@Miami Heat

Miami Heat 40 POINT BLOWOUT vs Cleveland Cavaliers | Bam INSANE Defense, Highsmith LEADING Scorer

Miami Heat 40 POINT BLOWOUT vs Cleveland Cavaliers | Bam INSANE Defense, Highsmith LEADING Scorer

Cleveland this is for you listen let me tell y’all first off I’ve had that phrase stuck in my head all week because as a lot of y’all know I was actually in the city of Cleveland Ohio for the last week yes that is right

I was in hell I was actually at the Heat game last Wednesday when the Heat beat the Cavs cuz of scary ter game winner which was crazy by the way listen I took a lot of videos when I was in Cleveland if I find some time soon I’ll try to

Make a vlog and get that out but of course I was gone for the last couple games because I was away on vacation now I know as Joe Keem Noah says who takes vacation in Cleveland well me I’m the answer and my girlfriend had some family

Up there so we went to visit uh it was a really good time and actually at that Heat game when Scary Terry hit that three to take the lead I screamed bang so MF and loud and the whole Arena was silent which was crazy but very fun time

Uh as was this game tonight which was a complete opposite of the last game we saw versus the New Orleans Pelicans where the M heat got their ass kicked and as I sit here right now recording this video the M heat are up 88 98 40 points still versus the Cleveland

Cavaliers with 2 and a half minutes to go usually I wait till the end of the games to record the videos but I heard Peppa playing with 624 left in the fourth quarter and I said you know what it’s a wrap let me go ahead and get the

Camera out and get back to y’all cuz I’m excited haven’t posted a video uh in a few day uh few days here missed a couple games uh cuz I was away obviously so like I said back at it versus Cleveland Cavaliers as the Miami he come away with

A dominating win where really there’s not much that happened early on to build this league uh to to build this lead it’s not like the heat got super hot from three uh I mean as a right this second with under two minutes to go in

The game they are 14 of 37 from three so only 38% and it’s not like it dipped down it dipped down slightly but it’s not like they were shooting red hot 50% from three and the Cavs they didn’t shoot great uh right now they’re they’re

9 for 28 so 32% uh and that’s up a little bit from where they were early in the game but really it was just a dominating def perance uh performance defensively from the Miami Heat I mean whether it was Patty Mills clamping up guys or Nicole yovic can we talk about

His defense for a minute Not only was his arm ball defense great today and it’s been pretty decent the last few games held Z Williamson to Four Points which actually was a little bit annoying because I had the Zion over I did a lot of sports betting on a lot of anonymous

Player prop betting sport uh sports betting apps that don’t sponsor me so I won’t say any of their names cuz in Ohio you got them all legal so you know your boy was tapping in uh and we did very well cuz I actually threw $200 on the heat money line because they were

Underdogs versus the Cavs so you know I was cashing it well uh I did post it on Twitter so y’all can check it out over there just search Anthony Dore heat give me a follow over there uh but anyways I don’t know what the the hell I was

Saying oh yeah yic was playing good defense on Zion last game uh and even to and yic wasn’t terrible the game before that versus the Cavs I know Jared Allen finished with like 25 and 20 but a lot of that was on like Thomas Bryan and Orlando Robinson and even then Jared

Allen’s just a lot bigger than yic and he’s going to get his way in paint a lot of the times but today yic was very very great obviously he was playing that four spot uh he was matched up a lot with Evan Moy who didn’t look exactly right I

Mean he’s just coming back from injury missed his last nine games so you didn’t expect Moy to play well today uh I think he was up to like 15 points last time I checked uh JB bicker staff was getting him a lot of run in this fourth quarter

Blowout trying to get his feet wet but anyways early in the game Not only was Yi’s man-to-man defense pretty nice but also he was rotating very well and that’s something that he was not good at earlier the season cuz he wasn’t the the fastest guy at least laterally on

Defense obviously we know he could push pace and transition but running straight line and laterally is two completely different things but of late and especially in this game his lateral defense has been very good and I think that’s why SPO is starting to love him in this rotation starting lineup I mean

He’s all but solidified himself in that starting four spot I mean I think that we could have confirmed that you know a couple weeks ago cuz now it’s like 15 straight games with yic starting but the reason he didn’t get run earlier is obviously because of the defense we know

Spoler will not play a guy if he cannot play defense unless he’s you know Tyler hero or something like that but no no shade to Tyler hero uh but H but Nico yic has really improved in that area uh and that is something that is critical because I was very nervous and hesitant

Uh as him being sort of the the starter at the four spot going into the playoffs I sort of preferred other options like K hakz or cayb Martin even but the way yic has been playing of late no doubt about it uh he’s the starting four on this

