@Houston Rockets

This is why we lost

This is why we lost

by ofilispeaks


  1. ~~Tried it~~ Didn’t double first half. Adjusted late third. Too late, next game.

  2. NbaFanimo

    Well, Luka would probably not be able to do this against NCAA caliber talent, but yeah, that seems true for NBA at least.

  3. MemeManDanInAClan

    Y’all are gonna cook me for this but when we played them early in the season we had Brooks on Luka 1-on-1 most of the game and he did a solid job.

    I understand why they trusted the defense to go 1-on-1 against Luka, I don’t like how late they adjusted though.

  4. Anibunnymilli

    Literally. We tried doing it more in the second half and it was actually working.

    Guess Ime just trusted Brooks and Jock too much.

  5. Fit-Dream-4829

    but also so many times we made bad 3s and no one from our side under the basket. the most successful is amen under the basket for an easy 2 when the team chokes. Without that it was double 00

  6. Main-Performer-2607

    I said it in the GT but when I saw Landale switch on Luka for the fourth time, only for him to hit a stepback 3 every time that’s when I turned it off. The commentators were begging the Rockets for anyone else but Luka to beat them and we just switched every time.

  7. KeepItClutchCity

    I mean Lebron literally talks about exactly this. You can’t blitz luka because he is the best player against the blitz. He will always make the correct pass. The truth is way more complicated than some of yall basketball goobers can handle. To double or not double is not the question. It’s how you double and how often. And nobody has the answer to that, its the reason why Luka is as good as he is. Now Jock getting 1v1 cooked I have no idea what was happening with that. That was atrocious to watch.

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