@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers to lose Vanderbilt, Wood & Vincent for rest of season, according to report | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Lakers to lose Vanderbilt, Wood & Vincent for rest of season, according to report | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Back down to me this was a shocking report from Bill Ryder of CBS Sports he tweeted sources tell CBS sports that Los Angeles Lakers players Christian Wood Jared Vanderbilt and Gabe Vincent will miss the rest of the season while Vanderbilt still could return sources say the expectation is that will not happen whoa

Wow news to me if true very bad news for the Lakers so Rachel Nichols joins us now good morning to you you spend a lot of time here in La around these Lakers what are you hearing about these three Lakers well look the Lakers announced yesterday that Christian Wood had

Arthoscopic surgery on his knee so he’s definitely out six to eight weeks so we know he’s going to be out the rest of the regular season as for Gabe Vincent I’ve actually heard much more encouraging things about Gabe I’ve seen more encouraging things just the video of him around the practice facility but

All of this is a little bit of semantics skip the regular season is only a little bit more than three weeks so so that’s it so if a guy misses like oh maybe it’s a week later than we thought maybe it isn’t that could be the difference and

Is he out the regular season to me with Gabe Vincent the issue is the ship is already sailed this any of this conversation it does not matter at all because this is a guy who has played only five games this season the guy that you traded for the guy who was on fire

During the playoffs the guy who shot what was it more than 50% from three against Boston in the Eastern Conference Finals you’re not getting that guy I don’t care if he comes back tomorrow right so the last step with him is supposed to be his conditioning if he

Gets back in two weeks if he gets back in a week he’s not going to be conditioned he’s not going to be the guy that you Kean were so excited about over the summer right so so so that’s done to me you’re not getting him and then you

Look at Jared Vanderbilt it’s kind of the same conditioning issue with him okay but are we I I’m lost on the semantical part of this are we just talking about not coming back for the regular season or for the season season for for the for all the season even if they came back

Skip yeah what Rachel is saying and what I’m I understand that yeah it’s so late in the game that you wouldn’t even be up to speed regardless what you do in practice to even be a participant to help us do anything so The Season’s lost

Yeah I get that I mean I think the report was about the regular season which is again three and a half weeks but even that again he could come back tomorrow I to me that that’s not what the Lakers are making a title Run Or Not Over Gabe Vincent who’s played five

Games so far this year in fact I don’t think he can even help them that much he can maybe provide a basket here or there but no you’re professional athlete ke think about how long he’s been there I know yeah it’s it’s it’s tough that’s

Why I said regardless of what you do in the building and practice and all that is totally different in the games and when you think about it you haven’t put up the shots in games it’s so it’s it’s it’s hard and and we most likely going

To be in the playin most likely so what do we get we win the playin we get a series and he he comes and helps us in a game maybe a shot so I feel like I’ve talked more about Jared Vanderbilt and Gabe Vincent then I have LeBron James

And Anthony Davis no no serious that’s no but I bring them up every single day that we talk about the Lakers I’m waiting I’m waiting I’m waiting and they’re not Life Changers they’re not what you call difference bers but their key pieces to what I thought the Lakers

Could become that is over yeah wise at the start of the Season like Rachel said if we had all of them listen we’d probably be in a different situation but Jared Vander can defend at the highest level he’s long and strong and knows how to play and it’s such a key ple they’re

Terrible on Def or they’re they’re middle of the packish at best and I told you yesterday if you look at their individual defensive wind shares LeBron leads and he’s ranked 86th in individual he leads bad defense okay that’s just bad defense Jared Vanderbilt gives you credibility where you can put him on

Somebody that you need to to bother you know you but he hadn’t played defense on somebody in such a long time well here’s the thing and look again the reports on him are more similar to Gabe Vincent we could see him back sooner rather than later but to your point about defense

Right he can contribute to play here or there but what do you need for defense especially in the playoffs you need conditioning you need energy it is about literally just running for 48 minutes straight okay and the Lakers are dead last in three-point shot attempts even though LeBron is having a

Career three-point shooting year and you look around and and ruie is still over 40% and if you added C Vincent to this maybe you’d start shooting more threes because you’d start to be credible shooting threes more than you you try right and he is a big shot Taker and

