guy that could be the best defender and a 25 26 27 point per game score one day uh especially as Jimmy Butler maybe two two years from now uh starts to give the reins up a little bit more on the

Offensive end cuz I don’t know how many good seasons of Jimmy we have left uh I think I think it was last year I said we get the beginning of last year I said I’m confident saying we get at least two more gy VP seasons obviously last year

Jimmy was great come postseason and this year I Believe Jimmy will be great come the the playoffs as well because we’ve seen Jimmy have his stretches this season where he’s been uh good you know uh or that Jim VP it’s pretty clear he’s saving himself for the playoffs uh we

Can talk a little bit about Jimmy as well because he started quite a bit of controversy this week uh with regards to him being at I think it was the US Open the tennis match a lot of Heat fans were mad because he missed the last game you

Got killed by The Warriors cuz he was sick uh but to be honest I I get that I don’t want to give Jimmy Butler a pass because he’s getting paid a ton of money and he takes days off and when you’re already struggling to make the playoffs

Right because they’re in the playing now whenever you’re in the playing tournament you could miss the playoffs right uh and whenever you’re getting like I said a guy getting paid that much money you want him to come and perform every single night you don’t really see

LeBron take nights off and he’s 40 I know he’s missed some games recently but let’s even say when LeBron was Jimmy’s age that man was going 100% every single possession of every single game you know that’s what you want your star players to do the only reason I don’t like to

Get on Jimmy too much for that is because every year come postseason man this guy is a top five player in the game one of one of the best in the entire world and if he needs to take rest in a regular season to perform like

That in the playoffs it’s hard for me to get on him for that it really is because you got too many playoff bums like Paul George and James hard and Joel embiid who shrink when the moment comes big and every year Jimmy Butler is that guy and

A lot of times I’ll say that and people say well okay last year he was great vers uh the the Bucks and then he didn’t really do anything after that had a bad final series and he did but to me that was the outlier and who knows maybe it’s

Cuz Josh Hart rolled up into his ankle he really wasn’t the same sense other than that you know one quarter he got into it with Grant uh Grant Williams in the Eastern Conference Finals but I don’t know if that’s true so I don’t want to use that as an excuse but to me

That’s the outlier if you look at Jimmy Butler’s playoff numbers every single year since joining the miam heat they are Sensational and drastically improved from his regular season you know whether it was the finals in the Lakers right that was one of the most amazing performances I have ever seen with my

Own two eyes so let’s not act like Jimmy Butler shrinks when the moment becomes that big cuz he did it in the NBA Finals before we saw him do it in the Eastern Conference Finals two years ago going into Boston game six down 3 to to pulled

Off just like LeBron did back in 2013 we saw Jimmy Butler do that last year so I think last year going into the finals that was a bit of an outlier maybe it was an ankle but we got to see how this season plays out uh if we go into this

Postseason and Jimmy Butler is ass in the play us well then okay I’ll say in hindsight you know what I should have been mad that he was at the US Open getting sick when maybe he could have played you could have been you know a

Fifth seed instead of a e seed and maybe had an easier match up in the first round uh and you know to help yourself so by the time you get to the finals your body’s not all worn out from going through the gauntlet to get there but

I’m willing to give Jimmy Butler the rest of the season before I truly truly criticize him uh anyways let’s talk about the Miami Heat in general man uh they are the most inconsistent bipolar team ever uh I think in my last video or my last postgame reaction which was

Against the the Warriors I said if I could pick one word to describe the Miami Heats it would be unserious I think I would continue to use that word uh I actually ended that video versus the Warriors saying uh the way this season has been in roller

Coaster that game was a down I said smash the money line on the Heat next game because they going to win by 40 little did I know they’d win by 60 but let’s go back the last week here right you lost to the New Orleans Pelicans at home the Pelicans didn’t have Brandon

Ingram terrible loss you scored like 90 points or something uh the Pelicans won by 23 going into the next game back in Miami you played the Cleveland caval who had no Donovan Mitchell I understand uh I think Jimmy Butler played that game I forget if he played or not I know he

