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Richard Hamilton wants to work in the Detroit Pistons Front Office? | Pistons Talk Podcast

Richard Hamilton wants to work in the Detroit Pistons Front Office? | Pistons Talk Podcast

Hey guys what’s going on Anthony here with pistons talk hope you guys are having a great weekend I am not going to be able to record the podcast because tomorrow is Easter and I want to be spending it with family but just wanted to give you guys a little heads up this

Is going to be a pre-recorded episode of the podcast that will be premiering on YouTube tomorrow at 7:30 just wanted to give you guys a quick heads up and I hope you guys enjoy this episode welcome to Pistons Talk podcast happy Easter hope you guys are having a great weekend

We have a very good show for you guys today we’re going to get straight into it you guys so this week Monty Williams got into it with the New York Knicks again um you you know the first time Monty got in with the New York Knicks I

Was okay with it I I didn’t really have any problems with it whatsoever I really didn’t I thought Dante D venzo 100% uh WWE Roman Reigns speared him and the Nicks won that game out of last second shot from Josh Hart um I was with mty on that I thought the officiating was

Really bad in that game and I thought it was a no call but this time Monty Williams got into it again with the New York Knicks and he was complaining about them running up to score late in the game and for you guys that don’t know what I’m

Talking about these are direct quotes from Sports Center going to put them on the screen for you guys to see and read them so this comes from Monty after you know the Knicks ran up the score and Dante D venzo had a 40 piece on us Monty

Says quote I don’t care about their team at all I could care less those guys the way they got the threes I don’t want to be a part of that story Josh Hart heard this and this is his reaction of hearing Monty have that quote he says quote if you didn’t want

To be a part of the story you should told his guys to defend better and I’m laughing at this because like I said at the top of the podcast like the first Nick game where assar Thompson got tackled 100% was with Monty on that I took Monty Williams side

Um this time I I I really can’t take his side I I think the Knicks running up the score towards the end of the game this week if you want a team not to score the basketball defend them throw a Defender at them if you’re mad that Dante dienzo

Set a New York Knicks three-point record again game plan for one of their better players on their team he’s been a sharpshooter All Season Monty you should have game plan for him you want you don’t want him to make 11 threes run him off that three-point line trap him he

Was the hottest guy during that game he had 40 points you should have done doubled them you should have game planned something out of halftime you should have game planned something out of the timeouts like you can’t say you don’t care and one breath you say you don’t care and another breath you’re

Like I don’t want to be a part of the story what you’re a part of the story the team is you got 13 wins now you what you’re 13 and 60 you’re still one of the worst teams in the NBA you’re going to probably set the franchise record for

The worst Detroit Pistons season in Pistons history like you’re part of the story you’re part of the reason why the Detroit Pistons have been so bad this season I I I can’t take Mony side on this I I think if you don’t want a team running up the score late in the fourth

Quarter do something about it tell your guys to follow them hard tell your guys to trap them tell your guys to be physical like I found this comical from Monty’s standpoint just for the fact that he says he doesn’t care but he said he doesn’t want to be you know part of

This story part of the part of History uh for Dante D venzo breaking the record um making 11 three-pointers in a game is a Nick franchise record night held by Dante so shout out to him for one making 11 three-pointers in the game that’s some you know NBA 2K video game stuff

You don’t really see that too often um as a piston fan it was tough to watch but as a basketball fan at the end of the day I enjoyed it like that was probably the coolest 40 piece I’ve ever you know witnessed as just a basketball

Fan but as a piston fan it was hard to watch again like I I just I don’t understand it like you don’t want to be part of history but you didn’t do anything about it that’s just my stance on I’m sure you guys are probably gonna

Go absolute crazy um with you know Monty and you know his complaints about the New York Nicks about the New York Knicks and you know not wanting be a part of history when he now he is part of History he doesn’t want to be part of

The story he is part of the story he is part of the problem um I’m sure you guys are just probably when you saw that when when you saw the interview with B after the Pistons game you probably just rolling your eyes or turning the TV off saying like man this guy

Really um I found it funny personally I really did um that he even had comments like that now the next topic I did want to get into you guys was an article from Bleacher Report this week and I I want to say it was maybe a day or two