Maker because he’s done it at the highest level and I still don’t understand how he had a scope and can’t come back at all I just don’t get it and I don’t understand on Christian Wood listen you and I talked about Christian Wood when they had him he’s he’s pretty

Good he’s been around and done all that he he is he’s succeeded in this environment he he has and yet why would you wait a whole month and then he suddenly gets a scope he hurt his knee and it took a whole month for them to decide probably play on

It a lot of guys skip don’t want to have surgeries they want to fight through it and let it heal on its own and then when you realize probably the best thing to do is go get a surgery it’s too late trust me I’ve had three miniscus I know

What they are they’re they’re not bad at all and and you can body reacts your body reacts differently I had I had the same thing miniscus ter scope I missed one game okay that’s all you need I missed one game we had a buy I came back

It was fine it’s it today’s modern medicine you can do this quickly if you commit to it and they didn’t commit quickly enough to it so the odds are they made a Gamble and they lost the the odds are even if they’re back they’re not going to be back because they’re not

Going to be ready and plus as we always talk about LeBron is is different he’s it’s a very special thing that you have to figure out how to to find your place in the flow with LeBron running the show exactly and you can’t throw Gabe Vincent

Into a playoff mix because it will not work it he won’t be able to find his place in the rotation LeBron won’t be able to sort of to to know his game well enough quickly enough to contribute again he might have a moment right I mean he had some great moments during

The playoffs last season he might have one of those we’re not not saying he’s not going to have that he also played you’re not going to get it consistently and your point is exactly correct playing with LeBron in the postseason is its own whole thing he hasn’t had that I

Mean look yes the Lakers have had bad injury luck this year you said you’ve talked about Gabe Vincent Jared Vander more than almost anyone else but every team has bad luck at a lot of different points right I mean John Mor has not had the season he expected I mean Carl

Anthony towns has hurt at the worst possible time for a wolves team that was poised to make its best run in in decades I mean this kind of thing happens throughout teams and the Lakers have gotten largely fortunate that LeBron James and Anthony Davis have not had those major monthlong injuries they

Really have to look at the Lakers season and say you guys have gotten off okay healthwise won 32 games or whatever it is 37 and 32 37 games no no no your your team is rounding into form 37 and 32 in the last in the last in the last game I

Know it was against the Hawks so forgive me but in the last game they were shot 58% uh from the floor 42% from three they look comfortable they’re now having this three days rest period I don’t think they’re in any danger of falling out of the plan I I see the other teams

Below them but Houston doesn’t have shanon anymore and I’m not worried do I think they’re going to hop out of the play that is also unlikely with 13 games left to play this is the team and I think that they look comfortable to get

Out of the play in but it’s a one the whole point of it being a one or two game matchup is that anyone can beat anyone on any given day what’s best for the Lakers is trying to get out of it but you you already said that’s probably

Not g to happen with 13 games left and when you look at it you fall to that nine or that 10 spot don’t get to that seventh or the eighth you got two games now to get into the playoffs yeah that’s you and there’s no guarantee the way

That they go up and down from 90 and out that they I understand you know that that’s the part that is scary it is scary you know and then you get a d r us that lights it up one night and then scores two points the next night but the

Lakers to me is completely about matchups and we frankly won’t know until the last day of the regular season and probably until the middle of the playin to know what those matchups are going to be if they get a team in the playing game that they can easily handle they’ll

Be fine and the the fact that they won’t have rested we’ll talk be talking that week about oh they’re they’re in rhythm the other teams rested for a week they’re in Rhythm the Lakers are in good shape we could be talking about what a great matchup they have about a team

That can’t handle length which is the case of some of the teams at the top of the WX or we could be talking about Denver and then you know my feelings you you look at those teams that they would play in the play in I don’t know that

They could beat a healthy Phoenix I don’t know that I don’t know that they could beat Golden State they didn’t the other night yeah you know what I think they could beat Golden State I don’t know that they can so Golden State’s weird because if you look at February

They won 11 out of 13 and now in March they’ve lost five of their last eight yes so you guys keep going back and forth with them 910 10 n but if you had to go win one game for your life to to advance in the playoffs I believe you