Missed the Warriors game but anyways you won by 37 points that game was never close and then you go into the next game that’s when you played the Warriors that team has been playing ter well they’ve won like three straight but we know they’re very close to falling out of the

Playing the Rockets are right on they ass Warriors about to be that 11 seed and miss it all completely right and we just know that team in general is not is not great they’re not having a great season they killed you you want they won by 21 the score wasn’t even close so

Going back lost by Pelicans to 23 beat the Cavs by 37 lost to the Warriors by 21 and then you play the Portland treble one by 60 what kind of team has that inconsistency and I mean you could say it’s a little concerning because the two best teams there in that stretch the

Warriors and the Pelicans those are the ones you lost and then you beat the two good team or the two bad teams I mean uh cuz the Cavs were missing Donovan Mitchell so they’re not great without Donovan but I I don’t want to nitpick like that although I did have a video

Earlier this year the heat are like three and what like three and 12 versus the top seven teams in the league something like that uh so they’re they’re kind of beaten up on bad teams and not beating the good teams which are the teams you see in the playoffs so you

Might want to get concerned but I don’t value the regular season that much we see all the time the playoffs is like a completely different game than the regular season the one I kind of go back to which is like 10 years ago now I know but I remember all Heat fans were

Freaking out back when the Brooklyn Nets had kg and Paul Pierce they swept the season series versus the Heat we matched up versus them in the playoffs and bust they ass in five games and I just said Relax The Great teams know to Pace themselves and I think that’s what the

Miami Heat are doing because I get it they’re playing it really close here but I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt because you’ve had four full like full played out runs in the Jimmy Butler era and the only one that did not

Have a deep playoff run was when you had a seven-week off season and they got swept by the Bucks obviously the following year the the Brin Forbes series sorry trigger warning Brin Forbes Heat fans but that I think was a legitimate fluke season because if you

Go back the last year in the bubble the last four teams standing was the Lakers Nuggets Celtics heat all those teams had a very short off season historically short offseason season and they all lost in the first round the next year and then you go back two years later which

Was last year who was the last four team standing once again the Lakers Nuggets Celtics heat so people say the bubble was a fluke the bubble was not a fluke because those same four teams were the last four teams standing last year and where have the Bucks been they lost in

The second round in the bubble they lost in the first round last year that’s what it does that 2021 season was the fluke year the Suns versus bucks year not the year before uh and that’s why excluding that year I’m willing to give this Heat team the benefit of the doubt because in

The three years we seen outside of the the fluke season you got an NBA Finals run you got a Eastern Conference game seven run Jimmy Butler one shot away from the finals and then you got another NBA Finals run so as bad as this team

Plays at times as bad as they look on paper compared to the Bucks and the Celtics and the Knicks even the Cavs went healthy they’ve personally shown me enough to say you know what I’mma let it play through because I’ll be the first one to tell you that don’t got a backup point

Guard don’t have any size that I trust you know a backup big that I trust can’t stay healthy too uh too uh turnover prone at times not good enough shooting un unreliable when it comes to you know the injuries of your leadest score Tyler hero right but I will still

After saying all of that I will give them benefit of the doubt just because that’s what they’ve shown me right and even on paper I think this Heat team is better than they were last year I know they’re not playing like it but I mean if you want to talk alone about the

Improvement of Terry Roser to Kyle ay that’s that’s night and day I mean that’s the widest margin of wide margins Kyle Lowry is ass even though he had like 23 points yesterday and every time I say that I get Raptors fans in my comments saying oh how dare you

Disrespect one of the greatest players in our franchise man I don’t give a I don’t give a damn about the Toronto Raptors get out of here with that BS he was good for y’all he was asked for the heat there’s no two ways about it okay

Uh and ter Ro there although he’s he hasn’t shot great a lot of games what he provides offensively is just is is very important to what this Heat team needs especially if you don’t know if Tyler hero is going to be in or out of the

Lineup and you know even if Terry Wier is not shooting well at the very least well his defense has been decent too but I was going to say at the very least he is a low turnover guy often times with high assists you know we’ll see him get