Ago and they had a mock trade with your Detroit Pistons and it was for Andrew Wiggins now I’m going to put the trade on the screen for you guys to see and here it is so in this mock trade from Bleach report the Pistons would get Andrew

Wiggins Gary pton 2026 and 2028 picks from the Atlanta Hawks and a 2029 second round pick as well now the Pistons would not be sending any players in this deal the only thing they would send is a 20 30 second R pick now Bleacher Report goes on to say

That the Pistons could have as much as 60 million in cap spaces off off season they should use some of it to take on Veterans and picks from a team looking to shed salary the Warriors are potential partner as both Wiggins and pton are immediate starers rotation

Pieces who could help Detroit get back in the play on picture next season Detroit would also acquire three second round picks in this trade it could easily absorb the contracts both Wiggins on two years 54.5 million with a 30 . 2 million player option in 2026 2027 and

Payton a Oney year 9.1 million player option in 2024 2025 so I I’ve told you guys before even before this article was published Andrew Wiggins to me makes so much sense for the Detroit Pistons I know a lot of you guys like you shrug it you’re like dude

I don’t want Andrew Wiggins why why do you even mention that like why would we want Andrew Wiggins when you look at Wiggins in kind of his contract situation right he’s going to be under contract until 2027 100% he would take that player option no one’s walking away

From 30 million I’m sorry they’re not so he’d be under contract until he’s 32 years old and he’s still only 28 he’ll be 29 going into next season right and I mean the contract is what it is um he’s a wing he can defend now he has had struggles I will

Admit he has struggled a lot in Golden State and I’m not going to say it’s because he’s a bad basketball player I will say the reason why I think he’s struggling is more of an off thecore issue with the family member that is sick and that has been very well

Documented um he does have a family member that is very sick right now and I think it’s kind of taking a toll on him now I don’t know if that family member has gotten better since then but um I think at the end of the day he’s still a

Good player I mean if he were to get traded to Detroit he’s arguably what your second best player and that’s not saying a whole lot right I mean Kate Cunningham obviously is your best player but you put him in a lineup with Kate Cunningham I think he makes his life a

Hell of a lot easier you have another Wing that’s assar Thompson could learn under um you have another Wing that’s versatile um can shoot threes good Defender really good cutting I’ve always been a very high on Andrew Wiggins and I think I know he’s not the most sexy name

Out there I know people they they like the Lori marinin the Brandon Ingram the Trey Murphy’s like I get it um but this is kind of like a a b minus type of player that I think that the Pistons could realistically Target I really do um you know Gary pton is another

Interesting player obviously Poli report had said that you know he he’s going to be on a similar type deal he’s under contract until 2025 he’s got a player option for 9.1 million he’s probably going to accept that because who wouldn’t want $9.1 million um I know

I would uh but when he’s right and when he’s healthy he’s one of the better perimeter defenders in the NBA now obviously he hasn’t been healthy he’s had some health concerns he’s had some health issues um but he’s a veteran point guard at the end the day he’s 31

Years old he he’s a he could be a backup point guard for this team he could be a rotational piece in a trade like this um and I like the fact that the Pistons really don’t have to you know give up anything in this trade basically the Warriors would salary dump and the

Reason why I think the Warriors would make a move like this is they’re in cap space hell and I think there are teams just like Golden State that you’re going to see the Pistons link to a lot because the Pistons have the most caps space this summer they have up to $60 million

In cap space they can position themselves and put themselves in trades like this I’m not saying they’re going to do what Andrew Wiggins and Gary Payton trade but they’re going to be teams in the NBA teams that underperformed this playoffs like I I’d keep an eye on Minnesota um they’re

Gonna be in cap space hell I’d keep an eye on New Orleans that’s a team that would really zero on in because they have a lot of wings um that you could Target trade Murphy um Alik naagi um even herb Jones to an extent like they

Have a lot of wings on that team I mean you even got guys like Brandon Ingram I don’t know maybe you never know you really you really never know um if New Orleans wants to keep that team together it’s getting very expensive for a team that’s never won NBA championship never