Team uh I want to kind of go through the box score here a little bit and talk about everyone because really every pretty much every player on the heat had a moment of significance in today uh so we’re going to go through that right now starting with Jimmy Butler 15.6 assists

Uh only played 24 minutes but what you love from him eight of nine from the free throw line and and that is the sign as always that he’s active and we saw that early from Jimmy Butler hit a early three today uh and he really never

Looked back I mean he was aggressive but again six shots didn’t have to play all that much Nicole yic today did finish with eight points three or six shooting uh didn’t have anything in the first half I did get into a little bit of foul trouble cuz though his defense was good

When you’re banging bodies with Jared Allen and stuff you’re going to pick up a couple fouls but he did get hot in that third quarter got his eight points which is the easiest Cash ever because they’d be having his line at 6 and a half if y’all do any of the the sports

Betting so smash the Nia yovic over as long as it’s at six and a half uh but he did have a solid third quarter today uh and he was also moving the ball pretty decent as well bamama B today 15 points 16 rebound rebounds four assists five

Steals seven of 11 shooting are you kidding me have yourself a day bam at a bio I know a lot of Heat fans uh are dying to see this matchup in the first round because right now I think the Cavs are two uh and the heat could potentially finish at seven the teams

Are too close to kind of start worrying about you know standings nobody’s really locked into a place yet but the 27 matchup heat Cavs is a very possible scenario and a lot of people love that for the Heat if you would have asked me last year at the beginning of this year

I was hesitant because the Cavs I thought matched up very well against the Heat because they’re very big Jared Allen Evan Moy both those guys are seven feet tall they got some nice Bigs off the bench you know George Yang a nice stretch four and they just have some

They overall they have some size right so that scared me but the way bam has been playing guarding these bigs this season this is a nice match up for the heat because in the past bam has really struggled with these big and and Burly centers like Jared Allen like a Clint

Capella like a nicoa yovic I know those are three very different names and he still struggles with yo well actually he’s played very well on yic yic I keep saying yic and yic I get it mixed up uh but he’s played very well on nicoa yic

This year but in the past he would struggle with that he would struggle with capella you know just these big bodies like Jared Allen is but this season bam has been so great guarding up cuz bam is only 69 right but he’s very strong obviously very quick and he’s the

Best defender in the league that’s something I’ve been saying forever and we haven’t actually seen bam in his the first two games vers the Cavs this season as we get the final notification there the Heat win 121 to 84 so this was the first game we’ seen against we seen

Bam play the C this year but he held Jared Allen to nine points and four rebounds and that’s after Jared Allen had 25 and 20 last game versus the Heat when of course bam was out uh so shout out to Bam and his defense is just

Sensational really I how can you have a guy that could clamp up Kyrie Irving and then also Jared Allen I mean what what an alltime generational defensive talent that bam is and on top of that you put in the great offensive game that he’s been doing of late uh even today he shot

7-Eleven very efficient incredible stretch for b b after really struggling for you know a week or so uh earlier this month uh and uh rounding out or we got the back here Patty Mills 10 points today the boy has been terrible from three over the last couple weeks really

Since he’s been here cuz I think in Patty Mills first game with the heat he was like three of four from three uh and since he was like three of 23 from three uh but he did get a couple to go today had like a pullup three in transition

And when he hit that he started screaming so happy you could tell he was really trying to just find his Groove and get one to to break the seal uh and he got that tonight and I think he played well uh and like I said earlier defensively very nice on Ball and Terry

Rir 14 points five assists six to 14 from him uh yeah he’s doing what you want him to do he was very hesitant not not hesitant when he started with the heat but you could tell he couldn’t quite find his balance of when he should be aggressive when he shouldn’t be which

Is obvious I mean that’s why when he started shooting so terribly I was mentioning that he was shooting terrible but I was also willing to give him some more time to get adjusted and we are see Tera Rosier get adjusted because we know this Heat team needs him to be that

Charlotte Tera Rosier they need the scoring they need someone to attack that’s why they got him and especially with tyah hero out we need that and we know auler gives the guys the ultimate neon green light and I think sometimes it takes guys to uh it takes guys some

Time to get used to that and we’re seeing Terry Rosier really find his rhythm here uh and I thought he played fine tonight again in in the well he played 30 minutes he was in the game for quite some time time uh but he even

Threw down a dunk today you love to see that I didn’t even mention there was like a whole dunk session in that third quarter uh bam had a nasty put bag dunk uh bam also had like a what I took try to take my notes Here the put bag dunk

Oh that’s the only dunk that I saved here but he had a couple dunks in that third quarter there was like a breakaway one where I thought we was going to see the showtime and he just respectfully uh tapped it in uh and I also forgot to mention about bam about