You know a lot of games with four or five assists and zero turnovers uh but even the games with one or two turn uh one or two assists he’s not turning the ball over and he’s always a threat to score which again whether he’s hitting her shots or not he keeps the defense

Honest and you have to put one of your best perimeter Defenders on ter roir because he’s very Shifty he’s very quick he can get to the rim he can shoot threes uh so I think just having a guy who’s a threat is very very important because Kyle a was not putting that kind

Of pressure on the defense he was putting zero Rim pressure on the defense you want to talk about driving kicks well he couldn’t drive so it couldn’t take out kick out to the shooters and that’s something with terer they could do uh you also got Nico yic who again he

Has been hurt here uh or he was hurt yesterday hopefully he’s not serious but he’s played very well of late you got Jame hakz who will finish probably top five in rookie of the year uh I wanted to talk about jameh hakz for a little

Bit too uh a lot of talk about him hitting the rookie wall uh I listened to him on JJ reck’s podcast and he kind of said that his de inre in production has been a mix of his groin injury and also the inconsistent role which I understand

Because you’ve had Jimmy Butler in and out and that means hameh hakz is in and out of the starting lineup you’ve had Duncan Robinson in and out so that means they need more scoring from hameh hakz or different roles you know and I talked about this in my last video too so I

Don’t want to get into it too much but when you have a guy that’s one coming back from injury a rookie at that and then his roles being constantly changed almost on a nightly basis because of the injuries I could see why it’d be hard

For him to get into a rhythm on the season as a whole he’s at uh 12 points per game on 49% from the field which is great and then 31% from three which is not great uh but I kind of want to pull up his stats here pre and post injury uh

So before the injury jameh hakz was averaging and I really just care about the percentages uh because his role you know and how many shots he get will defer based off who’s healthy uh but pre-injury how many it was uh 39 games jameh hakz was averaging 14 points a

Night on 35% shooting from three which I think is pretty decent 35% shooting from three uh is something that I would be happy with with jameh hakz and then if you go post injury uh jameh hakz is at 10 points per game so four points per

Game less and he’s at 24% from three so an 11 Point drop off from three uh and I didn’t say his his field goal before was 51% and now he’s at 43 % so essentially you know double digit drops in percentage pre and post injury uh but

Whether this is a rookie W or not or just a a large slump for jameh hakz he has personally shown me enough for me to believe that he’s going to be a very very good player going forward whether he plays ass the rest of the season or

Great the rest of the season he’s a guy that I have faith in going forward so uh I do want to talk about the injuries a little more also because we talked about how the heat are so bipolar it’s likely that injuries are the reason why uh they

Have 34 different starting lineups out of the 73 games they played that means 46% so almost half of the games they’ve played they’ve had a different starting lineup which is just insane uh and I know people were happy yesterday they said they won the heat are starting to

Get healthy they really didn’t get anyone back other than Jimmy Butler from his one game absence cuz he was sick cuz Kevin Love was clear to play yeah but he didn’t uh and spoler kind of said that he wants to give him some more time to

Get adjusted I guess but then he didn’t play him at all so I didn’t exactly understand that but it is important to note uh that uh spos said Kevin Love was actually healthy enough to play the last two games uh but he uh was dealing with some personal issues so hopefully

Everything going on with Kevin Love is is decent there uh and I do look for him to get a little bit of run uh you know maybe increase playing time each game over the next week or two to kind of get him ready for the playoffs because he is

A guy that they will need in the postseason I don’t care if Thomas Bryan had what 26 points yesterday they need Kevin Love to be their backup center uh and Duncan Robinson they’ve said his day today but then he got sent back on M sent back to Miami when they

Were on the road trip to see a back specialist he’s been questionable every day you haven’t heard any updates my last video was about Tyler herro uh and his injury so go check that out but you had sham saying there’s no timetable for return you had Tyler hero calling cap

But yet I haven’t heard nothing about Tyler hero we heard that he was supposed to get reevaluated yesterday right because that was two weeks after he got that plasma injection in his foot right or platelet injection we said he’d get reevaluated in two weeks which was yesterday I didn’t hear nothing they