Really had a deep playoff run because of injuries and you know they just get bounc in the playoffs I think another team I’d keep an eye on too is the Phoenix Suns um given they have no draft Capital they have a very expensive team and I I think if they don’t at least

Make it to the Western Conference Finals they might have to split that up maybe this maybe they put Booker on the Block maybe they try to trade Beal maybe KD wants out I don’t know but that’s that’s in a very expensive team uh to keep together and that that’s a team I

Would keep an eye on I know a lot of Pistons fans I said Deon Booker they probably lit up like a Christmas tree I know they want Deon Booker back in Detroit I would love Deon Booker back in Detroit you never know but those are some teams I I would definitely keep an

Eye at you know Golden State Minnesota New Orleans Phoenix those are all teams that the Pistons could take advantage of because they have cap space and they could you know help those teams get out of cap space hell but the end of the day um you actually have to get players that

That’s why I’m a little bit nervous because we’ve had cap space before and we did the other team’s favors I’m talking about the Knicks like the Knicks wanted the sign jayen Brunson they didn’t have the cap space what did the Pistons do we took on Kimo Walker no knees Kimo Walker Alec

Burks and I think there was another player a part of that trade I don’t I I just don’t remember but um we we’ve done that in the past where we’ve had cap space and we’ve done the other team’s favors but we really don’t get you know an NBA rotational piece back I’m hoping

This summer with 60 million in cap space they look at teams like Phoenix they look at teams like Golden State New Orleans um and try to take advantage of that and I think they should and I think a lot of you guys would probably agree

With that um you know when you have that much cap space and you look at free agency and it’s very underwhelming there’s not a lot of star power this free agency look to the trade market look look for teams that are desperate look for teams that want to get out of that

Cap space hell and you know you can kind of help them get out of that cap space hell but you know try to get a player that can help this team try to get a player that can help Kate Cunningham and you know possibly Jaden iy Jay Linder

And assar Thompson you know try to help them you know get to that next level um because I think all of us can agree this season wash uh I want to do like the Men in Black flash thing and like get it out of my memory these past two seasons have

Been absolute crap and I think all of you guys would probably agree um but again don’t be surprised if you see trades like that happen don’t be surprised if you see you know Golden State Phoenix New Orleans I think it could happen I really do but I know I

Rambled for a little bit wanted to talk to you guys about Richard Hamilton okay and and you’re probably wondering why Richard Hamilton you talked about Darko last week now Richard Hamilton so rip has said that he wants to be involved in management now the reason why I’m

Bringing this up and the reason why we’re going to talk about this is there’s a very strong possibility that we see some front office changes this summer now I’m not saying Troy Weber is going to get fired I’m not I’m not saying that Tom Gores is gonna fire Monty

Williams I’m not saying any of that what am I what I’m what I am suggesting is I think there’s a very strong possibility that Richard Hamilton could be working for the Detroit Pistons in some kind of capacity and the reason why why I’m saying this and the reason why I’m

Talking about this is I want you guys to look at this picture okay now this was taken this week and rip is in the Pistons locker room and he says be impactful and there’s a tweet from James Edwards and this was on March 17th when the gold to work Pistons were honored at

Halftime it’s been 20 years since they won a championship well all know that we understand it so James James’s tweet was really caught my attention and it got me paying attention it said rip say he doesn’t have interest in coaching but has an interest in management let me read that again rip

Doesn’t have an interest in coaching but has an interest in management you guys the Detroit Pistons never hired assistant GMS when Rob Murphy got asked there’s a vacancy for an assistant GM in this front office now I know some of you will probably go right off the

Bat and say fire waiver higher rip because I I know that’s how hyperbolic you guys are I I do um it’s just very interesting when you kind of you know connect the dots um you go over to the Detroit Pistons YouTube Channel right now right they have a miked up

Series with Richard Hamilton rip is miked up during the all four stuff talking to the media talking the fans and if you pay attention he sitting right next to AR tellum the entire time that they were watching the game and previously before they even honored the going to work

Pistons rip was at a Pistons game sitting with ar tellum again now rip has said hey I want to be involved in management I want to get involved rip is with the vice president of the Detroit Pistons arella okay he’s with him you know maybe Aron’s dropping