Could go to Golden State and beat them I just think you match up well with them it’s more likely that the Lakers win that matchup but to Key’s point it’s Steph Curry who could get hot on any night and not every clay too coming off the bench Klay could drop 28 on your

Head good and LeBron could drop 40 on their head and Anthony they don’t have a rim protector they don’t have anybody can deal with but willon will not be dropping 40 is Gabe Vincent but the question my question to you you say Anthony Davis could drop 40 but will

He will he drop 40 will he come to the party to Rachel’s point the one thing I loved about the Hawks game and your friend Paul Pierce was on that morning talking about how the one thing he doesn’t like about LeBron right now is there’s too much ball hogging going on

Too much stat Machining going on yeah you were part of this okay okay but all of a sudden I don’t know if LeBron was listening but they go out that night against the somebody told him yeah somebody told him and you know what he took 14 shots and ad took 14 shots and

DLo took 14 shots I think he was 10 or 14 that is correct 10 14 okay that’ll work that is a recipe for advanc that worked against the Hawks I know and they’re they’re just the Hawks that may not work against Denver it may not work against a fully stacked Minnesota team

Which I don’t believe the Lakers will be scared of in a seven game series but certain teams that work against the Hawks that that work against them yeah but Rachel you’re pretty bullish on the Lakers moving forward right I just think that it’s completely matchups right I

Think that they have the advantage in more matchups than they don’t though so that is why I am bullish right what if what if there’s a Kings in our site that’s a problem I mean I know that skip skip field say you think Sacramento just has their number right well look at

What’s happened what is it now eight out of nine they can’t not even close Fox I say fox can’t do anything and sabonis is uh uh what six nine and a half dude dominating ad look I was at the Kings Lakers game that was here a couple weeks

Ago I thought they were going to light the beam outside the stable Center I mean it was like so much of Sacramento energy in there at one point but I look it is hard to bet against LeBron James in a seven game series against most of

The league just not all of the league and all of the league is who you have to beat to win an NBA finals and I’m going to say it one last time against your Denver Nuggets not that you love the Nuggets but you believe in the Nuggets I

Am I am they’re mine this year yeah you are talk to me next year I’ll be on someone completely different they’ve lost eight straight games to the Nuggets but in seven of those games they went to the wire and I watched the Nuggets again last night albe it against a underman

Minnesota without their three big guys but when push came to shove Joker and Jamal just said watch this and so did everybody else I mean they they got shots from every they just know how to I don’t understand the Joker thing but I guess I just don’t what don’t you

Understand I just don’t understand how he can just stand they let him just stand right underneath the basket and just do I don’t understand he got he had a shot last night the dude back now and was underneath the basket I’m like put your put your elbow right in the back of

His damn spine like him a Grady shot like that just like and he just like boom I was like we ain’t it was it was that kid Garza trying to guard him then he hit a three from dead center he hit three from dead center I was just

Like I get it but I just can’t I just he went up to court laughing after he made his three like you gave me that I saw him they called time out and he was walking back I was like but that’s another reason why the nuggets are so

Impressive it’s an entire team they have great chemistry you can tell that they know exactly where everyone’s going to be that’s just me now what now what I don’t like Mike because he said he’s your daddy I don’t like Mike say that all right in a moment Rachel Nichols did

Cover Michael Jordan in Chicago as did I what does she think about comparing Anthony Edwards to MJ that’s next thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Rachel Nichols joins Skip Bayless and Keyshawn Johnson to discuss the latest news in the NBA surrounding the Los Angeles Lakers after conflicting reports surfaced indicating Christian Wood, Gabe Vincent and Jarred Vanderbilt will be out for the reminder of the season.

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Lakers to lose Vanderbilt, Wood & Vincent for rest of season, according to report | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. Oh well…….. Balco about to get another big order from Lebron. He gotta get ready for the playoffs with less help.

  2. People always talk about Dwight Howard this and that! People always forget Rondo! Are these people commenting or actually watching the whole game?

  3. Keep Racheal at all cost!! I’m not a fan of women commentators, but this woman changes my mind. Bring in Max Kellerman and walla, you got a show better than ever!!

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