The boy had a dream Shake today I love to see because y’all see my boy right here Hakeem the dream Elijah Juan I love the footwork I got a foot fetish for it y’all know I do which I should mention uh hameh hakz is was out today speaking

Of the footwork God uh are the heat better without Jam hakz no no not at all although ham has been struggling but he’ll get right just give give the young kids some time uh but shout out to bamal for the nasty uh dream Shake today uh

Moving on to the bench here we have Delon WS got a lot of run especially in that garbage time he did hit a couple threes so nice to see him get his rhythm there and then uh Caleb Mar 11 points tonight uh but here’s the guy that I

Really wanted to talk about was Haywood heith 18 points five rebounds 7 of 10 four four from three is Hayward heith the answer to the heat shooting woes well if you ask Royal a shepard he hopes not because he is the biggest Highsmith hater I used to be in that

Camp but I told yall earlier this season I am a converted High Smith believer so I get to enjoy nights like tonight where the boy was hooping now eventually when if this team ever gets healthy he’ll probably be out of the rotation cuz you’re looking at really obviously Tyler

Will play but you’re looking at Kevin Love who will get a lot of those minutes not sure if High Smith will play but I certainly do trust him to get some stints here and there or if a guy is hurt for a game or two uh I like what

Heith has brought to this team uh and then uh Thomas Bryan also had a pretty nice uh garbage time 14 points for him four six shooting I like the little bit of stin that he’s been providing since Kevin Love has been out so so shout out

To him I do think Orlando Robinson is better I don’t know how y’all feel about that uh Orlando even played decent in that game against the Cavs in Cleveland uh but I guess SPO just likes the the the older guy the guy with a little bit more experience Championship experience

For Thomas Bryant mind you uh but that’s pretty much all I got to say for this game uh I hope I hope I do get a vlog out from the Cavs game I don’t know how good it’ll be usually when I go to games I just film a bunch of random stuff and

I think how to culminate it later but it was a good time in Cleveland and it was a very fun fun game so I’m glad to be back I’m sorry that I missed the last couple of games here uh that being said the Mii heat do play again at some

Points as I pull up the schedule here and the Miami Heat play Curry Steph Curry on Tuesday uh it should be a good one should be a good one not not a super easy one but you got to start stacking up these wins uh I think you only got

Like 15 or so left in the season if that uh maybe even a little bit less than that so you got to start stacking up these wins and they got a good one on Tuesday vers the Golden State Wars that being said make sure to like the video

And subscribe because we’re on the go uh the grind to 3700 and we getting there close but I can’t do without y’all I greatly appreciate all the support and I’ll see you next time peace out P up in the city trying to get that dead F do it

On my own I don’t need no dead way had a killer off yeah I need a head SP you know this homegrown [ __ ] don’t offend me

Miami Heat beat Cleveland Cavaliers. NBA and Miami Heat News featuring Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Terry Rozier, Nikola Jovic, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Caleb Martin, Duncan Robinson, Josh Richardson, Kevin Love, Haywood Highsmith, Erik Spoelstra and more. Subscribe for more Miami Heat, Miami Dolphins, NBA and NFL news
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Background Music: Excursion – Po13o
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Outro Song: Pull Up (prod. by KENO) – RadixTheRuler

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  1. Glad to see you bacc bro lol .. yo last game I was looking for u but I didn’t see ur vids I said damnnnn they depressed my boy 😂 I totally understood goood to see you rejuvenated and energized pumped up about this win they needed to get a pulse of life into us true fans cus they was sure killing me slowly😩.. AYO IF YALL HAVENT SUBBED YALL TRIPPIN!!!! Like and subscribe yall!!! All Heat Fans Lock inn this guy is truth 🔥🔥🔥

  2. This wasn't a game, this was a massacre on Biscayne Blvd 😂😅

    Also I like how Eric Reid made a pot shot to Tristan Thompson's dunk saying "oh wow that's an old man's dunk".

  3. Jovic is doing well because the A HOLE Spo is finally playing him more. Now he should do the same with Cain,Orlando Robinson,Cole Swider?

  4. This summer the Heat need to get rid of all G-leaguers (Dru Smith, O. Robinson, Cane, Williams). Replace them with M Monk, Oubre (20 points a game), and Hartenstein. That answers the Scoring and Size issues. Then Trade Butler (wash), Herro (glass), and D Robinson (overpaid for 13 points a game). Pick up Mitchell (much younger than Butler and the loves Butler). There you go Godfather a blueprint to a successful season next year.

  5. The Heat are better with JJJ but if you need him for a Butler for Mitchell Trade, he can go. Only Bam and Rozier should be safe from trade.

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