Some knowledge to rip maybe he really wants to do this run office stuff do this management stuff maybe he wants to work for the Detroit Pistons I think that would be a hell of a um homecoming for Pistons fans we’d love to have one of our own one of the best shooting

Guards in Pistons history B in the front office have some type of role in the front office and rip um I think a lot of you guys would probably love being in the front office I know I would he’s one of my favorite players growing up um I think just having

Someone that has won a championship in this city um had a very unique Journey to the NBA got traded for a guy that was averaging 30 points in Jerry’s Tack House wasn’t really known as a Defender but bought into that defensiv minded Detroit Pistons with Ben Wallace chony and all those

Guys I think if if rip wants to get involved in management he wants to get involved in any type of front office or ownership I would be I would welcome it 100% you guys I really would um I think the Pistons since Tom gors has bought the team they’ve kind of

Kicked out all the people that um won championships talking about Joe Dumars am gor kicked out Joe D excuse me Joe jars as a GM and VP and all that stuff he kicked out guys like Ary cander who was a longtime uh team doctor along with uh Mike abau

They’re no no no longer with the Pistons anymore Mike abau obviously retired AR’s with the magic um there’s a lot of great people that work for this organization whether it was with the bad boys whether it was with the going in the work crew they no they’re no longer

Here and I think what you’re seeing right now is the people that do work for the Detroit Pistons they don’t have any of that knowledge they don’t have any of the knowhow to get to that next level um under Tom Gores they’ve made the playoffs twice but they’ve been

Eight seeds and they’ve been bounced out of the first round right I think how this kind of connects to dots and how this relates to Richard Hamilton wanting to be involved in management how it relates is if you have a guy like Richard Hamilton let’s just say he’s in the in the front

Office you’re starting to bring back the culture that’s been missing with the Detroit Pistons for so long this team has no culture right now I think what they’re doing off the court with a lot of you know personalities like Tai mopkins I think I absolutely love that

He he did a podcast with Lindsey Hunter um on the Pistons YouTube channel definitely check it out I love that type of stuff but the the reason why I said that they’re missing culture is this front office is so far removed from guys like Joe Dumars that

Won two championships as a player and won as a general manager um and I think rip can kind of you know bring that culture back menum fences maybe you know they they men some fences um with Rasheed Wallace maybe they men some fences with Joe Dumar because Joe Dumar

Hasn’t been um around the Pistons since he got fired Rasheed Wallace hasn’t been around the Pistons um since Richard Hamilton’s Jersey retirement um I think hiring rip in the front office role I would absolutely be 100% all in for I think he can bring uh you know some younger guys

Because rip is still around the NBA he’s still around a lot of you know current NBA players I I think you you get some you know young blood in that front office because if we’re being honest you guys like our front office is old like none of those guys are like really young

And could relate to NBA players now um I I think rip could relate to the younger generation a little bit better um and I think it would just honestly be a good hire that’s something I want you guys to pay attention to though like he wants to

Be involved in management he wants to um you know work in a front office possibly own a team who who knows um doubt he’s going to buy the pistes course said he’s not going to sell but hey um I would love to see him um you know come back to

The to the Detroit Pistons and work for them but I did want to spend a couple of minutes on that because I think a lot of you guys um once you kind of connect the dots you connect um that tweet from James earlier and you kind of connect

Him being around the Detroit Pistons a hell of a lot more like a lot usually you see rip like maybe once a year he he’s been a lot I mean think about it um he’s done stuff where he was at the lottery when the Pistons got the fifth pick for

Jaden Ivy um he’s done a lot of stuff on social media with the Pistons whether it’s being miked up um I think he wants to be involved he wants to get his foot in the door and I think a good place um to do it is a team that uh you win a

Championship in L four and you had a really a lot of great years here um and I think the fans would absolutely love it I know I would love it getting a former player in the front office that knows what it takes to win at the end of

The day but again you guys pay attention to stuff like that I know it may be minor it may be like sound like I’m reaching but you really never know um I think there’s a real chance that he does get some sort of role with the Pistons