Said you’re supposed to start ramping up and start playing again within that two to three week range so well now we’re in week three let’s see if Tyler hero starts to play and then if we get a timetable cuz as of right now Shams was right there is no timetable for Tyler

Hero’s Return now if we go on week that’ll put us at April 5th that’s when they start their last road trip of the season and that kind of gives them what four or five games before the playoffs not a ton of time to get used to the

Team and get some rust off but it’s better than nothing because the last thing I want is for Tyler hero to miss the rest of the regular season and then be ready come postseason well no that’s not the last thing I want because I want Tyler hero to return but I would like

Him to get some run prior to the playoffs because especially not not even just to get the rust off but especially to get you know adjusted to playing with Terry Rosier because they only got a few games together and it didn’t work great obviously because they have some some

Pretty similar skill sets but anyways I feel pretty good man you beat the Portland Trailblazers by 60 unfortunately I missed it the biggest win in heat history of course I had to miss it to to to play terrible yesterday uh but yeah Joe cron is not looking good

Man if you look at that package that he got for Dame he got DeAndre Aon who dominating yeah right that dude’s a bum he’s been playing better of late I know uh but they would have got him anyways by the way that was the third like a

Separate deal with the Suns now the Suns did get Grayson Allen from the Bucks instead if it was with the heat they probably would have got cayb Martin I think cayb Martin’s a better player but Grayson Allen’s having a hell of a season so but regardless DeAndre aen

Still would have went to the Blazers they also got tumani Kamar who is is shooting like 30% from three this year seven points a game he’s not doing much uh but I’ve heard some people say he’s got some potential uh and and then obviously they got uh Drew holiday who

They flipped for two more first round picks so they got three first round picks total Malcolm Brogden and Robert Williams obviously Robert Williams hasn’t played this year can’t stay healthy probably won’t play much next year either and then they got Malcolm Brogden who’s a good player shooting

Like 40% from three this year uh 15 points a night he’s play but he’s played 39 games this year uh he’s a guy that can’t stay healthy anyways and he’s how old is he he’s 31 years old so he’s not part of their future anyway so looking

Back at the Blazers I don’t know how Joe Cronin has a job because you could have had niic who looks like he’s going to be an absolute star in this league you could have had Jam hakz who I say the same thing about uh and then Dame could

Have been happy but no he wanted to be all petty so anyways that’s all I got to say for this video make sure to like And subscribe if you’re on the YouTube side if you’re on the podcast side come over to the YouTube and like And subscribe

And also leave five stars if you over there uh that being said f Joe Cronin play the diss track I’m out this what one goes out to Joe Cronin he is an ugly baldheaded ho who don’t know [ __ ] won’t pick up the phone so I’ll tell you how it’s going first off

Get your head out your ass and if you think you keeping Dame I’m a laugh it was a couple years back he said he’s loyal for life but you’re a liar he’s tired and in his back is your knife you think you winning and swindling with the

Heat you got for fetsh you always ending defeat if you Lord of the Flies and P is Lord of the fleece but you still think you Woody with Andy down at your feet you haven’t heard Andy ellisburg will not be deferred you like FB haven’t said

A word phone on don’t disturb you absurd Portland kicks you to the curb it’s deserved for finishing third when the three team trade for Dame confirmed Pat take his nuts dragging balls on your face Kam hame hame hot kid it’s here to stay you give us Dame but we also

Keeping y [ __ ] and if Pat want to he also would take your [ __ ] slip back his hair that’s something you cannot do and then pipe your girl in his Armani suit the next day she’ll beg for Pat back and he will not show up he went Ball Deep

And left just like he tongle by lower Cronin I’m candid I’ll tell you I can see your future is grim like and Billy and Mandy if you do D dirty like Dirty Dan Sandy who’s sleeping like Pat now I’ll pass it to and I got a problem with

You here’s the M dude I’m kind of mad at you I’m madting you because your attitude is getting rather rude your gratitude today cuz you never made it seems better his two longest 10 your teammates are heartless and Myers Leonard bus yes Heat fans know that they

Both suck tell me Joe cron in what is it you want you said now was winning time but you want all the pcks I wish you’d make up your mind instead of making me sick where the hell you at Jo where you at where the hell you at Jo where you at