This summer that’s just me though I don’t have any inside information it’s just the gut feeling I have so these last two topics are news that came out last night after the game um you guys probably saw Quinton Grimes out for the season right and I have no problems with

Quinton Grimes being shut down for the season um I’ll read you the Tweet real quick this comes from Shams Karan and we can kind of dissect this tweet um and talk about the trade so Shams crania says sources the trade Pistons guard Quinton Grimes will

Miss the rest of the season due to rehab lingering muscle soreness related to knee injury suffered in January no surgery required and Bone bruise and knee has healed Grimes will be eligible for an extension prior to next season okay let’s talk about quck and Grimes for a couple of minutes okay

Now at the time when I saw the trade I was kind of like okay he’s young good Defender you know could play the passing Lanes can shoot but inconsistent I thought the trade you know at the end of the day it’s a kind of like okay trade it wasn’t like the

Fako trade where I thought you know we’re getting like a a guy that can contribute you know fill it up but why I wanted to talk about this is the Pistons traded for him in February R karania tweeted that if you look at the Tweet uh he will miss the rest of the

Season to rehab a lingering muscle soreness related to a knee injury he suffered in January so the Detroit Pistons knew full well that Quinton Grimes was injured when they traded for him that’s my problem okay now it’s not a serious knee injury he doesn’t need surgery cool that that that’s that’s

Great I mean we saw that they traded for bullbull and they resented the trade I was kind of surprised they didn’t resend the trade for Quinton Grimes but hey that’s another you know topic for another podcast another day I’m not going to get that um the reason why I

Wanted to talk about this for a few minutes is I don’t trust this medical staff I don’t trust it they’ve given me no evidence to trust this medical staff if he’s gonna you know rehab this knee this summer because it’s it’s something he injured when he’s with the Knicks

Okay but he played in games he played with the Pistons while he was in injured that’s what I’m saying like I don’t trust his medical staff like is if his KNE was that bad where he basically got shut down we saw him a handful of times

This year um I just don’t trust it I don’t and qualifying offer I don’t think they give him one they’re not giving him a qualifying offer this summer there’s no way there’s no way the Pistons give Quinton Grimes a qualifying off for this summer yes hasn’t played enough games he

Hasn’t shown me that he can stay healthy even though they just did just trade for him um you trade for an injured player again Troy I I I don’t understand the fascination with it I guess they could try to sell fans that he’s a firstr talent and that’s why we we traded for

Him injured or not but I don’t know you guys it’s just a bad look that you knew that he was injured you traded for him anyways um and you kind of just was like Hey this the best offer going to get for Bo on Burks might as well oh well like might

As well trade Burks because he’s going to be a free agent this summer he’s not going to resign for us this summer uh might as well trade Bo while we can probably the best offer we could get um I don’t know man I I I don’t

Trust our medical staff I I just don’t they haven’t given me confidence that uh they can handle an injury they can manage an injury correctly uh it it’s just past you know maybe five to seven years this medical staff I don’t know if it’s the same medical

Staff either um but I mentioned the top of the podcast ever since Mike abau or nardy kander uh are no longer with this Detroit Pistons medical staff anymore I mean some of these injuries that these guys have I mean you look at the injury reports just time in March I mean

There’s like seven to eight players out this time of year I know it’s the end of the season but like vono has had a Bruce toe for what a week I don’t know I don’t trust it I don’t think fans should trust this medical staff I think that the fact that

They traded for an injured player and they knew he was injured and they played him this season just to see what he looks like anyways they could have done damage to his injured injured knee not a good look if you’re a piston fan and it shouldn’t really give you um

Confidence going forward um with this front office that they’re okay with trading for injured players like it’s just not now I don’t know like how serious this injury is sham said it’s it’s healed and he’s just going to be rehabbing this summer but I I don’t know man

That’s that’s sketchy that’s sketchy if you ask me uh front office that played a guy that was injured anyways just to see what he looks like where who who knows what they jacked him up with uh so he can play I mean look what they did to

Blake Griffin they injected him with so much steroids so he could play and he had a leg brace all the way up to his like mid thigh he had like a Stone Cold Steve Austin uh KNE brace so he could play um at just the medical staff I don’t

Trust and then I don’t think Pistons fan should trust either if there’s one thing I’d like Tom Gores to do is you got your coach invest into a medical staff that um will properly manage players and play them when they’re 100% healthy and don’t play them just because you want to get a

Look at them because you just traded for them I think that’s a goal that I think the Pistons and Tom G should look at is upgrading that medical staff 100% but um we’re gonna move on to the final topic of this podcast you guys and the Pistons decided to sign shame metu

For the rest of the season here is the tweet from W just came out this morning saying that they’re signing uh metsu for the rest of the season on a team option for 2024 2025 uh sources tell ESPN metu just completed the 10day with the Detroit

Pistons now like I said this this is a 10day for a guy with the Pistons had the sign Stuart’s out for the remainder of the season with the hamstring injury uh kind of relates to the last topic like it is he actually injured how serious is the hamstring injury how long

Is he going to be out will be good to go by summer like I’m not going to ramble about the medical set anymore but uh metsu signing for the remainder of the Season uh should you care no is he going to be here long term probably not um

It’s just just CU Stu’s injured if if Stu was healthy I don’t even think the Pistons would ass sign chame metsu not to say that he’s a bad player he’s not it’s just he’s more of a maybe 11 12th or even a 13th man your team he’s not a

Guy that should be starting um for your basketball team he’s he’s just not um but like I said it’s it’s late March there’s a couple of games left I understand why the Pistons are signing him for the remainder of the Season he’s a guy that the Pistons can um use in

Training camp they can use the summer for guys to work out with and I think it’s just going to be a body at the end of the day he’ll probably get waved uh as it as we get closer to the season um next like September October um but I I I

Just I don’t see a long-term fit with this guy on this team I just I don’t I don’t see the Pistons keeping him around um I could argue that tulsan a w um has shown me more um being integrated in the starting lineup uh getting kind of

Thrown in the fire out there with all the injuries he showed me more as a guy that I’d rather keep longterm than a metsu but um like I said that’s another conversation for another day um but this kind of wanted to update you guys on

That of you know betsu will be here for the rest of the season um I don’t really think you a barometer for a fans like give a crap level I think it should be really low I don’t really think you should care that he’s going to be here

For the remainder of the season because I guarantee you going into next season he probably won’t be on the roster you should have a completely uh new roster and I don’t think sh metsu will be on it but that’s kind of like my two cents on

It um like I said this just wanted to keep you guys updated on the transactions but that’s really all that happened this week with the Detroit Pistons it’s been very dry um as you guys uh can see we’re we’re definitely going to get into the the mock drafts we’re going to get into

Draft prospects going forward I think what I’m going to start doing is we’re going to pick a player or you know what this is what we’re gonna do we’re gonna let you guys decide you guys decide starting next week which player you want us to dive into which draft prospect in

The top five um or it doesn’t even have to be a top five pick it could just be a player that you’re interested in um comment on this video which draft prospect you would want us to get into and we’ll give them a dedicated topic to next week’s podcast

And talk about it so you know when the NBA draft comes around we are fully engaged we know these guys we know what to expect we know their we know their strengths we know their weaknesses but um hope you guys are having a great Easter uh again apologize for the

Shorten podcast it’s only about a 35 minute episode hope you guys do enjoy it we will be back next week I am going to try to get a good guess for you guys because I feel like you guys do enjoy when I do have um a guest on and I

Actually do enjoy it because hosting a solo podcast is actually pretty difficult but um going to try to get on a guest um maybe I’ll try to get a a beat writer on kind of give us an outlook for what to expect this off season and uh what we should look for in

Terms of free agency trades draft but appreciate you guys listening um if if you are listening um on the audio side on the podcast side uh be sure to give us a five star rating it does help the podcast out a lot if you are still

Watching on YouTube uh if you do uh want to give us a thumbs up and a subscribe we do appreciate it helps the channel out a lot um I will see you guys next Sunday at 7:30 hope you guys are staying safe take care peace

This week on Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony talks about the recent Detroit Pistons news and rumors of the week.

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  1. ok Rip helped us win a chip, thanks for the memories, but a polite NO. Enough of this lets bring the gang back & put them in the front office now. He has no front office experience with any organization.

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