Where the hell you at Jo where you at going where the hell you at Jo where you at where the hell you at Jo where the hell you at where the hell you at Jo where the hell you at where the hell you at Jo where the hell you at where you at

Joe where the are you at man this song sucks I mean this guy got to get a life bro I mean what is he even doing with himself bro

Talking Miami Heat recent blowout, Bam Adebayo and his three point shooting, Haywood Highsmith on fire, injuries on Tyler Herro, Nikola Jovic, Jimmy Butler taking nights off, and more. NBA and Miami Heat News featuring Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Terry Rozier, Nikola Jovic, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Caleb Martin, Duncan Robinson, Josh Richardson, Kevin Love, Haywood Highsmith, Erik Spoelstra and more. Subscribe for more Miami Heat, Miami Dolphins, NBA and NFL news.
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Background Music: Excursion – Po13o
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Outro Song: Pull Up (prod. by KENO) – RadixTheRuler

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▬ Timestamps ▬
0:00 Intro
0:58 Why I missed the historic win
2:02 My hoop “highlights”
3:11 Miami Heat beat Trailblazers by 60
4:18 Haywood Highsmith on FIRE
6:46 Impact of Bam’s three point shooting
12:14 Jimmy Butler taking days off?
15:10 Miami Heat are the most bipolar team ever
21:47 Jaime Jaques hitting rookie wall?
23:52 Impact of injuries on consistency
26:51 Revising Damian Lillard trade package
28:22 Joe Cronin Diss Track


  1. Lmaoo Jimmy looks at teams like Portland like “You’re not worthy” and makes a point to not score and still play winning basketball

  2. Highsmith has playoff experience in high pressure moments, and made plays that helped us win the ecf, he’s 100% going to be in the rotation. He’s better then he was last season

  3. This season,Buttler has been a waste. Hope they trade him,for a true point guard,and 2,1st round picks,and trade Herro for a 7 ft center,and a 1st round pick.

  4. Anthony,love what you are saying,but Spo still doesn't know,who,and when to play his players. His coaching this season,SUCKS.

  5. Buttler doesn't deserve a raise. Right now he isn't worth the $48 million he is getting. If they bring him back,give him noo more than a 1 year,35 million,if he doesn't take it,trade his ass.

  6. Butler (wash) and Herro (glass) need to go . No matter what happens this season, Miami has to realize that part time players are not the way to go, especially when they are your one and two (bad for morale). Hartenstein and D. Mitchell (Or Dame) would be the way for the Heat to go.

  7. Jimmy's rest has an adverse affect on the rest of the team. Don't give Jimmy an out. He's great in the playoffs and is always bad in the Finals. He can't get it done when you need it, so I hope the Heat trade him while he still has some value. He needs to go>>> Herro also. FYI Butler wasn't sick from being in the US Open. He was probably hung over or just didn't feel like going to work.

  8. As a Heat fan, I don't have vitriol like Ant (and others) when it comes to Kyle Lowry. On behalf of Heat fans and basketball fans in general, I apologize for the disrespect you have heard Raptor fans. Kyle Lowry is an NBA champion who makes everyone around him better despite being in his twilight years. The times I saw him play in Miami, he was a leader who always played team ball first. On offense, Kyle would advance the ball quicker, get to the free throw line, make 3's, pick and roll and on defense take charges. If we face the Sixers in the play in and lose to Kyle, it will be simply karma. Karma towards those who have disrespected one of the best pit bull PG I have ever seen outside of Tim Hardaway. Having said that, Terry Rozier is an upgrade in age. However, win a championship, and then we will compare. I just don't agree with anyone disrespecting a legend at the tail end of his career. I'm sure Patty Mills another champion will be the next scapegoat. We have seen the same with Dwyane Wade and even ran him out of here. Anyways, everything else on the video I enjoyed. Keep up the bipolar reactions with the roller coaster team called Miami Heat. PS: Loving Jaime, Jovic, Bam 3's and Highsmiths Ray Allen step back 3's. Can't wait to see Emo (and Eric Reid) in the playoffs. Let's Go Heat.

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